Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
1770 replies and 52 files omitted.
>tfw my poorly-considered arson creates unnecessary danger again
>>81210I'd say it's character flaws or something.
>>81209Silver nods. "Let us hope it is not bad omen." Once Silver has the dynamite set up, he stands over in the storeroom, levitating his lighter up to the dynamite to light it.
>>81211It's pretty poetic, actually.
I just hope it doesn't kill any party members.
>>81213I hope so too. No one likes a character killer.
Unless they want to die or something >>81208Silver looks out into the blue skies above the quarry, as he prepares to blow up one of the only two exits out of the structure, one of the only two sources of air, while still sitting inside of a catacomb with many, many, many undead between him and the other exit and half of the catacombs unexplored
>>81210It's almost like Kirin have a habit of arson or something
>>81212Alright then, the fuze of the dynamite is lit. It is a slow match, basically, designed to allow the handler of the dynamite plenty of time to reach a safe distance
>>81216True."...Hmm...yeah, just...had weird feeling."
>>81217Silver makes his way back to the staircase, levitating his lighter back to him, careful to avoid touching the undead between him and the stairs.
>>81216"Come on, let us hope others did not get into too much trouble while we were gone."
>>81215She was very, very upset about everything she's found in this cavern thus far...
>>81218He sees an artificial light at the top of the stairs
>>81220>>81216"...Oh no. Oh nonononono...come on, Star!" Silver rushes back up the stairs, afraid of what the others have done.
I'm so, so sorry...
Do Sister Ash and Iron make it out?
>>81221Massive fire, producing much smoke
>>81223They can make it to the former hallway at least, where Blue Skies has collapsed with laborious breathes
DON'T BREATHE!" Silver holds his breath as he attempts to run past the hazard.
>>81225TIme for some darmaIron now notices Skies' collapsed form. He lets Caleb keep dragging Ash and he decides to carry Skies with him. He then bolts for the exit where no smoke can impede his breathing.
>>81225If Ash was awakened by Caleb dragging her, she picks up Blue.
>>81226You can hold your breath for 2 rounds per point of Constitution (a lot), which should be enough.. I hope..
>>81227Or he can take her.
I guess Sister Ash is passed out until further notice..
>>81227"Heee... I can get myself" She tries to crawl along. She has probably at least half her weight in various items on her
>>81226>hold breathSilver wonders why he wanted to blow it up
now, or why he went deeper into the catacombs rather than into the quarry where there was at least air. He also realized that in 90 seconds, when that dynamite goes off, the one thing allowing there to be any flow of air at all will be gone, and it shall get much worse
>>81231The wind blows past him, from the quarry towards the fire
>>81230As Dark Star runs by he holds his breath to.
>>81230Silver wonders why these things would pop into his head when he had no idea his companions would start a
fire in an
enclosed locations. He hopes he can hold his breath long enough to find the other exit, as he runs through the stone construct and his lungs start to wonder why they haven't received any oxygen yet.
>>81235What kind? Fortitude? Constitution? >>81235Then I'll do it.Iron disregards her protests and picks her up and put her behind her back with all stuff she picked up. He now bolts to the exit where they came from, with the big hallway.
>>81234Trying to run carrying loot out is an architypical way for Rogues to die.
>>81238Someone with temper issues..
>>81241He can keep his breath
>>81240Iron can't go
that fast, but he can go. He is able to make his way to the hallways, although he can here sounds from adjacent hallways
>>81246Silver hurries his ass off back the way the group came as fast as he can.
>>81247Dark Star follows right behind him
>>81246Iron goes as fast as possible to a place where the smoke cannot get him or Skies, preferrably towards the exit of these catacombs.
I need that map and where are our current positions. >>81247>>81248They seem to have left in advance of them
>>81249That would be the long tunnel back to the basement of the farmhouse, where they came in.
>>81251Yes. That area has oxygen
>>81250Silver starts to feel a rage building up inside of him. It helps drive him forwards as his lungs start crying out for air.
