Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
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>>81511Good thing I have to wake up early as well, thenIron just stands guard near Ash, not intent on moving anywhere else except to follow Ash.
>>81510"Hmm..." Silver thinks more on this. "Do you think it could have been part of larger horde?"
>>81512Would I be able to hear this from the camp? I'm not entirely sure where it is in relation.
>>81514"What do you mean?"
>>81515He he specifically went to find him, then yes
>>81516yea sure, Dark Star goes up to him.
>>81516"Could it have been part of personal treasure or collection of keepsakes Curwhinny kept? What if this is his locket? And this picture is of his late wife?"
>>81518"Plausible. Where do you think the foal got it from then?"
>>81520He thinks some more, before it hits him. "...Son of bitch. It came from cavity behind wall. One with book in it that Star took."
>>81521"That could be. Why would we find the cavity exposed as it was though?"
>>81519"hey i was reading this book, you gotta read this."
Dark Star Gives him a quick rundown
>>81522"That is less clear. Perhaps militia ponies, as they were attacking catacombs, disturbed bricks in that room. We did find skeleton of one not too far away from room."
>>81523"I always wondered about ponies... or whatever they are beyond the sky with the story of the stars aiding in her escape. Interesting stuff. How does it end?"
>>81524"I'm not so sure they would have attacked bricks. I am even less sure they would have just ignored that book. Weren't there a number of dislodged bricks and fallen rocks near the stairwell?"
>>81525>>81526"i dont know yet, i thought it was incredible i had to tell some pony."
Dark Star Continues Reading
>>81526"Yes, there was. Perhaps...what if mining operations in quarry caused both? That downstairs area was directly adjacent to quarry, and connected with quarry tunnel. And mining operations occurred far after than militia assault, and occurred before foal found their way into catacombs."
>>81527There was concern over the unicorns of the circle, as while they were successful in contacting several of the outer ones, and these outer ones had various responses to the questions asked them, none had offered promises of power or pacts. But of course that was a petty issue to others, as they did not care for any favors in the terrestrial realm. They wanted to reach the divine. They wanted to become like the outer ones. The outer ones for their part took various interest in the terrestrial plane. Some had no interest at all in it, one took an interest in its magic, one in its little ponies and kingdoms, another only as a source of entertainment... And of course there were mixed feelings about which of these were dangerous. The response, naturally, was that the process could be controlled. So a unicorn who had studied along side Star-Swirl the Beared proposed a way to try to gain limited access to the outer planes. The ponies themselves, perhaps, could go over and touch the outer realms.
>>81528"Yes... that would explain much of the damage to the catacombs. Many of those rooms look as if they had been boarded up, but the boards came down"
>>81529"Do you think, perhaps, there is more treasure there underneath well that has not yet been uncovered? Or elsewhere in catacombs, exposed by explosions from mines?" He rubs the back of his neck. "I suppose, it does not matter, unless we have way of surviving down there. Some kind of magic spell, or gas mask, or something of that sort."
>>81530"There are dozens of magical spells that allow you to breath in difficult conditions. We also have gas masks and oxygen tanks back at headquarters. Personally, I would recommend trying to remove all of that rubble from the cave-in you caused so there can be a breathing hole again. But who knows. There is definitely
something down there in the areas never visited. And it's neither unmoving nor forever sealed away.
I can tell you
I would like to see what hasn't been burned"
She gives her smile, and wags her tail slightly
>>81529"the unicorns wanted to be like the outer ones?
Dark Star keeps reading"
>>81532"Just asking for trouble, as usual. Things really don't change do they?"
>>81531Silver nods as well, getting a similar look on his face. "Sounds like you and I have same idea, here."
>>81532They assembled again. It seems that the timing of the sessions was important because of the positioning of the celestial bodies, which natural affect the planes of the realms because the planes are determined by the bodies that inhabit them. The "outer ones" are actually not necessarily inhabitants of the outer most planes, but certainly always above the terrestrial plane.
They assembled together at a sight of many runes, and positioned the stones just right so that they aligned with the Celestial bodies. When this was accomplished, a portal was opened, and at least one unicorn was able to pass through it. He reports later that he saw the land from far above, and saw the angels as they danced in the outer planes.
>>81534She smiles still
"Tell me though. What
precisely do you seek? What do you seek to avoid?"
[Read more] >>81536"In this moment in time? Bits, work, something to give purpose to my life beyond just living. As for what to avoid...failure, mostly. I would say death, but I no longer have such fear of it. As long as I succeed in my duties, I do not care what happens to me."
>>81537"Do you know what the ponies who employed you for the catacombs wanted?"
>>81536>>81535"Does the book say anything about how the pony acted once he got back?"
>>81538"As I understand it, they want undead cleared so they may continue work to fill in quarry without issue, turn land into real estate. I imagine if they only wanted tunnel sealed, they would have done so already."
