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Cook your food
93 102 330 852 2581 2924 2934 3284 3322 3584 4605 7012 8228
One problem plaguing a lot of people these days, especially burgers like myself, is that many people eat out at restaurants too much instead of preparing home cooked meals. Eating out is frequently both more expensive and less healthy for you than a home cooked meal. Furthermore, many people live with a limited library of meals that they know how to prepare and don't realize the culinary possibilities that are right in front of them.

The purpose of this thread is to try to break that habit of eating out and to make cooking at home become the norm in our lives. Please share meal ideas and how to prepare them here. All meals are welcome, although preferably we should post meals that are easy to prepare so that novice cooks will not be intimidated by the prospect of preparing them for themselves. Even simple sandwiches are fair game. Sometimes that may mean cutting corners with pre-made mixes instead of preparing everything from scratch.

Remember that the goal isn't necessarily to post the most inexpensive meals or the healthiest meals, although those meals are certainly very welcome. The goal is to encourage people to dust off their kitchen appliances and flex their atrophied cooking muscles. I realize that this opens the door to culinary nightmares like /tg/'s infamous meat-bread, but so be it. Let's get cooking!
454 replies and 256 files omitted.
Glad it worked out! I've heard of Patagonia, but never had the chance to try it.
I must warn you on two fronts though. 1. this recipe is like an STD,….
That statement has a bit of cruel irony, having just mustered the nerve to read some of the redpill screencaps in the Raid 4chan/gay thread :/
And 2. You may find yourself saying "Those aren't real beer brats" more than a few times.
Seriously though, I'm glad you liked it! ^_^

Alright! Today we’ll be making Garlic Herb Mushroom Chicken thighs! Recipe and description to,... oh fuck it, just read the next post

First off, this is a double-recipe, and even accounting for that there was only so much of the spice mix to go around. I recommend sprinkling it on the top of the the thighs and patting it against the meat. After, cook as directed. I went with 6 min/side because I like my chicken medium. Be sure to make sure the chicken doesn't stick to the pan, as even with sufficient oil it might. Once the chicken is finished, continue as usual, except feel free to use more butter than is called for. A double-recipe claim to serve 6, while in reality a double recipe serves 3 with about 30% of leftover.
When serving, be sure to drizzle from the pan and the chicken rest-plate
>>1869 (You)
Oregano was substituted for Rosemary (didn't have any) and it worked well. Its not a heavy flavor, but together it makes a nice herby mix. I give it a 6.5/10; relatively easy to make (the prep is the hard part).
Also, the reddish on the rice is shepherd's salt. See above for that, it goes great on anything that used to be alive (EXCEPT chili, I've recently come to find)
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Flour Power.mp4
>NatSoc cooking.
I prefer snickerdoodle swastikas.
2076 2079 2730
Jesus christ, am I the only aspiring chef in this thread? F
Today we're making basic (from scratch) Taco Seasoning.
This is the same sort of seasoning that you would use to make taco meat, but its from scratch, which by virtue makes it better... I hope. Here's the recipe
1 tablespoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
Let's see how it goes!
I'm out of cumin, so I'm substituting chinese allspice,... but otherwise it should be okay

How to cook Pulled Pork the redpilled way?
There's a redpilled way to cook pulled pork?
It worked okay
The burritos I was making were tasty
Tender, and moist Chicken 'Shawarma'
2091 2659 2730
'Shawarma' Chicken
Even without browning the meat it's really good. It reminds me of this Lebanese restaurant that used to be open. It's just as good. Next up will be the yogurt garlic side dip.

Sorry guys I'm not sure how much of all this we used. About three skinless chicken breasts cut into strips, or sliced, or whatever you want. In my option cutting it up makes it much more tender and flavorful.

