When you see this thread, do five push ups.
if busy do ten later
270 replies and 86 files omitted.
>>447It called progress, Anon.
>>449Friendship is magic anon, NOW DO 5 MORE!
Bump so you fatasses get off the couch
>>472The board is so slow, I hope it's not this thread's fault
>puts another tally on a post-it next to the computer
What would you be doing without this thread? Nothing.
>>573I wouldn't hurt enough. I like pain.
Tbh this is a great thread for self improvement, if you actually follow the rule you can get some descent exercise everyday.
>>367Rattle Rattle eat more cattle.
>>689actually, I think it's a beary ebil awoo.
>>666>that getbeary ebil indeed.
>>707You better be pushing, bringing that shit up in here
Did you exercise today, Anon?
>>732A lot actually, I'm working out 5 times a week, I can see a 6pack starting to take shape.
Are you ready to push up Anons? Let's do 10 instead
>>291What do when forgot to do push ups because too drunk?
x2 penalty?
>>767I would say ten pushups but since you ask so nicely, do 20, we have to get all that alcohol out of your bloodstream (plus the brewers yeast will boost your gains)
>>770Oh shit that really adds up.
Guess no fap for ne next few days...
How was the relation between reps and muscle density?
I need some advice: how do I gradually strengthen my wrists? I can't do my daily pushups without ending up with a sprain that keeps me from exercising for several days.
I figure it's partly because I don't eat much and rarely go anywhere: I'm starting to look like a greyhound and I can wrap my thumb and pinkie around my wrist.
>>789You might have some more problems than just your wrist, but there are exercises to make your wrist stronger and thicker.
I could explain every single one to you, but i will give you an useful link instead
I didn't read method 2, but method 1 is all you need, specially the part about chin ups.
Seriously man, pull ups are great.
Check these fucking digits while you do it anon
>>888>hitler trips>ID tripsMah gawd, I r8 that's worth 50
>gains intensify >>888i feel violated, i will do 40 then
/ub/ could use some attention.
Here you go, all you Overboard users.
Felt lazy so time to force some others to get unlazy with me
You've neglected this board, Anon.
Give me five.