Its about to get real. I'll leave out the descriptions, you know what it is.
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Infernius' turn. "We of Port Barry will not stand idly while you face this foe! Fight ON!" cries Sechs, the stadium ringed by armed civilians who are not so civilian anymore.
>>18683Uhm oick one
More of the Port citizens appear from in and around the playing field, flanking and striking at the Dog. No one (except the one guy) land a successful blow, but there are many who have taken up arms.
The battle is joined. It is not just the party now, but the people with them.
>>18686i cure crit wounds on tracy can i hand her some grenades?
>>18693A band, from somewhere in the periphery begins to play. Bard songs are augmented.
Norfilly, your move. Through buffs, u can sing Inspire Heroics
[1d20 = 14]
Tracy speeds through the dog again and drops off another grenade in the lung as she passes through (Idk how a grenade misses while it's already inside the lung, but roll)
>>18695Its a matter of timing. It takes a 20 to unphase and rephase while depositing a grenade. Besides, its not your turn yet.
>>18684Not sure how that applies,... btw
>>18696I figured she didn't need to unphase, because the grenade would lose the affect as soon as it stopped touching her, but whatever...
>>18694I was going to ask if I could do do "Prestidigitation" even if it isn't in my available spells and create an origami pony... But I'll sing.
>>18697>Tracy [1d20 = 4]>>18698Fair point, but still, the timing is ridiculous to determine. Its not 1 to 1 proportions. I'm still thinking it requires a 20 to land properly.
PSSST, you'd have better luck trying to toss it in the Dog's mouth!Thez> Kyuken
The Dog lurches to the side, struck internally, and without defense.
She's a big girl
Trump/Dog move, followed by Troll, Tracy, Tay, and Torcuil.
Troll> She's fighting it from the inside!
[3d20 = 16]>>18707Trumpa attacks dog. Modifiers, if the filly's last turn did not buff them further, are +28/+23/+18
Damage modifier is 1d10+18, unless Filly added more
Slash Slash Slash the bastard
>>18712Hush. You've gotten bad dice rolls too
[6d20 = 71]>>18710Ewww, that 1 should void other attacks, but given the circumstances, I'll let it be a miss. 2 hits.
D> Full round attack
Bigly Trump and the Dog exchange a wicked series of hits
>>18713His are usually funny though
>>18715Uh... I get like a 45 AC right? 42 if no new buffs from Tay and the Filly?
Is Thez still getting crushed inside that thing's stomach?
[2d10+16 = 28]
[4d8+17 = 23]
dice too long
[3d8+8 = 24]
[2d12+16 = 23]
still going
[40d20 = 398]
K, sorry. Browser crashed again.
After taking the full range of blows from the T, Trump is at about 30% health, but lands several nasty blows of his own. The T (sorry D) is at about 40% health.
Troll casts Cure Serious Wounds
Tracy, then Tay, then Torcuil, Fae, Infernius, and Norfilly
>>18727What is my health after the serious wounds?
Um, Tay? If you would help heal what Troll cannot...
>>18727Throws all the grenades in it's mouth.
>>18727Uh, what kinda roll is that?
Its fuggin Cortana! I keep telling it to die, and it keeps coming back to life! Its like the fuggin dog!
>>18734That's Port Barry launching volleys of arrows.
>>18735This is why I didn't upgrade to windows 10
[4d20 = 28]>>18733You can't throw them all, but I'll let u double-
fisthoof (so 4)
>>18740And possibly also me, given the proximity
[3d6 = 12]>>18737Didn't have a choice
so gearing up for a Linux machine>>18737One grenade blows up at your feet, and the rest bounce off around the mouth, 2 doing damage (but not much)
The damage is minimal, and only cuz I'm making the fight play out. As I said, its essentially done, but no fast-forward this time (cuz reasons)
Tay, Torcuil, Fae, Infernius, Norfilly
>>18749You're using THAT for THAT? RLY? I'll let you rethink that, cuz you'll fuggin NEED it e_O
[1d20 = 7]>>18754Don't worry, its in the bag.
>>18748[thankful nightmare noises]
>>18755GM, what is my health level?
>>18757Where does it say thsat is available to wizards? I see cleric
>>18763I can cast cleric and mage
Infernius is healing?, (choose spell)
Norfilly is adorable and should probably inspire determination (not an ability, GM insert)
Trump is less destroyed (~ 1/2 hp)
>>18702Sorry I missed this, but I'll make up for it. Basically, Song of Determination means auto-strike for next attack
>>18768>>18769Did the tarrasque do 70% damage on me in a single round?
[1d20 = 5]
I was going to stretch it out further, but we're at the verge of the end, so I wanna finish it tonight.
Thez> KYU... cough KEN
The Dog slumps over. Its still alive, but its hurting BAD.
>>18775Throw Javelin in its mouth.
Sorry I was away for a little moment..
Is there anything I missed?
>>18775If I can take the "heal serious wounds as a free action, then do that, and
Slash, Slash, Slash with Vanderiem
If not,then Blue suede the fuck out of harm's way and drink from flask
>>18782Shush now, that was enough, everyone had auto-hit cuz Norfilly song. Cinematic time!!!