>>132185Delighted, the queen looks over to Brie, not always making eye contact but sometimes looking up, around, or past him
"I shall tell you. Our last effort was Gotterdamerung, just over six years ago now. The plan was to replace all of the princesses and the elements all at once. Install ourselves as rulers of Equetsria without the ponies even knowing. But it failed. And Queen Chrysalis decided after the failure of Gotterdamerung that our armed forces would focus on conventional attacks over deep infiltration.
Tell me? Do you know how Gotterdamerung failed? I don’t need to hear your answer, because I know you don’t know how it failed. No one knows, or appreciates just how
close we came to success. No one knows, save for me. I was there. I was the Changeling chosen to take the place of The Queen of the Crystal Empire, Princess “Mi Amore Cadenza.” That’s the exact same role that Queen Chrysalis herself took in Operation
Nos Separaverit just four years before. I was ready. Our infiltrator in the Royal Guard supplied us with great information. We neutralized the guards, set up sound suppressing barriers in the rooms, and caught the Princess and her Captain of the Guard consort as they slept. We knocked them out and I placed on a disguise. We had the cart outside waiting. Everything was going perfectly. Do you know
why it failed?”
She grits her sharpened teeth in anger
“Because of a single orange unicorn. He showed up that night to take take care of the baby, or something. Oh, we knew he was there. We sent a detachment of guards to his room to take care of him. But he wasn’t there. Do you know why?
because he got up to go to the bathroom and wasn’t in his room. He must have not understood that the closest bathroom was only two doors down, because he went the opposite direction. I was passing by with a group of drones and the two capitives, unconscious and on our backs. He popped out of that door and saw us. When he adjusted his glasses, he saw what was going on, and he turned to run away. I sent a powerful bolt to hold him from my own horn, but do you know what happened then?
His shoe fell off. He had it poorly nailed in. He fell and the bolt missed. It gave him enough time to yell and shoot out a bolt of his own. Oh, it hit no where
near us, it went in the opposite direction in fact. But it hit a window, and caused an explosion. That explosion was noticed by a passing mare – what she was doing wondering about at 3 AM I have no idea – who notified the remaining guard, and who eventually notified the guard in Canterlot and Ponyville, whose respective operations were otherwise successful.
That is why Gotterdamerung failed. Because of a series of stupid happenstances that we could never have prepared for, and which were unlikely to happen to begin with.
But is that the message Chrysalis got from it? No. She couldn’t be angry at my failure. After all, she failed to do exactly the same thing herself a few years before. But the whole situation persuaded her to abandon the gift The Great Mother gave us – our one natural way of dealing with enemies – and to pursue a more… “head on” approach, as she put it. No more infiltration – no more infiltration as the primary strategy, anyways. The take over of Equestria would be accomplished by sheer force. There’s “fewer moving parts,” “more simplicity,” and “less that can go wrong.” So her advisers told her. The conquest of Equestria would be accomplished by Iron and blood in ‘Schwarm aus Stahl’.”
She directs her eyes over the mining machinery, and then up to the train that moves past
“So very much iron, and so very much blood. So very, very much blood and iron.”
She looks back to Brie
“But it succeeded, barely, so the strategy is ‘vindicated.’ Never mind how successfully infiltration was used in support of operations, like securing the bridgeheads at Acornage, or reducing the fortifications at the Shire, or even how well it has worked in the occupation at taking out the crime syndicates in Las Pegasus. No. Because infiltration failed twice before, it is assumed to always fail. I do not think so. And that is why I want you. To prove that it can."