One problem plaguing a lot of people these days, especially burgers like myself, is that many people eat out at restaurants too much instead of preparing home cooked meals. Eating out is frequently both more expensive and less healthy for you than a home cooked meal. Furthermore, many people live with a limited library of meals that they know how to prepare and don't realize the culinary possibilities that are right in front of them.
The purpose of this thread is to try to break that habit of eating out and to make cooking at home become the norm in our lives. Please share meal ideas and how to prepare them here. All meals are welcome, although preferably we should post meals that are easy to prepare so that novice cooks will not be intimidated by the prospect of preparing them for themselves. Even simple sandwiches are fair game. Sometimes that may mean cutting corners with pre-made mixes instead of preparing everything from scratch.
Remember that the goal isn't necessarily to post the most inexpensive meals or the healthiest meals, although those meals are certainly very welcome. The goal is to encourage people to dust off their kitchen appliances and flex their atrophied cooking muscles. I realize that this opens the door to culinary nightmares like /tg/'s infamous meat-bread, but so be it. Let's get cooking!
454 replies and 260 files omitted.
Got about 20lbs of heirloom tomatoes for about $25. It pays to partner with ur local growers.
Took a few hours but cut, quarterrd, and cored, I got most of a tamale pot full.
Lets see how muh sauce game has developed
>>5748I should indicate the tomatoes were 'blemish' grade, requiring a paring knife and a couple hourse to prune he undesirable element.
But every recipe - metaphysical or not - requires some form of sacrifice; usually time/effort, but occasionally more
Blood for the blood God! Pic of boiling the matos
Day 2
So with about 20lbs of tomatoes, Im looking at about 4-5 quarts of sauce, and about a gallon of tomato juice/stock, both of which are freezable.
1 quart is sufficient for 5 adults (trust me), amounting to the majority cost of such meals (excepting chicken parm, which is whats up for tonight).
25 for the box
5 for 2 lbs san marzanos
3 for fresh basil and oregano
33 total - check em
So for 33 I have the sauce fpr 5 meals, at $6.6/each, and noodles are cheap.
Plan your meals, anon. Dont turn over a new leaf and do it all the time, but start.
Pick a day of the week, or mark dates on your calendar. Not only is it comparatively cheap/comparable to purchased sauce, in this case, but the quality is vastly superior in both flavor and nutrition.
Do it. And speaking of
Meanwhile, more smas burgers for me and mine.
Funny thing, providing for a household; you dont GET to maintain false ideas and perceptions, because that leads to coNsequence for others, and no dutiful HoH will abide THAT.
>>5806Yes, Head of Household. Its a responsibility; you'll figure it out (hopefully) when you get there.
>>5807I hope your family appreciates you and the work you put in, friend.
>>5808Thank you. I have confidence and confirmation that they do, but it was nice to hear from (you). Unironically, and all kidding aside.
Garlic Brisket Point, cooked Confit with about 30 cloves of garlic. Total cook time, ~18 hours.
Very much NOT southern bbq, it was entirely an experiment. Has a mild but distinct garic flavor. 7/10
For tonight's cook, Im reinventing the breakfast smash burger. And it's all thanks to Guga from Gugafoods/sousvideeverythingwho has effectively cracked the code behind dorito powder. Heres the measurements, pastad
* Doritos Dust Recipe *
1 cup Cheddar Cheese 1/4 cup White Cheddar 1/4 cup Buttermilk Powder 2 tbsp Nutritional Yeast 1 tsp MSG
2 tsp Fine Sea Salt
2 tbsp Romano Cheese 2 tsp Smoked Paprika
1 tbsp Onion Powder
Having made the mix I can say:
Yeah, thats pretty much it. Theres a delay to flavor because its a dry powder, but I have no doubt this is close enough to what it claims to be to pass, when hydrated/oiled and greased.
