Hey ponyfrens! Welcome to the grand re-opening of the Pony Pub, a thread I was eventually gonna get to re-bump and troll with after it hit 1000, but someone got tired of!
This is a casual thread to reference 'legitimate' threads/posts from, without derailing.
Out bartender/chef is a tulpa, and she and OP are just this side of batshit! But her food is amazing, so deal with it.
160 replies and 38 files omitted.
<Cuz Ah can tell yer a disingenuous faggot, Ah'll explain fer th' audience.
<Sage-bumpin is where one er more faggots're tryin' to use post digits te try and "not lose" an argument th' they've already lost. Ye sage-post to a buncha threads, so that ye get the post # ye were after. It ain't a bump to th' top o the overboard, it's a bump o th post count.
Saging is the opposite of bumping, nigger. Bumping is bringing something to the top of the page. The correct term is sage bombing.
<Potato, potahto mate. Ah ain't the one tryin te be a sheister.
Your accent is as fake as it is gay.
>person who has never left the West coast tries to emulate a southern accent.
<Ah LIVE in Texas, ya zigger
<Also, it ain a southern accemt
>California/Washington/Oregon parasite moves after shitting up his home state and thinks he can fit in with a fake accent
Sad. Many such cases.
>retard, can't into the idea that there are more accents than sothern
<Tell me mate, how is affectin' an amalgamized accent (engliah, scottish, and australian) "tryin' te fit in". Oh wait, it ain't, and yer sheit fer brains
>didn't deny being a West coast refugee
Top lel
<Mate, if we're splittin' hairs about things not denied, yer operatin' from a loss
<Never lived there mate, try again. And while yer at it, try te pretend Ah haven't lived rent free.
Friends please be nice to eachother!
>>175639Hello yes does this planet have cow milk? If so, a chocolate milk please. I have to travel today so not the fermented type. Do you have marshmallows?
<Cuz it'd be a roight shame if'n specific faggots were tryin' te' manufacture consensus
Yay! New artwork commission just got sent!
>>175844What kinds of cigarettes do you like?
>the bar's saloon-style CLAP open
>the bartender, flaming-red dred-locks trailing behind her, slid across the (freshly-waxed) floor, right up to the end of the bar
>tipping up her copper-rimmed sunglasses, she examined the register's contents as it popped open with a "clickity-clackity, PING"
>her eyes danced across register compartments as her form slipped it's arms out of her floppy-skin duster before tossing it
>>177164Well that didn't work
>... gracefully dancing through the air before hooking on a standing coat-rack, bolted to the floor apparently, cuz otherwise unaffected by the bartender's coat, momentum, etc>she maintains her posture from the throw of the heavy garment, her head beginning to bob increasingly and more unmistakably to some unheard beat>again she slides over to the jukebox this time, and with a practiced finesse deposits one and then clickity-clackitys.https://youtu.be/MTijPpYLS6g?si=TvhpCO8l3FAFOMXHShe grooves along with the astonishingly synchronized music that begins playing on the PA
>the bartender wanders in, wearingnher customary sunglasses and duster-coat
>there's only one person in the bar, a snivelly looking fellow in an outfit thay reeks of government something
>she wanders around, inspecting the area, seemingly disinterested in his presence
>he is eating a plate of food, which is odd, because the bar isn't open yet
<Aye so ye're sill 'ere aint ye.
She says, finally turning in the man's direction.
"I told you before. I will remain until you have the means to be rid of me, miss..."
>As he finishes, or attempts to finish this sentence, she draws her revolver hand-canon and promptly splatters his brains all over the counter
<That ye did mate
[1d20+9 = (4+9) = 13]
"Hmmm? It looks like another no-show. It cannot be helped: their kind are just so easy to break afterall."
<Oh. Lass. AH think yer in th wrong place
>>178240 →Lol. You go threatening to kill people OOC, and you won't PVP OOC. All bark, no bite.
>>178244 →>realizesYou already failed the roll for that. If you want to fantasize your empty threats OOC, do it in a separate thread.
>>178248 →I don't care about your threats. I'm not afraid of you, and neither is my character.
You were targeted with a charm. The charm failed due to GM abjudication, then you failed your check to notice you were targeted. That's the end of the story.
>Is it still a good idea?I'd do it again. I'm not sorry anymore. If you don't like it, attack me. I dare you to. It you successfully kill me (which you won't), I'll just make another character.
>>178249No, it’s not “GM adjudication.” Player Characters don’t have stat block attitudes of “friendly/unfriendly.” They are not NPCs or monsters.
>but beholders have charm person!No shit. It’s for cohorts, monsters, or whatever. Show me where in the rules that players must obey diplomacy rolls or charm person when affected by it.
>>178247Imagine your character had been coopted, especially in advance of anything hostile
You wouldnt stand for it
Yiu in particular would probably br incensed. But Im supposed to be okay with it? No! You're already trying to take liberties with the game, and fuck off AND ALL with that.
>>17825 →>>178251Oh, go on, talk about spamming nigger
<Dunnae let th door hit yer on the way, as they say
>>178248 →I think it was a great idea. I'd do it again.
Too bad Rosey Ring can't try again for another 24 hours (and PC charm immunity that I was previously unaware of).
Don't like it? Respond in character.
<Some cunts, all full of themselves
>>178258Big talk coming from the guy who made 50+ posts threatening PVP and then backed out