2 teaspoons cumin

2 teaspoons paprika

1 teaspoon allspice

3/4 teaspoon turmeric

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1 pinch cayenne

salt to taste

black pepper (we used chinese white pepper, whatever you have works)

Lemon Juice
Red pepper flakes (Just a little bit)
Onion powder
Dried fried garlic (If you don't have it don't worry more garlic is your friend) (Can be found at your Asian market and should be shelf stable ish)
Fresh garlic
Clarified butter (Just melted butter in the microwave. Pause every once in a while so nothing burns (make sure it isn't really hot when you mix it in)) Put this in last, as in just before the meat. Should just fold in like nothing ever changed.
Seasoned salt (Lawry's)
Fresh tumeric
Jamaican Allspice
GREEK YOGURT (The only one we had as slightly expired unopened 10 days past) a slight sour taste can use fresh and a little sour cream... or a vinegar. FFS don't use sweetened yogurt. Maybe about two cups?

The fresh stuff should be minced (or finer) if possible, but no worries.

Longer you marinate the better the flavor gets into everything. We prepped it at 2:00 pm and ate at 6:35 pm ish. Just leave it on the counter if you'll be cooking it today.

Dump the yogurt into the oven safe dish (should be big enough to hold all your chicken, and sauce), mix all dry, and fresh ingredients.
TASTE it to see what is needs. It should taste and smell like shawarma without the meat.

Prepare the chicken (meat of your choice) and cut to your desired preference.
Place into the dish, and mix it in throughly. All the meat should be covered in the yogurt about equally.

Cover (OPTIONAL: Covering is not meeded stir it after the 30 minutes then whenever you feel like it) the chicken and bake in the marinade for 30 minutes, turning once. Uncover, and cook for an additional 5 to 10 minutes, or until chicken is browned and cooked through. Remove from the dish, and cut into slices.
(If you have already cut it up you can keep it in there longer up to another thirty minutes, as the liquid keeps everything moist and tender)
>The yogurt should have separated into a liquid and a solid everything is fine.)

Serve with rice, flatbread, or any kind of bread, or starch you want.

Brown in the pan for a more authentic shawarma as the last step. Also can do this to reheat as leftovers.

Butchered from these two recipes, and tasting it as we went. (For the yogurt just leave it alone in the oven until it's time to poke it)
The sites have advertisements ect.



Mediterranean Garlic dip
First get alot of fresh garlic and turn it into paste however you want.
Can use some powdered garlic.
Then add yogurt.
That's it.

I did it in reverse, and needed to use much more garlic. Powdered garlic is okay, but the real flavor here is the harsh uncooked garlic.

I recommend it with any Mediterranean dish.

(Side note on the yogurt. It shouldn't have a weird smell.)

Pasteing the Garlic with just a knife.
(Cutting it up first helps)
Get some course salt (pretzel salt works good), and you push the knife down and away so the mashed garlic is on the cutting edge.
Regather the garlic, and repeat.
A lot of garlic flavor will be in the liquid the salt pulls out.

It's like getting the skins off the garlic, but at an angle. Cutting side is always tossed the board. Your hand should be in the middle and not on the cutting edge.

Have fun and dip anything and everything in it, or use it as an ingredient.
2260 2730
Today I'll be breaking down a household favorite, Pot Roast!

You will need:
2.5+ lbs Chuck Roast
Minced Garlic
Oh, you'll also need a crock pot.

Alright. I prefer to use chuck roast cuz its comparatively less expensive, and if you slow cook it its super tender. Pictured is a 4.8lbs Chuck roast (technically its 2). I've since been informed that they're even better if you sear them first,... who knew?
Next, dice about 1/2 an onion per 2.5 lbs.
Next, cut up your potatoes. Not smol pieces, but about 1-1.5" each so that they soften up nicely.
Next, cut up a whole carrot (you can use more, but one person in the house is on a carb-restrictive diet). This carrot was quartered before slicing, because that allows you to have thicker pieces that will cook thoroughly
And then a celery stalk, basically the same routine as the carrot.

All that's left is to add 2 tablespoons of minced garlic per 2.5lbs of meat (we like garlic) and then your choice of seasoning. There are hundreds of decent pot-roast seasoning recipes available on the internet, but for simplicity's sake we just used a packet mix.
Yes, I know freshly minced garlic is better, as is DIY seasoning, but I was feeling lazy.
Throw everything together into the pot, and pour the seasoning broth over the mix.

