Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
>>81000First for getting paid.
So, it's pretty damn late, so I think I'm gonna head to bed. Sleep well, everyone, tomorrow we shall conquer this catacomb!
Sister Ash reposes and burns all of the bodies.
>>81010I wonder what Ash would think of the situation.
has been strangely absent from conversations which I would have thought she'd take an interest in
>>81010Ash discovers a door at the end of her hallway, which is now cleared. Of course, the door is open
>>80997 →Sister Ash speaks up as she returns from bringing the jars outside.
"By the atrocities that have been committed in this wretched place, I wouldn't be surprised if it were cursed.. Ponies unfortunate enough to wander in unprepared may have perished in various ways.. Who could tell what else may have been attracted to this horrid prison since its abandonment.." She says, before before turning to another corpse and reposing it with a prayer.
"... The Chimera.. was likely a creature that the necromancer captured in order to experiment on.. Such a unique creature, with so many different parts, he must have considered to be a valuable guinea pig.." she spits with disgust
"It may have been locked in that chamber for centuries.. Mindless, emotionless, and without purpose.."
She lifts her head
"The small ones.. the ones that ran earlier.. They couldn't have been anything but children... The vile one who reanimated them may have kidnapped them for the purpose of experimenting if his abominations had the capability of growing.. only to find they did not.." she say through gritted teeth
".. Such pitiful creatures.. Unable to grow older or pass on, doomed to starve forever, so long as they remained reanimated.. They ran from the light at the first chance they they got: their fear of the world superceded their unnatural hostility to living creatures... They've been crawling around down here in the dark, afraid of the outside world.. for all this time.." she says, her tone grim and solemn
Then she her tone picks up, sounding convicted
"They must be reposed. They cannot pass into the next world until the curse that enslaves them is broken. Perhaps, in that next life, they will not be so unfortunate.." She says, biting back tears
She glances back at the hall she came from, where the Sarcophagus laid.
"..That Sarcophagus was of ponish origin, from the region of Somnambula; I read much about them in my studies of ancient clergy. In the past, they practiced.. somewhat different modes of reposition for their nobility.." she says, slightly uncomfortable at the mention.
".. There was mummy dust in that casket. It likely held the corpse of a noble, or a guardian of a precious site, from a bygone age.. Judging by this casters writings, he may have stolen or otherwise acquired the casket for the sake of his reasearch, only to find that he was unable to make it shamble upon his command.. And so he left the casket there, ungaurded and out in the open.."
She glances back once more, seemingly nervous
"... The one who laid there.. may still be in this chamber. Since it does not rest, it must believe that its purpose is yet to be fulfilled. Perhaps that poor one mistook this wretched place for the place it was embalmed to guard; perhaps it is the corpse of a noble, awaiting for its servants to arrive; only time can tell.."
She shudders
".. A poor soul.. having sacrificed so much for the sake of its faith, only to have its tomb descrated be grave robbers, and brought to this senseless hellhole for such selfish purposes..." She trails off
".. If that one still remains, I would like to sp-speak with it.." she says, trying to show conviction, although
"For that one deserves a proper eulogy, and an explanation of its circumstances, if it is to pass on in peace.."
>>81012>She has been strangely absent from conversations which I would have thought she'd take an interest inSister Ash was busy doing reposition prayers, cremating the ghouls in the wells, and delivering those jars of dust to the outside. She knows that undead are still ponies, and believes that their eulogies are long overdo: every moment they spend shambling is a moment they're they're suffering; so she's been prioritizing their services before all else. She wanted to put the jars outside into the sunlight, seeing as how they'd be better off removed from the horrible place that bound them in the time before she liberates them in a proper reposition.
That, and I've been very busy (and sick), plus I can only mobile-post; so my RPing ability has been constrained.
I'm taking the liberty to claim that Sister Ash overheard parts of the previous conversations as she was walking back and fourth; because if a slight bonus to perception is all I get for vital statistics, I'm definitely going use that to make up for lost RP time.
>>81014She laid the jars in neat stacks, on the side of the house, where they'd get some sunlight, but be out of the way. She tore off part of her gown as a make-shift blanket to lay them on; and she set out a fabric sign next to it with a biohazard symbol on it that says "DO NOT TOUCH".
>>81013Iron nods understandingly. "I would agree. These ponies have lost their life a long time ago and they are being puppeteered. We are doing them a favor ending their physical lives." Iron shudders. "To think even foals have been stolen their life from this bastard."
>>81017"It's more than just hacking their bodies to pieces." Sister Ash replies
"These are ponies we're talking about. They need to be reposed, not just destroyed. Every shambling corpse you see here, is a pony that was denied its eulogy and burial. Despite the poisoned states of their minds, they're still intelligent, and vaguely aware of their surroundings.. They can understand all of the words you speak near them: Some may even speak back if given a chance..." she says, trailing off with her head drooping as her eyes turn somber
"... The poor things.. all alone and confused..."
"These kinds of things need to be approached like one would hospice care or funerals, not just exterminating 'dangerous creatures'. The dead deserve the same respect the living do, even if they seem dangerous due to their circumstances."
>>81019Iron is confused. "What is this 'repose' process then? I thought it was just destroying their bodies for them to be rid of their physical burden. Is there any other way to treat such a creature?"
>>81020The pearly dragonmare ruffles her fluff (now exposed after tearing off so much fabric) and takes a long breath, her respect
"... To repose a creature means to see it off to the next life.. to liberate it, from its shambling prison.. Some may go quietly, others may be restrained by their slavers, or the poisonimg of their minds.." Sister Ash says solemnly
"Destroying a shambling corpse is only but a means to an end. Some creatures, through force, confusion, or fear, may, resist their reposition.. In that case, destroying their bodies is merely of method of incapacitating them, so that they can be sent off.." she continues
"A reposition is a funeral, of sorts. An order of respect for the dead, and an acknowledgement of life that was lost. A silent prayer, a flower on the chest, a drop of ceremonial water to the forehead; there are many ways to treat the deceased, so long as there is proper respect. Even those who know nothing of clergy can show respect, in their own ways.." She continues
"Simply regarding the undead as mere 'monsters', hacking apart their desecrated bodies without a shred of remorse and rummaging through their belongings as you tread on their graves, without a word of acknowledgement or the slightest bit of respect for the dead.. Well, that helps nopony.." she says, with a sigh
"The shambling ones are still ponies at their core, behind all their fear and corruption, there is a tortured soul to be released. Before the reposition, be sure to respect the pony you're freeing; for despite the stench and corruption that clings to it, it's a pony like you or me. If the shambler attacks, end the battle quickly: do not defile the corpse of the dead by toying with its once-sovereign body. If it flees in fear, the reposer must pursue it, but regard it is not simply a beast to be hunted: pursue the soul, and begin your prayers, to ease its fear as it is reposed."
Then she looks up once more
"And if the soul neither attacks nor flees, you should approach it with all the respect you would to a living pony. If you have a prayer to give, begin it as you state your purpose, then carry put the reposition swiftly. If the subject replies, acknowledge its sentience, but beware it may try to draw you into its madness as well, for in its rotten misery it may yet lash out in anguish."
*Breathes out*
>>81021Iron nods again. "I understand. I will not fight the undead unless they attack me. Nevertheless, I think the employer wants the undead out of the premises. We can move them after reposition, right?"
>>81013>>81019>>81021*nods, as she reads through part of a book*
>>81022"They're better off removed from this place, if not cremated. A pestilent hole like this is no place for corpses to lie." She says, looking around the place with visible disgust
"I think the owners may want to have the site baptised before they build anything here though. This site reeks of malfeasance."
>>81024"Be sure to mention it to the employer when we finish the job, whoever it is." Iron finishes his questions, now following Ash out of habit.
I'll be AFK for a while, maybe one or two hours at the most. If you need strength rolls or just a pair of hooves to help out, you can roll as you control Iron as well, like Caleb. If the GM allows it of course. Besides that, Iron will not say much until I return.
>>81026"It's common sense, if you ask me. I'll try to get to it if I have the chance; it seems as though several duties have piled up on me."
>>81027I severly overestimated my AFK time. Back"I know. I did say I would help you out, and I mean it." Iron smiles warmly at Ash. "Maybe someone else will try to help out with our problem after this. Silver seems like the stallion to help out, though I doubt that you need extra muscle if diplomacy is your way to go." Iron scratches his head. "Spark seems to have a way with words by how he sneaked by the guards back at the docks, so he could be of use when dealing with the mademares. Onyx is the same as Silver and Star may or may not help depending on how loyal he is for the Black Hooves and if he has the time to spare."
Can we get a roll call for today?
>>81030Here. Ash should be here, although he probably needs extra waiting time due to phoneposting.
>>81030It seems Dark Star and Onyx are not yet here.
>>81005By the looks of it, we may have cleared mist of it, if this side is about as big as the other. Unless of course there's another floor.
>>81037Also looks like we could link up with the other side of the right-side hallway.
>>81039Plausibly. Only time will tell.
Was there another cavern to clear?
>>81040Not as far as I know. We clear the undead from the catacombs, and we should be finished with the job.
>>81039Okay, forgive me for meta-gaming but I am curious. What exactly was the meaning of 'you get 15%'? Was it that she gets 15% of the value of the booklets Silver originally pocketed? She gets a 1/7th share of all of the loot to be distributed basically evenly? She gets 15% of the chemicals found thus far and Silver gets far more than 15%?
>>81042When Silver gives her stuff to sell on his behalf, Blue can take 15% of the value of what she gets by selling what Silver gave her.
>>81041Considering there was nothing blocking the cavern, it'd be best to be on guard. Things might be lurking on the outside.
>>81013>>81021"im still going to shoot them to put them out of their misery. they are dangerous after all, i cant let them hurt anypony else thats living."
>>81046Iron shakes his head. "You misunderstand. What she says is that they will not actually die and may come back unless a reposition is done to calm the spirit. You can shoot them if they try to attack you, but it is not going to solve the undead problem. You only postpone it. I trust her judgement in this matter."
>>81019>>81021"..." The look on Silver's face suggests he doesn't have much faith in finding undead that neither wants to kill them or wants to run away. "...If we come across passive undead, I will keep that in mind. I am just concerned about wisdom of setting so many fires in underground location."
I'm going to have to go eat at some point with the next hour or so.
>>81049Sister Ash just shrugs
".. That's just how I understand it. I guess attitudes towards the undead may very by sect. And of course, I'd never expected one to merely accept reposition."
>>81049>>81051Blue Skies comments for the first time
"Like differences in attitudes towards Changelings or Griffins I guess. Somehow I don't think the undead will be as amiable. But really, this isn't my project here, and I'll let you do as you do"
>>81051"I am not sure what Northern Orthodox sects believe when it comes to dealing with undead. All I know is that it is much easier to put undead to rest when they are fully dead. It is also easier to do so with dragon-pony in group."
>>81052Dark Star checks out this area
>>81054Silver, as he has been, follows. He works the bolt on his rifle to chamber a new round. "On first sign of trouble, get behind me."
>>81052"Overall, the objective is the same: stop the bodies from moving, one way or another." She says with a nod
"I just think a bit of respect is in order.
>>81054It goes down some distance, perhaps 40 or so feet, and has a branch to its left after perhaps 20 or so feet. At the end seems to be an open doorway that descends. On the left side are two wooden doors, both seem to be blown open.
Something to note: This is area appears to be in less well condition than the hallways closer to the farm house. Bricks are dislodged, some rocks have come in, and doors are knocked out of place
>>81055Goddamn I love the sight, sound, and feel of cycling a bolt on a rifle[YouTube] Lee-Enfield five rounds rapid
[Embed]>>81056She shrugs
"I guess you have your own objectives, and I have mine"
>>81012Sister Ash peaks through the doorway.
>>81057"I'm only here to make eulogies and repose the dead. Consider it charity." She replies
>>81057>It goes down some distance, perhaps 40 or so feetFug. This place is bigger than I thought.
>*Reconsiders how to use spells from thus point on*
>>81057Indeed."I do not like look of this." Silver peeks around the corner the left branch as they pass.
>>81060>>81057"Be Careful, this whole area looks Like it could cave in."
>>81060On the ground is a musket, a sword, a hat, and a jacket, right in the little corner where the hallway branches right. Did I say left before? Goddamn it, it is on the
right. Ignore the previous description. He sees nothing ahead in the like 10 feet of light that he has, and hears nothing that way. Slight draft coming from behind him and towards the doorway at the end of the main hall
>>81058>>81062On second thought, Sister Ash follows the rest of the group.
>Light source
>>81057>>81062Dark Star goes around the corner and turns on his light
>>81063Iron does the same.
[1d20+5 = 10][1d20+5 = 25]>>81063I'm going to go ahead and roll two Listen checks, to detect any movements nearby.
>>81061"Yes, I have had enough experience with that already."
>>81062"There are possessions of militia pony. But no skeleton." He searches the jacket's pockets for anything of value while keeping an ear out.
"What's that, boy? Do you hear something?"
>>81066Caleb hears rustling from through the doorway that is at the top of this map, and none from left or right
>>81067A keg of gunpowder that has almost certainly fouled centuries ago, and a Letter
"First echelon goes in at Whirlwind's command, and seizes the Farmhouse. We believe the real danger lies underground. Second Echelon shall form move in once the house is seized, and at the command of a whistle, both shall move in, First Echelon going left, and second Echelon clearing right. Fire is anticipated to be of only moderate use as the system is not expected to have much air, and sealing the system may be sufficient for our purposes. Exactly what awaits down there is not known. What is known is that Curwhinny has accumulated a power far beyond what he shows. And what he shows himself to be is a cruel but reclusive merchant. You must overwhelm him, and destroy him. You must destroy his books and notes as this is a knowledge that must not be allowed to leave its tomb. Fallen comrades may be infected with supernatural spells upon death. Be very cautious. Best of luck, and may Celestia be with you.
- Whipperwill"
>>81067"There's something up ahead." Sister Ash says, translating for the keen-eared animal
>Fire is anticipated to be of only moderate use as the system is not expected to have much airSister Ash groans in frustration upon hearing this part
"This could take longer than I thought.." she says
>>81070Iron nods and readies himself.
>>81069"Wherever you are, brave militia pony, I hope you are at piece."
>>81070Silver seems surprised that she can understand what the dog is saying. "Very well. I shall take look. Check out those rooms, if you can." He points towards the broken down doors to their left, before he slowly advanced towards the busted down door at the end of the hallway, rifle at the ready.
>>81069Sister Ash proceeds towards the sound of the rustling slowly, only stopping to peak into the broken doorways along the path.
>>81069Dark Star moves to here and checks this door
>>81074... Don't want to see what made the rustling sound?
>>81069The sorcerer ponders this.
>>81076Which door did it come from?
>>81078The top one; the one Sister Ash is moving towards.
>>81080Silver, Iron, and Ash (in that order) are heading for the door at the end of the hallway.
>>81080Sister Ash is moving towards the sound Caleb heard earlier, checking the two broken-open doors on her way there. Iron is following Sister Ash.
>>81080>>81079Dark Star investigates the rustling.
>>81082They both lead to rooms, or one room, but Ash needs to either go to the doorway at the end of the hall or check the rooms. She cannot do both at the exact same time
>>81084She decides to go towards the end of the hall first, not wanting to be flanked by some monster on a detour.
>>81086Iron follows Ash along. "What do you think made that sound?" He whispers to her.
>>81086>>81083>>81081A stairwell descends maybe 20 feet into what looks like a larger area of the dungeon
>>81087"Nothing good." Sister Ash replies
"Better see what it is now. We can take check those other rooms later."
>>81081>>81088"Whos going first?" Dark Star whispers
[1d20+3 = 20]>>81088>>81089>>81087Silver makes a motion for Ash and Iron to follow him as he makes his way down the stairwell.
Listen: Silver keeps his ears out for any further sign of what's ahead.
>>81088Sister Ash freezes at the top of the stairwell, visibly nervous
"... O-On second thought.. maybe it would be best to a this floor for later.." she stutters, looking back at the others
"Wh-what should we do?"
Just saying, I'm going to have to leave for half an hour momentarily.
>>81092Iron notices her nervousness. "We should check every room on this floor before we go down one floor. Just to ensure there is nothing waiting for us up here if we need to run away."
>>81091Definite growling sounds
>>81092Blue Skies lies a decent number of feet behind, pointing a gun at the darkness behind them, ears at attention
>>81092>>81095Silver whispers to the group. "If you wish to stay up here, go ahead. I will scout ahead to make sure way is clear."
[1d20+7 = 18]>>81091Dark Star also makes a listen check
>>81097"im going with you."
>>81098Growing, in front of him
>>81097>>81099"Well, let's hope that if you do encounter anything, it's not more than you can handle"
>>81097>>81099Iron is unsure but somewhat inspired. "Well, if you two are going down. I should go with you." He will follow either or go at the front depending on what is decided.
>>81100>>81099Silver takes a couple seconds to think, before pulling two potions out from his bag. He offers one to Dark Star. "Drink this. It should keep us hidden from undead, allow us to scout without getting attacked for a few minutes."
>>81097Spark follows.
"Can you really call a place like this clear, even when no immediate threats are seen?"
>>81101>>81103Silver sighs at the number of ponies now wanting to follow him. "I only had those two potions, unfortunately."
>>81104"I understand. I will hold position at the bottom of the stairs."
>>81104Iron nods understandingly. "I will stay then."
>>81094I need to step out now.
Will be back later.
>>81100"im sure we'll be fine."
>>81101"Alright. lead the way."
>>81102"Whats in it?"
Dark Star Drinks it
>>81104>>81099As they go down the stairs, the first thing they notice is that the area below them is
really damaged. Large rocks, bigs chucks missing from the ceiling of the tunnel.... even twisted pieces of metal, like a bar that looks like it once belonged to a door
>>81109"Alright, but I'd hate to have to find somepony to replace you"
>>81109Silver shrugs. "I do not know. I only know it keeps undead from seeing, hearing, smelling, or sensing us."
>>81110"Be very careful with walls. This tunnel does not look very stable."
>>81110Dark Star turns on his flshlight
>>81111Not the best statement for those numbers. Hope it won't come true.
>>81113>>81110Silver chugs down his potion of Hide from Undead, and starts to maneuver his way around the various rubble on the ground.
>>81111Dark Star Stays Quiet but makes eye contact as hes going down the stairs.
>>81113>>81115When they get down stairs, they can see first, that this new hall is about as wide as the wider one up stairs. On the ground is, of all things, detritus, like thoroughly decayed leaves. The walls look stained To the left side are big opened arched rooms. They seem to have once had iron bars as walls on them, but now they are open, with rusted iron on the ground. They look more or less empty now. The same to the right for at least the first few feet. And now, ahead of them, at least three of those yelloweyed creatures
>>81116"I mean, find a new deputy"
>>81117>>81116Silver motions for Dark Star to be calm. "Do not attack them. They do not know we are here." Silver looks to see if these creatures and the empty rooms are the only things here.
>>81118This section only spans a little ways before branching off right. There does seem to be a door on the right side though
>>81118"Alright lets go past them and see whats ahead then."
>>81120"I believe we can not go past them without touching them."
>>81119Is the door past the ghasts/ghouls, or is it before them?
Blue Skies droops her ears, and after a moment resumes her staring into the darkness behind them
>>81121The door on the right is sort of near them. It is possible to go forward without touching them
>>81123>>81120"Follow me." Silver tries to avoid contact with them as much as possible as he makes his way to and through the door.
>>81122Iron feels the worry she has. "They should be fine down there. With their potions and their skills, they should not be in any danger." Iron says softly to Skies.
dark Star follows him past thrm
>>81125“I think I offended him...”
>>81124>>81126The door in the right leads into a large and very long room. To the left is open space with restraints and what appears to have once been cages, and to the right, are shalllow pits
>>81127Silver peaks into the pits as he goes past them.
>>81128The first is empty. The second one has two wolf skeletons. The third is empty. There are more of those white undead pony things in this room, which seem to simply roam around
>>81127Iron stands a bit closer, shaking his head. "I do not think such a little comment could destroy the love that he has for you." Irom smiles. "It could be at most a small issue that you can talk it out later when this catacomb business is over."
>>81127Dark star looks at the cages
[1d20-1 = -10]>>81129Silver doesn't like the idea that he was experimenting with creating undead wolves.
Search: Silver looks for anything else of interest in this room.
>>81131"This would be difficult fight. There is lot of undead down here..."
>>81130If you have ever seen a cat or a dog stare at attention at some dark corner, or through a hallway, you have seen something like how she stares into the darkness that lies behind the party, marking where they have been and the paths they did not take
I saw that Silver’s keepsake picture earlier. The way that he stared at his Pegasus bride. That will never be me”
>>81132>>81131Dark Star and Silver are able to determine three things from this very long room. First, that the cages look most optimum for keeping animals in, and there seem to be some areas that were more open perhaps for storing food. Second, this area is vastly more deteriorated than the main section. The iron that made up the cages is basically gone. Only parts of it remain in rusted piles on the floor. Thirdly, the pits are partly flooded, with some skeletons in water
Okay, so the other two are investigating the lower floor?
May as well check these two rooms then.
>>81135>>81131Silver keeps a mental note of this. "I do not think we will find much else in here. Come, we should still have some time left on these potions. Perhaps we can squeeze by those undead in hallway."
>>81132>>81135"Did he keep ponies in these cages?"
>>81137"yea lets get back by."
Dark Star heads back towards the undead
>>81136Sister Ash investigates the first room.
>>81138"I saw wolf skeletons in one of pits, so likely not. It looked like other rooms we passed could have held ponies."
>>81139Silver follows, sucking in his gut for squeezing past the undead.
>>81141>>81139The hallway to the right starts approximately after the last room ended. It is long, relatively narrow, and has two doors on the left. Again, this one is longer than normal
>>81140When she enters, she seems that it is actually one very massive room. There are big bookshelves, a writing desk, tables, a carpet, and cultural items from Zebrica and Griffonia, besides quills and so forth
>>81142Sister Ash cautiously approaches the shelves investigates the books and items one by one.
>>81142>>81139"Let us search different rooms." Silver enters the first door.
>>81143I'll note that she positions Caleb by the door, to look out for danger.
>>81142>>81144Dark Star opens the second door
Iron nods. "I understand your concerns. It is a natural feeling to feel unworthy of somepony. To think that a pony could devote their whole existence to any other pony is unbelievable to anyone." He looks at Skies "But remember, he jumped at the slightest suggestion that I made to him to kiss you. He wanted to be with you. He glared at me when I said you were jealous back at the docks. He cares about you. Do not beat yourself up just because you do not look or act like a mare of another stallion, because no mare is perfect overall, because he believes you are perfect." Iron wraps her foreleg around her neck. "Trust me on this. He loves you. Not that mare in a picture. You: Blue Skies. Do not forget that."
>>81147*, and he believes
[1d20+9 = 25]>>81143May as well roll spellcraft, before I burn all of this garbage.
>>81143>One by oneDoes she have three hours to do this? Because that is how long that would take. This is a library
One book is "on the worship of Marewu and Vodun." Another is the "Quamoon-e-Islamb, or the customs of the Moosemares of Saddle Arabia" by Jade Saffron. A third book seems to have been handwritten, "On the Cult of the Eagle of Lemon-Orange"
>>81144There was no door to block the doorway, as it was open. The very first thing Silver could not about this room is that it has natural light: at the far end of the room, is an open hole in the the wall that leads to what must be the quarry. There is at least one creature in this room. There are the remains of iron barrel rings on the ground, and it appears to have been a store room, but basically everything that is not stone is well past any conceivable use, being eaten by warm water microbes long ago
>>81146There was no door to open, as the door decayed away long ago. On the ground is the remains of a skeleton, who wears the remains of clothing that appears to have been woven by machine. The pony skeleton wears a hard hard, has a smaller pick, and has a plunger as would be used for detonating explosives. There is likewise a lantern on the ground. Inside the room there are the remains of what were once wooden boxes and barrels. It seems to have been a store room
Blue Skies enters the room, and starts rummaging it
>>81147She sighs "I hope you are right"
She leaves when Ash explores the room next to them
>>81150Iron nods. "I am sure of it." He notices Ash's disappearance and goes to her current location.
>>81151"What did I miss, Ash?"
>>81151"So, this is where tunnel leads..."
>>81146Silver calls out to Dark Star. "I found exit to quarry!"
>>81151i pick up the plunger. is there any wire leading away from it?
>>81153"i found a store room!"
>>81154Some, maybe 5 feet. It seems to have broken
>>81155Silver trots over to the room Dark Star is in. He notices the plunger in his hooves. "Hmm...perhaps we could use that to seal off quarry exit, if we could find more wire on spool. I do still have dynamite from yesterday."
>>81151Just checking if there was anything but junk.
Sister Ash's brow furrows with smoke
"..Pestilence..!" She growls
She immediately sets the bookself on fire and watches the ghostly blue flames consume the room.
>>81156the plunger its self or the wire?
>>81157"thats what i was thinking."
Blue Skies grabs a few items and rushes out
The books are very close together
>>81157Silver's dynamite had adequate fuse for detonation
>>81158Burn all the heresy!
>>81161All though that lemon orange cult sounded interesting.
>>81160I'm not a dynamite expert, so I don't know if that means Silver has to light it manually or if he can detonate it remotely with a plunger.>>81159"Alternatively, I could just stick it on wall, light it with lighter, and run like there is no tomorrow."
>>81158>Ghostly BlueActually, not really. For while the contents of the books may concvern themselves with arcane magics and cults long forgotten by history, they are still composed of Carbon and hydrogen, and as such burn like normal. The firs glows red and very quickly becomes smokey, then smokier as oxygen runs out, spreading soot
>>81164>>81160Iron, hearing the commotion, decides to go where the shout came from.
>>81160"Just disposing of some
trash.." Sister Ash replies, her hooves scorching the floor and setting the rug alight as she torches more ill-gotten gains
[1d20+7 = 15]>>81163"either way is fine with me lets see if we can find any wire before we do that though."
Spot Check to look for any wwire
>>81166>inb4 you burned a clue
>>81164B-but.. much special kirin-fire..
>wanted it to be blueSister Ash leaves the room as soon as everything is satisfyingly on-fire, and proceeds to the next room.
>>81166>inb4 you burn all the oxygen
>>81165>>81166The books glow bright red, orange, and with black smoke, as flames spread further. Ash spreads more flames
>>81172Sister Ash pays the fire no regard as she proceeds on to the next room.
>>81172>>81169Iron is shocked at how the fire has spread so much in the room. When he sees Ash go to the next room, he follows her. "Are you sure this is wise, Ash? There must be a better way to dispose of these books." He is worried.
[1d20+3 = 17]>>81170Ash ends up being the reason we all die.Just like the old gypsy woman said.>>81167Spot: Silver aids Dark Star in his search.
>>81175What gypsy?
>>81174Sister Ash turns her head.
"There is nothing in this vile dungeon worth saving." She says flatly
>>81169It isn't Ash that is burning, it's the books, Ms. 451
>>81165>>81169Blue Skies grabs some items, as the books burn with thick smoke, almost more like a charring than a direct burn
>>81175>>81167There is no wire in the hallway at all. In the wide hall with the arched-rooms, on the other hoof, they may have seen some wire
>>81167>>81163Wait. You guys were setting dynamite?!
Fuck. Now I regret starting this fire...
>>81177>>81167Silver grabs the dynamite out of his bags. "If you would, look for wire in other hallway. I will get to work on setting dynamite up."
>>81176Iron is not amused. "What about us, for example? Your stunt will leave us without air to breathe. I am not saying not to destroy all the books. I do not care. I care about living here." Iron states as he follows her.
>>81177He is worried even further by how the books burn.
>>81178You have a knack of starting dangerous situations.
>>81178Ash always ends up exploding the room. This is just hilarious.
>>81177Is the smoke flooding the hall or anything?
>>81176Just a joke.>>81178Yup, that was the plan Silver got in his head when he found the quarry exit.
>>81180>>81178Roll a fortitude save
>>81179"i doubt there will be any. go ahead and set it."
[1d20+5 = 13]>>81180She looks down the hallway.
"The exit is right other there. The smoke shouldn't cause too much trouble."
>>81183Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm sorry...I thought the dynamite plan was cancelled.>>81184Fuck..
>>81185"Fine, then. Go ahead and meet back up with others. No need for two ponies to be down here when I set it off." Silver heads back into the other room, heading down the hole in the wall to prepare the dynamite.
>>81187F for Silver
>>81182It may be wise to vacate that area
Blue skies bolts out with a number of parchments, coughing, and almost dropping a book in her mouth
>>81186He feels a little lightheaded, but okay
>>81179Six sticks, with fuses
>>81187Ash feels
really faint
>>81189Sister Ash feels an instinctive urge take over, and she bolts for the exit.
>>81189So does she faint?Iron coughs a bit.
>>81190Iron follows her out.
>>81188I've fucked up.. I'm sorry..
>>81189Can I detect what is going on, or do I need a roll?
>>81192Eh, it's okay. It's in character. No one should die in this situation.
>>81189Silver tries to set it up in a place he thinks will have the most effect in blocking off the exit.
>>81193How could he possibly miss it? There is a large, smoking fire in a pair of rooms right next to him
>>81195I take it he wants to set it up in the store room with the hole?
>>81190As she runs, she feels her legs fail her, and she trips, falling down to the ground, slowly losing consciousness
>>81196Ummm.. can Caleb drag her?
>>81196>next toI'm downstairs.
>>81198He drags her outside at half his full speed.
>>81200>DownstairsHe should have been murdered by all of the undead then if he went down along with the two who took the "hide from undead" potions
>>81196>>81201Iron notices Ash falling in front of him, but sees the dog carrying her. He decides to help Caleb with his dragging.
>>81202Then why didn't you say I was attacked? I just waited at the bottom of the stairs and you didn't mention anything about it.
>>81199>>81185Dark Star and Silver feel a kind of wind, drawn past them from the quarry to upstairs by an evident negative pressure
>>81204Because I thought everyone who was not invisible to undead was upstairs so they didn't get attacked
>>81205Silver stops in the middle of setting up the dynamite to look around. "Did you feel that Star, just now?"
>>81188Dark Star goes to the stairs but waits until silver lights it to go back up
>>81205>>81207"yea...that was strange."
>tfw my poorly-considered arson creates unnecessary danger again
>>81210I'd say it's character flaws or something.
>>81209Silver nods. "Let us hope it is not bad omen." Once Silver has the dynamite set up, he stands over in the storeroom, levitating his lighter up to the dynamite to light it.
>>81211It's pretty poetic, actually.
I just hope it doesn't kill any party members.
>>81213I hope so too. No one likes a character killer.
Unless they want to die or something
>>81208Silver looks out into the blue skies above the quarry, as he prepares to blow up one of the only two exits out of the structure, one of the only two sources of air, while still sitting inside of a catacomb with many, many, many undead between him and the other exit and half of the catacombs unexplored
>>81210It's almost like Kirin have a habit of arson or something
>>81212>>81215"Well you gonna do it."
We dont know about the fire taking oxygen
>>81212Alright then, the fuze of the dynamite is lit. It is a slow match, basically, designed to allow the handler of the dynamite plenty of time to reach a safe distance
>>81216True."...Hmm...yeah, just...had weird feeling."
>>81217Silver makes his way back to the staircase, levitating his lighter back to him, careful to avoid touching the undead between him and the stairs.
>>81216"Come on, let us hope others did not get into too much trouble while we were gone."
>>81215She was very, very upset about everything she's found in this cavern thus far...
>>81218He sees an artificial light at the top of the stairs
>>81220>>81216"...Oh no. Oh nonononono...come on, Star!" Silver rushes back up the stairs, afraid of what the others have done.
I'm so, so sorry...
Do Sister Ash and Iron make it out?
>>81221Massive fire, producing much smoke
>>81223They can make it to the former hallway at least, where Blue Skies has collapsed with laborious breathes
DON'T BREATHE!" Silver holds his breath as he attempts to run past the hazard.
>>81225TIme for some darmaIron now notices Skies' collapsed form. He lets Caleb keep dragging Ash and he decides to carry Skies with him. He then bolts for the exit where no smoke can impede his breathing.
>>81225If Ash was awakened by Caleb dragging her, she picks up Blue.
>>81226You can hold your breath for 2 rounds per point of Constitution (a lot), which should be enough.. I hope..
>>81227Or he can take her.
I guess Sister Ash is passed out until further notice..
>>81227"Heee... I can get myself" She tries to crawl along. She has probably at least half her weight in various items on her
>>81226>hold breathSilver wonders why he wanted to blow it up
now, or why he went deeper into the catacombs rather than into the quarry where there was at least air. He also realized that in 90 seconds, when that dynamite goes off, the one thing allowing there to be any flow of air at all will be gone, and it shall get much worse
>>81231The wind blows past him, from the quarry towards the fire
>>81230As Dark Star runs by he holds his breath to.
>>81230Can I carry her with all the stuff she has without much issue?
>>81236Roll for Fortitude save
>>81230Silver wonders why these things would pop into his head when he had no idea his companions would start a
fire in an
enclosed locations. He hopes he can hold his breath long enough to find the other exit, as he runs through the stone construct and his lungs start to wonder why they haven't received any oxygen yet.
>>81235What kind? Fortitude? Constitution?
>>81235Then I'll do it.Iron disregards her protests and picks her up and put her behind her back with all stuff she picked up. He now bolts to the exit where they came from, with the big hallway.
[1d20+7 = 20]>>81237Okay, that.
>>81234Trying to run carrying loot out is an architypical way for Rogues to die.
>>81238Someone with temper issues..
>>81242Typical rogue stereotypes.>>81244Nice, you can live without oxygen now
>>81241He can keep his breath
>>81240Iron can't go
that fast, but he can go. He is able to make his way to the hallways, although he can here sounds from adjacent hallways
>>81246Silver hurries his ass off back the way the group came as fast as he can.
>>81247Dark Star follows right behind him
>>81246Iron goes as fast as possible to a place where the smoke cannot get him or Skies, preferrably towards the exit of these catacombs.
I need that map and where are our current positions.
>>81247>>81248They seem to have left in advance of them
>>81249That would be the long tunnel back to the basement of the farmhouse, where they came in.
>>81251Yes. That area has oxygen
>>81250Silver starts to feel a rage building up inside of him. It helps drive him forwards as his lungs start crying out for air.
>>81252Then I'll go there. Please update Ash's status.Iron goes to the long tunnel back to the basement of the farmhouse, where they came in with Skies and her loot in tow. He should go back to fetch Ash as well after some breaths of fresh air.
>>81253Rages consume oxygen
>>81253>>81255Don't make me drag you too. I'm slow as it is.
>>81250"Is there anyway we can smother this fire?"
>>81249>>81250Caleb follows. His keen doggo-senses (common sense) urging him to drag his master out of the poisonous environment.
>>81255Then a hot throbbing anger inside of him. Either way, he's pissed.>>81256Well, I don't think you'll have to.>>81257Silver seems more concerned with holding his breath and getting out of the catacombs ASAP.
>>81261>hot throbbing angerWhy do I think it's a name for your dick?
>I don't think you'll have toI hope not. Star is not going to carry you out that's for sure.
>>81262Nah. Silver's is "Splitting Sword".
>>81262>Star is not going to carry you out that's for sure.>imblying
>>81254I think Ash was last seen pulled by Caleb. He would be slower than Iron
Now, and only now, does the set of dynamite go off, blocking the entrance to the quarry
Before, there was an air current where warm air was able to leave through the well, and fresh air entered from the quarry, keeping the catacombs far better circulated than they ever were in Curwhinny's day. Now, air can come in and out almost entirely from the well.
The fire, which previously burned richly, starts to consume a now finite amount of oxygen before eventually generating almost exclusively carbon monoxide gas
>>81265Is Skies safe now?
>>81265Silver takes this as a sign that he had better HURRY THE FUCK UP TO THE EXIT!
>>81265Dark Star runs faster
>>81266Yes, she seems very afraid of losing consciousness
>>81265Caleb's base speed is 40 feet. Sister Ash is only a medium load for him.
>>81270Iron places Skies on the floor and kneels next to her. "Calm down. We are out of the danger zone. Breathe."
>>81271>>81275Oh, fuck you, dice.
>>81275>>81271Are you asking me to go back or something?
[1d2 = 1]>>81271He cannot travel on a single breath, and must now breath
>>81274Oh she's breathing
"I can't faint, I
>>81275He must breath now
>>81275>>81271Roll fortitude save
>>81282As it turns out, Silver's going to have to be the one to carry somepony out.
[1d20+11 = 29]>>81278Iron slaps Skies with his uncovered hoof. "Snap out of it, Skies!" Of course it's non-lethal.
>>81285>NonlethalThat'll just knock her out..
>>81278Can I roll to wake up?
>>81286She is safe from danger, so it's not that bad.
>>81281Silver evades collapsing
>>81282Dark Star feels weak, and can no longer run, falling to the floor. He is not unconscious
>>81285She is slapped back into consciousness, and stares ahead
"Where is Dark Star?"
>>81286Maybe. She should be in the farmhouse by now if Caleb knows to take her there
[1d20+5 = 13]>>81288Rolling Fortitude to wake up.
