Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
1770 replies and 57 files omitted.
>>82019Meanwhile, Silver just stands there, waiting on whatever her reaction is.
>>82014"Remember to set those terms, Skies. Just do not change the simple rules: No armor, no weapons, just hoof against hoof."
>>82015Iron shrugs. "Well, if you are up for it." He looks at Star. "Please try to replicate the cocky attitude, or else it is not as fun when I beat you."
>>82013>>82016Iron trips as he tries to pet Ash. He grumbles on the ground, then stands up.
>>82019"Well, I do owe you that." He goes to Skies, walking non-chalantly and places his face in a very punchable position in front of her. "Go ahead."
>>82020That's not saving you from my fists, though. >>82021"That's... quite nice of you to offer. I must say I was not expecting that. Let's see if Dark Star will accept"
>>82023"Oh please, I don't mean to collect
>>82022"Oh Dark Star, Silver doesn't want a young couple to be separated because one is in the infirmary, and has offered to fight in your place"
>>82019Trees > literally anything else (including ur life)
"Every tree is unique and precious in its own right. A forest is not something that can just be replaced. And anyone who'd consider a non-living cultural item to hold anywhere near as much intrinsic value as a forest is ignoring the importance of the land itself in culture."
>>82026"It's a fucking tree, they are all the same few species, and they grow back"
>>82023Silver laughs. "We have saying, where I am from: cocky gets you killed. But, I will try to remain confident in my abilities for you."
>>82025>>82022"So how about it, Star?"
>>82025"You Don't have any Faith in me?"
>>82023"im gonna beat you worse that hermare cortez did."
>>82025>collect now"Fine by me." he moves his head back and goes to his original position.
>to be separated"Why would you be separated in the infirmary? Can you not take care of him at your place?" Iron scratches his side, not understanding this.
>>82026>>82028"Please Ash. Calm down or I will try to touch your flaming hot body again."
>>82030*Silver is gonna beat you worse that hermare cortez did
>>82032>"I'm" corrected to "Silver"Funniest typo fix ever
>>82028"Oh go imply yourself, and come back after you've learned how combustion works"
>>82030>>82032Iron laughs even harder. "Well, I see that I will not see the true fighting prowess of Dark Star the almighty." Iron mock-praises Star. "A pity."
>>82029"Well, it seem that you will be my opponent. I expect a good fight." Iron extends his hoof to seal the deal. "If you bump or shake this hoof, there is no turning back."
>>82033Iron cranes his neck to glare at Ash. "Do you want me to try again? Because I will!"
The sorcerer continues to stare at the exchange.
>>82035He shakes it with no hesitation. But he does shake it with a chuckle. "Just do not beat on this old stallion too badly."
>>82034"There are more than sixty gorrillion species of trees. I know, because I cataloged them all more than a dozen times."
>Also burnt the catalogs promptly afterwards, because why the fuck not? Xp >>82037"Do not give me that. Your body has a lot of resistance for a stallion your age." He inspects his body more closely. "I bet you could endure a little more than me. No doubt about it."
>>82029"Sure Since Blue insists, even if it hurts my pride."
>>82035Dark Star looks at Iron very conflict-idly
"my marefriend wants cuddles tonight. I will Destroy you another night."
>>82040"I knew it. I knew you needed Skies' permission." Iron chuckles. "Do not worry. I will be waiting."
>>82038"And then you burned the six gorrillion"
>>82037Still need to allot that one point>>82040"Well, I guess you
could duel"
>>82042"Hmmph, old, healthy trees don't burn down as easily as you'd think."
>>82042"i would much rather spend my night with you."
Dark Star kisses her neck
>>82039"It is jest. Do not worry, it shall be good fight, no matter outcome."
>>82040Silver pats Dark Star on the head. "At least reward for relenting on your pride is night of affection with wonderful marefriend. It is good deal."
>>82042I thought I had already put the extra point into strength. Though, I suppose if you're letting me have a second chance at picking it, Dex wouldn't be a bad option. >>82043"You know that from experience I am sure"
>>82044*pegasus cooing*
>>82045Dex is kind of unambiguously the best option. What is his HP? >>82044>>82046"Do not mess up the bed too badly." Iron calls out. "The last thing Skies wants is to pay for another bed."
