Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
1950 replies and 59 files omitted.
>>82980No. you are probably still in the hotel room.
>>82980It's like you want Silver dead or something. Jeez. You are asleep in that tavern room still, maybe having dreams of changelings kidnapping you and maybe your wife or something.
>>82977She looks sad, but looks up at him with more warmth. She smiles again, with that smile that is something of her signature. A smile that says “I have something evil planned.”
“Then it sounds like we are united in purpose. Pay unto the ‘reformers’ and ‘progressives’ every ounce of pain they have delivered unto us. With interest. In the meantime, try to make a little home of our own in the Autonomous Zone.“
>>82980Jesus Christ, like how would that even be possible?
[Read more] >>82984he thinks it was because of the roll>>82984Dark Star Smiles happily
"I Couldnt have put it better myself. When's the next election?"
>>82984I don't know, I rolled a 4, then you described him viewing a good memory from the third person in weird black and white with sepia tone, and then I never heard anything back after I replied. I figured he feel asleep, some changelings that were tailing him for something or other captured him, took him somewhere for feeding, and stuck him in a changeling pod to siphon off the love he feels from memories of him and Storm Warning together. It didn't help that after I asked the first time you made me roll. I figured if he wasn't you wouldn't have had me do so.
>>82986But that is the point. The dream is supposed to be an uncomfortable one. Painful memories were probably going to happen when you rolled the second time. GM probably didn't get around to continuing the dream though.
>>82985“Less than a year, assuming there isn’t a forced election before then, and assuming it still pleases the Duke to allow elections”
>>82986Alright, so let me see if I am understanding this correctly. You believe that Changelings have been watching and take a special interest in this old guy, and they followed him to a bar in the middle of a city. They then decided to move on when he was taking an afternoon nap, invade his room, knock him unconscious, drag him out of the room, drag him outside of the tavern - all in broad daylight - and then transport this unconscious pony all the way to where ever they apparently have long term storage. They do all of this when the closest Changeling controlled land is at least 400 miles away by air or land and 600 miles by sea, and the Changelings have 30 million pony and 10 million reindeer subjects they could eat instead. They decide to Shanghai a guy that way rather than having a disguised Changeling ask younger stallions with more vitality to sign up for a ship’s crew, or send out a Changeling disguised as a mare who charms a young and not-68 year old stallion into coming back with her to a bar that is secretly owned by changelings, drugs him, and then asks him to come to a “back room.” Indeed, they choose to take silver
During the daytime when if they wanted him specifically they could wait until night, so they would have cover of darkness, and dragging an unconscious stallion through the streets would look like just helping a passed out drunk friend.
Am I understand you correctly?
[Read more] >>82988Well, I don't have anything else to go by considering I didn't hear a peep from you after I replied. Yes, I get it, it sounds fucking ridiculous. But I have nothing else, because I'm not the GM and I have absolutely no idea what your plans were or what you were going to do.
>>82989First off, if you replied I must have either missed it in the stream of posts or put a pin in it thinking I would get back to it when whatever problem I had with my thought process was resolved, and then forgot about it. I did have something planned for Silver, but it would have been a set of images tailored to Silver’s particular concerns, interests, and fears, rather than a simple “YOU’RE FUCKING MINE NOW.” It would have had changelings as minor features in the background. It would not have focused on them, nor would Changeling involvement have been anywhere near as extensive or as intimate as it was with either Dark Star or Iron’s dream. They would not have been the centerpiece.
Let’s skip it, and say that Silver wakes up more or less refreshed
>>82990Sounds good enough for me.With a groan, Silver rolls out of bed. One of his eyes pops open as he checks what time it is.
>>82968>>82971>Said a minute.>Took two hoursSorry...
"Last thing I remember after I was sweeping the porch, I was being loaded into one of those infernal smog machines." Sister Ash replies
"I wanted to come back to show them I hadn't died, since I left without a word."
She once again ties back her mane into a bun.
"We won't be meeting the other until the evening. In the meantime, I would like to get some work done around here, and get s better description of the foals still missing." She continues
"I'm not even sure what exactly they look like; I think it would be helpful if I brought back a picture." she says.
[Read more] >>82980Come on, m8.
I'm not saying you should assume your character will never die, but you've been acting like you expect the worst at every moment.
I think you can trust the GM to accurrately describe/foreshadow any given event that's has a high chance of killing/capturing/incapacitating your character: If he's actually fucked, it will be a lot more clear than this.
>>82993Of course I expect the worst at every moment. I'm not good at this like all of you guys are.
Anyways, it's all done and over with, so let's just move on.
>>82994You are in the same boat as me. Don't worry. Everything they said went right over my head when I first tried to play
and most still does but it will be fine. Any situation is not made so you lose it in on roll anyway. The GM wants you to have fun even in desperate situations.
>Dark Star when he agreed to box Iron
>>82992She hands over images of the foals, mostly colts, who include a red earth pony and a black unicorn
“These are photographs of the foals we took upon their arrival at the orphanage. They may varry from how they look now...”
>>82991Silver could invest in a watch or clock