>>81288"He is still inside. I am going back to fetch them. You stay here. That is an order." Iron commands. He then enters the danger zone again, looking for the remaining survivors, high priority being Ash and Caleb.
>>81288Silver hears Star hit the floor hard, and turns around to pick him up. "Come...on! You are...not dying...today!" He does his damnedest to pick him up or at least start dragging him along, not willing to leave somepony to their death.
>>81289Not quite
>>81290Her eyes are kind of like this, with giant pupils as she tries to stay awake
>>81291"i'm gonna see mom again?"
>>81292Is that a warning that she needs care from Iron or can Iron go inside and try to save the others.
>>81294MOTHERFUCKER!>>81295"Do not...talk like...that!"
>>81294You can do it, Silver! YOU CAN DO IT!
>>81297"I think its to late for me. get outta here!"
>>81290>Ash and CalebThey should be the first, near the entrance
>>81294He trips, and must breath. Roll for fortitude save
He can also try again
>>81296It's a sign that much of the blood sending oxygen to her brain has been destroyed by carbon monoxide
[1d20+7 = 12]>>81301"No!" He takes a deep breath.
>>81302Well, it's been a good run.
>>81301>blood sending oxygen to her brain has been destroyedCan Iron even do something about that?
>Ash and CalebIron rushes to Caleb's aid to carry Ash with him to safety.
[1d20-1 = -14]>>81292Caleb administers a heal check to lick Sister Ash and Blue until they're properly awake.
-2, because no healer's pack. +1 Wis.
>>81302He is weak now, not well enough to run
>>81303You weren't even supposed to roll
>>81305Only a short distance to the farm house
"Where is... the handsome stallion"
>>81306Blue is awake, Ash is awake finally
[1d20+2 = 19]>>81307"I...will...not..." He struggles to keep awake, and tries again to drag Star along towards the exit.
[1d20+5 = 20]>>81307Iron fears the worst. "I am going back in there. I need you mares to stay put and recover. I think Silver and Star are in trouble." He does some quick breaths to recover from monoxide poisioning. Rolling fortitude to enter monoxide land again.
>>81309Please tell me we're close to the exit.
>>81307Sister Ash gives up her Flame Blade spell to summon a small Air Elemental into the cavern, and instructs it to travel down the hallway.
>>81309Well, he is able to advance further. Don't assume for a moment that he is able to walk normally
>>81310Iron is able to keep his normal strength, even deeper inside of the catacombs
>>81313Iron retraces his steps in the hopes of finding part of the S gang.
[1d20+2 = 6]>>81313Silver keeps struggling to pull Dark Star, not knowing if he himself will die today, but knowing if he's going to, he's going to do so trying to get his friend to safety.
>>81314He should find both, round about the hallway that is the right-fork
>>81313Idk, my idea to try to give them 30 seconds of fresh air...
It's a Summon Nature's Ally II spell.
>>81309>>81303Dark Star hums knocking on heavans door by stallions and roses
"silver tell blue i was thinking about her.""
>>81317The air in the tunnel and the fork becomes more breathable, and leads somewhat into the wide hallway
>>81315>>81316>>81318>>81320Iron sees both Star and Silver sprawled on the ground, barely holding on. He picks up Star from his prone position and turns to Silver. "I will come back for you, do not give up!" He then goes as fast as he can towards the entrance to the farmhouse.
>>81318Don't you still have a Summoning spell prepared for the day? Summon a wolf to drag you out.
>>81321Sister Ash instructs the small whirlwind to follow Iron.
>>81322Entangle is prepared
>>81321Silver weakly tries to crawl towards the exit after Iron. If at least somepony was able to get over here, then the exit must be near...
>>81318>Stallions and RosesVetoed, no 1990s songs in a 1940s setting
>>81321Possible for Iron to do without any danger of fatal inhalation. The air in the tunnel is significantly fresher than it was the time before
>>81323The flames in the distance flicker with a stronger yellow light
>>81325There is at least some oxygen here, though that doesn't solve Silver's problem
[1d20+5 = 12]>>81326After retrieving Star and placing him to safety, he comes for Silver. 'He's a heavy stallion.' He thinks. Rolling a strength check to pick up Silver.
>>81326Is the air still barely breathable?
>>81327>>81329Moments like these, Silver wishes he was his father. He wouldn't have had any issue with this stupid gas. Or, at least, Silver thinks so, in his oxygen-starved, semi-conscious mind.
>>81328He is able to pick him. The process, however, requires him to breathe. Roll for luck for quantity of poison gas in the area
>>81329Yes and no. There is enough oxygen to support life, but there is enough carbon monoxide to
at least make you dizzy, although it's very far from being as bad as it was nearer the fire
>>81330>>81329Ignore that reply to you, Ash's player.
[1d20 = 18]>>81331I'm expecting a low luck roll, so be prepared to retrieve Iron
>>81333Reverse pyschology works on virtual dice. Who would've known?
>>81333the monoxide has barely made its way this far, and the air elemental has further purified the gas. Iron can pull Silver along more or less normally
>>81335Iron does that, retrieving Silver and taking him to the safe zone at the farmhouse entrance.
>>81332"Do not give up! We are going to make it!" Iron exclaims.
>>81331The Elemental retreats a few feat where it came and assumes its Whirlwind form for one round, in attempt to circulate fumes throughout the tunnel. It's body dissolves into a cylinder of mist as it channels the air currents.
It can remain in Whirlwind for 6 seconds.
>>81335How bad is Dark Star fucked up?
>>81338He should be safe with Skies. Now make out with her.
>>81336Silver doesn't look like he's paying attention. His mind is lost in a memory to cope with how tired and abused it is at the moment, it seems.
>>81000>>81336Iron is able to carry Silver through the tunnel and to the safety of the farmhouse
>>81338Placed across from Skies, who is nodding to herself and repeating "stay awake," Dark Star is
very dizzy
>>81337It'll only last for a couple more more rounds.
The air elemental, in its Whirlwind form, moves back and fourth through the tunnel, channeling air. It's fly speed is 120 feet (perfect).
>>81341"i thought id never see you again."
Dark Star is very tired, he thinks its time for a nap so he lets himself drift off
>>81341Iron pants, tired from all the carrying. He turns to Ash. "What should I do with Skies? You seem to have knowledge in this stuff."
Should we pretend Onyx and Spark got out?
>>81344"Just keep her breathing.." Sister Ash replies with a cough
>>81344Onyx and Shimmer were in the least danger, and could easily have left without any serious risk of poisoning>>81343"Stay awake" she repeats from her pile of books in the corner
>>81344>>81341Silver's breathing is weak, but steady. The memory in his head continues to run its course, letting Silver enjoy some unseen and joyful moment of peace and calm in his past while his brain tries to recover from the hell it just went through.
I'm sorry my stupidity nearly killed you guys...
>>81349It actually would have been entirely manageable if they hadn't decided to blow the quarry exit at the same time>>81348Definitely feels tired
>>81350I didn't think the smoke would spread so quickly.
>>81346Iron nods.
>>81347Iron checks up on all the party members to see how they are faring.
>>81348Iron hopes he's not having the same problem as Skies.
>>81347"im tired. a little nap would be ok?"
>>81350To Be Fair Dark Star and Silver had no way of knowing a fire had been lit
>>81349I mean, Ash is the one who should probably be apologizing to the members of the party.>>81350Silver tries to stay awake, even in his oxygen-deprived stupor. It's a good memory. He doesn't want to leave it just yet. He wants to enjoy something for once, something he'll never have again.
Sister Ash gets up and dusts herself off.
>>81349its alright everyone is ok
>>81355Iron approaches Ash. "Ash, take me off of my armor."
>>81352Skies's largest problem is that she is very afraid of falling unconscious non-voluntarily
>>81354Definitely dizzy with splitting headaches
>>81355Bad damned headaches. She won't be normal for several hours
[1d20+5 = 12]>>81357"Oh, alright.." she replies
Sister Ash busies herself with helping him out of the buckles, which takes about 4 minutes
>>81358Heal check to soothe headache.
>>81358"What happend? Why was there a fire?"
>>81360"That gecko lady. Wanted to burn
allllllll the wisdom of lost worlds"
>>81359Better in part, but by no means gone.
>4 minutesFor someone who hasn't fainted recently and is at full strength without headaches. For Ash....
>>81359Iron, now free of his armor, can breathe a lot steadier.He drops his shield and approaches Ash, furrowed brow and staring daggers at her. "Are you stupid?"
>>81358It's funny. I had endurance as a feat and didn't even use it. Fuck me.>>81361Pretend the armor was taken off for this scene.
>>81358The headache knocks him out of his stupor long enough to groan in agony. As his headache makes him unable to use his horn for anything without feeling like he's going to die, he weakly calls out to the group, his accent especially hard to understand with the strain put on his body.
>>81362Well, he endured alright. Savior of half the party
>>81362>>81361*Nervous chuckle*
"... I.. I got angry..." She replies
>>81361"Gecko lady? you mean her?" he points to ash
>>81365>>81363Iron does not take this well. "We are going to have a serious conversation when the party heals, Ash. For now, deal with Silver, he has a medic bag on him."
"... I got angry.." she repeats
"At about the time I had entered that room.. I was very, very angry at what I had seen.. and I thought.. 'Wouldn't it be nice if everything here just burne?'..."
>>81367>>81365A note for Ash and Iron: Ash was the closest to the gas and fared the
worst of any party member
>>81366"Firebug, yes"
She sounds a little out of it
>>81365"No shit?"
[1d20+7 = 16]>>81367Heal check for Silver
>>81369Any penalties to know about?
>>81369>FirebugSister Ash would only ever burn artificial structures.
>>81372You know, except the time she burnt someone to death at the docks.
>>81371>>81370She is
at least exhausted
>>81373Oi, that guy only too 6 damage..
>>81369Dark Star crawls over to blue he has a worried expression on his face
"Blue are you okay?"
>>81368"You couldnt have waited until we got back?"
>>81374I don't really know the penalties for that. Be sure to capitalize on it making Ash do something exhausted people do
>>81374Iron rounds up his armor pieces and sits next to the pile and his shield, waiting for the party to recover from the previous predicament.
>>81374>>81375>>81376>>81378Silver groans again. He looks like he's in complete and total agony from his headache as he crawls up into the fetal position. "Головная боль...болит...please...help..."
>>81379"I cannot do much and I do not want to make it worse for you. Sorry." Iron is guilty about this.
>>81376She is and has been nodding
"είμαι εντάξει" she says, reassuringly
>>81377Definitely dizzy and splitting headaches
>>81379>>81381"I-I think my ears are broken."
>>81381Iron, now a bit curious on the loot Skies had picked up, decides to check out the contents.
>>81382>>81382She puts a hoof on him and giggles
"Tá tú dathúil!"
>>81384Outside of her bag are a number of books. That's really what she got, were books
>>81383Maybe 1PM at latest
[1d20-1 = -8]>>81385Iron is not convinced. He decides to look some more. No way she just got some books without something else.
>>81385Dark Star thinking his ears are fucked crawls next to blue and holds her
>>81379"Are you okay?"
Well, on the Henderson scale of plot-derailment, I'm going to have to rate this at about a .4. It really fucked with what needed to be done, but it was pretty damned funny in the process
>>81388At least you had some fun.
>>81387"...Headache..." He tries and fails to reach for something in his bags, trying to show Dark Star that he's wanting something from inside it.
>>81386Her bag next to her has more things, but that is still by her side
>>81387"Hehehe, D'aww"
She tries to kiss Dark Star's fur
>>81386"There is nothing in those books that the ponies in this land do not already possess." Sister Ash says, folding her forehooves stubbornly
"Tombs such as those only serve to distract ponies from what they have in front of them."
>>81388It was fun, and intense.
Sorry about derailing things.
>>81391>>81387Iron feels proud to have saved both lovers from possible demise.
>>81392"Do not rant about evil books when you cannot even dispose of them properly. You almost killed us." Iron states. "But we can separate the books, put them outside the farmhouse and burn them, without risking all of our lives."
>>81393She smiles at him, tries to set herself upright, and places the books behind her, while holding onto Dark Star
>>81347Well. Apparently we escaped... That could have gone better.
>>81385I suppose I glance through a book for anything of note.
>>81394"Skies, you know you are tangling with evil stuff from those books." Iron starts. "No way we can leave you with those books intact without risking chaos and destruction."
>>81393"It's all stolen goods. Abuse of good magick, handled by a necromancer. Better off as a pile of ash." The Sister says, furrowing her brow as if remembering something unpleasant
>>81390>>81393"iron bring his bag."
>>81391Dark Star kisses her snoot
>>81395When he picks up the first book, he sees that it is the history of a Canterlot sorcerer. Entirely Hoofwritten
>>81396"No no, I know what I am doing, trust me on this..."
[1d20+5 = 14]>>81398Snootendoodle is kissed
She tries to kiss his mouth
>>81399Sister Ash cocks an eyebrow
"Do you?" she asks inquisitively
>>81399"Oh yeah? Then you mind telling us what you will do with the books, Skies?" He approaches Skies.
>>81397He motions Ash to follow as he approaches Skies.
Can I make out what it says? If so, any details about the sorcerer, such as ties to necromancy or specific magic?
>>81401"Do you know what you just burned?"
>>81402"Do you know what these books are?"
>>81405"Paper." She replies flatly
>>81405"No, but it surely does not have nice stories of foals frolicking through a field of flowers." Iron sternly looks at Skies.
[1d20+3 = 15]
Constitution: With no apparent help coming to relief him of his headache, Silver tries to get up on his own, hoping the strength and resilience of his body can overcome the red-hot pain in his brain.
>>81404Born in the year 304 in the high court of Baron Brazenhoof, he studied magic for six years under the stewardship of Darkwood the Wise and.... definitely something occult in here
>>81408Dark Star crawls over to his bag
>>81406"Then there is no issue"
>>81407"You can't know that if you've never read it"
>>81411"So you do not know what is in it?" Iron places his face close to Skies. "You seem like you do not know what you are doing."
>>81411"I might have to read more of these. Were you planning on selling these or turning them over to the authorities?"
>>81411>>81408Dark Star looks inside for what silver needed
>>81414Right inside his bag is a large first-aid kit, almost fully-stocked, containing what else but a bottle of headache medication.
>>81415Dark Star passes him the tylenol
>>81413Sister Ash spits at the mention
"Selling them would only put them in the hands of a Wizard who was interested in the same things Curwinney was. Turning them over to the authorities would lead to the same thing, only with more steps." She growls
"There's no reason for something such as that to exist. It's best thrown away."
>>81412She sits up firmly
"No. I've never read any of these books. But it looks like they are valuable histories. And I will tell you now. Knowledge is not evil. The Truth, is not evil. And hiding from it, or trying to destroy it, is an offense to the Great Mother"
>>81413Shimmer has absolutely never read
this particular history
"The authorities, or course"
>>81416"Спасибо…" He greedily takes it and pops it into his mouth, barely managing to open his canteen and take a drink of water to chase the pill down his throat.
>>81418"Ah. A little disappointing. I would have liked to study some of these."
I offer the book back to Blue Skies.
>>81417"That is for you to convince her of. It is her loot after all."
>>81418>>81417"I believe what she said will be true. While knowledge is not evil by itself. The ability to cause harm to others may lead ponies to do evil."
>>81419Dark Star puts the canteen to Silvers lips
>>81416"Help me here Dark Star.
Your Country needs you" Blue Skies tells him
>>81420She takes it
>>81421"Iron, is strength something that can cause harm and do evil?"
>>81422He seems thankful, taking a couple large gulps, to both swallow the pill and to quench his thirst.
>>81423"Yes, but strength is gained from training and dedication of the pony in question. This is knowledge that needs little to no training in order to accomplish evil, so it increases the chance of someone doing evil, because it is accesible."
>>81425"Iron, do you honestly think any pony can learn history or magic without training or dedication?"
>>81417Ash, point out the filly who tried to summon hellhounds.
>>81423>>81425>the fascist is saving books>the neutral/harmonists are burning booksWhat happened? I'm confused.
>>81428"Shimmer, if you value arcane knowledge,
help me out"
>>81423>>81417"Blue is right. the books should not have been burned until spark or silver looked over them. there could have been a journal or something you burned."
Dark Star has a disapointed look on his face as he looks at ash
>>81428Well, if these books are spread, the methods on how to commit evil will spread. That is not good for the world.
>>81431Say it in character. No metagaming
>>81417"so all the books you burned where on how to create zombies?
>>81429"Blue Skies hasn't made a choice so far that we have regretted. She knows the harm they can do, and yet is assured that they are safely kept under the authorities. It also stands to reason the counter to the undead may be found in the study of the books."
>>81433>>81417"Oh please, she burned
history books"
>>81425"Iron, let me ask you a question. Who do you trust, or rather who do you
not trust, with the ability to start fire?"
>>81421>>81418Sister Ash gives a snort
"A Wu ge-.. a Wizard's tomb collection is more than just knowledge: It's a tool. It's a culmination of magical practices synthesized for easy duplication. It is not merely a book meant to help those who seek to educate themselves, but a manual for what it was used to practice."
She snorts again, trying to clear the smoke out of her body
"Magical don't help ponies seeking to better themselves, or their understanding of magick. They're merely shortcuts; recordings of lucritive practices that ponies
should spend years planning to perfect. A borrowed tomb does little to make a better mage; it only serves to let cocky young ones believe they know even the first thing about magick because they happened to read it in some manuscript."
She points at the book
"The secrets in that book are useful to two kinds of ponies: the pony who write them, and a pony seeking to haphazardly immitate that pony. They are not unique secrets. An ambitions magi could naturally develop the same powers on their own, without needing shortcuts."
>>81438"Ash. How do you know what you burned were magical tombs. Do you think that he really needed 1000 tombs? Wouldn't just one do the job?"
>>81437"Well, judging from a couple titles. Ancient and lost cultures a little on the occult side"
>>81424With a final satisfied sigh, Silver puts the canteen away, his headache reduced to a more manageable state. With the ability to think regained, the first thing that returns is his anger.
>>81425>>81434>>81435>>81437>>81438Silver steps forward, facing the arguing groups. He looks
pissed. He looks specifically at Ash as he begins to speak. "You can not burn knowledge as easily as you can books."
>>81432Sorry>>81438"Well, that answers the whole 'any pony can learn history or magic question', now doesn't it? If there is no need to learn magic to replicate it, then that question is null and void."
>>81434"Spark, do everypony here a favor and skim all books taken by Skies to see if any one of them contains methods to create any sort of undead, besides any other evil magic."
>>81441*question', does it not?
>>81439"If you think a Wizard only uses one tomb, you've never met one." She replies
"Wizards write spells into all the books they handle simply out of habit."
Also, she was pissed of, and she had to burn something.>>81440"That's exactly my point." She says
>>81441>>81439"Do you mind me looking though your books Skies as he suggests?"
why!?" Her response only serves to make Silver even more mad. He takes a step towards the kirin. "Why did you risk our lives over burning few books!?"
>>81443"Oh please. They don't need a literal thousand. Ash, do you
know what these things are?"
>>81444"go ahead"
She lets him see the books around her
>>81446I skim though the books looking for parts related to undead.
>>81445Her ears droop, and she hangs her head
That... was inexcusable.. I did not expect the smoke to spend so quickly, and I am to blame for any damages that may have been incurred.." she says with a bow
>>81446>>81447Dark Star loooks at the titles
>>81448At least that one hasn't served to anger him. It hasn't exactly calmed him, either, from the faint sound of his grinding teeth. "But.
>>81450*Drooping intensifies*
".. I was reckless.."
>>81451>>81450"That is not the issue here at the moment. We need to ascertain that these books do not contain methods on how to do evil magic on them. Then we can discuss on the recklessness of Ash's actions."
>>81452Sister Ash's eyes slowly fade back to their normal state and she walks a good 10 feet away from the group and lays down.
>>81447>>81449Perhaps 9 books surround Skies. One relates to the legends of Kindokini. Another to the worship of Mar deep in the regions of Griffinheim. Another to the Va'kran cult of Zebrica. Another, the legends of the Nordlige Ponnier. Another 2 are like these, but 3 are
different They are hoofwritten, not written by somepony else.
These three are definitely secret histories. One concerns a sorcerer in Sonambula in the middle kingdom, another the aforementioned sorcerer, another even older, dating to the period before the windigos in the Unicorn tribes of the north
Not a single one of the books look like it concerns Curwhinny's powers over life and death. All of them concern the occult, and creatures who were interested in strange things as well as myths. 6 of them were copies of something else made at that time. 3 of them look irreplaceable. It can neither be confirmed nor denied if any of them contain functioning spells, although it would be far from surprising if they did. None are by purpose magical tomes
>>81448"Oh bow yourself. If you don't even have the foresight to know that fire in an enclosed space will kill everypony, then how are you a good judge of such philsophical questions of the value of knowledge?"
>>81451"And you are reckless to destroy knowledge when you don't even know what it is!"
>>81451"Indeed you were." Silver sighs, sitting down. The feeling of his gaze burrowing into her subconscious hasn't entirely gone away. "You are not stupid pony. I know this from just having watched you in there. Even if those books
had contained forbidden, dark magic, you know destroying those books does not change fact that knowledge of these magics still exists. You did not even bother to check if they were indeed what you thought they were before acting, or gaining support from rest of group. Star and I were not even present for ordeal."
>>81452"It is issue to
me." A portion of his anger gets directed to Iron. "I have spent valuable time and money, sweat and blood, on this mission, and now I am not even sure if we will be able to finish it because she acted with impulse. I want to know why."
>>81454> dating to the period before the windigos in the Unicorn tribes of the northDark Star takes this one and flips threw a few pages
>>81456Dark Star can see that this book is written in cursive, and seems to relate the eyewitness accounts of a few unicorns who had been assistants of the court of Princess Platinum, who had a desire to contact the ones living beyond the stars
>>81457Dark Star looks Very Interested in this book
"Princess Platinum?"
>>81454"Most of these pertain to religions and cults already around. A few of these are from long ago. One of these is before Nightmare Moon's banishment. I really wish I could study them further now. But nothing directly related to raising the dead."
>>81458Dark Star can recall from his childhood stories that Princess Platinum was a leader of the Unicorn tribes of the north at around the time of the migration and Equestrian unification
>>81459Iron's will breaks. "Wait, that is all?" He looks down, stupefied. "So the burning was worthless?" Iron shakes his head and sits down. "I cannot believe it." Iron, dejected, leaves alone Skies and retreats to his armor pile and shield in order to equip them, cursing silently.
>>81460Dark Star's eyes flash Recognition
"Wow, i had almost foregotten about her."
Dark Star reads some more about how she planned to contact them
Sister Ash wanders off to where she left the jars, trailing smoke as her body settles down.
>>81463I follow the Kirin.
>>81462>>81460>>81458Without taking the time to carefully study the book, it's very difficult to say just what, precisely, is going on. It looks as if the book is saying that in those short years before the Windigos. Before Discord. Before Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia. There was a dedicated group of unicorns. They opperated under the assumption that beyond the lunar sphere, out in the either, there were creatures. You could call them angels, you could call them minor gods - but immortal god-like creatures that danced and played on their own. They wanted to... actually, what they were trying to do is hard to determine, again, without taking a full 10 hours to read it. They wanted to access the outer planes. Or bring what was in the planes here. Or merge them...
>>81461"Not necessarily. Who knows what were in the books I
couldn't save
>>81464She gets to where the jars are, and sits upright cross-legged, completely silent before them.
>>81466They are equally silent to her
>>81465"Gods? from Beyond the moon?"
>>81465Iron still curses silently, strapping all his armor pieces and equiping his shield. He then follows Spark.
>>81459Silver just sighs once more. He gets up from where he is sitting. And goes to where Ash is heading.
>>81466"I still would like to know why." Silver's voice no longer carries the anger it once had, though it's clear he's still looking for an answer. "You are kirin. I have never heard of your people until now. It is clear you are gifted with fire...sometimes too gifted...I want to understand reasoning behind your decision. Why you made it, and why you made it so rash."
>>81468"... I am fine..." She says after a whike, visibly
not on fire anymore.
>>81467She's praying, silently
>>81469The text refers to them as "outer ones." They seem to be creatures that date from beyond creation. They are not monolithic, but rather are of diverse kind. Now he sees it. They wanted to talk to one under the light of a full moon. Or at least, that is what they did on one moonlit gathering - the unicorns all wearing their robes and prostrating themselves before the night sky
>>81473When is the next full moon?
>>81474Well, the moon last night was waxing gibbous, so definitely within one week. Like tonight or in two days, maybe three
>>81475Dark Star seems like he is considering something
>>81472Iron, still angry, now stands next to the prone Ash, looking for threats.
>>81471"Silver, as much as I would like to know her motives, I would suggest leaving some time for her to think it through." Iron states, fully armored except his good hitting hoof and shield equipped on his other hoof.
>>81477"Spark, do not be a fool. She is clearly not fine. Leave her be until then."
>>81476Reading on... wait. Wait a minute. The author
did try to get the incantations. He seems to stop to relate this part very carefully. He has at least two different versions of the same spell here, evidently coming from two different witnesses. He makes notes about translation issues. He talks also about what the subtleties could mean. He implies that he got this knowledge from "spirits" and at some point had to coerce the information out. It's obvious he doesn't know if the evocation permutations would work or not. He mere tried to write it down with as much detail as possible. That was a 5 page tangent as he describes the night
>>81478"Sometimes a fool learns the hard way."
>>81478*remove 'until then'
>>81471She speaks again after a few seconds
"... I was wandering through the lair of that stallion. I found the place where he kept his treasures. In the moment, nothing in that place seemed worth saving to me, nothing alive.. so I decided it may as well burn..."
She opens her eyes slowly
"... I cannot say what I did was the right thing to do, but it felt like that in the moment.. a room full of stolen masterpieces, all stolen from the ones who would have properly valued them, for the greed of a wicked pony willing to torture souls to amass his wealth and power... At the time, I only wanted it all to burn, perhaps not because the things in that room deserved it, but because it I felt they should..."
Her shawl gas finally stopped smoking
>>81479Dark star continues reading
>>81483Sources vary as to exactly what animals were brought, and what needed to be done for the ritutal, although the author clearly has his theory of what the components were, and he points out other details of the event that would be helpful should anypony reading it decide they want to come up with their own theory. Anyways, it seems as if it was successful in its first attempt with the unicorn contacting one of the Outer Ones. But the Outer Ones quickly filled his mind with a slew of negative emotions, causing him to break contact. This concerned the onlookers, but convinced them the process was working in part, and they committed to meet at the next full moon in an even larger session
>>81482Iron looks sternly at Ash. "As much as I would like to forgive this transgression, it is a sign of something more problematic. You need to rein in your emotions or this will happen again, and maybe somepony will die for it next time you lose control again, and I can guarantee that you would feel devastated by killing somepony who did not really deserve it."
Ironic isn't it?
>>81471"Silver. Psst!" Blue Skies comes up to him and whispers
>>81485It's probably fair to say that if Ash hadn't set that warehouse on fire, those two police officers would not have been killed
>>81482Silver nods. He understands, or at least, understands enough. "You are young, yet. You have not yet learned control of such feelings. It is not something I could blame you for, so long as you understand where you went wrong, and are willing to take steps towards controlling it." He gives her a pat on the back, no longer afraid of having his hoof catching fire from contact.
>>81487Silver turns to her, wondering what she wants of him.
>>81484is there any notes on what it said to him?
>>81489"Can we move away and talk in private?"
>>81490The unicorn who was the conduit of the activity was not one of the perspectives who relate the story. The unicorn seemed to have been filled with hate at the time, and after contact was broken, seemed to have this theory that the rest of the group were plotting against him. That is just the first time, anyways
>>81491As if Dark Star has been put under a compulsion spell, he continues reading.
>>81489Sister Ash nods slowly as her eyes shut and she resumes her prayer.
>>81491Silver nods, standing up.
>>81493"If you wish, we can talk more later. I do not know what help I can be to you, but I can try to help you on path of control, if you will allow me."
>>81491With his talk with Ash concluded, he goes with Blue.
Well, with everypony busy, the sorcerer, glass by his side, trots back to camp.
>>81494"... I must finish this reposition.. These lost ones must have heir eulogy, if they are to rest..." She replies, before resuming her unintelligible prayer
>>81493Iron stands by her side. He has composed himself from his anger and stands straight. He wonders how could someone be taught not to be angry.
>>81492There was a debate among the unicorns of the circle. Some of them thought that the incident proved the outer ones were hostile, some thought them a mix of good and evil, and some of them thought that they could be placated. There was another session. In this incident, when they contacted the outer ones, one responded very clearly. The outer one seemed to think that everypony was... boring. Dreadfully boring and normal. He convinced the conduit that his quest for knowledge was futile because of the finite perceptual abilities and mental faculties of a pony. This revelation was said to visibly dull his coat and break him emotionally. But the effect was confined to the pony who had been the conduit, and everypony else began to believe that it may be possible to select who to speak to, or perhaps even to summon to the terrestrial plane
>>81494She takes him over to the side, and whispers
"Did you pocket anything else?"
>>81498"so they're evil? hmmmm"
Dark Star continues reading
>>81498"There was not much, I am afraid. Most valuable thing I found was this." He pulls out Alabaster's silver locket; he tries to carefully remove the picture it contains. He also pulls out the necklace the native skeleton wore from yesterday. "It seems, if there was treasure, it was either burnt down, or in area of catacombs we did not search."
>>81499In the third session, the conduit managed to contact a different outer one. This one was proper, well speaking, and at least seemed to be trustworthy. This Outer One seemed to have a problem with the ponies and their nature, finding them disorderly and in need of stern guidance. The conversation with the outer one continued for quite some time, but it is very clear that this one took a deep interest in the lives of ponies on the terrestrial plane
>>81500She examines it
"This locket is much too old to have belonged to that foal"
Sister Ash remains in prayer position before the jars for as long as the rest of the party remains outside, not moving from her position even once.
>>81501He seems interested in this particular bit of information. "Are you sure it was not just gift to him?"
>>81503"Look at the attire on this unicorn mare"
She shows him the image in the locket
"This looks older than 930"
>>81502Iron stands besides her, also not moving from his position as a guard.
>>81501"He contacted another one? wow!"
Where in Equestria is this set?
>>81504He examines it himself, even if he's unsure about his own knowledge on the styles of attire for different time periods.
>>81507A style of bun that looks particularly old, with ornate red dress. The locket it heart shaped and silver
>>81506Still another one responded as well. This one was not quite as enthusiastic as the previous: the outer one liked the freedom of the outer planes, and the creativity it allowed, and did not want to loose that. But neither was the outer one indifferent to the land of ponies
This is set in the northern lands north of Equestria, in Dream valley of the kingdom of the Unicorns, prior to the migration
>>81508"Hmm. That is odd. What do you think this means, if anything?"
>>81509"That this isn't Alabaster's locket. That, or somepony gave him a locket far older than his grandmother. I think he had it in his hoof or something"
Okay, it's getting really late for me.
Sister Ash will be praying for each jar individually. It may take her more than an hour, while the of the party does whatever.
>>81477>>81508"Hey Spark. come check this out."
>>81511Good thing I have to wake up early as well, thenIron just stands guard near Ash, not intent on moving anywhere else except to follow Ash.
>>81510"Hmm..." Silver thinks more on this. "Do you think it could have been part of larger horde?"
>>81512Would I be able to hear this from the camp? I'm not entirely sure where it is in relation.
>>81514"What do you mean?"
>>81515He he specifically went to find him, then yes
>>81516yea sure, Dark Star goes up to him.
>>81516"Could it have been part of personal treasure or collection of keepsakes Curwhinny kept? What if this is his locket? And this picture is of his late wife?"
>>81518"Plausible. Where do you think the foal got it from then?"
>>81520He thinks some more, before it hits him. "...Son of bitch. It came from cavity behind wall. One with book in it that Star took."
>>81521"That could be. Why would we find the cavity exposed as it was though?"
>>81519"hey i was reading this book, you gotta read this."
Dark Star Gives him a quick rundown
>>81522"That is less clear. Perhaps militia ponies, as they were attacking catacombs, disturbed bricks in that room. We did find skeleton of one not too far away from room."
>>81523"I always wondered about ponies... or whatever they are beyond the sky with the story of the stars aiding in her escape. Interesting stuff. How does it end?"
>>81524"I'm not so sure they would have attacked bricks. I am even less sure they would have just ignored that book. Weren't there a number of dislodged bricks and fallen rocks near the stairwell?"
>>81525>>81526"i dont know yet, i thought it was incredible i had to tell some pony."
Dark Star Continues Reading
>>81526"Yes, there was. Perhaps...what if mining operations in quarry caused both? That downstairs area was directly adjacent to quarry, and connected with quarry tunnel. And mining operations occurred far after than militia assault, and occurred before foal found their way into catacombs."
>>81527There was concern over the unicorns of the circle, as while they were successful in contacting several of the outer ones, and these outer ones had various responses to the questions asked them, none had offered promises of power or pacts. But of course that was a petty issue to others, as they did not care for any favors in the terrestrial realm. They wanted to reach the divine. They wanted to become like the outer ones. The outer ones for their part took various interest in the terrestrial plane. Some had no interest at all in it, one took an interest in its magic, one in its little ponies and kingdoms, another only as a source of entertainment... And of course there were mixed feelings about which of these were dangerous. The response, naturally, was that the process could be controlled. So a unicorn who had studied along side Star-Swirl the Beared proposed a way to try to gain limited access to the outer planes. The ponies themselves, perhaps, could go over and touch the outer realms.
>>81528"Yes... that would explain much of the damage to the catacombs. Many of those rooms look as if they had been boarded up, but the boards came down"
>>81529"Do you think, perhaps, there is more treasure there underneath well that has not yet been uncovered? Or elsewhere in catacombs, exposed by explosions from mines?" He rubs the back of his neck. "I suppose, it does not matter, unless we have way of surviving down there. Some kind of magic spell, or gas mask, or something of that sort."
>>81530"There are dozens of magical spells that allow you to breath in difficult conditions. We also have gas masks and oxygen tanks back at headquarters. Personally, I would recommend trying to remove all of that rubble from the cave-in you caused so there can be a breathing hole again. But who knows. There is definitely
something down there in the areas never visited. And it's neither unmoving nor forever sealed away.
I can tell you
I would like to see what hasn't been burned"
She gives her smile, and wags her tail slightly
>>81529"the unicorns wanted to be like the outer ones?
Dark Star keeps reading"
>>81532"Just asking for trouble, as usual. Things really don't change do they?"
>>81531Silver nods as well, getting a similar look on his face. "Sounds like you and I have same idea, here."
>>81533"the never do it seems."
>>81532They assembled again. It seems that the timing of the sessions was important because of the positioning of the celestial bodies, which natural affect the planes of the realms because the planes are determined by the bodies that inhabit them. The "outer ones" are actually not necessarily inhabitants of the outer most planes, but certainly always above the terrestrial plane.
They assembled together at a sight of many runes, and positioned the stones just right so that they aligned with the Celestial bodies. When this was accomplished, a portal was opened, and at least one unicorn was able to pass through it. He reports later that he saw the land from far above, and saw the angels as they danced in the outer planes.
>>81534She smiles still
"Tell me though. What
precisely do you seek? What do you seek to avoid?"
>>81536"In this moment in time? Bits, work, something to give purpose to my life beyond just living. As for what to avoid...failure, mostly. I would say death, but I no longer have such fear of it. As long as I succeed in my duties, I do not care what happens to me."
>>81537"Do you know what the ponies who employed you for the catacombs wanted?"
>>81536>>81535"Does the book say anything about how the pony acted once he got back?"
>>81538"As I understand it, they want undead cleared so they may continue work to fill in quarry without issue, turn land into real estate. I imagine if they only wanted tunnel sealed, they would have done so already."
>>81539That pony was filled with glee, for he had pranced with Angels.
They thought to expand the effect of the spell, to allow easier communion between the planes. The pony met with an outer one directly, and the outer one seemed amiable enough to allow to visit the terrestrial plane, nevermind the stated intent of domination of ponykind
>>81540"Wait, they want this for
real estate?"
>>81536>domination of ponykind"what?"
>>81541"As far as my knowledge goes." He thinks some more on what he heard. "Perhaps it was for development. But those are fairly similar in purpose."
>>81542"Remember the different pony races didn't get along very well. Keep reading. I got to see how it ends for them, and how they swear to try again someday. Cults always swear to try again someday."
>>81544>>81542Reading Intensifies
>>81542The outer one walked straight through the portal and into the terrestrial plane, and ethereal angel. It spoke with the unicorns and is reported even to have sat down for dinner with a few of them. As a sign of good faith, the outer one returned to the outer planes after request by some of the unicorns, with the obvious desire to return.
But this incident heightened tensions between members of the unicorn circle, as some wanted to go to the outer planes themselves, or did not like the assumption of the outer one that they would be its servants.
More so, there was tension in the court of Princess Platinum, as one of the ponies had been chosen to be Starswirl's apprentice alongside Clover the Clever, causing jealousy in at least one pony
>>81543"Then it sounds like they might dig into these areas for basements or tunnels. If not this year then in ten years or in a century.
Let me ask you a different question. What is it I could do that would make you stop willing to help me or work with me? What will you not help me do?"
