Ambergriff wonders her way through the bog at night, looking for safety. Silver leads a heroic assault on the infiltrators before they can destroy the city. Both will have to wake soon...
Hopefully Spark's line will continue soon as well.
>>167563>>167561>>167562>>167558As this comedy of errors in the posts proceeds, Amber must now discover for herself:
Is she only medium Sneaky? Or is she just the griffin to infiltrate the KaiserlicheBahn?
>>167564Do I roll move silently, or is it just a matter of looking inconspicuous?
>>167565Couldn't hurt to move silently. Amber is, unfortunately, largely deprived of her cuteness superpowers in this form.
>>167441The two medics finish bandaging up their respective ponies. The two ponies are as ready as they can be right now. Silver knows there are enemies across the street, although save for a few open windows, their location is not known with much precision.
Silver hears the roar of a plane, a changeling medium machine gun fire somewhere in the distance opening fire, and then multiple machine guns firing back.
>>167568>>167565Amber moves to the door, which she confirms is not locked, and opens it. It leads to a short hallway with foor doors, all along the right. The first is to a small room that seems to hold tickets. The second is for conductors. The third is for porters. The fourth is for guards.
>>167569Amber looks down at her own stature. Being such an old, wizened griff, Amber is certainly not suited for porter's work, let alone a guard's. It would be much riskier impersonating a conductor, and she has only a basic understanding of what a conductor actually does, yet if anygriff could pull off the look of a conductor, it would be her. Breathing in, Amber opens the door to the conductors' room and steps inside.
>>167567This is as good a moment to cross to the ministry as any. Silver naturally goes first, keeping his machine gun at the ready and keeping an eye out for any changeling attacks.
>>167570Breathes in[1d20 = 2]>>167571Just run across? With no cover?
>>167570Amber sees that there is a griffin inside of the room, sitting in a chair and reading some sort of novella, but in a position that he'd clearly see Amber as she entered. On the positive side, it
does appear that that are uniforms on a rack by the wall
>>167572I mean, is there any cover?
>>167574Covering fire, or something like smoke. There is no physical cover to cross.
>>167575Covering fire would mean leaving someone behind, and as far as I know they lack anything like smoke grenades in their arsenal.
>>167572>>167573Amber walks in as if nothing is amiss. "At least the weather is decent," she grumbles to nopony in particular.
>>167577The griffin looks up towards Amber
[1d20 = 12]>>167576The radio carried by the white pegasus spontaneously plays a message that Silver can tell comes from the Brigadier General:
"Per Magister Mannis, 'Broken Back' protocols have been enacted. All reserve equipment is now available."
>>167577>>167578"You just get here?" The griffin asks, looking back to his novella and not at Amber
>>167578Before Silver goes, this gives him an idea.
"Can you radio in and request they fire smoke artillery shells into street?"
>>167580"I can ask" He says. He speaks into the radio
"Are smoke rounds available for the north side of the Transit Ministry?"
[1d20 = 3]
>>167580>>167581The response is quick
"Negative. We're working on bringing in mortars. But they are not here yet."
>>167578>>167579Amber nods nonchalantly. "Yeah. They're a little worried about being understaffed today so they're calling in a few extra griffs, specifically those retired or close to retirement."
>>167583The white pegasus just gives the radio to Silver.
"The mortars exist, it's just a matter of getting them there quickly enough... Planes are circling... There's a tank."
>>167584He raises an eyebrow
"You're close to retirement?"
>>167585"What kind of armament are those planes carrying?"
>>167585"Looking forward to it. I've been saving up for a nice little cottage in Feathisia. Can't come soon enough."
>>167586".50 Caliber Machine guns and 5 inch rockets." He answers
>>167587"How?" He asks. "Hard to believe anyone could go without a job who isn't landed."
"Heh" He leans back
>>167588"Hmm, okay, how long until mortars are ready to fire?"
>>167589"Could be... ten minutes?"
>>167590"Дерьмо...every minute we wait is another we risk them setting off any bomb they have. We could use straffing runs on north side of transport ministry so we can cross street to enter building."