>>81252Then I'll go there. Please update Ash's status.Iron goes to the long tunnel back to the basement of the farmhouse, where they came in with Skies and her loot in tow. He should go back to fetch Ash as well after some breaths of fresh air.
>>81250"Is there anyway we can smother this fire?"
>>81249>>81250Caleb follows. His keen doggo-senses (common sense) urging him to drag his master out of the poisonous environment.
>>81255Then a hot throbbing anger inside of him. Either way, he's pissed.>>81256Well, I don't think you'll have to.>>81257Silver seems more concerned with holding his breath and getting out of the catacombs ASAP.
>>81261>hot throbbing angerWhy do I think it's a name for your dick?
>I don't think you'll have toI hope not. Star is not going to carry you out that's for sure.
>>81254I think Ash was last seen pulled by Caleb. He would be slower than Iron
Now, and only now, does the set of dynamite go off, blocking the entrance to the quarry
Before, there was an air current where warm air was able to leave through the well, and fresh air entered from the quarry, keeping the catacombs far better circulated than they ever were in Curwhinny's day. Now, air can come in and out almost entirely from the well.
The fire, which previously burned richly, starts to consume a now finite amount of oxygen before eventually generating almost exclusively carbon monoxide gas
[Read more] >>81265Silver takes this as a sign that he had better HURRY THE FUCK UP TO THE EXIT!
>>81266Yes, she seems very afraid of losing consciousness
>>81265Caleb's base speed is 40 feet. Sister Ash is only a medium load for him.
>>81270Iron places Skies on the floor and kneels next to her. "Calm down. We are out of the danger zone. Breathe."
>>81275>>81271Are you asking me to go back or something?
[1d2 = 1]>>81271He cannot travel on a single breath, and must now breath
>>81274Oh she's breathing
"I can't faint, I
>>81275He must breath now
[1d20+11 = 29]>>81278Iron slaps Skies with his uncovered hoof. "Snap out of it, Skies!" Of course it's non-lethal.
>>81285>NonlethalThat'll just knock her out..
>>81278Can I roll to wake up?
>>81286She is safe from danger, so it's not that bad.
>>81281Silver evades collapsing
>>81282Dark Star feels weak, and can no longer run, falling to the floor. He is not unconscious
>>81285She is slapped back into consciousness, and stares ahead
"Where is Dark Star?"
>>81286Maybe. She should be in the farmhouse by now if Caleb knows to take her there
[Read more] [1d20+5 = 13]>>81288Rolling Fortitude to wake up.
>>81288"He is still inside. I am going back to fetch them. You stay here. That is an order." Iron commands. He then enters the danger zone again, looking for the remaining survivors, high priority being Ash and Caleb.
>>81288Silver hears Star hit the floor hard, and turns around to pick him up. "Come...on! You are...not dying...today!" He does his damnedest to pick him up or at least start dragging him along, not willing to leave somepony to their death.
>>81289Not quite
>>81290Her eyes are kind of like this, with giant pupils as she tries to stay awake
>>81291"i'm gonna see mom again?"
>>81294MOTHERFUCKER!>>81295"Do not...talk like...that!"
>>81297"I think its to late for me. get outta here!"
>>81290>Ash and CalebThey should be the first, near the entrance
>>81294He trips, and must breath. Roll for fortitude save
He can also try again
>>81296It's a sign that much of the blood sending oxygen to her brain has been destroyed by carbon monoxide
[1d20+7 = 12]>>81301"No!" He takes a deep breath.
>>81301>blood sending oxygen to her brain has been destroyedCan Iron even do something about that?
>Ash and CalebIron rushes to Caleb's aid to carry Ash with him to safety.
[1d20-1 = -14]>>81292Caleb administers a heal check to lick Sister Ash and Blue until they're properly awake.
-2, because no healer's pack. +1 Wis.
