Well, the party has gotten some things in order and has made some arrangements and plans to attack Court City in full and not as a half-assed rescue mission because of a brain worm. Speaking of brain worms, the party just kinda shrugged their shoulders and forgot about that whole "Infernius going insane and running off" bit. Hmmm. Oh well. But anyway, everyone's got some ideas and plans to put in motion. Its too bad that Port Barry is currently surrounded one 4 fronts,... that's going to complicate things.
Welcome back to the Game thread, there's over 3 dozen of 'em by now, so pardon me if I skip the introductory formalities. If you want to join, or perhaps just join in on the shitposting cuz bored, feel free. I'm working on a metric to allow new players to get in without having to go through the process of full-on mapping out a character.
1288 replies and 167 files omitted.
>>38765You always end up turning against me
I don't like being insulted or ganged up against. I hate the "this" posts
>>38766i "turn against you" because bringing up the stuff that you don't want to think about is psyche 101.
>>38767Am confused.
I can say I don't like being mocked, like the post earlier
>>38769im trying to help fix your brain if it seems like im your enemy at times im not.
which post?
>>38770The one early where you reposted the post Tracy's faggot made that was deleted
>>38771thats only because i thought it was a good point and made sense, that does not mean im mocking you and i think the only way you can work something out is talking out your problems with tracys faggot. because banning and deleteing posts do not help the problem.
If you land a Smite Evil melee attack on a creature that doesn't take damage from the attack due to Damage Reduction, does the creature still take the smiting damage, even if it's not harmed by the melee itself?
>>38772It's not the same had it at all. The alternate form makes as much sense as my character turning into a fucking mature Gold dragon, or being a half-celestial
>>38774why dont you try to get something equivalent to tracys power? turning into a gold dragon does sound pretty cool.
>>38774The original idea was for her to just turn into a Nightmare entirely, but I asked for the "Going Ghost" option so she wouldn't be permanently disfigured and she could still go back to being cute.
>>38779i don't think both parties would except that.
>>38779>Unironically nerfing your own partyWhy go down when you could take the steps to go upwards instead?
>>38781Because I fucking hate your etherealness and flying
>>38783you could have those too you know. and you could even gain them through a quest.
>>38783Plenty of creatures can do it. And as far as racial abilities go, it's not that big of a deal.
Both Torc and Infernius can do it with their spells; spells which they're able to cast spontaneously without preparation or material components. Thez can do it via class feature. I never see you get salty about those.
>>38783Will gib boots
>>38784That's ridiculous and you know it.
Tracy's gagging has also managed to go
faster than normally allowed in flying and etherealness because a nightmare is twice as fast as a normal flying create, and because GM has said "fuck the rules. Self propelled creatures are twice as fast ethereal, not half as fast"
>>38785Thez gets it from 19 levels of monk. Not from bullshit
>>38786>That's ridiculousThe Etherrealness and Astral projection seem kind of meaningless, but changing race via quest isn't unheard of.
>>387861. the gm can say fuck the rules hes the gm.
2.its supposed to be ridiculous it is a fantasy game after all.
>>38789Fuck transracial haxxor
If you're committed to playing a magical beast, then give up the ability to use weapons
>>38790Well I can say pic related goddamn it, and NONE of you have to like it. Neither do I have to like any of his choices
>>38791YOU'VE FUCKING DONE IT BEFORE! And you were using it to hide from my character, so it was annoying
>>38793I have?
Fucking when?
Tell me when the fuck Torc turned ethreal.
>>38792>then give up the ability to use weapons She never even once used a two-handed weapon in that form; I made sure of it, since I knew she wouldn't be able to in that form. I got the Helping Hands™ to fill that niche for the future though.
>>38792dude do you understand why you line of thinking is wrong?
its really close to leftist thought im not saying this to try to piss you off but its the truth.
>>38794The last time I remember was the leprechaun incident.
Also, a Filcher snatched my sides that night. Let me know if you see them floating around on the ethereal plane.
>>38795Fuck your alternate firm bullshit
>>38795>Helping Hands™That's what I'm calling them from now on, btw.
>>38796I'm just spitting your logic back at you. It is you who have the leftist line of thinking
>>38797B-but he didn't turn ethereal, he teleported oo the plane but he didn't turn...
Did he?
>>38801you do realize im a nat soc right?
>>38804You do realize I am not a leftist right?
>>38803Thez brought him there with her ability, then Torc stayed there using his blinking charm.
>>38806My brain hurts so I'm gonna ignore this
>>38804Somehow I'm pretty Ancap unironically. Not what I thought but at least its not ancom
fuck roads >>38805tell me which bit of my logic makes me sound leftist?
>>38809The whole thing is an ad hominem diversion
>>38805That's not the point. What he meant was that it's irrational to fixate on what other people have instead of working towards what you could have or trying to get moar for yourself. Not all haxx are the same, but everybody got them in some way. There's no need to take something someone else has for the sake of "balance". Shit doesn't have to be perfectly-evenly distributed to be functional or fair.
I can easily tell your definitely not a leftist, but that kind of logic is dangerously similar to the fundamental aspects that make them so dreadfully wrong.
Do Intelligent Items get Will saves?
>>38813>Not all haxx is the sameCorrect. Getting four or so free abilities from drinking blood bullshit is a radically different form of haxxor that gaining assassin class without completing the murder component or than wielding a sword from a magical beast mouth