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Pony Savagely Beats Commie
3546 3548 3549 3550 3588 3800 3872
Who wants to see a fanfic in which, halfway through chapter one, my donut steel OC debates Glimmer and then kicks her ass when she attacks him?
450 replies and 193 files omitted.

I'm sorry, I was meaning to take a look at that, it slipped my mind. I will go through that later and give you my thoughts.
Failure Fat Ass Bitch Failure accomplished Kumite Obesity Fat Cuban.webm
holy shit


3999 4001 4002
It's funny. I'm just some guy on the internet who likes anime. The darkest and most degenerate secret I have is that I liked FIM when it was good. These "People" have tried their hardest to find dirt on me and they've failed because I am seriously that boring and ordinary.
People who hate that I don't like their favourite pony (and that I made a fanfic they don't like. Oh, the horror!) are currently treating me worse than they're currently treating the enemies of Western Civilization.
Yes, really.
It's been a month... Well, they've been shitting this place up for over a year, but this thread has been up for about a month. And they've spent that time throwing Bad Words and Bad Names at me quite liberally (see what I did there?) while hoping that some of the bad things they call me will stick. Calling me a meanie didn't phase me, and neither did saying that I and my OC like penis, so now they're claiming I'm a Jew. Wow, my rich-as-fuck OC has been around for this long, and only now are they thinking of saying that? Truly, the lord has made my enemies... Wait, I already said that. I probably don't need to point out that my OC is an orange and blonde haired blue-eyed rich Unicorn who lives in an alliteratively-named tower that is also named after himself.
Anyone else think it's funny how they howled with laughter when I clicked the wrong post? They sure are easily entertained. It's certainly made my job easier here.
They could be doxing and harassing Antifa members, or hyper-liberal pro-terrorist student-radicalizing professors, or anyone else on the planet. They could be doing something good for the world. And instead, they are here, in this containment thread I set up for them, to keep their Glimspam concentrated in one thread.
Unfortunately, they cry "REEEE NIGEL REEEE!" at anyone with a british flag who posts anywhere on the site. But hey, that's the sacrifice you have to make when you're doing a public service for a site whose mods are so terrified of being called a Battlebrit-sympathizer by the Hclegend army, they'll add bigger green text to my post and call me childish names until they think the leftists are done throwing accusations at them for now.
This sad, pathetic army is desperate for people here to join them in their anti-Battlebrit crusade, and they are desperate for people here to not look at why they want this anti-Battlebrit crusade to happen.
You know what else is sad? I can't think of anything left for these invaders to say that'll expose these invaders as exactly that: Invaders. Terrorists, trying to intimidate me. They certainly succeeded in intimidating the site's mods for a few posts.
To be honest, I sometimes wonder if there's any hope left for western civilization when people seem so unable to see beyond the obvious. I also wonder if there's any hope left for this barely-used site. I've been here since April Fool's, and I appreciated the ban on posting Glimmer "As a triggering agent" (If only mods saw that Glimmer was not the problem or what needed to be banned, her small, loud, whiny radicalized fanbase was) but I'm starting to lose confidence in this place. After all, if mods aren't going to protect users of the site and the site in general from (((outside influences))) from reddit, what are they good for?
>inb4 our beloved mods choose radicalized leftist redditors and invaders over a redpilled content creator to placate the 3-5 idiots in Hclegend's army
>this containment thread I set up for them, to keep their Glimspam concentrated in one thread
4001 4002
>"Wait, did you just say you want this site's mods to protect you from these idiots?"
No, I'm stalling these idiots while getting them to post using every IP they have. I want the site's mods to protect the site as a whole from these idiots by permabanning them.
File (hide): 066F810BFA7A2F51D04D26E02B1E90F0-1203843.webm (1.1 MB, Resolution:448x256 Length:00:00:20, Joker laughing.webm) [play once] [loop]
Joker laughing.webm
File (hide): A4C6A9A4DEA4289EFEE195CD95728C91-815522.webm (796.4 KB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:18, Metokur laugh.webm) [play once] [loop]
Metokur laugh.webm
File (hide): D321F1DC42399E562B0266696A1FE336-2093857.webm (2.0 MB, Resolution:480x360 Length:00:00:23, Mister Burns laughing.webm) [play once] [loop]
Mister Burns laughing.webm
File (hide): 9FB0190B18C7DBCF835FE8947950B235-2262865.webm (2.2 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:29, Satania laughing.webm) [play once] [loop]
Satania laughing.webm
File (hide): A2708900ED81AC496EA1E523FCFA9727-358866.webm (350.5 KB, Resolution:640x356 Length:00:00:08, Spidermans boss laugh.webm) [play once] [loop]
Spidermans boss laugh.webm

