Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
1770 replies and 55 files omitted.
>>82627She warms to this, and gives a soft childish giggle as she lets Dark Star pick her up. The colt is pat
"How many Communists and Zebras did you kill today, daddy?" asks the excited colt
>>82628"Hundreds son. they were trying to hurt the mares in town."
>>82629"How did you kill them?" asks edge filly.
"It's a good thing those mares have you around" says the white colt
>>82630He says to the filly
"Daddy shot them in the head."
He says to the colt
"i swore to protect all the ponies, and i will forever."
[1d20+5 = 12][1d20+5 = 12]>>82631Edge filly is impressed: "Nice aim, but you should watch them suffer first"
White colt wags his tail: "I'm so glad you are our daddy!"
An unknown female voice says "Then protect your own foals"
Roll two opposed grapple rolls
>>82633With the might of the Earth Pony, Dark Star keeps both little Endless Skies and White Guard in his hooves. The window next to the crib is open. Standing in the room next to him is a great black female Changeling. Yellow hair, and Swiss cheese limbs. Two drones stand next to her and behind her
She addresses Dark Star directly
"Normally we would just take your foals from the crib and leave you none the wiser. It seems you came in at an inopportune time. No matter, we shall have your foals one way or another"
"you underestimate my special technique,you bucking cockroach"
Dark Star Snarls at the bitch and her goons and then runs to the closest door
yes that was a jojo reference >>82637"Hahahah! You are foolish to think you can run from us
*blocks ur path*
With the swiftness of dragonflies the two drones fly to in front of Dark Star just before the door
Dark Star backs himself into a corner and puts his foals behind him then Draws his pistols
>>82639Little Endless Skies pulls out her own child's fork to defend herself with, while White Guard stands defensively. Both remain behind Dark Star
The Changeling with the long, golden swiss cheese mane stands in front of Dark Star. To either side are her drones
"Did you think we would let you keep your foals to yourself forever? Time to hand over your future"
[2d20+7 = 32]>>82640Dark Star says to the Foals "Cover you ears"
he says to the changelings "Once you get to tartarus, tell you're hive mates Dark Star sent you,bitch."
Dark Star Shoots her
>>82611Sister Ash nods in acknowledgement, her spirits lifted somewhat.
".. I wasn't able to finish what I started though. I'll need to go back, if they're to be cleared.."
[3d6 = 11]>>82641One of the shots, she avoids swiftly to make hit her breast plate. Another hits her right through her chest
>>82645She reaches in closely and grabs around Dark Star's face, pulling him closer in a twisted perversion of a lover's kiss. She has fangs the size of feathers, a bent muzzle, and a long, thin lizard like tounge. As she raps her porous legs around Dark Star, she moves in her lips for the kiss. Her crooked horn glows a malign green which envelops Dark Star's muzzle. As her lips touch his, he feels the happiness and joy slowly drain from his body
Dark Star shoots at her again
[3d6 = 13]>>82647One of his shots goes right into her chest, spraying a green goo. The other... Well, Dark Star finds he is a bit drained at the moment, and a shot that would have gone right into before the kiss, now is barely deflected by her green armor, a horrid steel plate that resembles her chitinous hide
Man, this changeling sure does get around in ponies' dreams.
>>82647She breaks away her lover's embrace from Dark Star as Endless Skies, the little blue filly, stabs her with her fork. She back away as a new voice enters the room.
Through the door of the room, enters a tanish earth pony stallion with a business coat on - blue and white striped shirt with a red tie and blue coat. His mane is strawberry and curly. He resembles a politician Dark Star recalls from his foalhood. He speaks
"What are you doing here Dark Star? Defending such outdated concepts as 'family'? Time to move on"
>>82649No kidding. I am scared to go to sleep now.
>>82650"Communist Scum! All of you are going to pay! im going to feed all of you to the Diamond Dogs!"
>>82651I wonder if this is a byproduct of the changelings having captured Luna. Maybe they figured out a way to dreamwalk by studying her.
>>82653If it wasn't that before, the GM has an idea now.