Cook on high for 3-4 hours, or on low for 6+ (you'll be glad you did).

To give you an idea how good this pot roast is (and simple, if using a crock pot), 5lbs of meat and those veggies fed 3 people. 0 leftovers, but several bloated waistlines. Highly recommended.

Holy fucking shitballs!
Holy fucking shitballs!

Wait for it,....

Bacon Fried Rice

You heard me. Bacon Fried Rice. It was an experiment, and it was so phenomenally successful that I'm gonna do it again. Lots of times. Unfortunately I didn't take any pics, but dude. Try this. Start with this recipe:

And for the meat, cook bacon. I did about 3/4 of a pound, cooked it half the time, and then added the bacon (grease and all) to the rice mix. Oh, I was also doing a 4x mix per the recipe. Anyway, it was so good that there were no leftovers. Like, none. I made 4x the recipe, and it was gone. With 3 people. It was goddamn delicious. And I recommend you try it.
This might be interesting to those who still don't cook their own food and resort to junk food.

>Men's fertility irreversibly damaged by age of 18 thanks to Western junk food diet, study finds
>A groundbreaking investigation has established that teenagers who favour high-fat and processed foods like pizzas, chips and snacks are killing off sperm-producing cells that can never be replaced.
>It showed that a diet dominated by fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit is best is for protecting those cells and ensuring healthy levels of sperm.
More fun with Beer Brats!

So recently I tried a new beer with the brats, Frio 6.0. It was super-cheap, so I thought I'd give it a go.
Well. They came out better than with 211 Steel Reserve, but there's a catch. The condensed beer is too strong. So, instead of using the condensed beer by its self, I continued to condense it almost to the point that it glazed the pan and then added about 1/2 cup of heavy cream, and simmered it for a minute with constant stirring. It was delicious, and I highly encourage it for any anons who have taken to the beer brat recipe.
The sauce went really good with seasoned potato wedges too.
Simple Corn on the cob.
2730 2731
Things needed
Corn still in the husk
Enough water to cook the corn with (Cooking method of choice)

This delicious corn recipe goes by the mantra "low amd slow".
Get the corn in husk in the water.
Don't get the water over a boil.
Cover (optional)
Wait (about a couple hours)
When ready to serve take it out of the water then remove the husk and silk by hand. (It's really hot still so be careful!)
Butter, and salt to taste.

Alternatively, you can cook the corn on the grill, (oven would work too), or the coals. The husk keeps the corn nice and moist adding an enhanced flavour.
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Salmon in a Dishwasher.mp4
So apparently this is possible.
What a blast from the past.
While I wouldn't do this recipe it is certainly interesting.

If you arent willing to try it, what about this recipe is interesting, and why post it?
Coming soon:
Bacon-wrapped asparagus.
It's a simple recipe, but after trying it I said something I haven't said in a long time, when trying new recipes. Wow.
It's simple. Separate asparagus spears into bundles of 4-5. Wrap ba on around each bundle. Some recipes involve putting the bacon toward the center, but I wrapped the whole bundle. Add (fresh ground) black pepper and a light sprinkling of murder season (see above). Cook at 400deg for about 40 minutes.
Oh my god these are good. Pics to follow, cuz I ate them already andbIll have to make mor.
Milk(like a cup), cocoa(2 soup spoons?), some sugar(like a tea spoon) and a bit of corn starch(tea spoon).
Keep stiring whilst heating up (dont let it get too thick) and boom, you got yourself some pudding.
Let it cool down before eating.
2587 2730
Alright. After a couple attempts, here's what I can report about bacon-wrapped asparagus.
1. Its fucking awesome.
2. A 1 lb bundle should be separated into 6ths. This is to accommodate thicker or thinner stalks.
3. The base of the asparagus should be trimmed to remove any stalks bits, as they wont cook or be chewed properly.
4. Use two strips of bacon to wrap. One can work, but two is better.
5. Salt, pepper, garlic powder, seasoning (murder) fairly liberally, and a thin coat of butter or oil.

