Game continuation bread, where the party gets ready to wander off into parts unknown, potentially in different directions or to different areas. More bantz to go on in the meantime, but last bread got stale so here's a fresh one.
New players welcome/encouraged.
1189 replies and 77 files omitted.
>>20907"perfect, thank you ninja hoers. what your name?"
i dont think infernuis ever knew he could talk >>20905Ah, but you're forgetting what happened since:
"The Articles of the UNION as they passed with Amendments in the Parliament of Scotland,
and ratified by the Touch of the Royal Scepter at Edinburgh, January 16, 1707, by James
Duke of Queensbury, her Majesty’s High Commissioner for that Kingdom.
I. ‘That the two Kingdoms of (fn. 1) Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May
next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name
of Great-Britain, and that the Ensigns Armorial of the said united Kingdom, be such as her
Majesty shall appoint; and the Crosses of St. Andrew and St. George be conjoined in such a
manner as her Majesty shall think fit, and used in all Flags, Banners, Standards, and Ensigns,
both at Sea and Land" >>20908"I have no name, but you can refer to me as Ponimaru," he says with a short, stiff bow. You notice he's wearing Thez' martial belt from way back before she enacted the travel ban. I'd mentioned that before, I just wanted to reiterate it.
>>20910"have you heard of the 2 major religions spreading through out the area?"
>>20912"Dude, you had best be on your way," he says rolling his eyes, and momentarily acting uncharacteristically informal.
>>20914"alright alright we converse about this in the future." i sprint to the whorehouse."
>>20914>>20915>I'm definitely not catching InferiusI wonder if Tracy would say anything
>>20915Upon entering, you find Thez beating the holy piss out of a partiularly large fighter (for visualization, use the image {not the idea} of the Muscle Mage, mixed with the scene in Fight Club where the Main char decides to destroy something beautiful).
I guarantee this isn't happening in the next 3 minutes.
>>20917>>20918i wait untill her turn is over.
could you fast foward through her fight to save time? >>20919Nope, I gotta go! And thank Elway for that!
>GM out >>20909Aye, but dats not mythology
So, Torc decides to go back to the tower
>>20907Ponimaru can speak common?
>>20909The Unicorn/Lion thing stems back further than just British history.
>>20926So? British history affects the way it is
now, not before
>>20920GM, I promise you, just give me an ordinary glove, a bag, a shining piece of Obsidian, a character of Evil alignment, and either the ability to plane shift to any weird plane OR Pyrotechnics, and I can get Inferius his "void stone" without him, Tracy, or Lenos getting killed in the process
>>20925"Hi Taylor, whats up?"
>>20928B-but its mythology, bot historical or political
>>20928I'd do this shit myself, but I am playing the group Paladin
>>20929>>20926I don't care. Fae and Slovenia are not fighting. That's the end of it. Fae isn't even a lion, she just looks like one.
>>20929"I wanted to know if you maybe wanted [mumbles]"
*subtle sounds of a snare trap being set*
>>20933I said did you maybe want to go take a bath? w- we can use water.*turns away as her face turns red*
*subtle sounds of multiple other snare traps being set in indeterminate locations*
Torc turns red, not unlike Trump's ban messages.
"I guess?"Torc makes a mental not oo get new friends
>>20939L- lets go *begins to tremble uncontrollably*
>>20941Thats who i think about evertime infernuis does anything.
>>20944*Gets to the bath house and disrobes* w-w-well this is me.
>>20947Then don't quote trap comic.
>I mm highly uncomfortable >>20949"Kek your supposed to be"
>>20949*From a distance, you hear as if whispered into your ear DO IT*
*subtle sounds of poisoned darts being rigged, for no reason*
>>20956>Torc drops the kilt cloakOnly to reveal a second kilt