>>81546>>81547It's the same response either way, as that is the next part of the story
>>81546I assume what she meant was "What is it I could do that would make you willing to help me or work with me?"
>>81549Nope. She meant 'what lines are you not willing to cross'
>>81549'what is it I could do that would make you
not willing to help me or work with me'
>>81550Ah. Okay, I see it now.>>81546"I am mercenary, no matter what my personal preferences are. When I work, I am loyal to contract first, Bits second. There is only one line anyone could ever or has ever tried to cross that would make or has made me not willing to fulfill job: an active attempt to bring end to my life."
>>81548Dark Star Reads some more
>>81552"In other words: there is very, very little I would not do to fulfill contract." His voice has a twinge of regret as he continues. "In fact, there has been very, very little I have not done."
>>81554>>81552>>81552She gives him her smile
"Good. Then we shall have no issues working together going forward. I know where my loyalties lie, and I can't say i can help you much with your contract with the developers. but as for bits..."
She opens the top of Dark Star's bag, and briefly pulls out a non-descript leather bound book, then the two booklets
"These here... These are worth something. I want to find more like these, if they exist"
>>81553It was time to visit the outer planes again. And a unicorn was selected. Not just any unicorn, but the same who had been selected before by Star swirl the Bearded. And beneath the moonlight, he waltzed with an outer one, with now two of them intent on on coming to the terrestrial realm.
However, a stallion named Fortis Equus in particular took offense to this process. He did not like other unicorn evidently courting Outer Ones. So he told Princess Platinum about the affairs of the circle
>>81555Silver nods. "Curwhinny's notes. Indeed, I can see where Bits would exist, where these are concerned." He considers it for a couple seconds, before offering to shake on it. "If there are Bits in this work, then I shall take job."
>>81555"There is only so many ways this can go down. I'm shocked we lived at all when we were tempting powers beyond our understanding to interact with us."
>>81556>>81557Telling Princess Platinum proved catastrophic. Several of the members were arrested and charged. In particular, the stallion who had consorted with the outer ones became the target of suspicion, as it was believed that the outer ones he had talked to intended to take Princess Platinum's place. This was conspiring with foreign forces against the crown. As there was no proof that outer ones even exited, there could be no actual charge of treason. Still, it was enough to cause him to lose his position in the court
What remained of the circle met a last time
>>81555"This is getting pretty good."
>>81558>>81559"Very good. I can't wait to see how it ends."
>>81556"Excellent. Now don't let them take any more books and booklets, and don't let them know. Name your price, and you can have it. Just help me find more"
>>81559It was a windless night with no moon. Probably half of the circle was not there, either because they had been arrested, or because they were afraid of being caught. No pony knew it had been Fortis who had informed on them to the Princess. All knew, however, that they must accelerate their plans, as their time had run out. They tried their best to make the incantations, and to draw a larger circle. When this was accomplished, the portal was established once again. The Outer One whom they had been in most contact with - the 'co-conspirator' according to Platinum, came through, bringing along another outer one who was more so conscripted into the scheme than a wholly willing participant. The Unicorn approached the two and addressed them as their servants.
At this point, Fortis Equus could not stand the sight any longer, and called out, demanding why the unicorn alone had travelled. After consideration, the unicorn himself decided that Fortis had a point, and let Fortis come to the portal.
When Fortis went through, he was accompanied by the two outer ones, and they pranced through the moonlight, and saw the stars as they hung. He was allowed to touch the ethereal coats of the outer ones, and to see the planet as it looked from the outer planes
>>81562>>81561"Well... I actually didn't see that coming. What happens next?"
>>81563After some time of prancing in the outer planes, they returned to the circle. As they stood in the circle, Fortis turned to the Unicorn, his heart forever cooled by the experience of the heavens. He told the unicorn what he had done in telling the princess, and apologized for it, saying he had not known he would have been invited along himself if only he had asked. And all of this as they stood along the circle itself
Exactly what happens next is not entirely clear, as one of the perspectives cuts off very shortly thereafter, but this seems to be what occurred. At the moment Fortis told the Unicorn, the latter's heart was over come with a rage and hatred. The portal had been easy enough to control so long as your mind and heart were still, and you knew what you were looking for, but the hate in his heart attracted something...
Not an outer one. An
other one, a lesser denizen of the sphere just beyond the terrestrial. Drawn as if summoned to this emotion, they came in herd, and flocked through the portal en masse, killing the Unicorn, Fortis, and all but one of the members of the circle, who later related part of this story
>>81562"1,000 Bits, to cover cost of supplies, and 50% of value of what I find for you. That is my price for this mission."
>>81564"Well then... that ended worse than I thought. Not sure why everyone was shocked the angry one demanding to be part of the travel was the snitch, but oh well. Apparently we can't be angry beyond the sky or else you die."
Spark takes a second to ponder all of this.
"Technically... those things that murdered the circle could still be around here. They probably would have gone back if they could, but with the circle destroyed, the portal could have collapsed."
>>81565"If we're doing this, I supposed I should stop lying to you. I am not
selling these books. I am
buying, as an agent anyways. How much do you want?"
>>81567"this didnt happen here. it happend in Dream valley."
>>81569"I mean here as in our world. They could have traveled around, or stayed there looking for a way back, assuming they are still here."
Spark is lost in thought for just a second.
"I really wish we could keep these, but we need to return the book to your marefriend now."
>>81568Trying to figure out a good price to request is difficult when you're tired as fuck. I think I'm gonna sleep on it, come up with something once I wake up. Goodnight.
>>81570"maybe we could buy this one from her. im willing to put in half."
>>81572"She said it needs to go to the authorities. We can't buy it. Come on now. Let's go give it back."
>>81573"Alright, i guess."
>>81574I head back to where I last saw Blue Skies.
She's been talking and dealing with Silver
>>81576"Dark Star was just showing me one of your books. It was very fascinating, something about creatures beyond the sky and other creatures that came and killed everypony but one that witnessed it."
I motion for Dark Star to return the book.
>>81577"Charming. That will do nicely"
>>81577Dark Star looks a little hesitant
>>81578"its a very interesting book."
>>81578"Will the authorities study the books, or will they lock them up with the war going on?"
>>81580"Oh I can tell you that the war has made them far
more interested in things such as creatures from beyond the sky that kill everyone"
>>81579"Good to see something of value survived the purges"
>>81581"Well, if they attempt it, they will kill themselves quicker than the enemy, I can guarantee that."
>>81583"Have any suggestions on what to do to get back in the tunnel? Would there be a way to open it up to vent out all that smoke?"
>>81583>>81582"only if they are angry."
>>81581Dark Star Gives her the book
>>81581*Burns internally*
>>81588Oh that's hot. That's hot.
>>81588*Dies of Carbon monoxide poisoning and smoke inhalation internally*
>>81590I'll take that into account next time I want to destroy something.
>>81591Please do. I don't want to see a foal die due to your... 'passion'
>>81592I didn't expect that much smoke to spread in only two rounds. I have spells that can serve as precautions.
>>81593Alright, it's not your first D&D game by your knowledge of it, so I'll trust you OOC, but Iron will be a little harder to convince.
>>81593>Only two rounds>Only two>Oh please. She started by setting the rug on fire (if that's wool, expect a relatively high concentration of Hydrogen Cyanide in the smoke) then lit a book on fire. Then another. Then another...
>>81594I actually read the rules for smoke and suffocation hazards just a couple weeks ago, because I figured there might be a time I wanted to trap some targets in a burning building at some point during the game.
I just didn't get the timing right last time... I'll be more careful...
>>81596No need to feel sorry for this blunder. At least not OOC.
[2d20 = 5]
[1d20+10 = 24]
>>81598Uh, what are you rolling for?[/spoier]
Well, I'm back. Still don't know what the value of those books might be.
>>81600Knowledge is valuable, so go for 500 to 1000 bits per book.
>>81601I was thinking something like that yesterday, but I was too tired to really think any further than that.
>>81600"4000 bits, you don't ask questions, I take all of them, and you open up about your wife and children to me later"
She tells him
>>81603After a couple seconds of silently considering it, he nods. "It is done deal."
>>81605"All this leaves now is matter of reentering catacombs."
Sister Ash is still praying.
>>81606"Do you have any plans, or think anything needs to be done first?"
>>81608"Besides acquiring way to breathe down there? There is not much else I would need to do to become ready. There is one issue I should mention, about idea of clearing rubble from quarry tunnel..."
>>81609"Rubble from which location?"
>>81610"Quarry tunnel. You saw quarry, earlier? There was tunnel, leading from there to lower area of catacombs. Before we knew there was fire set, we decided to seal off tunnel to stop undead from potentially wandering outside."
>>81611"Huh... I would have figured that any undead that entered the quarry couldn't get out of its walls"
>>81612"Perhaps. At time, both Star and I believed it to be good idea, either way, from just shear amount of undead in lower area. Of course, again, we did not know there was fire."
[praying arsonist noises]
>>81616Iron awaits for Ash's movement and/or orders.
>>81617She's waiting for everyone else to be ready.
>>81618He'll do that too then.
Iron thinks about Spark's abilities. He wonders if he is for hire.
>>81620I just got back if you want to go ask him.
>>81621Are you sure he's not interrupting the reading session Spark and Star that they are having?Iron decides that Ash should be fine for now and could get someone that can charm his way around things for Ash's mission. He starts walking towards Spark, wherever he is.
>>81622Reading is done for now, though I like GM's stories. I wonder if it is a throw away story, or it will come into play sometime? Either way it is impressive.
The sorcerer sees you approach.
>>81623"Spark, I need you to come with me." Iron states, motioning Spark to follow him back to where Ash is praying at a respectful distance. "It is a favor I want to ask."
>>81624"Ok. What is it you need?"
I follow Iron.
I put things on halt because I am not sure what the characters want to do next . I think Skies would want to return to headquarters briefly, but I don’t know what the others intend
>>81625During the walk towards the place where Ash is praying, he speaks. "Before I ask, is this 'clear undead' job finished or do you plan to abandon it?" He then waits to reach Ash's prayer place before talking again.
>>81626I'll play for Ash's interests and finish the foal business ASAP
>>81627"I can't abandon it, not until we make sure there isn't a monster left standing in there. But I can put my task on hold. If they have been trying to remove this problem for centuries, I'm sure that a little more waiting wont hurt them."
>>81629"Well, that is the problem. It probably is going to take a lot more time than clearing the undead from a quarry and from what I experienced, it is going to need somepony who has his way with words." Iron look to the sides. "You have skills as a diplomat, right? You can negotiate?"
>>81630"On occasion. I haven't mastered diplomacy by any means, but I can talk my way in and out of situations."
>>81631Iron nods. "One last question. You do not mind working for Ash, do you?"
>>81632"Of course not. I don't mind doing favors for ponies, especially if they helped me in the past."
>>81626Sister Ash wants to properly repose the jars she collected.
She told Abby Willows she'd see her in the evening, so she wants to be back around sunset.
>>81633>>81634Iron does not remember when Ash helped Spark at all. "I guess. Well, here is the gist of it." Iron clears his throat. "Ash heard that 12 or something foals were taken by the Waterfront Gang from an orphanage or abbey, no idea exactly what it is, due to high amounts of debt along with a mare. She is trying to take all possible foals back to said orphanage, and has succeeded with taking 5 or 6 foals so far. Now the issue is that 2 of the remaining foals were taken for training and one of the other foals remaining was taken by a pony in political power. I do not remember the politician but the address and names of the two 'caretakers' we do have and with Ash insistence on doing things non-violently, I need a pony capable of taking the foals through words and compensation. A pony like you." Iron inhales and exhales, then looks at Ash during her reposing process. "Any details that I miss, Ash?"
>>81635>>81633>Iron does not remember when Ash helped Spark at allNeither do I, tbh...
>>81635>Any details that I miss, Ash?Sister Ash remains silent for several seconds in prayer before answering.
"... I said I would prefer to resolve things without harming ponies. I never said it may not happen anyway.." she says, a bit too calmly for comfort
>>81635"I see. That is quite high stakes, but rescuing foals in very important. I do suggest asking the others to help as well, though convincing them to work for free will be difficult."
>>81636You pulled a bullet out of me. Painful, and you failed a few times, but you did so, not to mention the fight against Marecuse.
>>81637"I will do my best to avoid conflict."
>>81638>You pulled a bullet out of me. Painful, and you failed a few timesOh yeah, I remember that now.
>>81637Iron glances at Ash. "Do not burn the building if you feel like venting. Remember. It is a rescue mission."
>>81638>asking the others for helpIron is a bit uncomfortable. "Well, I am not so sure about it. Skies will probably object Star to work for Ash after almost suffocating her and his coltfriend unless Ash and I pay an exhuberant fee, and I do not want to do that. Silver is a possible option and Onyx seems to be absent mentally most of the time, even though his battle prowess is impressive."
>avoid conflict"You seem to pack a punch with your magic, so that is good. Do not be afraid when things get rough." Iron smiles.
Eh, if you say so. The doctor did most of the healing job for you.
>>81640**and her coltfriend
>>81640"Won't hurt to check. When do we head out?"
>>81643"You will have to ask Ash about that." Iron scratches his side. "Would you mind asking them? Take it as a sort of proof that you can convince ponies to do what you want."
>>81644I chuckle at that.
I go to the others.
>>81639Iron pokes Ash. "You have not commented much about his inclusion to the mission. Is something the matter?"
>>81646Sister Ash has been in a praying position murmuring silently for like half an hour now.
"... I'm taking care if these ones right now.. They've been alone for so long. They need care.."
>>81647Iron flinches. "Sorry. I did not mean to bother with the process."
[1d20+9 = 27]>>81648"It's fine.." she replies softly, her voice having become almost monotone
>FocusingRolling Concentration, just because I'm feeling kind of bored
>>81649What exactly is she trying to do with these jars?
>>81650For now, she's speaking to each of them softly, as an impromptu eulogy. She's repeating a set of funeral prayers from her temple, once for each jar.
She's just making the ceremonial preparations for whateverthefuck I figure out to do next. I figured the next step would be to deliver them to a proper burial site and/or scatter them in a better place.
>>81651But really, I'm not actually sure what to do after this. I don't want to just pour them out here though.
I just figured that whatever she'd need to do would involve some kind of ceremony.
>>81651Iron watches intently at this ceremony of letting ponies' souls rest peacefully.
>>81652How about taking them to a church? If not we can go to the forest and spread the ashes there.
>>81651Honestly I'm at a loss as to how to destroy the soul jars. You can't burn them, they've already been burned. You can't dip them in acid, they've already been treated by acid. You can't shatter them, they are already granular. So....
>>81654I think it's more like simply scattering the ashes as a sort of funerary ceremony to appease the trapped souls, not intentionally destroying the ashes.
>>81654Well, they're physically similar to improperly-handled funeral urns; the only difference is really that they were handled with intent to cause despair, not reposition.
Thinking in character, Sister Ash would see them as that, and her go-to resolution would be to finish the funerals for each chamber, then scatter the ashes in an appropriate site to complete their reposition.
>>81653I considered that. I guess the most they could do is help with funeral services; maybe they could lead me to a place to scatter them.
>>81656Iron is a big boi, so he can carry most of the urns. I hope the taxi can do the same.
>>81658Please don't take Iron's headplate. It would be extremely painful.
>>81654>You can't dip them in acidWhat kind of person other than a murderer would want to dip human remains in acid anyway?
Iron wonders what is taking Spark so long.
Small rolecall
>>81663I'm here.
I'm waiting for at least one other person to show up to convince to join, or at least attempt to.
>>81665I know, that's why I'm rolecalling.
Spark approaches Dark Star. Is Silver there as well?
>>81671"Hey. Whats going on?"
>>81671Silver and Skies are together but away from Dark Star.
extremely private business.
>>81672"Iron would like to see if you are willing to help him and Ash hunt down some missing foals. Right now we are stuck out of the tunnel, and this mission is focused on peaceful resolution. Would you like to join?"
>>81675I bet you'd expect me to deny that, but that is actually exactly the case.
>>81676"yea, i will help out."
>>81678"Well, that was easy. Need anything in return for your help?"
>>81681I give 1 bit to Dark Star.
"You sure that is all?"
>>81682"yep, thats it, and we have to save those foals."
>>81683"Good to hear. I'm going to see what the others think, but go over and tell Iron that you are willing."
I look around for the others. I assume Silver and Blue Skies are not in sight?
I think I might go to bed soon.
Sister Ash will still be performing funeral services until she's satisfied with the state of each jar.
>>81686Dark Star Walks over to iron
"So whats up with these missing foals?"
>>81684Honestly, I have no idea where they are in relation to you guys. All I know is that they're still fairly close to Curwhinny Farm.
[1d20 = 13]>>81689Maybe I will just roll perception or something to see if you are hidden from view.
>>81688Iron raises an eyebrow at Star's appearance. "Well, I was not expecting you to volunteer after being almost suffocated by smoke." Iron clears throat again and states the same as
>>81635 up until '...doing things non-violently.' He then scratches his head. "How did Spark convince you to join?"
>>81691"he payed me. and i wanted to help the Foals."
>>81692"Even after Ash almost killed you?" Iron is dumbfounded
>>81693"its not a big deal."
>>81694Iron is unsure. "I guess Spark did pay you for this. Alright, you are in. We move out when Ash moves out."
I'm not sure if the GM is here. I guess Spark and Silver could meet up but Skies should have an input in this deal since she's trying to do a deal herself.
>>81695I doubt helping Ash retrieve the foals would have much of a bearing on his job for Skies.
>>81696Except maybe the fact that she almost died due to Ash, but IDK if the GM will twist that knife
>>81695"yea i asked for 1 bit."
>>81698Iron is shocked. "What? Why would you accept such a bad deal? We are going as far as political assassination if the politician does not give the foal back. Do you know how dangerous this could be?"
>>81699I take it Iron and all them are by the camp?
>>81699"danger is my middle name. and what politician?"
>>81701"I do not remember his name. I think he was a 'social democrat', some 'hero of the poor' or something. A weakling taking advantage of ponies like himself."
>>81700We are at the place where the soul jars/ash urns are. No idea where that is, but we could be at the farmhouse still. I'll need to ask Ash or the GM tomorrow to ensure Iron, Ash and Star are at the camp or the farmhouse
>>81703Iron pokes his chin. "I think that is the stallion."
>>81704Dark Stars Eyes Flash with Determination
"Now im really committed."
>>81705"Huh, personal vendetta is actually a decent reason to choose to help. Well, guess that does it." Iron nods understandingly. "I wonder if Spark will convince Silver as well."
Well, seeing how the GM hasn't really stepped in with the reunion of Silver and Spark with Skies, I'll assume that he is not able to participate for today/tonight. I'll go to bed now. Night everyone else.
>>81705>>81704>>81701Blue Skies' eyes go from mild irritation, to interest, to disbelief upon hearing this exchange
"Come again?"
>>81710>Something vague involving missing foals>The implication of possibly murdering a democratically elected official"
Any of it. This is either the worst conceivable idea or the best idea, but it certainly is not an indifferent matter to the Blackhooves"
>>81711"how would they feel about it?"
>>81712"That truly depends on exactly what this politician has to do with missing foals. If he is a serial killer or has a damned sex dungeon in his basement, then it would be fine to shoot him in the face and let that run on the next day's paper. It would be a million times better to gather as much evidence as possible, and have a long, very public trial that drags this 'democracy' through the mud. If this is just a custody issue over foals, or really, if that politician is doing anything less than
seriously immoral things, then the Blackhooves want nothing to do with it, and by extension, want
you to have nothing to do with it so long as you have one of their badges."
>>81713>>81714I assume Silver is here for this conversation."I have found it is running theme with politicians to have dark secrets. Perhaps job makes them like that. Perhaps job draws those with such tendencies towards it. I would not put it past this one to have something similar."
>>81715"That is probably right."
>>81714"Perhaps I have never clarified just exactly what the role of the State Security apparatus of the Baltimare Autonomous region is. State Security has three interests: to prevent foreign espionage in the region; to prevent sabotage of New Mareland operations by foriegn
or domestic elements, and above all else, to prevent and stop uprisings. We're a colonial administration, essentially. Regular crime is generally the domain of the civilian police force. The Blackhooves have chosen to have as light of a touch in the Baltimare region as possible, operating under the theory that however much the natives dislike the administration, they will not risk their lives to overthrow it so long as it does not actually have a meaningful impact on their daily lives, and so long as it engages in few public transgressions. A part of that is that - in this city at least - the civilian government is entirely self governing from the police system to the health care system. But that doesn't mean we like the local government either. They are left-leaners who are ideologically incompatible with the New Mareland administration, and anything that harms them in public opinion helps justify Blackhooves rule over the region.
If the matter involved here is something like a simple case of 'that guy has the foals now, I demand at least weekend custody' and all the stupid bullshit family drama that ought to be resolved in a civil court of law, then the murder of that official will cause riots in the streets if the Blackhooves are discovered to be involved. But if that public official is doing something evil - and I mean
evil - then bringing that to the public light"
She laughs in a manner consistent with her normal smile
"That would be just exactly what I would say this region needs. This
Democracy exposed for what it is"
Is it Dark? That is the question though."
>>81717The look on Silver's face suggests he thinks that maybe, just maybe, Blue is more concerned with the impact this could have on the public's faith in the city council than whether or not there are foals in danger. It also suggests, although to a lesser degree, that he's not too terribly ecstatic about the prospect of the Black Hooves gaining even more power in Equestria. "Yes, that is question, and it is why it is good idea to find evidence. So, if there are foals in danger, we can properly dispense justice."
>>81718"My dear Silver, you contact State Security if you want
Order. That is our goal. The prevention of absolute Anarchy.If what you want is 'Justice,' you contact Baltimare Police.
Yes, we could have said 'Equestrian can go fuck themselves if they want the right to police themselves. We alone have the right to search homes, to make arrests. To kill in the name of justice and the law. We have chosen instead to leave those functions right where they always have been: in the hooves of the local police. You do not have to agree with our decision to allow the Equestrians their freedom to govern themselves in as delicate a matter as criminal justice, but it is made and I shall abide."
>>81719He raises an eyebrow at Blue. "If you want to know reason why Equestrians do not like Black Hooves, it is attitudes like that within your organization."
>>81717"can i look into it?"
>>81720She growls audibly at Silver, and looks away. But she can't leave. So long as Dark Star is there, she must stay
>>81721"Look into it, certainly. Just don't do anything that will cause a riot"
>>81722"you have my word."
>>81722Silver doesn't push it, content with leaving the discussion there.
>>81724"Perhaps you should remember your reading of the Marena Carta. 'No free mare shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other way destroyed except by the lawful judgement of her peers.' We are not a vigilante organization who dispense 'justice' as we perceive it and as we see fit. We we respect the rights of the accused, of the populace, and of due process."
>>81725"That is not what I meant, Skies. We Equestrians, we tend to respond more positively to actions reminiscent of the Elements. Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Honesty, Loyalty, Magic. Claim to be benevolent for having good graces to not create totalitarian state after having invaded and occupied our lands, it does not change fact that invasion happened in first place, and that we still resent Black Hooves for it. And doubt that they care for us. I am merely stating, if you wish to gain more support for your organization and your cause, here, it would do well to think like Equestrian, and do things we would support in name of Black Hooves. Show you are not just here to 'keep order', but to do that which no others would be willing to do, and help.
"If, and that is indeed if, there are foals being harmed by this politician, and he is brought to justice, perhaps it would be better to claim this as proof that Black Hooves do care for ponies here, rather than trying to undermine faith in democracy."
>>81726As flatly as possible:
"What do you want from me."
>>81726"Democracy has failed."
>>81727"I do not want anything from you, in this case. Just consider that gaining support for Black Hooves in Equestria will require more hooves-on approach than you might be used to."
>>81728Silver shrugs. "I suppose I never made much use of democracy, in either case. I am not arguing in favor or against democracy. I am stating that Black Hooves will gain more support from ponies here, if they publicly appear to take their best interests at heart. This way that Blue Skies has framed this? It is good for working behind curtains, but it does little to build actual support among populace. Helping ponies, that is how Harmony became so powerful here, nevermind Celestia, or the Elements, or any of that. It was belief that helping fellow ponies, lifting everypony all up at once, regardless of who they are, is best for everypony involved."
>>81726"Silver, just four hours ago, when I told you that the Blackhooves have the power and the desire to save Equestrians from becoming livestock for changelings, you adamantly insisted that Equestria was strong enough and good enough to save itself, and that the Blackhooves had neither the desire, nor the power to save Equestria. Now, you demand for the Blackhooves to take take the time and effort to save Equestrians from the the ponies they have chosen to rule themselves. So which is it, because I am afraid you are not being at all consistent. Are the Equestrians who rule Equestria all powerful and all benevolent beings who can absolutely be trusted to safeguard a future for all foals, or are they monsters that the Blackhooves must personally see to it are 'brought to justice'? Are the Blackhooves weaklings too busy with matters elsewhere to even care that changeling swarms fly over the skies of half their possessions, or are they this all powerful world spanning entity that have enough time and ponypower to do good in every opportunity that presents itself? Because I am at a loss as to which you think.
I have already told you and Dark Star that if this politician is a murderer or a sex fiend, then yes, this
is a matter of Blackhooves concern. I just don't want him murdering an important person over what is basically a foal custody case."
>>81729"i agree with some of your ideas and i would put some of them in place if, i were the mayor of Baltimare."
>>81729"I can assure you, I was not selected for my particular line of work because I am 'good with ponies' or am known to be particularly compassionate. Working behind the curtains is kind of what I do and what I was hired to do. If you want a cuddly face to kiss foals, maybe contact Seabreeze or some other pony within my organization."
>>81730"You want me to think differently of Black Hooves? That your organization has our interests in heart, and that you all are not merely foreign invaders here to seek profit before Changelings come to kill us all? You want me to have faith in New Mareland, and faith in their ability to be our allies?" Silver looks her right in the eyes, determined. "Then I want you to prove it to me. To Equestria. Prove that you are here for more than yourselves. Prove that you care for us beyond just what we can provide for you. Prove that there is truth in what you say, in that we can count on Black Hooves, in your aircraft, in your armies, that you will all not simply abandon us once Chrysalis has had enough of entertaining this 'alliance'. You want that faith, that trust? Earn it. Do that, and I, and all true Equestrians, will follow Black Hooves to very depths of Tartarus, if need be."
>>81732"You do not need to be good with ponies. You need to understand them."
>>81731"Dark Star, what say you?"
>>81735"i think he makes a few good points, Doing whats best for the ponies of Equestria, and showing some care for them would go along way to gaining the trust of them."
>>81733She barely withholds a 'hiss,' and then pauses for a beat, and says the following
"If you had contacted Equestria's secret S.M.I.L.E. agency, before its dissolution at the end of the War, and told them you had an issue that had something to do with a foal, the first response they would have had is 'have you filed a police report yet?' Do not blame a spy for not being a police officer, especially when it is abundantly obvious that none of you have talked to a police officer, and no one standing here even knows what you are accusing this politician of doing. That makes exactly as much sense as being angry at your doctor for not fixing your car, when you can't even bother to tell him what kind of problems you are having with your car."
>>81736"So what should be done?"
Making an involved NPC was a terrible idea, because now I have no idea when I should keep her off scream, or when she should follow the party
>>81737"Again, I am not asking you to act, on anypony's behalf. But, when you say that, if something's up here, you wish to use this to undermine democracyl, it does not help foster support in your cause. It just makes you seem cold, calculated, withdrawn. It may work for you personally as agent of Black Hooves, but for Equestrians, who are looking for something or somepony to guide them in these troubled times? Not so much."
>>81738All you can do is use your judgement on whether or not she would have any interest in what the party is doing. In this case, I think she would have some interest, but not in the same way that the party would have.
>>81737"well, i know they have a war going on at the moment so they probably couldn't do anything. So i would if i were mayor i would, open some schools to teach the foals Discipline and about history such as Eqrestria Declaring war on New Mareland. and hospitals to help the sick. and open more mines and foundries so Baltimare can be able to rebuild the Region thus improving life and the black hooves would gain the loyalty and adoration of their new subjects."
>>81739“Silver, have we met? I
am cold, calculated, and withdrawn. I am
not a guide for troubled ponies. I never claimed this to be a good thing nor did I claim to be a good pony. Nature did not bestow her gifts equally upon all creatures.. Some of us are doomed to be forever at a deficit of magic and Harmony.”
>>81741Silver just shrugs, figuring everything that could be said, has been said.
>>81739It’s not a question of interests. The motives this faction would have to be involved or not have already been stated. It’s a question of the proper involvement of NPCs in the party.
In any other work by any other author, the Gestapo SS agent would be the unambiguous, no questions asked villain, regardless of her actual actions, so long as she remained loyal to her sponsoring government. The only reason that an exception here is even possible is because of the unique situation of this image board, and because this work borrows in part from a grand strategy game - grabs strategy games being the one and only exception in all of literature that you are not allowed to take a fascistic government as your protagonist.
My original intent was to have each faction have an NPC that sort of represented then, and was attached to the party as necessary or made sense. An attempt to create a new faction of Church militants as a sort of representation of the Restorationist political movement - which is obviously winning the popularity contest - was shot down. I’m pretty sure the reason why is that an NPC following the party for a quest is undesired. So... I don’t know
>>81744If you were going to have a representation of the Restorationist movement, why not have surviving members of the Equestrian army, training up an underground militia in secret right under the muzzles of the Black Hooves and Communists? I could understand if the Celestialist Church was serving as a secret waystation for Restorationists, but I'm not sure if the practitioners of a religion based on peace and Harmony would be the militants in this situation.
>>81745Because I didn’t want to change the location yet
>>81746>>81745You guys only went to bed three hours ago?
>>81738>>81743It's a given that NPCs are going to be involved with the party for most of the game: quest-givers, item-suppliers, information sources, hired grunts, and even enemies/intelligent-monsters qualify as NPCs.The real question is for how long do you want to keep certain NPCs around, and how deeply you want to involve them in things. I don't mind some NPCs sticking around as recurring characters.I think there's a section on this in the DMG.>>81744Couldn't dividing the party into opposing factions kind of complicate things even more than alignment/motivations already could? I mean, it sounds like a cool idea, so long as they have a common goal (which I could easily adjust my character to match); but it sounds like a thing you'd want to let the PCs know about or motivate them towards, because otherwise it could potentially be like herding cats.Whatever it is you want to do or decide to do, I can gladly cooperate to the best of my ability. That'll be easier for me if I can get a vague sense of what kind of story you're trying to tell, since I can be an actor as much as a player if there's a story niche to be filled.
>>81751I'm honestly kind of spooked by how Skies reacted. To be fair, it was supposed to be a last resort: A point which Iron would make when everyone's here to react to it, meaning the Black Hooves should suffer no penalties if things go along peacefully and an agreement is reached, picking the foal from this politician without much fuss. Honestly, I was not expecting Skies to listen to all of Iron's spiel about the job. I should be more careful next time and ask the GM where are the NPCs next time.
>>81752It was the word 'assassinate' that was the red flag. Iron definitely could have/could help by clarifying what was said about the status of these foals
>>81752Fine, I'll keep her away
>>81754Hey, no need to take her away. If you had something planned, go for it. Just don't feel pressured by the players if you have something in mind that you feel good.>>81753Yeah, it was kind of stupid but also a way to put a bit of pressure on Star to see if he was serious with helping out, specially after the whole 'suffocation' business.
>>81755*you feel it's good.
Also, to everyone, I would like to clarify my actions about starting that fire, both in and out of character:
See, as I was back-reading, I saw that note from that fallen soldier that detailed orders about needing to destroy Curwinney's notes: a mission that Sister Ash would have agreed with, given her beliefs, past experience with necromancers, and the fact that she had just caught a child conjuring evil spirits from what she read in a black magick tomb the prior night (which was followed by a nightmare that I considered to be meaningful). Because of all that, I figured there were some manuscripts that were supposed to be destroyed in the dungeon (or that characters were morally being steered to do it), and I though that Sister Ash would be proper to fill the niche as the book-burner. Plus, I really wanted to use that Christ-chan reaction image, because it summed up how Sister Ash was feeling at the time (more on that later). When I found that room full of books, I kind of assumed those would be my target books, since that room was close to where the party found the note; it was a bad assumption to make, but I was being dumb at the time.
As for Sister Ash, her reasoning to burn the books was partially to destroy black magick, and partially an excuse for her own violent outburst. In her eyes, she saw what she thought were Curwinney's notes as his accumulated power/knowledge that he'd gained through decades of slavery, blasphemy, and cruel animal testing: To her, they were they product of evil and we're also evil (or at least she felt like that, because she was a hares breath away from full Nirik); she was furious and really only wanted to destroy them. As for the other artifacts, she thought they were cultural tools he'd stolen from all over the world for his research, not unlike the Sarcophagus: heritage items, only intrinsically valuable to the people who knew their cultural worth, that had been used as instruments of evil; in her anger, she felt they were better off destroyed. I had been trying to play her as being increasingly angry with everything she'd seen so I could make her go berserk when the combat came up (I thought that the peace-loving nun could fit the niche well if she were just slightly bipolar at times when morals we're at stake), and I saw the book-burning as nice opportunity to show how angry she could be.
I never intended to make her out as a person who disrespected history, or didn't appreciate the value of knowledge; quite the contrary. I wanted her to be a person who was very intrigued and passionate about pony cultures, and believed that traditions had intrinsic value. That's was actually why I thought she'd be angry at all those cultural items that had been stolen from the people who could appreciate them and been hoarded for a purpose that was practical rather than intrinsic (which is part of why she loathes evil necromancers). But again, I wasn't thinking very hard. The bullshit she spouted earlier was just me trying to communicate how irrationally angry she was. She's not supposed to be normally be a book burner; she just thought those particular books were better off burned to stick it to the necromancer who collected them, even if he was long dead.
Of course, I played her with the mentality that there was something in the dungeon that was worth destroying or I was supposed to; that was actually some poor metagaming in hindsight. Because of that, I felt just went ahead and burned those things with no remorse. I didn't at all intend to destroy any of the party's loot/clues/lore, or create needless conflict/danger just because it would have been "in-character" (rat-bastard logic). I just thought it made sense and wouldn't cause that much major loss. I would never, ever, ever, ever knowingly destroy loot that the party could use; the fact that my character doesn't believe in the value of wealth had absolutely no impact on my decision there. If I had realized moments earlier that the gas might kill or inconvenience the party, or that I was destroying something that you guys could loot, I would have not set that fire.
As for the smoke hazards, that was just me being an idiot. I thought that the fire would either stay contained in that room, or that the fire would slowly spread, and the party would be able to run outside while all the undead inside it burned. I didn't consider the poison gas effect on the situation.
>>81752Tbh, I probably should have spoken up and talked to them myself. It was lazy to let Iron talk to them about a trip that was really Sister Ash's mission.
I was just super tired at the time and still sick from the flu. After already having one retarded idea, I kind of opted out of making character decisions for the night.
>>81754She could always be a recurring character,if you don't want to keep her around all the time. Or want her doing other stuff until you bring her back.
She can fly after all: that makes it relatively easy to bring her in or out of the scene whenever you feel like it.
>>81757That's a lot of meta text.
>>81757Like I said before. OOC it's no biggie. You had a somewhat valid reason to go to town with those books because you thought it was evil in some sense that in hindsight was misguided. To create good characters, you need some flaws in order not to appear like a god amongst men, and you provided it with some drastic, emotional side that the kirin race fall prey to many times before, which provides justification to do those harsh things. Besides, this is only the beginning. The players have not gained a lot of character growth in order to like the characters, save for Star since he has a marefriend, and that could go badly if the same player wants Skies still as another character. I would not bat an eye if Iron died right now due to some ill-contrived reason, and I believe most other characters would not mind, seeing how many of them accept death so quickly, although jokingly.>>81758Well, you were reposing those urns and I wasn't aware that Skies was in the scene so Ash didn't have to interfere with the deals since the players are so willing to join up even if I said it was a suicide mission that will kill them or something. Skies was the wild card I did not take into account and the wording would probably tilt a normal person who stumbles into the scene, specially if it undermines the power of its faction that the person is affiliated.
>>81758Ash's lack of interaction with the others feels frankly... bizarre. Like why were Iron and Silver the two to confront Skies over the books when Ash had by far the most motive?
>>81760Sorry. I just felt better to say it all at once.
I just didn't want any misunderstandings. If someone were to destroy loot they didn't want, or cause danger just because it was "in-character", I'd be pretty annoyed about it. I just wanted to clarify that I'm not trying to be a dickhead, even though I just pulled several dickhead moves.
The short answer is because I was sick, and tired, and busy, and I wasn't exactly sure what to say in-character after fucking up so badly.
Neglecting to be the first to comment on the children scenario was a dropped ball on my part.
>>81762I probably should have done a better job of showing discontent at her own actions concerning the books, but again, I was really tired...
>>81762Consider Iron as a tool whose actions are mainly dictated by pussy and flimsy logic that is accurate through a simplistic lens. Of course you would not want books that can be used to spread evil if you had the chance to stop it unless your character had evil intentions him or herself, specially when the act could be considered a crime against nature for most people, and using dead people as labor is one of those acts. Only other reason to justify this is, of course, that a character is controlled by a player and if the player is not feeling well or has problems puppeteering said character, it would cause problems if a response is expected from them, as seen by >>81763 and >>81764 showing the player feeling sick and tired from external circumstances which cause poor acting performance and slow response times.
