Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Dark Star and Silver are preparing a task for the Civil Administration. Iron is drowning in a Lake. Brie has just gotten approval to speak with a Changeling agent about acting as a collaborator, and Spark is petting the weird cat things.
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>>108615Well, he can do it any which way
>>108616Okay then.
They start to leave
>>108617As they exit the premises, he decides to prod a bit, trying to be subtle with a light-hearted smile.
"I assume my stay put quite the dent in your ingredient amount, right?"
>>108617Fuck it. Fingers and hooves crossed...Silver takes a deep breath and decides to risk unsealing the casket and looking inside.
>>108619The casket is sealed, or seems to be, and does not move
>>108618“What? Oh. The food? No, I have more more ingredients for food where that came from... you do not owe me anything for it”
>>108620Iron can't help but feel a bit more inclined in the 'she likes me' belief, raising his eyebrows in surprise as he follows her out of the apartment.
"Really? What about my silly requests and 'battles'?"
>>108620"Hmm..." Silver pulls out his railroadmare's hammer.
>>108621She tilts her head at him
“Are you talking about the mugging last night?”
Then she giggles
“Or the tiger”
>>108622Oh dear
>>108623Iron glances to the side, a little sheepish smile on his face when remembering the tiger events and the not so pleasant encounter of the muggers due to him asking to jog for the night.
"A bit of both."
>>108625Iron can't help but blush slightly over her pets but also frown a bit as the pair go ever forward.
"Are you sure? I put you in danger for my sake."
>>108627"No, the tiger was your problem, and mugging is a common danger in this city"
>>108628Iron seems even more convinced of her liking him, even though her reasoning is pretty mundane and logical.
However, he giggles a little over the tiger comment, looking at Cauldron.
"You know I did not mean that you got in danger because of the tiger you never met. I did not lose
that much blood to lose my memories like that."
>>108629She blinks
“What are you talking about?”
>>108630Iron looks at her funny.
"...the muggers who wanted to take us to our deaths for puny bits?"
[1d20+7 = 12]>>108623Well, since I have no idea if Curwhinny is actually dead or not, let's hope this doesn't get Silver killed.Silver strikes at where the casket is sealed using the hammer.
>>108631“As I said, it happens. Especially in that area”
>>108632Leaning towards “does not beat AC”
[1d20+7 = 20]>>108634"Come on!" Silver strikes it again.
>>108634Iron pouts slightly, but in his mind, he's plotting.
(Does she really? Perhaps I should try to send some hints later on.)
His cranes his neck up, having an idea 10 seconds later from his previous expression.
"What do you do when you are bored?"
>>108636“Remember, I listen to radio serials”
>>108637Iron hums.
"Right. I guess I
might lost some memories with the bleeding."
He chuckles, but currently figuring out what possible plans he may have.
(Perhaps that could be a ticket into getting with her later. For now, I must plot for her heart... and her plot, of course.)
"Do you listen to them at work or at home?"
>>108638“At home. I can’t listen to serials while working”
>>108639The casket cracks down the middle, with a definite sound
>>108641Like why the fuck are you trying to ignore all the shit that happened in the past five months, and asking her questions that were probably asked and answered half a year ago?
>>108640I can't tell if that reaction image is for me or Iron."That should do it." Silver now opens the unsealed casket.
>>108642Well...Any mention that could be related to the dream may be taken as crazy talk, honestly. Like I can't straight come out to her as 'Hey, did you have me kissing you passionately and almost boning you in a plane surrounded by evil cold monsters in your dream?'Alright, let me see if I can possibly make it related to her dream of what info he's gotten aka let's forget the radio thing some posts ago and try to move towards that.Iron's mind, seeing how dumb it was to actually go for the approach in his head, decides to focus harder on the dream Cauldron had instead.
"What exactly happened in that dreams of yours, Cauldron?"
>>108641"Well, they are often dramas... there is this one I listen to every week, 'The Shadow,'which is about a mysterious figure who fights criminals"
>>108644"It was like we were going through the jungles, and we were trying to find this treasure or something. You and I. There were bandits that we had to fight, and this skinny professor bitch found us and followed us. We found some money and fought off the bandits, but the skinny professor bitch turned out to be crazy, and unleashed demons upon the world or something."
>>108643Cracked, but not yet ready to be opened simply
[1d20+2 = 11]>>108645Strength: Silver tries to use his strength to force it open.
>>108645Iron nods, processing the information.
(Dramas. That could be fun.)
He decides to press further on the dream.
"What happened after that? Did we single-hoofedly fight off the evil creatures and got away victorious?"
>>108646He forces it open.............
>>108647“No! You feel through water, we almost froze to death, and I think we direct inside a rashes airplane”
>>108648Iron realizes that, indeed, the dreams were the same.
"I see. You said we 'almost' froze to death. Did we at least get off alive?"
>>108650“No, we died in a crashed airplane”
[1d20 = 5]>>108651"We... died? Was it really just that?"
Now's the time to see if she's hiding that last part with a
sense motive. >>108652He can’t really feel anything from her, except that she thought it was a strange and emotional experience
>>108649A strange smell comes forth, and... the duster remains of a skeleton and jacket
>>108654Darn. At least it confirms it happened.Iron can't help but blush a little because she witnessed that last part.
"It sure feels like you had a rather surprising end."
[1d20 = 6]>>108655Silver tries to place the smell.
>>108656“Yes... definitely... it was terrifying”
>>108657Ancient degradation
>>108658Mhm. Should have expected as much. Silver looks through the jacket's pockets for anything of note.
>>108658Iron's ears droop a little with her choice of words.
(Perhaps not.)
He ponders for a bit.
"What about that 'beach' that summoned the demons? Did we kick her flank?"
>>108661An...interesting response.
>>108661Iron hums.
"...that does not sound like a pleasant dream. We both died and the baddie did her plan ran away victorious."
He shakes his head, but wraps around Cauldron.
"Do not worry. I will not let you suffer any fate like such. We are the unbeatable duo."
(I should trust Cauldron's gut next time.)
>>108663*wraps a foreleg around Cauldron, pulling her close.
>>108663She nods, a bit more relieved. She also feels softer than the last time he touched her, with finer hairs
>>108665Iron raises an eyebrow due to this, smiling.
"Did you do something to your coat? It feels softer than usual."