Hey ponyfrens! Welcome to the grand re-opening of the Pony Pub, a thread I was eventually gonna get to re-bump and troll with after it hit 1000, but someone got tired of!
This is a casual thread to reference 'legitimate' threads/posts from, without derailing.
Out bartender/chef is a tulpa, and she and OP are just this side of batshit! But her food is amazing, so deal with it.
162 replies and 29 files omitted.
>>180198i check in every few months to make sure this place is still dead
>>180201You hate this place so much that you spend your time here just to hate on it more?
Sounds like a personal problem.
>>180194It's probably just the boomer still salty about getting banned.
>>180204no i checked in last in like july, and ill probably fuck off for another 6 months. anyways, fuck you and this shitty deadchan, goodbye
>>180196>>180197>>180199>>180201>>180203>>180206Nothing says "Im over it" like sperg-posting in a furry RP thread on an obscure website.
>>180208>>180205I think it's Sprucefrost and not the Boomer (boomer could capitalize words). Potentially it's Faux.
>>180217He should killhimself lol
>with absolutely zero explanation, Lenos' voice echoes from back in the office
>"Why are you coming at me with scissors?"
>an anon, this one purple-faced (as opposed to the common orange and green, or occasional red),....
>.. sidles up to the bar
>the Bartender makes no motion or gesture
>anon grabs the remote for the TV and starts flipping through videos
>tamping out her cigarette in a nearby ashtray, she addresses anon finally
<Las' call mate, ye orderin'?
"Screwdriver, easy on the Oj"
>The bartender raises an eyebrow
<One vodka on ice with an orange squeeze, comin up
<Alrigh'ye faggits! Las' fookin call! If'n ye ain't cookin', git the FOOK out!
<Merry Chistmas n shi tho
>nobody moves
<Ah fook it,....
>the bartender waves a hand, knowing ponies gonna
Cuz you know you're all my very best Friends
Merry Christmas Eve and to all a Happy Hearths Warming Eve as well!
Lit bit late, but...Merry Christmas every poner! Or should I say, happy hanukkah?
Hope everyone's having a good time tonight. If that's not the case, cheer up, fagget. There's always something to be grateful for. Plus there's 364 other days to be an emo bitch, plenty of time.
This thread? Srsly? Im noy complaining, but bruh
<Ye act like ye can do anythin
>>185917>>185921>>185967Merry Christmas and Happy Heart's Warming
>>185971>>185969Merry Christmas and Happy Heart's Warming to you too. Forgot to add link to your post.
>the bartender marvels for a moment, wondering how we got here
>at the samr time, like,... pretty much all the people she really likes are here or in the surrounding environment.
God dammit I love u faggots
No homo
Mare-y christmas Ms. Cow and host!!
The bartender wanders in from the back, softly singing "World on Fire", dropping the spent cigarette in her right hand, a long tube of rolled up paper held gently in her left so as not to crinkle it. She wanders over to a bare section of wall, unrolls the paper with a bit of a fluorish, like laying down new sheets,... and then realized the stapler is under the bar. She sighs, gingerly re-rolling it as she walks over to the bar to grab the shiny silver staple gun. Back over to the wall, and with a few clicks, a new poster adorns the wall.
<Ye couldnta,... ye had'te dinyu
<Alrigh', seeitappens'
Fuckit, its "not problematic if its my thread" right?
Alright, lets get into it.
Its a big knot.
Yes, gm could nudge us in the right direction,... but thats gay. If you cant be arsed to figure it out, maybe die. If all you tangental poli-sci faggots cant...
At the same time GM, [i]we dont know the scope, and speaking personally, I am in serious doubt my character is going to pull through, and thats A. the only thing I want anymore and B. Why hes facefirst with pounds of explosives.
Theres also something to be said for the fact that "In character" it SHOULD be nearing 10pm, and levels of character exhaustion might become applicable.
None of this is to criticize you. Youre doing amazing, and we (I assume to say) are as captivated BECAUSE. We're not knowingly making it hard, we're just stupid. Take all the time you need, and if I or (again presumptively) anyone else can make things easier for you/anyone, you have but to ask.
With love, Lacey's faggpt
>the bartender looks at the observer
<Eemajjin sharin headspace weeth thissur cunt
An ode to an old friend
<Feck off, its me own thread
Fun fact. Part of the reason I got into cooking was cuz one faggot was going on about potato recipes, so I got into a thing where EVERY DAY I would post a new potato recipe. After a while I started reading the recipes, and before long I was like "wait, I can do this,...." and before long, Potatoes Romanoff is now one of a handful of recipes I dont even need instructions for.
Part of my problem with the divide between myself and Posey is, he's been there for me in alot of ways and it really nothers me that we're at odds. I know, as I am freely observed to, I get a kick out of conflict. But that doesnt mean I'm happy. This os (hyperbolically?) killing me. Im not saying anyone is 'doing it', but I am saying that I havent been able to digest my food properly for months, easily and readily correlatable.
To anon: I genuinely didnt realize what I was doing, I'm sorry that I did it. Tell me which vein to cut and I will splatter 'myself' across the floor.
This bitch,....
These are the 3 causes by which one person does harm to another. Never eliminate any as a possibility, but never neglect 2 in favor of the one you know best, when you are assessing a situation.
And for anyone paying "extra-curricular" attention, I'll be relegating my shitposts and otherwise nonsense here, to avoid any post-deletion confusion
Edit: the exception is if I forget to either image or sagepost; in those cases I will delete as soon as I register the error
<Say it
And cus its kinda what this thread was created for. Oh come on, you remember how Nigel was that one time
>>187243Just saying, this thread was born of a desire to troll Nigel without derailing threads, by cross-linking replies.
>>>/ub/8246 →<A fermentrd egg yolk is all ye need te be betin thus fooker's recipeHe made me mad, I wanna destroy him (with flavor)