Continuing the (eh?) compelling story of Torcuil the Meme Magician, Trump the (ahem) Shining and Resplendent Paladin, Tracy the edge-lord (multiple meanings there), and Infernius the Minotaur.
The party has found its self overlooking a rocky hillock leading toward a town into which several large and small rivers connect. Chirpy birds 'bweeet' from their nests and posts, while squirrels jubilantly roll in the dirt (they do that FYI) while foraging for resources.
It is the very depiction of the phrase "Whatever could go wrong?".
Join us new viewers and anons, for a spectacle of autism and bemusement. ITT we continue,...
(u just lost BTW)
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>>2925What? I dont speak black girl
>>2925*Tracy suspiciously pats at her knife cozy and avoids eye contact*
>Thez peeks around to see if anyone is moving
>>2942Infernuis understand, me go watch.
I'm lurking. I'm always lurking.
>Thez suddenly can't stop laughing.
>>2944>>2951Tracy thez gone mad, what do?
>>2952"Do I look like a fucking psychiatrist to you?!"
g2g take little sister out to birthday lunch. I'm always watching though.
>>2953>always watchingI'm watching you Wazowski
aaaaaaallllwwwways watching
Thez suddenly springs to life as her faggot returns from whatever ridiculous and ill-conceived task that he got roped into doing, and she does NOT look happy. I mean, she still looks like Urri, so I suppose its Urri who does not look happy. So unhappy is she, that a red-faced fellow in navy coveralls - accented by high visibility tape - stands up out of the grass a little in front of the party. He's wearing a nametag that says "Hello, my name is BARRY", and he is quite confused to be here, now.
"What the fuck, who the fuck are, wait a minute, jesus, its not even human,..." be stammers out as he looks at the assembled group. Thez however, steps forward.
"Let me help you," she says, before ripping his head off and eating his face.
*knife sharpening proceeds*
[1d20 = 11]>>2956"The Demon has unveiled itself!" Trumpaladin yells as he draws out his sword and shield. "For Barry!" He yells, only after uttering a prayer to football. Trumpaladin evokes OFFENSE for a coming attack
>>2958"Awww fuck!"
*Draws knives, annoyed at the prospect of having to do something*
Who the fuck is Barry, anyway?