Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread.
What are the bump limits for each board?
557 replies and 154 files omitted.
>>6307It wouldn't be nearly as annoying if they stayed in one thread.
Other than that, just make new threads to slide them. Nobody has made an Afghanistan thread so far.
>>6308thread has been made, by the way
Would Luna's period be on the Full Moon, or the New Moon?
Is Saint Valentine based or cringe? I hear he was made a saint for advocating for keeping the Christian institution of marriage alive in the roman empire.
Can you add the ability to auto-hide all posts from a chosen ID in the Archives?
I noticed the "Add Filter" option doesn't show up in archived threads.
Why doesn't posting .webp images work?
Could every thread made by me just get nuked on /ub/? I know it's difficult to show my IP matching certain posts when I've been damn near all over the state of North Carolina. Frustratingly, I can't even delete my most recent post, even with the password; it just 404s. It has a contact email, and I was intentionally going to baleet it today.
I don't want to be a part of the board, or this site, anymore. It's not that I'm scared some kike or commie will find me, or of any kind of real life consequences. I just give up on everything. Every topic from every thread. Every discussion, every pointless argument I've wasted my effort in losing in disgrace. It's all so tiresome. I am days from drowning in my debt fully, and a week from getting my payday, and I just want to walk away from it all. The last five years was a mistake. If I can't get my fellow autist boyfriend to meet me in the middle and help me out, I'm going to die in this cold. I'd rather have never had any footprint to begin with.
>>6354Don't lose hope, anon. You'll pull through this
I'll expand my request to every post I've made sitewide (primarily on /ub/, /mlpol/ and the Anonfilly Thread) that talks about California and NC. It's a long control-F for you guys to delete, but at least it would make me feel a little more secure in my insignificance.
>>6354>>6356> I'm going to die in this cold. Alright you fuck, explain what you need and where. And when
The ride doesn't end. >>6357I don't know. I've got three layers of thick blankets, long johns and an insulated jacket. They don't help. I got a fulltime and part time job, neither will pay me a red cent until at least next Friday. Even with this work, my wages don't total more than triple of what average rent is here, so I'm not likely to be accepted on my own. I had my car refueled a few days ago by him, so I don't need gas. What I need, nobody here can give me even if they were willing. I need a rental that either costs under $700 or accepts people who make 2k a month or less.
I'm tired of venting because it accomplishes nothing and only worsens my mood. I'm tired of being around other failures because they can't provide anything in the way of help. I'm tired of this belief system I hold because it makes me feel deep shame for the lows I've sunk to. I'm tired of sobriety because it leaves me alone in my car with my thoughts and the cold.
If you are near Fayetteville, NC and willing to risk your anonymity, you could meet me and buy me a drink at Jumpers on S. Reilly. Otherwise, just leave me be. I'll be gone before you know it anyway.
>>6358Are you able to last at least one or two nights or more?
The situation for me is going to make meeting hard I'm at least two hours away with great road conditions.
>>6359I won't rush you. Second job has me working late nights for a while, and I don't have a schedule written out yet. Plus, I have a week before my first paycheck from the main job comes. I don't know if I'll make it all that long, but we'll see. Hit me at the email on the nomad thread on /ub/ before mods delete it, maybe we can talk at length.
>>6358I'd recommend a sleeping bag and candles. Preferably a heating element such as an electric blanket or space heater.
While burning candles in a small confined area is bad if you are going to freeze to death it'll save your life.
Meals are important right now you are the only thing heating up a cold metal box.
Wool works wonders.
Alcohol makes you open up your blood vessels meaing you'll feel warmer, but you're expending more heat.
Also emails have been sent.
Other thing is to ensure the space you are in retains the heat.
You can burn crisco/vegtable shortning. Remember fire is dangerous.
Also sealed hot water can make a difference.
Does anybody have the Ponytariat doxxes on hand? I've been out of the loop on site activity for a few months and I heard you all did some hilarious shit to them. Feel free to share the stories as well, but the main things I'm looking for are the doxxes.
>>6365>I heard you all did/mlpol/ did nothing wrong.
>>6366Nah it was fucking based.
>>6354>>6356If a mod/admin won't do this or simply can't do it, I understand. This last few days,
especially thanks to a night at Jumpers with a certain anon, things are at least tolerable enough. And I was being rash in wanting to erase my footprint on this site. Like it or not, I'm a fixture here, so I shouldn't be a bitch about it...the ride truly never ends.
>>6385Its probably a mix of won't and can't. I mean, for a savvy developer (all other criticisms aside, Pupper IS that) nothing is technically impossible. I mean there might be a way, depending on how many IPs you used and how many post-deletion PWs youve racked up but what you requested would be prohibitively labor intensive and really not serving any purpose other than satisfying you at a down moment.