>>81302He is weak now, not well enough to run
>>81303You weren't even supposed to roll
>>81305Only a short distance to the farm house
"Where is... the handsome stallion"
>>81306Blue is awake, Ash is awake finally
[Read more] [1d20+2 = 19]>>81307"I...will...not..." He struggles to keep awake, and tries again to drag Star along towards the exit.
[1d20+5 = 20]>>81307Iron fears the worst. "I am going back in there. I need you mares to stay put and recover. I think Silver and Star are in trouble." He does some quick breaths to recover from monoxide poisioning. Rolling fortitude to enter monoxide land again.
>>81307Sister Ash gives up her Flame Blade spell to summon a small Air Elemental into the cavern, and instructs it to travel down the hallway.
>>81309Well, he is able to advance further. Don't assume for a moment that he is able to walk normally
>>81310Iron is able to keep his normal strength, even deeper inside of the catacombs
>>81313Iron retraces his steps in the hopes of finding part of the S gang.
[1d20+2 = 6]>>81313Silver keeps struggling to pull Dark Star, not knowing if he himself will die today, but knowing if he's going to, he's going to do so trying to get his friend to safety.
>>81314He should find both, round about the hallway that is the right-fork
>>81313Idk, my idea to try to give them 30 seconds of fresh air...
It's a Summon Nature's Ally II spell.
>>81309>>81303Dark Star hums knocking on heavans door by stallions and roses
"silver tell blue i was thinking about her.""
>>81317The air in the tunnel and the fork becomes more breathable, and leads somewhat into the wide hallway
>>81315>>81316>>81318>>81320Iron sees both Star and Silver sprawled on the ground, barely holding on. He picks up Star from his prone position and turns to Silver. "I will come back for you, do not give up!" He then goes as fast as he can towards the entrance to the farmhouse.
>>81321Sister Ash instructs the small whirlwind to follow Iron.
>>81321Silver weakly tries to crawl towards the exit after Iron. If at least somepony was able to get over here, then the exit must be near...
>>81318>Stallions and RosesVetoed, no 1990s songs in a 1940s setting
>>81321Possible for Iron to do without any danger of fatal inhalation. The air in the tunnel is significantly fresher than it was the time before
>>81323The flames in the distance flicker with a stronger yellow light
>>81325There is at least some oxygen here, though that doesn't solve Silver's problem
[1d20+5 = 12]>>81326After retrieving Star and placing him to safety, he comes for Silver. 'He's a heavy stallion.' He thinks. Rolling a strength check to pick up Silver.
>>81326Is the air still barely breathable?
>>81327>>81329Moments like these, Silver wishes he was his father. He wouldn't have had any issue with this stupid gas. Or, at least, Silver thinks so, in his oxygen-starved, semi-conscious mind.
>>81328He is able to pick him. The process, however, requires him to breathe. Roll for luck for quantity of poison gas in the area
>>81329Yes and no. There is enough oxygen to support life, but there is enough carbon monoxide to
at least make you dizzy, although it's very far from being as bad as it was nearer the fire
>>81333the monoxide has barely made its way this far, and the air elemental has further purified the gas. Iron can pull Silver along more or less normally
>>81335Iron does that, retrieving Silver and taking him to the safe zone at the farmhouse entrance.
>>81332"Do not give up! We are going to make it!" Iron exclaims.
>>81331The Elemental retreats a few feat where it came and assumes its Whirlwind form for one round, in attempt to circulate fumes throughout the tunnel. It's body dissolves into a cylinder of mist as it channels the air currents.
It can remain in Whirlwind for 6 seconds.
>>81335How bad is Dark Star fucked up?
>>81338He should be safe with Skies. Now make out with her.
>>81336Silver doesn't look like he's paying attention. His mind is lost in a memory to cope with how tired and abused it is at the moment, it seems.
>>81000>>81336Iron is able to carry Silver through the tunnel and to the safety of the farmhouse
>>81338Placed across from Skies, who is nodding to herself and repeating "stay awake," Dark Star is
very dizzy
>>81337It'll only last for a couple more more rounds.
