Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Dark Star and Silver are preparing a task for the Civil Administration. Iron is drowning in a Lake. Brie has just gotten approval to speak with a Changeling agent about acting as a collaborator, and Spark is petting the weird cat things.
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>>107360"So About That Spa,Get The most expensive Treatment."
He Winks at Her
Am back at my hotel room
>>107370She grins at him in her malign way
“That would be lovely. Tell me though, do you have anything in mind for yourself?”
>>107391"Aside From the Coat and Mane Dying? i'm not really sure. I've never been to a spa before."
>>107395Silver enters the conversation. "That would make two of us. I have heard they have some sort of mud bath at some spas. Supposed to help with your skin, and it is supposed to be way for Earth Ponies to connect little bit with their Natural Magic."
>>107403"I Think my mom used to talk about being wrapped in seaweed, it helped her relax."
>>107403“Maybe that’s why Earth ponies love being covered in mud”
>>107404“... Uh, okay...”
>>107395“Well, if you want to recon or attack tonight, you’d best not spend
too long unless you are sure about it”
>>107405"If Earth Ponies are most connected with Earth? I can see it. That being said, I am not very big fan of being covered in Fire, and most unicorns are supposed to be connected with it."
>>107405"I was thinking recon tonight."
>>107405>>107406"I love being covered in mud, i used to get so Filthy Tilling, better Times."
He Smiles
>>107407Silver gets a smile out of seeing the young Earth Pony being happy. "Hm. Recon tonight, then. Keep in mind, I still have to finish retrieving books for Ms. Skies, here, and there is short list of things I must do afterwards."
>>107406“She giggles, and places a hoof over her mouth.
“I’ve never heard that before, but I can imagine not wanting to be covered in fire”
>>107407“Probably a wise choice. A proper raid group can be assembled later from garrison forces”
>>107413"Did you want to Head To The Spa? I'm kind of interested to See how it works."
>>107413"Perhaps that is Earth Pony inside me speaking. But yes, you do not know half of it, even. You know what smell of burnt fur is, yes? Imagine smelling that all day, every day." He puts a hoof to his chin. "Perhaps that is why so many rich Unicorns carry incense with them everywhere..."
>>107414“It may be new to you. We can go”
>>107415“Yes. Yes I do... perhaps that would explain it. Thar, and the unicorn obsession with weird ways of determining status amongst themselves”
>>107416He Winks at her
"I'm Ready when you are."
>>107416>>107418"I do not suppose I might come along with you two? Or do you need some...
ahem...alone time?"
>>107420He Looks over towards silver.
then he puts his hoof to his chin in thought
"Yea, You can Come with us. there might be an older mare there for you."
>>107422"Hah! We will see. Perhaps I could acquire use of your services...wingpony."
>>107425"Well, yes. You do not know about wingponies?"
>>107426"Uh, you mean pegasi? yea i'm familiar."
*checks wings*
They are still feathery
>>107427"That is not exactly...nevermind. Let us be off. Not like time will stop moving for us."
And now I have to go to sleep
Must I boop to start waking others?
>>107465REEEE, I did not expect the counter boop! REEEEEEEE!
>>107468Congratulations. You played yourself.
>>107479Curse you, you sneaky pony!
>>107499Who will stop this booping fiend's reign of terror!?
>>107500Easy answer.
Cut of the nose == No boops.