Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride to Bales is over, with Brie, Onyx, and Spark reaching their destination a little bruised but not dead or arrested. Before them lies a new and unfamiliar city and world, at the crossroads of Equestria's past and present, and also the Changeling Occupied Zone and East Equestria. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares to set out on a mission to track down and arrest unfaithful and unreliable local law enforcement that have been leaking information to rebel forces. Silver may finally have a new toy he can use to clear the Catacombs of their undead presence. Iron, meanwhile, has drifted further into an temple in his search for a treasure sough by an archaeological expedition that was ambushed by bandits.
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>>101874“Did you see Casa Blank Flank?”
“Yes! Ethyl and I went to see it last weekend. That Salt Lick character is so charming.”
“It’s more than a little strange in this city... seeing armed Griffin soldiers on some of the streets.”
“Well, considering what’s across the river, it’s understandable.”
“All the same, Celestia never would have stood for it”
“Celestia most of all would have welcomed it...”
“Hello, yes, can we get a room for three? It’s just me and my two children. We just came across from whinnyapolis. How was the crossing? I... don’t want to talk about it...”
>>101875>Save a Zebra fundKek
>>101878Now all I need to do is wait for newspaper publication, if GM still wants to do that.
>>101880You did say you were going to let Silver read a certain article of a newspaper.
Also the fact I have to dream deal with a bunch of bandits, of which 2 of them I don't know what they do while the other two spoop me a little. >>101877Spark takes notice of the pony that came from whinnyapolis. A little snooping about the area couldn’t hurt. He listens if the pony has anything else to say before leaving the lobby.
>>101883She generally sounds worried, and talks about getting a train to Manehattan. She mentions a stallion
>>101884How about her foals? How are they holding up?
>>101885One smaller, Snow White earth pony colt, the other a marroon filly. They look uncertain
>>101886Do they appear to be able to afford the room and trip?
>>101887She does not mention not having money
Newspaper articles are coming Soon*TM
>>101898Nice! Good to see you, GM.
>>101898Hi. Your bug face is nice.
>>101901So, what's the plan today?
>>101902Uh... I don't know. I guess I should provide newspaper events for Silver, but I don't know
>>101908May as well try to advance Iron’s story
2 combatants are following Iron into the cavern. Iron is down 19 health points
>>101909Oh.Iron's peeks out on the two remaining combatants.
(Is Cauldron alright? I thought we agreed on shooting the combatants as soon as shots were fired.)
Placing himself in cover, he looks over to Cauldron's position.
>>101911OhIron curses to himself.
(I hope she is well)
Peeking once again, he gauges the distance for a swift charge attack, potentially jumping down in order to do so.
>>101912The whole cavern is not that large, Iron could plausibly charge forward
[1d20+8 = 14]>>101913Here we go!Iron huffs in anticipation.
(Alright, do not mess this up.)
He jumps out of his cover, charging a buck to the point of maximum power. Twirling around to make his hindlegs face the closest oppoent, he unleashes a mighty blow
that hopefully connects. >>101914Now, you can do that, but risk being shot in an attack of opportunity the moment he comes into the light
>>101915I thought I could do that thing without risking any attack as long as I was in range, but you're the boss.Iron reconsiders his actions after the pain from the two recent rifle wounds reminds him of the consequences of mindlessly rushing.
(Perhaps I should wait them here until they peek out, and then break their jaw the moment they pop up.)
With that, he awaits in cover with a bucking position ready to smash some pony's head.
aka it's an ambush turn [8d20 = 38][8d20 = 83]>>101916But first, one little thing
>>101916The submachine gun blazes, and both are wounded, with the further away of the two going down immediately, but the other still standing, though wounded. Iron can still attack in this turn, and may roll initiative with the one remaining to determine if he gets an attack of opportunity
[1d20 = 17]>>101917Iron smiles to himself.
(She had me worried for a bit.)
>>101918With only one remaining combatant to deal with, he takes the chance before he tries to shoot Cauldron.
Rolling initiative first.
Now, Iron’s turn unless you insist on using the earlier roll
[1d20+8 = 11]>>101922Missed.Thankfully dodging the bullet aimed for him, he charges the now vulnerable bandit. He delivers a powerful buck on his chest to make him fall.
>>101924Nah, I'd rather play the spoopy danger game >>101925If AC is of 11 then it should connect.
>>101929And he is out, with Iron’s punch combining with a gunshot
>>101930Huffing in relief, he quickly dashes for another set of cover to see the current actions of the other four remaining ponies that Cauldron mentioned.