Well, the party has gotten some things in order and has made some arrangements and plans to attack Court City in full and not as a half-assed rescue mission because of a brain worm. Speaking of brain worms, the party just kinda shrugged their shoulders and forgot about that whole "Infernius going insane and running off" bit. Hmmm. Oh well. But anyway, everyone's got some ideas and plans to put in motion. Its too bad that Port Barry is currently surrounded one 4 fronts,... that's going to complicate things.
Welcome back to the Game thread, there's over 3 dozen of 'em by now, so pardon me if I skip the introductory formalities. If you want to join, or perhaps just join in on the shitposting cuz bored, feel free. I'm working on a metric to allow new players to get in without having to go through the process of full-on mapping out a character.
1288 replies and 173 files omitted.
Trumpaladin asks Fae to go find the men, and to send them to the Jolly Cunt. Fae is Dismissed
[1d20+19 = 25]
Tracy begins moving in stealth while Troll is visibly distracted, quickly and silently, with conviction.
Rolling to Move Silently.
>>39470"I,... I don't know that thats true," hugs tightly.
>>39467"No, I've,... exhausted my resources."
>>39473She immediately moves to flank troll with a triple Death Attack.
>>39472"What is going on, this is,... strange"
>>39474"I'm sorry Troll. I can't delay any longer. My earlier promise to you still stands, but so does mine to her. Forgive me"
>>39474"we'll get these court city bastards, and avenge everyone we lost me promise."
[4d20 = 41]
Flanks with Boots, Stabs Trollestia with Sugoito
>>39479"What? This!,...."
I'm assuming Tracy's 3x atk comes at the same time?
>>39480She's attacking immediately, so possibly.
>>39478"I'm sure we'll get them, but,... it didn't have to be this way. I don't know how it 'should' have been but,... not this."
>>39480"I'm sorry..."
Can mine be first by like a couple seconds?
He didn't roll. The first one may be true strike but the last two were not
>>39481For simplicity's sake, can we just off Trollestia neatly so I don't have to go into combat mode?
>>39483You don't roll for sneak attacks.
>>39483Why you want to attack first though?
>>39484Yes? I want to hear her monologue though
>>39485You have to beat their AC
>>39484i guess but its not very in vharacter for infernuis to allow it.
>>39486So she's not dead before he can land a hit
>>39489You're talking to Thez. You're in a different area
>>39489Isn't he still with Thez.
>>39490You can coupe de grace her, if that's what you really want.
Tracy immediately assumes monstrous shape upon landing her attack.
>>39492>>39491i had assumed we were at the docks
>>39488"This isn't what I... signed up for...." Trollestia says as she dies. As she falls limply to the docks, and as her body slackens,... it begins to change shape.
What appears now
is a unicorn, but its observably and definitively
not Trollestia. Who it
is is unknown.
Congratulations, welcome to plan T. Trump just participated in the murder of an innocent Unicorn. Woohoo!
Trumpaladin slices off a few pieces of the unicorn
>>39496Fuck it
*Picks up entire unicorn*
*calls Fae*
>>39496How many more innocent animals is she going to use as her stunt doubles? She's supposed to be the good one here.
[angry nightmare noises]
"That fucking slippery cunt!"
>>39501Also, why couldn't Tracy tell the difference in the strength of their auras? Is this one also a Celestial Charger?
>>39503That's the only reason I used the Detect Good, after all.
>>39503Because you used it before you went to the docks. You didn't use it on "Trollestia"
>>39504If u don't know the spoilers already, and have the time, and don't mind reading through a bunch of menial-drama shit, yes.
>>39503Tracy's saves were pre-rolled. Refer to Torcuil's "3d20" roll earlier.
>>39509Can polymorph spells duplicate aura/alignment?
>>39509>reading through a bunch of menial-drama shit. im completly in the dark on the spoilers except that its dark.i participate in theses threads dont i?
[angry nightmare noises]
*grabs Trumpaladin and puts him on her back*
"I'm going to destroy that cunt!"
Oh snap, I was supposed to have baked a new thread. Let me do that rly quick ^_^
>>39514Can Fae carry whatever we just killed to the Entertron and resurrect it? I think my character is getting kidnapped...
[1d20+21 = 32]
Just for the sake of it, Tracking check.
>>39517"Tracy, can you take me to the tower quickly?"
>>39519>[incoherent nightmare thoughts]She's even more rabid than she was before.
>>39515He is.
Tracy speeds off towards the forest.
>>39517If her tracking check doesn't yield anything.