Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride to Bales is over, with Brie, Onyx, and Spark reaching their destination a little bruised but not dead or arrested. Before them lies a new and unfamiliar city and world, at the crossroads of Equestria's past and present, and also the Changeling Occupied Zone and East Equestria. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares to set out on a mission to track down and arrest unfaithful and unreliable local law enforcement that have been leaking information to rebel forces. Silver may finally have a new toy he can use to clear the Catacombs of their undead presence. Iron, meanwhile, has drifted further into an temple in his search for a treasure sough by an archaeological expedition that was ambushed by bandits.
1867 replies and 168 files omitted.
>>101518I Know Right>>101517"It Feels Like i'm Boiling Alive!"
>>101519The Stallion approaches, and takes over
"Sir, where are you hurt?"
The unicorn now places the frog of her hoof near Dark Star's neck
From the edge, Blue Skies walks into view
>>101520"F-From My Chest down,S-Sir."
Dark Star Winches at her touch
>>101521The mare looks around to the left, then to the right
“Where were you injured, how, and when”
>>101522"On The Inside... With Magic...10 minutes ago."
>>101523“Sir, we need to know if the threat is still active that way they don’t come back to finish you. In what location were you shot?”
>>101524"I'm Shot?!? Am...Am...Am i Gonna Die? I Don't Remember a Gun Shot..."
>>101525"Sir, you said you were injured with unicorn magic.
>>101526"My Insides, My Heart! My Lungs! My Stomach! Everything Hurts!"
Dark Star Grabs his Torso in "pain"
Does this Stallion look like either of the 2 in the file?
>>101527Oh yes, both of them
With Dark Star's non-responsive answer, The Stallion moves back, then himself looks behind, to the left, and to his right
>inb4 they shoot Star in the head to 'hide the evidence'
>>101528"I... Think He Might Have went inside the house. Please Don't Let him come Back"
>>101530"But where did he shoot you?"
>>101531Am I having a Stroke?
"He Didn't Shoot me....He Used his Magic."
Where did he shoot you with his magic, or use his magic or whatever.
Where. We need to know where he was to identify if he is still present and a threat so you are not even more magiced"
The unicorn uses her magic to open Dark Star's mouth during this to look inside, as well as into his eyes
>>101532In this episode, we see Dark Star having a stroke from the stress of lying about being injured to a group of ponies.
RIP Dark Star, he tried to bamboozle only to bamboozle himself.
>>101533"My Torso... Officer Please Don't let him Come Back."
>>101534R.I.P may he rest
>>101535The officer moves back, until Skies says
"In front of the house. We were walking in front of the house when pony approached us asking for cigarettes"
>>101540FUCK"Did You Hear That! He's In The House!"
>>101541They move away. First, the unicorn goes forth, and she draws a nightstick. Then, the Earth pony, and he draws a night stick. They go to each side of the door, look in, then first the earth pony then the unicorn
>>101542He Glances over at Blue as they do this
>>101543She tilts her head, as if awaiting a sign or signal
>>101544When they arent looking at him, He mouths the words to Blue
"Throw a Rock inside the house"
>>101545Skies jumps up, then spreads her wings, and flaps and flies up and around, dropping a rock through the opening in the ceiling
>>101547Dark Star Watches the officers
>>101548They go inside the building, out of line of sight
[1d20+5 = 16]>>101549He Listens to see how far they are inside
>>101550>>101550Approximately to the foyer area
>>101551He Stands up
He Motions at blue to go in through the roof
[1d20 = 13]>>101553Dark Star Sneaks through the door
>>101555>>101554Is sneaky. Their attention is forward
>>101557Remember, Sword-kun.
GM is busy dealing with a trial.
>>101558I know, I just wanted to beep.
>>101564>>101562I like it. Excessive use of descriptions of simple things are always fun to read.
>>101563Yeah, I was hoping to go on it, but the defense attorney - who was pulling bullshit by calling ready for trial in a felony court the same day - made an issue about some video not being in her possession. And the police department screwed us over by not telling us about this video, but that’s another story.
On the plus side, I got to tell a defense attorney who demanded a dismissal as he insisted we couldn’t prove up a case where his client blatantly changes his story in the video, to just set the case for trial if he’s so sure it’s going to be a not-guilty
>>101566Jesus fucking christ, how many times am I going to have to introduce myself before you realize 'that oddball is probably Brie's faggot'?