Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Dark Star and Silver are preparing a task for the Civil Administration. Iron is drowning in a Lake. Brie has just gotten approval to speak with a Changeling agent about acting as a collaborator, and Spark is petting the weird cat things.
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[1d20+5 = 23]>>107861Dangit, I stated that it was
inside the spot to avoid this exact situation, but whatever. Wind is a punishing mistress.
Iron holds on the thing, pulling it away from the nasty winds and into the floor of the spot.
>>107861Silver accepts the money. "I apologize for any inconvenience, but thank you."
Goal one, achieved, now onto goal two: getting help from Father Maren.
>>107862He keeps hold (he’s still mostly exposed), but if he’s inside then he definitely can’t pull the whole thing out
>>107865Done. Presumably, Silver is going to the church of Saint Iglesias?
>>107867That he is, empty cart in tow.
[1d20 = 15]>>107866I suppose I should first tie two of the sides available to something inside the spot where the wind won't bother the poor piece of fabric.
I use the use rope skill for this.
It should safeguard against wind stuff if Iron fails his strength checks.
>>107868When Silver opens the door, he sees a number of ponies inside of the church, particularly towards the front, and some even walking past to leave him
>>107869Uh... okay. Fortunately for Iron, there's a lot of broken shit inside that sticks out
>>107864Does Dark Star do anything?
>>107871Hmm...must have just gotten done with sermon. Silver steps inside past those who are leaving, and lingers for a minute to see if he can catch some of what's being spoken around him.
>>107871You honestly think I'm going to risk the magic carpet flying off after getting assrammed by the dice to lose all my pots? No thanks.He picks the broken shit on his spot nearest to Cauldron's spot to tie it around and secure it. The sturdier and blunter, the better.
>>107872Hails a taxi and goes to the spa with blue.
>>107875"Well hello, where are you taking me?"
>>107874It's thin, and wobbles around in the wind, but he can get a partial covering. Partial. The two ponies are separated by at least a seat
>>107873"Well, business has been moving more slowly this year, but we're getting by"
"Do you really think they'll last? I'm not sure he's gotten over his... drinking habits"
"It was really shocking when I read that this morning... You know, he seemed so nice"
>>107877Iron, knowing that if both of them are in the same seat they would be covered more effectively, peeks out to Cauldron's seat
which I assume is either as tall or taller than her seat. >>107877Silver's ears perk up at the last statement.
Talking about Comte's arrest? >>107879"Yeah, he had been a big part of the community for a while."
"And the photo... It was against etiquette to publish that"
Who else is like that"
"I still think the Fascists planted it. Of course it's exposed in the course of burglary"
>>107878It's not quite big enough for two ponies, unless they squeeze together or she sits in Iron's lap or something
>>107877"wheres the closest spa?"
>>107882Silver can only shake his head, hearing that.
Oh, how I wish it was fake. I really do. You have no idea how bad things have gotten... >>107882>sits on Iron's lapThat'll do
Iron beckons Cauldron to his spot, offering a hoof for easier changing.
"Found carpet thing! should cover both of us!"
>>107885She gives a Dark Star a bedeviling smile, looks at him for a moment, and says
“Northam street is the closest””
>>107886“It’s really shameful. Shameful upon the whole city”
“I wonder what his wife and children will do now...”
“I still think this is suspicious. Just mentioning there’s a war going on gets a paper pulled from distribution for the day, and now they publish
“It looks pretty convincing to me.... I guess we can wait and see”
>>107889She looks over, Frost above her eyes, but climbs over the steel separator, and crawls under Iron’s set up, head first. Her hoof slips the first time, but she catches, and places a hoof on Iron. She’s cold, covered in frost, a little heavy, and upside relative to how she should be
>>107901Shameful upon all of us, is what it is. Silver finally moves on to find Father Maren, or one of the other church workers.
Iron's not quite sure what to do with the ice, but he knows he should fully close any opening.
"Close up the spot with the rest of the carpet thing! It should protect us!"
He rubs her back to try and heat her up.
>>107901He Grins
"Fantastic, i'm looking forward to seeing you get sweaty."
>>107903She tries to turn around on him, since she’s awkwardly positioned. It’s too small for two ponies, really. She feels cold, and she looks scared. She pulls down s side with a hoof
“I’m trying”
>>107905“... what?”
>>107902All of them seem to be there. Slow Burn, who is closer to the front and has not noticed Silver, is prancing about, saying something, Sundew is speaking to a pair of ponies. And further in the back, lying on his back against the wall, is a certain older pony drinking a burgundy liquid out of a glass
[1d20 = 1]>>107906Iron helps out the side she's trying to tie down herself, as well as other possible gaps to turn the partial cover into full cover.
(It should be long enough to cover all of this.
>>107907Thank god I tied down a part of it.
At least it won't fly away.
>>107906I'm assuming that older pony is the Father.He gets a half-smile as he trots up to him. "Enjoying yourself?"
>>107909“Huh? Uh, yes. You again. I mean, what brings you here today?”
>>107907One side flies up, into the wind, and Cauldron loses her footing over Iron, sending her falling down on top of him
>>107906"They Have a sauna right?"
[1d20+5 = 7]>>107910Iron does his best to catch her.
Strength roll to cushion her fall.
>>107910"I am not judging. It would be rather hypocritical of me to do so." He sits down next to the Father. "Remember why I came to you earlier today?"
>>107911“A sauna? Is that what you want? Yes, they do.”
>>107913She crashes down on him
>>107914“Yes... yes I do”
>>107916Iron groans.
(This cold is worse than I thought.)
He tries to stand up with Cauldron on him.
>>107916"Yea Sauna's are nice. What are you Going to get?"
>>107916"I said I would come back if I was victorious, and thus here I am. All undead, to my knowledge, have been killed, save one. And that is why I am here. I would request your aid in putting Joseph Curwhinny to rest."
>>107919 “I will see what I feel like. How about you?”
>>107917“What... what are you doing?”
>>107920“Well... that is very good news indeed. Did you say you had a... locket?”
[1d20 = 6]>>107921"We must cover this place up, or else we freeze."
Iron powers through Cauldron's weight and tries again to close all of the openings.
>>107921Silver nods, and brings it out for Father Maren to see. "His phylactery."
>>107921"Probably just the Coat Dyeing and The Sauna. maybe a hoof buffing."
>>107922Uh... not completely successful
>>107924Maren looks at it curiously, then with an ever growing dread in his eyes. He break away to drink the rest of his glass
“Take that away from the Sanctuary. There are too many ponies here”
>>107925“You are serious about this looking like a zebra thing?”
>>107927The sheet stretches out, stretches out, until a little string catches it, and POOF. It fills up with wind, pulling out from the back pack, and holding stout on the edges, holding the wind in. It pulls out with such great force that the backpack itself flies away with it