Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Dark Star and Silver are preparing a task for the Civil Administration. Iron is drowning in a Lake. Brie has just gotten approval to speak with a Changeling agent about acting as a collaborator, and Spark is petting the weird cat things.
1324 replies and 94 files omitted.
>>107182I don't think there is, to be honest, unless he means the evil changeling who disguises as a commie who he admitted 'she' would've done a quickie in the bathroom in order to trap her.
I guess that could be another one.
>>107184You don't remember the first group mission? Frankly her death was a bit uneventful while Iron got fucked metaphorically by Redclaw so I don't blame you.
>>107184During the job the party did at the docks, there was a changeling infiltrator disguised as a Stalliongrader agent assisting the Communist rebels. I remember the GM made a comment either during or after the job that a member of that party
could have offered sexual intercourse as a way to distract her, and that she would have wanted it done quick.
>>107185The docks mission? The one where the 'pacifist' set everything on fire and Brie scored a double-crit strike, embedding 2 daggers in each of a griffon's eyes?
Yeah, I totally forgot about that one. Seriously though, I don't remember there being a changeling.
>>107187This only proves my point of the uneventfulness of her death. She got gunned down by Dark Star, Ash and Skies I think. When she died, she revealed her buggy nature.
>>107188>>107187>>107186It was my first ever attempt at making a villain... There was a lot of characterization I wanted to do that never came through... stahp
>>107189I don't think anyone is bashing the attempt, we're just making an observation.
>>107189Don't feel bad. She was an evil changeling for simply supporting the commies in an attempt to destabilize Baltimare and Equestria.
>>107189Yeesh. Brie was entirely outside that encounter, and I've deliberately avoided reading about outside encounters.
>>107192But but... I put a lot of work into them. Somepony needs to read them
>>107193Yes, and when the time comes I will gladly go back and see what I missed, but in the interest of
not metagaming, I'm declining from delving into what everyone else has/is done/doing.
>>107193Villains are quite hard to write, honestly. Especially if they're supposed to die in said mission
and their evil deeds can't be shown. Redclaw was quite the villain tho, granting Iron some of that much needed character growth after getting fucked even when fighting underwater
>>107195The hardest part is getting them sufficient time for development. They must be established as a threat, must be hate-able, must have an established motivation that, if it is not relatable, is at least comprehensible and rational, and they must have the quirks and peculiarities that individualize them. That is difficult if the players are intent on killing them the moment they are in range and know they are a villain.
>>107196Villains don't necessarily need to be hateable in order to be established as a villain, specially when you have the best excuse imaginable: They are from a group that opposes the PCs' point of view. After all, the villains who actually have a lot of characterization are major villains who, in this case, move the group's strings.
>>107197If the villains aren’t “hateable” then that places even more pressure on characterization to develop motives, especially if they are just an OpFor with a reasonable but different point of view.
>>107198Ah. Well, just go for the 'I support this group because it furthers my actual group's objectives/personal goals' motive, combined with attacking them first. That'll make creating motives for minions much easier in the long run that don't need complex reasons
Saw a Lyra plushie with faux fur mane for sake. It was $400 so I did not want to get it just yet because I was hoping for a different vendor to have more plushies. I came back an hour later and it was gone
Multiple Pamela Gabe filled to capacity and I was left out
Here comes the daily poke!
>>107322Trippy.How's the day coming along? Have any spoils of con to show?
Perhaps a comission for fanart? >>107330Hey, Dark boi! How's it hangin'?
>>107332Its Hanging pretty low. How's it hanging with you?
>>107333Eh, a little disappointed about how the Cup went, but eh. Sorry to hear things aren't going well for you.
So, Silver's got Blue Skies all lined up for Dark Star to sweep off her hooves, whenever the GM is ready to play again.
>>107337Yea, i Don't like the way it went either.
>>107338>pic I’m still trying to meet people after BronyCon, but Dark Star and Silver Floof can declare actions
Also, I want to say that I watched the 4chan cup with like 30 /mlp/ people at BronyCon. It was almost spiritual
>>107342Oh, you were
that Anon? Suppose I should have known.
>>107342Dark Star Says "whats the likelihood of not walking out of that building?"
>>107346Dark Star Raises his Eyebrow
"What Do you mean by that?"
>>107347"It means we should avoid combat for as long as possible, and that you should stay behind me if and when it does."
>>107346>>107347“It means that any situation is survivable, and any situation could be a death warrant”
>>107348>>107350"what i want to know is How Many Beaks and stripes are we likely to run into, in the building."
>>107352"I apologise if I am stealing Ms Skies' thunder, but we will not likely know until we have done some recon, and even then it will not be accurate until we have ingratiated ourselves into this organization." Silver sigh. "I hope you know what you are getting yourself into. Infiltration is very different beast from raw combat."
Am really regretting not finishing the folder for this quest right now
>>107342Woah. Now that is quite the feeling.
So... Dark Star does not want to sweep Blue Skies off her hooves?
>>107360Im Not Really sure what to say.
>>107361>>107360Fission Mailed.
We'll get them next time.