Preheat oven to 400deg f, wrap, season, and place on a foiled baking sheet. Cook for 35 minutes. That's pretty much it. It's a delightful side for lots of dishes and it's more or less inexpensive to make.
>Its fucking awesome.
I'll try it.
Alright. So I have this nasty tendency to get balls deep into cooking before it occurs to me to take pics n shit. So, here's what we're doing today. We're going with classic bacon wrapped asparagus, and bacon wrapped salmon. Previously I've combined the three, but it was bad plating and was difficult to get all the flavors together in one bite. So lrts have some fun
For today's experiment I'm putting only ground ponk pink salt and pepper for seasoning.
For the salmon, I did (or am attempting) a trick.
The salmon I use comes frozen (dont judge) but the skin can be off-putting and distracting (appearance, flavor, etc). So I put the frozen salmon in for 5 minutes. This softened only the outside, allowing me to peel the skin off in one swipe. And allowing me to portion the fillet for wrapping. Additionally, since the inside was solid and the outside was soft, this enabled a greater ability to wrap the salmon in bacon.
Next time I do asparagus, I'll use toothpicks. Wrapping by hand isnt bad, but I wonder if the bacon wrap can be made firmer?
In any case, I've still got another 20 minutes with the lads, as well as some extra embellishments. Back in a few
>So I have this nasty tendency to get balls deep into cooking before it occurs to me to take pics n shit.
I understand, except it's only after the fact I see this thread do I remember that would have been great to share.
It looks delicious.
>Wrapping by hand isnt bad, but I wonder if the bacon wrap can be made firmer?
A sushi mat technique might work. Wax paper, or foil, a grill mat, or a nonstick thingy, or plastic if need be could work...
Or add some sort of binder on the inside. Like lemon, or rice, or potato, or a noodle.
Thanks for posting it looks good, and I'll have to try this myself.
Recently made this again with pork. Having it marinated over night makes it very tender, it just falls part.
2662 2664
I'm glad you liked it so far, but im not finished yet
Salmon likes lots of butter, but with the extra fat from the asparagus wrap, I opted to drain it onto the salmon. Additionally, after the bake was finished, I opted to throw some crumbled dried carmelizrd onions. I like them plain, so I thought to try carmelized. I figure it will give a bit more texture to the salmon bacon wrap.
Then let me show you it's TRUE form
Crispy onion salmon and asparagus, wrapped in bacon.

It's quite delicious, and the bacon fsts mix with the fish oil and the crispy onion. It's a flavor that is close to butter, but far more complex and developed. Additionally, the smaller piece (treated with dill weed cuz dill weed makes everything better) has a more delightfully light but nuanced flavor. I dont know which I prefer, but both are delicious
2662 2664
If there is any doubt why I share these recipes,... I've presented and reprised a number of recipes over time, its because these are the recipes I'm proud of. These are the times I found a food recipe and took it to another level. And then I experimented more, and found a variety of deliciousness. There is no feeling like biting into something and being astonishingly blown away by the flavor. It's a moment of "holy shit, I made that. And its incredible." And those who dine with need say nothing. The empty trays and plates speak volumes
It's both a humbling and sincerely gratifying experience.
Play with your food anons. Have fun, and always test the limits
Looks delicious. Thank you for sharing.
It pairs well with rum and coke btw
2672 2674
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As another recent experiment, seeking to answer the question "Can I make beer brats better?
The answer of course, is Yes

