Occupied Equestria is an RP campaign set in a post-Equestria Equestria, where the princesses are gone, as are the Elements of Harmony. Gone, temporarily at least, but not by any means forgotten.
New players are welcome.
Fantasy Play has a few "kitties" to cuddle with
Brie has a Changeling Queen to negotiate with
Iron has some gangsters to beat
Silver has some follow up to do
Amber is exploring her new home
Spark is either looking for forest demons, or negotiating the fate of a tribe of Wolves
Midnight has more cultists to kill
Onyx has a colt to look after
Dark Star has some communists to kill
1930 replies and 59 files omitted.
>>133308Amber looks like she slowly starts to understand.
"…You mean the New Mareland invaders." >>133313She nods, maintaining eye contact
"Yes. Them. And they have a very
rough approach to smuggling. Left quite a few of them dead."
>>133308"Are you sugguesting we should sneak into supicious lookin' builings and check them? Because that sounds like something I would be good at," Fantasy says pushes out her chest.
>>133317She smiles back
"If only. But there are too many suspicious buildings in the city to check them all. You have no idea how many block owners are too poor to fix explosion damage... or are missing altogether. First, to narrow down the number of buildings to search."
>>133319She is silent at Amber's question
>>133321"Normally they don't have to do anything with our normal work. We deal with actual crime, after all. It's just on rare occasions like these, they want to claim jurisdiction over what is clearly a criminal matter."
>>133323"You have no idea what it was like inside when we found it. It was nothing less than a massacre"
"But…why? Why do all this over some smuggling?"
>>133318Fantasy rolls her lips in and out of her mouth.
"Well, I can try talking to those anarchists if ytou want. I guess it wouldn't hurt. Though, I do wonder how you get around. Don't these ponies communicate with each other? Wouldn't they notice you after while?"
>>133325She shakes her head
"They don't have much care for the refugees, and it didn't help that the smugglers were a little... rough themselves."
>>133326She smiles in a mischievous way
"I have my ways... The key is to just never let them connect you with the misfortunes in their lives. Don't be there when things turn sour. But our informant suggest he got it from the ponies at the mane parlor."
>>133326 >>133328"I can understand that. Baltimare has been comparatively peaceful. Maybe not as peaceful as Vanhoover or Canterlot, but more so than Manehattan. I don't like it spreading here. Gang violence especially."
>>133330"I don't know what books you read, but they are very real here. Organized crime syndicates running crime like a business. When they clash, it can be like wars."
>>133327Fantasy scratches her mane.
"Sure, I'm ready to go there but the more I think about this the more I wonder if this will work. It feels like only a few high up ponies would be in on the location of the printers and they would probably keep low profile with their views in public. A mission like this is more of a longer undercover infiltartion mission were one would have to rise in the ranks to even gain valueable clues or I'm I overestimating them?"
>>133332"Possible, yes, but i think you over estimate how organized the Anarchists are. These printing presses are kind of hard to acquire and to stock with paper and ink. Radios to gain the information from across the continent are just as hard. Just start asking about ink and soon enough you'll find somepony who wants help stocking more. Or track down whoever is distributing the papers and find out who they get it from. If we were dealing with communists, you could expect more secrecy and discretion."
>>133333If only I knew..."No, it's definitely hear in the city, preying on the poor and downtrodden. But it's been less violent."
>>133334Fantasy nods.
"Let's go to that Mane parlor, then. But I wanted t discuss something before we did."
>>133335"And what is that?" She asks
>>133333That was supposed to be spoilered, sorry, but it's fitting my get has it all in bold.>>133334"I see. I'll just have to be a bit careful and try not to encounter any smugglers." She gives a nervous smile.
>>133336Fantasy scratches the side of her neck and looks away.
"While I might act tough, I have never killed a pony. If such a situation would arise, I'm not sure what to do."
>>133346Now her grin is more playful
"And you shall not have to kill a pony. We are only dealing with Anarchists here."
Then she drops her smile for a more serious expression
"Our employer prefers that no one dies. Not even in self defense, and especially that we do shoot first. But if you have to, I think you'll know what to do. And if you still don't, I do."
>>133337She sighs
"These ones don't target just new comers, but immigrants. Creatures who the government doesn't even know were ever here."
>>133347Fantasy hangs her head but peers upwards towards Skies as she talks. She nods at the end.
"Well, then lead the way, Master Sky."
>>133348She nods
"And easy to exploit like that. Very vulnerable. But that's the position they often find themselves in when they enter the city."
>>133349She takes the two to twenty-eighth street, and then to where it intersects with Laffter street. There, they find "Merrily Minted Manes," a barber shop or beauty parlor of sorts on the first floor of what seems to be a two story building. The glass allows some ability to see inside, and it looks to be open.
Skies takes a special note of a piece of cloth, and words written on a piece of cardboard displayed in the window over to the left
"The red and black flag... 'We support the Unions and the right to organize'"
>>133351She nods
"That it is. Especially since it went on for a while under our snouts."
"We can pray that justice will be done. Thank you for trying to make things better."