>>82652"Hahaha! Who do you think voted for me but the Diamond Dogs?
Now what is this? Firearms? Tisk tisk. Can't let a free pony going around with
those, can we?"
He uses his unicorn magic to try to take Dark Star's guns
"Dark Star, why do you resist the customs and traditions of our guests? Though they may seem strange to the superstitious and Xenophobic, they serve a valuable purpose"
He looks directly at Dark Star
"Love for a foal. Love for country. These are all love for particulars love for somecreature above some other creature. To favor one over another. In the Brotherhood of Creatures,
all are loved equally. Every Stallion, Mare, Bird, Dog, Drone... you get the idea I hope. Dark Star, you
must allow your foals to be raised by another. And you in kind, must raise somecreature else's hatchlings. Tis' the greatest way to break down that greatest monolith of Parochialism and Inequallity, the Family. Don't stand in the way of Progress, Dark Star"
[Read more] [2d20+7 = 12]>>82655Dark Star trys to shoot him
>>82656>A 2 and a 3Dark Star's vain attempts at defending himself provide the opportunity the drones need to snatch the guns from Dark Star. He is left without firearms
"First your guns Dark Star. Then your foals" Says the pony
[1d20 = 7]>>82657Dark Star bites the drone to his right
[1d20+1 = 7]>>82658The drone snarls and hisses at Dark Star as Dark Star fails to land a bite. As this happens to be the side with Endless Skies, the edgy earth pony filly, she lunges at the distracted drone with her fork
"Die you fucking insect!"
[1d20+3 = 6]
[1d20+3 = 19]
The Drone grabs Endless Skies. The other Drone goes for White Guard
[1d20 = 4]>>82660Dark Star kicks the one going for white guard
[1d20+5 = 16]>>82658The little blue pony is grabbed, while the white pegasus kicks back and holds off. The Changeling leader goes in for a kiss on Dark Star
>>82661>>82661"If only you would fight as strongly for the cause of Right and Good, Dark Star" says the pony
>>82642"So..... How dangerous is it exactly?" He asks, having already heard in extensive detail exactly how dangerous it is
[1d20+1 = 12]
Endless Skies tries to stab her captor
>>82663>>82662Dark Star Screams "Blue help!"
And them he pulls out his 3rd pistol and shoots the bug holding the colt
[3d6 = 9]>>82667"Nonsense! We had taken all of your guns! How can there still be gun violence!"
Well, it sure as hell hits
>>82668"its almost like taking the guns did nothing at all huh?"
>>82669Green goo oozes out of the hissing but still standing drone as it still holds little Endless Skies, as she tries in vain to fight off the drone
The Changeling leader, nevertheless, goes in for the kiss
>>82671Not quite good enough
>>82662He can feel himself going cold
>>82666Dark Star wakes up. Or he seems to at least. The surroundings are different, now the room he fell asleep in. Their is an intruder in the room
>>82674He sees none other than Blue Skies next to the bed. She must have entered without knocking, as she is right next to him
"Dark Star? The bar tender told me you would be here"
>>82675"yea i was taking a rest. i had a strange dream."
>>82676She smiles at him
"Oh Dark Star, you must have been really roughed up after that colt kicked your ass earlier"
She pets his mane
>>82677"it was a fair fight. my pride did get a little hurt though."
>>82678She rolls her eyes, and sighs
"I hoped you learned your lesson"
>>82679"i need to start lifting weights?"
>>82680"Never fight fair, and never enter a fight if you don't have to"
>>82681"i get to do community service next week. thats gonna be great."
I wonder if Ash's or Iron's player is here right now, or if I'm okay with just sending Silver back to the tavern to wait for the rest of the group.
>>82683Sorry, I passed out. I backread a bit but can't find anything else of our side of the story besides the colt's excitement and terror.
>>82682"Oh please, you don't owe anything to mister 'takes a healing potion first, then takes attacks of opportunity he didn't in the previous fight'"
>>82684It's alright.Seeing that Ash is capable of taking care of Slow Burn at the moment, Silver trots up to Iron. "You were excellent hoof-to-hoof opponent."
