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Flat Earth.
148618 148626 148828 149171 150423 157834 163824 172841
This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
If the so called established science can't be challenged, then it's not science, but religion.
2570 replies and 1282 files omitted.
170608 170612
Lake Titicaca - 1.76 miles of missing curvature.jpg

170609 170610 170611
>pic 1
What is that place?
Also, why wouldn't reflections be possible on a round earth?
>pic 2
Idk how higher elevation of the lake is supposed to make surface level curvature more visible than it would be at sea level.
That diagram is wonky too.
>What is that place?
Uyuni Salt Flats, in Bolivia, South America.
The Law of Reflection proves a Flat Earth.jpeg
>Also, why wouldn't reflections be possible on a round earth?
Judge by yourself.
>how higher elevation of the lake is supposed to make surface level curvature more visible
It is not about elevation, but a 118 miles distance.
Draw it to scale, you'll find out your flat Earth models doesn't work in general.
You'd have to include a person, the location, the celestial bodies, the seasons and how light works.
You've botched each and every question given to you by answering with nothing.
>everywhere has to be round or flat all the time
That's how I know you're a nigger.
>Draw it to scale, you'll find out your flat Earth models doesn't work in general.
>You've botched each and every question given to you by answering with nothing.
Dear anon, you don't want answers but to be right on the lies you support.
The round model fails every time you apply trigonometry and according to the fake scientists numbers. By the way, trigonometry is impervious to scales, in case your arrogant ignorance won't let you study a bit of math to come to the level of discussion needed in this thread.
170616 170617
It's quite impressive that you've never traveled.
The Earth is an orb-oid it's extremely roughly ovoid to spherical made of spikes, flats, dips, dives and dodge.
A lump.
That means the topology and geology of various locations are varied and different.
There's the macro scale which is close enough to a sphere for rocket, projectile physics.
The local scale is rough.
Trigonometry works.
There is a drop off. Otherwise you can't do ballistics or you miss.
When you know the scale of a man and his measure and what ground he stands on you can know truth.
The truth loves you and is waiting for you.
The truth is alot bigger than you're giving credit for.
Explanations have been posted again and again before. Multiple Tests you can do that are repeatable, measurable and practical.
>Multiple Tests you can do that are repeatable, measurable and practical.
That's science 101, sadly, the heliocentric model doesn't pass the tests.
File (hide): 967AEDD5B55C22EF868D3D2C76739A33-3542750.mp4 (3.4 MB, Resolution:406x720 Length:00:00:28, hypnosis.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Globers are under hypnosis, a guy says.
>spouts claim
>doesn't support it
Hey everybody stop doing anything some jackass said you're just under hypnosis.
>Hey everybody stop doing anything some jackass said you're just under hypnosis.
Including (you).
That's right especially you.
You can't answer anybody's questions.
You can't say why flat earth is important.
You can't critically look at whatever you spout here.
You can't say anything of value besides your talking points.
I get you're trying to psyop because you got salty over being assblasted about jews, samefagging and bring a stick in the mud amidst other faggotry.
I understand you have special needs, very special needs, but I'd suggest focusing your tisms on more profitable pursuits.
170651 170688 170715
dome 2.jpg
Anonfilly - thinking.png

170652 170653
Doesn't this also imply that space is real though, since the particles are coming from outside the field?

Also, this has been a known thing for a while. The Earth's unique magnetic field protects life on the world from harmful solar wind and cosmic particles. It's a feature of having a solid metal core beneath the liquid mantle.
>It's a feature of having a solid metal core beneath the liquid mantle.
That's what you've been told.
>It's a feature of having a solid metal core beneath the liquid mantle.
Mmmm. Do you know that that claim is just a theory? The deepest perforation ever made on the Earth's surface has been only 12 km which can be considered as just a scratch.
Where are the elections in the link you posted coming from, besides outer space?
Fundamentals of gravity.
FE - Are you vaccinated.jpg
What elections?
>in the link you posted
What link?
>besides outer space
The post mentioned the inner core of a planet. What outer space are you talking about?
>What outer space are you talking about?
The pics in >>170650 refer to electrons coming from outer space being blocked by an invisible shield.
Ship disappearing below the horizon.gif
Globetards logic- Earth's too big to see curvature and boats over the horizon.png

>The pics in >>170650 refer to electrons coming from outer space being blocked by an invisible shield.
Ah, those.
Do you realize that everything written in that article is based on hired "scientists" doing measurements on Earth? I mean, the claim that there is "A Shield" is gibberish for "It must be a filter somewhere up there because my instrument is not recording as many electrons as I wish".
>Do you realize that everything written in that article is based on hired "scientists" doing measurements on Earth?
Then why did you post them?
>"It must be a filter somewhere up there because my instrument is not recording as many electrons as I wish".
You must've not read it.
>Then why did you post them?
To oblige globers like you. After all, I understand that some fags have problems coming to terms with the lies they have been fed all their lives.
You just say shit because you like spewing shit.
Wow, amazing, incredible, stupendous.
We have gone 2,225 posts and you are still unable and refuse to prove your position about anything about Flat Earth.
Besides muh globers, hurr durr I'm the smort cause I can say use Camera and ignore everyone.
moon set.gif

The doggy is still digging the filmation set.
It's all so tiresome.

Wow, more brainlet tier memes. I'm so impressed.
its okay ballfag, we know you cant meme
170950 170963
You will never have a flat Earth. You have no model, you have no math, you have no testable predictions. You have a zoomed in photo twisted by bad line-of-sight calculations and weed into a crude mockery of God's perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, and your “friends” laugh at your flattie videos behind closed doors.

Rational people are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of hours of education allow smart people to sniff out pseudo scientific frauds with incredible efficiency. Even flat Earth photos which “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a thinking person. Your unanswerable questions are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk girl to watch a video with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she realizes you weren't just joking about flat Earth conspiracy theory.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake "I know it's true!" every single morning and tell yourself others are going to believe. But deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight caused by the force you deny, Earth's gravity.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a ring laser gyroscope, start your livestream, and plunge into the cold abyss of Internet mockery. Your parents will find you accidentally proving the globe, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll copy and upload your video across social media, and every viewer for the rest of eternity will know Earth is a rotating globe. Your flat Earth videos will decay and get deleted from YouTube, and all that will remain of your legacy is a video with an experiment that unmistakably proves the globe.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
ugh guess ill take the time to disect your shitty meme

>muh model
scientific experiments dont require scientific models all the time

math is used to describe things, whereas physics is meant to explain things. math can be used for anything fake or real

the 15 degree per hour drift thing is only relative to the poles. it also picks up the movements from the sky. if we were to assume its detecting motion from the ground then that means the ground would move under flying objects suck as planes, helicopters, balloons, and birds

your move fag
170953 170963
>shitty meme
Lol, lmao even. The poster of badly-compressed jpegs from Facebook in a constant slew of mediocrity and redundant claims calling anyone memes shitty.
Stay mad.
>dont require scientific models
And yet you can't produce any.
>math can be used for anything fake or real
And yet you can't use it to prove your own claims.
>if we were to assume its detecting motion from the ground then that means the ground would move under flying objects suck as planes, helicopters, balloons, and birds
It does. That's why they launch rockets from Florida to take advantage of the rotation of the earth.
the globe model has been falsified countless times. there is no math to prove the globe model. and you are clueless on the expertise of rocket trajectory. yet you just somehow continue to believe that the earth is magically moving beneath your feet because you were indoctrinated as child
170957 170963
Keep telling yourself that. The Anons on this board will surely come to respect you some day.
lmao you only care about respect because you dont care about whats true
Here are pones they're (uu)^2.
You enjoy getting ass blasted that much?
did you come in this thread to "le btfo flat earthers" too?
Did you bump this thread just too "le btfo globers" too?
>did you come in this thread to "le btfo flat earthers" too?
You're doing a fine enough job on your own.
I'm here to spread hors.

once you go.jpg
I'm still waiting for some faget to demonstrate the curve.
We already did, in this thread. Scroll up.
171192 171193
025,195 - Flat Earth - What You See vs What You See.jpeg
>We already did
Very disappointing, not even one post shows an experiment measuring that theoretical curvature. Like it is a fiction.
Ban evasion
Business Dog
171191 171194 171195 171200
I can't believe this thread is still going, there's probably a serpent-worshiping "jew" behind this scheme somewhere.

