Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
1770 replies and 56 files omitted.
>>82222Discord's powers and weaknesses come and go as plot demands. MLP was never exactly consistent.
Also, beat me to the quads.
>82223Also this.
>>82222>basic anti-magic fieldAnti-magic is far from basic, tbh. Anything capable of creating a dead magic zone that large has to be an exceptionally unique item, even if every hive has one.
>>82225You could say it's a special sort of Eldritch Machine that is unique to Changeling hives, that's possibly protected their race for generations. It creates an effect arguably equivalent to a tenth level spell, or an 8th level spell on a mass scale: preventing spells and spell-like abilities from being cast inside it, but also not nerfing the supernatural abilities of the changelings, since they could still change shape.
Also, the freaking writers had no idea how they were supposed to create an actual conflict within the story if motherfucking Glimglam and Discord could just zap everything to normal. Discord could have probably annialated the entire hive, had be not been concerned with the prisoners inside it.Tirek also seemed to have anti-magic properties at times too. He's probably a fiend or something, since he seems to have enormous spell resistance.
The Elements of Harmony were also able to momentarily dispel Discord's Reality-bending powers and return the world to normal while they were in effect. The elements seem to also function as a juiced-up Dispell Law spell, and an enlarged Magick Circle Against Chaos; whatever it is, it was specifically designed to Dispel and Seal him.
Anti-magic is a real pain to deal with, since it absolutely fucks up spells and items. There's not very many affects that can create a dead magick zone though, and the Anti-magick field spell has only personal range. Still, it's also really useful against creatures with supernatural abilities that are otherwise inpenetrable.
It's also why Beholders are so scary. The Anti-magick come from their center eye can completely cancel an entire party's buffs and abjurations. Then all they need to do is stare directly at the spell caster while their other eyes zap the party into oblivion.
[Read more] Purple Platypus
A list of Discord's powers, while I figure out what spells he might know, as well as skills, feats and Salient Abilities.
Nigh-omnipotence: The source of his reality manipulating abilities and among other powers, is the power to be near the pinnacle of Omnipotence, which makes him the most powerful character to be seen in the show. He would may also flawlessly restore anything to its original state, possess a complete and utter collection of powers, heal or fix anything without fail, or even manipulate space-time, or cosmic elements at will if given the proposition.
Chaos Magic: Discord is capable of alter reality into many ways and manipulate the laws of nature and the physics of the world via his chaos magic. It can also erase the magic of others that of Starlight Glimmer.
Reality Restoration: As of been shown in some episodes (namely "Keep Calm and Flutter On", and "To Where and Back Again Part 1") he is also capable of restoring reality back into it's original state. Whichever is more efficient, this can count as a power to balance his reality affecting chaos magic or a counteractive ability to use against other reality warpers.
Size-Shifting: Discord has varied in size from very large to being small enough to fit in a pony's ear.
Shapeshifting: Discord has taken many odd forms, some of which defy physics or parody characters.
Gesturify: Sometimes he has to require the use of snapping his fingers whenever it comes to most of the reality distorting powers he owns by far, otherwise they wouldn't function correctly as he expects them too. This is a subpower that comes with his chaos magic in general.
Probability Alteration/Logic Manipulation: Discord can cause extremely unlikely events to occur within his vicinity and alter the laws of logic to his whim.
Telekinesis: Discord has shown enough telekinetic skill to lift the entire Mane Six up magically, such as when he "grabbed" them by the collars.
Hypnotic Magic: Discord has shown the ability to corrupt others and is skilled at hypnotic magic. He can even outright take control of someone's mind, although he prefers not to.
Telepathy/Vast Knowledge: Discord was able to know all the strengths and weaknesses of the Mane Six as well as their names, without ever having met them before. He also knew about Twilight Sparkle's princess coronation and the "Winter Wrap Up Song", despite not being there, and he knew how Twilight Sparkle felt about her role as princess.
Fourth Wall Awareness: Discord appears to be aware he is in a cartoon, even though he doesn't explain that he does.
Teleportation: Discord is able to teleport from one place to another, as well as teleport objects or people and make objects disappear out of thin air. He can also use this ability to teleport across alternate dimensions such as the real-world of "Ogres and Oubliettes" and his own personal dimension.
Creation: Discord is shown to be skilled with creation magic. He is able to create objects, creatures and plants at will, including powerful magical creations like the Plunderseeds.
Levitation: Discord is able to float in the air.
Flight: Discord can fly using his wings. He was also able to achieve a supersonic flight similar to Rainbow Dash's.
