Ambergriff wonders her way through the bog at night, looking for safety. Silver leads a heroic assault on the infiltrators before they can destroy the city. Both will have to wake soon...
Hopefully Spark's line will continue soon as well.
>>167211Corpse 1 (pale horse) isn't a corpse at all, but a living, breathing colt: Gloomy Glow. Gloomy was an orphaned colt, captured and cultivated by the Coven of Blood to harvest for blood and to sacrifice as a potential slaymate. He was given to Posie as a reward for her excellence in her studies. Posie has not yet expended him, but kept him alive, raising him as her informally adopted "son". She herself doesn't completely understand why she hasn't killed him already; perhaps something about him reminded her of the childhood she never had. She keeps him as something like a pet, spoiling him with hugs, kisses and treats, and attends to his withering health. She comforts him when he's in distress (which is often) and reassures him that everything will be alright (gaslighting) when he worries. She reads him stories and lulls him to sleep, resting beside him in calm meditation
Although Posie's treatment may seem merciful at a glance, her choice to raise Gloomy might be her greatest act of cruelty: her upbringing as a thrall in the Coven of Blood did not teach her to make equal relationships with other ponies, and her mercy is more for her enjoyment and ambition than his wellbeing. Gloomy, like Posie, was a product of dysgenics, modified to be an ideal sacrifice. As a living creature, he's not immune to the taint, and thus he's ravaged by illness that stems from magical corruption, and the depravity of magic torments his mind making him a dream walker in a perpetual nightmare. His tomb tainted soul means that his chronic illnesses resist conventional medicine and magical treatment, and he's dependent on Posie's touch to find comfort from his illness.
Perhaps worst of all, Gloomy was made as a sacrifice for an Eldritch being from beyond the void, a beast of pure darkness that haunts him, seeking to use him as a gate. In his nightmares he has visions of a shadow swallowing the entire world, the antilife, Tenebrous. His fear of The Shadow is greater than his fear of death.
Posie is well aware of this, which is what sparked her interest in Gloomy. When Gloomy was first presented to her, he was in a sorry state, ravaged by the vestige of The Shadow, and yet he lived. He clung to his last shreds of life and sanity despite under spiritual pressure that would have killed any other mortal. In all her unlife, Posie had never witnessed a creature with such a strong will, and reminded him of her mission. The vampires who ruled The Coven of Blood were so hedonistic and selfish in their hubris that most of them had forgotten the true purpose of their religion: to defeat Death itself. When she met Gloomy, a pathetic creature that begged for death and yet still continued to survive, she was so inspired she fell in love, something she thought was beneath her as a sigma-mare undead ubermensch. She wanted to coddle him and spoil him and save him from the ravages of age, and so she took him under her cloak. Posie believes that Gloomy can conquer The Shadow and bend it to his own will. She intends to make him her apprentice as soon as she's emancipated by her master, and teach him to channel his Dark Powers as a true Tenebrous Apostate. If not... He's make an excellent Slaymate.
Unlike Posie's undead thralls, Gloomy is a living creature, and Posie has no magical control over him. Until he becomes her actual apprentice, he is merely a tagalong NPC that will not join in combat. If the DM wishes, he could roleplay Gloomy, as his personality is subject to the influence of The Shadow and inconsistent. In this case, his level of depravity from possession by The Shadow might be so high that it causes him to take random, unexplained actions if the plot demands or have prophetic visions.
Names subject to change.
I will post their character sheets here later. It's been a while since I played 3.5e. I'm used to Ponyfinder.
Alright, let me write up some background fluff just to be sure you understand the setting
In the autumn of Sol Solis 1006, the Changeling Hegemony proceeded with its most ambitious plan yet to attack Equestria: a simultaneous replacement of both princesses in Canterlot, of the royal couple in the Crystal City, and of the six ponyville friends. The plan failed when the Master of the Crystalling awoke, fled, and tripped on the floor, alerting the crystal guards. Though many within the hegemony contend, not without merit, that the plan was very nearly a success, Queen Chrysalis's lesson from the failure was the infiltration was too contingent, and too risky. A full frontal assault, costly though it may be, was the best, and perhaps only way to secure love for her overpopulated and starving empire.