The plan:
Spicy mayo
Egg Patty (2 egg) cooked with a dash of ponzu soy sauce
Dorito Hash Brown
Smoked ham lunchmeat x3
Sausage smash patty
Country Gravy
Bun (ciabatta roll, both toasted)
>>5855Alright, so the 13-layer breakfast sandwich didnt work right, it still needs some quantity tweaking. But I learned alot, so tonight was the x layer breakfast sandwich.
It goes:
Toasted bun
Ghost pepper mayo
2x smoked ham slices
Doroto cheese dust
Shredded hashbrown patty
2-egg patty
American cheese
Sausage patty
>>5950 →Based doggo.
Having said, I made a roast yesterday, and some best sammiches today. Idk about the rest, but I made mine spicy. Holy fuck, there is no chance I can eat this in one sitting. Its not a question of hunger, its a question of spice and flavor. Like, one literally needs to take a break between bites. Its phenomenal. To all who are reading, I would feed you this sammich. Its unironically life-changing (minimally, but still).
>>5950 →Not the doggo I was intending to reference, but I'll leave it.
Gimme a minute to properly reference.
But srsly, this sandwich is the best. Its so many levels. Each bite requires a moment to process and decompress. Its literally too much. My lads, I am wont to make this sandwich for (you). Arguments and dispositions aside, please let me make this for you. Its... unreal.
Beef and old man cattle rancher.
>>6080Could swear I see a face in it
>>6110Whose great granddad on facebook did you get this from?
>>6114C'mon, don't be mean and eat healthy.
>>6110>If someone suggested bottling tap water they would have been a laughing stock.Well Achktually-
>Be Grand Pappy Anon>Younger Grand Pappy Anon>Not that young whippersnapper.>Be Anon>You got yourself a family and a place to live.>You need some dough because a family gots to eat, drink and everything else.>Having experienced life most people are fucking retards.>Just the average sucker doing dumb things who have to repeat classes at the school of hardknocks.>Lot of 'em have more money than they know what to do with.>They want somethin' opulent but affordable.>You got just the taste they want.>A bottle of imported (from the water company) mineral enriched (the water has stuff in it and that's good enough) right from spring of life (you need water to live) by tapping into the water aquafier (water company gets some of it from there) packaged for your impeccable taste. >Fill up bottles>Slap a thicc label on 'em>Tell the story>Have 'em give it a try>They can taste the refreshing qualities of this product.>They demand to buy it.>Have necessities on the table for the family.For you I'll show the secret recipe which garnered enough capital so you can enjoy at home.
Step one live somewhere where the water isn't complete shit.
Step two turn on the faucet
Step three enjoy, but remember fifties water was just built different back in the day.
>>6116That looks awesome. How do you build these? I have tins of beans stored. Not many yet.
>>6116>Step three enjoy, but remember fifties water was just built different back in the day.>waterYup, in the 50s no anticonceptives or cocaine in the water for sure. I don't know about flouride.
Paver style Sandwich with Pickled jalapenos fried egg, shredded cheddar cheese, mayo, and sriracha. Bread was soaked in melted clarified butter on both sides before assembling and frying so as to form a hard seal of the bread, as flat and smooth as a paving stone, hence he name "Paver"
>>6140>Pickled jalapenos fried egg, shredded cheddar cheese, mayo, and srirachaToo complicated and exotic. What about home fries instead?
Baking Chicken is a classic, it's generally straight foward different ways to expand the flavor profile and down right simple.
>If you have the time soak the meat the night before hand in buttermilk (lemon and milk if need be) it increases tenderness and moistness. Also you can season this marinade, but you'll still need to add flavor in the oven as well.
Recommended choice of meat.
Thighs are resistant to drying out and have a great flavor. With or without the skin and bones. Ehatever you have works.
Grab a baking tray place the meat on it.
Season as desired.
Bake at 350 until done. I think it's roughly an hour or forty five minutes or something. 40 to 50 minutes.
Also vegetables go great with enough space for them.
Seasonings to try.
Hot sauce, yes baking the chicken and hot sause keeps it tender and moist. Also flavorful.
Salt and pepper. A simple staple.
Lemon pepper.
Lemon on top.
Cheese of choice. Stuff with ham and cheese (cordon blue).