The air elemental, in its Whirlwind form, moves back and fourth through the tunnel, channeling air. It's fly speed is 120 feet (perfect).
>>81341"i thought id never see you again."
Dark Star is very tired, he thinks its time for a nap so he lets himself drift off
>>81341Iron pants, tired from all the carrying. He turns to Ash. "What should I do with Skies? You seem to have knowledge in this stuff."
Should we pretend Onyx and Spark got out? >>81344"Just keep her breathing.." Sister Ash replies with a cough
>>81344Onyx and Shimmer were in the least danger, and could easily have left without any serious risk of poisoning>>81343"Stay awake" she repeats from her pile of books in the corner
>>81344>>81341Silver's breathing is weak, but steady. The memory in his head continues to run its course, letting Silver enjoy some unseen and joyful moment of peace and calm in his past while his brain tries to recover from the hell it just went through.
I'm sorry my stupidity nearly killed you guys...
>>81350I didn't think the smoke would spread so quickly.
>>81346Iron nods.
>>81347Iron checks up on all the party members to see how they are faring.
>>81348Iron hopes he's not having the same problem as Skies.
>>81347"im tired. a little nap would be ok?"
>>81350To Be Fair Dark Star and Silver had no way of knowing a fire had been lit >>81349I mean, Ash is the one who should probably be apologizing to the members of the party.>>81350Silver tries to stay awake, even in his oxygen-deprived stupor. It's a good memory. He doesn't want to leave it just yet. He wants to enjoy something for once, something he'll never have again.
>>81353This. Sister Ash gets up and dusts herself off.
>>81355Iron approaches Ash. "Ash, take me off of my armor."
>>81352Skies's largest problem is that she is very afraid of falling unconscious non-voluntarily
>>81354Definitely dizzy with splitting headaches
>>81355Bad damned headaches. She won't be normal for several hours
[1d20+5 = 12]>>81357"Oh, alright.." she replies
Sister Ash busies herself with helping him out of the buckles, which takes about 4 minutes
>>81358Heal check to soothe headache.
>>81358"What happend? Why was there a fire?"
>>81360"That gecko lady. Wanted to burn
allllllll the wisdom of lost worlds"
>>81359Better in part, but by no means gone.
>4 minutesFor someone who hasn't fainted recently and is at full strength without headaches. For Ash....
>>81359Iron, now free of his armor, can breathe a lot steadier.He drops his shield and approaches Ash, furrowed brow and staring daggers at her. "Are you stupid?"
>>81358It's funny. I had endurance as a feat and didn't even use it. Fuck me.>>81361Pretend the armor was taken off for this scene.
>>81358The headache knocks him out of his stupor long enough to groan in agony. As his headache makes him unable to use his horn for anything without feeling like he's going to die, he weakly calls out to the group, his accent especially hard to understand with the strain put on his body.
>>81362>>81361*Nervous chuckle*
"... I.. I got angry..." She replies
>>81361"Gecko lady? you mean her?" he points to ash
>>81365>>81363Iron does not take this well. "We are going to have a serious conversation when the party heals, Ash. For now, deal with Silver, he has a medic bag on him."
"... I got angry.." she repeats
"At about the time I had entered that room.. I was very, very angry at what I had seen.. and I thought.. 'Wouldn't it be nice if everything here just burne?'..."
>>81367>>81365A note for Ash and Iron: Ash was the closest to the gas and fared the
worst of any party member
>>81366"Firebug, yes"
She sounds a little out of it
>>81365"No shit?"
>>81369>FirebugSister Ash would only ever burn artificial structures.
>>81373Oi, that guy only too 6 damage..
>>81369Dark Star crawls over to blue he has a worried expression on his face
"Blue are you okay?"
>>81368"You couldnt have waited until we got back?"
>>81372>implying >>81374Iron rounds up his armor pieces and sits next to the pile and his shield, waiting for the party to recover from the previous predicament.