Over in Equestria, the rulers were not fazed by this near success of their enemies, but only emboldened in pursuing their chosen path further. Princess Twilight, well on the rise politically after a string of successes, believed that her duty as princess was to spread friendship and harmony. Just as she had before spread it among her friends, then among her town, then among Equestria, now it was her duty to spread friendship and magic across all of the world. After all, if the races of ponies, who once hated each other, could unit in Harmony, and find themselves stronger for it, why not the same for the griffins, zebras, and hippogriffs?
Across the sea, the lands of the griffins had not recovered from the loss of the Idol of Boreas that once united their peoples. More than a dozen smaller successor states had sprung up, and among these forms of government varying from Equestrian style harmony, to feudalism, to despotism, to merchant rule, to mob rule, to communism and fascism took hold and attempted to spread. The larger of these successor states compete with one another to consume their neighbors, and ultimately claim the now vacant title of Empire of all Griffonia.
On the shores of Griffonia remains the Equestrian settler colony of New Mareland. The now former Equestrian dominion has for hundreds of years been more firmly integrated into the economics and politics of Griffonia, and the fall of the Griffin Empire hit the export based economy of New Mareland especially hard, and what would have been a simple recession turned into a great depression. The ponies of New Mareland do not see in the griffins potential future friends and converts to harmony, as Twilight does, but very real and very dangerous present enemies. New Mareland declared independence from Equestria in 1008. The radical far right party known as the Blackhooves took power. The politics of New Mareland are complicated, nuanced, and subject to interpretation, but the gist of what is important is that the Blackhooves and their leader, Duke Erebus Haygle, believe that New Mareland must establish an empire in Southern Griffonia with captive markets in order to secure itself.
Back over in Equus, the old Griffin colony reestablishes itself after a civil war. The original break away state of political radicals, Stalliongrad, continues its experiment after the death of its great leader Steel Stallion. To the outside observer, the state appears inwardly focused on its own problems, having given up the dream of being only one of many federated soviet republics. But the dream is not cancelled nor even deferred, but carried on through more subtle means.
In 1010, across the ocean in Griffonia, Duke Haygle and New Mareland proceeded in their design to carve out an empire in Southern Griffonia, invading and colonizing several underdeveloped, backwater griffonian successor states. This blatant departure from the principles of harmony - as perceived by Twilight, anyways - enraged Equestria, and after a period of failed negotiations, lead to the declaration of war between the nations, though exactly who declared war on who is up to dispute, and for more than a year this war proceeded as a phony war.
But this was not the most important event of that year for Equestria: Queen Chrysalis proceeded across the Equestrian border with more than a million drones. But the Equestrians knew they were coming, and fought valiantly in resistance. For two long years, the Changelings slowly ground their way through the sons and daughters of Equestria, slowly carving out an empire of their own in Pony lands. This was the largest war Equestria had ever seen, with millions under arms, a million dead, and vague memories of the Empire of Tambelon and of Quetzlecoatl in those pre-Equestrian days offering the only vague analogies to the present situation.
The war against New Mareland, fought through proxy by griffin powers, had seemed to be on hiatus, or to have scarcely existed at all to those in Equestria. Or so it had seemed until hundreds of thousands of New Mareland soldiers arrived on Equestrian soil, ferried across the ocean in hundreds of warships and freighters captured from the griffins. Equestria, probably already loosing, collapsed quickly under a two front war. Equestria's leaders surrendered (mostly), and the state was split in two between the changelings and New Mareland, while a few equestrians and her allies in Aris and Aquelia continue the war. The changelings enacted a brutal regime, while New Mareland split its territories amongst separate collaborationist governments, and sent its soldiers back across the ocean to continue its wars.
The changeling zone ends only a few miles from the outskirts of the city of Canterlot. It is unknown why Chrysalis will allow that long coveted city to remain outside of her black and twisted hooves, but the odds on favorite answer is that she will not, and it is only a matter of time until the New Mareland lands are invaded as well. Meanwhile, all across Equestria, the memory of harmony dies hard, and ponies prepare a resistance to take back what was once theirs.
>>167214Is all of this information considered to be common knowledge that new characters would know?
>>167215Some of the information, like the internal motivations of Chrysalis and what have you, would be unknown, but the more general political realities like "this part of Equestria is under nominal New Mareland rule" should be well known anywhere in the world.