>>82045"It will be." Iron is a bit unsure himself.
He pulls out a small healing potion and drinks it. Rolling health replenished
>>82046Sister Ash decides she's done arguing and returns to her jars of ash-salt.
>>82049Iron can feel his recent burn wound disappear and heal itself in front of him. That is some good magic.
>>82046Dark Star kisses her on the snoot
>>82045"its even better if you ask me."
>>82048dark Star laughs
"the whole room will have to be replaced."
Alright. I'm going to bed.
Reminder that only trees and other natural structures can have intrinsic value, and anything artificial may as well be a pile of ash.
>>82048Silver looks at the potion flask as Iron drinks it, noticing differences between it and the ones he bought earlier in the day. "Where did you buy that, might I ask?"
>>82052Silver smiles at him. "Then you are well on your way to being good partner for Skies."
[1d20+3 = 15]>>82047You shittin' me? How?>>82048"Oh please, these beds were commandeered when we captured the city. We have more"
>>82052Snootendoodle is kissed. Unfortunately, he's left himself vulnerable to a kiss of opportunity
>>82047You're a tough guy.
>>82055miss. but dark Star dodges into it
>>82053Night>>82054Iron considers it for a bit. "I would have to ask the one who made it just in case she does not want more customers than me. I did do some favors in this city, you know? I should go there tomorrow, so do not think I will forget it anytime soon."
>>82055"Then do not deplete the bed storage." He checks the time of day, to see if he can fight Silver already.
>>82052"Well, you better clean that up later."
>>82057Oh come on, his dex is only 17. That's 13 touch AC
>>82059Silver nods. "If she is good potions maker, then it would be appreciated to know if she is willing to sell to me."
>>82059Definitely not night, but who says you can't fight in the afternoon?
>>82063That was not the intent, but I guess we can end day 4 already
>>82064The Pegasus's lips lock with Dark Star's
>>82065Poor foals. They have to wait another night in torture.
>>82065>>82066Well, let us fight thenIron, thinking about the travel back and the possibility of losing Ash. "You know what? This area seems like a good place to battle." He checks his surroundings, making sure that there is only grass at their hooves. "What do you say?"
>>82068*losing Ash in the city again, states.
>>82065Dark star grabs the back of her head and pulls her into it.
>>82068Silver shrugs. "It sounds fair to me. Makes no difference if it is now or if it later. So, is this duel without armor or equipment, or should we drop what we are carrying?"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKdJ6DnPhzk [Embed]>>82070*muffled pegasus cooing*
She reaches a hoof for his flank
>>82071"Basically, you drop everything. Fight without armor, weapons or equipment. Just hoof-to-hoof combat." Iron explains.
>>82072>>82070Iron is a bit uncomfortable at the current passionate kissing. "Ahem. At least hide yourselves in a bush, unless you want others to join in or something."
>>82073She doesn't say anything, just looks at him with eyes that seem to dare the 'join in' part
>>82074Her tongue explores Dark Star's mouth even deeper
>>82073"Of course." Silver starts the semi-lengthy process of dropping his equipment and weapons to the side, and removing his armor and clothing. When he's finished, Iron can see that Silver's body bares the scars of many fights. Some small, some large. Some from gunshot wounds, some from blade wounds, some from claw wounds.
>>82075>>82074Iron does not try, as he is about to fight Silver anyways. He does try to move away from the lovers, trying to gain some distance and to lose sight of them. He motions Silver to follow.
>>82076As he walks out, he notices all of the scars he has. "You seem like you had your share of battles."
>>82077Silver follows, half at Iron's insistence, half because he wants to give the two Star-crossed lovers some privacy. "Indeed. There are many fights in 50 years for pony with my occupation."
>>82075Dark Star's tongue explores hers too
>>82077>>82078Spark follows, though he can't heal anypony should that be needed. I guess you just have a spectator.
>>82079her mouth is soft, a little long. Her tongue is thin and adventurous
After accidentally grabbing Ride the Lightning, her hoof grabs onto what she intended
>>82078>Star crossedThat's either an "I see what you did there" or an ">implying"
>>82081It's an "I see what you did there".>>82080Silver hands him the first-aid kit from his saddlebags using his telekinesis, as well as his six Potions of Cure Light Wounds. "Here. In case one or both of us get injured, these should make healing much easier."