>>81374>>81375>>81376>>81378Silver groans again. He looks like he's in complete and total agony from his headache as he crawls up into the fetal position. "Головная боль...болит...please...help..."
>>81379"I cannot do much and I do not want to make it worse for you. Sorry." Iron is guilty about this.
>>81376She is and has been nodding
"είμαι εντάξει" she says, reassuringly
>>81377Definitely dizzy and splitting headaches
>>81379>>81381"I-I think my ears are broken."
>>81381Iron, now a bit curious on the loot Skies had picked up, decides to check out the contents.
>>81382>>81382She puts a hoof on him and giggles
"Tá tú dathúil!"
>>81384Outside of her bag are a number of books. That's really what she got, were books
>>81383Maybe 1PM at latest
[1d20-1 = -8]>>81385Iron is not convinced. He decides to look some more. No way she just got some books without something else.
>>81385Dark Star thinking his ears are fucked crawls next to blue and holds her
>>81379"Are you okay?"
Well, on the Henderson scale of plot-derailment, I'm going to have to rate this at about a .4. It really fucked with what needed to be done, but it was pretty damned funny in the process
>>81388At least you had some fun.
>>81387"...Headache..." He tries and fails to reach for something in his bags, trying to show Dark Star that he's wanting something from inside it.
>>81386Her bag next to her has more things, but that is still by her side
>>81387"Hehehe, D'aww"
She tries to kiss Dark Star's fur
>>81386"There is nothing in those books that the ponies in this land do not already possess." Sister Ash says, folding her forehooves stubbornly
"Tombs such as those only serve to distract ponies from what they have in front of them."
>>81388It was fun, and intense.
Sorry about derailing things.
>>81391>>81387Iron feels proud to have saved both lovers from possible demise.
>>81392"Do not rant about evil books when you cannot even dispose of them properly. You almost killed us." Iron states. "But we can separate the books, put them outside the farmhouse and burn them, without risking all of our lives."
>>81393She smiles at him, tries to set herself upright, and places the books behind her, while holding onto Dark Star
>>81347Well. Apparently we escaped... That could have gone better.
>>81385I suppose I glance through a book for anything of note.
>>81394"Skies, you know you are tangling with evil stuff from those books." Iron starts. "No way we can leave you with those books intact without risking chaos and destruction."
>>81393"It's all stolen goods. Abuse of good magick, handled by a necromancer. Better off as a pile of ash." The Sister says, furrowing her brow as if remembering something unpleasant
>>81390>>81393"iron bring his bag."
>>81391Dark Star kisses her snoot
>>81395When he picks up the first book, he sees that it is the history of a Canterlot sorcerer. Entirely Hoofwritten
>>81396"No no, I know what I am doing, trust me on this..."
[1d20+5 = 14]>>81398Snootendoodle is kissed
She tries to kiss his mouth
>>81399Sister Ash cocks an eyebrow
"Do you?" she asks inquisitively
>>81399"Oh yeah? Then you mind telling us what you will do with the books, Skies?" He approaches Skies.
>>81397He motions Ash to follow as he approaches Skies.
Can I make out what it says? If so, any details about the sorcerer, such as ties to necromancy or specific magic?
>>81401"Do you know what you just burned?"
>>81402"Do you know what these books are?"
>>81405"Paper." She replies flatly
>>81405"No, but it surely does not have nice stories of foals frolicking through a field of flowers." Iron sternly looks at Skies.
[1d20+3 = 15]
Constitution: With no apparent help coming to relief him of his headache, Silver tries to get up on his own, hoping the strength and resilience of his body can overcome the red-hot pain in his brain.
>>81404Born in the year 304 in the high court of Baron Brazenhoof, he studied magic for six years under the stewardship of Darkwood the Wise and.... definitely something occult in here
>>81408Dark Star crawls over to his bag
>>81406"Then there is no issue"
>>81407"You can't know that if you've never read it"
>>81411"So you do not know what is in it?" Iron places his face close to Skies. "You seem like you do not know what you are doing."