Replication: Discord can create copies of himself and of other people, creating a replicate of Trixie out of her hat.
Animation: Discord can bring any inanimate object to life.
Appendage Generation: Discord can grow extra body parts.
Anatomical Liberation: Discord can make parts of his body come apart, and is able to move them while detached so. He is also shown using this ability to remove Princess Celestia's tail without her noticing.
Object Possession: Discord was able to use his head to possess a balloon, and he can also appear magically in various objects, such as gems and stained glass windows.
Transmogrification: Discord can alter the appearance of objects and creatures, such as: giving rabbits deer legs, making a squirrel and a rabbit large and hulking, and turning apples into oranges and oranges into apples.
Matter Ingestion: Discord is able to consume matter such as glass, a painting, and a tea cup without any negative side effects.
Portal Creation: Discord can open portals to different dimensions by using his eagle claw to cut through the fabric of reality.
Disease Generation: Discord can inflict ponies with any kind of diseases and illnesses.
Pyrokinesis: Discord is able to generate blue flames, as shown in "Three's A Crowd".
Smoke Generation: Discord display creating amount of smoke to cover a background as shown in "Ogres and Oubliettes".
Color Alteration: Discord was able to fade Twilight's friends' colors, he also changed his color to blue to make it look like he had the "blu flu" and turned a tablecloth from white to red by touching it.
Thought Manifestation: Discord is able to show his thoughts to others by using clouds of smoke, such as when showing Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence a flower that would cure the "blu flu".
Enhanced Strength: Discord is deceptively strong, enough so to take a tree out of the ground and taking a big rock out of the ground with just one arm.
[Read more] [Unconscious Fighter Horse Noises]
>>82229Hello. Sorry for beating up your character.
>>82230>>82229Is he really unconscious?
I could regenerate 30 of his hit points, but I'd really rather save that for later.
>>82231No need, since nightfall is coming soon and he can sleep off the damage dealt. Unless you need it for something else or lose it the next day, do not use it.
>>82230If it wasn't going to be Silver, it was going to be Dark Star that was going to get beaten up by Iron.
>>82231Silver got knocked the fuck out. I'm not a D&D guru like you, so it could be he's not unconscious, but that's just how I played it.
>>82233Usually, when HP goes to zero, you lose consciousness. If attacked by a lethal weapon and HP goes below -10HP, the character dies, so you are indeed unconscious. Iron now has the duty to protect Silver as he feels slightly guilty about the duel's outcome. Yes, that means you will travel with Iron and Ash now.
>if not Silver then StarI guess that's true.
>>82234Not like Silver would have much of a choice in the matter. I have no idea how long he'll stay unconscious, but after taking 58 non-lethal damage, I'm fairly certain it's going to be a while. I'm just hoping Spark put Silver's first-aid kit and potions back in Silver's bag.
>>82235>how long he'll be unconsciousAt most he'll be out until the next day, fully healed by then.
>SparkHe tried to give Silver a small healing potion and has resetted your jaw. The potion should make the fallen tooth regrow again and lessen the damage of the ribs by a bit.
[1d8+1 = 8]>>82237I imagine Silver would appreciate a replacement potion, then. Didn't know healing potions can regrow teeth, but I guess that's magic for ya.
Rolling for what health Silver recovered from the potion.
>>82238Cool, now you are at a perfect 0 HP.
Tbh, there is a regeneration spell to regrow limbs. I'm kind of bullshitting because tooth should be able to regrow with normal health potions because they're just important RP-wise >>82232>nightfall is coming soonHmmmmm, I guess I should scatter these ashes and return to the abbey then. I did promise Abby Willows that I'd see her in the evening.
>>82239[Knocking on Wood Intensifies]
Silver has had good luck with healing potion rolls, so far. I guess he's just disabled, now.
[Knocking on Wood Still Intensifies]
>>82241It's not quite that late, It's somewhere between 1 and 2 in the afternoon, I believe.
>>82242>>82241Isn't that midday? Afternoon would be closer to 4 to 6 PM, which judging by being on a farmstead and we have to drive back to the city, will put us near nightfall very quickly.
>>82243I've considered 4 to 6 to be early to mid evening, 1 to 3 is afternoon, and the period of time between 3 and 4 is the odd in-between area where it could either be afternoon or evening.
>>82244Well, if that's the case, then the trip to the imminent church should match the timeframe Ash is looking for, which is better overall.
>>82243>>82244Last I checked, it was midday and 1:00 at the latest.