We're gonna start with the classic beginning. Start with 32oz of 211 Steel Reserve (or preferred shitty beer), reduce it by about half, and then boil the brats until the beer reduces by half again. Remove the brats and set them in the microwave to rest.
You now have a pot with condensing beer, pic 1. In this experiment, I decided to go with a triple reduction sauce and it was a really good idea. So then, reduce the beer down really really long, until it looks like pic 2.
Video shows how thick the stuff should be before the next bit, adding a healthy amount of beef broth (about 1 to 1 with the beer reduction) and then reduce it again.
Once you start the second reduction you will want to keep an eye on it, and as this is where I ran into a snag inspiration for my next experiment.
Pic 1 shows the mix with broth however as can be seen from pic 3 I burned the sauce. I dont know if this is a bad thing, will update.
Oh yeah, I changed to a frying pan to continue the reduction, but forgot to mention.
Next, I added a healthy amount of heavy whipping cream. And then a second dose, to taste.
2674 2730
Then reduce the sauce to a level consistancy and taste.
Finally to finish these bitches off right and proper, take the brats from the microwave and place them in a bowl with the sauce mixture. You'll want to set a bbq to ~350 to preheat. Once that's ready, open the top, drop the temperature to about 200deg with indirect heat. Swirl the brats in the sauce, and then place them on. You'll only need about 5 minutes, as you'll just be drying and crisping thg e bratwurst casing with the sauce.
Pic 4 is finished, and pic 5 is the end result. I opted to garnish with sauerkraut and drrizzle a little bit of the sauce along the rim, and I find that the bun soaks up just enough with a dab or two. And yes, I put sauerkraut on it this time. It doesnt work as well with 'standard' (previous iterations) of beer brats, but it worked oh so well with this one.

So there you have it; triple-reduction, evolved beer bratwurst
>Pink spatula
What's the song in the background?
It looks nice.
What do they smell like and do they taste burned or were they fine?
Iirc Seven Deadly Sins was playing in the background. Also, it looks pink cuz lighting, but its red.

As for the sauce, yes. You could taste the charred flavor before adding cream, and still a bit after adding the cream. This is why I opted to use sauerkraut to mask the bitterness of the burn flavor. It worked great, but again I dont know how it will taste without burning the sauce. It could be that the flavor profile is boosted by the unintentional burning, but then it could be that a better profile could be achieved by not burning. Can't say until I run another experiment. And even then, theres an endless spectrum of possible flavors to experiment with.
Hot chocolate without soy
I don't know where to put this but i'm going to share my recipe for hot chocolate here.

1.2-3 squares of 85% to 90% chocolate.(lindt is my favorite dark chocolate and i think it works great with this as well as it has no soy in it, you can use any chocolate you want but i think dark is best and i highly recommend you check if it has soy in the chocolate before you get it)
2. 1 tsp of brown sugar.
3. 2 - 3 mints. (about 1 mint per square of chocolate, also mint tastes nice with dark chocolate)
4. 1 tsp of coffee, (coffee is coffee but you know use your favorite preferably)
5. (optional) 2 tsp of either golden or maple syrup (gives it that sweet wood taste)
6. add water
7. then milk (about 50 ml - 100 ml)

This has been my personal favorite recipe for a long time and i hope you anons like it, i think it's better because it doesn't have soy in this recipe as opposed to the packaged shit which has soy
Celestia, give me wisdom to help these hamburgers... It's no wonder America is such a cancerous and fat country, you guys have no idea what is food and what isn't. I'll make a mega post trying my best to help you guys eat better, give me some hours. Here are my qualifications:
>Skinny until 18 yo, now 10% body fat and muscular enough.
>Cooked meals my whole life, put up muscle without supplements because I was eating real foods.
>I'm not chad, just regular non-hamburger.
Looking foward to the food lesson.
And speaking of food.
Homemade pizza.
Add more or less
616 grams bread flour
15 grams yeast
16-15 grams sugar
15 grams salt

About 2 cups of water
About 2 table spoons of olive oil

Second try
More flour (640, 480 bread flour, rest is double o)
14.5 grams yeast about the same (two packets)
Same sugar
Same salt

[Double o it's not as good as just king author flour]

So this try is more flour 700 grams of flour (all bread flour, pillsbury and white lily in half and half)
18 grams of sugar
42 grams of salt
Partially done in the machine.
Then hand kneeded and let rest for an hour ish.
[It's a little bit salty, but still great]

The sauce (whatever one you like, here's the one we did this time.
Tomato paste (table spoon)
Tomato sauce (half a can) both Contadina
Italian seasoning (fresh herbs taste great)
Basil (and basil from the garden dried.)
Half a can of V8
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Soy sauce just a sprinkle

The other sauce
Same thing except with fresh tomatoes from the garden, and no v8.
Leftover sauce in the freezer
Red chili flakes.
(Cooked in the pan, then blended, and put back on the stove top)

Oven with a pizza stone.
Heat to the highest it can get. 500 on whatever the pizza setting is. And warm up the stone till it's up to temperature.