>>167214Do you have a map of the current geopolitical situation? With Equestria at War lore there comes maps. You mentioned the Griffonian continent; has Griffonia become an empire yet?
>metaphorically detached from the rest of the Griffonian continentThanks to the Arcturian Order, yeah. That would change if the Arcturian Order fell though. Not sure what the situation is there.
>>167216Then I would roleplay my character respectively. A mage from an isolated northern wasteland probably wouldn't know all that much about international politics anyway.
>>167214>fall of the Griffin EmpireNevermind that last question. I missed that part.
>>167211>>167212I can work with this.
Use of Caligo and Frenzied thresher would probably be restricted for at least the first few missions, though
>>167217I could probably make one, although admittedly the maps are kind of vague because of indeterminacy.
>GriffoniaThe empire under the Archon has united the Hearzlands. Basically the Empire, Aquelia, and Wingbardy are the big griffin states with most of the Evi river valley and southern griffonia under New Mareland rule, and Cloudbury, Vedina, and the northern griffin socialist republic still existing
>Arcturian OrderProbably very shortly before the Dread League attack on the Arcturian Order.
I suppose your character can find out things in real time. I just wanted the basics to be said
>>167219>very shortly before the Dread League attack on the Arcturian Order>I suppose your character can find out things in real time.I suppose my character would have to hurry up with her missions then, because once the Arcturian order falls the league becomes the enemy of every country and characters from there would be international criminals.
>Use of Caligo and Frenzied thresher would probably be restricted for at least the first few missionsThat's fine. They would basically just be zombies until Posie reached a level to make them proper cohorts (6-9ish).
>the maps are kind of vague because of indeterminacyUnderstandable.
I will write up statblocks this week. Since the other players appeared to have just posted stats right on the board, I'll do the same.
>>167195>Necromancy in the campaign has been treated as evil and something belonging to a forgotten past. I don’t think a “living” necromancer has been seen in the campaign.>I suppose a Dreas Leafye style necromancer could show up there.. but it would be something of an alien element to the city.I probably should have opened with this, but is an old-school Dread League necromancer with a medieval mindset from northern Griffonia welcome in this game? The descriptions I wrote yesterday might give you the impression that the character is just going to kill everything she meets, but that's not the intention. I thought the semi-grimdark war theme plus the split party would make it a cool idea, but I don't want to waste your time or embarrass myself with a character that would just antagonize the party or mess up your setting if that's not cool with everyone. It also goes without saying that the character is evil, although that could be subject to change with character development.
There's also the thing about the Mentor/Master. Making up an NPC questgiver for a new player is a tall order so if you don't want to do that, it's fine. I was looking at the rules for apprentices:
>The DM should develop the mentor's statistics. A mentor has a base level of 5th, modified by the apprentice's Charisma bonus (if any) and by the following situations. These situations only apply when the feat is first taken; if any of these situations change at a later date (for example, the apprentice's alignment changes), the mentor's level does not change.This overall adds up to about 11 to 15 for a potential. I could write up an NPC statblock if you wanted too. I just want my master to be the necromancer who made me. I'm okay with it if they're not present or relevant to the story.
>Based on quest completion.This is fine by me. I just remembered that 3.5 edition has a lot of things that use XP as a price, a big difference from Pathfinder. There are things I might want to use for in character creation, so I would like to just pay it all at once and start at a lower level of that's okay with you.
>Historically, this has been the Eastside TavernWhere is that on the map? Like, what city? Who controls the area?
>>167214Is it clear what happened to the princesses and Equestrian leadership? It's probably not really relevant to my character, but I'm curious.
>that recent historyLooks like the situation in Equestria is pretty fucked right now. Idk who are supposed to be the 'good guys' here, but that doesn't matter to Posie because she's a 'bad guy'. I said earlier that Posie would have a binding that would prevent her from causing mayhem that would interfere with the Dread League's infiltration or diplomacy goals in Equestria, so maybe I should stick to the meat grinder if I want to steal bodies and kill things. Any suggestions for more chaotic places where an ambitious necromancer might go to kill without consequences or study the impure arts? Visiting the places where our glorious leader Rosa once lived sounds like a cool quest too.