>>82078"I wonder if I will have the same scars as you. Maybe not with my heavy armor and shield, but it looks cool." Iron watches in mild wonder the scars Silver has.
>>82081After walking out enough distance not to witness the carnal act Skies and Star are about to do. He readies his stance. "Alright. This is adequate." He should be standing in flat, even terrain. "Whenever you are ready, be sure to prepare your fighting stance, Silver." He places all of the armor pieces he has carried, as well as his leather belt and shield on the floor next to him. He then slightly bend his forelegs, ready to pounce. "I am ready when you are."
>>82082I take the kit and potions.
"Please don't end up having to use these, the both of you."
>>82081Dark Star reaches around and smacks her plot
"Shall we go into the cellar?"
>>82086Dark Star smiles
"we can after the fight,i want to see silver win."
Computer's a bit slow ATM, so forgive my slowness on the next post as I restart.>>82081Skies is about to "Ride the Lightning".>>82084"With luck, they will not be needed."
>>82083"I would not wish them upon anypony. May life be kinder to you than it was for me." Silver sets his equipment down on the ground next to him, approximately 10 feet in front of Iron. He gets into a stance that's fairly unfamiliar to Iron, but from what he can see, it appears like one that an earth pony would use.
I suppose we should roll for initiative.>>82087The cellar's fine, it's the tunnels we sealed off that the cellar leads to that are filled with CO. >>82090She looks at him directly and gives him her malevolent smile
"That sounds like a
great thing to watch"
>>82090>>82094"Why don't you just mount me and we both watch from a distance?"
>>82095"you know. that sounds like a great idea."
Dark Star walks around behind her and mounts her
Her wings spread just a little
"Actually, should you really be doing that? You could risk getting me pregnant"
>>82099Tell me when to start the combat, GM aka when Skies and Star are watching the duel.
>>82099Also, use the Last 50 Posts thing to improve computer performance.
>>82100"That was my plan all along."
Dark Star Smacks her plot harder than before
>>82101>>82102Iron won initiative, combat has started, Skies is watching eagerly while Star is watching from ontop of her, and Spark is cringing at all of this
"I'd love to feel you try, Earth Pony"
[Read more] >>82107I guess I'm cringing. You ponies are just trying to drive me to kill Tipsy aren't you?
[1d20-2 = -18][1d20+2 = 6]>>82107>>82105Iron, feeling curious about the technique the dog used back in the fighting ring, attempts to hit with both hooves instead of only one, trying to add the +5 damage taken from hit bonus on both of them.
If it doesn't work, then just add +3 to attack then, making the off-hand be 0 and the main hand +4. >>82109What an amazing start, ladies and gentlemen.
>>82114She is warm and wet, but only so welcoming. She clenches on him, for she is already cringing at the fight
>>82116Iron collides a very solid hook to his cheek, landing right on his jaw.
>>82117>>82116That was your off hoof, so only +2 strength
(2+2+5+2)x2 =22
>>82115Dark Star Kisses her neck and rubs her tits
>>82113It is now Silver's turn
Iron has landed quite a hit on Silver.
>>82121This relaxes her somewhat, and she loosen the grip she has on him, but she remains fixed ahead
[1d20+2 = 7]>>82118Silver is unable to get even a yell of pain out, the hit is so strong. Iron sees a pearly white spot fly across his vision, followed by a small line of red.
Power Attack, -5: Silver responds with a hook of his own.
I'm also going to mention this just because I know the GM will most likely do so: because Silver doesn't have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, technically, every time Silver tries to hit Iron, Iron gets an AoO. It's up to him if he wants to end the fight that much faster. >>82124Eh, Iron is an honorable fellow when fighting. He will not take advantage of the AaO for this battle, specially after that massive damage hit.
[1d20-2 = 1][1d20+2 = 18]>>82127"Come on. You can do better than that, Silver!" Iron decides to try the double hoof strike again with the same power attack again.
