Occupied Equestria is an RP campaign set in a post-Equestria Equestria, where the princesses are gone, as are the Elements of Harmony. Gone, temporarily at least, but not by any means forgotten.
New players are welcome.
Fantasy Play has a few "kitties" to cuddle with
Brie has a Changeling Queen to negotiate with
Iron has some gangsters to beat
Silver has some follow up to do
Amber is exploring her new home
Spark is either looking for forest demons, or negotiating the fate of a tribe of Wolves
Midnight has more cultists to kill
Onyx has a colt to look after
Dark Star has some communists to kill
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>>133471“Well....” she moves back, pulling away from Fantasy's mane
“Have you wondered what’s been going on in Manehattan since the new governor took over?”
>>133473"Well, no. I kinda moved here recently so I don't even know that a new governor has taken over," Fantasy says.
>>133474"I used to live in a small vilalge called Nuzzleville," Fantasy says.
>>133475"We lived kinda remote from the bigger cities."
>>133476>>133475>>133474She nods, slowly
“A small town pony, are you? Well, it looks like you don’t have class consciousness yet. I can hardly blame you. There are some ways to learn more though, about what’s going on.”
>>133477"Oh, well. That's good to hear. What are these ways then?" Fantasy asks.
>>133478"i mean I know I should probably read the newspaper but you might have a better sugguestion where to start."
>>133478>>133479She shakes her head
“The newspapers the big publish companies print are censored by the fascist government. They don’t tell you everything that’s going on about uprisings, riots, and The War. And then there’s what’s been going on with the unions. That’s not banned, exactly, but the newspapers don’t cover it.”
>>133480Fantasy gasps and her eyes go wide. She tiltes her head back and peers up at the mare.
"So they are not telling the truth?"
She shakes her head
“Not all of it. It’s a very different world away from the smaller towns. One with great struggles. But it’ll effect the small towns too, where it doesn’t already.”
>>133482"It will effect smaller towns as well?"
>>133483"Well, yes. The Fascists want to centralize power. The Communists too, but that's a different story. They are helping the landowners slowly to aggregate land for themselves, and leave the rest in the countryside too. And as things industrialize it gets worse. All of the smaller crafts businesses and shops get pushed out by the bigger ones, until eventually it will just be those who own things and those who don't. It's happening slowly, but its been going on for a long time. And the Fascists want to divide the creatures by nations, and place one nation against the other. In this way they drain even more resources that we make for them."
>>133484Fantasy seems to mull over this. She shakes her head.
"To be honest I didn't get all of that. It was a bit complicated but I don't like the thought of having dad's blacksmith be closed down for a bigger factory."
Fantasy won't make anymore moves towards having this mare give her some of those pamphlets or lead the converstaion into more polticial topics. The mare will be the one to take that initative now or nothing will happen.
While I don't think you need to hury up, I'm kinda done with this scene. Is was a fun scene but since this "going in for the kill" >>133471 missed, I have lost my enthusiam.
Do what you want, I'll still play but as fast as the topic changes to a none-political topic I want the scene to play on autopilot with Fantasy speaking about mundane things in cherry or pleasent tone of voice with this mare before finishing the cut and leaving.
Also, where is Mr. Snuggles in this scene? Is he outside at the entrence or what has happened to him? We never specify this. Is Fantasy's cat dead or alive right now? Well, the only way is to check. Heh heh, I'm so funny.
>>133485Mr. Snuggles is back with
Shrodinger in Blue Skies' lap. Not that the two particularly get along, but she keeps a hold of him.
It doesn't necessarily miss just because she wants to talk more after the question..."Yes... It's very hard to live through... I have a few pamphlets somewhere that summarize most of this. They are very informative. But they don't really tell you much you don't see living in the city. It's like they clarify your thoughts, or show you the wider world."
>>133487Okay, nice. I must go. This fun session, I mean it. :D
I'm very annoyed at being late like this.
>>133488Um... I hope it's fun. Hope to see you again soon!
>>133496Hello again. Whatcha' wanna do?
>>133497Well ill leave it up to you. But i think dark star would have just finished bringing the colts from the orphanage on a trip to see the docks and get ice cream.
>>133498Waking up the next morning, Dark Star finds he's woken up late, with Blue Skies long since gone. But the blankets are thick, making him cozy in the otherwise cold room, and sleeping in is well welcome. Dark Star easily catches a taxi to the orphanage, where after careful negotiation, Sister Marery lets the two colts out early to go to the docks with Dark Star (their lessons were halfway done by this point anyways). Dark Star's experience on the pier into Horseshoe Bay, and then later by the banks of the Delamare River, is quite enjoyable to say the least, helping him bond with the foals. But they have to be sent back eventually. This is where we meet Dark Star (or even the next day).
>>133499Dark Star smiles to himself after seeing the colts heaf back inside.
Then says to himself
"What a Great Day so far"
Forgive any spelling errors im phone posting for at least the next month
>>133501White Orchid waves back, then goes in, and Mint Marine smiles
What does Dark Star want to do next?