>>167220>I suppose my character would have to hurry up with her missions then, because once the Arcturian order falls the league becomes the enemy of every country and characters from there would be international criminals.Well, for one, the Dread League doesn't initiate the Black Crusade for several years after the invasion of Arcturius, and the invasion itself will take some time. Also, the game has had... a slow pace, in terms of in game time.
But this really raises a more interesting and important question. How will she enter the country? Will she be smuggled in through bribes and freighters? Will she just take a train across Griffonia and walk through immigration? That latter approach may work, but Gloomy Glow may be rejected if he looks like he is diseased.
>is an old-school Dread League necromancer with a medieval mindset from northern Griffonia welcome in this game?Uh... I think so? What do you mean by that? Equestria and especially Griffonia are pretty medieval.
>I don't want to waste your time or embarrass myself with a character that would just antagonize the party or mess up your setting if that's not cool with everyone. It also goes without saying that the character is evil, although that could be subject to change with character development.Basically just refrain from random killing, at least within city limits, and it should be fine. Think of it this way. Baltimare is a very large, very dense city where every gunshot and nearly every scream would be heard. Every missing pony will have at least one witness to see them earlier that same night. And the city has a large, active police force, although by Equestrian standards its pretty crime ridden.
At the same time, there's quite a few ways to play "evil," and more than one character has already done it.
>Where is that on the map? Like, what city? Who controls the area?The main setting, or at least the start of the setting, takes place in the city of Baltimare on the Equestrian East Coast. Baltimare is a smaller metropolis, and the and poorest of the three large Equestrian Coastal cities - but it's still one of the three great Equestrian coastal cities. Something like 600,000 ponies live within the city limits, and about the same in the surrounding areas. Baltimare is located at the mouth of the Delemare River, and at the western most end of Horseshoe Bay. Marshes are located on the southern part of the bay, and a peninsula to the north. Outlying towns like North Point on the coast north of Baltimare have been featured as well. Baltimare is fairly small geographically, with the more often seen eastern half only a few miles across.
The different neighborhoods in Baltimare have been explored in some depth, particularly in the stretch between the city center, which is mostly commercial, and the Horse Shoe Bay, which is a city planner's nightmare of factories, warehouses, and aging tenement buildings overflowing with migrant laborers.
Baltimare is firmly within the New Mareland occupation zone, under the civil administration of the Baltimare Governate. The vast majority of governmental decisions, like social welfare and criminal justice, are performed by the local council, which is controlled by the collaborationist Social Democratic Party, the long-standing leftwing rulers of Baltimare.
>Making up an NPC questgiver for a new player is a tall order so if you don't want to do that, it's fine.Nah, character writing is fun
>I just want my master to be the necromancer who made me.I have a suspicion the master will not be the quest giver
>Is it clear what happened to the princesses and Equestrian leadership?The four princesses surrendered to Changeling Custody. The other characters have varied and less obvious fates.
>Looks like the situation in Equestria is pretty fucked right now.Yes.
>Idk who are supposed to be the 'good guys' hereThe """good guys""' would presumably be the Equestrian Liberation Front, who seek to restore Equestria to something like the status quo ante bellum. This particular faction, however, is less popular than true leftwing pollical factions in Baltimare and has not featured prominently, save for an appearance when they stopped a train outside of the Everfree Forest. Of course "good" is a matter of perspective, and there are options for a communist, fascist, anarchist, or changeling dominated Equestria, as well as plenty of options if all you want is money or mares.
>I said earlier that Posie would have a binding that would prevent her from causing mayhem that would interfere with the Dread League's infiltration or diplomacy goals in Equestria, so maybe I should stick to the meat grinder if I want to steal bodies and kill thingsJust refrain from random murder and it will probably be fine. Any normal action adventure game is going to accumulate a huge body count anyways. I'm sure she'll kill plenty of ponies, diamond dogs and what have you just in the normal course of questing.
>Any suggestions for more chaotic places where an ambitious necromancer might go to kill without consequences or study the impure arts?Well, there's a low grade civil war going on, and proper wars in other parts of the world. I suppose there are options. But the easiest solution may just be to join a faction and kill on their behalf.