I'll be taking smol nap. Be back in about an hour, hour on a half.
>>81740"Well, we've already influenced the curriculum of the public schools so that they accurately reflect history. Religious educational institutions retain their autonomy, but we are trying to reduce instances of false doctrines that are disruptive of civil obedience. The local government already supplies hospitals and medical care for the sick. As for mines and foundries, well, we're working on it. Manehattan is receiving a plurality of the industrial development as it is the de facto capital. We are developing mines for minerals down in the south, as well as rubber plantations, which both supply critical resources, and give economic benefits to the colonists and natives there. But there is only so much money to go around."
>>81769>we are trying to reduce instances of false doctrines that are disruptive of civil obedienceSister Ash turns her head with a frown at this for a moment, but does not cease her prayer.
>>81770She folds her ears back and gives Ash her smile in that universal language of girl-code that says "and fuck you too bitch"
>>81772>>81771"Anyways." Iron steps in the staring, not wanting a mare-fight. "The whole 'assassination' part was an overexaggeration on my part. We are looking into peaceful paths about that issue. It was something to test Star's will for this mission. I do want him and the others to be serious about this."
>>81773"Who precisely is this politician, how did he get these foals, and what is he doing with them?"
>>81774Iron thinks for a bit. "I think it is Larry Berry, a 'social democrat: hero of the poor' stallion, manipulating the poor's wishes to increase his status as a politician. Not sure if I am missing anything else, but buying a kidnapped foal from a gang seems strange, unless he is infertile or something."
>>81774Sister Ash keeps murmuring a prayer for a few more lines as she finishes a verse, before she speaks up in the conversation.
"... From what I have understood, he bought them, like common goods." She says, still in her monotone voice
>>81775She snaps at this
"Foals cannot be bought by any means." She growls
"I'm not sure of what his motivations we're, but I do not trust him in the least bit."
>>81776Iron strokes Ash's mane. "I know that. Children are concieved, not bought."
>>81776>>81775"The politician
purchased them? Are you sure it was not an adoption fee?"
>>81777"Oh, you don't need to birth a child to raise one"
>>81778"An adoption fee wouldn't surpass a foal's weight in gold." She hisses
"By the fact that the low-lives he dealt with still had foals on their hooves, I have little faith that what he payed was a noble ransome. He wanted to
buy a foal, and he wanted it done silently."
>>81779"Then it sounds like this guy had something to hide. Let us bring that secret to the sunlight and see how well it fares."
>>81778"For your first statement. Yes. The gangsters holding the unsold foals say that much. The foals could testify for this too, but I do not know if they know the purchase themselves." Iron thinks for a bit. "Your other statement, while true, is something ponies should avoid. It usually causes a lot of problems trying to raise a foal who is not linked to you by blood, but we can talk about it later when the job is done."
>>81780"Are you sure he does not have any influence that protects him if the secret got out?" Iron is skeptical.
>>81781"He payed what looked like more than the price of a small house. I'm sure he took
great lengths to keep his dealings secret."
>>81769"then i would expel the non ponies from baltimare,increasing social trust in the ponies"
>>81782"It is weird that the gangsters know that it was Barry who bought them if that is the case. It is possible that he has the whole gang under his hoof if I am thinking right about the implications of this." Iron scratches his side.
>>81781"He is clearly protected by wealth, influence, and power. That is probably how he is and has been getting away with it. None of that can do much to protect him from
us. If he has friends in power, we use the secret against them. If he has corrupted police officers, use it against them. If he has corrupted blackhooves agents, use it against them. If he has corrupted local media, use it against them. There can be benefits to having more than one governmental master"
>>81783"All the same, the ponies voted for Social Democrats"
>>81782Alright, for the 90th time, we are
not going for that bizarre hyper-inflation in whatever book. A house costs more than a foal, and a foal costs more than a cow, and stop trying to pervert it
>>81785"Ah, your skills shine through." Iron smiles. "Well, seeming you know what you are doing, what should be the course of action to leak that secret out? I am pretty sure our word are not as valid as a 'trusted' politician if we are to spread a rumor around, nevermind the fact that we become a target to be disposed of if he finds out we are the ponies who are spreading his secret."
>>81785"they didnt know what they were really signing up for."
>>81786"There are many ways it could be done. Perhaps the simplest is to break into his house - and that itself could be done any number of ways - and collect evidence of wrong doing. After that, the evidence is given over secretly to a judge who signs a warrant, and the police raid. Naturally all of this is best done without the target knowing. But once the police find the secret... Well, my superiors have their way of making sure it will promulgated to the masses."
>>81788"So tell me. Are
all non-ponies bad?"
>>81789Iron looks at himself, wearing a wolf-helmet fullplate armor and a police-like tower shield. "I do not think I am cut out for something like that, but it sounds the most reasonable by far. Before I suggest anything, you seem interested in this job now. I suppose you will take that chance to place one of your own ponies to replace Barry? It should increase power for your faction in terms of influence if it is possible for you to do so."
>>81789"in most cases,yes."
>>81790>full plate armor"Not necessarily. You could be the bodyguard of a visiting important figure. You could be there to apply for a job as one of his guards. You could be police accompanying a routine inspection for dangerous gas leaks. You could even be the gardener, with your armor in a bag"
>Barry"Now this is extremely important. Are you
absolutely certain that the politician in question was Larry Berry,
The mayor, and not someponyelse?"
>>81791"But you are aware that the Blackhooves must and do recruit griffins and minotaurs, correct?"
>>81792"For now they must."
>>81793"Do you think the ponies can be convinced to take up their place in history?"
>>81785Okay, forgive me for metagaming, but I'd really appreciate knowing how much things are going to cost:
I get that livestock don't really factor into price, but how much does a simple house really cost in this post-medieval setting?The house Sister Ash is referring to was the Simple House described under the Urban Environments section: a one-to-three room structure with wooden walls and a thatched roof. Basically, one of the tiny cottages in Ponyville (pick semi-related, but not as fancy). It normally costs one thousand gold pieces (20 pounds of gold), which is a sum that a character lvl 1 character with 4 ranks in Profession or Craft job would have to save for almost 3 years to save that much (without murdering anyone). A level 1 NPC owns assets totally in 900 pieces, a level 2 NPC owns 2000. If two lvl 1 commoners got married and had one child (no wealth for him), they'd collectively possess 1800 pieces worth of wealth, which covers the house and 800 pieces worth of belongings.When Sister Ash gave those guys their ransome money, I thought at the time that she'd given them more gold than she'd ever seen (including the sum of assets that her entire temple donated to the orphanage, which was 9000 pieces).
I get that foals would be expensive, because they're illegal to sell (same reason drugs are expensive), so only rich bastards would by them, and they'd pay through the nose because they [i]can.
How much is 1000 gold pieces worth in this setting, relatively?
>>81792Iron nods understandingly. "I see you have done this before." Iron makes sure to remember the name that was said by the gangsters back at the cannery Ash and Iron went yesterday and tells it to Skies.
Mainly because I don't remember it OOC.
>>81795And for the record, when she said "house" by her standards she meant a medieval house, because the houses in the Kirin village were much less modern than what Equestrians live in.
>>81794"it might be a bit idealistic but yes i do."
>>81795If this crook payed about 1500 gold pieces for the foal, and the foal weighed 30 pounds, he would have payed exactly the foal's weight in gold by normal standards. That was a price I considered to be disturbingly ominous, so I included it in the dialogue.Sister Ash doesn't understand Equestrian economics or currency, but she payed in gold, so her statement was a rough estimate that was "About one sixth of the amount of the maximum amount of gold that me and my dog combined could physically carry here".
I g2g
Sorry for asking stupid questions...
>>81795I don't want to set out a large set of numbers right here because of how that could affect balance in the future, but I think I will have mundane non-combat items more expensive, and most everything else the same
>>81796She gives him her smile
"Indeed. Many times, actually."
>>81798"And if that happens, what shall be the fate of the Griffins, the Changelings, the Zebra, the Minotaurs, and the Diamond Dogs?"
>>81799No. That is definitely not true. Stahp. We are not using those weights. If we used 1942 gold prices and one bit as 1 1942 USD, then each brick weighed 8.2 pounds
>>81801"Mass Deportation.except for the changelings. and if any resist well.. it wouldn't be good for them."
>>81802"I take it you have something different in mind for the Changelings? And mass deportation to where exactly? The Blackhooves already control a substantial amount of Griffin, Minotaur, and Zebra territory as colonies"
>>81803"Yes i do. Perhaps, they could be deported to a specific Provence."
>>81804She laughs malignly
"There are
many such suitable provinces. But first, I would like to return to the concept of the good Griffin. Surely you've seen Jacques, the white feathered griffin at headquarters? His family was a part of a set of nobles murdered by Revolutionaries and Iconoclasts in Pridea. He was given political Asylum, even as resettlement for non-ponies tends to steer away from Metropolitan New Mareland. He is now a loyal agent of the Order Police. I can assure you of that, because he is among the creatures I have spied on to test their loyalty. Tell me, should he and those other creatures like him - like the Minotaur Felipe Polemistís who you can often see in the main lobby - be rewarded specially for their service?"
>>81801Wait, shit. It's actually Comte Burgher, not Larry Berry. Never fucking mind.Iron suddenly realizes that it was not Larry Berry but someone named Comte Burgher. He relays this information to Skies.
>>81805"As Long as they are 100% Dedicated to the cause. and so long as they know that being here is a privilege. i dont see anything terribly wrong with them staying."
>>81806"I see. I had figured taking down the mayor himself was too good to be true. No matter. A city councilmember is a high prize. This will hurt not only him, but all those around him"
>>81807"Interesting. Now, what about the Changeling Question?"
>>81808"Sorry about that. You can add it up to the 'punch Iron in the face' debt if you would like." Iron takes off his helmet and places it on the floor. "Anyways, are you up for a bit of political disruption?" Iron extends his hoof, expecting a hoofbump or shake.
>>81811*his unarmored hoof
She takes the hoof
>>81810"You see no room for any kind of coexistence?"
>>81813"they are giving me no choice on the matter."
As far as her point goes though, 1500 gp is still a fuckton of money. It's radsome-tier money. It's not the kind of person that an average person would be able to make in a short amount if time, unless they'd just murdered someone for it.
And for the sake of in-character continuity in why she would have said something like that, just consider that Sister Ash just believes that a small house shouldn't cost that much by her standards. She comes from a rural jungle community that lived in mostly medieval, wood-thatch cottages; a community who lived just a few dozen klicks away from an active Dragons' Lair and only lived peacefully right next to them because they were polite and had hardly anything worth plundering. That, and she considered even that meager level of wealth to be too fancy for holiness; and she opted for the life of a homeless hermit because she considers wealth as a concept to be little more than a distraction from faith and intimacy with the natural world.
When she thinks of a "house" she thinks of four walls, a thatched roof, a medocre floor, and the effort it takes to slash and burn the surrounding brush. She's clueless to the concept of real estate inflation because she doesn't really believe that land is something that can be idealistically owned.Anyway, I'm back now.
Back to the conversation then..
>>81811>political disruption*Ears twitch*
".. That could be quite interesting." She
>>81813Iron smiles. "Then it is settled. You, Star, Silver and Spark now are in this foal rescuing business, at least on the Comte Burgher side of the mission." Iron then puts his helmet back on, being sure not to get any dust inside the helmet.
Should I add Onyx to this list later on?
>>81814"I guess that statement is indeed true of Chrysalis's Imperialism"
>>81817Hopefully, probably on weekends only though>>81816"You've done it before"
>>81817So long as Onyx isn't playing, we may as well tie him up in a bundle and carry him around wherever we want, until he gets back.
>>81818"Sometimes a bit disruption is necessary, for the growth of a herd."
I was going to say "a people", but herd seemed more appropriate.
>>81820Iron leans on Ash and whispers. "How should we deal with the mademares? I got some information on their interests that could potentially increase the odds of negotiation for the foals."
>>81818"i Dont want to have to do it."
>>81818>Imperialism"The Changelings' reckless expansionism is certainly cause for concern. In recent decades, they've been as tenacious as Formians, and frenzied as locusts, casting aside their nature as infiltrating parasites and swarming over vast regions of land. Many creatures and environments have suffered from this trend, and their insustainable methods are sure to cause turmoil for their own hives within their occupied lands as well." she
"They are unable to nurture the land for resources. They need, creatures, particularly ponies, to survive. If they continue expanding at this rate, they'll find that the sustenance they're able to extract from their tortured captives is no longer enough to cover their empire..
And then.." her tone grows dark
"They'll be attacking and swarming their neighbors even more viciously; waging greater wars not merely for the greed to their queens, but for survival..." She says, her voice serious
"If the trend does not reverse, continental wars may be inevitable."
>>81823Iron does not understand. "Why should they attack ponies directly? Will that not just deplete love reserves for them to feast upon?"
>>81823"The Day Of The Bug Spray will come soon enough."
>>81820She gives her her smile
"Like a forest fire that clears out the old growth, to make room for the new?"
>>81822"Its a question that won't need answering until
after the backbone of their military has been broken. You'll have plenty of time to consider it."
>>81823"I do not think you give
Hymenoptera Proteus Succuba enough credit. Their breeding is the most strictly controlled of any creature on the planet. They know not to exceed their carrying capacity. Where you are terribly right is that they fully believe and intend to increase that carrying capacity by Imperialism over greater host populations. We've already seen Continental wars. What you must prepare for, is a World War.
>>81824"That's only the first assault. They lull the host into a false sense of security thereafter. That, and love is not so easily banished from the heart, as it manifests in times of great danger just as surely as in the most tranquil peace"
>>81824Sorry, phone posting. One minute.
"A World War? Thats impossible."
>>81829"It is all
too possible. Pray it happens on our terms, and not on theirs"
>>81831"Is the Duke Preparing?"
>>81832"He has been since before they invaded Equestria"
>>81832>>81833"Who is this duke you mentioned?" Iron is curious.
>>81835"Duke Erebus Haygle, former professor of the Philosophy of History at the University of Sunset, elected first president of the New Mareland Commonwealth after independence, and granted lifetime executive powers by the congress of the New Mareland State. The leader of the Blackhooves. By extension, the highest authority over all of the Baltimare Autonomous Region."
>>81837"He values strength and purity of the national spirit first and foremost as the vanguard of all else of value. He has been strong thus far in protecting his people. Is he as strong as Chrysalis... Well, that remains to be seen."
>>81838"So can he fight physically? I can see he at least he values it."
>>81839"Him? Personally? No. He is much too old for that, and in any case he is a bone head. That does not matter, because he does not believe that strength lies in the individual.
After all, how strong
is an individual? As an infant, could you fight? Could you even think properly? No. You needed your mother to nurse you, parents to feed you later. You needed ponies around you to learn how to talk and how to reason, and you need them still as friends and family. And even after all of that, you are still mortal.
You see, really, the individual is not the base unit of ponykind. That title belongs to the Nation. The Tribe, if you will. It is the Nation that is weak or strong. It is the Nation that has a long history and a long future. It was here before your birth, it has shaped you since your birth, and it ought remain long after you are gone.
None of this is to say the individual has no relevance. Quite the contrary, the nation is nothing without the individual, and they must assume many distinct roles within society for the nation to function properly. When individuals are weak at the roles for which they are required, the nation as a whole is weak. And that is why every individual must be strong in their own particular role, though it would be foolish to think that one role alone could a society make.
And now, is his
Nation strong? Yes, it has gone up against many, and fallen to none. They are
damned fine fighters. Ask anypony around here."
>>81840"Makes sense. No group can shrvive if they are not proficient at their jobs." Iron scratches his muzzle. "Say, can I get into a hooffight with some stallion from your party? I want to see the strength of said ponies. This does not mean your group is not strong. I just want to see for myself the strength of your best fighters in a simple hoof-to-hoof combat. It is not asking much, is it?"
>>81841She gives him her smile
“Perhaps Fillipe will take you up on that”
>>81844She puts a hoof on him
“Oh Dark Star, is that wise?”
>>81843Iron raises an eyebrow. "Is there something special about Fillipe? You seem to see him in a special light judging from your... smile."
>>81844>>81845"While I do like your courage and will, and you did beat me at hoof-wrestling, I suggest taking up Skies offer and reconsider."
>>81846“Have you ever seen a Minotaur?”
>>81845>>81846"Wise? i can say that its not. But im up for the challenge."
>>81847Iron thinks. "I heard that they have cow-like bodies and are usually very muscular, but I have never seen one before."
>>81848"Well, if you insist. I need permission from Skies for me to fight you though. She may not like you beaten to a pulp and try to drug me or something."
>>81849With an expression of dissapointmemt that seems feigned
“Now why would I drug you?”
>>81850"To drag and tie me up to be used as a punching dummy by some of your friends. What else?" Iron deadpans at Skies.
>>81851Her look changes to one of contemplation.
“Hmmm.... I will admit, that is s big more substantive than just leaving you drugged and in a ditch”
>>81852Iron smiles. "See? I knew you would like it." Iron looks to his sides "Do you let Star fight me, then?"
>>81853"Oh it wouldn't be
you I would stop"
>>81854Iron is confused. "Who will you stop, then?"
>>81855"Dark Star, of course"
>>81856"Ah, so you do not let him. Well, I guess that is reasonable." Iron strokes his chin. "So who is this Fillipe, apart from being a minotaur?"
>>81857"A guard of the Blackhooves Baltimare Headquarters"
>>81858"Would he accept the fight all willy-nilly? I am unsure that he can leave his post if he guards something." Iron pops his back bones, elicting a small pleased sigh.
>>81859'Probably not. But he may accept one after his shift."
>>81860Iron is excited. "When is that? Where could I meet him? Will he be tired after his shift to fight?"
>>81854>>81855"She said would. she didnt say she will."
>>81824Sister Ash seems to have finished her funeral services for each of the individual jars.
"... Changelings.. are peculiar creatures. Native to the wastelands North East of the Crystal Empire, they're a breed of creatures that are capable of sustaining their bodies without food or water;
Sustenance.. it is a capability similar possessed by many living creatures of the outer planes, like the Formians, but by few in this world. I studied it for the sake of immitating it myself one day, and have found that it is possible for certain creatures to sustain their bodies through.. intrinsic sources.." she clears her throat
"The Changelings however do not possess such a perfect ability. Their Sustenance is derrived parasitically, in a manner that is in appearance similar to the life-draining powers of certain undead, but different on a profound level, and much less sinister. Changelings sustain themselves on 'love', not love of the land or love of eachother, but the love of loving creatures. Ponies, in particular have been a primary source of sustenance for their hives, and have been for eons.."
"It's not in accurrate to say that the Changelings fill a niche similar to wasps. They live in hives, surrounding a fertile queen. Hive members fly far out into Equestrian territory to collect love for their queen and her offspring, the same way bees collect nectar from flowers. Ponies, so radiant, charming and gentle natured, and so unconditionally loved by creation, are an irresistible source of love for the hungry Changelings. The Changelings would fly to great lengths to collect love for their hives, blending into pony society for years on end to build up love within their bodies, their loyalty to their queens never waning, returning to the wastelands when they'd built up enough power. The Changelings, through extensive deciet, are loved by ponies, and the Changelings share their love with their queens; the queen is able to grow stronger, and the health and safety of the hive is secured.... Or that's how it should be.."
>>81824"Greed." She says flatly
"The Changelings are only able to survive as a race because all members of the hive unconditionally love their queen. The Sustenance they are able extract from ponies is only
barely enough to sustain them; their bodies are full of holes, emaciated by starvation, Despite this, the hive is able to live on because Changelings give their unconditional love to their queen: their mother. Changelings obey their mothers with utmost loyalty, following her commands precisely, all individuallity stripped away by the necessity of the hive to share enough love.."
"This lawful, Formian-like hivemind has a downside, however. If the Queen of a hive is rash, greedy, or naive, all the members of the hive will follow suit. Chrysalis is a prime example of such a queen: greedy, naive, power-hungry and completely willing to sacrifice the safety and sustainability of her hive to collect more love from her loyal hatchlings and burn it for the development of her own powers..." She says, her voice growing ever darker.
"Her aggressive actions in the past have only led her to humiliation and loss, but the fleeting rewards of what she gained in those minutes of success were enough to feed her ego and naivity. Her first for sustenance is far more predatory than the average wasp: it is a voracious as a spider-eater. By capturing ponies bringing them back to their hives, Changelings are able to extract greater bursts of 'love' through forced contact and feed it
directly to their queens. It is an avant garde and unsustainable method. Ponies, in prolonged states of despair, do not produce love in the same richness that Changelings are able to collect. The ponies that they capture grow detracted quickly, and the Changelings are forced to capture more ponies to sustain the greed of their queen. Similarly, ponies in the state of war become far less suitable as hosts for the Changelings: war-battered ponies grow paranoid, bitter, and vengeful, making it all the more difficult for the parasitic Changelings to extract enough love to bring back to their queen. The fact of this only encourages even more violence, the war-starved Changelings needing to capture even more ponies to maintain the sugar high of their queen... The wars they start create the need for even more war. They're able to swarm quickly, and attack in shocks, but their current lifestyle cannot sustain them forever. It was in Chrysalis's nearsighted greed and arrogance that she did not realize that the most abundant source of Sustenance for her hive lied in a happy and peaceful population of nearby ponies. She has ravaged her own race's primary source of food, and now she has doomed them all to go to war forever, until there is not enough left to fuel them... It won't happen immediately, but it will eventually, and the entire world will despair from the catastrophe caused by those who
disturbed the harmony of nature."
>>81863>>81826(Fuck, I wish I had my computer so I could respond more quickly)
Sister Ash turns, unconvinced.
"It is the Changelings that give themselves too much credit, particularly Chrysalis. She believes that Changelings are capable of surpassing their natural niche, when they've only changed their tactics: she believes herself to be a predator, when she can never be anything but a lowly parasite. Even if she were a predator, she could never safely outnumber her own food supply. Her power and greed are unsustainable, and her entire race will suffer for it."
She continues
"She arrogantly believes that she is suited to rule the entire world alone; And if the way she's regarded the safety and well-being of her own hive in the past is any example, she is by no means a competent ruler. She takes the unconditional love of her hive, the foundation of her tribe's survival, to be a testament to her own supremacy. She does not love them the same way they love her: she only continues laying at increasingly monstrous rates with the state of mind that she's only producing more slaves for her war machine; she'd gladly sacrifice a hundred swarms for a mere tactical victory. Her pathetic aggressions on ponykind in the past are only a glimpse of how vain she can really be."
Sister Ash's eyebrows have once again started to glow
"Her rapid burst of power in recent years is far from legitimate. It doesn't stem from competant leadership or wise governance, but senseless greed. She has somehow finally managed to get the other Changeling queens of the wastelands to adopt her foolish practice, getting them high on short-lived bursts of sustenance, delivered by the bundle. Changelings we're always strongest when they fought and fed in numbers, and the recent advances to modern warfare made it all the more easy for their United powers to cause enormous amounts of damage at once. Now they've all grown fat, reclining on their thrones, having sustenance delivered to them by the bulk as their overies go into overdrive to increase their , all the while their armies die off by the swarm in battles that slowly but surely destroy their tribe's only supply off food!"
>More smoke"The current expansionism of the Changelings has the potential of a plague of biblical proportions. They've taken up the niche of a swarm of locusts: usually semi-solitary creatures, on rare occasions they swarm; their horemones raginging in an ever-growing frenzy of food and sex, depleting everything the land has to offer, until eventually their swarm collapses and they die off by the millions. Changelings are the same; as soon as their queens find themselves unable to maintain their perpetual sugar-highs, it will don on them how dependant they've become on war. At that point, global war will be inevitable, for the Chrysalis and her possy will for the first time in their race's history, find themselves genuinely desperate for love."
And now, another perfectly fine nun's habit has been burned to dust. Only an angry black dragon-pony, with shiny golden armor (the spell), and a collum of ghostly fire
"The state of the Changeling empire is more than just a threat to ponies and their livelihoods. It supercede politics, for it has the potential to become an existential threat to all life in this world!"
>>81863>>81864Iron takes it all in, somewhat unfazed by her now firey form. "I see. So this ruler, Chrysalis, is dooming their own kind just because they want the sweet sugar cane that love gives them. Truly a stupid ruler." Iron shakes his head. He attempts to touch Ash's body, see how hot it is.
>>81862Iron is not convinced. "Well, prove it to me. Make Skies give you permission and then we shall fight hoof-to-hoof."
Holy hell, I've got a lot of backreading to do.
>>81861She sighs slightly
"His shift varies by day, but today I believe it should end at 6 PM, and he could be found at the Grand Baltimare Hotel as he leaves. I must say that I have never stalked him, so I could not tell you his routine after that."
>>81863>>81864>All of this about changelingsAlright, there is no conceivable way I could be silent on this
>>81868"What time is it, then? I would certainly want to fight someone else today, specially with such a reputation."
>>81867>>81869Heyo, you missed quite a bit
>>81870Sorry. Today has been hectic.
>>81871It's fine. No need to devote your life to this. It's just a game.
>>81865"Exactly." She hisses
"She cackles in bliss as she crushes her enemies, but she stands, it is own tribe that faces destruction in the long run." She says, the combined light of her armor and fire looking like a miniature sun
>>81868That's really just an accumulation of what I've gathered from details of the show, what I've gathered in game, a few mlp/bug/ general headcanons, and what little lore I've read surrounding the Hearts of Iron mod. It's supposed to reflect Sister Ash's beliefs and understanding of the situation; she could be wrong...
>>81866"Shes not my mother iron."
>>81868Dark Star Strokes her mane
>>81872"So... Looks like either my diplomacy skills are decent, or we just have really good friends. Now to ask Silver."
I walk over to Silver.
>>81873Iron squints at this amount of light. "Yes, can you stop the fire already? I cannot see anything."
>>81874"Eh, it is more for my safety than your pride, Star. I would rather not give her any incentive to do bad stuff to me." Iron shrugs.
>>81876"Yeah, friends." Iron is unsure to call this group a couple of besties.
>>81865>He attempts to touch Ash's body, see how hot it is.... Roll a reflex save..
>>81876Silver seems to have been lost in the conversation about changelings that had been taking place, but he notices Spark trot up to him in time to hear what he has to say.
It's a 15 DC save.. to resist catching fire.... Roll a touch attack to see if you actually touched the fireball, because she would have tried to avoid it.
[1d20 = 15]>>81882I'll roll a normal 1d20 and then add the necessary modifiers.
>>81881"Are you willing to help us save missing foals?"
>>81884Silver looks a bit thankful at how straightforward the question is. "I am still technically in your employment. Until this business at quarry is finished, what you do, I will do."
[1d6 = 6]>>81883o_o
"Wait,W-What are yo-"
Iron, in touching the raging blue fireball "to see how hot it is", has now caught fire, and takes 1d6 fire damage.
baka fool!" She gasps in concern, stepping several paces back as she tries to put herself out.
>>81863>>81863>Native to the wastelands North East of the Crystal Empire"Technically false, but I can see why you would think that"
>capable of sustaining their bodies without food or water"Not
entirely true, and certainly not true for developing hatch-lings, but neither is it wholly false"
>I studied it for the sake of immitating it myself one day"Why would
anyone want to suffer the life of a Changeling?"
> Hive members fly far out into Equestrian territory to collect love for their queen and her offspring, the same way bees collect nectar from flowers"Indeed."
>all members of the hive unconditionally love their queen"That I can tell you is false. The Equestrian government even sheltered defectors prior to the War."
>Despite this, the hive is able to live on because Changelings give their unconditional love to their queen: their mother. Changelings obey their mothers with utmost loyalty, following her commands precisely, all individuallity stripped away by the necessity of the hive to share enough love"It is true that a Queen like queen Chrysalis is a queen in the sense that that is her biological sex, and it is true that Changelings have a devotion to their mother, their brothers, and their sisters. However, Changeling collective loyality is more abstract than that. They are perfectly capable of following a queen that is not their personal mother. That is how Chrysalis became queen not just of the hive she is the mother of, but off all of the hives on this continent. Really, Changeling collectivism is like pony collectivism, only stronger."
>war-battered ponies grow paranoid, bitter, and vengeful, making it all the more difficult for the parasitic Changelings to extract enough love to bring back to their queen"This is not necessarily true. A combatant in action often fights to defend those he loves, and the country he loves. Indeed, it is a very strong form of love. Besides, the intent is not eternal love, it is to bring about peace under a changeling hegemony, which means ponies will go back to a sort of uneasy normalcy. What Chrysalis believes is that even if the ponies are less loving and more fearful under Changeling domination, then at least the Changelings can suck their love directly, which she thinks would be more efficient than sending 'honey bees'. Whether she is right of course, well, remains to be seen."
>Ecological collapse"I... don't know. If it doesn't happen, do you think she would be content with what she has?"
>>81864>A predator"She is simply following the pattern of Colonialism taken up by other species. After all, it is how the Equestrians have dealt with the Buffalo and their own fellow ponies in the Crystal Empire and the Dominion. Changelings like to mimic the behavior of others, after all"
>she is not a competent ruler"She defeated Celestia and the elements twice. Do not dismiss that offhand"
>She only continues laying at increasingly monstrous rates"That I am... not..."
>She'd gladly sacrifice a hundred swarms for a mere tactical victory"And a hundred swarms would gladly sacrifice themselves for their hives. When a bee stings, it pulls out its intestines along with its stinger. It sacrifices itself to defend the hive"
>all the while their armies die off by the swarm in battles that slowly but surely destroy their tribe's only supply off food"It remains to be seen just how strong or weakened they will be in the war to come. But I will tell you this right now: you never, ever, win a war just by assuming that your enemy is weak and a pushover"
>They've taken up the niche of a swarm of locusts"My dear, please stop for a moment to look at it from their perspective. They believe that they are engaging in Animal Husbandry. You raise cows for milk, don't you? And sheep for wool. That is what they think they are doing. Raising ponies like sheep and fleecing them, or like cows for milk. They are doing to ponies what ponies do to the other animals of the land."
>The state of the Changeling empire is more than just a threat to ponies and their livelihoods. It supercede politics, for it has the potential to become an existential threat to all life in this world"Just so long as that means you are willing to cooperate with the Blackhooves"
>>81865"No. Imagine a pony having its life force slowly drained from it forever. That is the future you face."
>>81875>>81874*narrows eyes*
>>81888Okay, I know I was totally overstepping my bounds in tying all those assumptions together, but how does Blue know all of this?
>>81886"I appreciate that Silver, but you are free to accept this or refuse without any penalty to your pay. It is your choice."
>>81888>You raise cows for milk, don't you? And sheep for woolDo we?
>>81888"What? i didnt mean any disrespect."
Dark Star pats her head
>>81889She said she was an agent of anti-subversive activities for the State Security apparatus of the Blackhooves. It's a part of her job
>>81891Uh... Probably? They raise livestock in the show
>>81892She just looks at him
>>81887"Ow! Your fire is not for show!" Iron exclaims as he gets burned by the fire. He is now rolling on the ground to stop the fire from hurting him more.
>>81888"Does the process hurt like this?" Iron is currently rolling on the ground trying to put
the fire out while her counter speech was taking place.
>>81894"That I don't.... know...."
She finds this strange
>>81895Does my quick thinking put the fire out?
>>81893dark Star Scratches behind her ears
[1d20+5 = 15]>>81888>"She defeated Celestia and the elements twice. Do not dismiss that offhand"Tbh, she always seemed pretty naive and foolish to me in the show. Not to underestimate her, but she's a pretty greedy Butch, and doesn't seem to actually give a fuck about her hive: not a competent ruler to me.
Sister Ash would think the same, from stories she's herd.
>>81894That requires another reflex save...
Caleb rolls Aid Another, to try to put out the flames with some of her spit.
>>81898*His drool
Iron can add an additional +2 to that save
[1d20+1 = 16]>>81898Rolling. Literally.
>>81890"It is fine. It does seem like noble cause, to at least make sure these foals are safe." After a couple seconds of silence, he sighs. "It is also that I...do not have much else to do until we head back into catacombs."
>>81888"I see you have done your research."
>>81889I'm about 80% sure that Blue Skies is actually a changeling. Whether or not she's a good or bad one remains to be seen.
>>81898And yet for all of that, she was the toughest enemy the mane six had faced besides possibly the literal god Discord
>>81897*pegasus cooing*
>>81896Now it does
>>81901"Do you think we would stand any chance of holding back the darkness if we did not? Have some faith"
>>81901I believed she was a multiclass ranger or something who had them as her favored enemy plus the knowledge ranks to know all the facts
It could be a plausibility though.
>>81901"Understandable. If you ever need things to do, I will help you scout out something worth your time. Hopefully I won't come across a legion of undead next time."
Iron is no longer on fire.
Sister Ash is still trying to put herself out.
>>81902I'm not underestimating her capabilities, I'm just saying she's not the wise leader that she thinks she is. She's not stupid, just vain.
I was making a character sheet for Discord as a deity. Would you like to see it once it's done?
>>81902"It is not as if I would expect every member of Black Hooves to know expert's level of knowledge on changelings. Give yourself some credit, in that regard."
>>81904"Speaking of legions of undead, I am fairly certain one could call what is in lower area of catacombs 'legion of undead'."
>>81908For shits and giggles, hell yeah.
>>81902>>81905Iron, after putting the fire out, chuckles at his own stupidity. "Well, I guess that answers that. Hoo I was not expecting that." He turns to Ash, thinking more stupid shit. "Check if you are not standing in anything that can easily burn and then scream with all of your rage and anger! Do it! Unleash your raw power!" He is clearly too pumped with adrenaline to think straight.
>>81907I would like that if it meant Iron can meet up with changelings tbh.[/spoielr]
>>81909I used hit dice for an ancient Concordant Dragon (chaos dragon), and gave him the Dragon's ascentant PrC to make him a literal god.
>>81908YES>>81902Petting Intensifies!
>>81909"I'm tempted to try and move that undetonated bomb close and blow it if that is the case, but with our luck, it will blow up when we touch it, or simply unleash the hordes upon the city. How are we supposed to clear..."
I ponder this for a minute.
>>81909"Well no, you shouldn't, I'm just in a role that requires more than an ordinary amount of knowledge. You see, the activity I do that takes up the largest amount of my time is loyalty testing of Blackhooves employees, NMAC reservists, local government officials, an so forth. Mostly this means looking for officials who are willing to take bribes, or who may help saboteurs, but because the possibility of Changeling infiltration is a serious one, I am studied to handle that as well"
>>81912She leans her head into it, and her wings spread apart somewhat
>>81913"We are most certainly not going to mess with bomb. I do not want to explode just yet. However, it would be good idea to set up some sort of firing line. Perhaps pour oil on ground and light it on fire. Create killzone in hallway just after stairs."
>>81914"It is difficult to find changeling infiltrators without proper spells, or without electrical shock. Especially if changeling comes from hive that specializes in disguising themselves and hiding in plain sight."
>>81915"Indeed. We have several means"
>>81914"I cannot say that I am versed in military tactics, but I understand Changelings well enough as creatures. They're definitely dangerous to the existence of nations, but they can be just as dangerous to themselves in the long run if they continue on their destructive path." She says, crossing her forehooves,having ceased flaming
Plus, in the Hearts of Iron mod, they seem pretty shock-trooperish. Their main strength seems to be that they're able to assemble for war pretty quickly, but they don't look really good at holding ground long term.
>>81915"I like your thinking. We will do that once this rescue is over. We should make it a point to stay far back from them as much as that is possible, and keep the flammables away from the Kirin, just in case."
>>81917Iron is a bit dissapointed. "Oh well, maybe next time."
>>81914>>81912"I can see why you seem intent on fighting me even with your mare's disapproval."
>>81917That's because they are outnumbered"And indeed they are. Just don't understate the danger to East Equestria."
[1d20+7 = 25]>>81910Sister Ash gives a sigh and pulls a funny-smelling plant from her fanny pack and ribs it on Iron's forehoof.
Heal check
>>81921Iron feels relieved by the plant's effectiveness. "Frankly, I think I did that to feel that sweet plant you put on me." He chuckles. "Maybe it is your touch. I cannot think straight, that I am sure of."
>>81920Well duh. They're parasites: they're doomed to be the minority. If they ever spread too far, they wouldn't be able to feed properly."That's exactly my point. They're not to be underestimated. Just because they doom themselves doesn't mean they couldn't drag a third of the world along with them, if fate had it."
>>81919"oh yea? why is that?"
>>81922"Oh you..." Sister Ash mutters, as she treats his hoof
>>81922"Or maybe it's shock from the burn"
>>81923"Then you understand why the Blackhooves must remain strong in East Equestria"
>>81916"Then I can hope these means are enough. I have heard rumors that there are changelings in Baltimare, somewhere. I do not relish idea of this rumor being true, of Chrysalis spying on major factions in city. Probing for weaknesses."
>>81918"She will still have to tell me secret of how she is able to self-immolate like that. I wonder if all kirins can do that without hurting themselves."