>>82123Dark Star keeps thrusting
And holds her hoof and rubs her clit
[1d3 = 2]>>82130Hard to say. Usually it means a fumble and loss of all further attacks in the round (this was the second attack, so no consequence) maybe it means he loses balance (quadruped). Maybe it means an attack of opportunity for Silver
>>82129She moans, definitely pleased to have him. Her clitoris winks gladly for him
and she takes his hoof in hers >>82130>>82131Iron falls prone, it being damned difficult for an Earth Pony to maintain balance after punching with both hooves
>>82129>>82131She tries to wrap her wings around him, to encase him in a veil of her azure white feathers
[1d3+12 = 13]>>82132I'll roll damage from the main hoof then.
[1d20+7 = 23]>>82128>>82132>>82134Silver doesn't respond, except for a pained, slurred groan from the connecting hoof. Instead, he strikes at Iron as he falls.
>>82134>>82127Iron connects another hoof, a bit lower, on the left side of his ribcage.
Silver's turn.
>>82138No way, really? Is your strength bonus just +2?
>>82140Well, that happens when you have weapon specialization and +5 bonus strength, apart from what >>82141 said.>>82138>>82141Iron feels a slight pain on his back. He grumbles a bit but does not feel any severe effects on him by Silver's blow. He stands up for this turn.
Unless I can attack or something >>82142Move action
Iron can attack
Silver gets an attack of opportunity
>>82133"your feathers are beautiful."
>>82140"Go Silver!"
[1d20+2 = 20]>>82142>>82143Power Attack, -5: Silver brings his hoof down hard as Iron tries to stand up, trying to use his strength to his fullest to deliver a crushing blow.
>>82149I don't.... think so?
>>82144"Your hooves feel wonderful"
[1d20-2 = -11][1d20+2 = 5]>>82148Iron feels a lot more pain than before. His breathing desyncs for a bit from the force of the blow, but syncs back up after standing up fully.
"Good one Sliver! Now keep it up!" Iron does the same double hoof attack again, same as always.
>>82151I think they both miss this turn. Go ahead, your turn.
[1d20+2 = 11]>>82151Power Attack, -5: Silver ducks underneath the incoming blows, and strikes upward with an uppercut.
>>82150"so do yours"
dark Star nibbles her ear
*ears twitch*
she tries to rub her wings against him and backs into him rhythmically
[1d20+2 = 6][1d20+2 = 20]>>82157Well, that is good to know.Iron feels that same hit, now on his right side of his ribcage.
He is now panting from all the damage Silver is doing. "Alright, one last double hoof attack and I will clock you out with my right hoof. Be ready for it." He does so, same power attack level and all.
>>82159Second die is -2, which is the off-hand attack.
[1d3+12 = 14]>>82159Iron connects another shot to his ribcage, rolling damage.
>>82158Dark Star kisses her neck
"I love you."
[1d20+2 = 15]>>82161He has 1 hit point left.Iron thinks he feels something almost break in Silver's chest
Silver is seeing stars in the center of his vision, and the edges of his vision have all but gone black. But he's still standing. Barely.
Power Attack, -5: In what he himself assumes to be a final act of defiance, Silver pours his heart and all of his remaining strength into his next attack: a simple left hook.
>>82162She coos, and lets herself relax as she watches Silver land one more punch
>>82164>>82163I knowIron feels the last hit landing on the top of his face, on his forehead. He brushes it off, but is painful for Iron.
"The time has come, Silver. The moment of truth. We shall see who wins. You ready?"
Did not start my turn. >>82167Of course I am, why did I not roll to hit yet if that isn't the case?
>>82169She moans pleasurably even as the scene before her makes her tense
“Oh Dark Star..”
>>82168Alright then.>>82166From Iron's current perspective, he sees why Silver hasn't spoken during the fight: that first punch hit his jaw hard enough to not only knock a tooth clean out, but it looks like it also dislodged his jaw as well. It's hanging limp from head, the only thing keeping it there being skin of his head, and the tendons and ligaments that would normally allow a jaw to move.
Silver looks like he's going to black out at the next hit. His vision is wobbling all around, and it looks like he's having trouble focusing on anything but the fight. There's a small trail of blood running out of his open maw. Meanwhile, there's a massive bruise square on his chest from not one, but two powerful hits. In short: Silver doesn't look like he's holding up well.