No offense, but thats really not part of the underlying purpose of the site.
For one, that would remove threads and posts in discussions which would likely fracture and render difficult any later readings of what threads remained. No offense, but 'your feels' do not justify destroying site content.
For two, the only time I can recall staff requestedly removing content is when it accidentally contained doxx or illegal materal; and when I say that, there was an artfag once who requested all his posts/OC be wiped cuz reasons, and the general reception was 'sorry u feel that way but no, lul'. Hope you feel better though
>the ride truly never ends/)
>>6386It's alright. No offense taken. I know I've been a dramafag, bordering on sadcow, ever since I started using this site. I guess I felt guilty over the years for providing so little insight or entertainment in exchange for dumping blogposts and drama on people. Not even just here, but Discord, Ponytown, 4mulp, guys aren't paid enough to be my therapist, so I'll do my best not to burden you with it from now on. Pic related to that though.
Egh. Anyway, I understand I can't just banish the past. It just means that I have to make something good of it or let it fade into obscurity.
>how many IPs you usedUhhhhh. Let's see. Dad's, grandpa's, mom's, two different phone plans, a broadband plan, at least three dozen separate public wifi sources, my current workplace...all spread out over CA, OR, and NC from 2017 to today. Plus I've phoneposted, laptop-posted, and desktop-posted. So. Yeah. It would be a really convoluted hunt to find every post mentioning homeless life or life in Cali/NC.
Thanks again for responding, Ninjas.
>>6388>cant be arsed to answer a goddamn question, but gets mad when someone else does itI gotta differentiate myself from (you)
somehow >>6390It's relevant to his knowledge of the site and its inner workings. I know namefagging is gayer than me, but it has its place. Calm down.
>>6391(oops, meant to reply to >6388. But I think I'll rob him of his ( You ) anyway.)
Is there a way to have an audio cue when a thread you have open gets replied to? I like to keep threads in the background while fullscreen gaming and it's good to know when to check them.
>>6440Yeah. Cytube has that feature and is pretty handy while watching Movie Night.
Hello everypony.
I was tempted to make a thread, but it doesn't seem worth it for just this so here goes:
It seems like newfags today either don't know or don't bother to archive things and use proper tech, so here's a quick summary on how to post content and link to external sources:
>News articles>
Using archives prevents click or ad revenue, as well as tracking, the second is a bigger concern since most people use ad-blockers.
Alternatively, screenshot the page and post the entire article as a picture, or better yet, copy and paste it when possible.
>Youtube videos is a front-end that allows you to watch youtube videos wthout the extra bullshit, has a list of mirrors which you can pick from.
The advantages are that you aren't being tracked by google since the invidous server grabs and serves the video for you. You can download the videos and it is a better interface in general.
Alternatively, upload videos to or bitchute (bitchute censors some videos as it considers hate speech laws and incitement to hatred, etc.)
You can easily download videos from a multitude of webpages with youtube-dl, a command line utility. Same can be done for pictures with gallery-dl.
>>6466>It seems like newfags today either don't know or don't bother to archive things and use proper techThe reason for that is not to use the kike's websites. To archive a webpage means to link an anon's IP with the archive website. Think about it, if anon has to post an address in /mlpol/ together with the recently archived one, then there is a trace to follow to dox that anon. TOR is fine for to use a couple of times, but not all the time; VPNs are a joke owned by the enemy. So, posting the screenshot is the safest and cleanest way, be for the poster anon as for the reader anons.
>>6467>posting the screenshot is the safest and cleanest wayAgreed.
Stupid question, I have some categories for meme categorization by topics, what do you think?
neanderthal hypothesis
anon posts
national socialism
great reset
botting/shilling/spamming (JIDF agents spamming talking points and others)
occupy wall street
climate change
anti-whiteness or crt
gun rights
I am tempted to combine homo and tranny topics into an LGBT topic, but it seems like they're better off separate.
>>6468>I am tempted to combine homo and tranny topics into an LGBT topicHomo/tranny belongs to the "homosexuality" topic as it refers to a mental illness or aberration.
LGBT belongs to the "cultural marxism" topic as it refers to degeneracy used for political motives.
Checking to see if I can link to >>>/test/ from the main board.>>6513Huh, I guess that doesn't work.
Dont include the parenthesis
>>>/Test/1981 →>>6525Oh, it was the capital T that threw me off.
>>>/Test/ >>6527
It’s pointless drama that really has no business being out in the open, not even on test, which is semi public and frequented. In a regular Chan it would slide off the board, and there is no point in keeping an open record of it permanently. That isn’t the purpose of that board.
That thread was there less than an hour ago.
I deleted that post voluntarily, fyi
>>6528I wouldn't say a thread having "no purpose" is necessarily cause for deletion if it doesn't break any rules, tbh.