>>81926She thinks the Blackhooves r gay."Hmmph, it is not my place to decide what faction is legitimate to government the Equestrians. I am but a foreign peace-worker, trying to do my best for who I can assist.
>>81924"Do not make me spell it out. Either way, I would gladly take you on now."
>>81925"What can I say? You are quite good at healing." Iron smiles warmly. "Can you take off my armor? I want to show Star how hoof-to-hoof fighting is done."
>>81926Iron sticks his tongue playfully. "You would do the same if Star had this magic touch."
>>81927"I think so. It has to do with anger if I recall, but how they don't burn themselves... I guess it has to do with being part dragon. Don't quote me on that though."
>>81927"Oh, they can all do it..." Sister Ash replies unenthusiastically
"The trick is learning how not to."
>>81929Didn't she already do that?
*Spends another 4 minutes taking off armor*
>>81932I put it all on again after the little spat with Skies.
>>81927"I can tell you right now that there are. Dark Star here killed one just a couple nights ago. Wait"
She pauses, and pulls out a small flashlight from Dark Star's bag, and shines it between Silver's eyes
"Changeling Empire alright. We found a nest of spies"
>>81928"Unless you are willing to welcome your new insect overlords, you must support the one and only government that can resist them"
>>81935*Civil disobedience intensifies*
"I am sorry, but I must remain politically neutral for the time being. Perhaps their motives and mine may coincide at some point."
>>81936"Neutral? You gave Joe Marecarthy a run for his money with your speech on Changelings"
>>81931>>81930"If it has to do with anger, then trick is to learn how to control it like weapon, lest it consume you. Literally, in this case."
>>81935The test shows nothing out of the ordinary as he sits still for it. "...This is not good."
>>81934"I would prefer doing it whenever you feel like sleeping. I heard that it should heal all the bruises when you wake up, so I suggest to fight at twilight or even at night."
>>81935Iron smirks "Pretend to act dumb. I know your game, Skies." He does not seem like he is thinking straight still.
>>81932"Thank you, Ash." Iron hugs Ash for some reason.
>>81939Dark Star smiles
"How about tonight?"
>>81937"I regard the situation on the Changeling expansion as an ecological phenomenon. For verminkind to encroach on the habitats of others despite the limits of their niche is cause for concern on my behalf. That does not put my investments in any particular faction."
>>81939Iron Finds that Sister Ash is no longer on fire and is now safe to hug.
>>81938"Do you see now why we don't necessarily have the time to pursue every missing foal report?"
>>81939"Uh... Okay"
>>81941"Then go to the border with a can of bugspray, if you really think you can do it alone"
>>81940"Aww... Well, I guess I'll leave you to your guys night out"
>>81940"I knew you would say that." He checks the time of day, smirking to himself. He takes out the map "Set the place where we shall fight."
>>81941Just in caseIron confirms the hug to Ash. "You are soft." He buries some of his muzzle into her mane, not really thinking rationally.
>>81942"you can watch me demolish iron"
Dark Star Smiles
>>81943Sister Ash is somewhat taken aback by Iron's touchiness with her fluff, but doesn't push him off.
"... You need rest.. I think you may have inhaled a bit too much smoke.."
>>81942"I am afraid if they have made it this far in their infiltration, then we are fighting uphill battle. Infiltration of major factions is sign that they are fair ways into process of preparing for invasion. Next step is to probe for weaknesses, for cracks in foundation, then focus on these cracks until entire thing is ready to break. And if business at docks is anything like it seems, I would guess that is point they are trying to reach."
>>81943Dark Star points at an alley close by the EastSide Tavern."
>>81946"Oh yeah. We never told you about the docks did we?"
>>81942[Apolitical Druid noises]
>>81945"Pfft, like I need air to live." Iron waves it off but relents his attack on her fluff and lets go.
>>81947"Alright, then it is settled. We shall fight there at twilight." Iron checks again for the time of day.
>>81949Silver shakes his head no. "I still do not know specifics of what happened. All I know is that you were there, and there was changelings."
>>81951"you mean tonight."
>>81946"Not necessarily. They could be wanting to keep some level of control on foreign politics, or to weaken a possible future enemy."
>>81951>>81947>>81953She is most definitely irritated to say the least
>>81952"One. Singular"
>>81954"Ah, cheer up Skies. You can act as a nurse for him. He would certainly like it. I guarantee it." Iron chuckles.
>>81953"Yeah yeah, that is what I said." Iron tries to find this Eastside tavern.
>>81955*tavern on his map
>>81952"Dark Star hired us to sneak into a meeting with several communist officers from over seas. It was supposed to be a stealth mission, but our Kirin can only take so much stealth as you know. So it got loud, became a gun fight, one communist turned out to be a changeling, we stole their gold, destroyed most of their arms, and got a few prisoners."
The sorcerer realizes something.
"You weren't there though. The prisoners will be released soon and we will have to head out before they try to rally a revenge plot on us, but you are good to stay."
>>81957"Hey! No talking smack about Ash!" Iron yells out to Spark.
>>81958>>81957[Confused Kirin noises]
>>81958"The fire lizard did very nearly cause that mission to fail, just as she did in the catacombs."
>>81954"And you know same as I who that future enemy is." He shakes his head clear of the worries that have gripped him. "Bah. It does not do well to worry on changelings, and seeing changelings in everything. That is lesson we learned during Changeling Scare. I suppose you will do your best, and that is all I can really hope for."
>>81955"I think she would have greater chance of having romantic relations with him if he is conscious. At least, that is feeling I get from her."
>>81957"Hmm. Communists. No matter where you go, it is always same." He chuckles. "If worst comes to pass, I suppose I could always try to disguise myself as one, and try to get you all to safety. I already come from Severyana. I already have accent. All I would need is to spout some bullshit about 'liberation of proletariat', or whatever it is Reds say they fight for nowadays."
>>81960"I assume she is reason why there were burnt down warehouses at docks, then."
>>81960Sister Ash shrugs
"I wasn't ever entirely sure what the mission actually was. I was only along for the ride to find children. I heard that the arms needed to be disposed of, so I did what I thought was right in the moment." She replies
>>81959>>81962"Oh. I was not expecting that." Iron is stunned by the lack of knowledge of the mission from Ash.
>>81960"Fine, you have that point in your favor." Iron shrugs.
>>81961"Like taking care of eachother is not romantic by itself. Besides, the 'unconscious' part is just temporary. I would give about 20 minutes tops."
>>81961"Ponies are enough of a threat to be concerned about"
She looks at the alleged not communist a little suspiciously
>>81963"And then, he'll be too bruised to cuddle, or I'll have to take him to a hospital"
She sighs
>>81964"i just wont lose though."
>>81964Silver looks back at her. "You can not try to tell me you have not done anything similar in past."
>>81963"I think you mistake meaning of 'romantic' in this situation."
>>81965She only responds with a look of complete disbelief
>>81964"Pfft, it is just bruises. He can sleep it off. Besides, if he can take a beating, he can take your cuddles after it, so there are no consequences to this fight." Iron thinks. "Maybe you need some ice to make him feel better."
>>81965"I like that cocky attitude. I hope you can match it in skill." Iron smiles, ready for battle.
>>81966"Oh come on, quit being such a downer. What stallion does not love being taken care of at their worst? It is the most romantic thing to see the mare dutifully taking care of you when she could be doing anything else." Iron starts thinking somewhat suggestive themes related with nursing.
>>81968"Sleep it off. He takes my cuddles. Dutifully take care of a stallion when she could be doing something productive. Right."
Definitely not a content look or tone.
>>81968"As somepony who was once married? I preferred being conscious enough to hold my wife in my embrace." He thinks for a couple seconds. "Now that I think of it, I do not believe I was ever knocked unconscious in presence of Storm Warning in first place."
Are we going to go back in the tunnel today, or are we going to let it air out?
>>81971I think the party is planning on helping Ash rescue the lost foals.
>>81971Going to let it air out I think. We should be off to save the foals.
>>81969"Bah, you are a downer like Silver. Trust me, it will be great. What better way to deepen relationships than by taking care of the ones you love?"
>>81970"You were married? Huh, it is rather strange from her not to take care of you once during your entire marriage." Iron pokes his chin.
>>81971Refer to >>81972 >>81973
>>81968"im looking foward to the fight."
>>81974"I can think of many ways"
>>81975"As am I. Hope you are ready." Iron chuckles.
>>81976"I can tell you right now that nothing on your mind can compare." Iron chuckles again, both at her stubborness and small growling noises she's making.
>>81974"Oh, we took care of each other for many wonderful years. It is just that we did not get into many situations where either of us was knocked unconscious."
>>81975"I hope you are able to dodge his blows. I would not have much faith in my strength, if I was in your position."
>>81976>>81969"We can Cuddle after i beat Iron."
>>81978"See? Silver gets it. He is just worried that Star is flimsy enough to be unconscious for years like the scaredy cat he is." Iron puts a hoof on Silver's shoulder. "He will be fine, just some bruises, that is all."
>>81979Iron laughs even harder by her cockiness
>>81977"That's okay, I need to meet with a doctor to buy a few drugs anyways"
>>81979"If you lose, can I be cuddled by somepony else?"
>>81981Iron laughs at her joke, then smiles devilishly "How about me? Just to raise the stakes and have Star fight for real. What do you say?"
>>81980"He said you were able to punch trees down with your bare hooves. That does not bode well for him if your hooves connect."
>>81985"I never really tried that, so I am not sure if I actually can do that. Yes, I have broken my share of big sticks back in my tribe, but trees may be too far." Iron thinks. "Maybe I could try now, since there is nothing that the tree could damage."
>>81984>>81983She smiles in her usual way, for the first time since this exchange started
"You know, you both are
very confident in your ability to win. Why not place meaningful bets?"
>>81988"Oh please, how many forests have you murdered?"
>>81987"Now we are talking. What do you have in mind?" Iron is getting into the excitement of winning something.
>>81988"I know you made a campfire once, do not be a hypocrite!" Iron shouts back.
>>81989She looks at her like she's proposing something ridiculous
"I would never."
>>81990"Gathering sticks isn't hard!"
>>81987Dark Star narrows his eyes
The sorcerer looks at all of the ponies, then back to his glass.
"And they say I'm the crazy one."
>>81992"You are using dead tree parts for the campfire! Do not pretend how easy gathering sticks exempts you from responsibility!"
>>81991She looks back at her with the "I can't believe you would think I would believe that" look
>>81992"I'm sure it isn't for a tree killer"
>>81993"Dark Star, sweetie, are you sure you wouldn't rather select a champion to fight in your place, or make some sort of special rule like I get to spend my punched on him during the fight?"
>>81990"He is very intent on fighting you. Perhaps you could name some terms"
>>81996She turns black again
"Who in their right mind would just destroy a forest for no good reason?"
>>81997"Who in their right mind would destroy a library in an oxygen-less cavern that ponies were occupied? The answer, I must assume, is somepony who is not in her right mind"
>>81996"I am not that creative with terms." Iron pokes his chin. "Uh, how about... uh. I actually only have a few things I can take from him to further his willpower into fighting with his all and you know what I mean, do you not? Maybe some bits, maybe?" Iron ponders a bit more. "No, no idea."
>>81998"Hmmmph, healthy forests take eons to grow. Libraries only take mere decades." She replies, crossing her arms
>>82001Iron attempts to pat the burning mare again in order to comfort her.
>>81996Silver lets out a sigh that says 'I can't believe I'm about to say what I'm going to say'. "...I could fight in his place if it pleases you. I do not believe I would win, but I could try."
>>82001"Ash." The tone of Silver's voice suggests that she needs to get a handle on her emotions.
>>82002The look Silver gives Iron suggests that he's not a smart pony.
>>82001"A pine tree takes twenty years, a libraries knowledge can take millennia or even be irreplaceable, and you are smart enough to know this"
>>82000"Maybe I should suggest terms then"
>>81999"Now you are thinking better"
your entire strategy is to hope he has bad dice rolls, isn't it?
>>81996>are you sure you wouldn't rather select a champion to fight in your place, or make some sort of special ruleThat sounds like a homo way to duel.
>>82008She looks at him with complete disbelief
>>82004Hes Not Wrong.
>>82009"Terms like?"
That and my ac.
[1d20 = 2]>>82007Rolling touch attack because I want this to happen legit.
>>82009"Sure! Go ahead!"
>>82010Nothing quite like two big muscular men beating each other
>>82012Don't forget two weapon fighting as well, which dark star can apply to unarmed combat"I still owe him several punches"
>>82011Silver doesn't look like he believes what he said, himself. "Consider it favor to you and Dark Star. You are good together, from what I have seen, and I imagine you would much prefer to spend tonight together in each other's embrace, rather than putting ice packs on bruises, or sitting next to him on hospital bed."
>>82009"A forest is an irreplaceable balance of natural powers. The time it takes to grow is one thing, but the time it takes to mature is another altogether. A forest could hold secrets that no library could ever hope to record, if you're willing to listen. Not like someone like you would understand though Xp."
>>82013Ha. Ur still alive, fgt.
>>82014It's not gay if they say no homo.
>>82014"are you saying you want to fight him?"
>>82012You know he can still punch you while he's grappling you, right?
>>82015She's still dumbfounded, and unsure how to react
>>82016"So a tree is replaceable, but the five ponies you almost killed with toxic gas are fine, never mind the fact that you don't even know what cultural artifacts you destroyed"
>>82017"Fight? No. Punch him."
>>82014Good. i wasnt aware of that
>>82019Meanwhile, Silver just stands there, waiting on whatever her reaction is.
>>82014"Remember to set those terms, Skies. Just do not change the simple rules: No armor, no weapons, just hoof against hoof."
>>82015Iron shrugs. "Well, if you are up for it." He looks at Star. "Please try to replicate the cocky attitude, or else it is not as fun when I beat you."
>>82013>>82016Iron trips as he tries to pet Ash. He grumbles on the ground, then stands up.
>>82019"Well, I do owe you that." He goes to Skies, walking non-chalantly and places his face in a very punchable position in front of her. "Go ahead."
>>82020That's not saving you from my fists, though.
>>82021"That's... quite nice of you to offer. I must say I was not expecting that. Let's see if Dark Star will accept"
>>82023"Oh please, I don't mean to collect
>>82022"Oh Dark Star, Silver doesn't want a young couple to be separated because one is in the infirmary, and has offered to fight in your place"
>>82019Trees > literally anything else (including ur life)
"Every tree is unique and precious in its own right. A forest is not something that can just be replaced. And anyone who'd consider a non-living cultural item to hold anywhere near as much intrinsic value as a forest is ignoring the importance of the land itself in culture."
>>82026"It's a fucking tree, they are all the same few species, and they grow back"
>>82023Silver laughs. "We have saying, where I am from: cocky gets you killed. But, I will try to remain confident in my abilities for you."
>>82025>>82022"So how about it, Star?"
>>82025"You Don't have any Faith in me?"
>>82023"im gonna beat you worse that hermare cortez did."
>>82025>collect now"Fine by me." he moves his head back and goes to his original position.
>to be separated"Why would you be separated in the infirmary? Can you not take care of him at your place?" Iron scratches his side, not understanding this.
>>82026>>82028"Please Ash. Calm down or I will try to touch your flaming hot body again."
>>82030*Silver is gonna beat you worse that hermare cortez did
>>82031"No u!"
>The fire rises
>>82032>"I'm" corrected to "Silver"Funniest typo fix ever
>>82028"Oh go imply yourself, and come back after you've learned how combustion works"
>>82030>>82032Iron laughs even harder. "Well, I see that I will not see the true fighting prowess of Dark Star the almighty." Iron mock-praises Star. "A pity."
>>82029"Well, it seem that you will be my opponent. I expect a good fight." Iron extends his hoof to seal the deal. "If you bump or shake this hoof, there is no turning back."
>>82033Iron cranes his neck to glare at Ash. "Do you want me to try again? Because I will!"
The sorcerer continues to stare at the exchange.
>>82035He shakes it with no hesitation. But he does shake it with a chuckle. "Just do not beat on this old stallion too badly."
>>82034"There are more than sixty gorrillion species of trees. I know, because I cataloged them all more than a dozen times."
>Also burnt the catalogs promptly afterwards, because why the fuck not? Xp
>>82037"Do not give me that. Your body has a lot of resistance for a stallion your age." He inspects his body more closely. "I bet you could endure a little more than me. No doubt about it."
>>82029"Sure Since Blue insists, even if it hurts my pride."
>>82035Dark Star looks at Iron very conflict-idly
"my marefriend wants cuddles tonight. I will Destroy you another night."
>>82040"I knew it. I knew you needed Skies' permission." Iron chuckles. "Do not worry. I will be waiting."
>>82038"And then you burned the six gorrillion"
>>82037Still need to allot that one point>>82040"Well, I guess you
could duel"
>>82042"Hmmph, old, healthy trees don't burn down as easily as you'd think."
>>82042"i would much rather spend my night with you."
Dark Star kisses her neck
>>82039"It is jest. Do not worry, it shall be good fight, no matter outcome."
>>82040Silver pats Dark Star on the head. "At least reward for relenting on your pride is night of affection with wonderful marefriend. It is good deal."
>>82042I thought I had already put the extra point into strength. Though, I suppose if you're letting me have a second chance at picking it, Dex wouldn't be a bad option.
>>82043"You know that from experience I am sure"
>>82044*pegasus cooing*
>>82045Dex is kind of unambiguously the best option. What is his HP?
>>8204650. As far as I know, just barely the highest of the group.
>>82044>>82046"Do not mess up the bed too badly." Iron calls out. "The last thing Skies wants is to pay for another bed."
>>82045"It will be." Iron is a bit unsure himself.
He pulls out a small healing potion and drinks it. Rolling health replenished
>>82046Sister Ash decides she's done arguing and returns to her jars of ash-salt.
>>82049Iron can feel his recent burn wound disappear and heal itself in front of him. That is some good magic.
>>82046Dark Star kisses her on the snoot
>>82045"its even better if you ask me."
>>82048dark Star laughs
"the whole room will have to be replaced."
Alright. I'm going to bed.
Reminder that only trees and other natural structures can have intrinsic value, and anything artificial may as well be a pile of ash.
>>82048Silver looks at the potion flask as Iron drinks it, noticing differences between it and the ones he bought earlier in the day. "Where did you buy that, might I ask?"
>>82052Silver smiles at him. "Then you are well on your way to being good partner for Skies."
[1d20+3 = 15]>>82047You shittin' me? How?>>82048"Oh please, these beds were commandeered when we captured the city. We have more"
>>82052Snootendoodle is kissed. Unfortunately, he's left himself vulnerable to a kiss of opportunity
>>8205516 Constitution and really lucky rolls.
>>82047You're a tough guy.
>>82055miss. but dark Star dodges into it
>>82053Night>>82054Iron considers it for a bit. "I would have to ask the one who made it just in case she does not want more customers than me. I did do some favors in this city, you know? I should go there tomorrow, so do not think I will forget it anytime soon."
>>82055"Then do not deplete the bed storage." He checks the time of day, to see if he can fight Silver already.
>>82052"Well, you better clean that up later."
>>82057Oh come on, his dex is only 17. That's 13 touch AC
>>82059Silver nods. "If she is good potions maker, then it would be appreciated to know if she is willing to sell to me."
>>82059Definitely not night, but who says you can't fight in the afternoon?
>>82062Will the time spent to travel back to that East side tavern enough to turn it into night time?
>>82060Touch? that hits then.
>>82063That was not the intent, but I guess we can end day 4 already
>>82064The Pegasus's lips lock with Dark Star's
>>82063I mean, it doesn't have to be at twilight.
>>82065Poor foals. They have to wait another night in torture.
>>82065>>82066Well, let us fight thenIron, thinking about the travel back and the possibility of losing Ash. "You know what? This area seems like a good place to battle." He checks his surroundings, making sure that there is only grass at their hooves. "What do you say?"
>>82068*losing Ash in the city again, states.
>>82065Dark star grabs the back of her head and pulls her into it.
>>82068Silver shrugs. "It sounds fair to me. Makes no difference if it is now or if it later. So, is this duel without armor or equipment, or should we drop what we are carrying?"
[YouTube] Let Them Fight HD
[Embed]>>82070*muffled pegasus cooing*
She reaches a hoof for his flank
>>82071"Basically, you drop everything. Fight without armor, weapons or equipment. Just hoof-to-hoof combat." Iron explains.
>>82072>>82070Iron is a bit uncomfortable at the current passionate kissing. "Ahem. At least hide yourselves in a bush, unless you want others to join in or something."
>>82073>>82072Muffled pony sounds
>>82073She doesn't say anything, just looks at him with eyes that seem to dare the 'join in' part
>>82074Her tongue explores Dark Star's mouth even deeper
>>82073"Of course." Silver starts the semi-lengthy process of dropping his equipment and weapons to the side, and removing his armor and clothing. When he's finished, Iron can see that Silver's body bares the scars of many fights. Some small, some large. Some from gunshot wounds, some from blade wounds, some from claw wounds.
>>82075>>82074Iron does not try, as he is about to fight Silver anyways. He does try to move away from the lovers, trying to gain some distance and to lose sight of them. He motions Silver to follow.
>>82076As he walks out, he notices all of the scars he has. "You seem like you had your share of battles."
>>82077Silver follows, half at Iron's insistence, half because he wants to give the two Star-crossed lovers some privacy. "Indeed. There are many fights in 50 years for pony with my occupation."
>>82075Dark Star's tongue explores hers too
>>82077>>82078Spark follows, though he can't heal anypony should that be needed. I guess you just have a spectator.
>>82079her mouth is soft, a little long. Her tongue is thin and adventurous
After accidentally grabbing Ride the Lightning, her hoof grabs onto what she intended
>>82078>Star crossedThat's either an "I see what you did there" or an ">implying"
>>82081It's an "I see what you did there".>>82080Silver hands him the first-aid kit from his saddlebags using his telekinesis, as well as his six Potions of Cure Light Wounds. "Here. In case one or both of us get injured, these should make healing much easier."
>>82078"I wonder if I will have the same scars as you. Maybe not with my heavy armor and shield, but it looks cool." Iron watches in mild wonder the scars Silver has.
>>82081After walking out enough distance not to witness the carnal act Skies and Star are about to do. He readies his stance. "Alright. This is adequate." He should be standing in flat, even terrain. "Whenever you are ready, be sure to prepare your fighting stance, Silver." He places all of the armor pieces he has carried, as well as his leather belt and shield on the floor next to him. He then slightly bend his forelegs, ready to pounce. "I am ready when you are."
>>82082I take the kit and potions.
"Please don't end up having to use these, the both of you."
>>82081Dark Star reaches around and smacks her plot
"Shall we go into the cellar?"
>>82086Right into the monoxide again?
>>82087Not if the slab was closed
>>82088Just do it in the farmhouse. No need to risk suffocating again, and not in a good way for Skies
>>82086Dark Star smiles
"we can after the fight,i want to see silver win."
Computer's a bit slow ATM, so forgive my slowness on the next post as I restart.>>82081Skies is about to "Ride the Lightning".>>82084"With luck, they will not be needed."
>>82083"I would not wish them upon anypony. May life be kinder to you than it was for me." Silver sets his equipment down on the ground next to him, approximately 10 feet in front of Iron. He gets into a stance that's fairly unfamiliar to Iron, but from what he can see, it appears like one that an earth pony would use.
I suppose we should roll for initiative.>>82087The cellar's fine, it's the tunnels we sealed off that the cellar leads to that are filled with CO.
[1d20 = 14]>>82091If you say so, he is the god of this world. He can dictate when and where the CO is.Rolling initiative.
>>82090She looks at him directly and gives him her malevolent smile
"That sounds like a
great thing to watch"
>>82093>inb4 Skies cums after seeing Iron get fucked metaphorically.
>>82090>>82094"Why don't you just mount me and we both watch from a distance?"
>>82095"you know. that sounds like a great idea."
Dark Star walks around behind her and mounts her
[1d20+4 = 9]>>82092Here we go.
Her wings spread just a little
"Actually, should you really be doing that? You could risk getting me pregnant"
>>82099Tell me when to start the combat, GM aka when Skies and Star are watching the duel.
>>82092Iron gets first go, then.
>>82099Also, use the Last 50 Posts thing to improve computer performance.
>>82100"That was my plan all along."
Dark Star Smacks her plot harder than before
>>82103Nah, it just needed a restart.
>>82100Tell me when.
>>82101>>82102Iron won initiative, combat has started, Skies is watching eagerly while Star is watching from ontop of her, and Spark is cringing at all of this
"I'd love to feel you try, Earth Pony"
>>82107I guess I'm cringing. You ponies are just trying to drive me to kill Tipsy aren't you?
[1d20-2 = -18][1d20+2 = 6]>>82107>>82105Iron, feeling curious about the technique the dog used back in the fighting ring, attempts to hit with both hooves instead of only one, trying to add the +5 damage taken from hit bonus on both of them.
If it doesn't work, then just add +3 to attack then, making the off-hand be 0 and the main hand +4.
>>82109What an amazing start, ladies and gentlemen.
[1d20-2 = -18]>>82109Rolling confirm crit.
>>82111Can I reconfirm? Jesus Christ
>>82109>>82111This is going to be a quick fight.
>>82107"Oh, You Will."
Dark Star Thrusts in
>>82114She is warm and wet, but only so welcoming. She clenches on him, for she is already cringing at the fight
[1d3+12 = 14]>>82113Well, I'll roll for that double damage then. Should add up to 26 at the least, depending on the amount rolled.
Iron lands a very solid hook that collides right in his jaw.
>>82116Iron collides a very solid hook to his cheek, landing right on his jaw.
>>82117>>82116That was your off hoof, so only +2 strength
(2+2+5+2)x2 =22
>>82119Ok. 22 damage it is
>>82115Dark Star Kisses her neck and rubs her tits
>>82113It is now Silver's turn
Iron has landed quite a hit on Silver.
>>82121This relaxes her somewhat, and she loosen the grip she has on him, but she remains fixed ahead
[1d20+2 = 7]>>82118Silver is unable to get even a yell of pain out, the hit is so strong. Iron sees a pearly white spot fly across his vision, followed by a small line of red.
Power Attack, -5: Silver responds with a hook of his own.
I'm also going to mention this just because I know the GM will most likely do so: because Silver doesn't have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, technically, every time Silver tries to hit Iron, Iron gets an AoO. It's up to him if he wants to end the fight that much faster.
>>82124Just fuck up my life, fam.
>>82124Eh, Iron is an honorable fellow when fighting. He will not take advantage of the AaO for this battle, specially after that massive damage hit.
>>82126Well, it's a miss. Iron's turn again.
[1d20-2 = 1][1d20+2 = 18]>>82127"Come on. You can do better than that, Silver!" Iron decides to try the double hoof strike again with the same power attack again.
>>82123Dark Star keeps thrusting
And holds her hoof and rubs her clit
>>82128How should I translate this crit fail, GM?
[1d3 = 2]>>82130Hard to say. Usually it means a fumble and loss of all further attacks in the round (this was the second attack, so no consequence) maybe it means he loses balance (quadruped). Maybe it means an attack of opportunity for Silver
>>82129She moans, definitely pleased to have him. Her clitoris winks gladly for him
and she takes his hoof in hers
>>82130>>82131Iron falls prone, it being damned difficult for an Earth Pony to maintain balance after punching with both hooves
>>82129>>82131She tries to wrap her wings around him, to encase him in a veil of her azure white feathers
[1d3+12 = 13]>>82132I'll roll damage from the main hoof then.
[1d20+7 = 23]>>82128>>82132>>82134Silver doesn't respond, except for a pained, slurred groan from the connecting hoof. Instead, he strikes at Iron as he falls.
>>82134>>82127Iron connects another hoof, a bit lower, on the left side of his ribcage.
Silver's turn.
>>82135Success, roll damage.
[1d3+2 = 5]>>82137I have no idea if this is correct, but whatever.
>>82138No way, really? Is your strength bonus just +2?
>>8213914 Strength after racial malus (unless the GM decided to change it from -2 to -1 for unicorns, so yeah.Your damage bonus for unarmed attacks is insane, by the way.
>>82140It's because he always uses power attack. That, and the difference between an Earth Pony and a Unicorn
>>82140Well, that happens when you have weapon specialization and +5 bonus strength, apart from what >>82141 said.>>82138>>82141Iron feels a slight pain on his back. He grumbles a bit but does not feel any severe effects on him by Silver's blow. He stands up for this turn.
Unless I can attack or something
>>82142Move action
Iron can attack
Silver gets an attack of opportunity
>>82133"your feathers are beautiful."
>>82140"Go Silver!"
>>82143Cmon Silver, prove your strength!
[1d20+2 = 20]>>82142>>82143Power Attack, -5: Silver brings his hoof down hard as Iron tries to stand up, trying to use his strength to his fullest to deliver a crushing blow.
>>82144*sexual cooing*
[1d3+7 = 10]>>82146Damage
>>82146Please don't tell me this makes me prone again
>>82149I don't.... think so?
>>82144"Your hooves feel wonderful"
[1d20-2 = -11][1d20+2 = 5]>>82148Iron feels a lot more pain than before. His breathing desyncs for a bit from the force of the blow, but syncs back up after standing up fully.
"Good one Sliver! Now keep it up!" Iron does the same double hoof attack again, same as always.
>>82151I think those are both misses.
>>82151I think they both miss this turn. Go ahead, your turn.
[1d20+2 = 11]>>82151Power Attack, -5: Silver ducks underneath the incoming blows, and strikes upward with an uppercut.
>>82150"so do yours"
dark Star nibbles her ear
>>82154Hit. Roll damage.
What's your AC?
[1d3+7 = 10]>>82156Unarmored, with Dex bonus? 14.
*ears twitch*
she tries to rub her wings against him and backs into him rhythmically
[1d20+2 = 6][1d20+2 = 20]>>82157Well, that is good to know.Iron feels that same hit, now on his right side of his ribcage.
He is now panting from all the damage Silver is doing. "Alright, one last double hoof attack and I will clock you out with my right hoof. Be ready for it." He does so, same power attack level and all.
>>82159Second die is -2, which is the off-hand attack.
[1d3+12 = 14]>>82159Iron connects another shot to his ribcage, rolling damage.
>>82158Dark Star kisses her neck
"I love you."
[1d20+2 = 15]>>82161He has 1 hit point left.Iron thinks he feels something almost break in Silver's chest
Silver is seeing stars in the center of his vision, and the edges of his vision have all but gone black. But he's still standing. Barely.
Power Attack, -5: In what he himself assumes to be a final act of defiance, Silver pours his heart and all of his remaining strength into his next attack: a simple left hook.
[1d3+7 = 10]>>82163Damage
>>82162She coos, and lets herself relax as she watches Silver land one more punch
>>82164>>82163I knowIron feels the last hit landing on the top of his face, on his forehead. He brushes it off, but is painful for Iron.
"The time has come, Silver. The moment of truth. We shall see who wins. You ready?"
Did not start my turn.
>>82166Are you...waiting on Silver to respond?
>>82167Of course I am, why did I not roll to hit yet if that isn't the case?
>>82165Dark Star keeps bucking
>>82169She moans pleasurably even as the scene before her makes her tense
“Oh Dark Star..”
>>82168Alright then.>>82166From Iron's current perspective, he sees why Silver hasn't spoken during the fight: that first punch hit his jaw hard enough to not only knock a tooth clean out, but it looks like it also dislodged his jaw as well. It's hanging limp from head, the only thing keeping it there being skin of his head, and the tendons and ligaments that would normally allow a jaw to move.
Silver looks like he's going to black out at the next hit. His vision is wobbling all around, and it looks like he's having trouble focusing on anything but the fight. There's a small trail of blood running out of his open maw. Meanwhile, there's a massive bruise square on his chest from not one, but two powerful hits. In short: Silver doesn't look like he's holding up well.
[1d20+11 = 15]>>82171Iron shakes his head, not seeing how damaged Silver became during the fight. "Sorry. I will put you out of your pain and get some medical help right away." He goes for a quick jab to the other side of his jaw in order to end the battle. Of course it is non-lethal.
[1d3+7 = 9]>>82172Hit, rolling damage.
Although it's obvious he's knocked out.
>>82172>>82173With a last hit, Silver falls to his side like a heavy sack of potatoes, knock out cold. The only thing that shows he's even still alive is the weak rise and fall of his chest from his automated breathing.
>>82174>>82173Blue Skies tries her best to feel only one thing on the inside
>>82174Spark rushes over with the kit.
>>82177"That could have been you over there. Now keep pounding. It will take longer for me to orgasm than I had hoped"
>>82176It's a fairly good thing Silver's unconscious: from Spark's new perspective, he sees that his jaw is being pushed to a fairly grotesque angle by contact with the ground. If he was awake, Silver would undoubtedly be in tremendous pain.
>>82174Iron is a bit conflicted. It was a good fight, but Silver seems to have been severely damaged in return. Iron wonders how the previous fight with the dog went more smoothly than this. Has he fought someone weaker than him? He punched okay, even though he left open many advantages to hit Silver back for each punch he threw at him. Iron is not feeling prideful about this fight overall. He hopes Fillipe could withstand his attacks better.
>>82179Iron just stares at the sight.
>>82176"Make him drink some potions, but be sure to relocate his jaw before that." Iron somberly states.
>>82178Dark Star Doubles down on thrusting and rubbing
And the lewdest of all, hoof holding
>>82180To be fair, he didn't punch the diamond dog for 22 damage square in the jaw, then twice in the same spot in the chest.
>>82180"You can shut up you know."
>>82178I have no idea how a medical kit works in DND. Is it the same as a potion, or does it need some skill?
>>82181This makes her feel much better, and after some seconds, she starts backing into him again, as her wings cover over him like an angel
"Keep on. Keep on"
She holds the fuck out of that hoof. Her legs, unsurprisingly, are very skinny
>>82183It provides a +2 bonus to heal checks.
>>82183Iron just stares back. "You do what you have to do. He will recover soon. We may need Ash to do some patching up though."
Though it seems that unarmed damage doesn't need to pass a heal check as I saw after the boxing part.
>>82182He did. I think. An uppercut to his jaw. Even more damage done. About 28 or something.
>>82186Now I'm confused again. Dice or no dice?
"Why yes, it would appear that he will need to recover. Thank you."
The sorcerer uses the kit to try and help the whole dislocated jaw thing... as best as a non-healing magic caster can.
>>82187Then chalk it up to diamond dogs being more resilient than ponies. Or that particular diamond dog having been through more boxing matches than Silver. Either way, point being is that Silver got knocked the fuck out.
>>82184Dark Star Goes even faster
>>82190She joins in, in what is almost a dance with her rump. At last, after another minute or so, he feels what he must have been waiting for. She closes her eyes and opens her mouth as she clenches down on him. Then, her body seems to try to suck his seed deeper inside of her as she climaxes
>>82193She pants
"Damn right, buck me"
>>82188We'll just say you succeeded.A handy guidebook in the first-aid kit describes the process of resetting various joints, including jaws. After a couple failed attempts (and some subconscious groans of pain from the unconscious Silver), Spark manages to reset Silver's jaw and push it back into place.
>>82194"wow, that gets better every time."
Dark Star kisses her
>>82196She moves her head back now to kiss him intensely
>>82195 It is rather late. I think I will head to bed now. See you tomorrow hopefully. [/spoiler.]
I sit beside Silver until he wakes up, at which point I give him a healing potion.
>>82197"i want to be with you for the rest of my life."
>>82198Goodnight, then. Guess I'm heading to bed as well.
[1d20 = 18]>>82195Well, that's good enough for Iron. Now he should not suffer as badly. After a good night's sleep, Silver will be up in to time.
He decides to look around the place, seeing the environment around him. Rolling spot to do so
"You really do?"
>>82201Skies and Star Fucking, Ash Praying.... Now sure what else
>>82200One last thing before I hit the hay: I'm not sure if ponies dream after being knocked unconscious, but if someone wants to make Silver either suffer or sleep peacefully, they're more than welcome to make a dream roll on Silver's behalf.
>>82203She give him her smile, and then kisses him with her head angled back. She clamps down on him with every muscle she has to keep him from pulling out
>>82202Iron notices the duo fucking at the scene of the fight. He waves and does signals similar to 'I will go join now' in a jesting way. He then picks up Silver, making sure not to harm the pony any further and places him on a comfortable spot until the party decides to move. He then puts on his leather belt first and then all armor pieces. After this, he equips the shield and stands near the unconscious Silver.
>>82205dark star Strokes her mane
>>82207She smiles warmly, and coos more
Well, I'll go to sleep myself. Night.
>>82208"i want to have a big family with you."
>"Unlike True dragons, Planar Dragons are not innate spellcasters"
Fuck! My Discord monster sheet just fell apart...
>>82212Eh, I found some cool ideas in the Drconomicon, as well as Deities and Demigods, but I probably should have read it in its entirety first.
Now that I look at it, becoming a Dragon's Ascentant who became a god would be immune to petrification, and Discord is not. Although, Discord may be immune to normal petrification by non-epic means, since it seems that he could only be defeated under special circumstances.
In Discordant Harmony, Discord's body began to fade when he stopped being chaotic: that entails his body is itself composed of Chaos, and he must be a creature with the Chaos subtype. For that purpose, the Chaos Dragon (pick related) looked like a proper base creature, however, the Chaos Dragon is not an innate spellcaster. The fact that Discord was unable to alter reality as he was fading because he was unable to snap his fingers means that the power he was meaning to use had a somatic component: it was a spell, not a spell-like ability.