>"inb4 our beloved mods choose radicalized leftist redditors and invaders over a redpilled content creator to placate the 3-5 idiots in Hclegend's army"

Absolutely brilliant.
Opera Snapshot_2018-09-22_192242_mlpol.net Nigel owns himself, gets jewed and goes full tinfoil hat on MLPOL.png

This is one reaction image I thought I'd never get a chance to use.
4010 4013
https://mlpol.net/sp/res/3719.html - Nigel's Rick & Morty thread
https://mlpol.net/qa/res/2631.html - Nigel's Glimposting thread (#1)
https://mlpol.net/qa/res/3266.html - Nigel's Glimposting thread (#2)
https://mlpol.net/mlpol/res/165646.html - Nigel's shit OC Promotion thread (#1)
https://mlpol.net/mlpol/res/166259.html - Nigel's shit OC Promotion thread (#2)

For those not aware, Nigel is a faggot and has been for a very long time.
>Nigel is a faggot - Atlas, Tea Time With Atlas, July 2017
>I declare that Nigel is a faggot - Atlas, August 2018

He's been summarily banned and/or kicked from 4chan, Mlpol Discord, and has received temporary bans on FiM Fic and here (the latter of which he flagrantly evaded to the point that mods stopped banning him because there was no point).
He maintains that all criticism of him is based on a Glimmernigger conspiracy that began on Reddit, invaded and ruined /mlp/, and followed him to and has infected the Discord, this site and its moderators.
He has dutifully earned the comparison of "SJW" and "Jew" by engaging in the same behavior and tactics, the former of which being falsely perceiving behaviors in others that he actively practices, and the latter of which due to his extreme distancing and deflections which border on Hitler's description of Jews in Mein Kampf. Also like the Jews, he refuses to accept, acknowledge, or admit that his behavior has anything to do with his treatment at large and instead transfers the blame onto everyone else.
He does not engage in threads that involve anything other than himself or his views which he happily and forcefully shoves in the board's face, bumping his own threads when ignored and worse when he isn't.
The above list of links is not exhaustive, and a quick review of his writing style will make him easily distinguishable on the board, which I encourage anons who are unfamiliar to run from with all haste peruse at their leisure and draw their own conclusions.

P.S. >Pic related is an OC Plush from a Deviant artist named Cinnamon Stich, which he has been making since early 2016.
4006 4007 4010
Mods plz don't ban me for organising this raid against Nigel and following him site to site because he tryed to shim sham the glim glam


John Elway confirmed Glimmernigger.
4009 4010
glimmerposting wanted poster mlpol version.png
so does this mean Glimmer gets pardoned
4010 4012
I don't know about that, but it does suggest that Glimmer may be an honorary Denver Bronco. She's certainly more Football than Nigel
4011 4012
0c3 (1).png

The gift that keeps on giving
donald dongslaps son goku.png

eternally Blown the fuck out.

Prepare for ebin Nigel rebuttal rant decrying this organized mass harassment.

also Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
Christ, y'all're desperate. Nice doll, though. Can I get one of those?
>He's been summarily banned and/or kicked from 4chan, Mlpol Discord, and has received temporary bans on FiM Fic and here (the latter of which he flagrantly evaded to the point that mods stopped banning him because there was no point).
>"Oy vey, he's been banned from like 4 places, including one of our five Discords! So he must be bad!"
Oh no, how terrible. I've been banned from very liberal places by liberals, and I've been banned from one of the unofficial MLPOL discords by discord"Friends" thanks to the discord"Friend" army. The thing is, I haven't been banned from any of the Pokemon, naruto, BNHA, or general anime forums I've visited in my lifetime. I'm not banned from the Crusader Kings forum. I'm not banned from Serebii. I'm not banned from any groups on DeviantArt. The places I've been banned from in my lifetime make up such a tiny minority of the groups I've been in, but because these groups and sites make up your whole world, they seem like a big deal to you.
Don't worry, kids. When you get older, you'll probably develop a sense of perspective.
>He maintains that all criticism of him is based on a Glimmernigger conspiracy that began on Reddit, invaded and ruined /mlp/, and followed him to and has infected the Discord, this site and its moderators.
>"He finks our harassment crusade against him is a conspiracy feory! Dunt listen to him, he finks white genocide- I mean the other conspiracy feory targeting him is real!"
It's sad, for you, that in this thread and the other one, the people who've actually critiqued my work instead of getting #triggered by it... Well, I've actually listened to what they had to say, and we had nice conversations. One of them even convinced me to nerf my OC and make him less overhwelmingly powerful, which shoots a pretty big hole in your "He is overly-sensitive and obsessed with his own OC!" slander. The thing is, while those conversations were going on, you and you're "You are a meanie who loves the peeny! You are literally hitler, you are a- Wait shit, people here like Hitler. Um... You are a jew, you are all the E-celebs people here don't like, especially Sargon, you are Nigel from 4chan even though that's a guy famous for hating all of MLP not just the shit episodes, and you are CWC!" were irrelevant. You want to paint your behavior and your reaction to me and my work as my responsibility, because you still, even after over a year, can not argue against one post I made about your waifu being shit.
I get that you want to form tenuous and cosmetic connections between me and assorted people this target audience doesn't like, to make up for your inability to make solid arguments against me, my points, and my work, but you kids have acted like butthurt SJWs and Antifa members in this thread, and others.
I get that you want me to paint me as the "WORST! MAN! ALIVE!" because I don't like your waifu, but it's gone on for over a year now. You've spent weeks going over everything you've got on me with a fine-toothed comb, and you were so starved for objectionable content, you had to claim an art piece specifically titled something like "Johnny Protagon-est" was a Johnny Test OC.
Surely, you have better things to do, right? No? Well, can you get better things to do? Things that might help the site, western civilization, or both?
>He has dutifully earned the comparison of "SJW" and "Jew" by engaging in the same behavior and tactics, the former of which being falsely perceiving behaviors in others that he actively practices, and the latter of which due to his extreme distancing and deflections which border on Hitler's description of Jews in Mein Kampf. Also like the Jews, he refuses to accept, acknowledge, or admit that his behavior has anything to do with his treatment at large and instead transfers the blame onto everyone else.
Huh. Leftists really do always project and never learn, huh? By the way, you cheapen these terms by using them as general "BadThoughtcriminalMeanie" words, Liberal. Stop making your true allegiance so obvious. It makes this even sadder and even more boring.
>He does not engage in threads that involve anything other than himself or his views which he happily and forcefully shoves in the board's face, bumping his own threads when ignored and worse when he isn't.
Objectively untrue, and that should be pretty obvious, considering I'm seemingly the only british man on this website and I've been here since April Fool's.
There's something about this that I find pretty funny.
When I made a pretty big rant about the stupidity that was Itachi Uchiha, nobody from the Naruto fandom reacted in the way you did when I critiqued your favourite pony. Naruto fans are more mature than you.
When I made a longer rant about the bullshit that is Toxapex, no Pokemon fans treated me the way you do. Pokemon fans are more mature than you.
When I made an even longer rant about everything shit about Bethesda's Fallout, no Bethesda fanboy treated me the way you do. Bethesda Fanboys are more mature than you.
When I made an honestly too-long rant about all the dumb shit in Harry Potter, nobody from the Harry Potter fandom treated me the way you do. Good job making me say this, but... Harry Potter fans are more mature than you.
You started this harassment campaign against me over a year ago because I stopped a raid you were performing on this site. A few of your raid's members already hated me because I don't like your waifu.
Christian Weston Chandler never did anything like this to any of the people who criticized his favourite fictional characters, as far as I'm aware.
Christian Weston Chandler is more mature than you, and the fact that I'm saying this is on you.
Almost as though summoned
>we attack his character
>he debunks us
>better try and joke about the fact that he showed up, even though we've been hounding him in every other thread he's shown up in on-site for at least the last 3 weeks!
Leftists truly are hypocrites, aren't they?
>acts like a leftist for over a year
>Leftists truly are hypocrites, aren't they?
not gene.png
Nigel would you allow a man who is definitely not Gene Shalit to lick your butthole?
Opera Snapshot_2018-09-25_203033_mlpol.net Zaldo Face.png
Zaldo is in fact Glimmernigel
Does that mean he won't have access to a shot gun?
Opera Snapshot_2018-09-25_205730_mlpol.net Zald admission to homosexuality.png

lets hope hes quick with the spork
What the rebels like to forget, is that the Empire is what's keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim.
>Keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim
>No, don't worry about all those Thalmor agents running around slaughtering Talos worshippers as they please
Legionfags are dumb, you're dumb.
>Legionfags are dumb
>"Hey, I know, let's kill our High King, throw our province into chaos, force the empire to enforce the White-Gold Concordat that never really was enforced before, and weaken both Skyrim and the Empire to make it easy for the Dominion to simply run over everyone. That will show those pesky elves that didn't use to be here what for!"
The only reason Skyrim and the Empire at this point aren't being crushed by Dominion armies is that the Redguard sandniggers are tough sonsabitches and are giving the Dominion hell.
The Empire was letting the elves enforce it 20 years before the events of the game. Don't forget, they tried to offer Ulfric and his forces free worship of Talos in exchange for retaking the reach, then the elves found out and the Empire sold them out. High King Torygg, and the other Jarls, were bought out by the dominion with the signing of the concordat as evidenced by Provintus literally saying "The chests of gold didn't hurt either" in reference to the concordat being enforced amongst the imperial provinces. The Empire doesn't even have absolute control of its military, Tullius and Rikke both slip up and all but state that they consider the dominion the real enemy. Continuing to support the Empire and its disastrous surrender in a conflict they were winning simply because the imperial city got sacked is tantamount to surrendering to the British because they burned the White House to the ground. Or capitulating to Sharia law because the muslims will keep performing acts of terror if you don't. Or claiming that Israel is our greatest ally.

