Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
1920 replies and 60 files omitted.
>>81917That's because they are outnumbered"And indeed they are. Just don't understate the danger to East Equestria."
[1d20+7 = 25]>>81910Sister Ash gives a sigh and pulls a funny-smelling plant from her fanny pack and ribs it on Iron's forehoof.
Heal check
>>81921Iron feels relieved by the plant's effectiveness. "Frankly, I think I did that to feel that sweet plant you put on me." He chuckles. "Maybe it is your touch. I cannot think straight, that I am sure of."
>>81920Well duh. They're parasites: they're doomed to be the minority. If they ever spread too far, they wouldn't be able to feed properly."That's exactly my point. They're not to be underestimated. Just because they doom themselves doesn't mean they couldn't drag a third of the world along with them, if fate had it."
>>81922"Oh you..." Sister Ash mutters, as she treats his hoof
>>81922"Or maybe it's shock from the burn"
>>81923"Then you understand why the Blackhooves must remain strong in East Equestria"
>>81916"Then I can hope these means are enough. I have heard rumors that there are changelings in Baltimare, somewhere. I do not relish idea of this rumor being true, of Chrysalis spying on major factions in city. Probing for weaknesses."
>>81918"She will still have to tell me secret of how she is able to self-immolate like that. I wonder if all kirins can do that without hurting themselves."
>>81926She thinks the Blackhooves r gay."Hmmph, it is not my place to decide what faction is legitimate to government the Equestrians. I am but a foreign peace-worker, trying to do my best for who I can assist.
>>81924"Do not make me spell it out. Either way, I would gladly take you on now."
>>81925"What can I say? You are quite good at healing." Iron smiles warmly. "Can you take off my armor? I want to show Star how hoof-to-hoof fighting is done."
>>81926Iron sticks his tongue playfully. "You would do the same if Star had this magic touch."
>>81927"I think so. It has to do with anger if I recall, but how they don't burn themselves... I guess it has to do with being part dragon. Don't quote me on that though."
>>81927"Oh, they can all do it..." Sister Ash replies unenthusiastically
"The trick is learning how not to."
>>81929Didn't she already do that?
*Spends another 4 minutes taking off armor*
>>81932I put it all on again after the little spat with Skies.
>>81927"I can tell you right now that there are. Dark Star here killed one just a couple nights ago. Wait"
She pauses, and pulls out a small flashlight from Dark Star's bag, and shines it between Silver's eyes
"Changeling Empire alright. We found a nest of spies"
>>81928"Unless you are willing to welcome your new insect overlords, you must support the one and only government that can resist them"
[Read more] >>81935*Civil disobedience intensifies*
"I am sorry, but I must remain politically neutral for the time being. Perhaps their motives and mine may coincide at some point."
>>81936"Neutral? You gave Joe Marecarthy a run for his money with your speech on Changelings"
>>81931>>81930"If it has to do with anger, then trick is to learn how to control it like weapon, lest it consume you. Literally, in this case."
>>81935The test shows nothing out of the ordinary as he sits still for it. "...This is not good."
>>81934"I would prefer doing it whenever you feel like sleeping. I heard that it should heal all the bruises when you wake up, so I suggest to fight at twilight or even at night."
>>81935Iron smirks "Pretend to act dumb. I know your game, Skies." He does not seem like he is thinking straight still.
>>81932"Thank you, Ash." Iron hugs Ash for some reason.
>>81937"I regard the situation on the Changeling expansion as an ecological phenomenon. For verminkind to encroach on the habitats of others despite the limits of their niche is cause for concern on my behalf. That does not put my investments in any particular faction."
>>81939Iron Finds that Sister Ash is no longer on fire and is now safe to hug.
>>81938"Do you see now why we don't necessarily have the time to pursue every missing foal report?"
>>81939"Uh... Okay"
>>81941"Then go to the border with a can of bugspray, if you really think you can do it alone"
>>81940"Aww... Well, I guess I'll leave you to your guys night out"
>>81940"I knew you would say that." He checks the time of day, smirking to himself. He takes out the map "Set the place where we shall fight."
>>81941Just in caseIron confirms the hug to Ash. "You are soft." He buries some of his muzzle into her mane, not really thinking rationally.
>>81942"you can watch me demolish iron"
Dark Star Smiles
>>81943Sister Ash is somewhat taken aback by Iron's touchiness with her fluff, but doesn't push him off.
