Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Dark Star and Silver are preparing a task for the Civil Administration. Iron is drowning in a Lake. Brie has just gotten approval to speak with a Changeling agent about acting as a collaborator, and Spark is petting the weird cat things.
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>>107749He gently pulls it out, trying to contain his shivering.
Okay, I need to sleep now. At least I know where every pony is
The Wirraway will save us all.
No more wars, just Wirraway.
It's the true answer to life.
>>107762The Wirraway is of great and ancient wisdom. May it lead us all to safety and profit
>>107778You sure do have a lot of cats.
>>107814Yeah, d00d.
It's, like, cats are life, too.
Cats love to sleep in small spaces, like plane cockpits.
Cats are prophets of Wirraway, man.
>>107815If only we could all have the Wirraway's blessing as cats and Iron do.
>>107816It would be quite funny for Iron to make a massive 180 into having a mindwipe, increasing his wisdom score to 20 or more while keeping his other stats, and suddenly turn into a Wirraway Cleric, focused on the magic of... whatever that plane has.
>>107826What, with the name? That's like when I post on the main board while forgetting to clear the name field. Admittedly I sometimes also delet my posts when that happens...
>>107820Oh, and I'm not sure if you're still here, but Silver's unfortunately had to excuse himself from the spa group. So, it's down to just you and Blue.
A couple.
In a steamy spa.
Have lots of fun, you two. *winks at camera* >>107842Hmmmmmm i see
Im Totally sure that nothing agaisnt the spa rules will happen.
>>107848Again, no idea what that means.>>107849Okay then. Nice to see you, GM. You ready to start, or do you need some time before you're ready?
>>107849If unicorns can hold things with telekinesis, then they can easily prop themselves up with enough experience and practice.
Keep in mind no mere recruit in the army can do it. Only expert mages could do it with massive effort on their part.
>>107850Place the exact words in the last post and use Google, my dude.
You can use either Fly, Psionic or Nomad Power List if you want. I have
a lot of tabs open currently so I can't directly link it to you.
>>107853Alright. I think last time you were looking up if Blue had indeed promised 4000 Bits to Silver. I can try to see if I can find that post, if you want.
>>107854The green fabric gives way to white, as it slowly comes out. It is very thin. The wind continues blowing, and Iron is freezing over
>>107856Iron musters his voice up for Cauldron to hear.
"I found a cover-thing!"
He tries to extend it to its maximum distance inside his spot to see how much it covers.
>>107845it would be just dreadful.
>>107859Well then, better not keep your marefriend waiting for your extra special,
totally rule-abiding spa trip.
>>107857Well..... Okay then. Dusty Outback gives a "well fuck me then" look, and counts out bills for a while, ultimately paying over the remainder of what Skies owes Silver
>>107859I'm not done with you
>>107858After ten or so feet, hopefully Iron realizes that is a bad idea, as it is huge, and more to the point, getting caught in the wind.