The party hasn't been doing very much since they ran out of the tunnel. The longest amount of time would have been spent reading. I doubt they've really doesn't more than an hour just sitting around (if so, I'd be kind of bummed, because this luminous armor spell only lasts a few hours, and I want to use it, since I already sacrificed strength for it).
>>82246What do you plan on using it? I guess you will try to do part of the 'foal rescue' sidequest, right?
>>82247Well, I expected to get attacked in the dungeon a lot. Plus, it served as a light source for the party.I guess I didn't think ahead though..Anything goes, really. Although whatever it is, I've already spent two of my 2nd level spells, and one of my 1st level ones, do I'll have to ration them a bit
(which means don't punch each other anymore, because I'm trying to reserve healing for emergencies).
>>82248I think that the catacomb exploring is a bust for now, since the basement should still be covered in deadly smoke and since there are not a lot of other paths to progress, I suspect ending the day here to plan out the 'Comte Burgher character assassination' deal.
Don't worry, I won't punch ponies again. Promise. >>82249We just need some gas masks and/or air canisters.
>>82250I don't think we can find such a place, unless the GM proves me wrong or something.
>>82251Blue Skies said there are such items at the Black Hooves HQ. I'm fairly certain she'd be willing to at least sell them to the group.
>>82252>sell themHow expensive can those things get?
>>82253No clue. I'm not even sure if she'd sell them or if she'd just give them for free.
>>82254>implying Skies will give stuff for freeI'm taking a smol nap while I wait for the others to get back. I'll see you guys in an hour or two.
>>82249I have one Regenerate Light Wounds and one Regenerate Moderate wounds left: I'll save those for stabilizing dying characters, or to help a half-dead melee fighter in a long battle.
And yeah, I guess the catacomb thing might be pretty bust. The fire should die down pretty quickly as the fuel/air ran out, but idk how gas mechanics work other than basic smoke and suffocation damage, so I wouldn't risk it.
>>82250>Gas masksThose sound like a very good investment. They can't be that expensive.
>>82251PCs were able to buy magick weapons, so why not gas masks? It's a mundane utility item. You might be able to find one in a hardware store.
>>82253It's a mundane item in a world of magick; it can't be that expensive. In d20 Modern it only has a purchase DC of 6.
This probably won't be the only bad-air encounter that we could face, so some modern adventure gear could help down the road.
[Read more] >>82255Back
>>82257Can you even use gas masks or would your values force you to inhale toxic smoke?
>>82259“You want a... large family?”
>>82260"yea, i want to start one with you blue."
Assuming this post was made by gm >>82261Her expressions suggest mixed feelings on the subject
“So... like a foal?”
>>82265Dark Star looks a little worried
"uh yea."
>>82266She gives a warmer smile
“I hadn’t really intended on it, but let us see where the future takes us”
I'm not sure if I really wanna scatter these ashes right here..
>>82269*almost coos*
She still has a warm smile
“What do you want your children to be like?”
>>82271"i dont really know. i expect them to terrorize everything though."
Dark Star laughs
>>82272This causes her to look at him strangely
“Why would you say that?”
>>82273"i wasnt the best kid. Mom and Dad had their hoofs full."
>>82274“My parents were more... assertive. You turned out pretty well I figure. What I meant is, will the foals... have wings?”
>>82275"my grandfather was a Pegasus, so they could be. and with you being a Pegasus its a good chance they will."
>>82276There is something in her look that is a bit uncomfortable
“Are you sure you want to start a family
>>82277"we can wait if it makes you uncomfortable."
>>82270Idk how she could carry them all though...
Although, Caleb has like 6 times her carrying capacity. I guess she could put her satchel on him, and them take them back to the Cathedral and ask for assistance in scattering them.
>>82270Iron approaches Ash. He inspects that Ash is not currently a ball of fire this time. Silver is laid down on a big, flat rock nearby, 'sleeping' for a bit.
>>82278Stop going for unprotected sex when the mare is not even sure, what are you doing, Star?Inb4 Skies is nervous cuz she's a changeling drone and can't have children.>>82279What about Iron and his own big carrying capacity, my dude? He will help if you ask him,
even if you don't ask him he'll help out. >>82280He finds Sister Ash trying to carefully liad the jars into a bag.
>>82282"Is it time to move the jars? Let me help." Iron starts to carry some of them on his back, stashed under his leather belt after loosening it just enough to fit the jars themselves.
>>82281"i want you to be sure, so we can wait if you want."