>>81539That pony was filled with glee, for he had pranced with Angels.
They thought to expand the effect of the spell, to allow easier communion between the planes. The pony met with an outer one directly, and the outer one seemed amiable enough to allow to visit the terrestrial plane, nevermind the stated intent of domination of ponykind
>>81540"Wait, they want this for
real estate?"
>>81541"As far as my knowledge goes." He thinks some more on what he heard. "Perhaps it was for development. But those are fairly similar in purpose."
>>81542"Remember the different pony races didn't get along very well. Keep reading. I got to see how it ends for them, and how they swear to try again someday. Cults always swear to try again someday."
>>81542The outer one walked straight through the portal and into the terrestrial plane, and ethereal angel. It spoke with the unicorns and is reported even to have sat down for dinner with a few of them. As a sign of good faith, the outer one returned to the outer planes after request by some of the unicorns, with the obvious desire to return.
But this incident heightened tensions between members of the unicorn circle, as some wanted to go to the outer planes themselves, or did not like the assumption of the outer one that they would be its servants.
More so, there was tension in the court of Princess Platinum, as one of the ponies had been chosen to be Starswirl's apprentice alongside Clover the Clever, causing jealousy in at least one pony
>>81543"Then it sounds like they might dig into these areas for basements or tunnels. If not this year then in ten years or in a century.
Let me ask you a different question. What is it I could do that would make you stop willing to help me or work with me? What will you not help me do?"
[Read more] >>81546>>81547It's the same response either way, as that is the next part of the story
>>81549Nope. She meant 'what lines are you not willing to cross'
>>81549'what is it I could do that would make you
not willing to help me or work with me'
>>81550Ah. Okay, I see it now.>>81546"I am mercenary, no matter what my personal preferences are. When I work, I am loyal to contract first, Bits second. There is only one line anyone could ever or has ever tried to cross that would make or has made me not willing to fulfill job: an active attempt to bring end to my life."
>>81548Dark Star Reads some more
>>81552"In other words: there is very, very little I would not do to fulfill contract." His voice has a twinge of regret as he continues. "In fact, there has been very, very little I have not done."
>>81554>>81552>>81552She gives him her smile
"Good. Then we shall have no issues working together going forward. I know where my loyalties lie, and I can't say i can help you much with your contract with the developers. but as for bits..."
She opens the top of Dark Star's bag, and briefly pulls out a non-descript leather bound book, then the two booklets
"These here... These are worth something. I want to find more like these, if they exist"
>>81553It was time to visit the outer planes again. And a unicorn was selected. Not just any unicorn, but the same who had been selected before by Star swirl the Bearded. And beneath the moonlight, he waltzed with an outer one, with now two of them intent on on coming to the terrestrial realm.
However, a stallion named Fortis Equus in particular took offense to this process. He did not like other unicorn evidently courting Outer Ones. So he told Princess Platinum about the affairs of the circle
[Read more] >>81555Silver nods. "Curwhinny's notes. Indeed, I can see where Bits would exist, where these are concerned." He considers it for a couple seconds, before offering to shake on it. "If there are Bits in this work, then I shall take job."
>>81555"There is only so many ways this can go down. I'm shocked we lived at all when we were tempting powers beyond our understanding to interact with us."
>>81556>>81557Telling Princess Platinum proved catastrophic. Several of the members were arrested and charged. In particular, the stallion who had consorted with the outer ones became the target of suspicion, as it was believed that the outer ones he had talked to intended to take Princess Platinum's place. This was conspiring with foreign forces against the crown. As there was no proof that outer ones even exited, there could be no actual charge of treason. Still, it was enough to cause him to lose his position in the court
What remained of the circle met a last time
>>81555"This is getting pretty good."
>>81558>>81559"Very good. I can't wait to see how it ends."
>>81556"Excellent. Now don't let them take any more books and booklets, and don't let them know. Name your price, and you can have it. Just help me find more"
>>81559It was a windless night with no moon. Probably half of the circle was not there, either because they had been arrested, or because they were afraid of being caught. No pony knew it had been Fortis who had informed on them to the Princess. All knew, however, that they must accelerate their plans, as their time had run out. They tried their best to make the incantations, and to draw a larger circle. When this was accomplished, the portal was established once again. The Outer One whom they had been in most contact with - the 'co-conspirator' according to Platinum, came through, bringing along another outer one who was more so conscripted into the scheme than a wholly willing participant. The Unicorn approached the two and addressed them as their servants.
At this point, Fortis Equus could not stand the sight any longer, and called out, demanding why the unicorn alone had travelled. After consideration, the unicorn himself decided that Fortis had a point, and let Fortis come to the portal.
When Fortis went through, he was accompanied by the two outer ones, and they pranced through the moonlight, and saw the stars as they hung. He was allowed to touch the ethereal coats of the outer ones, and to see the planet as it looked from the outer planes
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