The pizza dough this time is crisp. Works well with thin crusts and thick crusts.
The amount is for four portions.
Each pizza takes 10 minutes in the oven.
With breaks inbetween to have the pizza stone reheat (also to make the next pizza)
> When I say "not food", I mean that it is not good enough to be your main dish.
> Also, when I say "its not food" I mean that if you eat it as part of your daily diet you will probably die tomorrow, everything you ponies cooked here is better than the junk that comes in a bottle, but it doesn't mean it qualifies as a meal nor that it was good for your body.

Premade is as good as fast food. You probably ate enough salt for a whole week. Buy your fish in the market.
Also oil is not food, it's merely for cooking, use enough to wet the frying pan and no more.
Deep fried meat is not food. Just cook it.
Don't fry your rice, cook it. Else you will be drinking a shitton of oil, and oil is not food.
I do, just cook it and put it in the freezer, it doesn't lose value as long as it doesn't spoil. I usually freeze Rice, Beans, Pasta and (well) cooked meat. Heat it up with a pinch of water not oil.
Taco is not food, even if you cook it yourself. Get rid of the Seasoning (pure salt shit) and Tostada bowl (literal junk food) and eat what is left.
Cheese doesn't belong in your main meal;
Sour cream isn't food;
Guacamole isn't food;
Don't eat tacos, look at mexican's IQ to know why.
Based water drinker, but vinagrette is not food, I would avoid it unless it's cheat day. Also meat > vegs anyday anywhere
Bread is not food, white bread is pure junk carb. It will spike your insulin for 4 seconds and leave you hungry for 5 hours.
Bread is not food, get rid of that bread skin and eat the ingredients only. Also you can use half as much seasoning, seasoning isn't food. Get rid of the beer, beer is not food.
Cake is not food.
Cookies are not food. Make sure you put some eggs in the bread to make up for the fact that bread is not food.
Too much salt, DO NOT PUT SUGAR IF IS NOT DESERT, use biological fermentation instead of soda. Put some eggs instead to make up for the shit that is white flour. Bread is not food because wheat flour has literally negative nutritional value. It spikes your insulin for 4 seconds and leaves you hungry for 5 days.
Oil is not food, sugar is not food, salt is not food and flour is not food. It might be tasty but it will only spike your insulin for 4 seconds and make you hungry for 5 years. BREAD IS NOT FOOD, it can never be.
Funny enough I love bread.
Brazilian tip: Rice and Brown Beans for carbs, cow and chicken for proteins. Eggs too.
Lasagna is not food. meatloaf is not food. Just eat the fucking meat don't ruin it. There is no salvation for lasagna it is literal junk food.
Bread is not food. Even tho I love bread myself.
This is not dinner, this is junk food.
Fucking based
Mayo is a condiment, not food. Don't eat things that aren't food unless you are on cheat day.
Burger is shitmeat. Eat beef.
Sausage is shitmeat, Eat literally anything else. Bread is probably better than sausage, the only thing worse than sausage is a hotdog.
>>1747 >>1868
Don't ruin chicken with nonfoods and shitloads of condiments, just eat the chicken.
I might as well just drink ocean water.
More salt them chicken, you can replace all the spice for the garlic powder.
Don't fry anything
>>2259 >>2260
Don't fry shit. When you fry something are just eating oil, and oil is not food.
Just eat the corn.
Based as long as you don't drop 500g worth of salt there.
Literal junk food. But looking delicious, good job.
Off everything you listed only Onion, Tomato and Soy are food, and you know what they say about soy.
Don't put sugar unless it's desert.

I'm very sad with everypony's eating habits. Coming next I'll show you bois the base of Brazilian food, it's pretty cheap and easy to cook.
cooking tools.png
Correction, this is based. Sorry.