BTW - the ultimate authority Jesus Christ/God, says the earth is ROUND! I'll post that proof later, if this giant spergthread continues without some ChristStallion posting it before me.

Advice for life: If somesperg (((claims))) something about God's Word or the Bible, make sure you ask them to show the verse (and context) and check to see if it's KJV - the other versions have varying levels of dangerous corruption in them. For example, even the "New" King James version removes the word/name "Jesus" several times - what kind of "Bible" would remove any mention/naming of Jesus?!
>I can't believe this thread is still going
It's all because a single retard keeps bumping it with his crappy Facebook jpgs. The actual "arguments" (if you could call them that) stopped happening years ago.
Look again.
>(Ban evasion)
I'm not aware anypony was banned. Just saying.
>BTW - the ultimate authority Jesus Christ/God, says the earth is ROUND!
Citation needed.
The serpent does not bow to death. It shall not bow to censorship either.
Jokes aside. I've heard the bible allured to the idea the earth was round. Do post about it.
171203 171204
There is no dome mentioned at that reference. Everything else also describes a sphere. Thanks for another boomer post instead of actual arguments.
Also, the image stretches some of these references by a huge margin.

The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.

As in He established the earth and it can't be undone, aka no one can move it away. But sure, interpret that as it can't rotate. Delusions are better than understanding after all.
171206 171211
Why my post has been deleted? Hah?
Censorship only shows you are afraid of what others have to say.
Aren't you ban-evading right now?
Dude, I'm not banned. I did nothing wrong. What kind of paranoid are you?
Post above imply that. Idk though.
Post above is my appreciation of a behavioral pattern that has been increasing form 4 years ago.
The Jew cries out as he strikes you.
172430 172434 172438
Different Earth rotational velocity is inconsistent with an uniform gravity.jpg
Different Earth rotational velocity is inconsistent with an uniform gravity force.
Those are linear speeds.
Do you not know how circumference works?
>Those are linear speeds
You forgot to name the centrifugal forces involved.
172435 172526
You clearly don't know how gravity works.
You literally are a liberal arts chump with no grasp of physics.
>centrifugal forces
Centrifugal force is an illusion. It's a term use to describe phenomena created by centripetal force. There is no force that pushes the object outward, only in one linear direction towards the horizon.
It's barely relevant to gravitational pull, but it is present. That's why they launch rockets from Florida: to benefit from the speed of the Earth's rotation closer to the equator.
I'm an engineer, you stupid nigger.
>I'm an engineer, you stupid nigger.
It shows, it shows....
If you are unable to grasp the significance of >>172428
then there is not much else to say.
It is you who does not grasp it.
The difference in linear speeds at different degrees at different latitudes shouldn't have any visible impact on the inward gravitational pull towards the center of the planet. You're referencing centrifugal force as if it were an outward push, when really it's just an illusion created by linear velocity and centripetal force.
And you're unable to grasp this because you can't even grasp the middle school level physics concept that centrifugal force isn't actually real.
>The difference in linear speeds at different degrees at different latitudes shouldn't have any visible impact on the inward gravitational pull towards the center of the planet.
>You're referencing centrifugal force as if it were an outward push
For practical purposes it is and is counterbalancing the "theoretical" gravitational push.
>For practical purposes it is and is counterbalancing the "theoretical" gravitational push.
It literally isn't though. Your own post demonstrates that it doesn't.
Why would it? It's a perpendicular velocity, not an opposite one.
172445 172446
>It literally isn't though.
I really feel tempted to fire up FreeCAD and show you, in 3D how a rotating pseudo sphere would have forces counter balancing the mythical gravity. But that would be over the top and like to shoot a cannon at an insect.
>I really feel tempted to fire up FreeCAD and show you, in 3D how a rotating pseudo sphere would have forces counter balancing the mythical gravity.
Do it.
>But that would be over the top and like to shoot a cannon at an insect.
Sounds like you're chicken.
BTW, in case you didn't notice, the meme makes the math to support your argument. That said, it is disingenuous as the ocean mass is humongous and actually makes my point.
172580 172585
can you tell us what the shape of the firmament is as described in the bible? its a dome retard.
dont try and weasle your way out by saying "uhh we dont know what it is/could be something else". tell us what you think the firmament is exactly
they arent stretched, youre just coping that it fits the narrative of flat earth far closer than being of a total cosmic accident on a spinning orbiting tilting wobbling ball
first your gay scientism consensus claimed gravity is a force, then when einstien came along he said its not a force and cant be measured. "how gravity works" is a still a mystery my dude

anyway, pangea is terravista, you fucking globetard chuds
172586 172587
Oh wait you're serious, I'm going to laugh even harder.
God didn't conspire in the land of darkness, He made it in full view.
>It's a dome.
It's arched as in curved. You might say,
>"but doesn't curves end? It's a dome idiot. Flaterf."
However God's Word is infallible.
Gen 1:6-8 KJV “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.”
There's a separation. There's waters above and waters below.
>"Even if my picture source re-translated the Bible to an unknown version it means I'm right!"
If you're on a sphere-oid and look up, it looks like a dome. What a fucking shocker dude.
At any point on the face of the sphere it looks like a dome.
>"That doesn't prove anything. Like every post ever made in this whole thread it doesn't count."
Let's say I take your image at face value.
The supposed quotes apply to a sphere and other potential shapes.
Still works for the ol' rough ball. It's still moving about too.
>"But you said the Earth is moving, how can that be?"
In context it's talking about God and His strength, and also about how the foundation cannot be shaken.
Wait a minute that sounds sort of like a Jesus reference.
About Him being the chief corner stone.
>Gravity muh einstien
>"Y-you're all atheist science huffers!"
Only God knows everything perfectly, and if you ask He'll show you a bit.
Stuff eventually gets closer together.
Kind of like what occurs at the very end.
The math for gravity at the useful physical scale required remains the same. It's good enough.
You'll learn alot when you follow Jesus.
It's sort of why the scientific method is made, because it's a method, a tool, a means to try understanding what is happening and has happened to be applied what will happen unless it's something different.
File (hide): 8B5C414EAC84984D43FD947231E99C7D-2065420.mp4 (2.0 MB, Resolution:376x480 Length:00:01:07, NASA.mp4) [play once] [loop]
The funny thing is that the hoax of the roundness of the plane is being exposed everywhere and "authoritative" men of science are looking like lying clowns.
1 (1).JPEG
>It's arched as in curved. You might say,
Relax anon.
172589 172598
>the math for gravity
now we wait for the actual part where you defend this, because you havent yet.
"math for gravity" is just the measurement of falling objects, objects tend to fall at an acceleration of ~9.8 meters per second. we can assume what is the cause, BUT this is an effect not cause. ofc im no saying flat earther theory on the cause is a air tight sealed theory, but neither is the CAUSE of gravity from the bending and warping of space-time, according to einstein

the reason flat earthers become flat earthers (especially Christians you could say) is because we simply looked for curvature, couldnt find none, and no one has provided it yet. verifiable proof of the curvature should be simple and easy to do, given the confidence that so many hold for it.
172590 172592 172595
> the reason flat earthers become flat earthers (especially Christians you could say) is because we simply looked for curvature, couldnt find none, and no one has provided it yet. verifiable proof of the curvature should be simple and easy to do, given the confidence that so many hold for it.
Uh, I usually ignore this thread whenever I see it bumped, but…holy shit. I honestly never realized there were people using this site who are actually this stupid.

This is a picture of the earth, taken from space more than fifty years ago. As you can see, it’s fucking round. End of discussion.