"... You need rest.. I think you may have inhaled a bit too much smoke.."
>>81942"I am afraid if they have made it this far in their infiltration, then we are fighting uphill battle. Infiltration of major factions is sign that they are fair ways into process of preparing for invasion. Next step is to probe for weaknesses, for cracks in foundation, then focus on these cracks until entire thing is ready to break. And if business at docks is anything like it seems, I would guess that is point they are trying to reach."
>>81943Dark Star points at an alley close by the EastSide Tavern."
>>81946"Oh yeah. We never told you about the docks did we?"
>>81942[Apolitical Druid noises]
>>81945"Pfft, like I need air to live." Iron waves it off but relents his attack on her fluff and lets go.
>>81947"Alright, then it is settled. We shall fight there at twilight." Iron checks again for the time of day.
>>81949Silver shakes his head no. "I still do not know specifics of what happened. All I know is that you were there, and there was changelings."
>>81946"Not necessarily. They could be wanting to keep some level of control on foreign politics, or to weaken a possible future enemy."
>>81951>>81947>>81953She is most definitely irritated to say the least
>>81952"One. Singular"
>>81954"Ah, cheer up Skies. You can act as a nurse for him. He would certainly like it. I guarantee it." Iron chuckles.
>>81953"Yeah yeah, that is what I said." Iron tries to find this Eastside tavern.
>>81952"Dark Star hired us to sneak into a meeting with several communist officers from over seas. It was supposed to be a stealth mission, but our Kirin can only take so much stealth as you know. So it got loud, became a gun fight, one communist turned out to be a changeling, we stole their gold, destroyed most of their arms, and got a few prisoners."
The sorcerer realizes something.
"You weren't there though. The prisoners will be released soon and we will have to head out before they try to rally a revenge plot on us, but you are good to stay."
>>81957"Hey! No talking smack about Ash!" Iron yells out to Spark.
>>81958"The fire lizard did very nearly cause that mission to fail, just as she did in the catacombs."
>>81954"And you know same as I who that future enemy is." He shakes his head clear of the worries that have gripped him. "Bah. It does not do well to worry on changelings, and seeing changelings in everything. That is lesson we learned during Changeling Scare. I suppose you will do your best, and that is all I can really hope for."
>>81955"I think she would have greater chance of having romantic relations with him if he is conscious. At least, that is feeling I get from her."
>>81957"Hmm. Communists. No matter where you go, it is always same." He chuckles. "If worst comes to pass, I suppose I could always try to disguise myself as one, and try to get you all to safety. I already come from Severyana. I already have accent. All I would need is to spout some bullshit about 'liberation of proletariat', or whatever it is Reds say they fight for nowadays."
>>81960"I assume she is reason why there were burnt down warehouses at docks, then."
[Read more] >>81960Sister Ash shrugs
"I wasn't ever entirely sure what the mission actually was. I was only along for the ride to find children. I heard that the arms needed to be disposed of, so I did what I thought was right in the moment." She replies
>>81959>>81962"Oh. I was not expecting that." Iron is stunned by the lack of knowledge of the mission from Ash.
>>81960"Fine, you have that point in your favor." Iron shrugs.
>>81961"Like taking care of eachother is not romantic by itself. Besides, the 'unconscious' part is just temporary. I would give about 20 minutes tops."
>>81961"Ponies are enough of a threat to be concerned about"
She looks at the alleged not communist a little suspiciously
>>81963"And then, he'll be too bruised to cuddle, or I'll have to take him to a hospital"
She sighs
>>81964"i just wont lose though."
>>81964Silver looks back at her. "You can not try to tell me you have not done anything similar in past."
>>81963"I think you mistake meaning of 'romantic' in this situation."
>>81965She only responds with a look of complete disbelief
>>81964"Pfft, it is just bruises. He can sleep it off. Besides, if he can take a beating, he can take your cuddles after it, so there are no consequences to this fight." Iron thinks. "Maybe you need some ice to make him feel better."
>>81965"I like that cocky attitude. I hope you can match it in skill." Iron smiles, ready for battle.
>>81966"Oh come on, quit being such a downer. What stallion does not love being taken care of at their worst? It is the most romantic thing to see the mare dutifully taking care of you when she could be doing anything else." Iron starts thinking somewhat suggestive themes related with nursing.
>>81968"Sleep it off. He takes my cuddles. Dutifully take care of a stallion when she could be doing something productive. Right."
Definitely not a content look or tone.