Its about to get real. I'll leave out the descriptions, you know what it is.
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>>18071Reeeeeeeeee damn Tracy Soccer OP image
Should I do something other than look cute?
>>18078Cast Spells that give us additional power, and kill the enemy!
>>18081My best guess is through the third level
>>18081It matters the character level.
>>18083You get limited spells per day. A Bard's spell-casting ability is pretty limited.
GM should explain what you need to know later.
>>18084I'm assuming she starts with around 6 levels in Bard? I think that means she can access through the third spell casting level
>>18087Cast "Dazzle" on the mage if you get close ennough
>>18089>implying it'd affect himNo. It'd just piss him off.
Finished setting up, just discussing details. Sorry fam, I thought this was gonna be later in the day. We're trying to setup a business venture, and today's setup is an essential part.
>>18095Take your time. IRL business is more important. And we got 4cc game to entertain us with while we "wait".
>>18095When is this all going down? I think I'm supposed to be at a football game tailgate
>>18096Dont mind me just playing with my fidget spinner.
>>18105Im not level 15 like you guys?
>>18106Let's just say you can do "Inspire Heorism"
>>18109>>18108Do blackguards have spells?
K. Back for good, all is sorted
I have Taylor as a lvl 10, and Norfilly as level 4 (consequence of being 1 y/o)
>>18112What spells do I know?
Do I know all up to level 4 in this list >>18110Yes
>>18097If you need/want to leave, you're welcome to. Again, I had expected to have done all my shit hours from now, rather than earlier.
>>18081Available spells are determined by table and charisma bonus
>>18110Yes. You're pretty limited though. Level 2 black guard if you chose. Only 1 first level spell>>18114Calling mount. Do the Blue Suede Shoes work while mounted?
>>18113You get 3 lvl 0 and 2 lvl 1 spells/day and you get 6 0lvl 3 1st, and 2 2nd to have available.
>>18115Depends on how far you're traveling. If you're flying through the air, I'd say no, if you're nearby or on the ground, yes.>18051Technically spell bonuses don't stack, so it'd only be +4 and +2 respectively, but I'll allow the 42 cuz I made you wait.
>>18114Is there an easy way for me to look up what I know. Or should I just try and see what works.
>>18116what is the "to have available" is it that I should choose 6 of the 0lvl spells that I would know (and the others I will not know at all until perhaps level up), and I would be able to cast 3 spells a day from this selection of 6
>sorry for asking dumb question So given the circumstances I have Trump with a 42 AC.
Infernius and Tracy are probably more like 30's, Taylor and Filly are gonna probably be low 20's and upper teens respectively, Torcuil also in the low 20's.
Corrections? Additions?
>I've missed everything because wifi went out
>>18122>readsHow the hell did I miss nothing?
>>18120Those are the spells you have available to cast. You can look them up, but I'll be generous.
>>18122D/w, my shit took longer than I thought
>>18121What does Tracy get in monstrous form?
>>18117Fae (or any other mount) recieves a spell resistance of 20 right? Also, make the spells (protection from Evil, Deathward) I have applied to myself apply to her as well
(If tracy were taken as a mount before entering battle, she could have deathward apply to her when she is standing next to me)
>>18121I think those numbers are generous, but I am not protesting
>>18125No bonus to ac, but bonuses in attributes
Yes, they are, but you'll need them
>stats ready
>spells ready
>Snek ready
Thez looks worried.
"This is going to be brutal everyone. I can guarantee many will die, but we can fix them. I've got the stick, and I or Infernius (or Torcuil) should be able to warp them back to the entertron. Avoid grouping up, that'll only allow for easier targets. The Terrasque is stupid, but massive and ridiculously strong, and Kefka,... well I can't say what he's capable of, but he'll probably be the more difficult of the two. Taking down the Terrasque is one thing, keeping it down is another," she sighs. "I don't know what I was thinking, but unless we do this there can be no Football."
>>18127Okay, but does this guy have touch activated Death Spells? I do want to know if my one level 4 should really be spent on death ward, or on Dispell Evil?
>>18131"we kill lizard and nerd easy no worry thez"
>>18131Torc begins to realize this is a terrible idea
>>18124>>18128Spells to have available
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message: Whispered conversation at distance.
Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Charm Person: Makes one person your friend.