>Visiting the places where our glorious leader Rosa once lived sounds like a cool quest too.That's an idea
>>167227>How will she enter the country?I didn't really think of that, but I guess it's logical to start with entry.
>Will she be smuggled in through bribes and freighters?Well, a convenient thing about being dead is that you can just place yourself at the bottom of a shipping container beneath a bunch of turnips or something and nobody will notice. That's how vampires do it in various media.
I figured someone in the Dread League would have interests in sending agents to Equestria, since the Coven Of Blood specializes in diplomacy and the Society Of Bones specializes in Infiltration.
>Will she just take a train across Griffonia and walk through immigration?I could do that too. I was making a Charisma character that would be semi-decent at negotiations (mostly deception and intimidation). Posie herself can pass for alive quite easily.
>Gloomy Glow may be rejected if he looks like he is diseasedI'm currently looking to see how I can have a tainted NPC with low Con and Wis without him just dying; his sickness would be supernatural, not medical, so it wouldn't register on tests. Most of it could internalized, so I could just talk it out and say he has allergies and touch him up with a deception or disguise check.
Or I could spend some money on a forged passport and say I'm transporting him to seek foreign medical care. Whatever would work.
I considered just spending some starting gold to have some zombie dire bat or dragon corpses reanimated that could fly us across the borders at night.
>Equestrian East Coast.Okay.
>Marshes are located on the southern part of the bay>poorest of the three large Equestrian Coastal cities>a city planner's nightmare of factories, warehouses, and aging tenement buildings overflowing with migrant laborersSounds like paradise for a black mage.
>What do you mean by that?I meant medieval, but since you mentioned tanks and heavy artillery I thought the ponies here might have postmodern dispositions.
>master will not be the quest giverOkay. I'll just send them tithes in the mail.
I'm going to make the character level four to account for XP costs. If that results in me having to wait a long time to get to the level where I can actually personally raise my own undead (lvl 8ish), that's okay with me.
>>167211>>167212So the gist of mechanics is:
>PosieUnseelie Necropolitan (vampire aesthetic) Unicorn. Dread Necromancer 3-4 major vampiric and fey bloodlines (expensive, but coo). Doesn't spec into Metamagic or spellcasting at all, but instead focuses on expanding her necromantic powers and fey heritage to give her nifty 1/day spells. Charismatic fearmonger build who uses intimidation-based tactics and debuffs in combat, and falls back on her charnel touch if forced into melee. Very few actual skill points, but deceptive and seductive.
>FrenziedDustform-Incarnate Necropolitan (ghoul aesthetic) Earth pony: "warrior who died thrice". Barbarian 1-2, Warrior (NPC class) 1. Tainted Raver. Literally too angry to die. Very much of a "chaos warrior" thing going on there. The red horseman is associated with fire, but I think he'd be interesting if he were vulnerable to fire instead. Str/Cha build. Very scary intimidator.
Cost, about 900 gp, possibly up to four times more. Posie has to remain superior and telepathically control him at all times.
>CaligoNecropolitan (skeletal aesthetic) Pegasus. Nightstalker 1-2, Expert (NPC class) 1. Stealthy skillmonkey with limited combat powers. Disgraced plague doctor. Alchemy skills and minor divine spellcasting. Very stealthy. Vulnerable to fear based effects due to coward flaw.
Cost: around 900 gp, Posie would have to control him.
>GloomyBinder 2. Major Demonic bloodline. Possession by Tenebrous puts in a state of constant hopelessness, and he's still learning to channel its powers. Does not participate in combat. If forced into dangerous situations, uses the Darkness to flee. Major demonic bloodline enables him to bind Tenebrous, and he can only bind Tenebrous. Lichloved feat prevents Posie's zombies from eating him.
Cost: at least 1600 gp. Posie would have no magical control over him, and you need to rely on Charisma skills to make him do anything unusual.
Gibs Money Character sheeit:
Ingeligence: 2 "Ah do that fancy book learnin' stuff. Mah brain is as big as mah dick foo!"
Constitution: 20 "Ah, can eat all the fast-food mutherfucker and I still wouldn't die. If a was one of them superheroes, I be the cockroach man."