What's surprising is that the literal niggers of the setting know this while the Nords are busy trying to become like Sweden. The dominion isn't even as great a threat as everyone makes them out to be. They're on rocky terms with the wood elves, the Khajiit are on the verge of open revolt and even a good chunk of their own people on the Summerset Isles are getting sick of their shit. The elder council wanted the emperor assassinated for fuck's sake, I'll give you three guesses why and the first two don't count.
>the imperial city got sacked
Admittedly, I would probably surrender, too, if the only city I had that was worth a damn got sacked YET FUCKING AGAIN.
TBH, the only reason I even support the empire is because I enjoy Roman A E S T H E T I C S and because Ulfric is a fucking retard. That and I also like playing as a battlemage. And Imperials are top-tier battlemages.
4027 4038
Which side SHOULD the Dragonborn join in Skyrim, morally speaking?
4028 4029
You see this >>175505 Nigel? THIS is Lee Goldson, aka Barneyfag. No one thinks you are him or that he is you. His autism is on a completely different level to yours, and trying to compare yourself to him is an insult to his hard-earned respect. In tonight's infiltration of 4chan, which you seemed to be a party to, you can clearly see him operating. Quit acting like you don't know, its an embarrassment to yourself and this board which you cling to so desperately. If you'd stop acting like you're full of shit, we'll ALL be better off.
Please carry on with your Skyrim discussion.
>boldfacing the reply made all of the replied post's lettering boldfaced in the thumbnail
Oh, it is my favourite thing when liberals openly claim that "nobody" is doing what they have been doing for the entire conversation.
Because it's funny how bad they are at lying.
4031 4032 4033 4035 4038
This might sound odd, but /mlpol/?
I'm going to need you to spam this thread with horse pussy.
I want to see if it will drive these trolls out.
4035 4038 4039
horse pussy.jpg
Here you go.
4033 4035
412829__explicit_artist-colon-stoic5_lyra heartstrings_animated_anus_backbend_comic_creampie_crotchboobs_cum_cumming_dock_finger in mouth_hand fetish_h.gif
You heard him, this is now a horsepussy thread

Wow, Nigel. Just look at all the anons rushing to your defense. Really backs up your claim that you're just an innocent victim being trolled by hostile invaders.

Horsepussy is always appreciated, but in this case you should really check the flag.
bumping with horsepussy as requested
Dsp Phil sexy drawing.png

wow d00d.

These fucking mentally ill detractors are using illegal underhanded toxic memes to destroy my youtube channel, my 10 year legacy. See, this is what happens when i take an offhands approach, I come back from the toilet to release my gouty bladder and the thread turns immediately into a toxic toilet jew slime pit. Ive had enough. I am putting my foot down!

I am just going to BAN. @Mods, Ban any semblance of laughter in the chat. And now you can sit the whole day outside of streamchat and i guarantee we wont have any fucking drama. Thats what you get for stirring the pot.
64d (1).png

File (hide): 50403C840B8A6AC571F0678C93E6F168-8017332.webm (7.6 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:16, the gayest place.webm) [play once] [loop]
the gayest place.webm
Channel Trailer for Nigels new Podcast.
kek nice.
Stop bumping your own threadm OP if you aren't even going to keep yourself on the topic of the thread.
This is funny.
I was thinking of doing a gag where Derpy Hooves finds the launched ball of Mary Sueness, and she lives a wonderfully lucky life from then on. But because she's so kind, she doesn't maliciously warp the world around her, it only happens subconsciously and in ways that make life great for everypony.
I was thinking of doing a gag where Derpy Hooves finds the launched ball of Mary Sueness, and she lives a wonderfully lucky life from then on. But because she's so kind, she doesn't maliciously warp the world around her, it only happens subconsciously and in ways that make life great for everypony.
I was thinking of making Discord want to throw Silver into bullshit weaboo fightan anime bullshit by summoning monsters, something Silver objects to when it's done in Ponyville, a place he doesn't want attacked by giant monsters. But halfway through the episode Silver said "I'll fight double the monsters if you make me a second Ponyville in the middle of nowhere for the fights to take place in" and the episode's plot stopped.
Is this how the writers feel when they get to a "Someone has to be an idiot here for the plot to go normally" moment?
Your thoughts?
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