When you see this thread, do five push ups.
if busy do ten later
300 replies and 97 files omitted.
>>7889Thats a very Nigel thing to say
>>7889Beware, mods ban anons for saving the board. For real.
Speaking of speeding up, do some fucking pushups
and MORE
or are you afraid?
>>8382>>8405>>8454>>8455>>8456>>8458>>8459>>8460>>8461This joke stopped being funny 7 years ago.
I have my own daily workout routine. I don't care to follow the whims of some one neckbeard bumping a thread multiple times per day.
[Read more] >>8462You thought it was a joke?
>I have my own routine, which I never deviate fromFine, be a bitch. 5 more
>>8463Oh no, I deviate from it. I'm always trying to experiment with adjustments and push my limits (as much as I can without interfering with my work). I just don't take prompts from internet autists.
>>8464You clearly do, because you opted to engage. Whether you're sporting enough to play along with the thread concept is beyond my concern