>>82685"i did agree to it though..."
>>82687"How well did that work out for you? I agreed to 'uphold and protect the laws of Nimbusia' and it didn't work out any better for me"
>>82686Iron has mixed feelings, little bit of pride and shame. "While you were pretty tough, you lacked the means to attack properly with your hooves. It was not really a fair fight to show my combat prowess." He scratches his forehead, remembering Silver's last hit. "You still pack a punch though." He chuckles.
>>82689>>82691"Dark Star, fighting is not an end in itself. I tell you, there is no honor in having your eye penetrated through with a broken lance so that you can no longer even recognize your own sister. Have you seen Sea Breeze? He was in combat, ow he can't even walk without magic from his flickering and broken horn. When you understand this, you will understand that fighting is only fit to be a means to an end. And when you understand
that you understand why your opponents will
not fight with honor. Because they knew they'd never find it at the wrong end of a lance, hoof, or artillery gun"
>>82692"Yes, I know. I am not very good with hoof-to-hoof combat. I left many openings you did not take advantage of." He chuckles. "Perhaps one day you will have to teach me how to attack properly with my hooves."
>>82693Can players even teach their own feats to others?>>82694Iron thinks. "It is a nice proposition. I never had another spar partner for a while, and with your tough body, you could be able to withstand anyother pony's attacks while you dish out your own damage." He strokes his chin a bit. "I think I can teach it but if my brother should be able to do that better than me."
>>82693"still i would like to keep my honor though."
>>82696"So far as I am concerned, the agreement was void when he changed the combat from his previous set of rules"
>>82695"It sounds like nice idea. Even at my age, learning new techniques is good idea. Who knows, could be useful one day."
>>82698"Do you want a drink? i think i want another one."
>>82702Dark star puts his arm around her neck and walks over to the bar with her
>>82701Thank you for the clarification.>>82699Iron chuckles. "You could do some damage with that sword you have on your back though. While I like your eagerness to learn, the only thing I can do to teach you is to fight me over and over. Maybe next time we spar, you could use your sword and I use my hooves. What do you think?"
>>82703She smiles at this, and tries to kiss him before they leave the room
>>82704Silver lets out a laugh. "As long as we do not actually try to kill one another."
>>82707"You can use a practice wooden sword, I think. I do not know where you can find that, though."
>>82706She coos as her tongue invades him
Although if he woke up during a dream, I would think he would not yet be in a condition to walk into public >>82708"Ah, that makes more sense. Perhaps there are stores out there that sell them. I mean, there are stores that sell significantly more lethal weapons than wooden practice swords."
>>82710Iron thinks some more. "Well, fighting is illegal in general. I am unsure if they would sell those kinds of wooden weapons if nobody can spar with eachother." He remembers that colt who he thinks he was a deacon, beacon or whatever. "What is up with his excitement?"
>>82712"He is young. It is to be expected. I will say, he certainly is more excitable than those of his age were in Severyana, especially for those in religious institutions. Perhaps that is just normal in this area for Equestrians."
>>82714Sundew buts in
"No, he's more sanguine than most"
>>82714Iron inspects the area. "So did we concluded with the whole 'soul jar' business? I was not paying attention."
>>82713Ah that would make sense"Mr.Glass another one of those vodka milk drinks for me and a maretini."
>>82715Damn phoneposting, doesn't let me see new replies."Is that a good thing for you?"
>>82715"It could be just how he was born. He seems like good colt, though. I would not give him too much issue for it."
>>82716"Yes. I was getting ready to head back to tavern, wait for rest of group there. Are you coming, or will you stay with Ash until this business is concluded?"
>>82718"He's energetic alright"
>>82717"Coming right up!"
Blue Skies now addresses Dark Star
"After getting back to headquarters, getting yelled at about missing an appointment... and after a very long conversation about the books we handed over... I looked into this Comte guy"
>>82719Iron shakes his head. "I am her bodyguard. I must stay by her side. You can go ahead. Ash and I will catch up later." Iron smiles.
>>82720"How have you coped with him? You make him sound like a huge weight on your back." Iron scratches his side.