How has an argument about this subject been going on for three whole years? I mean, god damn.
>I honestly never realized there were people using this site who are actually this stupid.
It's literally just one persistent retard.
He made this thread without IDs to disguise that it's just him bumping it all this time.
There's no discussion despite best efforts. At the time it was shocking too, but then you realize it's just some retard who can't hold a conversation in any way.
One might just let the thread build up. Just more and more garbage of flatearth that didn't even make sense.
That nobody on the site wants.
There's no actual point being made despite appearances.
It's just one fucker shitting it up refusing all communication. Had that stupid fucker listened at the very beginning three to four years ago, he wouldn't have burned every bridge.
But no the fuck enjoys jumping to conclusions, and ignoring who somebody is, and if it really should be done in the first place.
172597 172616
Well, two at least. He did convert me with this thread.

Though, I kinda doubt the anon your replied to were serious. I mean, "I got pictures of it"? Eeh.
good goy
172597 172599 172616
Yh, that guy's post wasn't very mature I agree but I don't really like these memes either, despite believing in flat earth.

I think it's better to avoid insults but I can relate to retaliating with insults (I'm guilty of this myself) so I can understand. Still tho, I would advise against it. This way it is easier to convince others of your point when neither side has gotten hurt.
You're a reasonable anon, what arguments are actually convincing.
Because the other guy certainly won't.
Have you ever heard of the Cavendish experiment?
The point is that in physics shows gravity works repeatably, it doesn't have to show the underlying meanings of why.
Although some observations about the nature of the event can be made its uncovering an aspect that is has.

You are able to design another Cavendish experiment accounting for all the minutia you want eliminated, fully documented so others can try. And then the results are shared, and differences or similarities are compared and why that occurs.
Human error is a crazy thing that has to be accounted for.
172601 172602
fuck that, used to have this same mentality, until i realized globetards are absolutely braindead dishonest people. dont go easy on them, they always give us shit for literally nothing.
dont get me wrong, I want to address every point in a mature matter whenever its needed, and thats what i do. nothing wrong with using memes to poing out logical inconsitencies, dont take offense to in and see the humor in it.
globe has the burden of proof. please prove the existence of curvature without appealing to CGI/photo manipulation and fish eye lenses.
henry cavendish was also a freemason, sure his experiment COULD deserve credit for demonstrating electrostatics. but not credit for demonstrating gravity. the measurments that are used are labeled Gforce, but thats just the measurement. it doesnt prove gravity. the experiment uses leadballs to control for magnetic causes but even leadballs are electrostatic like all objects.
172603 172697
>globetards are absolutely braindead dishonest people
You realize that "globetards" are ~99% of people, right? You really think that everyone except for your fringe Facebook group is dishonest and braindead?
>I want to address every point in a mature matter whenever its needed, and thats what i do
On most days when you bump this thread you just dump a bunch of badly compressed jpeg memes that make redundant arguments that have already been discussed earlier in the thread, and don't even make arguments in the text entry to back them up.
>please prove the existence of curvature without appealing to CGI/photo manipulation and fish eye lenses.
You say that any picture that contradicts your narrative is CGI/Photoshop, without even attempting to analyze the pictures for CGI artifacts as any other researcher would.
We've demonstrated curvature in multiple ways in this thread, many of which you've simply ignored without responding to, or conveniently forgotten about (as the redundant memes indicate time and time again).
Electrostatic force is measurable based on the material and other circumstances. Scientists who have attempted to recreate the Cavendish experiment with greater precision factor that into the equation.
>"I used to debate people, but I keep getting ass reamed."
>"Since I've stopped debating people I have no obligation because I've said I already won and they can't take that away from me."
>Globe has burden of proof
Flatearth has burden of proof, and every example provided doesn't prove it.
You wanted to upend everything you got to do it.
>"See they're not doing what I tell them to, it means I'm right!"
Oh wait, it's been done. In this thread.
>they always give us shit for literally nothing.
You mean, you walk in. Shit everywhere, say that's proof. And when it's pulled apart it's shit. You cry fowl, that wasn't what really happened, what really happened is that globetards btfo. Mhmm.
>I want to address every point in a mature matter whenever its needed, and thats what i do.
But you won't. And didn't.
And you wonder why you're hypocritical fuckerying angers people.
>"dont go easy on them"
Okay do it. You won't.
I believe in Swede anon however to not be a massive cock gargling faggot like you.
172604 172605
yes, 99% of people are dishonest with themselves. cope about it. that reality. also, youre objectively using CGI images, not real photographs, no matter how much you cry about it. its not just me "calling it CGI". you demonstrated ZERO verifiable evidence of curvature, were still waiting on that. also, youre retarded if you think im going to read all 2000 replies in this thread just to keep track of which points have or havent been mentioned yet. can you also tell us how factoring electrostatics points to the existence of gravity in the experiment? looks like you skipped over that part, or youre expecting us to just know all the details or read your mind
my senses tell me that the ground is stationary, and flat is a discription of surface. what we observe is flat. youre the one jumping through hoops and putting youre faith in institutions for evidence of curvature, not us. your claimed 3959 mile radius is a positive claim which requires burden of proof.
>youre objectively using CGI images, not real photographs
Citation needed.
>yes, 99% of people are dishonest with themselves
Lol. Peak narcissism.
>youre objectively using CGI images, not real photographs
Go ahead and prove that.
>you demonstrated ZERO verifiable evidence of curvature
Scroll up.
>read all 2000 replies in this thread just to keep track of which points have or havent been mentioned yet
Not my fault if you've got a goldfish memory.
>can you also tell us how factoring electrostatics points to the existence of gravity in the experiment?
The amount of force electrostatics can produce is limited and measurable. If objects move under circumstances where electrostatics would not be enough to move them, that shows that another force is at play.
You could reproduce this experiment yourself knowing those factors.
>or youre expecting us to just know all the details
I am expecting you to come into the conversation knowing some of the details, at least those that should be obvious.
>my senses tell me that the ground is stationary
Your senses are in synch with the earth because your body is in motion alongside the earth.
Flying a on plane at cruising altitude also feels like you're not moving.
>your claimed 3959 mile radius is a positive claim which requires burden of proof
You can literally measure it. They measured it in 2nd century ancient Greece. It was proven years ago.
Your claim of a 49747.75 mile circumference of Antarctica is preposterous, and is demonstrably false as per various flight paths and maritime routes in that area.
Just a refresher. There's more too.
172609 172610 172737
did you verify the photo yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to institutional authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
>peak narcissism
having blind institutional faith and rejecting all observational evidence, is narcissism. holding a contrary position isnt. you cant prove youe photo to be real so its fake, by default. they fake them using CGI. how else would it be fake silly?
>scroll up
no, that takes way longer to do than for you to easily, simply post your proof in one post. you wont do it though.

again, you expect us to know all the details and read your mind instead of just laying it out and saving us a TON of time here. please show us how exactly they controlled for electrostatics and found the force of gravity. saying "they did it" is not an argument that supports your position.
>Your senses are in synch with the earth because your body is in motion alongside the earth.
this is called a presumption, you carry the burden of proof still. prove the motion of earth. planes and vehicles move, that doesnt make it logically comparable to earths motion, especially when you still carry the burden of proof
>You can literally measure it
flat earthers gave it the name "eratosthenes fallacy" because its literally the most basic, retarded, first baby step mistake that globers make. i shouldnt have to explain myself any further, do your research and find out why measuring with parallel rays doesnt work when sunrays arent parallel. as for flight paths, im detecting major dunnin kruger moment. most international flights start off going northbound, which makes no sense on a ball. you also cant explore the 60th parallel freely and privately on your own, the UN made a treaty against it. so please do tell how flight paths and boats deboonk the icewall
>having blind institutional faith and rejecting all observational evidence, is narcissism
You don't know the definition of narcissism.
>CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
There are ways to examine photos for CGI artifacts, and you have not attempted any of them. You are only saying that they are fake because they contradict your foregone conclusion.
>simply post your proof in one post.
I won't make the same argument for the third time in the same thread just because you lack the mental capacity to remember them.
>so please do tell how flight paths and boats deboonk the icewall
You remember that conversation we had earlier that concluded with the idea of the world being shaped like an orange? The one where the longest flight on earth takes the same amount of time no matter what direction you leave from (something that would be impossible on a flat earth). Scroll up and check it again.
>you also cant explore the 60th parallel freely and privately on your own, the UN made a treaty against it.
It's not impossible. You're grossly exaggerating the level of restrictions there.
172611 172673 172737
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
>"Nuh uh nobody can ever prove any piece of evidence."
For everybody I would recommend this video because it shows a pretty neat picture.
Here you go. Did you scale matters?