[1d20+11 = 15]>>82171Iron shakes his head, not seeing how damaged Silver became during the fight. "Sorry. I will put you out of your pain and get some medical help right away." He goes for a quick jab to the other side of his jaw in order to end the battle. Of course it is non-lethal.
>>82172>>82173With a last hit, Silver falls to his side like a heavy sack of potatoes, knock out cold. The only thing that shows he's even still alive is the weak rise and fall of his chest from his automated breathing.
>>82174>>82173Blue Skies tries her best to feel only one thing on the inside
>>82174Spark rushes over with the kit.
>>82177"That could have been you over there. Now keep pounding. It will take longer for me to orgasm than I had hoped"
>>82176It's a fairly good thing Silver's unconscious: from Spark's new perspective, he sees that his jaw is being pushed to a fairly grotesque angle by contact with the ground. If he was awake, Silver would undoubtedly be in tremendous pain.
>>82174Iron is a bit conflicted. It was a good fight, but Silver seems to have been severely damaged in return. Iron wonders how the previous fight with the dog went more smoothly than this. Has he fought someone weaker than him? He punched okay, even though he left open many advantages to hit Silver back for each punch he threw at him. Iron is not feeling prideful about this fight overall. He hopes Fillipe could withstand his attacks better.
>>82179Iron just stares at the sight.
>>82176"Make him drink some potions, but be sure to relocate his jaw before that." Iron somberly states.
>>82178Dark Star Doubles down on thrusting and rubbing
And the lewdest of all, hoof holding >>82180"You can shut up you know."
>>82178I have no idea how a medical kit works in DND. Is it the same as a potion, or does it need some skill?
>>82181This makes her feel much better, and after some seconds, she starts backing into him again, as her wings cover over him like an angel
"Keep on. Keep on"
She holds the fuck out of that hoof. Her legs, unsurprisingly, are very skinny >>82183Iron just stares back. "You do what you have to do. He will recover soon. We may need Ash to do some patching up though."
Though it seems that unarmed damage doesn't need to pass a heal check as I saw after the boxing part. >>82185Ah.
>>82186Now I'm confused again. Dice or no dice?
"Why yes, it would appear that he will need to recover. Thank you."
The sorcerer uses the kit to try and help the whole dislocated jaw thing... as best as a non-healing magic caster can.
>>82184Dark Star Goes even faster
>>82190She joins in, in what is almost a dance with her rump. At last, after another minute or so, he feels what he must have been waiting for. She closes her eyes and opens her mouth as she clenches down on him. Then, her body seems to try to suck his seed deeper inside of her as she climaxes
>>82188We'll just say you succeeded.A handy guidebook in the first-aid kit describes the process of resetting various joints, including jaws. After a couple failed attempts (and some subconscious groans of pain from the unconscious Silver), Spark manages to reset Silver's jaw and push it back into place.
>>82194"wow, that gets better every time."
Dark Star kisses her
>>82196She moves her head back now to kiss him intensely
>>82197"i want to be with you for the rest of my life."
[1d20 = 18]>>82195Well, that's good enough for Iron. Now he should not suffer as badly. After a good night's sleep, Silver will be up in to time.
He decides to look around the place, seeing the environment around him. Rolling spot to do so
"You really do?"
>>82201Skies and Star Fucking, Ash Praying.... Now sure what else
>>82203She give him her smile, and then kisses him with her head angled back. She clamps down on him with every muscle she has to keep him from pulling out
>>82202Iron notices the duo fucking at the scene of the fight. He waves and does signals similar to 'I will go join now' in a jesting way. He then picks up Silver, making sure not to harm the pony any further and places him on a comfortable spot until the party decides to move. He then puts on his leather belt first and then all armor pieces. After this, he equips the shield and stands near the unconscious Silver.
>>82205dark star Strokes her mane
>>82207She smiles warmly, and coos more
Well, I'll go to sleep myself. Night.
>>82208"i want to have a big family with you."
>"Unlike True dragons, Planar Dragons are not innate spellcasters"
Fuck! My Discord monster sheet just fell apart...
A spooky prospect, for sure. He's going to appear the moment the losing side will almost lose just to have perpetual war to fuel him.
>>82220He is also rendered completely useless by a basic anti-magic field as is the norm in Changeling hives