Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
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>>82627She warms to this, and gives a soft childish giggle as she lets Dark Star pick her up. The colt is pat
"How many Communists and Zebras did you kill today, daddy?" asks the excited colt
>>82628"Hundreds son. they were trying to hurt the mares in town."
>>82629"How did you kill them?" asks edge filly.
"It's a good thing those mares have you around" says the white colt
>>82630He says to the filly
"Daddy shot them in the head."
He says to the colt
"i swore to protect all the ponies, and i will forever."
[1d20+5 = 12][1d20+5 = 12]>>82631Edge filly is impressed: "Nice aim, but you should watch them suffer first"
White colt wags his tail: "I'm so glad you are our daddy!"
An unknown female voice says "Then protect your own foals"
Roll two opposed grapple rolls
>>82633With the might of the Earth Pony, Dark Star keeps both little Endless Skies and White Guard in his hooves. The window next to the crib is open. Standing in the room next to him is a great black female Changeling. Yellow hair, and Swiss cheese limbs. Two drones stand next to her and behind her
She addresses Dark Star directly
"Normally we would just take your foals from the crib and leave you none the wiser. It seems you came in at an inopportune time. No matter, we shall have your foals one way or another"
"you underestimate my special technique,you bucking cockroach"
Dark Star Snarls at the bitch and her goons and then runs to the closest door
yes that was a jojo reference >>82637"Hahahah! You are foolish to think you can run from us
*blocks ur path*
With the swiftness of dragonflies the two drones fly to in front of Dark Star just before the door
Dark Star backs himself into a corner and puts his foals behind him then Draws his pistols
>>82639Little Endless Skies pulls out her own child's fork to defend herself with, while White Guard stands defensively. Both remain behind Dark Star
The Changeling with the long, golden swiss cheese mane stands in front of Dark Star. To either side are her drones
"Did you think we would let you keep your foals to yourself forever? Time to hand over your future"
[2d20+7 = 32]>>82640Dark Star says to the Foals "Cover you ears"
he says to the changelings "Once you get to tartarus, tell you're hive mates Dark Star sent you,bitch."
Dark Star Shoots her
>>82611Sister Ash nods in acknowledgement, her spirits lifted somewhat.
".. I wasn't able to finish what I started though. I'll need to go back, if they're to be cleared.."
[3d6 = 11]>>82641One of the shots, she avoids swiftly to make hit her breast plate. Another hits her right through her chest
>>82645She reaches in closely and grabs around Dark Star's face, pulling him closer in a twisted perversion of a lover's kiss. She has fangs the size of feathers, a bent muzzle, and a long, thin lizard like tounge. As she raps her porous legs around Dark Star, she moves in her lips for the kiss. Her crooked horn glows a malign green which envelops Dark Star's muzzle. As her lips touch his, he feels the happiness and joy slowly drain from his body
Dark Star shoots at her again
[3d6 = 13]>>82647One of his shots goes right into her chest, spraying a green goo. The other... Well, Dark Star finds he is a bit drained at the moment, and a shot that would have gone right into before the kiss, now is barely deflected by her green armor, a horrid steel plate that resembles her chitinous hide
Man, this changeling sure does get around in ponies' dreams.
>>82647She breaks away her lover's embrace from Dark Star as Endless Skies, the little blue filly, stabs her with her fork. She back away as a new voice enters the room.
Through the door of the room, enters a tanish earth pony stallion with a business coat on - blue and white striped shirt with a red tie and blue coat. His mane is strawberry and curly. He resembles a politician Dark Star recalls from his foalhood. He speaks
"What are you doing here Dark Star? Defending such outdated concepts as 'family'? Time to move on"
>>82649No kidding. I am scared to go to sleep now.
>>82650"Communist Scum! All of you are going to pay! im going to feed all of you to the Diamond Dogs!"
>>82651I wonder if this is a byproduct of the changelings having captured Luna. Maybe they figured out a way to dreamwalk by studying her.
>>82653If it wasn't that before, the GM has an idea now.
>>82652"Hahaha! Who do you think voted for me but the Diamond Dogs?
Now what is this? Firearms? Tisk tisk. Can't let a free pony going around with
those, can we?"
He uses his unicorn magic to try to take Dark Star's guns
"Dark Star, why do you resist the customs and traditions of our guests? Though they may seem strange to the superstitious and Xenophobic, they serve a valuable purpose"
He looks directly at Dark Star
"Love for a foal. Love for country. These are all love for particulars love for somecreature above some other creature. To favor one over another. In the Brotherhood of Creatures,
all are loved equally. Every Stallion, Mare, Bird, Dog, Drone... you get the idea I hope. Dark Star, you
must allow your foals to be raised by another. And you in kind, must raise somecreature else's hatchlings. Tis' the greatest way to break down that greatest monolith of Parochialism and Inequallity, the Family. Don't stand in the way of Progress, Dark Star"
[Read more] [2d20+7 = 12]>>82655Dark Star trys to shoot him
>>82656>A 2 and a 3Dark Star's vain attempts at defending himself provide the opportunity the drones need to snatch the guns from Dark Star. He is left without firearms
"First your guns Dark Star. Then your foals" Says the pony
[1d20 = 7]>>82657Dark Star bites the drone to his right
[1d20+1 = 7]>>82658The drone snarls and hisses at Dark Star as Dark Star fails to land a bite. As this happens to be the side with Endless Skies, the edgy earth pony filly, she lunges at the distracted drone with her fork
"Die you fucking insect!"
[1d20+3 = 6]
[1d20+3 = 19]
The Drone grabs Endless Skies. The other Drone goes for White Guard
[1d20 = 4]>>82660Dark Star kicks the one going for white guard
[1d20+5 = 16]>>82658The little blue pony is grabbed, while the white pegasus kicks back and holds off. The Changeling leader goes in for a kiss on Dark Star
>>82661>>82661"If only you would fight as strongly for the cause of Right and Good, Dark Star" says the pony
>>82642"So..... How dangerous is it exactly?" He asks, having already heard in extensive detail exactly how dangerous it is
[1d20+1 = 12]
Endless Skies tries to stab her captor
>>82663>>82662Dark Star Screams "Blue help!"
And them he pulls out his 3rd pistol and shoots the bug holding the colt
[3d6 = 9]>>82667"Nonsense! We had taken all of your guns! How can there still be gun violence!"
Well, it sure as hell hits
>>82668"its almost like taking the guns did nothing at all huh?"
>>82669Green goo oozes out of the hissing but still standing drone as it still holds little Endless Skies, as she tries in vain to fight off the drone
The Changeling leader, nevertheless, goes in for the kiss
>>82671Not quite good enough
>>82662He can feel himself going cold
>>82666Dark Star wakes up. Or he seems to at least. The surroundings are different, now the room he fell asleep in. Their is an intruder in the room
>>82674He sees none other than Blue Skies next to the bed. She must have entered without knocking, as she is right next to him
"Dark Star? The bar tender told me you would be here"
>>82675"yea i was taking a rest. i had a strange dream."
>>82676She smiles at him
"Oh Dark Star, you must have been really roughed up after that colt kicked your ass earlier"
She pets his mane