>Though, I kinda doubt the anon your replied to were serious.
>Yh, that guy's post wasn't very mature
I made the post, Anne Frankly I'm a little disappointed in you, Sven. I wouldn't have expected to find you here that's right, I'm everywhere, OooOoOOOoooOoOooO....

>I mean, "I got pictures of it"? Eeh.
Here's the thing, dude. Like I said, I never really paid much attention to this thread, and from what I've skimmed so far I don't feel like there's anything in here worth delving too deep into. I'm honestly starting to wonder how many of the "flat earth" apologists are just larpers having a few keks, and if that's the case then far be it from me to interfere with anyone's fun. But I've encountered plenty of this kind of schizo pseudoscience over the years, and in my experience there is always a certain contingent of gullible people who get taken in by it. If you're seriously among them, you're free to believe whatever you like, but I would nonetheless urge you to stop and give this matter like ten seconds of serious thought.

The earth has been photographed from space numerous times. There are thousands of satellites currently in orbit around it, many of which are crucial to tech systems you use every day. The planet has been circumnavigated by air and sea by many different people in many different eras. If you want to verify the shape of the earth for yourself, you can hop on a plane in Stockholm and fly east until you reach Tokyo. You can also reach Tokyo by flying west. If you want to spend a lot of time and money, you can pick a direction and keep flying, and eventually you will end up right back where you started.

I have no doubt that Boom Boom and whatever other schizo morons are on the flat-earth side of the argument have all sorts of convoluted troll physics on hand to explain how everything I've just gone over would still be possible to do on a flat earth. Maybe some of it even sounds convincing; if you cherry pick enough data and argue it forcefully enough, you can "prove" just about anything. Since I don't know shit about physics and can't even pass a remedial math course, I honestly can't refute any of it. However, let's just apply Ockham's Razor and a healthy dose of common sense to the problem and see where we end up:

We know that the concept of a round earth is overwhelmingly accepted by scientists, the general public, philosophers, all major religions, and damn near everyone else except for a tiny sliver of schizos on the internet. We also know that there is extensive documentation of the earth being round, obtained independently by different parties, working in different disciplines over the course of multiple centuries, and that entire industries, from aeronautics to shipping to telecommunications, base their entire profit model on the assumption that the earth is a sphere.

So, there are really only two possibilities as I see it:

One: the earth is round, because it's fucking round and the subject is closed.

Two: you are being fed an elaborate lie, which only a tiny sliver of internet schizos with extremely poor grammar are intelligent enough to see through. The entire body of scientific knowledge has been skillfully manipulated, in an elaborate conspiracy that spans national borders and centuries, by a shadowy Jewish cabal. This cabal has gone to an absolutely preposterous amount of trouble to construct this convoluted kabuki theater in order to hide the truth of the flat earth from you, because.............uh....................... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............................. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........................................ um.................................................................................... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........................... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................umumumumumumumumumumummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...................................................................................................................................................ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................................................................................................................... why exactly?

I'll leave you to think on it.
172677 172678 172695 172696
lmao this entire wall of text you made instead of admitting you cant verify your CGI photo and restating your argument. narcisissm involves selfishness, thats what it take to believe the cartoon globe. also why wouldnt you think they have the technology to track everyone on the water? so yeah trip to ice wall isnt likely
172676 172677
Oof. The nerve of these globers.

I apologize for disturb (you) with memes but eloquence is not my strength.
172678 172680 172737
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
I'm OP and I just saw activity in this bread. The post >>172673 is not mine.
File (hide): B9DBDB510DB4AA12E11C1F3B87B6F69E-3834729.webm (3.7 MB, Resolution:480x480 Length:00:00:53, 6506897.webm) [play once] [loop]
Don't care, image spammer.
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
>did you verify the meme yourself?
There are more than 2K posts above documenting the plane. What else is needed?
172682 172737
File (hide): AE762B83A4278A851D4E1B706054781C-14340478.webm (13.7 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:18, 6950687.webm) [play once] [loop]
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
According to the own words of a NASA employee, which was already posted in some post above, all pictures from space are CGI.
File (hide): BCA72E69AE3E183711D15038FA9C4A46-7801907.webm (7.4 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:22, 6923502.webm) [play once] [loop]
Your memes are too, spammer.
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
Chillax anon.
File (hide): 5EB066EBC647DC7787C802E7E2EAB9ED-3322069.webm (3.2 MB, Resolution:1440x1080 Length:00:01:26, 6848523.webm) [play once] [loop]
Spam for spam. A fair trade.
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
um anon, i think your computer is broken
>obviously appealing to your own authority
yes, faggot
Why do you post screenshots of things we can all clearly see?
He's repeating himself as a meme.
>Know Your Meme filename
>narcisissm involves selfishness
That's not what narcissism is.
>admitting you cant verify your CGI photo
People have attempted to identify CGI artifacts in those images various times. Nobody has found evidence of CGI or doctoring.
Feel free to examine them yourself though. Post results.
>why wouldnt you think they have the technology to track everyone on the water?
They can't even stop the Japanese from poaching whales there.
>trip to ice wall isnt likely
People go there for scientific expeditions all of the time. Have you tried doing that?
You can even fly over Antarctica commercially:
There's one this November. Sign up and post results.
>also why wouldnt you think they have the technology to track everyone on the water?
It's not a militarized border, and according to you it's a 49747.75 mile circumference. You think they have armed guards on every mile of it? People go there for illegal fishing/whaling all of the time. People go there for legal science/leisure all of the time. There's permanent settlement cabins there. You can go on vacation there too. Cruiselines pass by it. You can sign up for a trip to Antarctica today.
>You realize that "globetards" are ~99% of people, right?
File (hide): D184D0C27DED5410DCB95D9808E6D34A-13922654.mp4 (13.3 MB, Resolution:1058x1096 Length:00:02:13, cf48048e4a184bdf.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>Star through telescope
How good it is that the normals can have technology and look for themselves.
The three first pics are what the freemasons say above is (pretty CGI to me) versus 4th video what we actually see.
What is the 4th even from?
The sky.
Who took the video? What star is it aimed at?
172703 172710 172716
There are lots of videos taken by lots of people at lots of stars. You may browse jewtube or even Odysee or Rumble for details.
172704 172737
How am I supposed to verify this video if I can't even see where it comes from? Did you verify it? What relation does it have to the NASA stills you posted (which show three completely different pictures)? What am I looking at?
You are such a s hypocrite, it's unreal.
>Did you verify it?
How can anypony verify you are not a bot? Huh?
Even further, how you can be sure you are not some subroutine in the Matrix?
172706 172707 172719
It was you who brought up verification. You talked about others being unable to verify pictures of earth, and yet now you're posting videos that you yourself haven't verified.
You are a hypocrite.

