Well, the party has gotten some things in order and has made some arrangements and plans to attack Court City in full and not as a half-assed rescue mission because of a brain worm. Speaking of brain worms, the party just kinda shrugged their shoulders and forgot about that whole "Infernius going insane and running off" bit. Hmmm. Oh well. But anyway, everyone's got some ideas and plans to put in motion. Its too bad that Port Barry is currently surrounded one 4 fronts,... that's going to complicate things.
Welcome back to the Game thread, there's over 3 dozen of 'em by now, so pardon me if I skip the introductory formalities. If you want to join, or perhaps just join in on the shitposting cuz bored, feel free. I'm working on a metric to allow new players to get in without having to go through the process of full-on mapping out a character.
1288 replies and 167 files omitted.
>>39173You should know, you almost just got paralyzed to death. Just saying.
>>39175Dammit indeed
>>39178Also this
>>39168"Undead are creating life faster than practically any other method" echoes in Torcuil's head
T> "Ignore it, it is the insane ramblings of a thing long dead and far less relevant than it might seem."
>>39180regeneration wedding ring ftw
>>39178>the chain is wielded as a weapon in place of anotherReally? Then why can it still attack when it's owner is unconscious?
>>39179She should ask you. You've the one with Blink, Astral Gate, and all of that
>>39182You don't get to have six attacks in a round because "muh nic cage movie." Make an attack with the sword, or with the chain. One or the other
>>39179A ghoulish face slowly drifts upward through the top of the pyramid.
"Our view of the law is that it - if somebody is here without sufficient documentation, that is not reason for deportation."
>>39183This desu
>>39183Fuck it then. Just go with the chain.
>>39184id rather be in the sewers than see that face and hear that voice desu
>>39185Use your sword, It has better numbers
Tracy has 31 strength, which gives her a +10 on Melee attack rolls and +10 on damage rolls
>>39180"Ominous, but okay. So does that mean we aren't going?"
>>39183>mount>>39184"Fucking 'no borders' people. Listen Troll I hate to pressure, but are we gonna go or are we gonna wait?"
>>39188Attack pelosi before going into the Pyramid death trap
>>39187... I don't want to drop the sword while flying...The chain is still Melee though, isn't it?
>>39188T> "I don't know about the pyramid, but it seems clear that that one (Pelosi) is our most immediate concern."
P> Magic Circle against Good
The air around Pelosi darkens and wavers for a moment.
>>39190It is, but its not so animate that Tracy can just 'let go'. Its animate in that it can be controlled at 60' length without incurring penalties.
[1d100 = 64]>>39185So crit with the first attack, and rolling for fumble check
>>39188P> "I believe that Hillary Clinton is one of the best prepared people in our history to rule Court City, with her vision, her knowledge, her experience, her strategic thinking, her connection to the Game people."
>>39193*A cold shiver runs down Trumpaladin's Spine*
>>39195Not in range, but I'll allow a pre-emminent chill to run down Trump's spine.
>>39192Does she still have her sword, or not?
[2d20 = 35]>>39191"Hmmmm, one sec"
>>39193"Fuck off shill"
Torc draws both pistols, firing a shot from each.
I meant to ask this a long time ago, can you make Intimidate checks during combat? For the sake of Demoralization option.
>>39198Yes, of course. Oh, I forgot to mention what happened with the chain. After a successful crit, the chain rebounded and wrapped around Trump's sword-arm. He's not wounded, but its a spiked chain and will take a round to remove effectively without injuring him.
>>39200Yes, but as a solid, don't bother against undead.
>>39201Thanks. Also GM, can Torc fire 2 or 4 shots per turn?
Why are we going with the first set of dice rolls?
[1d20+21 = 25]>>39200Rolling for Intimidate, because why not?
Since she's two size categories larger, she gets a +8 bonus to it as well.
>>39202>Don't bother with Undead.Feel like doing it anyway.
[angry nightmare noises]
*roars at Ruth*
>>39207Dumb ass. That will cost you a round that you could have used to kill her
[1d20 = 3]>>39203Just 2, it takes a round for the pistols to re-constitute another bullet from water vapor.
>>39206Alright first off, though he took damage, this is the round where Infernius casts Cure serious, with saving throw.
>>39207RBG> Finger of Death
[1d20 = 9]
This is for Tracy's Finger of Death
(for a moment, I thought that the last one was Tracy's save, but it was Feinstein's)
>>39208I thought she could do that during combat.
Also, she'll use the next round to unwra the chain, while you try and finish her off with lay on hands.
>>39209>She failed a touch attack"You're about as good a mage as you are a jurist, Ginsby. Sad!"
>>39211Just for the record, she does have monster Fortitude while being ridden only, right?
>>39209I figured. What do the shots Torc fired do?
>>39214That was a saving throw roll, and had it been Tracy's, Trump would be plummeting to the ground while 'riding' a corpse. Just saying
>>39218I thought it was an attack roll for a touch attack...
>>39216Does she have a nightmares's fortitude save bonus while being ridden? She has all of the other stats.
A nightmare's fortitude save bonus is +16.
>>39220Well, a Cauchemar's save, which is +17. Be advised that that's a total number which includes a +7 constitution bonus
[2d10+4 = 15]>>39217Yes. Both shots hit.
>>39220Still would have killed fyi
>>39223Cause damage....
>>39213Best one I could find on short notice
>>39221Her Cloak and Charm add +7 Charisma, and then Eagle's Splendor adds an additional +4 to that, for a total Char modifier of +6 added to the throw with Dark Blessing.
... The question is, how powerful is Ruth..?
>>39222Oh shit...
>>39227Powerful enough. Tracy isn't dead, but she would be with a 3.
>GM waves nerf-hammer omenously>>39226No, its RBG's turn
>>39224Well you don't fucking say.
Maim, just damage, barely do shit?