If the officer has nothing else to say, Amber will slowly head off.
>>133350"Well, I guess I could go for a new mane style," Fantasy
Play says playfully and drags a hoof through her thick brown hair which bangs reaches down equally far down on all sides of her head while remaining above her nose's level.
>>133354She twists her lips
"That, you could. Let's go in."
Stepping in, there is a mint earth pony mare
[1d3 = 1]>>133353She doesn't. He does.
A yellow pegasus stallion walks up. He wears a green uniform and a cattlemare's hat.
"Ay. Well hello. The fuck's a beut like you doin' here?" he says jovially
>>133354>>133355The mint mare is helping to trim the mane of a Zebra stallion, which is stylized in a Mohawk.
>>133355Amber blinks, confused at the arrival of an interloper.
"Hello mister, I saw things weren't quite right 'round here, and…and I just wanted to know what happened.", she says with a slight nervous tone.
>>133354She has a bowl cut? >>133355>>133356Is is there a receptionist or is she the only pony in the room?
>>133357Yes, onethat reaches past her eyes.
>>133357"Ain't quite right? Shit's pretty fucked here. There's some strange cultist shit here, let me tell you. Moon cultists got nothin' on it. You shoulda' seen it when we first got here."
>>133358No receptionist. She is clearly a barber, cutting the hair of a zebra stallion. She looks over to the two entering mares. As to where there is anypony else in there...
[1d2 = 2]"
>>133358>>133360No pony else is visible in the front portion of the room. Just her and the zebra
>>133360Amber's ears flip back at the use of such rough speech–at least she instinctively senses its vulgarity. However, curiosity gets the better of her.
"What do you mean, sir? I thought it was about smugglers and customs agents." >>133360>>133361Fantasy smiles and makes a small wave towards her.
"I see that your busy. Can you make an appointment for after your done here? Should we come back?"
>>133362"Smugglers and customs? Ha! These hook beaked wanker were doing some weird equine sacrifice kind of ritual. Would you like to see what remains? They cleaned up all the bodies but you can still see most of the blood. There were some wicked shit in their, like a meat market."
>>133364She smiles, with her light blue mane elegantly moving over to the side.
"Oh, I'm almost done here if you want to wait. But you can make an appointment if you like" Her voice is kind of soft
[1d3 = 2] >>133365"We can wait," Fantasy says, smiles back, and looks around for some stols to sit on while waiting.
>>133365Amber strongly grimaces.
"Um, er, n-no…I–I really think–I beg your pardon for this–but I think it must have been something else. C-cults are from stories–good st-stories I might add–but nopony actually believes in them." She looks around in a perturbed fashion.
>>133366There's a few simple chairs near the entrance for Fantasy, unless she wants to commandeer a barber's chair.
It's only a few more cuts, and maybe three minutes before she is done with the stallion. He looks at her and smiles, says "thank you minty," and she smiles to him and says "see you on the line," and he raises his hoof to her. No exchange of money takes place there before he leaves. She looks over to Fantasy with dark blue eyes and says. "Well young filly, I do believe you're next." She smiles in a charming enough way.
>>133367"Oh well this'll make a believer out of ya. There were wearing robes in a heated building and were all gathered around this old stallion that got stabbed to death or something, and let me tell you they had this altar in the center of like an old chapel. And they had a stallion on a slab cut from his neck down to his junk. And this stallion was still alive, like some back woods surgery shit going on here, but there was no surgery or doctor. And they did the same thing to a deer. I'd never seen a deer before but fuck me, they had one on a slab like it's a damn nightmare night treat offering."
>>133368Amber initially says nothing but remains still with a fearful expression, her eye twitching. See >pic related
Eventually she meekly inquires,
"But…but what about the mercenaries? What did they have to do with it?" >>133368Fantasy walks to a barber stol and sits down. She looks into the mirror and shakes her head a bit so her mane's fringe falls forward and actually cover her eyes.
Now she can't see.
"What do you think? My friend over there have been moaning on me to get a hair-cut but I don't
see what the problem is?"
>>133369"Aye. Half the office is over up in Manehattan huntin' snipe or something and the other half's chekin' fruit crates in the harbor, so the agency pawns off handlin' smugglers to the anti-partisans, who just promise we'll pay them for every live alien they turn in. Heheheh, didn't do a very good job at that. You shoulda seen the main hall. One of them poor hook nosed bastards was roasted like a chicken that got caught in the electric fence. There was blood and oil everywhere on the floor. Did somethin' similar in the chapel. You shoulda seen the ones they tied down and captured. They were scared shitless."
>>133370"Hehe" she smiles, and pulls aside her mane with her hoof
"Let's get this cut to something a little more... stylish. Just a little. And a little more practical."
>>133371Amber is obviously not very comfortable and starts edging away.
"I see. I'm glad I wasn't allowed in after all…" >>133372"Well don't you worry, little filly"
He actually
reaches out and touches her, patting the top of her head
"Because now you won't have to worry about being kidnapped and dragged in, like at least one colt was."