>>82721Silver nods, and turns for the exit. "I will see you later, then." With that, Silver makes for the tavern to rest up and wait for the rest of the group.
Sorry, I passed out.
How long it take for the priest to finish his phonecall?
>>82722"Weight? Certainly not. He's friendly to others, and he's willing to learn and do things"
>>82720"oh really? what did you find out?"
>>82725"Sorry. You made him sound like a hassle to deal with." Iron shakes his head. "Who was that aged stallion, and who are you?"
>>82726"City Councilpony, very well involved in the political elite of the city with connections elsewhere in East Equestria, fairly involved in the Industrial elite as well. He lives in the gated community of Pleasant Gardens. There are many openings to go in, as he welcomes guests, has food catered, has gardeners, and has various other ponies coming in and out. He stays there most of the time, but if you want to investigate his house when he isn't there, there should be a meeting he should attend at something like 7 PM"
>>82727"I am Sundew, a priestess in this Parish for the Celestial Church. He is Father Maren, an expert on more arcane matters assigned to this parish"
>>82728"I see." Iron nods. "It seems Ash is waiting for a 'cold', ''cald' of sorts" Iron is a bit tongue tied by the new word. "Any idea what it is about?"
>>82728"sorry you missed your meeting by the way. 7pm? that sounds like a plan. what time is it now?"
>>82729"She's waiting for a 'cold'? Come again?"
>>82731"A 'caul', 'card', you understand, right?" Iron does not know how to communicate what a call is.
>>82729>>82733It took me a while to figure it out what he meant.
Sister Ash shrugs in response
"I don't know what it means either, but it seems like he had some important business to attend to."
>>82734Iron nods. "I hope he does not take too long. We do not want to keep Silver and the others waiting at the tavern, now do we?"
>>82730No small amount of time passes before Father Maren returns to the room. When he does, he says the following:
"I called the Bishop in Canterlot, who directed me to directed me to an expert in Equestrian necromancers. He didn't know what I meant, nor did anyone in the department, so they searched through the archives. They found it. In 820, a farmer in Albion ran into his local church, saying that he had witnessed local fisherman doing... strange things in his barn involving blue jars. He said he seen spirits conjured and talked to. That was ignored for the fancifulness of the encounter, until a police search for a missing pony revealed what the farmer had said to be the truth a month later. They found a number of jars, with salts just like the ones you described, and eventually turned them over to the church. They were baffled just the same as we, until after a year they discovered that a particular prayer, combined with some iodine and industrial alcohol could break both the spiritual and physical bonds of the salts. And we may do the same here. Of course certain very powerful magic can do all the same, but that would take
far too long, and require help from as far away as Fillidephia"
>>82736I have no clue how you all want to budget your time [Read more] >>82738Didn't you have a meeting with a sister? Anyway it is only a recon mission, which Star, even with his current low health, can do as well as Spark and Skies, if she wants to, and I'm sure she wants to.>>82739Iron is surprised at the complexity of the soul-releasing process. "So are you going to keep the jars until you can free the souls, then?"
>>82739Sister Ash looks very relieved.
"Very well. Shall we start the reposition today then?"
>>82743"Then let us begin." She replies, tying back her raging mane with what few scraps of fabric remained on her body
>>82743>>82744Iron awaits the process, intent on looking at how it is done.
>>82744Father Maren Drops iodine and alcohol carefully into each jar in measured proportions, and hands over a sheet of prayers to Ash
>>82746Sister Ash reviews the sheets, carefully memorizing them.
>>82746Dark Star drinks his drink and orders another
>>82747They are in a language not known to her, but no matter, they may be memorized all the same
"Ready to begin?" Maren says, as he places down the last jar
>>82748"Another already? Alright, coming up"
[1d20 = 12]>>82749Iron looks around for any signs of trouble that could interfere with the reposition.
>>82749Do I roll for comprehension?
>>82750None immediately present. The greatest danger seems to be the jars being tipped over. A chemical reaction seems to be taking place inside of the jars that should not be disturbed
>>82751She can, but that is not necessary
>>82753Iron is a bit nervous. He maintains a watchful gaze on the jars.