Only True dragons are innate spellcasters, furthermore, now that I look at it, only True Dragons can naturally ascend to god-hood by consuming their hoards through the Dragon's Ascentant PrC, so Chaos dragon wouldn't really work.
There are other ways for epic creatures to become gods though. Discord has to be a spellcaster to be like he was in the show, so he would either need to be a True Dragon with templates, or a Chaos Dragon with Character class levels: those would be complicated as fuck though, and designing God's is hard enough... I kind of wanted to do him as my first practice in making a deity, but who knew the embodiment of Chaos itself could be so confusing?
I guess I outta make a list of all of the abilities Discord possesses, and see what way I can make a creature that would possess them all without being an unintelligible headache of stacked templates and prestige classes.
>>82213Oh wait, there's a section that shows how to convert other Dragons into true dragon versions, with level adjustment. Says to compare the Chaos Dragon to a Bronze Dragon. These guys thought of everything. Thanks, Wizards ^_^
>>82213You seem to know your stuff. I wonder if the GM will integrate Discord's character sheet in the story during the world war.>>82214So problem solved?
>>82215I was just doing it as a hobby: I felt like making a monster that reflected what was shown in the show, because it's fun. I wouldn't expect the GM to accommodate my autism.
... Unless he wanted to..
>>82216Well, what better time for the embodiment of chaos to appear during a war? I suspect the GM may go for it if he likes it well enough.
A spooky prospect, for sure. He's going to appear the moment the losing side will almost lose just to have perpetual war to fuel him.
>>82217That's really a good question.
Before he was sealed, Discord was the uncontested Dark Lord and Tyrant of all of Equestria. He's powers greatly exceed those of the princesses, Chrysalis, or any other combined faction of creatures in Equestria. He was only able to be stopped by the elements of Harmony (the elements and the tree basically serve as an artifact Eldritch machine capable of creating an effect that was able to defeat him). He seems immune to most forms of physical damage or magic; seemingly invincible to anything but the power that was created to seal him, and he's almost certainly not afraid of a few thousand tanks or missiles. He was never shown to be a particularly vengeful character, but he's definitely got a superiority complex. When the world is thrown into Chaos, could the Lord of Chaos itself rise again? It's a frightening prospect. He seemed content to just sit on his ass and watch as the mane six traveled to the southernmost point of the continent trying to find a way to save their country from the Storm king, so he clearly has no immediate concern is fighting off invaders: so long as there's chaos and mayhem, he wins. However, he's also not exactly the most consistent villain, being the embodiment of the unexpected. Epona knows what he might do, now that the only ponies who were previously capable of containing him are incapacitated.
In Discordant Harmony, Discord's powers began to fade as he stopped being Chaotic, but they grew back rapidly when Fluttershy created randomness to humor him. Could it be that his power might grow from the affects of Chaos around him? Could he grow restless, frenzied with ever-increasing power as his godly domain sweeps over the world? Only time could tell.
>>82220He is also rendered completely useless by a basic anti-magic field as is the norm in Changeling hives
>>82222That episode isn't canon. It was Starlight's fanfic.
>>82222Discord's powers and weaknesses come and go as plot demands. MLP was never exactly consistent.
Also, beat me to the quads.
>82223Also this.
>>82222>basic anti-magic fieldAnti-magic is far from basic, tbh. Anything capable of creating a dead magic zone that large has to be an exceptionally unique item, even if every hive has one.
>>82225You could say it's a special sort of Eldritch Machine that is unique to Changeling hives, that's possibly protected their race for generations. It creates an effect arguably equivalent to a tenth level spell, or an 8th level spell on a mass scale: preventing spells and spell-like abilities from being cast inside it, but also not nerfing the supernatural abilities of the changelings, since they could still change shape.
Also, the freaking writers had no idea how they were supposed to create an actual conflict within the story if motherfucking Glimglam and Discord could just zap everything to normal. Discord could have probably annialated the entire hive, had be not been concerned with the prisoners inside it.Tirek also seemed to have anti-magic properties at times too. He's probably a fiend or something, since he seems to have enormous spell resistance.
The Elements of Harmony were also able to momentarily dispel Discord's Reality-bending powers and return the world to normal while they were in effect. The elements seem to also function as a juiced-up Dispell Law spell, and an enlarged Magick Circle Against Chaos; whatever it is, it was specifically designed to Dispel and Seal him.
Anti-magic is a real pain to deal with, since it absolutely fucks up spells and items. There's not very many affects that can create a dead magick zone though, and the Anti-magick field spell has only personal range. Still, it's also really useful against creatures with supernatural abilities that are otherwise inpenetrable.
It's also why Beholders are so scary. The Anti-magick come from their center eye can completely cancel an entire party's buffs and abjurations. Then all they need to do is stare directly at the spell caster while their other eyes zap the party into oblivion.
Purple Platypus
A list of Discord's powers, while I figure out what spells he might know, as well as skills, feats and Salient Abilities.
Nigh-omnipotence: The source of his reality manipulating abilities and among other powers, is the power to be near the pinnacle of Omnipotence, which makes him the most powerful character to be seen in the show. He would may also flawlessly restore anything to its original state, possess a complete and utter collection of powers, heal or fix anything without fail, or even manipulate space-time, or cosmic elements at will if given the proposition.
Chaos Magic: Discord is capable of alter reality into many ways and manipulate the laws of nature and the physics of the world via his chaos magic. It can also erase the magic of others that of Starlight Glimmer.
Reality Restoration: As of been shown in some episodes (namely "Keep Calm and Flutter On", and "To Where and Back Again Part 1") he is also capable of restoring reality back into it's original state. Whichever is more efficient, this can count as a power to balance his reality affecting chaos magic or a counteractive ability to use against other reality warpers.
Size-Shifting: Discord has varied in size from very large to being small enough to fit in a pony's ear.
Shapeshifting: Discord has taken many odd forms, some of which defy physics or parody characters.
Gesturify: Sometimes he has to require the use of snapping his fingers whenever it comes to most of the reality distorting powers he owns by far, otherwise they wouldn't function correctly as he expects them too. This is a subpower that comes with his chaos magic in general.
Probability Alteration/Logic Manipulation: Discord can cause extremely unlikely events to occur within his vicinity and alter the laws of logic to his whim.
Telekinesis: Discord has shown enough telekinetic skill to lift the entire Mane Six up magically, such as when he "grabbed" them by the collars.
Hypnotic Magic: Discord has shown the ability to corrupt others and is skilled at hypnotic magic. He can even outright take control of someone's mind, although he prefers not to.
Telepathy/Vast Knowledge: Discord was able to know all the strengths and weaknesses of the Mane Six as well as their names, without ever having met them before. He also knew about Twilight Sparkle's princess coronation and the "Winter Wrap Up Song", despite not being there, and he knew how Twilight Sparkle felt about her role as princess.
Fourth Wall Awareness: Discord appears to be aware he is in a cartoon, even though he doesn't explain that he does.
Teleportation: Discord is able to teleport from one place to another, as well as teleport objects or people and make objects disappear out of thin air. He can also use this ability to teleport across alternate dimensions such as the real-world of "Ogres and Oubliettes" and his own personal dimension.
Creation: Discord is shown to be skilled with creation magic. He is able to create objects, creatures and plants at will, including powerful magical creations like the Plunderseeds.
Levitation: Discord is able to float in the air.
Flight: Discord can fly using his wings. He was also able to achieve a supersonic flight similar to Rainbow Dash's.
Replication: Discord can create copies of himself and of other people, creating a replicate of Trixie out of her hat.
Animation: Discord can bring any inanimate object to life.
Appendage Generation: Discord can grow extra body parts.
Anatomical Liberation: Discord can make parts of his body come apart, and is able to move them while detached so. He is also shown using this ability to remove Princess Celestia's tail without her noticing.
Object Possession: Discord was able to use his head to possess a balloon, and he can also appear magically in various objects, such as gems and stained glass windows.
Transmogrification: Discord can alter the appearance of objects and creatures, such as: giving rabbits deer legs, making a squirrel and a rabbit large and hulking, and turning apples into oranges and oranges into apples.
Matter Ingestion: Discord is able to consume matter such as glass, a painting, and a tea cup without any negative side effects.
Portal Creation: Discord can open portals to different dimensions by using his eagle claw to cut through the fabric of reality.
Disease Generation: Discord can inflict ponies with any kind of diseases and illnesses.
Pyrokinesis: Discord is able to generate blue flames, as shown in "Three's A Crowd".
Smoke Generation: Discord display creating amount of smoke to cover a background as shown in "Ogres and Oubliettes".
Color Alteration: Discord was able to fade Twilight's friends' colors, he also changed his color to blue to make it look like he had the "blu flu" and turned a tablecloth from white to red by touching it.
Thought Manifestation: Discord is able to show his thoughts to others by using clouds of smoke, such as when showing Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence a flower that would cure the "blu flu".
Enhanced Strength: Discord is deceptively strong, enough so to take a tree out of the ground and taking a big rock out of the ground with just one arm.
>>82227Enhanced Hearing: Discord was able to hear Applejack from far away.
Weather Magic: Discord is able manipulate the weather by making rain clouds go crazy, causing thunderstorms or creating cotton candy chocolate rain clouds.
Animal Manipulation: Discord is able to manipulate the animals' behavior by making them go wild unnaturally.
Daytime Manipulation: Discord is able to manipulate celestial objects at will to bring about daytime or nighttime.
Gravity Manipulation: Discord is able to make things float into the air, and making objects lighter or heavier.
Time Travel: Discord is able to project himself and others into events that have happened in the past.
Bubble Imprisonment: Discord is able to imprison ponies in magic bubbles which is a similar trait to Tirek once he had drained Discord of his magic.
Prehensile Tail: Discord can use his tail to hold things, and can make his tail tuft into a hand.
Cartoon Physics: Like Pinkie Pie, he is able to use cartoon physics by stretching his limbs, deflate like a balloon, moving very fast, turning his mouth upside down and appearing out of unexpected places.
Magic Imbalance Detection: Discord has the natural ability to sense major disturbances in magic, such as magic being stolen, or transferred into others.
Immortality: Discord seems to be immortal, as he has stayed in his stone prison for thousands of years without dying. He is also presumably just as old as, if not older than Celestia and Luna.
Master Trickster and Manipulator: Discord is good at deceiving ponies and making them do his bidding without even realizing it.
[Unconscious Fighter Horse Noises]
>>82229Hello. Sorry for beating up your character.
>>82230>>82229Is he really unconscious?
I could regenerate 30 of his hit points, but I'd really rather save that for later.
>>82231No need, since nightfall is coming soon and he can sleep off the damage dealt. Unless you need it for something else or lose it the next day, do not use it.
>>82230If it wasn't going to be Silver, it was going to be Dark Star that was going to get beaten up by Iron.
>>82231Silver got knocked the fuck out. I'm not a D&D guru like you, so it could be he's not unconscious, but that's just how I played it.
>>82233Usually, when HP goes to zero, you lose consciousness. If attacked by a lethal weapon and HP goes below -10HP, the character dies, so you are indeed unconscious. Iron now has the duty to protect Silver as he feels slightly guilty about the duel's outcome. Yes, that means you will travel with Iron and Ash now.
>if not Silver then StarI guess that's true.
>>82234Not like Silver would have much of a choice in the matter. I have no idea how long he'll stay unconscious, but after taking 58 non-lethal damage, I'm fairly certain it's going to be a while. I'm just hoping Spark put Silver's first-aid kit and potions back in Silver's bag.
>>82235>how long he'll be unconsciousAt most he'll be out until the next day, fully healed by then.
>SparkHe tried to give Silver a small healing potion and has resetted your jaw. The potion should make the fallen tooth regrow again and lessen the damage of the ribs by a bit.
[1d8+1 = 8]>>82237I imagine Silver would appreciate a replacement potion, then. Didn't know healing potions can regrow teeth, but I guess that's magic for ya.
Rolling for what health Silver recovered from the potion.
>>82238Cool, now you are at a perfect 0 HP.
Tbh, there is a regeneration spell to regrow limbs. I'm kind of bullshitting because tooth should be able to regrow with normal health potions because they're just important RP-wise
>>82232>nightfall is coming soonHmmmmm, I guess I should scatter these ashes and return to the abbey then. I did promise Abby Willows that I'd see her in the evening.
>>82239[Knocking on Wood Intensifies]
Silver has had good luck with healing potion rolls, so far. I guess he's just disabled, now.
[Knocking on Wood Still Intensifies]
>>82241It's not quite that late, It's somewhere between 1 and 2 in the afternoon, I believe.
>>82242>>82241Isn't that midday? Afternoon would be closer to 4 to 6 PM, which judging by being on a farmstead and we have to drive back to the city, will put us near nightfall very quickly.
>>82243I've considered 4 to 6 to be early to mid evening, 1 to 3 is afternoon, and the period of time between 3 and 4 is the odd in-between area where it could either be afternoon or evening.
>>82244Well, if that's the case, then the trip to the imminent church should match the timeframe Ash is looking for, which is better overall.
>>82243>>82244Last I checked, it was midday and 1:00 at the latest.
The party hasn't been doing very much since they ran out of the tunnel. The longest amount of time would have been spent reading. I doubt they've really doesn't more than an hour just sitting around (if so, I'd be kind of bummed, because this luminous armor spell only lasts a few hours, and I want to use it, since I already sacrificed strength for it).
>>82246What do you plan on using it? I guess you will try to do part of the 'foal rescue' sidequest, right?
>>82247Well, I expected to get attacked in the dungeon a lot. Plus, it served as a light source for the party.I guess I didn't think ahead though..Anything goes, really. Although whatever it is, I've already spent two of my 2nd level spells, and one of my 1st level ones, do I'll have to ration them a bit
(which means don't punch each other anymore, because I'm trying to reserve healing for emergencies).
>>82248I think that the catacomb exploring is a bust for now, since the basement should still be covered in deadly smoke and since there are not a lot of other paths to progress, I suspect ending the day here to plan out the 'Comte Burgher character assassination' deal.
Don't worry, I won't punch ponies again. Promise.
>>82249We just need some gas masks and/or air canisters.
>>82250I don't think we can find such a place, unless the GM proves me wrong or something.
>>82251Blue Skies said there are such items at the Black Hooves HQ. I'm fairly certain she'd be willing to at least sell them to the group.
>>82252>sell themHow expensive can those things get?
>>82253No clue. I'm not even sure if she'd sell them or if she'd just give them for free.
>>82254>implying Skies will give stuff for freeI'm taking a smol nap while I wait for the others to get back. I'll see you guys in an hour or two.
>>82249I have one Regenerate Light Wounds and one Regenerate Moderate wounds left: I'll save those for stabilizing dying characters, or to help a half-dead melee fighter in a long battle.
And yeah, I guess the catacomb thing might be pretty bust. The fire should die down pretty quickly as the fuel/air ran out, but idk how gas mechanics work other than basic smoke and suffocation damage, so I wouldn't risk it.
>>82250>Gas masksThose sound like a very good investment. They can't be that expensive.
>>82251PCs were able to buy magick weapons, so why not gas masks? It's a mundane utility item. You might be able to find one in a hardware store.
>>82253It's a mundane item in a world of magick; it can't be that expensive. In d20 Modern it only has a purchase DC of 6.
This probably won't be the only bad-air encounter that we could face, so some modern adventure gear could help down the road.
>>82256>Says the player who's entire inventory consists of a stick, a fanny pack, and a bag of rocks
>>82257Can you even use gas masks or would your values force you to inhale toxic smoke?
>>82259“You want a... large family?”
>>82260"yea, i want to start one with you blue."
Assuming this post was made by gm
>>82258Are you referring to the Vow thing? No, that would not be allowed.
>>82261Her expressions suggest mixed feelings on the subject
“So... like a foal?”
>>82263"i was thinking 2 or 3."
>>82265Dark Star looks a little worried
"uh yea."
>>82266She gives a warmer smile
“I hadn’t really intended on it, but let us see where the future takes us”
>>82267Dark Star Smiles
"yea, lets do that."
I'm not sure if I really wanna scatter these ashes right here..
>>82269*almost coos*
She still has a warm smile
“What do you want your children to be like?”
>>82271"i dont really know. i expect them to terrorize everything though."
Dark Star laughs
>>82272This causes her to look at him strangely
“Why would you say that?”
>>82273"i wasnt the best kid. Mom and Dad had their hoofs full."
>>82274“My parents were more... assertive. You turned out pretty well I figure. What I meant is, will the foals... have wings?”
>>82275"my grandfather was a Pegasus, so they could be. and with you being a Pegasus its a good chance they will."
>>82276There is something in her look that is a bit uncomfortable
“Are you sure you want to start a family
>>82277"we can wait if it makes you uncomfortable."
>>82270Idk how she could carry them all though...
Although, Caleb has like 6 times her carrying capacity. I guess she could put her satchel on him, and them take them back to the Cathedral and ask for assistance in scattering them.
>>82270Iron approaches Ash. He inspects that Ash is not currently a ball of fire this time. Silver is laid down on a big, flat rock nearby, 'sleeping' for a bit.
>>82278Stop going for unprotected sex when the mare is not even sure, what are you doing, Star?Inb4 Skies is nervous cuz she's a changeling drone and can't have children.>>82279What about Iron and his own big carrying capacity, my dude? He will help if you ask him,
even if you don't ask him he'll help out.
>>82278She leans into him
“No. Whatever
you want”
>>82280He finds Sister Ash trying to carefully liad the jars into a bag.
>>82282"Is it time to move the jars? Let me help." Iron starts to carry some of them on his back, stashed under his leather belt after loosening it just enough to fit the jars themselves.
>>82281"i want you to be sure, so we can wait if you want."
>>82283"Oh, thank you very much." She says, with a bow
"I finished their eulogies, but I think they could use something more. I would like to take them to the church and request a formal reposition. I believe that the clergy would be glad to help." She says
[Disabled Fighter Horse Noises]
>>82286Iron nods, smiling. "Of course." A little blush forming. He scratches the back of his helmet. "We should take Silver and Spark with us as well. Partly because I feel responsible about the unicorn and Spark could help out in picking up and dragging him. We travel by hoof?"
>>82285“Well, the position I am in right now is not a job that is very good for a pregnant mare... I know I’ve been kind of reckless with the sex... and I don’t think my parents would have approved of me with an Earth Pony. Not like they never caught me with one...”
She hugs him
>>82285Poke a hole in the condom.
>>82290I see you are a man of culture as well
>>82289Dark Star Hugs her tight and then kisses her
>>82292*Pegasus cooing*
“Are you sure
you want a family with me?”
>>82294"im 100 percent sure,skies. you're perfect."
>>82295*excited Pegasus noises*
>>82294>>82295In the distance, there's a wind carrying the smug message 'I told you' right into Skies' ears.
>>82288>travel by hoofWe're horses. Horses traveling anyway other than by foot is just gay.
Sister Ash considers this.
"... Funeral services may take up the rest of the day. I wouldn't want to waste their time."
She looks over at the rest of the party, then speaks up
"Is there somewhere I could meet up with all of you?"
>>82295>>82296And to think, this wouldn't have happened had Silver not taken Star's place in the fight.
>>82298Iron thinks for a bit. "I think we should meet up like how we all first met: The Eastside tavern. We should all know where it is located so there is little chance to get lost trying to find a new location. I am open to other suggestions though."
>>82299You knew it was going to happen anyway.
>>82301Shush. Let Silver have his moment.
>>82296Happy edgy horse noises
>>82300"At the bar? I guess that is suitable."
>>82301This.>>82295Just knock her up already.
>>82304>>82296>>82295Iron nods. "We should go ask the lovercolt and his marefriend though. The last thing I need is both of them either sleeping on the floor or just messing up the camp." Iron starts to head out to the last known position Star and Skies were, knowing full well they were pounding it.
>>82304>>82301Not necessarily. Star would have been incapacitated and Skies would have been frustrated with him, and she certainly wouldn’t have been creamed in[/i]
>>82307>implying they wouldn't have fucked tomorrow morning anyway
You two would have found a way. 100%.
Sister Ash finishes packing the jars and gets ready to leave.
Is Silver still unconscious?
>>82311Well, not technically. He's just disabled right now. I'm fairly certain he'd want to sleep, though.
>>82311If I give a potion to Silver, he should be able to get up again, since HP > 0.
>>82312You can't be disabled from nonlethal damage. You're either staggered or you're unconscious.
>>82313You don't want to waste potions bon stuff like that.. I could have healed him for free.
>>82314Well, whatever he is, he has 0 hit points, so take of that as you will.
>>82314If you heal Silver, heal him with cure light wounds. Don't go for the potent stuff.
>>82315That's staggered.
You can recover 1 hit point of nonlethal damage per hour per character level.
>>82316He would get it back overnight though. It's nonlethal damage. So long as he's not fighting it's no big deal.
>>82317So he's fine. Cool. Should have 5 HP in an hour, then.
>>82318Exactly how many hit points does Iron have, again? During the fight it sounded like Silver barely hurt him at all. Either that or I took describing Silver's own injuries way beyond what I should have.
>>82319Actually, for that trip Iron did, he sucked about 20 damage without giving back said damage. He would be at 7 HP.
>>82319As for exact HP. It's 42 total.
>>82320>>82321I guess I just overestimated the extent of what damage Iron dealt to Silver, then, if they were both one hit away at the end there.
>>82322You didn't overestimate. Iron just tripped and in turn got 20 damage without Iron fighting back.
>>82303“You can fight the native now. He should be softened up nicely for you”
>>82322You had no chance in a hoof fight.
Without improved unarmed strike, he'd get an AoO every time you tried to hit him.
I wanna see it.
>>82323I mean by how I described the extent of how hurt Silver was. It just seemed like, for the damage they both got being so similar, I went way above and beyond what I should have in describing how hurt Silver was.
>>82325Can health potions magically regrow missing teeth?
>>82326Well yeah, but neither did Star. He had less health than Silver, less Dex, and still didn't have Improved Unarmed Strike. His only advantage compared to Silver is that Star has Two-Weapon Fighting.
The only reason Silver did as well as he did was because Iron didn't take advantage of any of those AoOs.
>>82325"hmmmmmmm? ok."
>>82306"Fight me."
>>82328There's no off-hand attack for unarmed strikes.
>>82330I mean, Iron did several off-handed unarmed strikes, so...
[1d8+3 = 11]>>82327Uh, shouldn't Iron help Ash move the jars first? >>82330>>82332GM did the same with Rover, having him attack with two fists.>>82329Iron laughs. "Nothing like a mare's embrace to bolsten your fortitude, eh? Give me a second." He starts fishing out his small potion reserves and drinks one of them. Rolling damage healed.
>>82332Well, when you have gauntlets, you're arguably fighting with two light manufactured weapons, rather than just an unarmed strike.
>>82334>Implying gauntlets were used in that fight
>>82333An unarmed strike isn't just fists though. It could be a headbutt, knee, elbow, kick, etc.
>>82336I know, I've read the monk guide and how you can always fight unarmed with any part of your body.
>>82337So, if you can use any part of your body to attack, you'd theoretically have a nigh-infinite number of weapons to hit with if you count your body parts individually. Two fists, two kicks, two elbow jabs, two knees to the gut, one head butt, one lariat, and a body slam.
With unarmed combat, the entire body counts as one weapon.
>>82338>>82336Iron shakes his head, both to dispel his spacing out and to communicate that he's not. "Ash, I need you to take my armor again. I thought Silver was supposed to represent him." Iron then stares at Star. "I hope you are ready, because I am not holding back like I did with Silver."
>>82339There's a better rule: If the GM does it, then you can also do it. I guess it actually aids me in the battle with Star but it has been settled already with the Rover fight that unarmed can be two weapons instead of one.
>>82339I guess that's basically what Flurry Of Blows is supposed to be though.
>>82340 You're right. It's none of my business. I'll shut up.Sister Ash gives a sigh, and takes the bags from him. Then she takes another 4 minutes helping him out of his armor.
"Just don't kill each other now."
>>82340"i wouldnt expect anything else. this is gonna be fun either way."
>>82343Prepare to get grappled to zero hp.
>>82343Blue Skies looks uncertain about the present situation
>>82342No need to shy away from asking. 'A person who asks a question is dumb for a bit. A
person who never asks a question is dumb forever' - Some important person>>82343>>82325Iron chuckles. He then turns to Skies. "Were you not supposed to set up the bets, Skies? Come on, give Star and me a little incentive."
Sister Ash looks somewhat impatient.
"Well, get on with it now."
>>82347Iron strokes Ash's mane. "Do not fret. It will happen soon enough, just setting up some bets to raise the stakes."
>>82348Gambling is Haram.
"How about the loser has to do 48 hours of community service next week?"
>>82349>>82345Iron, impatient with Skies' long thought process, just goes with it, not really knowing what it is. "Eh, sounds good enough. Any objections, Star?"
>>82350>>82349"make it 72 hours."
>>82351*concerned Pegasus noises*
“Do you want me to do anything, Star?”
>>82351Onyx considers commenting that the community service should be finding an outhouse to clean out.
>>82351Iron shrugs. "Fine by me. Now get rid of all possessions. No weapons. No armor. No equipment. Just your hooves and your wits."
>>82351Sister Ash looks very pleased.
"Very well then. Seventy-two hours of unpaid volunteer community services over the course of one week."
She claps her hooves together and gives a dramatic bow."
"May the best stallion win
>>82355Iron snickers at Ash's announcer's voice. "Cute," he mutters to himself.
>>82355“When did you start presiding over duels?”
>>82352"Do you have any other things to add to the wager or any terms? i thought you wanted to punch him?"
>>82357"Shush, Skies. Do not ruin the moment."
>>82358"Just punch each other already, I wanna watch"
>>82357"I don't do duels. But I've seen my fair share of spars. It's a regular thing at monastaries where I come from."
>>82361“They punch each other until one has a tooth knocked out and falls unconscious? Fascinating, I would have thought the spiritually minded had better things to do with their teeth and time”
[1d20 = 9]>>82355>>82358>>82360Iron loosens his neck and readies his basic fighting stance, not wanting the spectators to get bored. "I hope you are ready. It is time to impress your mare, Star."
Rolling initiative.
>>82362"Sure, judge like your tribe did not do that at all."
>>82362"Hmmmph. Sparing is a bit more civilized in our temples. Now let's cut the chat and let the stallions play their little game."
>>82362>>82358>>82363>>82360>>82361Silver staggers over from where he was left by Iron to watch the fight, massaging his sore, bruised, and lumpy jaw. "...Ow...Селестия, черт побери. I suppose, I took punch for nothing, then."
[1d20 = 15]>>82363"It's time to Duel!"
>>82367Dark Star wins the initiative. Attack now.
>>82368Silver works his jaw some more. "I suppose I have you to thank for realigning my jaw. I am grateful."
>>82370"Anytime. I wish they wouldn't fight though. This is only making there be more of a problem."
[2d20+3 = 29]>>82369Dark Star Throws a jab with his left hoof and a uppercut with his right
two weapon fighting is nice desu
[1d20+11 = 20]>>82372How am I supposed to read that?Iron reacts against Star's thrown punch with his own.
>>82372You forgot -1 Strength penalty.
[1d3+7 = 8]>>82373Iron successfully jabbed Star at his gut. Rolling damage.
>>82371Silver laughs. "Добро пожаловать в Эквестрию. Где дружба - волшебство, а где тупые жеребцы бьют друг друга по губам." Silver looks at the fight going on. "I do not know why, but sometimes, there are ponies who just like to fight."
[1d4 = 1]>>82373Dark Star successfully hit you with the uppercut. dmg
[1d20+11 = 20]>>82377Uh, so it's zero damage? You have -1 strength, meaning that there's -1 damage due to strength.Iron just feels a tickle on his jaw. "What? Are you serious? Is this the best you can do?" Iron feels bad again but remembers his cocky attitude, leaving him motivated enough to finish the fight.
Iron throws out another simple jab at Dark Star.
>>82376Spark is unsure about what the first sentence said, but shakes his head slowly to the second.
"There are so many better ways to be using those health potions on. And I can't afford to keep providing them. This foal job won't pay anything. I'm not in this for the money, but a few ponies are. I might lose them at this rate, especially if they start a rivalry."
[2d20 = 22]>>82373Dark Star punches iron in the stomach twice
>>82378>>82373The power of 9/11 will defeat you.
[1d3+7 = 8][1d20+11 = 27]>>82380Yet another attack of opportunity Iron will take advantage of. Another jab at Star, also rolling the damage of the previous jab, who hits the right side of his ribcage.
>>82378Minimum damage is 1, I think.
He rolled 1d4 instead of 1d3 though.
>>82379"Ah, we should be fine." Silver massages the large bruise on his chest next. "Unless somepony gets seriously injured, we will not need potions. Just time."
Anyone else having issues following what the hell is going on in this fight?>>82386Nevermind, Dark Star's already down.
[1d3+7 = 10]>>82383>>82384That's bonus hit chance, not damage. Damage is equal to strength bonus, not attack bonus, so you should subtract 1 to your damage rolls.Another hit to his ribcage to Star.
>>823861 HP left, Star.
>>82388It would've been if I took a one.
Also every punch was non-lethal so no funny business about Star dying because of me, GM.
[1d20+2 = 4]>>82388And punch
>>82386>>82388Iron is a bit dissapointed when Star falls down in three hits. "Well, that is dissapointing." Iron just stares at the unconscious Star. "I wonder what he was thinking when he looked for a fight." Iron scratches the back of his neck, a bit uncomfortable with the battle. Silver was way better than this.
>>82387"I still don't approve of this fighting. It will only cement rivalry and get in the way of missions."
[1d20+2 = 16]>>82390And punch
>>82390You were knocked down before you could finish the punch so that doesn't count.
[3d6 = 9][1d3 = 1]>>82391And damage
>>82396If I had rolled a 1, it wouldn't have, but I rolled a three, effectively knocking his health down to -1.
>>82392Silver shrugs, wincing a bit from how sore he still is. "Then we will have to keep close eye on those two. Still, I do not think there is threat of rivalry between those two."
>>82399"It's not Star I'm concerned about. He is a nice enough pony. It's Iron and Blue Skies you should be concerned about."
[1d20+5 = 14]
"It looks like we have a winner." Sister Ash declares, in her formal announcer's voice
She walks over to Dark Star to resucitate him with a nasty smelling herb from her fanny pack.
Heal check.
>>82394Knocked down? Who knocked her down?
>>82400"Ah, that. I remember. I got taste of that when Iron joined party."
[1d20+5 = 8]>>82401"Hmm, he's really out cold.. No scarring though."
She clicks her hooves in front of his nose, trying to wake him up.
>>82402>Wasn't keeping track of ID colorsWait, did Blue just try to interfere in the match?
>>82405She cashed in on her punches
>>82404Silver trots up to Ash, noticing how much of an issue she's having with bring Star around. "Would you like some assistance?"
>>82402Wait, her? You mean Skies attacked me? Oh shit. I was not expecting that.>>82397Iron feels the hits from behind slightly. "Well, you did say you were going to punch me when I least expect it." Iron rubs his new hits, though they were the same strength as Star's.
What was that 1,4,4 hit back there, GM?
[1d20+5 = 25]>>82407"I'm fine." She says, pulling out more pre-medieval remedies
She takes out some crushed beetle shells and sprinkles them into his nostrils.
>>82409Dark Star wakes up with an ungodly urge to sneeze.
>>82409Well, I'm fairly certain that would wake anyone up.Silver grimaces, thankful that she didn't try to help him up.
>>82408That’s 10 damage from the second punch landing
>>82412"Ugh, what pony sneezes on his saviour?" Iron is disgusted.
>>82413For what?
>>82412"~There you go." Sister Ash says, patting him on the back
"You did a pretty good job. Better luck next time." She says encouragingly
>>82414Sister Ash was wise enough to aim his head away.
>>82414I don’t understand the question. Deduct 10 HP from Iron
>>82416He doesn't know that Blue cashed in her free punches.>>82412"And that is why I offered to take your place."
>>82416You only rolled two attack rolls but then you added 10 damage to one punch? Is that a sneak attack thing or something?
>>82418I counted it as sneak attack, yes
>>82419But a sneak attack is a 1d6 on every weapon, what makes her have three two other modifiers there?
>>82420 Because sneak attack dies more damage than that
>>82420Ah, I see. She's level 5. Nevermind.
>>82421"You should have cashed out when I was weaker." Iron states at the 'unknown' assailant. He then trots over to Dark Star's somewhat conscious body and Ash.
>>82415"He is fine, right?" Iron asks Ash.
[1d20+2 = 22]>>82424And punch
>>82424"Oh, he'll be fine. He just got the wind knocked out of him."
That 10 damage probably would have really hurt like a bitch though. Ouch.
>>82421Wait a sec, your first roll was a 4 total, how did one of the punches hit? My AC is 10
>>82429 Because there was a second punch. Read the thread
>>82430So you rolled sneak attack damage and unarmed damage both at once?>>82428Iron now feels the sucker punch. He grunts for a bit. "Good. He is a good pony, to be sure. I do not know why he looked to fight with me."
[3d6 = 9][1d3 = 1]>>82425Rolling to confirm
[1d20+2 = 5]
Fuck me, that was damage. Rolling confirmation
>>82431And Iron has won an additional 10 damage, for 20 damage total. But they are even now
>>82432>>82433How rude of her.Iron has been knocked out by Skies
because who else would have sucker punched Iron, making him fall on top of Dark Star with a solid thud.
>>82431"He wasn't dissuaded by the odds. It's admirable, really. There's no honor in only fighting battles that you're sure you'll win."
>>82435And then he falls on his face right in front of her...
>>82417"See what I mean?"
[1d20+2 = 10]>>82434"Hmm. Fair punch."
>>82435Strength: Silver tries to roll Iron off of Star. "Let me just...help you with that, Star."
>>82436“There is no intelligence in fighting a battle you are sure to lose.”
Skies says with utmost contempt and disgust
“It’s funny, I never took you for the type to see fighting as noble”
>>82438>fair>sucker punchChoose one
>>82439"There's no shame in two stallions exchanging friendly blows in a match." She says, as she dusts off Iron and pulls out another beetle shell
"So long as they're not wounding each other and they fight in good faith, it's nothing more than a show of strength."
[1d20+5 = 6]
Rolling for beetle dust
>>82442Sister Ash accidentally drops the whole beetle into Iron's nostril.
>>82447Iron feels painful strecthing of his nostril. He groans in pain.
[1d20+5 = 8]>>82448"Ummm.. let's try something else."
Rolling to ressucitate
>>82441“My brother was brain damaged at an early age because of a joust that permanently harmed his faculties. Now, I have no more love for that
son of a bitch than he ever showed for me. But I know a waste when I see one.
Do you realize what you egged on here? These two are not going to be in any position to rescue foals from a child predator. Do you understand that? Your ‘fun’ has doomed at least two foals to another night of molestation.
What a fucking waste”
>>82449Silver just look at Sister Ash. "If you want help, just say so."
>>82450Nevermind the fact that Skies literally ensured that one of the ponies got knocked out.>>82449Iron does not feel resucitated. He just thinks about mares in his confused haze.
>>82452He fucking deserved it
[1d20+5 = 20]>>82449........
Let's try that again.
>>82450"I have to agree. I don't even remember how we got into this position of brawling each other. Maybe the smoke damaged our brains more than we gave it credit for."
>>82453Dark Star unironically asked for it though.
>>82433Still a dick move to complain about them clobbering each other when you clobbered one of them."So now what?"
>>82458I don’t care
>>82457I am aware
>>82458I'm not sure why that linked that one instead of this one
>>82453I'm not saying he didn't, but if you're going the 'it's a waste of time to kick eachother's asses' route, don't kick a pony's ass before that.>>82455>>82454Iron now feels conscious again. He groans for a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. "What just entered my nose?"
>>82457Also this and the fact I explicitly asked for Skies' permission to brawl with Star,
which got little to no response from Skies in the long run. In fact you encouarged it when Iron was beaten up already.
>>82458"Well, if we are all done beating snot out of each other, I believe there are foals that need saving."
>>82458"The mission should continue. It is a stealth and diplomacy focused situation. We still have you as our back up. We need to at least attempt to go forward."
>>82457>>82459"Where is this target holding the foal, or do we even know?"
>>82462"Since we did we switch to that instead of rekilling skeletons?"
>>82464"After somepony set fire to books and filled tunnels with carbon monoxide. It is on hold until we get gas masks."
>>82462>>82463Iron nods. "Agreed. We need to think up a plan of action. Anyone has any info on Burgher to exploit?"
>>82461The pacifist nun shouldn’t be promoting violence that harms the team, and Iron took a healing potion and then changed the rules where he would take the attacks of opportunities in the second fight, hence why Skies was uncertain. Because the circumstances of the fight were different than those which were anticipated
>>82463>BackupOnyx nods in understanding
>>82464"Since the smoke has put any exploration on hold. And I think we can stop for the sake of the foals, don't you?"
>>82450Sister Ash crosses her arms in discontent.
