The last thread got stale, so I baked anew. This bread is filled with nuts, so it might aggravate allergies or bother anons with sensitive teeth.
Seriously though this is an RP thread; you've been warned.
876 replies and 206 files omitted.
>>10810>Doesn't have the track skillFor that, you'd need an extraplanar bloodhound, with a powerful sense of smell, tracking skills, and an unquenchable thirst for Infernal blood
tl;dr, count me in>>10811Would Lenos craft Tracy something special for Tracy, if she offered him the cigarettes she looted from the body of your dead coworker?
>>10805*pushes away pony anyways*
>>10812Are you talking about Barry?
"What do you have in mind? I'll answer afterward."
>>10812i have the detect jew spell.
>>10813Fail, and in his fail, he finds his arms unintendedly wrapped around Tracy.
[1d20 = 16]>>10805Roll anyways, because this bitch ain't right
>>10820>splitting hairsYou suspect there might be something amiss.
But then, you always think Tracy is up to something.
So, no dispositional change.
>>10819Is there any empathic bond? If there is, she can feel my suspicion and disgust
>>10821Yeah, that's pretty much exactly how that scene would have played out
>>10815>here goes nothingA wearable, extending, spiked-chain that functions as a melee saw-blade and can conduct psionic abilities
>>10822There would be if you took her as your mount.
>>10822She knows, but she doesn't seem to care for the most part.
>>10824Can you elaborate on what occurs when that happens?
>>10824Yes, yes, Ghost-rider is an abominable Chain Demon (what? its literally spelled out!). You want chain-demon skills then?
So, about tracys pregnancy...
How is tis gonna work
>>10828This tbh. is it gonna be half horse?
or was Trumpaladin secretly a pony all along... DUN DUN DUN!!!
>>10828To be determined. It was "her" idea, but it sounded like fun so I went with it. As far as raw gameplay is concerned, it allows Tracy extra bonuses if she feels life-threatened, and it gives OP the opportunity to fuck with Trump (and others) on occasion. So far, that's it.
>>10829Well, the typical gestation for a hoers is just under a year. So, you'll permit me to defer on that?
>Waited a while because I thought GM would take the initiative to explainShe gains the title, a few of her stats get buffed, you'll be able to summon her from anywhere within a mile through a vague empathetic link that allows for heightened communication. You'd also be able to use any item connected to her (i.e. the bow, the chain), and the same things go for spells and spell-like abilities (i.e. be able to use the Blackguard's evil magic)
Also, being able to infinitely share saving rolls with a Guardian Paramount would make you virtually invincible during mounted combat. There are other supernatural abilities a Cauchemar Nightmare can share with its rider, but those have nothing to do with the class.>>10827YES!!!
>>10832All the same. Trumpaladin will have a court declare Tracy unfit to be the mother, then take legal custody of the child. The child may be disabled from the mother's contain or demon blood use, but not all evils can be stopped. One more set back in a long life of set backs, but nothing more
*cries at the thought of being able to teach his hopefully not part demon and not cocaine addicted son how to play football, an opportunity he thought he lost forever*
>>10833K. Sorry I missed the earlier post, I'm casual-browsing.
>>10834lol Try it!
>>10835Am I safe if I support your ship?
>>10835>insists on doing everything the hard waySo let be written, so let it be done
>>10840>her*His. The foal deserves a good family
>>10840Uhhhh, do I have magic for this shit?
>>10841Kek, too bad its got this one,....
>>10842If your character could somehow detect an extraplanar predatory hoers with stealth, lunging out of another dimension and crushing your ripcage.>>10843Tracy would make sure her foal lived a better life than hers.
>>10843We'll take him away from his evil mother, don't you worry. He shall play football and learn the family business with his father
>>10848Okay, now you're just trolling. I'm sure you know Trump would get eviscerated if he tried.
>>10845>Tracy would make sure her foal lived a better life than hers.Even if that meant giving up her child to a loving and wealthy family?
>>10834trump no take baby away!!
That makes 3v1
Have fun taking the baby Trump
"Its MY seal, I'll break the shit out of it he thinks,...."
>>10851NO!!! She would make sure her family was loving and wealthy, even if she had to destroy an entire country, and melt the brain of her idiot husband, to do so.>>10852I know. I was hoping for a chance to explore the planes.
>>10856She's off to a good start
>>10850She can detect that he is thinking about his child and how to protect him and give him the best life possible
>>10849Trumpaladin has been thinking about how to put down the problem dog ever since she took the blood. He knows he can't evade it forever. It will take time and preparation, but what needs be done, needs be done
>>10858O.O I almost wish I could make you take back those words
>>10856The fact that she'd be willing to do that is precisely why she can't be his mount, she can't be his wife, and ahe can't be his child's mother
>>10858>She can detect that he is thinking about his child and how to protect him and give him the best life possibleGood.
>>10860[Genocidal Sithlord hoers noises]
>>10861This isn't D&D, it's Mixed Nuts.