>>167592Silver calls over the radio:
"We need straffing runs on north side of Transit Ministry to keep changelings pinned while we cross to ministry."
>>167593"This is Flash Magnus Squadron Leader requesting clarification: Strafing run from North to South for suppression, or strafe in circle Southeast to Northeast for effect?"
>>167588Amber smiles back. Hopefully it doesn't seem forced. "Scrimping and saving is the way. Oh and how I've done without the finer things in life for far too long." She shrugs ruefully. "But I will have to go without for a little longer." Amber puts on the conductor's uniform.
>>167594"Straffing run North to South for suppression."
>>167595>Ruefully"If only I had the same luxury. Humph."
Amber now has on the conductor's uniform.
>>167596"Roger that. In holding position. Making run in 15..."
>>167597"Alright everypony, get ready to run.'
>>167598Silver hears the roar of the plane get closer and closer, and then
TAT TAT TATSilver can hear bullets pellet the edge of the building he's in, and at points, break through the roof, causing splinters of wood and chips of paint to slowly rain down inside the structure.
>>167597"Best of luck with the shift today," Amber says as she goes out the door, apparently ready to do this job. She opens the door she came in from, and gives a casual nod in the direction of the group. She then goes the other way, in the direction listing the departing trains.
>>167599Silver stays calm and looks out to the transit ministry, waiting for the stream of bullets to begin hitting the building for the signal to run.
>>167600Amber sees the set of arrivals and departures. Trains come in from far away - From Middlehiem to Helhiem to Griffinhiem, or Luxwingbird to Reitschied to Vinnin to Griffinhiem, or Osnabeak to Vinnin to Griffinhiem, or from Katerinburg to Griffinhiem, or all the way from Bronzkreuz to Crona... or From Hellquill to Beakua to Soldau... And all of these back again on the departures. Trains are pretty regular, about every 40 minutes.
The other griffins move past Amber
>>167601The ponies move to the left of the building, to the vestibule outside of the main room, and to the wide, wooden doors. Silver hears the "thud thud thud" of bullets hitting the building, and then across to the transit ministry. Then he hears a few bullets fire from presumably within the transit ministry. Another roar, and another plane moves in, making another run.
>>167602As the second run begins, Silver shouts out "GO GO GO!" as he runs out towards the transit ministry.
>>167602Amber looks for and makes a mental note of the train that will depart to Hellquill, if there is one there. If there is, does it look like it is at an early stage of readiness?
[1d20 = 18][1d20 = 13][1d20 = 8]>>167603With more TAT TAT TAT's, the planes fly overhead. Silver can hear that they tend to hit the upper two floors of the transit ministry, and often hit the building from which they came. Sometimes, the bullets move a little lower, and closer to the street than desired. Silver can hear that at least one changeling is trying to shoot back at the passing planes, or at least does so twice. The shots in response are only a few taps.
Silver looks across to see that there are windows a couple feet above the ground level, some of which are shattered. A few have brick protrusions beneath the windows
[1d20 = 4]
>>167604>>167606Not yet. Arriving in 15 minutes.
>>167607Amber, like any self-respecting conductor, checks her pocket watch, and waits a few minutes for her friends to emerge.
>>167605Seems like a well-suited entry point into the building when he makes it to the other side...assuming the changelings don't spot them.
>>167608Her friends emerge after probably two minutes, all dressed in uniforms, though it seems they are porters (for Helder and Erich) and an assistant conductor (for Federklied).
Amber can see that they are not alone, however, with another staff member walking from the central ticket hall to a train at the platform, and at least one police officer moving along the platform.
>>167609But as the ponies are crossing, there is more "TAT TAT TAT"
[1d20 = 7][1d20 = 1][1d20 = 2][1d6 = 4]
>>167611Can Silver see where from?
>>167611>>167609It's a distance of perhaps 70 feet, with the center being dirt, and the last 15 feet being poured concrete. It's only perhaps two windows that are open, and both require somewhat slowly moving into the window. Silver makes it across, then Streak, the purple stallion, the white stallion, each of the medics, and eventually Azula....
Silver can guess it's likely the third-floor window three over to the right.