"We weren't going anywhere together so long as the old stallion over there was done catching his breath. They were not having a bout with any intent to do permanent damage to one another. I didn't encourage them; I only helped set the terms for a decision they'd already made themselves." She says, as Iron slowly wakes up
Her eyes narrow as she finishes speaking, in an expression that seems to scream "no u".
>>82470"..." Silver looks down, his ears falling limp to the sides of his head. "...I am not that old..."
>>82471I pat Silver on the back.
"Don't listen to the Kirin."
>>82471Onyx also pats the old man on the back
>>82471“You’re okay, don’t listen to her”
>>82467Eh, sparring is not really hurting anyone in the long run tbh, specially with hooves. That is only true in games though.Iron looks at Skies calmly while he stands up. "Do you have anything on Comte, Skies? A routine, some vices to exploit. Any information counts."
>>82470Iron bows to Ash after waking and standing up. "I thank you for your efforts, Ash."
>>82471"You are pretty good." He points his hooves at Silver like pic related.
>>82467She didn't promote it, she just suggested the loser should do community service. If you didn't catch my drift, the 48 hours community service thing was actually supposed to
discourage Dark Star (because that's a full week's worth of unpaid labor); because she thought the match was dumb, but still respected their descision.
>>82471She bows respectfully.
"Pardon my words. I meant ' more experienced'." she says,
>>82475“I can check with headquarters”
>>82477"How long until you obtain the information? We could wait at the Eastside Tavern if it takes too long."
>>82478"What do you say, everyone?"
>>82476And I would like to say that Skies is being a total hypocrite aright now because of that last succer punch; but I consider Sister Ash to be above ad homenim, so she's holding her tongue.
And Ash is a fucking hypocrite for calling dueling honorable after fucking assaulting Skies for suggesting it
>>82472>>82473>>82474>>82475This all certainly does help to lift his spirits.
>>82476"Ah, it is all the same. I suppose I
am getting up there in age."
>>82478>>82479"It is where I live, so more likely than not I will already be there."
>>82481“Pacifist nun” wants to be the one to drop the handkerchief
>>82484"Shall we wait for you at the bar while you get that information, or should we go ahead and scout out areas of interest?"
>>82485Onyx realizes his best choice is to serve drinks, cause he can't scout or be a diplomat.
>>82482Dueling =/= sparring
Dueling is a vengeful act, that ends in actors killing or seriously wounding one another: It's a lethal match.
Sparring is two combatants exchanging blows in a show of skill, without intent to kill: it's a nonlethal match.
If they had suggested shooting eachother or swordfighting or otherwise fighting to the death, Sister Ash surely would have stopped them. And she only melted Blue's gun because she insisted on shooting or being shot.
And I'd say that in-character, but Sister Ash doesn't believe Blue would understand even if she did.
>>82484She's an ex-monk. She watched spars every day back at her temple, even if she didn't participate. Monks would beat each other up in practice, and then they'd shake hooves and drink tea together.
And to set the record straight, Sister Ash is really only a pacifist until she isn't: it's supposed to be an ironic twist that she's just slightly bipolar when it comes to that, which leaves room for her turning into an enraged arsonist every now and then. She isn't lawful, she's neutral. I wasn't bteying to play a perfect character without flaws, just one with good intentions.
>>82483Sister Ash gives another bow.
"Age is nothing to be ashamed of. It's natural. Getting older only means a pony has more wisdom to share." She says
"Anyway, so long as you're recovering, it shouldn't matter if those two tassle with one another. It would be better off if we avoided hustle or direct confrontation for today, and devoted the rest of the day to gathering our resources and information. I would like to have a word with the church about what I've heard today, and I would love to meet you tomorrow morning or this evening with a plan for what our next step is."
She bows so hard her nose touches the grass
>*Respect for elders intensifies*"Words cannot express how much I appreciate the help from all of you in this endeavor of mine. I do not have any means to compensate you for your noble service, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart." She says, addressing the entire group
>>82489Iron chuckles. "Do not think anything of it, Ash. It is only natural to help a kind mare like yourself."
>>82487Shut the fuck up, stop playing semantic bullshit by making up properties of “sparing” versus duels,” and stop pissing me off
>>82489Silver rolls his eyes and chuckles at the extreme lengths Ash is going to to try to show respect. "I do not know what help I can be to you, but if there are foals in danger, I will do all I can to help them."
>>82491Alright, the difference to me here here is, Iron and Dark Star weren't trying to kill eachother in this case. That, and Silver had already been reduced to zero hp, so it wasn't any further inconvenience for the party if they (willingly) took nonlethal damage, from my perspective.
Both in and out of character, I think there's a big difference if one of the PCs' life is on the line. I guess it isn't my decision to make, concerning what is the most indisputably righteous thing to do, though. I just acted in the way that I thought my character would.
If I caused a serious problem, I'm sorry. I can't justify everything I've done here.
I can see now that I've fucked up. I thought it would just be a bit of fun, but now I see that things have gone beyond the pale. Idk what else I can say about this matter, but I'm sorry.
And please, know that I have a certain degree of detachment from my character. What she believes do not necessarily refect my own beliefs. What she thinks is good doesn't necessarily match my own moral compass, but a persona I created for her. And most importantly, her attitudes and interactions with player characters do not reflect my own attitudes towards their players: please don't take things personally if something she does or says feels offensive, because it's never, ever my intention to jab at player.
>>82495>>82491if we are being honest here, its my fault.
>>82496Nah, I actually thought it was pretty funny what he did.
>>82495>>82494I hope he's okay.>>82496It's not your fault. It's all the PCs fault. We have disappointed the god with our shenanigans. Also this >>82497
>>82498PCs as in all of the players for our actions and inactions
Alright, I’m back
The Pegasus exits stage left, and characters can decide what they want to do next
>>82500Dark Star picks himself up off the ground and goes to the Eastside Tavern
>>82500That's ominous.>>82489Iron puts on his leather belt, armor pieces and equips his shield. He then picks up all possible jars he can. "Alright, you said you wanted to go to a church in order to put these souls to rest. Shall we go there?"
If you do not respond in 30 minutes, I'll assume that you went to bed.>>82492Iron motions Silver to carry any remaining jars there are in the vicinity.
Same goes to you, although it's less likely.
>>82502Still Barely awake.
>>82500Iron watches Blue fly off with a frown for a few minutes, before deciding that there's little she can do to amend the situation at this point.
>>82502She formally says good by to each of the remaining PCs, and leaves with Iron to deliver the jars to the church.
>>82503Iron nods and follows her, making sure there are no remaining jars left behind. "We will meet up at the bar with you guys later when we finish this." He calls out as he leaves.
>>82503Also, didn't notice but
>Iron watches Blue... little she can doIron is now genderbent and kirinized.
>>82506Kek. I wish I could know how magic works as well as Ash's player does.
>>82501It is so
>>82503Assuming she recallls the location of the Cathedral of Saint Eligius, it is so
>>82505It is so
>>82509The sad part is, Iron's player had no idea the GM was serious.
>>82510Alright. It doesn’t really look much different than the last few times, although naturally there are more ponies there than there were in the early morning
>>82511I-is he actually? Nothing's impossible when the GM says it is.
>>82512Dark Star Walks over to the bar pony
>>82505>>82503I fucked up
*Sister Ash watches Blue fly off
>>82513You never can tell with this group of anons. Sometimes just making it though basic conversation can be a challenge.
>>82514“Well, if it isn’t my favorite partial stake investor”
>>82516Do you want to continue? We seem to have reached our destination.
>>82517Oh no, not basic conversation! *thunder in the distance*
>>82508I think she would.
She would go to where she thinks she could find a funeral minister.
>>82519It's 1:30 AM, and I really should go to bed...
>>82520Where would she believe she could find a funeral minister?
>>82522At a church, temple, or other holy place.
She's already done the eulogies, she's just looking for someone who can show her to an appropriate place to scatter the ashes.
>>82518"i just got my flank kicked, can i get a double whiskey?"
>>82521It depends on your priorities like finishing this whole jar business now or tomorrow in the afternoon. Don't push yourself or you'll act dumb.>>82520>>82523Iron follows her.
>>82524He looks at Dark Star
“Well, you do kind of look like it. A double whiskey coming right up”
>>82523I take it she’s looking for the priestess?
>>82523She believes that scattering cremation remains is a ceremonial practice, but she's unaware of pony customs regarding where it is okay to scatter them (since you can't just do it in the middle of a city).
>>82526Yeah. That's who I was looking for.
>>82527She looks at the jars of blue salt, with a kind of horrified confusion
“What are these?”
>>82527Tl;dr, I have a lot of jars and idk what to do with them all at once, so I'm looking for someone who's job it is to deal with this.
>>82528Sister Ash responds with a morbid expression.
"They're ponies. Trapped, tortured, and descrated. I retrieved them in this state from the depths of Curwinney's farm. That wretched, evil, necromancer did this to them." She says, looking over the jars
"He did something vile to them, so they were unable to pass into the next life by themselves, and they've been suffering alone for who knows how long. I have done what I could to repose them formally, bit their torment won't be completed until their remains are properly scattered."
She looks at the mare
"Can I beg your service, in finishing their funeral? I would have reposed them myself, but my knowledge of proper Equestrian morticianism is limited."
>>82529Her eyes are wide and her mouth well open
“I can...
Let me go get help”
She runs off, and eventually comes back with both Father Maren and Slow Burn. Slow Burn, for the first time, is stilled and the joyful smile wiped right off his face as he is told that the jars contain “ponies”
Father Maren: “Good Celestia, what did that stallion do here?”
>>82526Dark Star rubs his stomach
>>82531Uh, I take it this means he is hungry?
[1d20+9 = 23]>>82530"It seems to have been an extensive process to trap the would of the deceased. Necromancy was used in the process, other types of auras were mixed in as well. Copious amounts of embalming agents were used as material components for the practice, and he jars appear to be an arcane focus to hold the powers together." Sister Ash says, communicating her hypotheses
"I do not know what motivated that evil creature to put them in this state, or why he stored them together in such quantities, but it was certainly a most sinister ambition."
And fuck it, Spellcraft check, to see if whatever this is has a name.
>>82533*Souls of the deceased
>>82533Nothing more than “essential salts” comes to mind
“I can safely say I have never seen anything like this before. Great Celestia, there must be dozens of these jars. I will call an expert in Canterlot, and see if there are any special procedures needed”
>>82533>>82535I took a shower, so I'm going to just assume Silver helped you two with carrying the jars like Iron requested earlier."Knowledge, I am afraid. And loss. He was looking for ways to resurrect his family -- his wife and foals -- after they had all died from plague. Dug up remains of long dead ponies who might have had knowledge he had so sought, and cremated them using mixture of herbal solutions and arsenic, while chanting incantations to bind their souls to their ashes."
>>82535>Tfw Druids don't get any of the convienient abjurations and utilities Clerics do."... I've done what I can.. I've been listening to them, speaking to them, preparing her for the next life. They were long-overdue for their eulogies."
>>82537If a bunch of 4th graders without class levels can match my highest level of summoning, then I hope Sister Ash can at least make a tiny bit of difference by praying 'n shieet.
>>82536“Well, that would explain the why... and part of the how... now we need to break this curse and reverse this ambonible process”
>>82537“Judging from the statement of your friend here, it sounds like many of them have already had eulogies”
>>82539Iron cocks his head. "Eulogies? So are the souls gone from the jars, then? That is what it means, right?"
>>82539*Checks definition of 'eulogy' one more time*
..I may have been using this term incorrectly...
"hey do you sell food too?"
>>82540"No. They're still there. Their remains need to be reposed before they can leave."
>>82542He ponders the question
“As of now, we only have peanuts. It we could expand to sell food as well, if I can make that back room into a kitchen”
>>82540>>82543“The souls are ‘tied’ to the salts, shall we say, ms. Dragon lady”
>>82543>>82544"Oh. Sorry." Iron bows lightly, a bit uncomfortable.
>>82540>>82543>>82544"I can confirm, their souls are very much still contained in these jars. From what I understand, it is still possible to summon corporeal apparition of pony these ashes come from. How, I am not so sure of."
>>82544"hmmmm how much would that cost to turn it into one?"
>>82544"It's interesting.. normally, we salts such as this are used to prevent the spread of decadence and repell impure creatures. But in this case, it's being used to hold back the life force of s pony. An inward-facing saltine, you could call it."
>>82546>>82545>>82546“I believe the process uses the corporeal essence of the corpse to mimic the bond of flesh and soul, so that the spiritual essence of the deceased is recalled to the salt when summoned”
>>82547“Hard to say... perhaps 1000 for all renovations”
>>82548“You don’t understand. These are not salts added, these salts
are the corpses, after treatment with certain acids”
I cannot for the life of me figure out what evocation spell uses salt as a matrial component and creates an affect such as this. I have no idea how to solve this as of now.
Alright, it's 2:30; now I need to go to bed.
>>82550"if i come into some more money ill fund it."
>>82551I'll follow your steps and go to bed as well. Night Ash, and everyone else.
>>82551>>82553I guess I'll head to bed as well. Goodnight everyone.
>>82552He laughs slightly
“Now that would be very welcome”
>>82551It’s because I got it out of an HP Lovecraft novel and not the SRD
The Evocation aura threw me off.
>>82555Gibe More H.P lovecraft>>82555"would you give me some peanuts?"
>>82557Well shit, if you don’t mind more blatant lovecraft rip offs, I had a quest based on a different lovecraft short story imagined, but Ash never took the hook“Sure, I can get you peanuts”
Glistening Glass pushes over a bowl of peanuts to Dark Star
>>82559Did it involve the books?>>82559Dark Star eats the peanuts and drinks the shot
>>82559>Ash never took the hookIf it was there, I did not see it even in the least bit. Now I wish I had known...
Plots involving lovecraftian horrors sound fun though, especially if it includes killing some Eldritch abominations. It's definitely something a Druid would be committed to. I actually based Sister Ash's background in part in the Gatekeeper Druids from Eberron, who dedicated their lives to suppressing in the lovecraftian abominations of Xoriat (Beholders, mindflayers, and other Aberrations and outsiders). Aberrations and undead are unnatural creatures, and Druids despise them, so some spooky lovecraftian shit to purge from the world sounds like a fun call to action.
Also, Lords of Madness, and the Eberron books have some pretty awesome mechanics and suggestions for lovecraftian villains, plots and monsters. The Book of Vile Darkness has a lot of cool ideas for evil villains, rituals, black magic and cults too; and a lot of contextual tips on creating genuinely evil creatures and characters. You can find all of the PDFs online, if you're interested.
>>82561I sure hope Iron can punch it without any fuss.
>>82562Well, you managed to punch Silver and Star just fine enough, so I'm sure you'll manage.
>>82564>implying creatures that are beyond normal comprehension can just be punched like normal ponies do unless magic is involved
>>82565I mean, has anyone actually tried punching them?>>82550"You would know better than I. All I know is that process is simple enough for non-magic users to summon spirit, and similar to dispel them. Perhaps it is as simple as exposing ashes to open air, then resealing them in jar once you are finished."
>>82566Eh, that's true. Iron could be the first to find out.
>>82567Iron the God Puncher. Has a ring to it.
>>82568We'll see if he can pierce a god's AC, but it does sound good.
>>82569You have a 5 percent chance at absolutely succeeding anything action you attempt.
Gods aren't a joke though, even in RPGs.
I'm working on the stats for discord as a minimum level deity, and holy draconequius, he's already practically invincible.
>>82570Don't worry. I won't attack gods just because I can, but I will try if push comes to shove.
Feel sorry for Iron if that's the case.
>>82570Unless there is an anti-magic field
>>82572So long as plot demands.
>>82566He looks a little surprised
"You tried it?"
>>82574He shakes his head no. "Not in legitimate attempt, no. I did almost manage to, while disturbing ashes yesterday, but they settled before they could fully form."
>>82573*suppresses urge to go on a rant about the later seasons' lack of plot consistency*Anyway, I'm free for the rest of the day.
>>82550Sister Ash nods in acknowledgement.
"So.. How should the remains be handeled?"
>>82572"Do you have any of that potato alcohol?"
>>82575Father Maren looks more than a little disturbed by this
>>82576"For that, I need to make a phone call"
>>82577"Why yes. Yes we do"
>>82578"Very well then."
What time of day would it be?
>>82578"get me some of that with milk in it."
>>82578"At least I did not try to lick them." Silver, somehow, manages to say this with a straight face.
>>82581This leaves his mouth open
>>82579Like 2 PMish or something
>>82580"Let me see if I have any fresh"
>>82582Silver continues to have a straight face.
Sister Ash bows politely, and allows the stallion the time it take for him to take care of his business.
>>82583>>82584Father Maren Disappears to the back and is gone a little longer than would be expected. Sundew remains in there a bit uneasy. Slow Burn is more than a little uneasy, until he starts asking questions
"So you saw, like, Zombies?"
>>82585"You're in luck! It hasn't expired yet"
He pours the milk into the Vodka
>>82586"Yes, in addition to skeletons. There are many we still have to slay, though matters out of our control have forced us to delay."
>>82586"Ghasts." She replies
"And a rather large skeleton.."
>>82586"Thank you mr.glass."
How Sore is Dark Star?
>>82589Really fucking sore and also pretty tired
>>82588>>82587His eyes widen
"Cool! So you like had to fight off hordes and chop their heads off?"
>>82590"Hey Do you have rooms here?"
>>82590"We did did precisely that, among other things..." Sister Ash replies, although clearly less enthusiastic about it than the pony, for multiple reasons
"It wasn't pleasant."
>>82592"How much for one?"
>>82593He puts his hooves together as if to say 'very good point'
"But was it
>>82594"For you, free for today"
>>82590Silver smiles at him. His youthful excitement is a nice change of pace from what he's used to. "It is not exactly like zombie novels you have read, I am afraid. Though there is horde of undead in lower levels of catacombs, I am not sure I would want to face them all at once."
>>82595Silver gets a semi-mischievous grin on his face. "I suppose one could call it 'cool', if your definition of cool is facing certain death in close combat against rotting, shambling, soulless undead whose only desire is to consume living flesh."
>>82596Dark Star drinks his white stalliongrader
"Thanks i need a rest. which one is it?"
>>82595The foreign mare seems slightly confused by the pony's choice of words
"I don't know what you mean by that.. but it was certainly an exhilarating experience.."
Her tone darkens
"In each of the four rooms those jars layed in, there were about a dozen screaming ghasts imprisoned in deep pits.. I spent the majority of my time torching their flesh and bashing their skulls in until their bodies ceased to shamble.. It was agonizing work, but it had to be done..."
>>82598He smiles at him, and points to a door to Dark Star's left
"Through the door, up the stairs. You can take the first room"
"Go on..."
>>82600I'll assume that was for me.
"Deeper in.. there was a rather large skeleton.. the reanimated remains of a Chimera, that was probably captured for experientation.. It took some effort to fell, but it went down rather quickly.." she trails off
"At that point, I was absolutely furious.."
>>82600Dark Star pays for his drink and thanks glimmering glass then goes to the room
>>82600With a further smile, Silver recounts the tale of the battle with 'The Sarge', describing the unsightly appearance and smell of the former EDF soldier turned zombie, the harrowing fight as Silver rushed in to keep the monster away from his companions, the pain as the ghast tore into his flesh with teeth and hooves both, the exhilaration as he swung both hammer and greatsword at it, trying desperately to bring it down, and the final strike that felled The Sarge for good, putting a final end to the long-tormented soul.
>>82602"And.. I was so angry.. I kind of set the place on fire.. a little bit.." she mutters, fidgeting sheepishly
>>82603It is rather austere, lacking the elegant bedsheets, the dressers, the size, and the curtains of the Grand Baltimare Hotel. there is one chest and a simple bed, with simple wooden floors
>>82604>>82605He looks back in expressions of horror, anxiety, and above all, excitement over triumph
>>82606Sister Ash looks embarrassed, uncomfortable, and mostly tired.
"... All in a day's work.."
>>82606Silver raises his foreleg to show where The Sarge had bit him, the fur not having grown back yet allowing him to see the bite mark. "All in all, it was tough fight. Helped me to learn ways to better deal with these ghasts."
>>82607Also, she's still covered in extrordinarily bright and shining golden armor, I case anyone forgot.
I g2g for a bit.
>>82606"Reminds me of the old house..."
dark Star puts his saddle bag in the chest then he gets in the bed and tries to go to sleep
>>82607>>82608Slow Burn looks over in deep amazement, before saying "So cool! Eeeee!"
Sundew ranges from embarrassed, to an 'oh you' expression, to irritation from Slow Burn's behavior
>>82612Oh He's definitely tired and sore. But he hasn't fallen asleep just yet
>>82611"Though, there was one issue during fight. One of my companions lost grip of their pistol as it fired, and bullet ricocheted around room into it came and hit me in a-...hit me in rear." Silver just barely manages to catch himself swearing. He gives Sundew a look suggesting that Slow Burn's still young yet, so this sort of thing is to be expected from time to time.
>>82614"Somepony shot you in the rump?"
>>82613"this is terrible. i cant sleep."
>>82615He nods. "On accident, of course. But yes, I got shot in rump."
>>82616Roll again to try again
>>82617He gives a contemplative expression for a number of seconds, before going to a different subject
"And this evil necromancer kept the souls of ponies in jars!"
>>82618He nods. "These very same jars."
>>82619And falls right the fuck to sleep
>>82621Dark Star snores up a storm
>>82623And what dreams may come....
Dark Star sees a crib in a house with two beautiful foals in them.
The first, a light blue earth pony with all her father's edginess and mother's bitchiness. The second, a white, blue eyed colt with expressions of courage and adventure
>>82624Dark Star picks them up
>>82625The little colt gives a soft coo, and the little blue filly tries to resist being picked up
>>82626Dark Star tickles the filly and then pats the colt
>>82627She warms to this, and gives a soft childish giggle as she lets Dark Star pick her up. The colt is pat
"How many Communists and Zebras did you kill today, daddy?" asks the excited colt
>>82628"Hundreds son. they were trying to hurt the mares in town."
>>82629"How did you kill them?" asks edge filly.
"It's a good thing those mares have you around" says the white colt
>>82630He says to the filly
"Daddy shot them in the head."
He says to the colt
"i swore to protect all the ponies, and i will forever."
[1d20+5 = 12][1d20+5 = 12]>>82631Edge filly is impressed: "Nice aim, but you should watch them suffer first"
White colt wags his tail: "I'm so glad you are our daddy!"
An unknown female voice says "Then protect your own foals"
Roll two opposed grapple rolls
>>82624>a light blue earth pony with all her father's edginess and mother's bitchiness
>>82633With the might of the Earth Pony, Dark Star keeps both little Endless Skies and White Guard in his hooves. The window next to the crib is open. Standing in the room next to him is a great black female Changeling. Yellow hair, and Swiss cheese limbs. Two drones stand next to her and behind her
She addresses Dark Star directly
"Normally we would just take your foals from the crib and leave you none the wiser. It seems you came in at an inopportune time. No matter, we shall have your foals one way or another"
"you underestimate my special technique,you bucking cockroach"
Dark Star Snarls at the bitch and her goons and then runs to the closest door
yes that was a jojo reference
>>82637"Hahahah! You are foolish to think you can run from us
*blocks ur path*
With the swiftness of dragonflies the two drones fly to in front of Dark Star just before the door
Dark Star backs himself into a corner and puts his foals behind him then Draws his pistols
>>82639Little Endless Skies pulls out her own child's fork to defend herself with, while White Guard stands defensively. Both remain behind Dark Star
The Changeling with the long, golden swiss cheese mane stands in front of Dark Star. To either side are her drones
"Did you think we would let you keep your foals to yourself forever? Time to hand over your future"
[2d20+7 = 32]>>82640Dark Star says to the Foals "Cover you ears"
he says to the changelings "Once you get to tartarus, tell you're hive mates Dark Star sent you,bitch."
Dark Star Shoots her
>>82611Sister Ash nods in acknowledgement, her spirits lifted somewhat.
".. I wasn't able to finish what I started though. I'll need to go back, if they're to be cleared.."
[3d6 = 11]>>82641One of the shots, she avoids swiftly to make hit her breast plate. Another hits her right through her chest
[1d20+5 = 20]>>82641Roll opposed grapple
>>82645She reaches in closely and grabs around Dark Star's face, pulling him closer in a twisted perversion of a lover's kiss. She has fangs the size of feathers, a bent muzzle, and a long, thin lizard like tounge. As she raps her porous legs around Dark Star, she moves in her lips for the kiss. Her crooked horn glows a malign green which envelops Dark Star's muzzle. As her lips touch his, he feels the happiness and joy slowly drain from his body
Dark Star shoots at her again
[3d6 = 13]>>82647One of his shots goes right into her chest, spraying a green goo. The other... Well, Dark Star finds he is a bit drained at the moment, and a shot that would have gone right into before the kiss, now is barely deflected by her green armor, a horrid steel plate that resembles her chitinous hide
Man, this changeling sure does get around in ponies' dreams.
>>82647She breaks away her lover's embrace from Dark Star as Endless Skies, the little blue filly, stabs her with her fork. She back away as a new voice enters the room.
Through the door of the room, enters a tanish earth pony stallion with a business coat on - blue and white striped shirt with a red tie and blue coat. His mane is strawberry and curly. He resembles a politician Dark Star recalls from his foalhood. He speaks
"What are you doing here Dark Star? Defending such outdated concepts as 'family'? Time to move on"
>>82649No kidding. I am scared to go to sleep now.
>>82650"Communist Scum! All of you are going to pay! im going to feed all of you to the Diamond Dogs!"
>>82651I wonder if this is a byproduct of the changelings having captured Luna. Maybe they figured out a way to dreamwalk by studying her.
>>82653If it wasn't that before, the GM has an idea now.
>>82652"Hahaha! Who do you think voted for me but the Diamond Dogs?
Now what is this? Firearms? Tisk tisk. Can't let a free pony going around with
those, can we?"
He uses his unicorn magic to try to take Dark Star's guns
"Dark Star, why do you resist the customs and traditions of our guests? Though they may seem strange to the superstitious and Xenophobic, they serve a valuable purpose"
He looks directly at Dark Star
"Love for a foal. Love for country. These are all love for particulars love for somecreature above some other creature. To favor one over another. In the Brotherhood of Creatures,
all are loved equally. Every Stallion, Mare, Bird, Dog, Drone... you get the idea I hope. Dark Star, you
must allow your foals to be raised by another. And you in kind, must raise somecreature else's hatchlings. Tis' the greatest way to break down that greatest monolith of Parochialism and Inequallity, the Family. Don't stand in the way of Progress, Dark Star"
[2d20+7 = 12]>>82655Dark Star trys to shoot him
>>82656>A 2 and a 3Dark Star's vain attempts at defending himself provide the opportunity the drones need to snatch the guns from Dark Star. He is left without firearms
"First your guns Dark Star. Then your foals" Says the pony
[1d20 = 7]>>82657Dark Star bites the drone to his right
[1d20+1 = 7]>>82658The drone snarls and hisses at Dark Star as Dark Star fails to land a bite. As this happens to be the side with Endless Skies, the edgy earth pony filly, she lunges at the distracted drone with her fork
"Die you fucking insect!"
[1d20+3 = 6]
[1d20+3 = 19]
The Drone grabs Endless Skies. The other Drone goes for White Guard
[1d20 = 4]>>82660Dark Star kicks the one going for white guard
[1d20+5 = 16]>>82658The little blue pony is grabbed, while the white pegasus kicks back and holds off. The Changeling leader goes in for a kiss on Dark Star
>>82661>>82661"If only you would fight as strongly for the cause of Right and Good, Dark Star" says the pony
>>82642"So..... How dangerous is it exactly?" He asks, having already heard in extensive detail exactly how dangerous it is
[1d20+1 = 12]
Endless Skies tries to stab her captor
>>82663>>82662Dark Star Screams "Blue help!"
And them he pulls out his 3rd pistol and shoots the bug holding the colt
[3d6 = 9]>>82667"Nonsense! We had taken all of your guns! How can there still be gun violence!"
Well, it sure as hell hits
>>82668"its almost like taking the guns did nothing at all huh?"
>>82669Green goo oozes out of the hissing but still standing drone as it still holds little Endless Skies, as she tries in vain to fight off the drone
The Changeling leader, nevertheless, goes in for the kiss
[1d20 = 9]>>82665>>82670opposed grapple
>>82671Not quite good enough
>>82662He can feel himself going cold
>>82666Dark Star wakes up. Or he seems to at least. The surroundings are different, now the room he fell asleep in. Their is an intruder in the room
>>82674He sees none other than Blue Skies next to the bed. She must have entered without knocking, as she is right next to him
"Dark Star? The bar tender told me you would be here"
>>82675"yea i was taking a rest. i had a strange dream."
>>82676She smiles at him
"Oh Dark Star, you must have been really roughed up after that colt kicked your ass earlier"
She pets his mane
>>82677"it was a fair fight. my pride did get a little hurt though."
>>82678She rolls her eyes, and sighs
"I hoped you learned your lesson"
>>82679"i need to start lifting weights?"
>>82680"Never fight fair, and never enter a fight if you don't have to"
>>82681"i get to do community service next week. thats gonna be great."
I wonder if Ash's or Iron's player is here right now, or if I'm okay with just sending Silver back to the tavern to wait for the rest of the group.
>>82683Sorry, I passed out. I backread a bit but can't find anything else of our side of the story besides the colt's excitement and terror.
>>82682"Oh please, you don't owe anything to mister 'takes a healing potion first, then takes attacks of opportunity he didn't in the previous fight'"
>>82684It's alright.Seeing that Ash is capable of taking care of Slow Burn at the moment, Silver trots up to Iron. "You were excellent hoof-to-hoof opponent."
>>82685"i did agree to it though..."
>>82687"How well did that work out for you? I agreed to 'uphold and protect the laws of Nimbusia' and it didn't work out any better for me"
>>82686Iron has mixed feelings, little bit of pride and shame. "While you were pretty tough, you lacked the means to attack properly with your hooves. It was not really a fair fight to show my combat prowess." He scratches his forehead, remembering Silver's last hit. "You still pack a punch though." He chuckles.
>>82689>>82691"Dark Star, fighting is not an end in itself. I tell you, there is no honor in having your eye penetrated through with a broken lance so that you can no longer even recognize your own sister. Have you seen Sea Breeze? He was in combat, ow he can't even walk without magic from his flickering and broken horn. When you understand this, you will understand that fighting is only fit to be a means to an end. And when you understand
that you understand why your opponents will
not fight with honor. Because they knew they'd never find it at the wrong end of a lance, hoof, or artillery gun"
>>82692"Yes, I know. I am not very good with hoof-to-hoof combat. I left many openings you did not take advantage of." He chuckles. "Perhaps one day you will have to teach me how to attack properly with my hooves."
>>82693Can players even teach their own feats to others?>>82694Iron thinks. "It is a nice proposition. I never had another spar partner for a while, and with your tough body, you could be able to withstand anyother pony's attacks while you dish out your own damage." He strokes his chin a bit. "I think I can teach it but if my brother should be able to do that better than me."
>>82693"still i would like to keep my honor though."
>>82696"So far as I am concerned, the agreement was void when he changed the combat from his previous set of rules"
>>82695"It sounds like nice idea. Even at my age, learning new techniques is good idea. Who knows, could be useful one day."
>>82698"Do you want a drink? i think i want another one."
>>82695No, feats are not teachable, but are gained every three levels. Everyone will get one feat on the next level up, except those taking a sixth fighter level, who will get two
>>82700"That would do well"
>>82702Dark star puts his arm around her neck and walks over to the bar with her
>>82701Thank you for the clarification.>>82699Iron chuckles. "You could do some damage with that sword you have on your back though. While I like your eagerness to learn, the only thing I can do to teach you is to fight me over and over. Maybe next time we spar, you could use your sword and I use my hooves. What do you think?"
>>82703She smiles at this, and tries to kiss him before they leave the room
>>82705dark Star kisses her
>>82704Silver lets out a laugh. "As long as we do not actually try to kill one another."
>>82707"You can use a practice wooden sword, I think. I do not know where you can find that, though."
>>82706She coos as her tongue invades him
Although if he woke up during a dream, I would think he would not yet be in a condition to walk into public
>>82708"Ah, that makes more sense. Perhaps there are stores out there that sell them. I mean, there are stores that sell significantly more lethal weapons than wooden practice swords."
>>82709could i roll?Dark Star pats her head
>>82710Iron thinks some more. "Well, fighting is illegal in general. I am unsure if they would sell those kinds of wooden weapons if nobody can spar with eachother." He remembers that colt who he thinks he was a deacon, beacon or whatever. "What is up with his excitement?"
>>82711What I meant was that he should have an erection from natural stimulation during REM sleep, but we can just ignore it and go to the next scene*Pegasus cooing*
>>82712"He is young. It is to be expected. I will say, he certainly is more excitable than those of his age were in Severyana, especially for those in religious institutions. Perhaps that is just normal in this area for Equestrians."
>>82714Sundew buts in
"No, he's more sanguine than most"
>>82714Iron inspects the area. "So did we concluded with the whole 'soul jar' business? I was not paying attention."
>>82713Ah that would make sense"Mr.Glass another one of those vodka milk drinks for me and a maretini."
>>82715Damn phoneposting, doesn't let me see new replies."Is that a good thing for you?"
>>82715"It could be just how he was born. He seems like good colt, though. I would not give him too much issue for it."
>>82716"Yes. I was getting ready to head back to tavern, wait for rest of group there. Are you coming, or will you stay with Ash until this business is concluded?"
>>82718"He's energetic alright"
>>82717"Coming right up!"
Blue Skies now addresses Dark Star
"After getting back to headquarters, getting yelled at about missing an appointment... and after a very long conversation about the books we handed over... I looked into this Comte guy"
>>82719Iron shakes his head. "I am her bodyguard. I must stay by her side. You can go ahead. Ash and I will catch up later." Iron smiles.
>>82720"How have you coped with him? You make him sound like a huge weight on your back." Iron scratches his side.
>>82721Silver nods, and turns for the exit. "I will see you later, then." With that, Silver makes for the tavern to rest up and wait for the rest of the group.
Sorry, I passed out.
How long it take for the priest to finish his phonecall?
>>82722"Weight? Certainly not. He's friendly to others, and he's willing to learn and do things"
>>82720"oh really? what did you find out?"
>>82725"Sorry. You made him sound like a hassle to deal with." Iron shakes his head. "Who was that aged stallion, and who are you?"
>>82726"City Councilpony, very well involved in the political elite of the city with connections elsewhere in East Equestria, fairly involved in the Industrial elite as well. He lives in the gated community of Pleasant Gardens. There are many openings to go in, as he welcomes guests, has food catered, has gardeners, and has various other ponies coming in and out. He stays there most of the time, but if you want to investigate his house when he isn't there, there should be a meeting he should attend at something like 7 PM"
>>82727"I am Sundew, a priestess in this Parish for the Celestial Church. He is Father Maren, an expert on more arcane matters assigned to this parish"
>>82728"I see." Iron nods. "It seems Ash is waiting for a 'cold', ''cald' of sorts" Iron is a bit tongue tied by the new word. "Any idea what it is about?"
>>82728"sorry you missed your meeting by the way. 7pm? that sounds like a plan. what time is it now?"
>>82729"She's waiting for a 'cold'? Come again?"
>>82731"A 'caul', 'card', you understand, right?" Iron does not know how to communicate what a call is.
>>82729>>82733It took me a while to figure it out what he meant.
Sister Ash shrugs in response
"I don't know what it means either, but it seems like he had some important business to attend to."
>>82734Iron nods. "I hope he does not take too long. We do not want to keep Silver and the others waiting at the tavern, now do we?"
>>82735What time did we agree to meet them?
>>82736As fast as possible, but no time was set.
>>82737I thought they were going to meet the next day. I guess they should wrap up the funeral stuff then.
>>82730No small amount of time passes before Father Maren returns to the room. When he does, he says the following:
"I called the Bishop in Canterlot, who directed me to directed me to an expert in Equestrian necromancers. He didn't know what I meant, nor did anyone in the department, so they searched through the archives. They found it. In 820, a farmer in Albion ran into his local church, saying that he had witnessed local fisherman doing... strange things in his barn involving blue jars. He said he seen spirits conjured and talked to. That was ignored for the fancifulness of the encounter, until a police search for a missing pony revealed what the farmer had said to be the truth a month later. They found a number of jars, with salts just like the ones you described, and eventually turned them over to the church. They were baffled just the same as we, until after a year they discovered that a particular prayer, combined with some iodine and industrial alcohol could break both the spiritual and physical bonds of the salts. And we may do the same here. Of course certain very powerful magic can do all the same, but that would take
far too long, and require help from as far away as Fillidephia"
>>82736I have no clue how you all want to budget your time
>>82738Didn't you have a meeting with a sister? Anyway it is only a recon mission, which Star, even with his current low health, can do as well as Spark and Skies, if she wants to, and I'm sure she wants to.>>82739Iron is surprised at the complexity of the soul-releasing process. "So are you going to keep the jars until you can free the souls, then?"
>>82739Idk, I thought the rest of the party was going to rest overnight to recover hp and spells, and maybe gather some info.
I guess we should have planned s bit better..
