Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread.
What are the bump limits for each board?
546 replies and 142 files omitted.
>>8317Nope, that was spam mostly. And he was warned. Speaking of which, time to keep the same energy with our current spammer. Don't you think?
Should we also ban the YouTube link spammer? Booms was banned for less. Oh, that's right, he's Elway I think. Better forget about that.
>>8319>Speaking of which, time to keep the same energy with our current spammer. Don't you think?Hell yeah. Hi Anon nigger must be dealt with.
>>8321Who decides what's too spicy for /sp/ anyways. As long as it is perfectly legal. It can't be how butthurt any given mod is.
Rent. Free. >>8322>Who decides what's too spicyIt is not about spicy at all. It is about delivered sabotage.
>>8323Whatever the case, everyone should be judged the same way.
>More Hi Anon threads
Alright, time to cull the herd. The Aryanne thread is cute, so I'm deleting the griffin instead
>hi anon threads verboten
>generals and e-celeb threads get to stay
We live in a society.
>>8330>hi anon threads verbotenThat's a lie. There are enough of those threads, and more of them are clogging the board. The poster knows that and doublesdown instead of stop for common sense's sake.
Welcum to your grave staff of Thoma. You will not be missed.
>rent free
Fifth time you use the same cope. In any case, the month-long ban says I got real pissed.
>>8330Part of the art of shitposting involves knowing when it's time to stop.
>>8333>clogging the boardClogging the board from what? Dead threads that have been on the catalog for 4+ years?
>>8339>implying the ride ever endsIt is actually (you) who wants to end the ride for everypony else with those threads.
>>8340What about posting threads ends the ride?
>>8339Like, I get it, but 49 threads out of a 100-thread catalog is enough.
>>8341Those Hi Anon threads are not for fun, but to suppress and send to archive other threads.
>>8343All of the threads that slid hadn't been posted to for literal years.
>>8344Perhaps, and yet they enriched the catalog with assorted themes. Hi Anon threads don't do that.
>>8339Just throwing this out there, if you want to screw with boom-boom without disrupting the rest of the site, you can always just dump the Hi Anon posts directly into his containment threads until they hit bump limit.
>>8342Flip flopping as per the course lol.
>>8347They are just jealous of your numerous contributions.
>>8349I know. They are 120% reactive and 0% proactive.
They cannot stomach anypony rising above.
I find it humorous that the two spam posters are fighting over the right to spam in only the way each sees fit.
>>8345>they enriched the catalog with assorted themesSo dead threads are to be kept around just for show?
I didn't see you bumping any of the dead threads when the hi Anon threads were being posted.
>>8347oh come off it, we all know why the Hi Anon threads piss you off so much.
>>8351>two spam postersSlander is not welcome. My posting is not spam.
>>8355You both are literally identifying each other as spam. It isn't coincidence my friend. You are different forms of the same problem. You both need to post what you want and damn anyone that says to compromise the style. You are literally the same.
>>8356>general dumps where virtually no conversationAnd why is that. So you would blame the poster instead of the readers?
>>8359>blaming the readersYou are free to reply to each of those HI ANON threads if you wish
>>8361>""""news""">implyingThere is a reason why hardly anyone ever replies to the links in those generals.
>>8359>>8360In both of your cases, both of your posting styles are suitable in moderation, which is the main contention. Why this is a problem for you both, I have no idea.
News threads are nice when you don't desire to make generals on the site where the only discussion goes into three or four threads where one poster dominates, actively squashing debate because OP knows best.
Hi Anon is cute, but for fuck sake, you can't have a million of them and get replies on any significant portion of them. Tone it down.
>>8358>>8359The problem is that your excessive autism prevents you from evaluating reader interest. You post content that nobody is engaging with because they're not interested, and instead of tailoring your content to make it better, you double down and insist that everyone else is somehow at fault for not being interested.
If you ever run out of Facebook memes, you could always get a UK proxy and start ranting about Naruto.
>>8362>""""news"""Yup, they were and are literal news.
>>8365>If you ever run out of Facebook memesMore slander. My memes are /pol/ tier faggot.
>>8366The reason why nobody replies to those posts is because the conversation is not worth having.
A bunch of one-off posts in a single thread whom nobody replies to is by volume the same as a bunch of individual threads with no replies.
At least the HI ANON threads have ponies in them.