Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
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>>81968"As somepony who was once married? I preferred being conscious enough to hold my wife in my embrace." He thinks for a couple seconds. "Now that I think of it, I do not believe I was ever knocked unconscious in presence of Storm Warning in first place."
Are we going to go back in the tunnel today, or are we going to let it air out?
>>81971Going to let it air out I think. We should be off to save the foals.
>>81969"Bah, you are a downer like Silver. Trust me, it will be great. What better way to deepen relationships than by taking care of the ones you love?"
>>81970"You were married? Huh, it is rather strange from her not to take care of you once during your entire marriage." Iron pokes his chin.
>>81971Refer to >>81972 >>81973 >>81968"im looking foward to the fight."
>>81974"I can think of many ways"
>>81975"As am I. Hope you are ready." Iron chuckles.
>>81976"I can tell you right now that nothing on your mind can compare." Iron chuckles again, both at her stubborness and small growling noises she's making.
>>81974"Oh, we took care of each other for many wonderful years. It is just that we did not get into many situations where either of us was knocked unconscious."
>>81975"I hope you are able to dodge his blows. I would not have much faith in my strength, if I was in your position."
>>81976>>81969"We can Cuddle after i beat Iron."
>>81978"See? Silver gets it. He is just worried that Star is flimsy enough to be unconscious for years like the scaredy cat he is." Iron puts a hoof on Silver's shoulder. "He will be fine, just some bruises, that is all."
>>81979Iron laughs even harder by her cockiness
>>81977"That's okay, I need to meet with a doctor to buy a few drugs anyways"
>>81979"If you lose, can I be cuddled by somepony else?"
>>81981Iron laughs at her joke, then smiles devilishly "How about me? Just to raise the stakes and have Star fight for real. What do you say?"
>>81980"He said you were able to punch trees down with your bare hooves. That does not bode well for him if your hooves connect."
>>81985"I never really tried that, so I am not sure if I actually can do that. Yes, I have broken my share of big sticks back in my tribe, but trees may be too far." Iron thinks. "Maybe I could try now, since there is nothing that the tree could damage."
>>81984>>81983She smiles in her usual way, for the first time since this exchange started
"You know, you both are
very confident in your ability to win. Why not place meaningful bets?"
>>81988"Oh please, how many forests have you murdered?"
>>81987"Now we are talking. What do you have in mind?" Iron is getting into the excitement of winning something.
>>81988"I know you made a campfire once, do not be a hypocrite!" Iron shouts back.
>>81989She looks at her like she's proposing something ridiculous
"I would never."
>>81990"Gathering sticks isn't hard!"
>>81987Dark Star narrows his eyes
The sorcerer looks at all of the ponies, then back to his glass.
"And they say I'm the crazy one."
>>81992"You are using dead tree parts for the campfire! Do not pretend how easy gathering sticks exempts you from responsibility!"
>>81991She looks back at her with the "I can't believe you would think I would believe that" look
>>81992"I'm sure it isn't for a tree killer"
>>81993"Dark Star, sweetie, are you sure you wouldn't rather select a champion to fight in your place, or make some sort of special rule like I get to spend my punched on him during the fight?"
>>81990"He is very intent on fighting you. Perhaps you could name some terms"
[Read more] >>81996She turns black again
"Who in their right mind would just destroy a forest for no good reason?"
>>81997"Who in their right mind would destroy a library in an oxygen-less cavern that ponies were occupied? The answer, I must assume, is somepony who is not in her right mind"
>>81996"I am not that creative with terms." Iron pokes his chin. "Uh, how about... uh. I actually only have a few things I can take from him to further his willpower into fighting with his all and you know what I mean, do you not? Maybe some bits, maybe?" Iron ponders a bit more. "No, no idea."
>>81998"Hmmmph, healthy forests take eons to grow. Libraries only take mere decades." She replies, crossing her arms
>>82001Iron attempts to pat the burning mare again in order to comfort her.
>>81996Silver lets out a sigh that says 'I can't believe I'm about to say what I'm going to say'. "...I could fight in his place if it pleases you. I do not believe I would win, but I could try."
>>82001"Ash." The tone of Silver's voice suggests that she needs to get a handle on her emotions.
>>82002The look Silver gives Iron suggests that he's not a smart pony.
>>82001"A pine tree takes twenty years, a libraries knowledge can take millennia or even be irreplaceable, and you are smart enough to know this"
>>82000"Maybe I should suggest terms then"
>>81999"Now you are thinking better"
your entire strategy is to hope he has bad dice rolls, isn't it? >>81996>are you sure you wouldn't rather select a champion to fight in your place, or make some sort of special ruleThat sounds like a homo way to duel.
>>82008She looks at him with complete disbelief
[1d20 = 2]>>82007Rolling touch attack because I want this to happen legit.
>>82009"Sure! Go ahead!"
>>82010Nothing quite like two big muscular men beating each other
>>82012Don't forget two weapon fighting as well, which dark star can apply to unarmed combat"I still owe him several punches"
>>82011Silver doesn't look like he believes what he said, himself. "Consider it favor to you and Dark Star. You are good together, from what I have seen, and I imagine you would much prefer to spend tonight together in each other's embrace, rather than putting ice packs on bruises, or sitting next to him on hospital bed."
>>82009"A forest is an irreplaceable balance of natural powers. The time it takes to grow is one thing, but the time it takes to mature is another altogether. A forest could hold secrets that no library could ever hope to record, if you're willing to listen. Not like someone like you would understand though Xp."
>>82013Ha. Ur still alive, fgt.
>>82014It's not gay if they say no homo.
>>82014"are you saying you want to fight him?"
>>82015She's still dumbfounded, and unsure how to react
>>82016"So a tree is replaceable, but the five ponies you almost killed with toxic gas are fine, never mind the fact that you don't even know what cultural artifacts you destroyed"
>>82017"Fight? No. Punch him."