Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Dark Star and Silver are preparing a task for the Civil Administration. Iron is drowning in a Lake. Brie has just gotten approval to speak with a Changeling agent about acting as a collaborator, and Spark is petting the weird cat things.
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[1d6+2 = 7]>>108771Except short swords are a d6
Okay, it’s got just a tiny Bit of HP left. Spark then Onyx, make your attacks!
>>108772The sword glows slightly as it stabs through the thick chest of the creature
[1d20-1 = -18]>>108774I believe I still have a dagger... hopefully I do. I stab the thing with the dagger.
>>108775Oh shid, that's a crit, if that's a dagger. Roll to confirm.
>>108775Spark runs towards it and stabs it in the side, going through its hide and between its ribs
Roll to confirm crit
[2d4 = 3]>>108778FUCKING LANDS ON CRIT
Just barely, but that is a crit
[1d20+9 = 13]
Onyx is encouraged by the friendly attacks against the beast and strikes as well
>>108780I guess if it was charging at Brie’s to close the distance, that hit landsOnyx rushes forward and punches the damned thing in its ugly owl face
Roll damage
>>108778>>108772>>108782 creature smolders, even glows with orange flame from the fur on its back, blackened by fire and giving the unpleasant smell of burning hair. It is stabbed through the neck by Brie, punched in the face by Onyx, then stabbed through its hide and into its lungs by Spark. Now, with a last, mighty punch, the old crystal war veteran sends his hoof into the creature’s forehead, bro diving a sound of a cracking skull. It stops for a moment, then falls down to the ground. Brie and especially Onyx are left bloodied and bruised by the creatures. But they’ve won.
Ruby is terrified, but has already freed the cow’s tether from under the roots. He knows very well that if the creature had not been distracted by the grave Onyx, it would have torn him, and Betsy, to pieces
>>108783"R-remind me n-never to go anywhere without my halberd again"
The crystal pony's body shows many cracks and scratches in the moonlight, slowly turning into deep cuts and scrapes as it slowly transitions back to fur.
He stumbles towards the others.
>>108785"Okay? No. Alive?"
Onyx groans as he almost falls over, a few deep cuts on his back showing themselves
"Surprisingly. Is the cow and the kid okay?"
>>108786The cow and kid do indeed seem to be okay, and look over at the bear of owl and fire
>>108786"Just hold on."
>>108772"Are you ok, Brie? Can you help Onyx?"
>>108788"I'll be fine, just need a few bandages... Maybe some sleep"
>>108789"Let's get you out of here."
Spark attempts to help brace Onyx so he can walk easier and hopes the GM doesn't notice and make it a roll.
>>108789>>108790Ruby is still more than a bit shocked by the encounter, but manages to say
“T-thank you” as he pulls Betsy away
>>108792"You're welcome, stay outta trouble you hear?"
>>108792>>108793Spark guides Onyx back to the wagon.
>>108794>>108793They go back towards the wagon. It’s still there, sitting in the winter night, even if a dog has taken up residence underneath it. Ruby goes by, carrying the cow
“Now I just need to find my brother, and meet up with Dawson...”
>>108795"Spark, we got any booze in the wagon?"
Onyx lies down besides the wagon, wincing in pain.
>Checks thread
>200 new replies
i missed something important it looks like.
>>108796"I don't think so buddy. Just stay with me."
>>108795"Who is Dawson?"
>>108797Yeah. Brie has come back from the nether
>>108798"Who's idea was it to travel without booze? Damnit, nevermind then... I'll survive."
>>108799Remember kids, 1 block in the nether is 8 blocks in the overworld.
>>108797Eeyup. Brie is liv and the gang fought an owlbear, Iron is trying to confess to having the same dream as Cauldron (and subsequently almost boning her in it), and Silver made the GM cry and is about to be 9,000 Bits richer.
>>108798“He was the property we keep the cows on... another young stallion.”
>>108801Oh dear
>>108800I think onyx has basically no real supplies
>>108803Well duh, he's that homeless vetren on the street corner with the big ass knife.
But I thought the others might have booze.
>>108803"I don't suppose we can head there to patch ourselves up?"
>>108804Spark does but Tipsy is not for drinking.
>>108805Silver had a mini speech in front of Curwhinny's corpse that brought an "
Awwwwwwww." and a crying Sweetie Belle image out of the GM.
>>108806“Sure, he has a cabin out here, if you want to take your cart with you just go up the ridge and there’s a trail”
>>108805Yeah, he finally completed the catacomb quest and laid rest to Curwhinny, the pony whose story I didn't really read about but seems to a tragic tale of a stallion who lost his colt and therefore researched necromancy to maybe bring him back, maybe.
>>108809Dude lost his
entire family to plague. Yeah, it's pretty tragic.
>>108810Oh. Well, he did try to find a solution through necromancy, right?
That part wasn't wrong, right?
>>108806Can tipsy be used to disinfect cuts?
>>108808"That might be wise..."
>>108808"Thank you."
Spark gets out and pulls the cart, however slowly, toward the trail.
>>108813No. And hopefully the changelings leave you alone in there.
>>108814He should've at least planted a failsafe of killing everything if he ever failed in his quest.
JK. Curwhinny is nice, I think.