Hey ponyfrens! Welcome to the grand re-opening of the Pony Pub, a thread I was eventually gonna get to re-bump and troll with after it hit 1000, but someone got tired of!
This is a casual thread to reference 'legitimate' threads/posts from, without derailing.
Out bartender/chef is a tulpa, and she and OP are just this side of batshit! But her food is amazing, so deal with it.
269 replies and 57 files omitted.
Any idea how weird it is for an insomniac to wake up, have to feed his cats, go back to sleep, and have to feed his cats again 12 hours later? And then go back to sleep? Fucking nuts.
Not gonna lie, these niggers were smart. Taking the box of bullets - while a crime - is alot less severe than taking the gun. It deprives me of the ability to reload (assuming I would go postal, which honestly didn't even cross my mind fwiw, as weird as I can be) but avoids the multiple felonies involved with unauthorized possession and/or unloading, as well as privacy and other laws associated with entering my room without cause. They knew there was a gun, I walked in the front door wearing it openly above muh dick; who knows, the presence of the gun may have saved me from a much worse outcome. Yes, it could have caused a much worse outcome, being out of my possession, but thats why next con I'ma have one of those pepper paintball pistols so I don't have to leave shit anywhere (other than the shit I leave everywhere Xp)
>After a whole day of cleaning the bar, just the bartender and purple-anon cleaning, sweeping, and picking up after the "weekend", both parties sit down, enjoying some - for once - earned beer
>The bartender lights a cigarette, as anon types away at his laptop, going through the process of archiving and then wiping his socials
>This is gonna take days, but that's okay
>The bartender looks up
<Oh, yeh, ye fergot me fookin nametag ye limey coont! How am Ah te stab people in the throat when I hug them without it!
>she chortles as he gives her the e_e face
<Ah shoot th' fook up, ye were right
>he smiles agreeingly
<But wha' 'ave ye lairned?
>He sighs
"Always at the hotel. AirBnB is a dice game.
"No alcohol until after the car is packed, no exceptions."
<Aye, boot yer fergettin' somethin'
"And that is? No, I got this. When I fuck up, even with the best of intentions, it brings everyone and everything down. Yes, it was manageable this time, but it could have turned out WAY worse. This cannot be allowed to happen again, and it Will not be. I will take all the necessary time and precaution, treating each con like "Now that that's out of the way, lets spend the next X months planning for the next con with the assistance of an AI because my autistic ass forgets fucking everything. I think that about sums it up."
>she tamps out her cigarette
<Ah think ye earned a bowl
>As she packs it, she snickers to herself; he gives her the E_e face
<Ah got te say the line
<Ahm nut a monstar, ahm a MINOTAUR!
"This bitch,...."
Oh! Right! E621
E621 PRIMARILY (aside from the smut site) refers to the following "Requirement" for conventions.
E(veryday) 6(hours of sleep) 2(squareish meals, and) 1(shower, please and for fucks sake).
Through (mostly?) no fault of my own - I'll happily speak to the insomnia and other things - my ratio this weekend went more in the neighborhood of (on average) e1.5.5.5
This isn't bragging (it is a flex tho), this is a statement of determination. I am capable of awesome shit! Dammit!
<Ye knaur them nigger-coonts were jealous cuz ye've got a better knife set than they do
"Thanks, I needed to hear that"
Yes yes, "Im not a monster, I'm a minotaur" is the prevailing theme for this thread and everything going forward. Looking for half-assed RP? This is the thread. Bored and looking for engagement? This is the thread. Trying to pass from the Abyss to the Hells, and think you can barter/negotiate/lie your way through and not get caught? This is the thread. ^_~
Looking at you like you should have seen this coming, the bartender fiddles with her phone.
<Ah fook off, ye shouldnt be surprised te find he's a faggit
Don't YOU start! We earned this! You of ALL "people" know what went into that!
I assume none of you know, but Blood and Thunder is like Fairy Tale; the most newbie friendly, but also about to murder a face or two. And Cowie the druid works day and night to be able to throw out the necessary drops. I have a reputation, well earned.
>Hey, fren,... thanks for keeping me alive that one time
<No, thanks for staying alive ^_^
You bastards ;_;
Cowie the Druid swims all night
<aye, every fookin day
In the Bay of Storms under pale moonlight
Thorium veins with a rich delight
Mining gems till the dawn breaks bright
<Fookin swipers
[Verse 2]
Blood and Thunder plays their tune
<THAT we do!
Guildmates laugh beneath the moon
Arcane crystals and sapphires blue
Hidden treasures for the chosen few
<okay, I had a think, and I honestly don't know how many people I've saved. Like, that's my thing; here, take this, don't die.
