Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Dark Star and Silver are preparing a task for the Civil Administration. Iron is drowning in a Lake. Brie has just gotten approval to speak with a Changeling agent about acting as a collaborator, and Spark is petting the weird cat things.
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>>108188Like a cross between paint and rubbing alcohol
>>108189She looks at him, and into his eyes. Her eyes widen, and tear
>>108192“Now we apply the holding solution”
They apply this in much broader strokes. On his back, across his muzzle (this has a kind of ‘stinging’ smell). Then they have him turn over.
Yes, it gets on his genitals“Okay. Let’s dry it”
>>108191Iron can't help but feel her heart breaking a bit, his brow softening.
"I understand that now, Cauldron. I should have pursued so stubbornly if it meant you being hurled into this."
He stares into her blue, teary eyes.
"I was all for it, but I was not expecting you to follow suit. I..."
He stops, afraid of what word could come to his mouth, but inhales.
"I did not want to hurt you."
>>108193"Alright lets Get it dryed."
lewd >>108195One takes a hair dryer, and pints it at Dark Star
“First... is there any particular style of stripes you want?”
>>108194*I shouldn't have pursued
>>108196Dark Star looks confused
"There are different types?"
>>108194She is silent, but looks back at him. Teary eyed
>>108198“Yes, like straight, even, certain patterns”
>>108200“.... did you not know what you meant by ‘stripes’ before coming here?”
>>108199Iron stares back, placing a hoof on her cheek. He knows his confessions have been mostly horrible so far, but it's either now or possibly never.
"I love you, Cauldron," he says, metaphorically presenting his heart to her with a regretful yet passionate tone.
With that, his head slowly leans closer, his mouth apporaching hers with his eyes closing as he braces for her reaction.
>>108201"Yea regular straight stripes.i did't know that they could be in patterns."
>>108203He’s looking right at a Zebra, and her stripes are not straight
>>108202Oh dear
>>108205That's not specifici enough for them to get the idea that they are supoosed to resemble Zebra stripes and not some collection of bizarrely straight stripes that literally no one will believe look like a zebra, but okay
>>108202"Waa" She pulls away slightly
>>108207Now that reaction was funny. Too bad for Iron tho.Zebra pucci went farther from Iron now.Iron knew this was going to happen, pulling back himself with a blush.
"I got carried away," he utters looking to the side, "but I meant what I said. I regret getting you hurt."
>>108210She’s shaking, and turns her head away from Iron. Then her eyes turn back.
She pulls her head back in, and locks her mouth with Iron’s
>>108207"Make Them Look Like Zebra Stripes."
>>108213This earns Dark Star a strange look from the blue mare, and a glare from the zebra
>>108211Iron can't help but be shocked at her sudden move, but accepts it welcomingly, closing his eyes and enjoying the moment
He gently wraps his foreleg around Cauldron's head, not wanting to let go of this magical moment, while he slightly opens his mouth for a quick breath of air before continuing.
(Is this... really happening? Is this real life, or just a fantasy?)
His other foreleg caresses her coarse back slowly and softly, relishing in her features.
(I hope it is real, because there is no place I would rather be.)
>>108216“Oh... okay”
The mare starts cutting from a purple sheet, while the zebra hair dries Dark Star
>>108215And she kisses him, and places her hooves around his neck. Her back is icy. Literally icy, with frost over it. Both are cold, but she presses her chest into his, which actually helps with the climatic situation
>>108217He absolutely welcomes her pressing, lightly reciprocating.
He trails his hoof along her back up to her flanks, in an up and down motion while never going behind her tail, partly because he can't help but explore her body but also to spread his impassioned heat around her body. To spread his fiery feelings as literal hotness to melt away all the cold on her, even though it most likely won't work.
He lightly opens his mouth for another quick breath and glancing at Black Cauldron before going at it again.
(Am I lucky to have such a mare.)
>>108218>he can't help but explore her body but also to spread his impassioned heat around her body.>spread his impassioned heat around her body>his impassioned heat>heat>Uncertain at first, she now presses her lips more firmly to his, and does not mind the other physical contact. She feels icy on the outside, and a bit muscular on the inside, but also soft in points. But even through the cover, the cold enters
>>108219Dangit! I didn't mean it come out as a sexual innuendo!Also hotdamn, these windigoes just don't give up. I'm running out of ideas to solve this whole forever winter thing.I wonder if they have to get steamy. Disregard Pear's comment on 'libido not being able to solve it' comment.He lightly picks Cauldron up, setting her down on the floor in a back position, then prompty following suit, both bodies fully wrapped around eachother from chest to belly.
He does the unthinkable, starting to explore her mouth with his tongue while his nostrils flare, completely wrapped up in the kiss.
>>108220*floor, her back planted against the floor, then
>>108220The wind blows again, and pulls against the cover. Now exploring, Cauldron reaches her tongue out into Iron
[1d20 = 6]>>108222! PANIC! THIS KISS BETTER DISSIPATE THE DAMN WINDIGOES! HOLY SHIT!He powers through his rational side's warnings, encapsulated by the kiss and enchanted by the dance of tongues they're both into.
His member can't help but poke a little bit out of his sheath from such a passionate and active display of raw affection to the point where it inadvertedly made the slightest of pokes against her belly.
(Now is not the
time, member.)
Rolling a will save against his second mind to direct the priorities.
>>108223I think that’s a fail
Also, the weather is not better
>>108225I KNOW AND IT'S FREAKING ME OUT!I CAN'T PUNCH AWAY THE GHOSTS THAT FEED ON HATRED!Unless... copulation is really the answer.Iron's length sadly increases to full mast, trailing along Cauldron's belly, but does not make an attempt of mounting her yet, content with the kiss but with a slight bread of sweat on his forehead.
Calm down. We should do that when we are safe and we plan this out. Not
But his memeber cannot go back now, awkwardly reminding Cauldron of the differences between mares and stallions.
>>108226She stops for a moment, seeming to notice it, but continues
I have to go to sleep now
>>108228Night.Hopefully, copulation works against Windigoes.>>108227Iron's blush increases for his lack of control over his body, but continues kissing for a few more seconds, ending with him pulling back, a small trail of saliva still connecting both mouths and obviously panting from either the intense makeout session or the desire to ravage her to the point of climax.
>>108229She blushes, looks at him, shivers and smiles
>>108231Iron smiles back, albeit with more savage enthusiasm without losing his blush.
He leans down, planting a series of pecks on her neck which start to trail down along her body downwards. For him, the cold is merely a detail while submerged in the situation as the kisses go to her chest, gauging her mood before proceeding.
His main mind, however, can't help but spark quite the doubts.
(You know this is the deal sealer, Iron. You are taking her forever if you along this path.)
But it only makes him excited.
(She is
the one.)
>>108232*if you go along this path.)
>>108231>>108232You two were sure up early.
>>108236Hi Darkie!
Don't worry, you haven't missed much.
>>108237Have you and cauldron fugged yet?
>>108238It's getting quite close.
Although I admit the circumstances are quite... unsettling, judging from the cold wind monsters on the other side of the makeshift shelter they both are.
I only hope it shoos them away with it and Pear is ultimately wrong about the conditions to make the monsters flee. >>108236Did.... did you sleep the entire time since that post?
>>108234*sticks tongue out back at pony*
>>108232She has a definite fear to her, and a bit of reserve, which she seems to be actively trying to push past
>>108241I went to sleep after you, and I’ve already been at work for more than two hours.
Anyways, hello