>>82283"Oh, thank you very much." She says, with a bow
"I finished their eulogies, but I think they could use something more. I would like to take them to the church and request a formal reposition. I believe that the clergy would be glad to help." She says
[Disabled Fighter Horse Noises]
>>82286Iron nods, smiling. "Of course." A little blush forming. He scratches the back of his helmet. "We should take Silver and Spark with us as well. Partly because I feel responsible about the unicorn and Spark could help out in picking up and dragging him. We travel by hoof?"
>>82285“Well, the position I am in right now is not a job that is very good for a pregnant mare... I know I’ve been kind of reckless with the sex... and I don’t think my parents would have approved of me with an Earth Pony. Not like they never caught me with one...”
She hugs him
>>82289Dark Star Hugs her tight and then kisses her
>>82290hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm >>82294"im 100 percent sure,skies. you're perfect."
>>82294>>82295In the distance, there's a wind carrying the smug message 'I told you' right into Skies' ears.
>>82288>travel by hoofWe're horses. Horses traveling anyway other than by foot is just gay.
Sister Ash considers this.
"... Funeral services may take up the rest of the day. I wouldn't want to waste their time."
She looks over at the rest of the party, then speaks up
"Is there somewhere I could meet up with all of you?"
>>82295>>82296And to think, this wouldn't have happened had Silver not taken Star's place in the fight.
>>82298Iron thinks for a bit. "I think we should meet up like how we all first met: The Eastside tavern. We should all know where it is located so there is little chance to get lost trying to find a new location. I am open to other suggestions though."
>>82300"At the bar? I guess that is suitable."
>>82301This.>>82295Just knock her up already.
>>82304>>82296>>82295Iron nods. "We should go ask the lovercolt and his marefriend though. The last thing I need is both of them either sleeping on the floor or just messing up the camp." Iron starts to head out to the last known position Star and Skies were, knowing full well they were pounding it.
You two would have found a way. 100%.
Sister Ash finishes packing the jars and gets ready to leave.
Is Silver still unconscious?
>>82311Well, not technically. He's just disabled right now. I'm fairly certain he'd want to sleep, though.
>>82311If I give a potion to Silver, he should be able to get up again, since HP > 0.
>>82312You can't be disabled from nonlethal damage. You're either staggered or you're unconscious.
>>82313You don't want to waste potions bon stuff like that.. I could have healed him for free.
>>82314Well, whatever he is, he has 0 hit points, so take of that as you will.
>>82314If you heal Silver, heal him with cure light wounds. Don't go for the potent stuff.
>>82315That's staggered.
You can recover 1 hit point of nonlethal damage per hour per character level.
>>82316He would get it back overnight though. It's nonlethal damage. So long as he's not fighting it's no big deal.
>>82317So he's fine. Cool. Should have 5 HP in an hour, then.
>>82318Exactly how many hit points does Iron have, again? During the fight it sounded like Silver barely hurt him at all. Either that or I took describing Silver's own injuries way beyond what I should have.
>>82319Actually, for that trip Iron did, he sucked about 20 damage without giving back said damage. He would be at 7 HP.
>>82319As for exact HP. It's 42 total.
>>82320>>82321I guess I just overestimated the extent of what damage Iron dealt to Silver, then, if they were both one hit away at the end there.
>>82322You didn't overestimate. Iron just tripped and in turn got 20 damage without Iron fighting back.
>>82303“You can fight the native now. He should be softened up nicely for you”
>>82322You had no chance in a hoof fight.
Without improved unarmed strike, he'd get an AoO every time you tried to hit him.
>>82323I mean by how I described the extent of how hurt Silver was. It just seemed like, for the damage they both got being so similar, I went way above and beyond what I should have in describing how hurt Silver was.
>>82325Can health potions magically regrow missing teeth?
>>82326Well yeah, but neither did Star. He had less health than Silver, less Dex, and still didn't have Improved Unarmed Strike. His only advantage compared to Silver is that Star has Two-Weapon Fighting.
The only reason Silver did as well as he did was because Iron didn't take advantage of any of those AoOs.
[1d8+3 = 11]>>82327Uh, shouldn't Iron help Ash move the jars first? >>82330>>82332GM did the same with Rover, having him attack with two fists.>>82329Iron laughs. "Nothing like a mare's embrace to bolsten your fortitude, eh? Give me a second." He starts fishing out his small potion reserves and drinks one of them. Rolling damage healed.
>>82336I know, I've read the monk guide and how you can always fight unarmed with any part of your body.
