Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Dark Star and Silver are preparing a task for the Civil Administration. Iron is drowning in a Lake. Brie has just gotten approval to speak with a Changeling agent about acting as a collaborator, and Spark is petting the weird cat things.
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[1d20 = 7]>>107692If you want me to die, dice, then do your worst!
>>107684Presumably, Brie comes out, sits on the top of the wagon in the driver's seat, and mushes Onyx onwards, towards the highway out of town
>>107693Cauldron pulls onto Iron, but can she pull enough? Roll another die
[1d20 = 6]>>107695Cmon, Cauldron. You can do it!
You can reach a better future!
>>107694Onyx is not sure how he feels about being mushed. But he complies.
[1d20+3 = 14]>>107696Uh...
She tries to cut off the rest of the pots
>>107697Onwards! They go further, and see that still many of the buildings are empty. further, they come to a closed theater. One screen, it says, plays the Moon Valley Serenade, while another plays extended screenings of Citizen Mane.
Past this, however, is life. ponies are together. Crowded together in a number of houses, denser in this area than others. And on the streets are, perhaps unsurpisingly, undisguised Changelings. Buggy little creatures in brown uniform. They eye the passers by suspiciously, while the ponies sometimes look on themselves with weary expression. A strange congregation of ponies stay in line outside of the Hawk Thorne Middle School, with several more of the changelings guiding ponies outside.
The road in front of Onyx, hoever, continues straight, and what ponies tale the road in front of him continue going straight and straight only, not looking to their side. Not long past the border, two stray and mangy dogs start to follow the group, often traveling off to side to side
[1d20 = 14]>>107696>>107700Iron has lost consciousness, but Cauldron pulls him up
>>107703Cauldron pulls Iron Iron, trying to knock the water out of him. He is weak, and still coughing up water. It is
cold, and colder than it was before he stepped on the lake
About 20% cooler>>107691Skies is not there. Dusty is
>>107699Do the changelings take any note of their new suroundings, or are they too distracted right now?
>>107705They say some things in an alien language, and look outside. They look very happy to see undisguised changelings around ponies. Like they have been liberated. In a veil of green fire, they too, loose their disguises inside of the cart
>>107704Then Silver would like to speak with him, when he's finished bringing the books in.
>>107707Dusty looks up at Silver with his tired old eyes. He does not speak
>>107704In his tired and water-filled stage and inbetween coughs, he groggily starts to stand up.
(Must... keep going)
>>107710And this is important to understand - it's cold. Very cold and windy. This was not that much of an issue earlier, because the temperature was higher, and both Iron and Cauldron had some fur. That fur is now wet, and freezes quickly in the howling night wind
>>107711(No time to think about cold)
He starts to do a tired run towards any edge of the lake in front of him.
(Must go.)
>>107706Spark is a bit surprised at this and a tiny bit disappointed they aren't as soft as before.
>>107709"That job given to me by Blue Skies has been finished."
>>107714As if in a daze, he rides over closer to teh edge. the wirrary remains as silent guardian. Cauldron gallops with him. Her black stripes are greyed by her own ice and frost
>>107715"The collection of ancient tomes and histories?"
>>107714Well, he'll have to try to do something about it. If he can
>>107699"I'll be out of here soon"
He continues on
>>107716Iron, feeling lost, cannot for the life of him know where to go. As he shivers, he looks over to the fallen plane
"Wirraway... Will you help me, Wirraway?"
He starts walking over there.
"Wirraway... Lend me a hoof, Wirraway."
Clop by clop, he approaches it.
"Wirraway... Protect me, Wirraway..."
>>107716He nods. "All have been set down inside offices. Veritable library's worth of tomes. As I understand it, Blue Skies and Dark Star have left to prepare for new mission."
>>107719It's cold, but the wirraway is right there. There's an opening in the back, a set, if anything
>>107720"I've heard, vaguely. Let me see the books"
he goes to the office, and inspects the books
"Is this
all of them?"