Rice: Rice is cheap, good quality carbs. You eat rice if you are going to move your body. If you are going to sit down all day skip the rice or it will turn into body fat.

>Buy Eletric Rice Maker for 2 dollars in negro friday
>Put as much rice as you need in the bowl.
>Put twice as much water. (1 cup of rice? them 2 cups of water)
>Cut the Garlic with a knife as small as you can, or use a tool to smash it if you don't like to chew garlic. Throw it in the bowl.
>Turn it on.
> Eat

Brown Beans: Brown beans are a good source of non-animal (vegetal?) protein and iron. Eat beans everyday.

>Buy pressure electric pan for free in wallmart.
>Put the beans there.
>Put as much water as you put beans (1 cup of beans? then 1 cup of water)
>Cut the Garlic with a knife as small as you can, or use a tool to smash it if you don't like to chew garlic. Throw it in the bowl.
>Turn it on.

Meat: Eat meat everyday. This is how you cook ANY meat:

>Go to the butcher house, buy fresh meat.
>Get a frying pan, a electric one is probably fine but I never had one.
>Use low fire, don't blast the fire oven.
>Put just enough oil to grease the pan, or butter, or pig fat, or anything that doesn't evaporate.
>Put garlic.
>Put the meat and wait. (Don't press it with the spatula else it will be hard to chew)
>Flip it and wait.

Cooking Potatoes, tomatoes, onions, pasta etc:

>Get a pot.
>Get water to boil point.
>Put Garlic.
>Cut the thing in small parts
>Put the thing you want to cook inside pot.
>Bite test to check if ready.

That is usually what I do. This is a picture of what I had for lunch two years ago. It is very carb heavy because it's before going to the gym. After the gym I would (ideally) have more meat and beans.
When I get sick of garlic I buy those industrial seasoning, but if you like onions you can use onions instead of garlic, for literally every food. Been a while since I got sick of Garlic, I probably developed a taste.

That is basically what got me in a good (enough) shape. Right now I lost some muscle because of the lockdown but I'm probably still around 10% body fat and weighting around 70 kilos for 175 cm height.
Before gym I was 48 kilos and 2% body fat (had a sick and AIDS look)
And my peak was 75 kilos and 8% body fat.

Finally, if I where to try and get leaner and stronger I would probably talk to a nutritionist, so this is as much as I can help. Hope you burgers well. It's funny because you guys have to lose weight and I have to put on weight so we are playing the same game on different layers.
Now hold on, you need to feed yourself and maintain the good intestinal ecosysten.
Oil has its place. It's just energy.
Sugar is the same thing. How you use it is important, and why you use it. Use sugar to feed the yeast for more bubbles, preservation, or for energy of last resort. Everything can eat sugar.
You need salt. To stay healthy and keep a rational amount of water. Eating frozen or fast food is packed with too much salt.
The vitamins and minerals are needed to be healthy.
Having the energy needed to do stuff is needed, and too much can hurt.
The complete protein (meats, fish, some combination of vegetables) so you literally rebuild yourself so you don't deteriorate.

Rice is nice and easy. Good for any kind of flavor.
>>Go to the butcher house, buy fresh meat.
Yes always try to by the freshest meat you can. Eggs will work in the mean time.
That's nice to have sometimes, and it's simple to do.
Sometimes you need something that tastes good, is good for you and isn't extremely difficult.
Holy well I forgot about the eggs. Yes 100%. Eggs are super based. I unfortunately got sick of eggs... Maybe it's high time to go back to eating eggs. Fricking super food I bet one can survive a year only on eggs.
I'll brush up my knowledge on oils and sugar brother, but as of now I'll stand my ground on close to zero consumption of these two. As for salt I find garlic salty enough.
Also yes I have some carrots, spinach, beet, lettuce and vegan shit every other day, but rice, beans and meat is every day.
That sounds like a healthy combination. If you really crave something (not sugar) you might need it for your body.
Rice and beans is a good base to ensure you have what you need, and the meat rounds it off.
Garlic is really good for you. Also onions for any kind of body building work.
Yummy food here.