Witchdoctor: 5
Skull-shinking: 3
Runningfrom the popo: 8
Cannabalism: 1
Rioting: 8
>>167254Do you by any chance have an actual character sheet too? I could use an example to see what the rest of the party is going with.
>>167250I know this game doesn't use formal XP, but I want to know if I'm allowed to pay XP costs during character creation. Asking for the sake of bloodlines: I can reduce my level to account for XP costs would determine if I start at level 5, 4 or 3. I'm interested in major vampire and fey bloodlines on Posie. I need to know before I finish the sheet.
>>167237>Well, a convenient thing about being dead is that you can just place yourself at the bottom of a shipping container beneath a bunch of turnips or something and nobody will notice.Uh, how does she sustain herself? By being "an endless well of entropy"?
I suppose she could probably just walk through immigration with an Arcturian Passort, and apply for a business visa claiming she's there for a tour of east coast factories, giving over a pair of odd suits of armor to one of the wealthy factory owners they are visiting. (That would still leave Gloomy requiring explanation, but something like that). Or hide away in a ship
>I was making a Charisma character that would be semi-decent at negotiations (mostly deception and intimidation)Be forewarned. This is a pre-me too world that does not understand the concept of sexual "harassment"
>I considered just spending some starting gold to have some zombie dire bat or dragon corpses reanimated that could fly us across the borders at night.I mean... maybe? That's crossing several thousand miles of ocean. Any actual biological creature couldn't make it. Also, there
may be radar stations. It'd probably be easier to take a boat at least most of the way there.
>I meant medieval, but since you mentioned tanks and heavy artillery I thought the ponies here might have postmodern dispositions.I'm still not really sure what you mean by that. If what you mean by "medieval" is having a contemptuous and superior attitude towards the common ponies, that won't go over well with the common ponies, who think that because of whatever socialist ideology that they are equal, whatever that means.
The setting is supposed to approximately parallel the United States of 1943 (although as stated before, Baltimare itself is more inspired by Spanish Civil War era Barcelona). Political philosophy, ideology and the disputes between ideologies is a large part of the theming of the game, with a diverse array of characters having a diverse array of beliefs. On the whole, morality is supposed to be around about as close to the 1940s as I can figure. Most will be religious to some degree or other, some will be highly superstitious, some lukewarm, and a few scientific materialists. Racism will be vastly more tolerated on the whole that in our world, though not by everyone. Sexual morality will be much stricter than in our world (by which I mean it exists) and whores generally won't be respected, although some libertines do indeed exist. There are only two genders, homosexuality is no longer criminally punished but is pretty strongly frowned upon and is not sanctioned by the State in the form of marriage
although if you want to argue about lyra and bon bon in the finale I suppose we can have that conversation, hormonal birth control does not exist (though condoms are legal and widely available) so mares have to be careful about who they have sex with. Political ideologies still think that Utopia can be reached, and there is widespread belief in the perfectibility of pony nature and perhaps all creatures.
By contrast, females in the workplace, in leadership roles, and in the military is not controversial in pony lands, although conscription still mostly targets males, and military service strongly tends male. Whereas in our world all political ideologies claim to deliver freedom, and evil is defined as oppression and tyranny, in Occupied Equestria, all political ideologies claim to be the true version of Harmony, and evil is disharmony. The government intervening in your personal friendships is of course considered to be within the bounds of the normal function of the State, as the purpose of the State includes the moral perfection of its subjects.
>>167254But how will fair when given the clot shot?
Looks like he can't run so well when passed out drunk
>>167280>how does she sustain herself?Just hibernating and waiting it out.
>I suppose she could probably just walk through immigration with an Arcturian Passort, and apply for a business visa claiming she's there for a tour of east coast factories, giving over a pair of odd suits of armor to one of the wealthy factory owners they are visiting. (That would still leave Gloomy requiring explanation, but something like that).I think I'll go with that.
>This is a pre-me too world that does not understand the concept of sexual "harassment"Good. Let the harassment commence. Bring it on.
>probably be easier to take a boat at least most of the way there.Alright then.
>all political ideologies claim to be the true version of HarmonyAh, yes. The undead-supremacists who want the Lich-queen and Vampire coven to magically dominate everyone and snuff out all life are the true harmony ^:)
Then again, I think that's what they believe in Karnath, a couple citystates in Athas, and the Githyanki empire, so that's a not-unprecedented worldview.