Detect Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
Identify M: Determines properties of magic item.
Invisibility: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
Summon Monster II: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
>hope I did it right >>18132>asking for spoilersJust fyi, he can cast touch spells w/in 30 feet.
"Bob, where are you at?"
"Swift defeat to my enemies," can be heard from the rafters, and an arrow streaks down, pulling the bow to 'clackity' against the ground.
"Infernius, you'll want to have Uatchit ready. If she gets smote, you'll need to locate the fly sculpture and she can be re-summoned."
>>18131See this>>18134>>18128>>18125Please, everyone, approach the Mage from a different direction. It's a massive stadium. Very easy to flank him
>>18136>>18137Casting "DEATH WARD" on myself and Fae
>>18136"Don't worry. I won't let anyone die. Not again," her eyes glow red.
>>18137"me go scout around the area on utachit me be back in a minute"
"As soon as we enter the area, the Terrasque will respond, and will undoubtably wake Kefka. I recommend a circular flank."
>>18140Also small question if I do a Mending spell on 1/2 candy I got will it become whole?
So if I get 1/2 now, mend it I get to eat a whole candy, and when I get the other 1/2 later I get to eat another whole candy...
Tracy drapes her cloak over herself and simulates her plans in her head.
>>18141Tracy already did that: the nerd is sleeping and waiting for his lunch money, while his pet relieves itself all over the stadium.
>>18142me not engage me just go to see what happening before we walk in, me want to make sure we not walk into a trap."
>>18142GM, I want us all to approach each from a different seating section. The stadium is made of concrete which players can retreat into. While not Tarrasque proof, it should slow him down enough to run
"I'll,... I'll draw their attention. When they come at me, that's when everyone should emerge."
>>18148"thez let me go me love you me not want you to get hurt"
>>18147Yes, this is the best strategy.
Thez sighs, and resumes Urri face. "We all ready?"
>>18130Following you and ready.... I think...
>I'm probably not but time will tell>optimism of youth, up to what lvl spells can Torc use.
>still trying to think of good meme spells but can't >>18150GM, can we take advantage of the concrete concourses and seating areas? Those should make it harder to spot and harder to follow by the tarrasque. Easier to retreat into
>>18149"Thank you for reminding me." I'm gonna cinematic this for ease. Thez steals the infini-bandage and wraps her torso. Then, she plunges her hand into Infernius' gut, rummages around, and pulls out the regen stone. As his knees buckle, she puts the white-gold ring on his finger and taps him with the stick, causing a gout of blood to erupt from
her stomach, and all his damage is reversed. Still bleeding, she kisses him (cuz now they're at face level). "I know. I love you too."
>>181537th level mage/cleric spells.
>>18154As cover, yes. For hiding, no. Terrasque has scent sense.
>>18156>Terrasque has scent sense.Can Tracy's etherealness bypass that momentarily?
>>18156"I just want to state for the record that I think we should have paid the guy off and waited"
Alright folks, pick your starting positions. Any last requests additions?
>>18158"I promise," she sniffs. Infernius notices that she's wearing a ring made of minotaur horn.
>>18160I am standing behind Scotland "so I don't get step on"
>>18160YES! I forgot. +2 strength and +2 int from those two magic items sad alex gave me
>>18160Does Tracy have any vest oil left?
Sneak in with maxed stealth and ether, and approach the Tarrasque's body from behind or around it's abdomen.
Here's an easier map, in case the interactive map doesn't work.
Wait, what?
>>18160End zone, field level seating area, Home Team side
Can I cast any 2lvl spells?
>You get 3 lvl 0 and 2 lvl 1 spells/day and you get 6 0lvl 3 1st, and 2 2nd to have available.
>>18167Try to get access to its torso asap.
>>18170Wait for the battle to begin damn it
>>18166>etherealOkay good. "Don't jump 'back in' until it's attention is diverted. You'll know."
There will be a short dialogue before actual combat.
>>18151>Torc picks up Hoers"We'll start furthest from where the Nerd is
>>18173Torc can use both arcane and divine spells.
>>18173You'll have to wait to find out his location.
>>18160Ill start approaching the wizard id like to start the dialogue.
Are there any greatswords or battleaxes in the tower?
Also, can Tracy attatch weapons to the end of her chain?