When you see this thread, do five push ups.
if busy do ten later
270 replies and 78 files omitted.
Has the writing general hit the bump limit? Seems like it's never on the front page.
>>6220Also why is there a captcha now
>>6220Bump limit on /mlpol/ is 700 posts.
>>6221We had to temporarily turn on captcha sadly due to spam, but we will turn it off soon. The Captcha only needs to be solved once every 24 hour.
>>6300How do you feel about sugar and tea?
>>6311Tea is a fruity drink for rich gays and sugar is jewish poison
>>6312You had a perfect opportunity to recite lines from Johnny Rebel and you didn't take it anon. I am disappointed.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/mt87dsmgtOoA/ [Embed] Fuck sorry guys, sleep deprivation.
But I will admit I do like waffles, pie, and bananas.
I like niggers and I like tea but I don’t like sugar, no sirree
I'm browsing this in my car on break, so I can't do the push-ups. I think I'm probably good, since I do physical work including heavy lifting outside in the winter at my job.
How many pushups does a military guy do in a day? By now I must be approaching that mark.
My love of mares compelled me to start being a better man for my imaginary cartoon horse muses.
Lift, faggots. We'll never acquire mares otherwise.
You can do double for fluttershy, right?
If people avoid the overboard for fear of seeing this thread... that would be hilarious. They would be hilarious.
>>6386>>6386I did for a week or two after it was made, but that was more than 5 years ago.
>>6386That would sort of be sad. Lazy niggers
Hatred for niggers
Fuck the jews and wiggers too
And spics and the troons.
You know what this site could use?
An accountability thread.
You make a friend, and if you don't meet your workout goals he calls you a gay nigger faggot.
I think that's how it works. Never tried it.
It might help some users transition from exclusively lurking on the main board to trying /ub/. Self improvement is beautiful. It gives you something to find joy in even with the niggers and jews raping the planet and trying to leave us nothing to be happy about.
>>6467I appreciate what you want to do, but how does one make friends on an anonymous image board? I went to one the streams at 4AM and they were literally talking about how they want to fuck Gordon Ramsay. No thanks, I'm not autistic enough to fall for tranny groomers.
A better solution might be starting a thread with an inspirational message that draws from great White men of the past in order to motivate anons. Maybe something about reconnecting with one's history through exercise and self discipline.
>>6469The show itself literally goes out of its way to highlight waitresses and chefs lusting after Ramsay. How is that even related to tranny groomers?
>>6473You ask like you don't know the answer.
>>6469That's what /üb/ is all about, I think it should be more active, though
>>6477Self improvememt is hard. For some, even harder. But whining is easy. For some, even easier.
Is using steroids temporarily to get jacked fast degenerate?
Ayo this thread is on page 2 while /üb/ is slow anyways
>>6852And if busy, do 40 later!
I should work out a workout routine
Note the gap in use.
Glad my posts prompted some use of this.
I'm so glad my posts single-handedly saved this thread, this board, and the entire White Western world.