In the water's deep embrace
Cowie finds her special place
Gems and ore in a fluid race
A druid's calm in nature's grace
<It keeps people in the fight, thats what its about
[Verse 3]
Storms that roar with mighty clash
Waves and winds in a wild bash
Mined with purpose gems that flash
Thorium veins with a golden splash
Underneath the world's harsh glare
Cowie delves with utmost care
Riches found but none to spare
<So true, I'm always the one dying
For the druid who braves the stormy air
[Verse 4]
Night is long but she's not weary
Sea's as wild as a fabled fairy
Mining deep where it's quite scary
Filling bags in a quest so merry
>riches found but none to spare, for the druid who braves the stormy air
Ngl, that one gets me in the feels
Okay, I don't know how this nigger is doing it, but he made a second album.
https://suno.com/playlist/1f671d50-0b51-4f5d-b462-b1b11500eaeeIn this album we ask the ever-important question: Who's running floor spec?
yes e_e
<I'm gonna drag it fookin out
Yes e_e
<Ah git te tell ye I told ye so
Yes e_e
Alright, Ah (runs off)
Oh, you're gonna complain to me about absurd? Please
<Feck off, I am the fookin druid, among other things
Usuallly healing, but tonight shes tanking
<My my, have ye seen the weather report?
Yep. 100% chance of thunder
<Remember that dude we knew back in the day? MotherChode? He was quite the character
Salud, where and if ever you are chode
>The bartender expressionlessly wipes a glass, as that purple-faced shit bangs his way in the front door
"I promise, I'm not here to say Mares again, I came to grab my keys. I AM going to SAY Mares Mares Mares Mares, but I came for these. Also Mares,"
>he says, scooping the keys off the table with a jingle
>turning to the bartender he nods singularly and says
>before sprightly exiting the building
>the bartender sighs and lights her last cigarette
<He's been like this since the cup, both cuz the 3rd star and cuz marefair
>the bartender, now embroiled in a fierce texting match, vigorously and yet comically slams her emphatic thumb on the SEND button, sending off the message
<The fuck do you mean there's a Cozy Degurichaff? Who is this quotepony you're ranting about?
"I love pegasus vagina" The man with the fully erect penis and no pants said in a casual tone, while stroking his massive cock.
>>188280<Apologies for the wait good sir, you seem like ye might fancy a drink?
Neglectfully unsaged
Also while this is happening
https://suno.com/song/9bfb4c0a-273e-4953-93b8-92bc66d01542<Shut the FOOK up and do what ah tell ye
>>188280<Cow got yer tongue mate?>the bartender laughs>these motherfuckers think its her first time<While yer standin' there with yer dick in yer hand - by yer own fookin description (imagine), dunna ye have anything te say fer yerself?
<Ah'll take that fer a naur, so just bow out, ye faggit. Ye dinnae knaur which thread ye were fixin fer, and now yer in the shit innae? Fooks sake. Me own fookin thread. Shutup, I dunnae need no backtalkm Ill figure it right AND proper
>the bartender glances to the purple-faced nigger, who's halfway into a deli sandwich, in spite of the hour
<Ye knaurr Winter Wrap Up just got an unescapable head-canon upgrade. Like, we gotta watch outselves when this song plays
Yep, all in
>>188281"Sure, an orange juice please" he replied,
"and a napkin for my semen"
>>188289<Very cute. Tend te yerself in the bathroom, thanks.>she says, sliding forward a glass of NOT from concentrate oj, cuz principles, even to people trying to get their dick inappropriately wet
>is tanking again tonight
>its been endless since the song
>this is fine, this is what I live for
>don't tell them, I have an angry reputation to maintain
<An where de ya think YER goin?
I was gonna try and sleep some, actually
<Naur. Haven't ye seen the weather report?
<Well then grab yer trusty energy drink, cuz tonight its 100% chance of Thunder, mate
Sighs. Okay
>the bartender, fiddling with her phone again, causes another video to pop up on screen<Oh what, because you were watching CNN?https://youtu.be/J3kytewub_Y?si=adiQ_VrmdUVeHm1S
<Sorry mate, I meant te sage post. But while I'm on about ithttps://youtu.be/vsaKHichsBA?si=XPvGq3RbkHadH1j5
Unabashedly posted! Even without sage! You know who you are!
Thanks poner.
>>188567Cool song.
>>188568<Please, dunnae ye thank me mate, Ah'm just further down the line than ye.If'n ye wanna thank somepony, look up
>>188569Sorry of that was too ambiguous. What was implied is that the file was first made available by a timely post/contribution from someone on staff who may wish to not be credited for it? Idk. In any case, its his fault thatfor probably the next 3 weeks theres gonna be the very amplified sounds of the Movie coming from my cottage.
If you aren't intuiting the disingenuity of my 'irritation', what is actually happening is that anon - me - is irritated because he has something to be thankful to another forand he doesnt like that feeling, it makes him feel that he owes a debt. Yes,its just a youtube link, but the timing and all, this was a service dammit
Ah, weller fook me rightly, Ah finded another musical!
>>188639Saged, but of course "Come inside" worked Xp
>>188639Also saged, but this is how you deal with "Gods". They are generally unfamiliar with 'experience', and might need bowling-bumpers at first