>>167279It looks like Unseelie creatures can't be Necropolitan anyway, so forget about the fey bloodline stuff. It was just a greedy snowflake blend of two conflicting concepts anyway. Gonna stick with the pseudo-vampire theme.
>>167284Equestrian ideologues. Foreigners can do whatever
>>167291How much of a role does local politics play in the game? This kind of mileau is new to me in d&d.
Also, is there a thing you want me to do to meet up with the rest of the party?
>>167292>local politicsBasically as much as the player wants it to. It appears more or less as motivation for the various factions, and why they do what they do.
As for how, well, let me figure out what the other players will be doing.
>>167092Walking across the checkered wooden floor, covered in shattered glass, dust, and splinters, Silver peaks through the tall, open windows at the building across the street.
Roll Spot
Starting gold roll
[4d4 = 10]
Glad someponies are trying to restart the game.
>>167321Looking across the small, non-existent street, Silver can see two windows are fully open, and a couple more are fully shot out. There are about two more than that "cracked" open, and more than that with bullet holes. One of the windows is the same that the automatic rifle was at, in front of and a bit to the left of Silver. The other is much further to the right.
>>167047Amber and the group walk forward into the small village and towards the pier for the ferry across the Griffking to Kronburg. The Knights seem mostly concerned with themselves, and Amber's group tries to simply walk past them, acting as non-conspicuously as possible. This seems to work, as though one looks over to them, the knights pay the group no mind as Amber and company walk onto the small wooden pier and wait for the ferry to cross. There are other griffins there. Not many, perhaps a dozen or so others. A few look like they are locals who must cross the river on a daily basis, a few are merchants who must cross with some regularity, but a few appear to have longer term plans like Amber and the group. One traveler has two suitcases with him. One merchant - Amber can't tell if he intend to cross the river or not - approaches Amber, and attempts to sell her kebabs.
Amber can actually see the ferry, further east and up the river, slowly crossing. It's one level, enclosed, though with a pilothouse on top of the cabin at the front, low to the water with an all white color scheme, and a big black smoke stack past the middle towards the back creating a pilar of smoke that is visible now from over a mile away. Looking at it right there, Amber has reason to think that they can just get on and cross... until that hope is dashed.
One of the knights comes towards the group. Erich and Federklied volunteer Helder to speak with the leader of that group, a beige, sharp beaked griffin in shining armor who stands just a little taller than the rest. The knight starts off by asking Helder who they are, and where they are going. Helder tells him the same story he gave much earlier - that they are going to funeral of the relative of a friend in Kronburg. The knight asks away, and Helder tries to hold his own. But he seems to be slipping.
As Amber looks over to the ferry which cannot come soon enough, the rising sun reflects obnoxiously off of the water, reflecting into her eyes. A knight approaches Amber. He's a canary yellow color, not wearing armor. He looks over to Amber's viol.
"That's a nice violin you have there." He says to Amber
>>167332Amber nods cautiously as she thinks of a way to relieve the pressure off Helder. "It is my one possession I cherish the most. Would you care for some music as we wait for the ferry?"
>>167333The griffin smiles as if he's "caught" Amber; like he believes she cannot play, or that the viol is filled with smuggled items.
"Sure. Play on."
>>167334Amber carefully takes the viol and bow out of the case, checks to make sure the instrument is tuned, and slowly starts to play. In her mind's eye she tentatively reaches out as she had the previous night. This time, however, she does not try to evoke fear but a tranquil, even sluggish emotion through her music.
>>167336These are trained and stolid knights, if they have their sights set on the party it is for a darned good reason and they will not let up for a mere busker's performance. Amber is so close and cannot risk it; she must go deeper.
>>167337Amber presses the bow against the string. She is tired. Very tired. It will not be easy to summon the same passion she had last night. Perhaps it will not be necessary. the light shining in Amber's eyes is annoying, but it serves a purpose to keep her awake. The subtle shifts in the light as the waves reflect and refract the sun serve a further purpose in that the small waves of the relatively calm river inspire the motions of her smooth movements back and forth along the string, while her state of mind imbues her music with an almost somnolent quality.