[1d20+6 = 24]>>82753I'm bored, so I'll roll anyway.
Rolling Knowledge (religion)
>>82757Nah, just passed out, again.
>>82756Definitely taking an effect on him
>>82755juding from cognates, repeating words, and the context, the prayer seems to be an urge to release spirits from "bondage." Something about a mimicry of corporeal bondage taking place"
He starts as the salts in the jars start to boil, and separate into white and blue liquid layers
>>82761Sister Ash takes mental note of it.
>>82764Iron pokes Ash's rib. "Are you not going to read it aloud?"
>>82765Ash Iron moves closer, he'd notice that Sister Ash has been reading it aloud under her breath, as she tries to find the proper tone.
>>82749"you serve some great drinks mr.glass."
>>82761"i love you blue."
>>82766Iron now hears how focused she is. He returns to looking for signs of trouble around the reposition process.
>>82767"D'aww" She's flattered
"You're welcome" he says
>>82766Father Maren is most definitely reading it aloud
>>82769Oh, he's started already? She would have joined him then.
>>82770As the chanting begins, a more noticeable magic process takes place. White vapor comes up from the jars, then starts heading out in circular pattern as if directed by some unfelt and unnoticed airflow. A separate blue light emanates from the salts as well
[1d20+9 = 13]>>82771Very interesting.
Sister Ash is particularly intrigued by this convienient form of magick.
Rolling spellcraft (free action) to try to identify the emulated spell.
>>82771Iron is mesmerized by the magic flowing around, like he has never seen this kind of process before. Somehow, it reassures him that the souls will be put to rest.
>>82772Newp. And I can't try again for that spell until I gain another rank in spellcraft.
>>82769Dark Star Starts Talking about his dream
>>82772Ash can only say pic related to the spell
>>82773Well, it's kind of creepy, so he'd best have faith that the ponies here have good intentions
>>82775She looks back with some concern and mild alarm
"How did that make you feel?"
>>82776I'll get it next time...
Sister Ash prays with Maren for as long as the incantation takes.
Alright, I'm fairly certain that by now silver would have arrived at the Tavern.
>>82777The vapors form up into a sort of cloud that seems to steadily dissipate, as the blue light gives a definite glow, almost like a blue lit fire
>>82776Iron now feels a little creeped out but does not want to disrupt other ponies' business. If Ash trusts him, then he shall trust him too.
>>82779Sister Ash watches intently as she continues the incantation.
>>82779Silver steps through the door to the Eastside Tavern, massaging his jaw again to try to release some of the soreness left from his hooffight with Iron.
>>82776"Angry,Afraid,Hateful and Determined not to let them win."
>>82781The vapors continue to form, and Ash almost thinks she can hear more voices
>>82782Silver probably would have arrived earlier than Dark Star's return, although he would have seen Blue as she entered
>>82785Sounds like the whispering of lost souls alright
[1d20+3 = 16]>>82786Can she make out any words or feelings?
Rolling sense motive to try to understand their general attitude.
>>82784He speaks up to Glass on the way to his room. "If you see Spark, Star, or any of them, let them know that I am in my room. Gotta rest up little bit after today..."
>>82787Confusion, elation, longing
>>82790She continues the prayer, watching them rise intently.
>>82789Silver takes the time to strip himself of his equipment, and lays on his bed, looking for a little rest before he gets called up to help with the foals.
>>82793Hmmm.... He should probably roll for efficacy
>>82791The bubbling and boiling finally reaches an intense point, almost as if material will be flung out of the jar
>>82783She pats him
"That's the spirit. But... how did seeing
the foals make you feel?"
>>82794>>82792Iron is unsure if he should stand in front of Ash if by any chance the jars explode. He slowly puts himself in front of Ash, shield acting as full cover for her and Iron just in case.
>>82796[spolier]Rest in pasta
>>82794*Preaching intensifies*
Sister Ash watches intently, observant of the effect.
>>82795"It made me Feel so much joy its hard to put into words."