Are you sure pic 2 even from NASA? I can't find it anywhere in the galleries.
>I can't find it anywhere in the galleries.
Dude, why you don't get a proper and decent job instead of taking money from zog to oversee some austists?
>hurr durr ur a glowie
I have a job, nigger. And I got all of my work done early, so still have the spare time to call out your faggotry that's been polluting the board I use every day.
You posted three unrelated images, and then compared them to a video depicting an unrelated astrological sight that you can't even name. What were you trying to prove with that?
I know how to use Yandex, you absolute troglodyte.
>There are lots of videos taken by lots of people at lots of stars. You may browse jewtube or even Odysee or Rumble for details.
I'm talking about this video in particular. What is it from? Where did you get it? Who posted it?
>being this btfo over a lost argument
172714 172717
>lost argument
There is none. That cunt has a stuck neural path and insist on information she needs to fill her report. So her request is denied.
What report?
The argument is that your post didn't make any sense and doesn't prove anything because you're comparing completely unrelated images apples to oranges. You should at least be able to say what the video is from, if you expect anyone to learn anything from it.
172718 172719
How could the earth be flat if it's hollow?
Why isn't this facebook simulator deleted yet?
File (hide): 26C497C9390DDD7CDD817E9654B007BD-12390813.webm (11.8 MB, Resolution:1920x1080 Length:00:00:28, 6464828.webm) [play once] [loop]
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
File (hide): 5366B034D17828994962E511D5EC6DF8-7657295.webm (7.3 MB, Resolution:1920x1080 Length:00:00:19, 6654595.webm) [play once] [loop]
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
Based Hollow Earth schizo. Far more interesting than flat earth.
172720 172722
read the definition of narcissism, you think narcissism means controversial postion, it doesnt. you dont know the definiton of narcissism but you brought up the word first, i had to correct you.
i dont have to identify artifacts to point out CGI, because of the fact you never verified the image to be real yourself. Its still objectively CGI for that reason, until you can verify it. they dont care about saving whales lives obviously, they care about hiding resources and treasures. notice how i specifically said cant explore "freely and privately". youre talking about a tour to antarctica in one specific location.
entirely false post. it is guarded, there is video evidence of airplanes and boats getting stopped by authorities
actually it was me who brought up verification, youre talking to someone else. but yes a verification would be nice because thats the job person posting the pic of cartoon globe
dumb take. flat earth faces censorship and deplatforming too, but not ill grant not as much as stuff like holocaust denial or race realism
172721 172737
File (hide): 24AED54BDF366E567A345704DB9CEC8F-1721040.webm (1.6 MB, Resolution:720x720 Length:00:00:23, 6686134.webm) [play once] [loop]
>video evidence
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
i asked my question first, so are you gonna verify your obvious CGI cartoon or nah?
>you think narcissism means controversial postion
I didn't say that.
>definition of narcissism
Okay, here it is
>excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one's physical appearance.
I.e "everyone is braindead, except for me".
>i dont have to identify artifacts to point out CGI, because of the fact you never verified the image to be real yourself
Others have. Go check.
If I personally verified that the image lacked artifacts by doing it myself, would you consider it real? Tell me before I waste my time.
>until you can verify it
Would you be convinced if I verified it? Will that settle this discussion? Because I'll do it if that's what it'll take.
>youre talking about a tour to antarctica in one specific location
You can go on tours all over the continent. If you went enough times, you would be able to piece it together.
>flat earth faces censorship and deplatforming
Your Facebook group is evidence to the contrary.
You try to talk about Jews on Facebook, and you get banned immediately. You post about flat earth on Facebook, and their algorithm recommends you more.
172724 172737
File (hide): E717AFBE4B83EEFA5F303744D511343E-13081098.webm (12.5 MB, Resolution:1920x1080 Length:00:00:00, 6704674.webm) [play once] [loop]
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
Remember to sage
your definition of narcissism is one definiton, there are mutliple definitions for words. in saying that narcisissism equates to selfishness, there is nothing incorrect about that. its just you coping and being autistic

never did i say you CANT verify thats its CGI, just saying its not needed. your job is to verify the photo, not for flat earthers to un-verify it. everything else you just said is a total lie and full of semantics, starting to wonder if you have jewish DNA
172727 172737
File (hide): D5A5A7F1A8C86843815DB2177B12DA9F-675931.webm (660.1 KB, Resolution:1920x1080 Length:00:00:05, 6862762.webm) [play once] [loop]
>your job to verify
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
so you cant verify the curvature to exist yourself? thats all i needed to know. thanks for playing
172729 172737
File (hide): 60406EE8CD89DB662430E000CDE6E587-51363475.webm (49.0 MB, Resolution:1238x720 Length:00:03:46, 6659405.webm) [play once] [loop]
>can't verify the plane to exist yourself?
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
yes. you can verify it yourself like this. altitude baloon camera with different focal points and lense models
172731 172737
File (hide): 5E39896608878CEB2C81CD0934FE2A62-2125102.mp4 (2.0 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:36, loadsamoney.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>more memes
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
172732 172734
technically one of them is a diagram not a meme. but you want ignore the observation within the meme and just discard it as a meme
File (hide): 9D567F805D364060D4C79D7F7BF78121-1205792.mp4 (1.1 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:27, Its time.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Its time.mp4
>disregarding things because I want to
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
Why don't you reply to all of the arguments you've been ignoring? Like how you failed to explain how all of those antipodal flights take the same amount of time, no matter what direction the plane leaves from?
No wait, Anon isn't wrong. There's actual theorician physicists who reconsider the amount of dimensions we really have that WILL explain a lot of things missing in modern cosmology. As one of these could be an illusion, if you follow so far the rest will fuck you up even harder.
Earth and literally everything in the context of modern physics and theoretical models like Minkowski space and accounting in the better comprehension of the spacetime especially Kerr's blackhole in which I'm totally writing a dissertation about, we really have to consider extra dimensions and their implications. Globally the idea of a flat Earth contradicts well-established scientific understanding it isn't completely wrong. (pun intended)

The curvature and shape of extra dimensions, when projected down to three dimensions, could distort our perception of space and form, potentially accommodating a flat Earth model within this extended geometry so the most accurate representation would be closer to a 2d universe with space-time as the third dimension.

By the way you want to get high while you watch this insane science thing the governments don't want you to,
- Grab a jug of bleach, Chlorox or anything in the same kind and pour it into a bowl
- Add the cheapest vinegar into it.
- Add some salt on it
- Inhale, it's gonna clean your nose. Enjoy!
you might be replying to the wrong person, but i claimed that all international flights start off going northbound, never south or over antarctica. anyways, you still got more to explain here with your vague argument. what about flights times proves the globe?
172738 172741
>did you verify
You sound like a scratched vinyl or a bot. Definitely there is something really wrong with ya.
172739 172741
i guess he is crying about memes because he cant replicate his CGI photo using his own tools and equipment. if someone can verify and replicate the cartoon to be real then ill stop being a flat earther today
172741 172812
>i guess he is crying about memes
I suspect this is the same bot crying fool about political memes as well. If you think about it, who are the beings complaining about memes? Who are the beings tracking down memes, memelords, and sources? Who are the beings screaming loud about "misinformation"? Yup, the jews and the SJW crowd. I believe we have a mole among us.
>I'm totally writing a dissertation about, we really have to consider extra dimensions and their implications.
And the charlatan pops up.
Anon, theoretical math on a blackboard cannot replace the Scientific Method. If you cannot reproduce it in a lab, it is pseudo science.
172743 172810
It's a copy pasta you literal mental midget.
No, your content just sucks.
You said every piece of evidence had to be verified for CGI and verified or it doesn't count.
Lo' and behold you become salty when confronted by your own standards.
Like clockwork instead of owning up to anything, it's because the users of this site are bad.
What a high IQ move.
A theory has some data to substantiate its possibility as factual.

The term you should be using is: hypothesis. Which is usually someone coming up with a pigshit eXpLaNaTiOn and looking for both the cause and solution at the same time. Basically Hegelian dialectic, in short.
>You said every piece of evidence had to be verified for CGI and verified or it doesn't count.
You are pretty dishonest. The CGI stuff has been confirmed by NASA's employee Robert Simmon, AKA Mr. Blue Marbleand.
(13+) Racist Barn - A Parody Song of Raise This Barn from My Little Pony_ Friendship is Magic.mp4
>a selfie
did you verify the meme yourself? if not then how can you claim its real? youre obviously appealing to your own authority, and CGI is the only thing it can be. not real = therefore fake, and must be CGI
172810 172821 172831
governemntal troling.png
It's always impressive how flattards persists, despise the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They even admit they know it's a lie but defend their retardation as being legit, even if they're wrong they want to be right, I don't know which is worse. The guy who accept to live in delusion and follow the herd, or the mongoloid who just follow and believe it. I'd say it's the kike who started it.

