>>3737Nice, that's what I was going for with the whole "Never interrupt me!" bit. I figured it'd be a bit stupid if this frontier-justice hard-nosed semi-hypocritical templar motherfucker suddenly became an absolute paragon of virtue for this one scene, and then went back to someone who needs to become more virtuous when it was over. I always hated generic vanilla protagonists. Especially the kind you see in HiE works. A protagonist should be someone interesting! Someone who learns and grows!
This is going to sound autistic, but I've thought up ways to fix a lot of the dumb shit MLPFIM has done, and I'm going to do those things in my fic, one by one.
Without just undoing the dumb shit, like the fics where Twilight randomly loses her Alicornhood.
The problem with Alicornhood was that it came too early for Twilight, and instead of trying to sell us on the idea that Twilight isn't done and there's still adventures she can go on, it instead chose to try and sell us on the idea that Twilight is Complete now, and Perfect, and "Done" as a character, so she's "Good enough" for Alicornification. They immediately threw away her relatable panic problem, and then only wrote her as a cute bookworm every so often when they remembered that she's supposed to be one. It also encouraged the writers to try and make the other Mane Six members match Twilight in stature, or at least rival her. And that's dumb.
Rarity owning shops everywhere and having infinite money? Dumb. It's hard to write stories about the struggles of an artist when an artist has none. Some evil villain screws Rarity over and she loses everything, and she has to build herself back up.
Celestia perpetually getting dicked on... At this point, she's less respected than Yamcha in this fanbase. What we need is a Lesson Zero finale moment times ten. A villain shows up and worfs Celestia, things get bad, blah blah blah, and then the heroes make a stupid decision at some point. The villain reaches his perfect form or whatever. And Equestria is doomed. And then the worfed-ten-minutes-ago Celestia calmly gets back up and one-shots the villain and is very disapponted in Twilight. And then potentially temporarily demotes Twilight to Unicorn for a while. Until she does some smart thing, solves some mystery, saves the day on her own by taking apart some backup plan the villain used, and earns her wings back.
The problem with Good Discord is that his redemption didn't feel genuine. He didn't develop an appreciation for the controlled chaos and exciting unpredictability of everyday life, he didn't have fun annoying Twilight by abusing the exact wording of her "Discord, you are forbidden from using your chaos magic to hurt ponies!" order to make rollercoasters and trippy weird shit in Ponyville everypony but her loves, only to suddenly realize he actually enjoys making ponies have fun with him more than he enjoys annoying Twilight(I call dibs on that idea), he just developed a desire to pork Fluttershy after she showed him kindness specifically to manipulate him and get him addicted to her approval. It's always the quiet ones, as they say, but that really doesn't fit the tone of this show. Also, now that he's good, he's too powerful. He can't do anything, and that's dumb. The Discord Redemption episode wasn't good for kids, something like "Fun is good but it's better when others have fun with you" would be better. This just tries to do the "My love can change the bad boy" fantasies no child in the target audience has. Anyway, from then on, Discord went from cool Q-like force of nature to whiny loser who's basically that edgelord foul-mouthed tryhard who won't stop wearing and mentioning "Guaranteed to impress children!" topics when your kid cousins are around. He needs to either get fixed or get convinced to leave this plane of existence and never return.
The problem with random siblings is that they cheapen the characters. Pinkie's family can stay, I guess Shining can exist but he did military stuff a lot so he was barely ever around while Twilight was a filly, and Zephyr is never mentioned because he should not have been made.
Sparity... At this point, it's never going to happen, and it can't happen. Spike needs to get over Rarity and find some cool Dragon girl to visit arcades and theatres and milkshake shops with, because that's what kids should consider a good relationship.
The problem with Glimmer is...