Occupied Equestria: set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In this latest episode, the crew has united once again, and returned in full to the catacombs under the Curwhinny farm. What old secrets they will unearth, whether they will survive without being turned into undead monsters... whether Silver will ever get paid... will be determined in this thread.
1770 replies and 59 files omitted.
>>81411"I might have to read more of these. Were you planning on selling these or turning them over to the authorities?"
>>81411>>81408Dark Star looks inside for what silver needed
>>81414Right inside his bag is a large first-aid kit, almost fully-stocked, containing what else but a bottle of headache medication.
>>81415Dark Star passes him the tylenol
>>81413Sister Ash spits at the mention
"Selling them would only put them in the hands of a Wizard who was interested in the same things Curwinney was. Turning them over to the authorities would lead to the same thing, only with more steps." She growls
"There's no reason for something such as that to exist. It's best thrown away."
>>81412She sits up firmly
"No. I've never read any of these books. But it looks like they are valuable histories. And I will tell you now. Knowledge is not evil. The Truth, is not evil. And hiding from it, or trying to destroy it, is an offense to the Great Mother"
>>81413Shimmer has absolutely never read
this particular history
"The authorities, or course"
>>81416"Спасибо…" He greedily takes it and pops it into his mouth, barely managing to open his canteen and take a drink of water to chase the pill down his throat.
>>81418"Ah. A little disappointing. I would have liked to study some of these."
I offer the book back to Blue Skies.
>>81417"That is for you to convince her of. It is her loot after all."
>>81418>>81417"I believe what she said will be true. While knowledge is not evil by itself. The ability to cause harm to others may lead ponies to do evil."
>>81419Dark Star puts the canteen to Silvers lips
>>81416"Help me here Dark Star.
Your Country needs you" Blue Skies tells him
>>81420She takes it
>>81421"Iron, is strength something that can cause harm and do evil?"
>>81422He seems thankful, taking a couple large gulps, to both swallow the pill and to quench his thirst.
>>81423"Yes, but strength is gained from training and dedication of the pony in question. This is knowledge that needs little to no training in order to accomplish evil, so it increases the chance of someone doing evil, because it is accesible."
>>81425"Iron, do you honestly think any pony can learn history or magic without training or dedication?"
>>81417Ash, point out the filly who tried to summon hellhounds.
>>81423>>81425>the fascist is saving books>the neutral/harmonists are burning booksWhat happened? I'm confused.
>>81428"Shimmer, if you value arcane knowledge,
help me out"
>>81423>>81417"Blue is right. the books should not have been burned until spark or silver looked over them. there could have been a journal or something you burned."
Dark Star has a disapointed look on his face as he looks at ash
>>81428Well, if these books are spread, the methods on how to commit evil will spread. That is not good for the world.
>>81431Say it in character. No metagaming
>>81417"so all the books you burned where on how to create zombies?
>>81429"Blue Skies hasn't made a choice so far that we have regretted. She knows the harm they can do, and yet is assured that they are safely kept under the authorities. It also stands to reason the counter to the undead may be found in the study of the books."
>>81425"Iron, let me ask you a question. Who do you trust, or rather who do you
not trust, with the ability to start fire?"
>>81421>>81418Sister Ash gives a snort
"A Wu ge-.. a Wizard's tomb collection is more than just knowledge: It's a tool. It's a culmination of magical practices synthesized for easy duplication. It is not merely a book meant to help those who seek to educate themselves, but a manual for what it was used to practice."
She snorts again, trying to clear the smoke out of her body
"Magical don't help ponies seeking to better themselves, or their understanding of magick. They're merely shortcuts; recordings of lucritive practices that ponies
should spend years planning to perfect. A borrowed tomb does little to make a better mage; it only serves to let cocky young ones believe they know even the first thing about magick because they happened to read it in some manuscript."
She points at the book
"The secrets in that book are useful to two kinds of ponies: the pony who write them, and a pony seeking to haphazardly immitate that pony. They are not unique secrets. An ambitions magi could naturally develop the same powers on their own, without needing shortcuts."
[Read more] >>81438"Ash. How do you know what you burned were magical tombs. Do you think that he really needed 1000 tombs? Wouldn't just one do the job?"
>>81437"Well, judging from a couple titles. Ancient and lost cultures a little on the occult side"
>>81424With a final satisfied sigh, Silver puts the canteen away, his headache reduced to a more manageable state. With the ability to think regained, the first thing that returns is his anger.
>>81425>>81434>>81435>>81437>>81438Silver steps forward, facing the arguing groups. He looks
pissed. He looks specifically at Ash as he begins to speak. "You can not burn knowledge as easily as you can books."
>>81432Sorry>>81438"Well, that answers the whole 'any pony can learn history or magic question', now doesn't it? If there is no need to learn magic to replicate it, then that question is null and void."
>>81434"Spark, do everypony here a favor and skim all books taken by Skies to see if any one of them contains methods to create any sort of undead, besides any other evil magic."
>>81439"If you think a Wizard only uses one tomb, you've never met one." She replies
"Wizards write spells into all the books they handle simply out of habit."
Also, she was pissed of, and she had to burn something.>>81440"That's exactly my point." She says
>>81441>>81439"Do you mind me looking though your books Skies as he suggests?"
why!?" Her response only serves to make Silver even more mad. He takes a step towards the kirin. "Why did you risk our lives over burning few books!?"
>>81443"Oh please. They don't need a literal thousand. Ash, do you
know what these things are?"
