Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride to Bales is over, with Brie, Onyx, and Spark reaching their destination a little bruised but not dead or arrested. Before them lies a new and unfamiliar city and world, at the crossroads of Equestria's past and present, and also the Changeling Occupied Zone and East Equestria. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares to set out on a mission to track down and arrest unfaithful and unreliable local law enforcement that have been leaking information to rebel forces. Silver may finally have a new toy he can use to clear the Catacombs of their undead presence. Iron, meanwhile, has drifted further into an temple in his search for a treasure sough by an archaeological expedition that was ambushed by bandits.
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>>101054"Hey, you got any empty boxes in here? I got a passenger asking for a long box."
>>101056“Uh.... check the utility closet past the diner near the vestibules. I think there might be a disassembled box for vacuum cleaner”
>>101055What’s odd about it?
>>101058"Sweet. Thanks boss!" Brie says over-enthusiastically. He proceeds to the closet, affecting an air of an awkward youngster the whole way.
>>101059To the left are some brooms and the like, but to the right is a collapsed cardboard box that is fairly long
>>101060Outside, by the wall
>>101061Weird, but alright.Silver does some cursory checks on where the various functions of the firearm are located, such as the bolt, safety, and select-fire if that's a feature.
>>101061Brie takes the box back to the room with Sparks.
>>101062Selector switch is to the left side of the trigger
>>101063And thus he does so
[1d20+3 = 4]>>101063>>101064Spark puts the weapons in the box and uses an illusion spell to make the contents appear to be apples.
Rolling an attempt for the spell.
>>101065This is how you welcome me back to the game, huh game?
>>101065Oh they look like apples alright
Also, we’ve told you repeatedly that you don’t roll when casting a spell
[1d20 = 2]>>101065Well that's a good omen for this dice roll I'm about to do...>>101064"Good." Silver sets it to single-fire, and turns the safety on. The eternal question of "how do non-Unicorns use firearms" comes back to his mind, and he gets an idea to try.
Balance: Setting the Bits Gun to the side, Silver rears up and attempts to stand on his hindlegs, Like a Griffon or Dragon would.
>>101068Uh... not very balanced. At all
Also did you read
>>101028 >>101070Yes, I did. Just trying to have a bit of fun, alright?"W-w-woah!" Silver falls back onto his hooves, rather than falling on his back. "Ack...that probably is out of question, then..." Thank goodness he's a unicorn, who can use his magic to hold onto firearms. He demonstrates this by picking up the empty Bits Gun in his magic and looking down the sights at the targets down-range.
>>101068"Its fine"
I'm gonna assume that since Brie could carry the box, that he could carry the box of guns.
"Okay, wir sind bereit zu gehen. Benimm dich wie normale Ponys." Brie says to the Lings.
"Shall we then?" Brie says to Sparks, while resuming his normal Bat-pone image.
>>101071And thus he is looking down at a target
“Pull the selector switch all the way down for full auto”
Essentially, any number of die per turn, limited by the number of bullets remaining in the magazine (30)
>>101072Wesley: “Okay...”
>>101073Even if he doesn't respond, he acknowledges this tip. He loads a magazine into the top of the machine gun, sets it to fully automatic, and breathes in.
With the full modifier, I take it? >>101072“Just don’t let anypony think those are free apples.”
Spark readies to follow the bat with the plan. He does have a plan, right?
>>101075"Oh right, cuz I was gonna set up a stand and give these away?"
Yes, he does have a plan. The plan is to get the fuck off the train. Meta, the plan is to sell the guns and then secure a transport out of Bales and into the changeling territory.
Brie leads the way off the train, ready to drop the box and stab anyone who tries to stop him along the way.
>>101077The train is already in the station, with beige stone walls and marble floors, then a high ceiling in a large room with ticket booths and still more ponies, then thorough the front door, down a flight of stairs, into the busy streets. There is a cold wind blowing, strong
>>101078Lets go with at least a -4 penalty for full auto
Breathe out...
Silver lets out a small burst on the exhale, aimed at the pony-shaped target.
>>101079Ha I DID avoid paying for the food!
Brie looks around for some signage that suggests where local lodging might be. He assumes there might be some close to the train station.
Search check
Brie tries again, taking his time and therefore taking a 10 on his search/spot check
>>101078Some hits and some misses
[5d20+5 = 50]>>101086Silver lets off another burst.
>>101087Much more consistency with this batch, most hitting, some missing
[10d20+5 = 152]>>101088A little more confident with that last burst, he lets off a longer one.
>>101086>>101085“So, what hotel are we going to traumatize with our little friends?”
>>101089Every shot hits, one perfectly. 10 bullets remain
[10d20+5 = 121]>>101091Silver empties what's left in the gun at the target until he hears the telltale *click*.
>>1010924 misses, but damn, two perfect hits
>>101090"Any place is fine by me. We'll need to gather information before disembarking, and then likely need to rest, but I don't care for the nuance of the location."
>>101093"Not bad. Not bad weapon at all." Silver removes the empty magazine and sets it to safety. He's only been there what feels like a few seconds, but he doesn't want to waste all of his ammo on paper targets. As he lets the gun cool off and his magic works to reload the spent magazine, he admires his hoofwork. This will
definately make dealing with ghasts easier. "Not bad for pony who has only used submachine guns only few times, if I do say so myself."
>>101094“Is it a bad time to mention I’m low on bits? I don’t suppose you have any to get the changelings a more comfortable bed. I’ll gladly sleep on the floor, but restless changelings won’t do anypony any favors.”
>>101097He waits until the empty magazine is loaded back up before stepping out of the pool, machine gun at his side. "One has to give credit where credit is due: you New Marelanders certainly make stellar firearms. Not surprising, considering all of your current and former neighbors, but still."
>>101099He nods slowly, closing his eyes and opening them
>>101098"I have enough, don't worry. It won't be an issue."
>>101101So... is he going somewhere?
>>101102A modest place. Not fancy, not cheap.
>>101100Silver offers him a hoofshake. "Thank you again for all of your help. If I ever need help with firearms in future, I hope I can call on your aid."
Alright, I need to go to sleep as I have work tomorrow
And my credit card is missing so I am super anxious...
Also I’m setting a keurig tomorrow morning