>>82739Sister Ash looks very relieved.
"Very well. Shall we start the reposition today then?"
>>82743"Then let us begin." She replies, tying back her raging mane with what few scraps of fabric remained on her body
>>82743>>82744Iron awaits the process, intent on looking at how it is done.
>>82744Father Maren Drops iodine and alcohol carefully into each jar in measured proportions, and hands over a sheet of prayers to Ash
>>82746Sister Ash reviews the sheets, carefully memorizing them.
>>82746Dark Star drinks his drink and orders another
>>82747They are in a language not known to her, but no matter, they may be memorized all the same
"Ready to begin?" Maren says, as he places down the last jar
>>82748"Another already? Alright, coming up"
[1d20 = 12]>>82749Iron looks around for any signs of trouble that could interfere with the reposition.
>>82749Do I roll for comprehension?
>>82748Roll fortitude for alcohol consumption.
>>82750None immediately present. The greatest danger seems to be the jars being tipped over. A chemical reaction seems to be taking place inside of the jars that should not be disturbed
>>82751She can, but that is not necessary
>>82753Iron is a bit nervous. He maintains a watchful gaze on the jars.
[1d20+6 = 24]>>82753I'm bored, so I'll roll anyway.
Rolling Knowledge (religion)
>>82756>Not even enough to shrug off honey mead
>>82757Nah, just passed out, again.
>>82759I wonder if Skies will hit the bartender for serving Star some heavy drinks
>>82756Definitely taking an effect on him
>>82755juding from cognates, repeating words, and the context, the prayer seems to be an urge to release spirits from "bondage." Something about a mimicry of corporeal bondage taking place"
He starts as the salts in the jars start to boil, and separate into white and blue liquid layers
>>82762No one can't overlook every possibility.Also, it's funny to think a knocked out bartender because he gave client a little too much to drink and her marefriend was pissed about it. It's like a comedy .
>>82761Sister Ash takes mental note of it.
>>82764Iron pokes Ash's rib. "Are you not going to read it aloud?"
>>82765Ash Iron moves closer, he'd notice that Sister Ash has been reading it aloud under her breath, as she tries to find the proper tone.
>>82749"you serve some great drinks mr.glass."
>>82761"i love you blue."
>>82766Iron now hears how focused she is. He returns to looking for signs of trouble around the reposition process.
>>82767"D'aww" She's flattered
"You're welcome" he says
>>82766Father Maren is most definitely reading it aloud
>>82769Oh, he's started already? She would have joined him then.
>>82770As the chanting begins, a more noticeable magic process takes place. White vapor comes up from the jars, then starts heading out in circular pattern as if directed by some unfelt and unnoticed airflow. A separate blue light emanates from the salts as well
[1d20+9 = 13]>>82771Very interesting.
Sister Ash is particularly intrigued by this convienient form of magick.
Rolling spellcraft (free action) to try to identify the emulated spell.
>>82771Iron is mesmerized by the magic flowing around, like he has never seen this kind of process before. Somehow, it reassures him that the souls will be put to rest.
>>82772Newp. And I can't try again for that spell until I gain another rank in spellcraft.
>>82769Dark Star Starts Talking about his dream
>>82772Ash can only say pic related to the spell
>>82773Well, it's kind of creepy, so he'd best have faith that the ponies here have good intentions
>>82775She looks back with some concern and mild alarm
"How did that make you feel?"
>>82776I'll get it next time...
Sister Ash prays with Maren for as long as the incantation takes.
Alright, I'm fairly certain that by now silver would have arrived at the Tavern.
>>82777The vapors form up into a sort of cloud that seems to steadily dissipate, as the blue light gives a definite glow, almost like a blue lit fire
>>82776Iron now feels a little creeped out but does not want to disrupt other ponies' business. If Ash trusts him, then he shall trust him too.
>>82779Sister Ash watches intently as she continues the incantation.
>>82779Silver steps through the door to the Eastside Tavern, massaging his jaw again to try to release some of the soreness left from his hooffight with Iron.
>>82776"Angry,Afraid,Hateful and Determined not to let them win."
>>82781The vapors continue to form, and Ash almost thinks she can hear more voices
>>82782Silver probably would have arrived earlier than Dark Star's return, although he would have seen Blue as she entered
[1d20+5 = 19]>>82784Listen check
>>82785Sounds like the whispering of lost souls alright
[1d20+3 = 16]>>82786Can she make out any words or feelings?
Rolling sense motive to try to understand their general attitude.
>>82784He speaks up to Glass on the way to his room. "If you see Spark, Star, or any of them, let them know that I am in my room. Gotta rest up little bit after today..."
>>82788Or that. That'll work
>>82787Confusion, elation, longing
>>82790She continues the prayer, watching them rise intently.
>>82789Silver takes the time to strip himself of his equipment, and lays on his bed, looking for a little rest before he gets called up to help with the foals.
>>82793Hmmm.... He should probably roll for efficacy
>>82791The bubbling and boiling finally reaches an intense point, almost as if material will be flung out of the jar
>>82783She pats him
"That's the spirit. But... how did seeing
the foals make you feel?"
[1d20 = 4]>>82794Here goes nothing.
>>82794>>82792Iron is unsure if he should stand in front of Ash if by any chance the jars explode. He slowly puts himself in front of Ash, shield acting as full cover for her and Iron just in case.
>>82796[spolier]Rest in pasta
>>82794*Preaching intensifies*
Sister Ash watches intently, observant of the effect.
>>82795"It made me Feel so much joy its hard to put into words."
[1d2 = 1]>>82798The tempest starts to calm after this point, as vapors start to dissipate
>>82796Oh dear. Let me see what that means
>>82800She looks just a little uneasy
>>82796Well, he falls asleep. So there's that
>>82801Iron cannot see this from behind the shield, but he does hear the boiling stop, so that calms him a lot.
>>82803>>82801Sister Ash is similarly calmed.
>>82802Dark Star Strokes her cheek
>>82805This soothes her somewhat
>>82804The vapors and the boiling degrade as time progresses
>>82806"I-is it over?" Iron asks aloud to no one in particular.
>>82806Sister Ash takes note of this effect.
How long has the process taken?
>>82808A few minutes
>>82807The jars slowly stop boiling, but Maren is still chanting
>>82809Judging by the chant is still going, he assumes that it keeps going. He reluctantly lowers his shield, now acting as low cover, now able to see the remainder of the process.
>>82809Sister Ash continues to chant with Maren, intent on seeing the reposition through to its completion.
>>82806Dark Star thinks in his head
"Is it because she doesnt like me?"
Silver has taken well that old saying of Comrade Glimmer: "You can't have a nightmare, if you never dream"
>>82810>>82811The chant keeps up until the very last jar is free of vapor. The cloud, continuously dissipating, is gone by now. Father Maren ceases
>>82812Poor Dark Star. She looks happy with him now though
>>82813Oh, I was supposed to come up with the dream. Didn't know that.
>>82813Sister Ash stops to catch her breath.
"That was rather.. interesting.. to say the least.." she says, flipping through the papers for any clue of what just happened, vaguely suspicious she that she may have allowed herself to activate a scroll.
>>82813So that's why there was a delayed response"Now it is over, right?" Iron asks aloud again, hoping the aged stallion did not just juke him out or something and start chanting again.
>>82815"Interesting is a mild way to put it. Good thing we did not try to do that ourselves or I would have freaked and broken the jars."
>>82814I was just expecting any response of any kind>>82816It felt like everyone died except Ash and Iron"Aye, they have been freed"
>>82815"And may it never need to be done again"
>>82817Iron lets out a breath of relief after being reassured by the stallion. He finally relaxes. "That was something."
>>82817That's actually kinda funny, because I was waiting for a response from you after you posted >>82802
>>82813Dark Star not wanting to think about that,orders another drink
>>82817As Sister Ash looks up from the notes, relieved by the convinience potency of the prayers, she can't help but be reminded of the fourth graders who managed to match her highest level of spellcasting the previous night.
"These.. texts.. they don't appear inherently magical, although they detailed the verbal and material components for an effect that emulated what seemed to be similar to a powerful abjuration effect.." she says, somewhat nervous at her lack of understanding
"In all my years of study, I've never heard of such a prayer or sultra that could be called upon for my magical powers by ponies without the proper spellcasting experience.. This incantation practice, what do you ponies call it in this region?"
>>82820"One more coming up" Says Glistening
"So... are you not doing anything until 7 PM?" Asks Blue Skies
>>82819Silver imagines himself with Storm Warning again. The way he sees it is not as he last saw her, but it's like a replay of an intimate moment. A time together in the past. He views it like an old movie, black and white with a brownish tone. But magical nevertheless
>>82821"The prayers we just performed were special prayers to the Spirit of Harmony itself. And I assure you, I am experienced with incantations to the Spirit"
>>82822"Not really,Did you have something in mind?"
>>82822"Very well.. Could prayers such as these be utilized by ponies without the capability to cast spells of their level?" She continues, intrigued
>>82823"I was just wondering if I should return to work"
>>82824"Of their level? I don't understand"
>>82825>>82824"I think she means if the ability to do this prayer you just made is possible to do herself and maybe other prayers that are possible with your deity."
>>82822Silver almost cries, looking at the scene before him. Them together, out in woods for a picnic, holding their hooves as they look into each other's eyes, leaning in for a kiss. He remembers it like it was just yesterday. She had just told him that she was pregnant with their first foal.
>>82825"What I mean is, could prayers such as these be used to emulate spells that would otherwise be out of reach for certain ponies?" She says
"You said that a normally only a caster from Fillydelphia would be able to cast such a spell, but we were able to create the same effect ourselves, albeit with a longer amount of time."
>>82825"Want to head back to the room?"
Dark Star Smiles mischievously
>>82828"Or that." Iron scratches his side.
>>82826"I do not believe this should be possible for somepony not in touch with the spirit of Harmony, no. It probably didn't work for her, but there wasn't much reason not to try"
>>82828"No, they would have done something different. A more direct, more magical approach. When you combine the chemical and the divine, it is easier. Like how removing dirt is easier with water"
>>82829And she smiles mischievously back
>>82828Tl;Dr: she's trying to figure out if there's some way non-casters can manage to reproduce the effects of divine spells through certain incantations.
As an individual who trained for years learning how to use divine magick, what she saw last night absolutely baffled her, so she want to know more about anything that might be similar.
>>82831Dark Star pays glimmering glass,then Stands up and leads her back to the room
>>82831"Ah, optional material components can alter or empower the effects of certain spells. The Arcanists in the circle carried several rare components with them for their casting, although I never really took up the practice because most of such materials are rather expensive.." she says
>>82831Iron is a bit uncomfortable. "Well, it is important to know still." More scratching of his side. "I guess." Magic is strange.
>>82834"So are you able to replicate some spells through simple ingridients instead of wishing for them?" Iron is really trying to understand here.
>>82834He raises an eyebrow at her
It's not the same spell. That's why I spent an hour on the phone as an Archivist went through old archives rather than call in a Bishop from Fillydephia"
>>82833The pretty pegasus pony follows
She is... not terribly impressed with the room
"Well, it has walls and a bed"
>>82836"well,you know its... cozy."
>>82837"I guess that is so"
She closes the door
"What did you have in mind for the afternoon?"
>>82837>>82836>>82838OH YEAH, THIS IS THE SHIT. KILL ME, NOW!>>82836"Oh, nevermind then." Iron is stumped with all this magic talk.
>>82839What's wrong? You don't enjoy reading about two ponies in love?
Okay, I have no idea what's up, but I'll have her stop asking questions
Sister Ash is visibly confused, but decides that what she witnessed was not at all similar to the drastic effect she witnessed last night.
".. I thank you for your excellent assistance in this matter." She says, with a bow of her head
>>82841>>82840I am finding this more awkward than other sex scenes so far. Sorry for the outburst.
>>82842"No need to thank me. It is what I must do"
>>82842>>82844Iron just goes along with it, not wanting to scramble his head anymore than he needs to. He is ready to follow.
Okay, I'm going to go to sleep now.
Goodnight Anons
>>82846I'll go with the flow since I have no idea where Ash will go next, so night everyone.
>>82843More awkward than them doing it outside while watching the party fight? Kek.
>>82838Dark Star picks her up and sits her on the edge of the bed
>>82846Good Night
>>82849At least that was a smooth sail, unlike this. I can feel the complaints about the room coming up during the scene. 'Ugh, the bed is made out of boulders or something?' and the like.
>>82850And now, she gives him a strange look
"Dark Star, is something up?"
>>82852Dark Star kisses her
>>82851Oh well. Not all the encounters can be top tier material. Sorry it isn't to your liking.
[1d20+9 = 22]>>82853She pushes back for just a moment.
Sense motive
>>82854Let us see what happens, then I'll judge the scene. It's just assumptions that I'm thinking right now from the room comment alone.
>>82853Remember to pierce the condom, if she makes you put one on.
actually going to bed nao
So, just thought of a question: which member of the party do you guys consider to be the party leader, if anyone's the leader? I'm thinking Spark's the closest to being leader.
>>82858Eh, Dark Star sounds more like the charming leader rather than Spark, but I wouldn't know. It's not clear cut yet. Ash is Iron's focus at the moment though.
>>82859So you're the danger. The one who knocks.
>>82855Dark Star is buzzed and wants some fuck
>>82862Dark Star hears the word no Stallion
ever wants their mare to tell them. Ever.
"Dark Star, why don't you open up to me about your feelings? Something is off"
>>82856Looks like you won't have to worry about a sex scene after all.
>>82864Doesn't matter. Still awkward.
[1d20+7 = 10]>>82863"i feel fine."
[1d20+7 = 10]>>82866Opposed
>>82866>>82867What are the dice trying to tell us?
>>82867>>82866>wormhole opens, revealing another Skies and Star appearing in front of the original duo.
>>82871I'm'a say Skies wins this one, just 'cause
"Star, what is going on?"
>>82873"But I know you are uneasy about me"
>>82874"its just, i see the way you look when i mention foals. Do you not like me?"
>>82875"What? No. I mean, I do. I do like you. It's just that we've known each other for 3 days, and I wasn't expecting to settle down in a family"
>>82876"i guess.when you put it like that it does sound a little Weird."
>>82877She chuckles
"You needed a 'first love,' didn't you?"
>>82878Dark Star looks embarrassed
>>82865 I'm still not understanding why you are even complaining for.
>>82879She smiles at him
"You silly Earth Pony. I am a few years older than you. That's alright."
>>82880Let's just say it's a empathetic response and leave it at that.
>>82881"you are actually my first marefriend."
>>82883"Hehe. So. What makes
me the one you want to stay with besides being willing to sleep with you?"
>>82884"Theres too many things to list. but your smile is beautiful. and the way you Kill Communists. are only a couple of things i love about you."
>>82885In her eyes that range from the blue of the sky to the rich jungles underneath, he can see a special hatred make its way up to the surface
"Oh I have
many ways of killing social reformers and Communists. I haven't been able to use it very often, but I cherish every ounce of pain I can give back to them. It's a passion, shall I say"
>>82886"you are so cool."
>>82887*pegasus cooing*
she nuzzles him
"I will say that you've been an astonishing success thus far, either through direct action or your team. Killing two special forces advisers and more than a dozen communists besides destroying 1500 rifles. And those books found... Do you know what we could do with those? Interrogation of even the dead. Re-purposing life unworthy of life as attack ghouls. The Duke could live a thousand years and truly replace Celestia." Her eyes are bright "But all of that is speculation, we can't know for a very long while. What I mean is, nice job"
>>82888Dark Star looks very happy
"well, i couldnt have done any of that without you."
When She mentions what they could do with the books Dark Stars visage turns serious
"Thats all well and good,but some of that stuff could be really dangerous. especially the old ones."
it was the "old ones" that were mentioned in that book right?
>>82889Within the text of the book they were referred to as "outer ones" in reference to their origin on planes beyond the terrestrial in a more or less Greek-styled heliocentric model of the universeShe rolls her eyes
"Pfft, they are already dealing with things that are very dangerous. I can't say I fully trust those boneheads, but it's in their hooves now"
>>82890"i know but the Outer ones could wipe all of us out in the blink of an eye."
>>82891"Outer Ones? Come again?"
>>82892"oh right, that book i was reading earlier today. it recounted a story About a group of unicorns to the north that Found the existence of beings from beyond the moon."
>>82893"Typical unicorns. Bothering with things to far away too have any meaning while expecting everypony else to farm or fight for them"
>>82894Dark Star laughs
"yea those eggheads cant even resist reading while they make us earth ponies farm."
>>82894Somehow, Blue feels that there's a specific unicorn fighter she knows who would probably either laugh at or object to that statement.
>>82895She laughs lightly
"Did you say you grew up on a farm?"
>>82896"Integration? In my Pegasi brigades? Not likely
>>82897"yea, its just outside the city." Dark Star gets a sad expression on his face. "larry had it seized. i think a "family" of ziggers live on it now."
>>82899"Aww. Fucking socialists, I've seen collectivization. You'll get it back. You'll get it back..."
>>82900"i hope theres something left to get back."
>>82901She just looks at him with sadness in her turquoise eyes
"But at least you can go back"
>>82902Dark Star hugs her tightly
>>82902Did Silver get captured by changelings?
>>82903She feels soft, and she rubs her head against his neck
*pegasus cooing*
>>82904Roll a d20
[1d20 = 14]>>82905So that's a yes.
>>82905"first the changelings then nimbusia."
>>82907"I guess... I guess I may as well make my life here"
>>82908I mean, there's nothing either I or Silver can do if he is. It kinda sucks if he is, because I don't see a way for Silver to escape alive, so I might as well put in a big F for Silver.
>>82909F. He was a good horse
"Even if he was a Celestia worshiping bonehead"
>>82910I'll get to work on a new character sheet. In the mornin'. Either way, I'm tired, so I'm gonna sleep. Goodnight.
>>82908Dark Stars eyes are shining with an intensity that blue hasnt seen before
"Blue. i promise you, before i leave this planet i will retake Nimbusia."
>>82911I'm pretty sure it's an average dream of sorts, or a nightmare by your character's standards.
I wonder how love feeding works.
I'll prod the thread for any activity. Anyone have any guesses on the consequences of giving love to changelings?
>>82915Idk, love isn't really a zero-sum game normally: I don't really see how giving love to someone else could be detrimental in the show, but this world is also obviously much more scary than FiM, since it's d&d with gunz.
Idk how Changelings would work though, aside from fan-canons. They clearly have the a Sustenance ability in which they don't need to eat. It's possible that they might be able to recover hit points by feeding.
There's also the option of giving them abilities similar to vampire's or Succubuses: Energy drain:
>Succubus powers, because they're so similar; changeling is a G-rated succubus
Energy Drain is a really bad news, and it's much more deadly and sinister than the powers of the G-rated changelings in the show.
Another thing to note about Changeling love-feeding is that only Chrysalis expressed the power to grow stronger by recieving love, like when she seduced Shining Armor. No other Changeling has expressed that sort of ability boost. Changeling queens must have some kind of ability or technique in that they're able to siphon love and convert it into power for spellcasting. Perhaps you could relate it to how a Devourer's spell-like abilities are augmented while it's trapping a soul, only the queen instead applies automatic metamagick to the spells she can cast (as if she possessed several metamagick rods). I think other Changelings may restore hit points from love-feeding
>>82916Of course, I'm not the one making the rules here. GM will decide how he wants to fluff them in the game.
I'm just meta-shitposting and theorizing out of boredom. Hope we can play today.
>>82917I'm pretty sure we will. How long we'll play may be the issue here.
>>82916Sheesh. I hope changelings are not like that. The prospect of dying from just kissing a changeling itself is pretty daunting, since Iron doesn't know that and will try to get into a relationship with a changeling if given the chance. But there is hope since the GM did not place any debuffs to Iron when kissing the dream changeling queen, like suddenly getting weak and falling to the ground or something, but the dream did end when a changeling kissed Star on his dream. OOC I'm spooked.
Well, I'm fairly certain Silver is ded. Or in a position where he'd rather be ded than where he is currently, so thoughts for my next character if I make a new one: I'm thinking Cleric since we don't have a dedicated healer.
>>82920You aren't dead. Do you hate your character? I actually liked him.
>>82920Wait, I'm confused, what happened to him?
>>82921No, I liked him, I just don't see any way he's going to make it out of where he is now.>>82922I'm about 90% sure he got captured by changelings in his sleep.
>>82923I thought it was that he got captured by changelings in the dream. I'll read over it again.
>>82920Oh, stop being so dramatic. Changelings don't just kill off ponies for the sake of it. At worst case scenario, you will wake up being transported somewhere, all tied up or something. At best, it's just dreams of bad things again, maybe your wife turns into one mid-dream. There's no way he'd die just because you rolled a joke.
>>82922He said jokingly 'Hey, was I captured by changelings or something?', which in reply the GM said 'Roll a d20'. He rolled 14, GM goes 'Hmm' and then in spoilers said RIP in pasta when Silver goes sucidial mode again.
>>82921I like him too.
Also, he has great stats; don't give that up. The rest of us rolled below-average stats (I wish I could have just used point-buy). His stats are good enough to give him the freedom to multiclass as a Fighter/War-Cleric too.>>82923Don't go killing him off now. I doubt he would have been attacked when he was at only 5 hp and resting for the next encounter, because 'reasons'. Even if he were captured, Changelings have an incentive to keep him alive; even if that means another sidequest.
It's probably just a nightmare. Everypony has had bad dreams so far, which is probably a testament to Luna being imprisoned.
>>82925I mean, I'd love to be proven wrong, but I just get the feeling that he's going to be MIA permanently.To be fair, it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that I don't see a way he could get out of this. I do see a couple ways, but it requires either some super lucky dice rolls on Silver's part or for the rest of the party to drop everything to try to save him, if they ever find out that Silver's been captured.
>>82927Given that you live in the one place the party can agree to team up at, we will know you aren't there. That's if you really are gone at all.
>>82927Trust me. GM would never do such a thing without proper foreshadowing of it happening. Specially for a joke.
>>82916I really don’t understand where you are getting this idea that FiM Changelings are harmless
Whether or not love is a zero sum game, Changelings are definitely creatures that see it that way, which is kind of the whole point of race in the show. They are not simply given love, they
take it. When we see Shining Armor in a Canterlot Wedding, he is extremely tired and has severe headaches. He is unable to cast spells. Eventually, he is left unable to do much of anything. He stares forward with a thousand yard stare, he does not seem to notice his wife or sister talking to him, all while he is clearly awake. Of course, this seems to be caused by a mind control spell as well as the feeding, so we can’t say that this is purely the result of feeding, but I cannot see how he is better off than if he had been energy drained. He looks to me like he can neither think nor feel.
In the first comic to feature Changelings, we see them eat and basically destroy a civilization of loving kittens. I’m not sure how this could possibly be interpreted other than deadly. In a later comic, we see more feeding on ponies. They seem to be able to do it voyeuristicly, able to feed off of love that is expressed at something other than the Changeling itself. The feeding has a green energy go from the pony into the Changeling’s mouth, or maybe horn where applicable. It causes the host pony to collapse to the ground. We also see Chrysalis disguise herself as the fiancé of a Pegasus named Orion. When he expresses love towards her, he feeds on his love to the point that it “reduces him to a husk.” He is visibly weakened after this, appearing emaciated and physically aged. Rainbow dash said that he thereafter “flew so high that he became star light.” Both Twilight and Chrysalis say “that isn’t what happened to him,” but the latter says she likes Rainbow Dash’s telling of the story more than the historical fact.
We know from the show that feeding a Changeling can be a asymptomatic. Shining Armor and Cadance openly let a starving drone feed from the love that emanates from their child (this scene kind of bothers me. I can image exposing your neck to a vampire, but
offering your child just seems like a risk a parent would not take). The feeding itself is off screen and very loud, I think for comedic effects (a fan comic showing bone-crunching sounds felt appropriate), and does not harm the child in any way at all, not even dampening her mood. We learn after the fact that the experience was more filling for the Changeling than normal feeding, presumably because of the altruism of Cadance and Shining Armor. This implies that the more voluntarily love is expressed towards the Changeling, the more nutritive value it has.
>>82920Now who would have thought taking a nap could be so dangerous?
>>82930I'm liking this exposition, GM. Very useful if anyone wants to go for a changeling character, but are you going to use show logic or resort to D&D look-a-likes?
Anyways, I think I'm gonna play some vidya. Y'all can go ahead and play, as I likely won't get a chance to play today.
>>82933Won't get a chance because you are busy? Because I am dying to see you get out of this. Because I know you will. Please don't leave because you think it is hopeless.
>>82934Well, I mean there's not much Silver can do while captured. I'm just looking for something to do to alleviate my boredom.
>>82933Now what are you talking about?
Of course you'll get a chance to play today
>>82933I agree with
>>82934If I didn't leave when Iron was pretended to be raped, you won't leave for such a small thing like being captured by some changelings, which I reiterate was caused by a joking remark on your part, and not even a snide or hurtful one at that.
>>82935IF you are really captured, there is a lot of lore you could learn, potential plans the changelings have, and a way to escape. Because the GM isn't going to lock you away and refuse to let you play.
>>82930If it's as it was portrayed in the comics, it could just as easily be fluffed as energy-drain then. I condidered mentioning those comics too, but my post was getting long.
Pretty scary though, that's gotta raise their CR quite a bit.
Also, Flurry Heart is a demigod by any other name: she's immune to Energy Drain.>>82932If Changelings have anything close to energy-drain, they would have to have a level adjustment of like 4 to 6 points. They already have telekinesis, flight, and disguising abilities. The level adjustment from all of those would make it difficult for them to advance as normal PCs, and most NPCs would be of really low level because they'd count as level 5 or 6 characters at level 1.
>>82930Also, is that comic worth reading? I haven't actually read very many of the comics. I've only seen some pieces of them.
>>82939B-but muh changeling character I made.
>>82935Goddamn it, no one except for you has said that Silver is captured. Like how is that even possible? How do you meaningfully capture someone in a dream? Stop making things up, you are not GM
>>82939I'm not giving regular characters or NPCs freaking Succubus kiss. Changeling feeding would be limited to quasi-voluntary interactions to nerf the power>>82940I don't know. I've never read it
>>82942Oh thank god. Good thing you're here to save the day, GM.
Welp, I'll take a smol nap. Iron will follow Ash anywhere she goes while I'm unresponsive.
>>82930>Of course, this seems to be caused by a mind control spell as well as the feeding, so we can’t say that this is purely the result of feeding, but I cannot see how he is better off than if he had been energy drained. He looks to me like he can neither think nor feel.Imo, when I saw him in the show, I thought it was thematically meant to be the symptoms of his subconscious constantly struggling to resist being married off to the Queen of Bitches instead of his true love. It's clear that Chrysalis was taking something from him though, in one way or another.
As for being unable to cast spells, that's a symptom of Nausea. Arcane casters also need 8 hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep to recover spells for the day too, and he was definitely not sleeping well. A creature with negative levels would have still been able to cast spells of its lowest level.
>>82912Dark Star may be kill, but i'll have her respond neverthelessShe seems to almost resist this
"Dark Star... It's not that simple. I left because of personal reasons, before the Reformists took over"
>>82944I'll be free for the next hour, although I'm unsure what the party is trying to do next; I had figured we were going to meet at the tavern early next morning to plan, but idk.
Silver and Dark Star are asleep. They'll probably be out until the next morning. I guess I outta have Sister Ash go back and take care of the abbey, maybe try to find some information concerning what those foals look like, so that she can recognize them if she finds them.
Sister Ash cannot recover any of her spells until she prays at sunrise, which is her designated time of preparation; I could change the time, but that would mean losing a whole day of spells. Idk how many spells Spark has left either, but it might be wiser to avoid combat until tomorrow for now.
>>82947Sister Ash decides she still has some time to squeeze-in a few more hours of community service today, so she returns to the orphanage.
>>82948Some blocks further to the west of the Cathedral, it is so
Assuming that takes about 15 minutes, she goes there directly. Iron said he'd follow, so I guess he does.
*knocks on door*
>>82950A sister answers
"Oh, Ash. Welcome back"
>>82951Sister Ash bows apologetically
"I beg your pardon for disappearing unnannounced." She says
".. I've also manafed to lose my clothes.."
>>82952She raises an eyebrow
"I shall not ask how a young mare such as yourself managed to do
>>82953She raises a hoof, sheathed in blue flame
"There was a fire..." she says, a bit nervous
Sister Ash spends the next few minutes explaining how she was called to clear the cellar of u dead, and the time she spent at the Cathedral reposing the jars.
Also, Sister Ash is an adult. Druids start at complex age, which means she's at least 18.
>>82954>>82953Nice AND legalCan't seem to have naps these past few weeksIron chuckles. "What a fire it was. Thankfully, no one got hurt."
>>82954These are nuns circa 1940 we are talking about. Not libertarians who think that anything two+ consenting adults/animals do is acceptable. Not sexual positivist social liberals. Prudish as hell celibate nuns from yesteryear who think that sex out of wedlock is immoral. They don't care if she is 'of legal age,' they care that she is not married. If you want NPCs who won't judge you for extra-marital sex with random guys, join the Social Democrats. Conservative factions have conservative values on sex and liberal factions have liberal values on sex. Shocking I knowThis leaves her... stunned, to say the least
"Undead. Right. All in a day's work"
>>82956I wasn't referring to legality or anything, I was meaning to say that "young mare" would not be appropriate, because in all likelihood Sister Ash should have been the same age as any of the other nuns. 18 is minumum age for Druids; I haven't rolled her starting age yet because I wasn't sure how to calculate her aging model.
>>82957>inb4 rolls 50-60 years old
>>82957I just assumed she was like 24ish or something. Less than 30. Not really a fair assumption in retrospect, but it is how I envisioned the character
>>82958I really would rather not reach middle age until level 12: when I get Timeless Body. Her stats are already below average as is.
>>82959She's not supposed to be that old at all. Just saying that she's at an adult age. Definitely less than 30; 24ish works.
>>82960But on that note, she's probably beyond Simple Age, so she can't multiclass into Sorcerer even if I wanted her to.
>>82960Good to know.>>82961So that's why starting age is important, then
>>82946"They will be disposed, trust me."
>>82935you arent captured dude.
>>82963She looks down on the ground, sad
>>82962Different classes start at different ages depending on how much training it takes to enter the class, and it plays into a character's backstory. Barbarians, Rogues and Sorcerers level up by honing their innate talents that they had as children. Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, and Bards picked up their abilities through martial (or musical) training and combat experience; the Bard in particular gaining Bardic Knowledge by traveling to many places and meeting many people. Wizards, Clerics and Monks gain their powers through years of study and training in their designated fields, devoting their lives to their profession. The age category may limit what ways you can multiclass. This is one of the many reasons why hoo-mans are the most flexible at multiclassing, since their lifespans are relatively short and their age categories are close together, so they have a greater degree of multiclassing freedom.
As you pass through Age categories, your physical vital abilities deteriorate, although your mental stats increase in the slightest bit (not by much though). Once you reach old age, the GM secretly rolls your maximum lifespan, and once you reach that age you die. If you die from old age, you cannot be brought back
to life byy any mortal means.
Monks and Druids are two Complex-age classes that still remain heavily dependant on their physical statistics as they level up; luckily for them, they have class features that reduce the penalties from aging.
>>82964Dark Star hugs her tighter
>>82966She is reassured by this
>>82965I see.Iron leans near Ash and whispers to her. "What are we doing back here again? Any unfinished business here?"
>>82967"you dont have to thank me."
>>82969"I haven't really had a home or a family for a while now..."
I'm too hungry to continue stm. Give me a minute to eat.
>>82970"its been the same for me. i feel like a stranger when i go into baltimare."
>>82972"Because of the change?"
>>82974"Because of all the faces i pass on the street. most of them arent ponies. almost everyone i knew before the war is... Gone. i was thinking about...ending it before i applied at the hotel."
>>82975*concerned cooing*
"Is it that bad for you? You feel you've lost your home?"
>>82976"not just my home, everything my family has ever worked for was seized. and theyre gone too. its very hard at times to keep going." Dark Stars expression changes from sadness to melancholic "we have eachother now, and that makes me happy."
>>82942Okay then, let me ask a second time: Has Silver been captured by changelings?
>>82978No. It was all a dream, dummy. GM confirmed it.
>>82979I know it's a dream. I'm asking if it's a dream induced by being captured and stuck into a changeling pod?
>>82980No. you are probably still in the hotel room.
>>82980It's like you want Silver dead or something. Jeez. You are asleep in that tavern room still, maybe having dreams of changelings kidnapping you and maybe your wife or something.
>>82977She looks sad, but looks up at him with more warmth. She smiles again, with that smile that is something of her signature. A smile that says “I have something evil planned.”
“Then it sounds like we are united in purpose. Pay unto the ‘reformers’ and ‘progressives’ every ounce of pain they have delivered unto us. With interest. In the meantime, try to make a little home of our own in the Autonomous Zone.“
>>82980Jesus Christ, like how would that even be possible?
>>82984he thinks it was because of the roll>>82984Dark Star Smiles happily
"I Couldnt have put it better myself. When's the next election?"
>>82984I don't know, I rolled a 4, then you described him viewing a good memory from the third person in weird black and white with sepia tone, and then I never heard anything back after I replied. I figured he feel asleep, some changelings that were tailing him for something or other captured him, took him somewhere for feeding, and stuck him in a changeling pod to siphon off the love he feels from memories of him and Storm Warning together. It didn't help that after I asked the first time you made me roll. I figured if he wasn't you wouldn't have had me do so.
>>82986But that is the point. The dream is supposed to be an uncomfortable one. Painful memories were probably going to happen when you rolled the second time. GM probably didn't get around to continuing the dream though.
>>82985“Less than a year, assuming there isn’t a forced election before then, and assuming it still pleases the Duke to allow elections”
>>82986Alright, so let me see if I am understanding this correctly. You believe that Changelings have been watching and take a special interest in this old guy, and they followed him to a bar in the middle of a city. They then decided to move on when he was taking an afternoon nap, invade his room, knock him unconscious, drag him out of the room, drag him outside of the tavern - all in broad daylight - and then transport this unconscious pony all the way to where ever they apparently have long term storage. They do all of this when the closest Changeling controlled land is at least 400 miles away by air or land and 600 miles by sea, and the Changelings have 30 million pony and 10 million reindeer subjects they could eat instead. They decide to Shanghai a guy that way rather than having a disguised Changeling ask younger stallions with more vitality to sign up for a ship’s crew, or send out a Changeling disguised as a mare who charms a young and not-68 year old stallion into coming back with her to a bar that is secretly owned by changelings, drugs him, and then asks him to come to a “back room.” Indeed, they choose to take silver
During the daytime when if they wanted him specifically they could wait until night, so they would have cover of darkness, and dragging an unconscious stallion through the streets would look like just helping a passed out drunk friend.
Am I understand you correctly?
>>82988Well, I don't have anything else to go by considering I didn't hear a peep from you after I replied. Yes, I get it, it sounds fucking ridiculous. But I have nothing else, because I'm not the GM and I have absolutely no idea what your plans were or what you were going to do.
>>82989First off, if you replied I must have either missed it in the stream of posts or put a pin in it thinking I would get back to it when whatever problem I had with my thought process was resolved, and then forgot about it. I did have something planned for Silver, but it would have been a set of images tailored to Silver’s particular concerns, interests, and fears, rather than a simple “YOU’RE FUCKING MINE NOW.” It would have had changelings as minor features in the background. It would not have focused on them, nor would Changeling involvement have been anywhere near as extensive or as intimate as it was with either Dark Star or Iron’s dream. They would not have been the centerpiece.
Let’s skip it, and say that Silver wakes up more or less refreshed
>>82990Sounds good enough for me.With a groan, Silver rolls out of bed. One of his eyes pops open as he checks what time it is.
>>82968>>82971>Said a minute.>Took two hoursSorry...
"Last thing I remember after I was sweeping the porch, I was being loaded into one of those infernal smog machines." Sister Ash replies
"I wanted to come back to show them I hadn't died, since I left without a word."
She once again ties back her mane into a bun.
"We won't be meeting the other until the evening. In the meantime, I would like to get some work done around here, and get s better description of the foals still missing." She continues
"I'm not even sure what exactly they look like; I think it would be helpful if I brought back a picture." she says.
>>82980Come on, m8.
I'm not saying you should assume your character will never die, but you've been acting like you expect the worst at every moment.
I think you can trust the GM to accurrately describe/foreshadow any given event that's has a high chance of killing/capturing/incapacitating your character: If he's actually fucked, it will be a lot more clear than this.
>>82993Of course I expect the worst at every moment. I'm not good at this like all of you guys are.
Anyways, it's all done and over with, so let's just move on.
>>82994You are in the same boat as me. Don't worry. Everything they said went right over my head when I first tried to play
and most still does but it will be fine. Any situation is not made so you lose it in on roll anyway. The GM wants you to have fun even in desperate situations.
>Dark Star when he agreed to box Iron
>>82992She hands over images of the foals, mostly colts, who include a red earth pony and a black unicorn
“These are photographs of the foals we took upon their arrival at the orphanage. They may varry from how they look now...”
>>82991Silver could invest in a watch or clock
>>83000 →>>82997Also, Blue responded in