Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Dark Star and Silver are preparing a task for the Civil Administration. Iron is drowning in a Lake. Brie has just gotten approval to speak with a Changeling agent about acting as a collaborator, and Spark is petting the weird cat things.
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>>108815He takes Betsy down a little trail off to the side, just ahead of them. It’s barely noticeable from the road, but it’s big enough to get at least a cow down
“They are just this way”
>>108821Spark continues to haul the wagon, but remembers that they might not take kindly to their cargo, so keeps distance.
>>108825I think he's a bit occupied with the once in a blue moon guests.
>>108823>>108822Spark pulls the cart along further, and onyx can feel his sores
“It’s just down this way”
The distance is actually s little further than a Ruby seems to want them to believe, but after less than a mile, they see a clearing with a small cabin. The cabin is wooden, over to right is a fallow field that’s a bit small than a full agricultural field, more like an oversized garden, and behind it is a kind of barn. Between both is a large clearing of just snow covered ground with more than a few treacle on it
“This is Dawson’s place. We keep our cows in his barn at night, even if it’s too risky to keep them there diluting the day. Dawson, Rose and my brother should be here”
The little boy speaks with an accent that must be typical of this locale
>>108825Dark Star better hope he doesn’t prune, because he could prune
>>108827"This is a nice place. I didn't expect there to anything nice left in the changeling territory."
>>108827"Why can't ya have cows around here?"
>>108767“What do you mean?”
He can’t read her well
>>108829“They mostly leave the buildings intact. Mostly. They don’t like ponies living out in the forest, away from where they can be watched, so this may not last. Dawson is registered to the town over yonder, so they may not think he ‘lives’ here.”
>>108830“Exactions... collectivization... sometimes it’s just theft. They will take your privately owned cows”
>>108827He remains lost in thought for a few minutes more,then he gets up and stretches to help his muscles loosen up. and then he walks out of the sauna.
>>108832Well, he does so. When he goes outside, there is a certain blue mare there
>>108831"Do you wish to leave for New Mareland territory at somepoint?"
>>108830DESPAIR>>108831While he does want to know if she really saw and felt the last thing before 'death', he can't bring himself to say it himself, swallowing a lump in his throat for bringing it up.
"Oh, it is, uh nothing. It was a rather miniscule detail in the grand scheme of things."
(I will have to leave it for later.)
>>108836[Charisma 1/9] I saw this dream where I confessed to you and we almost did sexual relations.
>>108833is anypony else in earshot?
>>108834“Leave? We are farmers. These lands are ours and have been for centuries. And we don’t have much besides our land.”
>>108835“Oh. Okay then.” She says
>>108838At least one
>>108839Iron starts to sweat.
(She even appears unfazed by all of it! How does she do it!? Did we have the same exact dream or not?! ARGH!)
But on the outside, he's simply staring blankly, looking for the restaurant to retreat and lick his pride wounds.
(I cannot do that without getting me some breakfast there first, though. Now that would be disrespectful if I dared not eat there after all this walk.)
>>108839"Well, I can respect that. But if you change your mind, I do have a bit of a skill at helping ponies cross."
>>108843“Well, thanks. My brother should be here, and so is Dawson. Let me open this door”
He places Betsy’s rope around a post, then opens the door of the cabin and looks in
>>108844Onyx stumbled out and follows behind the others
>>108842Iron starts to sweat even more.
(Oh no! If I utter out the whole 'I dreamt I rutted you', she is going to be horrified! I have to come up with an excuse! Think, Iron, Think!)
"O-oh no! I am
completely fine. I assure you. No secrets in here."
He strains a smile.
(I am not a good liar.)
>>108844>>108846Spark makes sure the wagon door is closed before helping Onyx to the cabin.
>>108846>>108848There little cargo is still safe inside the back of the cart. The cow is at the post, and ruby is inside the cabin for a moment
“Huh... I don’t see any of them here. They must be around back. I’ll go out the cow up”
He takes the rope, and moves with the cow around the cabin
>>108847“Are you sure...?
>>108845Still, a strange look
>>108854>>108855There is a light in the cabin, and smoke coming from the chimney, so clearly they are around
“Must be meeting in the barn, let me just go see”
He puts the rope back in his mouth, and pulls the cow over to the barn, then taps on the barn door
“Mmph hereph”
Then he opens it, to try to lead the cow in
[1d20+1 = 3]>>108852Iron's reliving of the last moments can't help but spring up his archnemesis:
Impulses The Brie Destroyer.WARNING: ANY BRIES OUT HERE MUST NOT READ THE SPOILER BELOW.SECOND WARNING: NO BRIES ALLOWED DOWN THIS LINE.You asked for it.His body is activating his member again, contrary to what Iron currently wants right now.(Get a hold of yourself! We are going to crash!)
Rolling will save >>108856Spark is now getting nervous. He still follows.
>>108863>>108855>>108864“Let me put Betsy away...”
As the pony sticks his head in, then goes in, another pony walks around from around back. It’s a beige Earth pony stallion, with dark brown mane. He has a rifle on him, and says nothing
>>108860I kinda have the feeling my action wasn't exactly approved by the GM.I guess I should redo it.>>108852Iron can't help but strain his smile even further, feeling like he's in an actual desert with all the sweat on his coat.
(Do I go for it? Do I just... shove my heart out in an inopportune moment like this? I... I cannot. I must withdraw.)
absolutely. There is absolutely
nothing wrong with me."
>>108862"Great, you should use the sauna. its fantastic."
He turns to Blue
"How you liking the spa?"
>>108865Onyx rolls his shoulders, shifting the halberd on his back. He isn't gonna let this pony think he's weak and beaten up.