>>82338>>82336Iron shakes his head, both to dispel his spacing out and to communicate that he's not. "Ash, I need you to take my armor again. I thought Silver was supposed to represent him." Iron then stares at Star. "I hope you are ready, because I am not holding back like I did with Silver."
>>82339There's a better rule: If the GM does it, then you can also do it. I guess it actually aids me in the battle with Star but it has been settled already with the Rover fight that unarmed can be two weapons instead of one.
>>82340 You're right. It's none of my business. I'll shut up.Sister Ash gives a sigh, and takes the bags from him. Then she takes another 4 minutes helping him out of his armor.
"Just don't kill each other now."
>>82340"i wouldnt expect anything else. this is gonna be fun either way."
>>82343Prepare to get grappled to zero hp.
>>82343Blue Skies looks uncertain about the present situation
>>82342No need to shy away from asking. 'A person who asks a question is dumb for a bit. A
person who never asks a question is dumb forever' - Some important person>>82343>>82325Iron chuckles. He then turns to Skies. "Were you not supposed to set up the bets, Skies? Come on, give Star and me a little incentive."
Sister Ash looks somewhat impatient.
"Well, get on with it now."
>>82347Iron strokes Ash's mane. "Do not fret. It will happen soon enough, just setting up some bets to raise the stakes."
>>82348Gambling is Haram.
"How about the loser has to do 48 hours of community service next week?"
>>82349>>82345Iron, impatient with Skies' long thought process, just goes with it, not really knowing what it is. "Eh, sounds good enough. Any objections, Star?"
>>82351*concerned Pegasus noises*
“Do you want me to do anything, Star?”
>>82351Onyx considers commenting that the community service should be finding an outhouse to clean out.
>>82351Iron shrugs. "Fine by me. Now get rid of all possessions. No weapons. No armor. No equipment. Just your hooves and your wits."
>>82351Sister Ash looks very pleased.
"Very well then. Seventy-two hours of unpaid volunteer community services over the course of one week."
She claps her hooves together and gives a dramatic bow."
"May the best stallion win
>>82355Iron snickers at Ash's announcer's voice. "Cute," he mutters to himself.
>>82355“When did you start presiding over duels?”
>>82352"Do you have any other things to add to the wager or any terms? i thought you wanted to punch him?"
>>82357"Shush, Skies. Do not ruin the moment."
>>82358"Just punch each other already, I wanna watch"
>>82357"I don't do duels. But I've seen my fair share of spars. It's a regular thing at monastaries where I come from."
>>82361“They punch each other until one has a tooth knocked out and falls unconscious? Fascinating, I would have thought the spiritually minded had better things to do with their teeth and time”
[1d20 = 9]>>82355>>82358>>82360Iron loosens his neck and readies his basic fighting stance, not wanting the spectators to get bored. "I hope you are ready. It is time to impress your mare, Star."
Rolling initiative.
>>82362"Sure, judge like your tribe did not do that at all."
>>82362"Hmmmph. Sparing is a bit more civilized in our temples. Now let's cut the chat and let the stallions play their little game."
>>82362>>82358>>82363>>82360>>82361Silver staggers over from where he was left by Iron to watch the fight, massaging his sore, bruised, and lumpy jaw. "...Ow...Селестия, черт побери. I suppose, I took punch for nothing, then."
>>82367Dark Star wins the initiative. Attack now.
>>82368Silver works his jaw some more. "I suppose I have you to thank for realigning my jaw. I am grateful."
>>82370"Anytime. I wish they wouldn't fight though. This is only making there be more of a problem."
[2d20+3 = 29]>>82369Dark Star Throws a jab with his left hoof and a uppercut with his right
two weapon fighting is nice desu [1d20+11 = 20]>>82372How am I supposed to read that?Iron reacts against Star's thrown punch with his own.
[1d3+7 = 8]>>82373Iron successfully jabbed Star at his gut. Rolling damage.
>>82371Silver laughs. "Добро пожаловать в Эквестрию. Где дружба - волшебство, а где тупые жеребцы бьют друг друга по губам." Silver looks at the fight going on. "I do not know why, but sometimes, there are ponies who just like to fight."
[1d4 = 1]>>82373Dark Star successfully hit you with the uppercut. dmg
[1d20+11 = 20]>>82377Uh, so it's zero damage? You have -1 strength, meaning that there's -1 damage due to strength.Iron just feels a tickle on his jaw. "What? Are you serious? Is this the best you can do?" Iron feels bad again but remembers his cocky attitude, leaving him motivated enough to finish the fight.