The knight looking towards Amber opens his mouth in evident surprise, and soon, everygriffin on the pier takes notice of Amber's song.
>>167338Did the foolish knight really doubt her abilities? Amber presses on with determination. She must take care not to let this determination flood into her music and upset it, but to keep it placid and smooth. Let those others be lulled and mollified instead of sticking their beaks into things far beyond them. It is a good thing she loves music so or her playing would feel like a grueling task.
>>167339Why need a river have waves at all? Wouldn't a smooth pond, or a lagoon be more pleasant? Amber's music again imitates the qualities of water, though now with less movement. Or more accurately, a less
chaotic movement; no longer the hundreds of clashing, four-inch-high waves that bounce against the shore and piers, but a coordinated set of smooth, small waves, like the ripples created by a stone thrown into the water. Not that Amber has preference against chaos, mind you, but for this audience, a bit more mathematical precision in the highs and lows of the notes will do.
The biophysical barriers that separate one consciousness from another melt away when confronted by musical harmony, and so too do the barriers that structure our experience. Amber plays a melody that repeats the same notes in a repetitive fashion, cycling her movements in an eternally returning fashion. Time loses its meaning in the face of such repetition. And as time is simply how the mind structures its experience, time becomes a weapon against these minds, trapping them in the same few ever looping seconds.
Then Amber holds one note, and a single moment seems to stretch on indefinitely. Just as perfectly still water seems to stretch on indefinitely, merging with the sky with no clear demarcation in the horizon, so does the present merge with the future, and Amber's own consciousness seems to merge into a collective of all of those who live, and have ever lived.
There is the slightest of interruptions as Amber hears, and then feels the ferry hit the edge of the pier. Not catastrophically so, but certainly far harder than intended. The griffin on the ferry who was to tie the rope, falls off the edge of the ferry and rolls onto the wooden pier.
>>167340Once again Amber is quietly amazed at just what her music is capable of doing, and she has to consciously avoid falling into the same stupor that seems to have affected everygriff else. The collision of the ferry jars her a bit but she is relieved at how her music has proved effective. She confirms that the knights have been adequately tranquilized before motioning to the rest of the party to board the ferry.
>>167330"I don't like this. Changelings could be anywhere, and I can't see them."
He keeps his weapon readied, just in case.
"How is healing going?"
>>167341Amber need not fear stupor. She is closer to rapture, carried along with the music to an experience not limited by her sensory organs. But to return to the task at claw is just as well. The griffin from the ferry stands up, and ties the rope. Helder says "thank you" to the knight, grabs his luggage, and swiftly moves to the ferry. Federklied and Erich are almost as fast, going towards the ferry. There is a delayed reaction from the other griffins on the pier, but they too, move to the ferry. When the board connecting the ferry to the pier is placed over, a griffin from inside the ferry stands ready to take money for tickets. Helder basically shoves money to his chest and moves onboard. The knights remain dazed a bit longer, and slowly awake from their torpor.
>>167342"Indeed. That's kind of how they work." Streak replies, somewhat sarcastically.
The cream medic replies
"They'll be ready to move soon enough. It's just a flesh wound."
Corporal Azelea still lets out a mild "Ah!" of pain, however
>>167343"I would still prefer to fight changelings I
can see as opposed to ones I
can not see."
>>167344"The changelings disagree with you on that one" Spectral Streak casually retorts.
>>167342Amber breathes a sigh of relief, and hopes the crowd boarding the ferry will provide sufficient cover that the dazed knights won't remember quite so quickly what they were doing. Exhilarated by the impromptu performance, she breathes in the fresh air of this fine day. It's a good thing indeed that the stupor did not last so long for the others, as the group of them piloting a boat by themselves would not only be difficult but attract additional pursuers.
"I don't like this. Changelings could be here," Silver thought. Would make a funny meme edit.
>>167346What is that meme?Helder, Erich, and Federklied move towards the back, moving out of line of sight as quickly as they can. But what of Amber and her viol?
>>167347Brad Pitt or some other celebrity looking stressed at a gas station with the caption, "I don't like this, niggers could be here."Amber makes sure her viol is stowed safely and mingles among other older griffons, attempting to look inconspicuous.
>>167348Alright, roll for luck. Charisma modifier