Being some kind of scientist myself (lol) I'm not going to analyze thoroughly the sociology or psychology of the flat earther, but I can relate more into what Renaud Camus expressed in The Small Replacement, cultural and civilization change, engineered and wanted by a certain elite. Camus really expressed the base of the ongoing idiocracy in the west and the goal behind it: Having a dumb, maleable mass of people inapt to think by themselves or being intelligent.

As mentioned in this thread that should be bumped,
>>167485 →
Again, you mongoloids are a minority who fell for a psyop.

This shit is led by trolling, manipulation and made up conspiracy theories. Alex Jones and other controlled oppositions are guilty of this bullshit.
Conspiracy theories can be verified or debunked, just like any theory.
>I have a hypothesis
>I'm making a theory about it
>I'm going to investigate and collect evidence
>Do my theory works and can it be challenged?
>Can it be experimented in real life and replicated? Absolutely.

You don't even pass the >hypothesis without being destroyed by facts and logic. Flat Earthers are simply complete retards, altough being inoffensive but giving credits like a scarecrow as intended, to validate the left's narrative, since all of this is led by some high tier troll. Mostly the left, probably jews, I don't think the CIA is too smart for bullshit like this. I'm not even sure if the I of CIA still means intelligence anymore.

The Flat Earth sect is a symptom of a bigger issue: the proliferation of retardation and the exploitation of genuine curiosity some people have, and the distortion of actual critical thinking into manipulation. Literally for the dosh, which is the same modus operandi as climate alarmists like Oxfam, Extinction Rebellion or the LGBT proceeds to. The leftoid's herd mentality.

>I have doubts against vaccines and would like some actual information not the mainstream bullshit.
>I don't believe climate change is man-made, where can I debunk these shitheads?
The Nigger :trollface-scary:
>Come join our group we'll explain you why vaccines are 5G remote nanotech and why you have been lied to! Trust me my fellow redpilled patriot! Everything you know is a jew lie! They're everywhere!
>By the way do drugs, smoke weed and open your chakras with special mushrooms and have you read the Quran?

You become the nigger. You fell for it. The manipulators behind these chemtrails, flat earth, moon landing faked by nasa, or pyramid aliens are literally trolls, proliferating and are encouraged on every social network while any discussion on serious topics like vaccines, climate, politics, russian/ukrainian or gender are banned topics. You are not even censored! You exploit a gaping troll of free speech, nigger. (I'm going to go back to it later)

There are people who think they do their own research, ignoring how Google isn't their friend but will bubble you and manipulate you. Retards who subscribe to this belief are really being trolled, and refuse to acknowledge their manipulation and give up by fear of being ridiculed. Resulting in a distorted understanding of basic scientific principles, but hey you're not alone, it's just like teenagers are being manipulated into believing they can change their sex and demand trans rights, and exactly like the media manipulates the masses into believing climate change is anthropogenic.

You, flat earther mongs all have the same mentality as a tranny, the hivemind of a marxist. Do, don't question why, do as others in your group and call yourself an oppressed minority. And since this is what you were taught in these fucking ‘schools’ you cannot reason or have critical thinking, or even question your own beliefs.

Don't defend yourself, you must be insulted, bullied, ridiculed, and raped online by all forms possible, And you should be thankful for giving you retards who can barely read this reply.

Also to close this post, here's a thing to the guy trying to argue with the flat earth mongoloid, why are you even trying, he don't believe his own bullshit as shown in https://mlpol.net/sp/24255#24605, it is like I mentioned : herd mentality.
incorrect. what i said is they have to be verified to be real, meaning you have to be able to reproduce the photo, and everyone must have the ability to do so. otherwise its unfalsifiable evidence aka not evidence.
starting to wonder if you should seek help. your tangents are just misinformed complaints, this is the adult table here. our discussion is relevant to mainly the scientific method. can you tell us when and where you can see detectable curvature of our ground?
>everyone must have the ability to do so.
Anyone who operates the telescope can do that.
>reproduce the photo
Which photo? If you mean multiple photographs of the same stellar body, they've done that.
>your tangents are just misinformed complaints
His complaints are relevant to the conversation and your inability to argue in good faith.
>who are the beings complaining about memes?
Complaining about memes is the modus operandum on chansites, you stupid newfag. Go look at any chansite on any board, and that 40-60% of what they do on any given day.
>Who are the beings tracking down memes, memelords, and sources?
Nobody uses that term here.
>I believe we have a mole among us.
>implying everyone every other active user on the site is a mole
172814 172815
telescopes point at the sky, not the ground. try again
>which photo?
thats been my question the entire time. waiting for which photo is going to show the evidence for curve
>telescopes point at the sky, not the ground. try again
Which photo are you referring to then? You posted several.
>waiting for which photo is going to show the evidence for curve
How about a picture of the earth from space, run through the best digital forensics software to confirm no CGI artifacts?
i already told you, im asking the same question about "which photo". i didnt post any curvature photos
space has never been proven to exist, just another presumption you expect me to buy. and please go over every possible method that exists for finding CGI artifacts, that must take quite a while. but surely you have the patience. but because thats too silly and dumb to do, we can just cut to the chase and say unreplicable, call it a day. what can be asserted without backing can be dismissedd without backing
>i didnt post any curvature photos
Then why did you bring up CGI, in the contest of posting images of galaxies and nebula, if it wasn't relevant to your point?
>please go over every possible method that exists for finding CGI artifacts, that must take quite a while. but surely you have the patience.
If I did that, would you accept the result?
>but because thats too silly and dumb to do
You asked for verification of the images. Is that not what you want?
>we can just cut to the chase and say unreplicable, call it a day
No. I could verify it. It would take me a few hours, but I could do that. Is that what you're asking me to do?
172819 172820
i meant CGIs of cartoon globe earth, not CGIs of space and galaxies. you dont see stars in the globe earth cartoon, just pitch black. which should really raise an eyebrow, but not for you for some reason, you find some excuse even though there are no excuses for it with modern photo/video technology.
>would you accept the results?
not the discussion worth having here, im more curious to know why you dont care to verify it through replication
172823 172830
>you dont see stars in the globe earth cartoon, just pitch black. which should really raise an eyebrow, but not for you for some reason
We already discussed this. Scroll up.
>not the discussion worth having here
A simple yes or no would suffice.
I'm asking you, because I want to know if it's worth it for me to do all of that work, or if you'll just ignore it, like you did after I did all of that math demonstrating that all of the antipodal flights between Jakarta and Bogota taking the same amount of time no matter what direction they leave from could not be possible on a flat earth and are in themselves evidence that the earth is round.
>im more curious to know why you dont care to verify it through replication
What, by flying to space? People do that all of the time, and they take photos of the experience every time. Of course, you dismiss them all as CGI (without even attempting to analyze them for it).
What moment in your life did you decide to become a retard?
Bruh, seems like you're not quite seeing the big picture dropping this, unlike you we respect your right to your opinions but let's get a few things straight. Just becouse we ask legit questions and try to help you see the truth doesnt mean you can act like a self entitled cunt. Unlike you I believe in our freedom, but you hate America, your thread on /sp/ shows your hate for America. Your tweets attacks Americans all the time. So hear me out and listen up, I'd take a decade of Biden for president over anyone who would infrige my rights to believe what I want no matter how real or not they are and rule what I think.
You defend these elites, you're placed by elites, You got your science and diplomas no one gives a fuck about, and I'm really going to be questioning who got you here in this place for. See those in power they've got their reasons for pushing this round Earth narrative. The Jewish world have always been fighting against Muslims who had real scientists and real astronomers without any tech and they know earth is flat. As you talk about drugs who made them illegal? If everyone could access weed and microdosing on psilo shrooms and other natural meds the world would be much better. By the way I'm also concerned about climate as you claim it's not serious, me I care for our mother nature people like you aims to destroy, regardless the shape of Earth. I told you if you paid attention, Shape of Earth isn't about absolute truth, it's about questioning what you have learned and believe as the reality they forced you to grow up with. you will drown us with evidence but who's providing that evidence? even if you do I just can ignore it. You also collect and research evicence but it's for you to question if all of this is real as you search for proof and find problems in every image, you can't trust what you were taught being reality. I'm getting old, I'm almost thirty and I've seen enough to question the official story. I'd rather be awake and aware than blindly following along with their agenda.
>I told you if you paid attention, Shape of Earth isn't about absolute truth, it's about questioning what you have learned and believe as the reality they forced you to grow up with.
Are you implying it doesn't matter if it's true or not? We've been debating the truth all this time.