Iron throws out another simple jab at Dark Star.
>>82376Spark is unsure about what the first sentence said, but shakes his head slowly to the second.
"There are so many better ways to be using those health potions on. And I can't afford to keep providing them. This foal job won't pay anything. I'm not in this for the money, but a few ponies are. I might lose them at this rate, especially if they start a rivalry."
[2d20 = 22]>>82373Dark Star punches iron in the stomach twice
[1d3+7 = 8][1d20+11 = 27]>>82380Yet another attack of opportunity Iron will take advantage of. Another jab at Star, also rolling the damage of the previous jab, who hits the right side of his ribcage.
>>82378Minimum damage is 1, I think.
He rolled 1d4 instead of 1d3 though.
>>82379"Ah, we should be fine." Silver massages the large bruise on his chest next. "Unless somepony gets seriously injured, we will not need potions. Just time."
Anyone else having issues following what the hell is going on in this fight?>>82386Nevermind, Dark Star's already down. [1d3+7 = 10]>>82383>>82384That's bonus hit chance, not damage. Damage is equal to strength bonus, not attack bonus, so you should subtract 1 to your damage rolls.Another hit to his ribcage to Star.
>>823861 HP left, Star. >>82386>>82388Iron is a bit dissapointed when Star falls down in three hits. "Well, that is dissapointing." Iron just stares at the unconscious Star. "I wonder what he was thinking when he looked for a fight." Iron scratches the back of his neck, a bit uncomfortable with the battle. Silver was way better than this.
>>82387"I still don't approve of this fighting. It will only cement rivalry and get in the way of missions."
>>82396If I had rolled a 1, it wouldn't have, but I rolled a three, effectively knocking his health down to -1.
>>82392Silver shrugs, wincing a bit from how sore he still is. "Then we will have to keep close eye on those two. Still, I do not think there is threat of rivalry between those two."
>>82399"It's not Star I'm concerned about. He is a nice enough pony. It's Iron and Blue Skies you should be concerned about."
[1d20+5 = 14]
"It looks like we have a winner." Sister Ash declares, in her formal announcer's voice
She walks over to Dark Star to resucitate him with a nasty smelling herb from her fanny pack.
Heal check.
>>82394Knocked down? Who knocked her down?
>>82400"Ah, that. I remember. I got taste of that when Iron joined party."
[1d20+5 = 8]>>82401"Hmm, he's really out cold.. No scarring though."
She clicks her hooves in front of his nose, trying to wake him up.
>>82402>Wasn't keeping track of ID colorsWait, did Blue just try to interfere in the match?
>>82405She cashed in on her punches
>>82404Silver trots up to Ash, noticing how much of an issue she's having with bring Star around. "Would you like some assistance?"
>>82402Wait, her? You mean Skies attacked me? Oh shit. I was not expecting that.>>82397Iron feels the hits from behind slightly. "Well, you did say you were going to punch me when I least expect it." Iron rubs his new hits, though they were the same strength as Star's.
What was that 1,4,4 hit back there, GM? [1d20+5 = 25]>>82407"I'm fine." She says, pulling out more pre-medieval remedies
She takes out some crushed beetle shells and sprinkles them into his nostrils.
>>82409Dark Star wakes up with an ungodly urge to sneeze.
>>82409Well, I'm fairly certain that would wake anyone up.Silver grimaces, thankful that she didn't try to help him up.
>>82408That’s 10 damage from the second punch landing
>>82412"Ugh, what pony sneezes on his saviour?" Iron is disgusted.
>>82413For what? >>82412"~There you go." Sister Ash says, patting him on the back
"You did a pretty good job. Better luck next time." She says encouragingly
>>82414Sister Ash was wise enough to aim his head away.
>>82414I don’t understand the question. Deduct 10 HP from Iron
>>82416He doesn't know that Blue cashed in her free punches.>>82412"And that is why I offered to take your place."
>>82416You only rolled two attack rolls but then you added 10 damage to one punch? Is that a sneak attack thing or something?
>>82418I counted it as sneak attack, yes
>>82419But a sneak attack is a 1d6 on every weapon, what makes her have three two other modifiers there?
>>82420 Because sneak attack dies more damage than that
>>82420Ah, I see. She's level 5. Nevermind.
>>82421"You should have cashed out when I was weaker." Iron states at the 'unknown' assailant. He then trots over to Dark Star's somewhat conscious body and Ash.
>>82415"He is fine, right?" Iron asks Ash.