[1d2 = 1]>>82798The tempest starts to calm after this point, as vapors start to dissipate
>>82796Oh dear. Let me see what that means
>>82800She looks just a little uneasy
>>82796Well, he falls asleep. So there's that
>>82801Iron cannot see this from behind the shield, but he does hear the boiling stop, so that calms him a lot.
>>82803>>82801Sister Ash is similarly calmed.
>>82802Dark Star Strokes her cheek
>>82805This soothes her somewhat
>>82804The vapors and the boiling degrade as time progresses
>>82806"I-is it over?" Iron asks aloud to no one in particular.
>>82806Sister Ash takes note of this effect.
How long has the process taken?
>>82808A few minutes
>>82807The jars slowly stop boiling, but Maren is still chanting
>>82809Judging by the chant is still going, he assumes that it keeps going. He reluctantly lowers his shield, now acting as low cover, now able to see the remainder of the process.
>>82809Sister Ash continues to chant with Maren, intent on seeing the reposition through to its completion.
>>82806Dark Star thinks in his head
"Is it because she doesnt like me?"
Silver has taken well that old saying of Comrade Glimmer: "You can't have a nightmare, if you never dream"
>>82810>>82811The chant keeps up until the very last jar is free of vapor. The cloud, continuously dissipating, is gone by now. Father Maren ceases
>>82812Poor Dark Star. She looks happy with him now though
>>82813Sister Ash stops to catch her breath.
"That was rather.. interesting.. to say the least.." she says, flipping through the papers for any clue of what just happened, vaguely suspicious she that she may have allowed herself to activate a scroll.
>>82813So that's why there was a delayed response"Now it is over, right?" Iron asks aloud again, hoping the aged stallion did not just juke him out or something and start chanting again.
>>82815"Interesting is a mild way to put it. Good thing we did not try to do that ourselves or I would have freaked and broken the jars."
>>82814I was just expecting any response of any kind>>82816It felt like everyone died except Ash and Iron"Aye, they have been freed"
>>82815"And may it never need to be done again"
>>82817Iron lets out a breath of relief after being reassured by the stallion. He finally relaxes. "That was something."
>>82813Dark Star not wanting to think about that,orders another drink
>>82817As Sister Ash looks up from the notes, relieved by the convinience potency of the prayers, she can't help but be reminded of the fourth graders who managed to match her highest level of spellcasting the previous night.
"These.. texts.. they don't appear inherently magical, although they detailed the verbal and material components for an effect that emulated what seemed to be similar to a powerful abjuration effect.." she says, somewhat nervous at her lack of understanding
"In all my years of study, I've never heard of such a prayer or sultra that could be called upon for my magical powers by ponies without the proper spellcasting experience.. This incantation practice, what do you ponies call it in this region?"
>>82820"One more coming up" Says Glistening
"So... are you not doing anything until 7 PM?" Asks Blue Skies
>>82819Silver imagines himself with Storm Warning again. The way he sees it is not as he last saw her, but it's like a replay of an intimate moment. A time together in the past. He views it like an old movie, black and white with a brownish tone. But magical nevertheless
>>82821"The prayers we just performed were special prayers to the Spirit of Harmony itself. And I assure you, I am experienced with incantations to the Spirit"
>>82822"Not really,Did you have something in mind?"
>>82822"Very well.. Could prayers such as these be utilized by ponies without the capability to cast spells of their level?" She continues, intrigued
>>82823"I was just wondering if I should return to work"
>>82824"Of their level? I don't understand"
>>82825>>82824"I think she means if the ability to do this prayer you just made is possible to do herself and maybe other prayers that are possible with your deity."
>>82822Silver almost cries, looking at the scene before him. Them together, out in woods for a picnic, holding their hooves as they look into each other's eyes, leaning in for a kiss. He remembers it like it was just yesterday. She had just told him that she was pregnant with their first foal.
>>82825"What I mean is, could prayers such as these be used to emulate spells that would otherwise be out of reach for certain ponies?" She says
"You said that a normally only a caster from Fillydelphia would be able to cast such a spell, but we were able to create the same effect ourselves, albeit with a longer amount of time."