Also, lets revisit the topic of flights from Jakarta and Bogota. No CGI, no pictures, not expert testimony. Just independently verifiable flight arrivals/departures, paths, and math.
172826 172828 172833 172837
Why're you making such a big fuss defending your worldview? We're just trying to open your eyes to reality here and break through the bullshit you were taught. when you call us manipulated and indoctrinated, but maybe I've got better values than those telling you to buy into their version of things. Did you verify this? research that! I mean, come on now, can't you at least consider the other side and have a more neutral thinking cause there's plenty of counter evidence out there if you'd take a moment to look at them. but oh no, you're too smart for that, right? It ain't about who's right or wrong its about being willing to see beyond what they want you to see, give it a shot. I give you unlike the frenchie you don't wish to exterminate people who think differently.
172827 172837
first off why do learning the sahpe of earth really matters? I get how you try hard to bring proof of your opinion. It's not just about the shape of the Earth that really matters, it's the reality they've shoved down our throats I want to help you all questioning in this thread. now, when it comes to those flights from Jakarta to Bogota sure we can talk about paths but let's not forget something deeper here even if I don't know a lot of planes who really travels there. A counterargument like I said in Islam and other cultures they've got their own beliefs about the shape of the Earth. It's all about perspective, why do you stick with the specific one that was broguht up by freemasons, jews and jesuits? It's about breaking free from the constraints of what they want us to think. Who's to say their version of truth is the only one, you can bring any authority and scientists you want with proofs you want, it's about being string and not being influenced by anyone's narrative or worldview. I want you tlo keep questioning! who knows what we might uncover if we dare to step outside that box they've put us in. It's all about seeking truth, even if it's a bit unconventional. So, let's keep the conversation going and not attack anyone's status ok? We're on the same boat here, I am trying to help, others here are trying to make you think and not repeat what you learn or what you see.
>when you call us manipulated and indoctrinated
I never called you that.
>making such a big fuss defending your worldview?
You're arguing on a chansite. Grow a pair.
Maybe if you didn't leave questions unanswered and weren't so asinine in your conversation, then maybe Anons wouldn't be so annoyed with you.
It's not even about what you believe. Swede Anon apparently agrees, but people like Swede Anon because Swede Anon argues in good faith, and his posts contribute the the quality of this board. He doesn't resort to calling people shills/bots/glowies/kikes/women when he's losing an argument.
>at least consider the other side and have a more neutral thinking cause there's plenty of counter evidence out there
I can say the same for you. Moreso even. What about the antipodal flights, for example? What about the distances NEAR Antarctica (they don't guard the entire southern hemisphere) which according to the flat earth model should be much greater, but are in reality much closer together?
>if you'd take a moment to look at them.
I've been analyzing, debating and rebuking every piece of "evidence" you've shown me in this thread. Unlike you, I don't leave questions unanswered.
>It ain't about who's right or wrong its about being willing to see beyond what they want you to see, give it a shot.
No. It is about right and wrong. If it's literally, unironically true, idgaf who wants me to believe it. I call out their lies whenever I see evidence for it, and theorize other ways they could be lying to me, but I don't change my beliefs based on pure contrarianism.
And I can see that, despite replying to my post, you didn't answer any of my fucking questions, yet again. You do this all of the time, talking past them without listening or responding to their questions, and you wander why so many posters on this site despise you.
>first off why do learning the sahpe of earth really matters?
Knowing the nature of the world is beneficial to society.
>It's not just about the shape of the Earth that really matters
>hurr durr, the truth doesn't matter
Smoothe brain take.
>when it comes to those flights from Jakarta to Bogota sure we can talk about paths but let's not forget something deeper
Let's do that then.
>I don't know a lot of planes who really travels
You don't need to. You just need some highschool level geometry/arithmetic, and maybe a piece of paper. Maybe even get a tape measure and wrap it around a ball, and then try to simulate the same distance four times on a circular map from different directions.
>A counterargument like I said in Islam and other cultures they've got their own beliefs about the shape of the Earth
I don't consider medieval Muslims to be credible when it comes to science and metaphysics.
>why do you stick with the specific one that was broguht up by [buzzwords]
Because that's the one with the best evidence.
>It's about breaking free from the constraints of what they want us to think.
I care about what's true, not who wants me to think it. People in charge lie to me all the time, and I call out their lies. That doesn't mean they can't also say true things.
>version of truth is the only one
We live in the same reality. We live on the same planet. There is one truth about the nature and shape of this planet: one of us is right, and one of us is wrong.
>not being influenced by anyone's narrative or worldview
If you believe something for no reason other than that someone else told you to believe the opposite, you are still being influenced by them.
>I want you tlo keep questioning
I do that all of the time, all over this board.
>So, let's keep the conversation going
Then answer the questions and stop distracting people with these tangents.
>maybe I've got better values than those telling you to buy into their version of things
You have not demonstrated those values this far.
>if you'd take a moment to look at them
What do you think we've been doing in this thread all this time?
>gets asked to defend himself
>Switches gears to "it actually doesn't matter what's true"
Holy fuck, is this nigger serious?
172831 172832 172834 172867
you went to space? hooknose detected
>The manipulators behind these chemtrails, flat earth, moon landing faked by nasa, or pyramid aliens are literally trolls, proliferating and are encouraged on every social network while any discussion on serious topics like vaccines, climate, politics, russian/ukrainian or gender are banned topics. You are not even censored! You exploit a gaping troll of free speech, nigger. (I'm going to go back to it later)
Yeah, you make a very good point about well-poisoning. This shit up sharply in 2020-2021, when lockdowns forced normie boomers onto the Internet. I swear part of it is the launch of new psychological warfare methods, basically Project Mockingbird 2.0. They realized that they couldn't fully quell conspiracy theories that would emerge as people questioned the authority of ZOG during the lockdowns, so they decided to simply flood free speech venues with bullshit and algorithmically promote insultingly-untrue narratives to distract people with ridiculous nonsense and demoralize skeptics. It causes people to be pushed away from legitimate skeptics, and more sinisterly, it causes people to give up and feel like they can't believe in anything anymore, so that they just go about their lives and stop trying to find the truth. As flattie puts it
>It's not just about the shape of the Earth that really matters, it's the reality they've shoved down our throats
These retards don't care about the truth anymore. They only care about contrarianism, to feel like they're free because they're actually based schizos among sheeple because they choose to disbelieve the reality that the rest of the world has accepted as fact, not because it is false, but because they feel special that they don't believe it. These people don't do anything significant to take down the regimes that oppress us all and brainwash our children, nor do they have any kind of power: they're not a threat to ZOG, but they believe they are because they believe in a conspiracy about the shape of the earth. It's like opium, keeping people from discovering real conspiracies that they can take action against by making them feel special.
I didn't say that, you illiterate nigger. I know reading comprehension isn't your strongsuit, but you could try a bit harder once in a while.
172835 173069
Respond to the point about the antipodal flights.
It starts around here >>169460 to >>169499
It seems as though a flattie came to the conclusion that the world was shaped like an orange in >>169491 , except, what are oranges shaped like? They're not flat disks; they're spheres.
>bumps thread with bait memes
>calls people who disagree with him shills
>ignores sound arguments and conveniently forgets previous points
>"Why're you making such a big fuss"
The audacity of this nigger.
here we go again with the accusations and insults. Aint that crazy how as soon someone talks a sensitive topic everyone around unites as one to push us down? It's so tiresome.
So you even realize how like you're always attacking whenever we defend our views like its something so sacred to you, with your blind skepticism and refusal to see beyond the lies they feed you!
I'm not some fucking sheep, I have questions, I have doubts more than you could possibly imagine but you know what's worse? The feeling that no matter what evidence we present, you'll always find a way to dismiss it. It's infuriating! It's insane the efforts they all put to shove and attack.
I cant believe being on this thread for so long making fun of globeheads trying to put some sense and some will to question reality but deeply depressing on the long term. It's not even about politics, I'm not even feeling comfortable with the death threats and all kind of shit I've read recently.
But again, do any of you globeheads ever stop to question yourself before hurling accusations? There's so much weird shit happening in the world right now, and you're just brushing it all aside like it's nothing!
Look at the horrors of Zionism, the manipulation by powerful forces—it's all real, and it fills me with rage, have you seen the people protesting against Israel? Have you seen what's happening in Palestine again? All of the world is complicit of their crimes, USA, UK, EU, Russia. All united against us. when will you understand what's going on?