>>107718On the other side of the middle school, other ponies stand. But they do not look to be fully pony. They hang as if half dead. Zombie. More seem to be on the otherside of the fence that surrounds the middle school's play yard, as if in a pin. And still the Changelings watch Onyx pass by. They are not many of them, but there are several, at least five in total around the school house. they do not say anything. Beyond this are more houses, mostly single family homes on an eighth of an acre of property. Most of these seem to have an inhabitant. A changeling officer comes by seeming a pair of ponies on a porch, and tells them they must vacate soon. Curfew starts shortly after nightfall. But Onyx has no real need to stop at night fall, and may ride on
>>107718It's like touching a June bug. A beetle. A cockroache=.
>>107722Weird, but Spark is committed to the pets. He can't back out now.
>>107722(It offers its body as protection.)
He lets Cauldron enters first in case it only accepts one of them, then prompty enters said opening.
>>107722"Of those that could be recovered. You will notice there are some which have been burned. There were others which were burnt further to cinders, to point of being unrecoverable."
>>107695>>107724It’s an open top with a clear cover that has been pushed far forward. The seat is black, a little torn, and has broken pieces of glass on it, besides snow. Cauldron pushes some of the glass away with her hoof, and tries to get in. Iron can try to get in, but only by pushing up against Cauldron
>>107725He nods, simply
“And I guess you want payment?”
>>107726No way I'm hurting zebra waifu.Iron helps Cauldron up with his body weight and height to get inside.
"Come on, Cauldron. The Wirraway will help us."
>>107727Silver nods in turn. "If it can be arranged, naturally."
>>107728Do eeeeet.Snuggle with your zeebfu for warmth in the Wirraway. >>107728Wait, is he going in after Cauldron or not?
>>107730He leaves, and comes back, with a number of bank notes
“1000 bits, was it?”
>>107732Yes. Cauldron goes first. She needs the shelter more than Iron does for now.
Wait, is she already in, cozy enough for Iron to enter?
If so, Iron prompty follows suit.
>>107732"If my memory serves me, she said 4000, and I have already been given 1000."
>>107735He raises an eyebrow
“4000? I was told it was 2000. Maybe 3000.”
>>107733Cauldron hops in, almost tripping. She gets in, her butt a little high, and her shoulders and neck bending a bit in the cramped quarters. It’s a bit small for two ponies
>>107736Crap.After Iron ogled a bit at Cauldron's compromising position until she enters fully, he explores the rest of the plane for an alternative or if the opening can be closed for added warmth.
>>107737It does not seem it can be closed. There is more than one seat, and they are not together but separated one behind the other
>>107736The benefit of being a terrible liar is that it's obvious when he's telling the truth, such as now. "I do not know exactly what you were told, but I remember her telling me 4000 when I accepted this job. Even if I could, it is not in either of our interests for me to lie about what was said to me then."
>>107738Iron, seeing the opportunity, enters the other available position in the plane.
He slowly strokes the plane.
>>107740This one also has a pushed forward cover, and broken glass on the shredded seat. It’s still smooth to the touch in areas
>>107739I’ll... look into this
>>107741Iron lazily swats away the glass off of the seat, inspecting the cover presented.
"I thank you, Wirraway... "
He shivers.
>>107743It’s still cold, windy, and the lightning rolls on
>>107722Onyx heads on, humming a low tune as he plods on through the changeling territory.
>>107744Iron shivers some more.
"There must be something else here. Something to cover the tops of Wirraway. Come on."
He plunders his spot for anything to cover the place up, while also inspecting the seat's material.
>>107745Past this, the houses thin out more until it is agricultural fields. Some are fallow and snow covered, some have clover, hay, or winter wheat. And strangely, it looks as if some fiend have high concentrations of plows besides them, while others are empty. Fences are in area taken down, while new ones are erected near the road side
>>107746It’s either leather, or fake leather. One of the two. Roll for search
>>107748Now that’s a good roll
There’s a large green thing in a back pack hanging out