A mix of spices.
Whatever sauces you enjoy.
And more.
The left over fats can be used to pan fry things or added to soups for another meal later on. It has the chicken flavor along with what is put on it.
>>6143Nice recipe.
>The left over fats can be used to pan fry things or added to soups for another meal later on.Just so other anons who are less experienced know; never mix oils used for plants with those used for meats. You'll get sick.
>>6144What do you mean exactly?
>>6145I know that the oil used after frying onions is very acid, and will ruin the flavor of any food fried by it, so it must be disposed immediately. Other vegetables I don't know.
>>6145When I first learned to cook, I was told to never fry vegetables in oil that had previously been used for meats because it'll ruin the taste and possible give you dysentery.
It's fine to cook meats in oil previously used for veggies, though. At least that's how I was taught and I fry a lot of chicken and fish.
>>6147Who doesn't want bacon flavored broccoli?
You weirdo.
>>6148I want my broccoli to taste like broccoli, anon. If that's weird, then I'll put down my pony waifu daki for a day and try sharing my spicy chicken tendie recipes sometime.
>>6142Paver Sandwich
2 slices bread
3 tbs ghee (clarified Butter)
5 pickled jalapenos
1/2 cup shredded cheese
1/2 cup shredded onion
1 egg
2 tbs mayonaise
2 2bs sriracha
Start by melting the ghee in a saucepan at low heat, once liquid soak the bread in it on both sides until surface is slick.
then put the bread on a plate and begin assembling in this order: mayo mixed with sriracha, shredded cheese, onion, jalapenos. Then fry up the egg in the
ghee, by tilting the pan so the liquid runs into the lowest point, cracking the egg almost direstly into the pooled liquid ghee and then covering it with a
pot lid. cook for 45 seconds, then add the fried egg to the sandwich, top with the other slice of bread, and compact it with your hands. Then addi t to the
saucepan and fry it! While frying the sandwich, compress it with something HEAVY with a FLAT bottom like a big jar filled with food or water.... Anything
works as long as it is heavy and flat and clean. This speeds the cooking time and results in the Paver's trademark flat, smooth sealed in shell appearance.
When cheese is melted and the sandwich pressed nearly absolutely flat, it is ready to serve.
Picked up a rescue pupper a few days ago, and so begins a new chapter in culinary development:
Cooking healthy meals for doggos!
Yesterday's recipe, Velvet Steak.
For doggo safety, soy sauce was replaced with Bragg's liquid aminos, rice wine was swapped with Apple cider vinegar (also Bragg's), and I added about a teaspoon of tumeric, cinnamon, and powdered ginger, to the marinade (all rly good for doggos).
Additionally, I used cubed steaks instead of sirloin, for ease of dicing and chewing.
She fookin loved it.
Velvet Marinade:
2 large egg whites
2 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons
rice wine (sake) Apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon
soy sauce Liquid Aminos
It was a little bland (it was my dinner too) cuz doggos are more sensitive to excess spices, even beneficial ones. What I'll do next time is add the tumeric, cinammon, and ginger to some brown rice and leave the velvet marinade per the recipe.
Adding the beneficials to the compound butter may also be an option, since the recipe calls for a korean chili compounds butter (no no for doggo).
Sidenote: With both rescue puppers and kitties, male caregivers can use their chin stubble to simulate the licking sensation of a momma animal, which is incredibly soothing, calming, and aids in the animal bonding.
Thanksgiving supper. The only thing I didn't prepare myself is the croissant. The dessert is bread pudding with bourbon icing.>>6275Steak looks goodddd anon, yum
Fucked up making my cheese curds.
How do you fags make your cheese?
>Tainted industrial food
Nothing better than to make your own meal with natural stuff.
The food pyramid, to think about it.
I hate niggers. What is the best all in one multivitamin supplement for an exercising adult male in his late 20s?
>>6379>all in one multivitamin supplementNaaaaaaaaaah.
Not artificial kiked supplements, but the real thing.
Think about it, never has been a generation so sick and riddled with illnesses than the current one.