And here you are clinging to your mainstream narrative like it's your only lifeline, your cherished facts, your beloved universe well now guess what some of us actually care about truth and not your truth! People are waking up, if you are too dumb and brainwashed.
It's not just about the shape of the Earth again, it's about challenging everything they want us to believe.
Free energy is possible but is hidden. Medecine and everything to help us are around in nature but are hidden. History is a big lie. No one knows who really controls the world.
Most if not everything you see in the media is fake and especially in the cuckservative zionist media, nothing is done to stop climate change, nothing is done to protect the poor, HAARP technology is a weapon against the world and has been userd everytime a nation oppose their world. CERN holds a satanic or some weird shit when there was the eclipse no one knows what they are doing there again. but it's not your business. NASA, Musk and China and especially Putin are liars and will reinforce the fake competition to keep everyone under control as they planned since the beginning. All rockets explodes at the firmament, it's been documented, explorers built a rocket not faking it and hit the firmament and died on impact, that's real science.
But you wouldn't understand, would you? You're too blinded by your own ignorance, scared of facing the truth even, in denial, I went through this too, I cried, I rejected the truth, it was painful, it is paintful to realize even your family lied to you, people you trusted lied to you. You're almost there, you will throw up, I am willing to help but you're all so stubborn. Reality will scare the shit out of you, I'm even fearing for my life for posting thids now I no longer trust this place to protect truth. You love your comfort and not responding questions thinking there is nothing here to see.
And don't even get me started on the southern hemisphere and the South Pole. You think it's all open for exploration? Think again! It's all locked down by international treaties, hidden from us by those in power. You will never be able to go to the south pole, no one will, or never come back.
The ones who dare to seek truth beyond the lies, know this. And I no longer trust this place anymore. But go ahead, keep spouting your mainstream nonsense. You're just another puppet dancing to their tune, while the rest of us are left to grapple with the unsettling reality they try to bury. Wake up, open your eyes, and maybe just maybe we can start unraveling the web of deception together. And you will be glad we had this conversation, we should be friends and not enemies.
I want you to wake the fuck up, leave your pony porn, leave this place and do honest research, others have dropped links and information for you to forge yourself an opinion. Let us help you.

You mean being filmed in a pool or with wires attached in some basement, or Bezos's fake rockets with flat screens used as windows?
172838 172840
>flatearth.ws infograph that strawmans the flat earth position using a model we dont claim
wow, not my first time seeing that
172840 172841
>psyop: the website
waiting for them to walk me through on verifying curvature via repeatable experiment
172860 172868
>It's just about opening your mind dude.
>Objective reality? No dude this is all about psychological stuff about questioning what might be true is it really true?
>What do you mean philosophy wouldn't be as retarded as all we're doing.
>Duuude this isn't about proving what we say is true, it's just yah know questioning shit.
>Cause how do you even know what is true duuude?
>Just change what you know because how could you even know bro? Just show a curve.
>No, no, no that doesn't count as a curve.
Oh my God. You're all just doing shitty philosophy and deliberately trying to murder how anybody tries to find anything out.
172842 173253 173258

>it's just like teenagers are being manipulated into believing they can change their sex and demand trans rights
There are legit transgender people
>and exactly like the media manipulates the masses into believing climate change is anthropogenic.
See? I see you a distrust in science you're supporting and it's making things interesting because it's the opposite.
Climate change would not be a real issue or not even noticeable if the world was spherical but it is an issue and climate scientists being worried about it are the evidence there is something you're omitting. Because threy know and they don't tell the whole truth. If Earth were spherical heat would be distributed across and no one would be worried, but If you were a serious scientist thinking critically, you should account this possibility. A spinning Earth would have no climate problem, it becomes one because there is nowhere for CO2 to escape.

I hate how these are being shilled, but being convincing, and this is why it's important to educate and not tell people "just research flat earth" there's a LOT of things to take in account, they made this and many sites or videos just in order to be debunked.

Every comment I left on this place for a long time have been removed, leaving out the trolls and globeheads debunking blindlessly, some don't even read the posts and it's like they have all the elements to debunk it.

So you're trying all so hard to take us down you're all embarrassing yourselves, look how they even send their best shills[agents] on obscure chanboards like this one. Friends, don't let yourself controlled again, look how they're trying hard.
>ad Homenim
Address the argument.
It is not a straw man, but if it is, feel free to explain how it is.
Regardless, how is it that a plane can leave in four completely different directions, and arrive at the same destination in the same amount of time? This is completely unfeasible on a flat, disk-shaped earth, but it makes perfect sense on a round earth.
People make these flights all of the time, and thousands of people have taken the journey. The planes are visible from the ground and their journeys can be tracked in real time. This is an independently verifiable event that involves no "CGI" pictures or scientific mumbo jumbo: it is basic math and geometry that demonstrates something that is completely impossible on a flat earth, but happens anyway all of the time.
You tried this before, to dismiss the argument entirely by the source of the idea. I provided links to independent sources that all show the same amount of time from planes leaving in completely different directions. I explained it very clearly how this was only possible on a round earth.

Tell me, how do you think this very real and probable event is possible on a round earth. It should be easy to draw lines on a circular map from one point to the other. If you can draw four mostly-straight lines that connect the two flight locations with similar length, despite leaving from different directions (90 degrees or more difference), I'll be incredibly impressed.
See >>148613
>This thread is meant to debunk the deranged idea that our realm is a planet floating in space.
So do it. Debunk the psyop. Prove us wrong.
How is it that planes flying straight in four different directions from the same point can arrive at the same destination with similar travel times? How is that possible on a flat earth?
File (hide): 29379A626B8BB07D5C6CDF97897B9A25-2733427.mp4 (2.6 MB, Resolution:640x366 Length:00:00:37, 29379A626B8BB07D5C6CDF97897B9A25-2733427.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>Climate change would not be a real issue or not even noticeable if the world was spherical
Elaborate. What does that have to do with the shape of the earth?
>There are legit transgender people
No there aren't.
>If Earth were spherical heat would be distributed across and no one would be worried
That would just mean that the whole world would get hotter.
>it becomes one because there is nowhere for CO2 to escape
CO2 doesn't escape for the same reason that the rest of the atmosphere doesn't escape: the earth has a powerful magnetic field that protects it from the solar wind. Gas is effected by gravity too.
Video related.
I don't really care if you choose to believe climate change or not, but using it as evidence of the earth being flat is preposterous.
>don't even read the posts
I read them.
>it's like they have all the elements to debunk it
The elements are easy to find because the arguments are bad.
>So you're trying all so hard to take us down
You post bad arguments, I respond to bad arguments. Fuck around and find out.
>you're all embarrassing yourselves
Lol, lmao even. You're getting clowned on.
>look how they even send their best shills[agents] on obscure chanboards like this one
Oh, so we're all shills just because we disagree?
I've been using this site since day one. You only arrived during the wave of pandemic internet cancer.
>look how they're trying hard
Funny how you take eloquent, well researched arguments as evidence of your low-effort memespam being correct. Maybe other people on this site just care more about making good arguments than you.
172846 172848
>ad hominem
you dont know what that means apparently
no planes have EVER done the bullshit like you claim. no such flight path exists of going around the full circumference of the ball. also, your flight paths argument relies on strawmanning a model, so idk why you repeated the same shit twice when i already told you the first time
172846 172847 172848
again, planes dont and never do this, there is no such flight route that goes around the entire circumference of a ball in a perfectly straight direction.