>>81444"go ahead"
She lets him see the books around her
>>81446I skim though the books looking for parts related to undead.
>>81445Her ears droop, and she hangs her head
That... was inexcusable.. I did not expect the smoke to spend so quickly, and I am to blame for any damages that may have been incurred.." she says with a bow
>>81446>>81447Dark Star loooks at the titles
>>81448At least that one hasn't served to anger him. It hasn't exactly calmed him, either, from the faint sound of his grinding teeth. "But.
>>81451>>81450"That is not the issue here at the moment. We need to ascertain that these books do not contain methods on how to do evil magic on them. Then we can discuss on the recklessness of Ash's actions."
>>81452Sister Ash's eyes slowly fade back to their normal state and she walks a good 10 feet away from the group and lays down.
>>81447>>81449Perhaps 9 books surround Skies. One relates to the legends of Kindokini. Another to the worship of Mar deep in the regions of Griffinheim. Another to the Va'kran cult of Zebrica. Another, the legends of the Nordlige Ponnier. Another 2 are like these, but 3 are
different They are hoofwritten, not written by somepony else.
These three are definitely secret histories. One concerns a sorcerer in Sonambula in the middle kingdom, another the aforementioned sorcerer, another even older, dating to the period before the windigos in the Unicorn tribes of the north
Not a single one of the books look like it concerns Curwhinny's powers over life and death. All of them concern the occult, and creatures who were interested in strange things as well as myths. 6 of them were copies of something else made at that time. 3 of them look irreplaceable. It can neither be confirmed nor denied if any of them contain functioning spells, although it would be far from surprising if they did. None are by purpose magical tomes
>>81448"Oh bow yourself. If you don't even have the foresight to know that fire in an enclosed space will kill everypony, then how are you a good judge of such philsophical questions of the value of knowledge?"
>>81451"And you are reckless to destroy knowledge when you don't even know what it is!"
[Read more] >>81451"Indeed you were." Silver sighs, sitting down. The feeling of his gaze burrowing into her subconscious hasn't entirely gone away. "You are not stupid pony. I know this from just having watched you in there. Even if those books
had contained forbidden, dark magic, you know destroying those books does not change fact that knowledge of these magics still exists. You did not even bother to check if they were indeed what you thought they were before acting, or gaining support from rest of group. Star and I were not even present for ordeal."
>>81452"It is issue to
me." A portion of his anger gets directed to Iron. "I have spent valuable time and money, sweat and blood, on this mission, and now I am not even sure if we will be able to finish it because she acted with impulse. I want to know why."
>>81454> dating to the period before the windigos in the Unicorn tribes of the northDark Star takes this one and flips threw a few pages
>>81456Dark Star can see that this book is written in cursive, and seems to relate the eyewitness accounts of a few unicorns who had been assistants of the court of Princess Platinum, who had a desire to contact the ones living beyond the stars
>>81457Dark Star looks Very Interested in this book
"Princess Platinum?"
>>81454"Most of these pertain to religions and cults already around. A few of these are from long ago. One of these is before Nightmare Moon's banishment. I really wish I could study them further now. But nothing directly related to raising the dead."
>>81458Dark Star can recall from his childhood stories that Princess Platinum was a leader of the Unicorn tribes of the north at around the time of the migration and Equestrian unification
>>81459Iron's will breaks. "Wait, that is all?" He looks down, stupefied. "So the burning was worthless?" Iron shakes his head and sits down. "I cannot believe it." Iron, dejected, leaves alone Skies and retreats to his armor pile and shield in order to equip them, cursing silently.
>>81460Dark Star's eyes flash Recognition
"Wow, i had almost foregotten about her."
Dark Star reads some more about how she planned to contact them
Sister Ash wanders off to where she left the jars, trailing smoke as her body settles down.
>>81462>>81460>>81458Without taking the time to carefully study the book, it's very difficult to say just what, precisely, is going on. It looks as if the book is saying that in those short years before the Windigos. Before Discord. Before Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia. There was a dedicated group of unicorns. They opperated under the assumption that beyond the lunar sphere, out in the either, there were creatures. You could call them angels, you could call them minor gods - but immortal god-like creatures that danced and played on their own. They wanted to... actually, what they were trying to do is hard to determine, again, without taking a full 10 hours to read it. They wanted to access the outer planes. Or bring what was in the planes here. Or merge them...
>>81461"Not necessarily. Who knows what were in the books I
couldn't save
>>81464She gets to where the jars are, and sits upright cross-legged, completely silent before them.
>>81466They are equally silent to her
>>81465"Gods? from Beyond the moon?"
>>81465Iron still curses silently, strapping all his armor pieces and equiping his shield. He then follows Spark.
>>81459Silver just sighs once more. He gets up from where he is sitting. And goes to where Ash is heading.
>>81466"I still would like to know why." Silver's voice no longer carries the anger it once had, though it's clear he's still looking for an answer. "You are kirin. I have never heard of your people until now. It is clear you are gifted with fire...sometimes too gifted...I want to understand reasoning behind your decision. Why you made it, and why you made it so rash."
>>81468"... I am fine..." She says after a whike, visibly
not on fire anymore.
>>81467She's praying, silently
>>81469The text refers to them as "outer ones." They seem to be creatures that date from beyond creation. They are not monolithic, but rather are of diverse kind. Now he sees it. They wanted to talk to one under the light of a full moon. Or at least, that is what they did on one moonlit gathering - the unicorns all wearing their robes and prostrating themselves before the night sky
>>81473When is the next full moon?
>>81474Well, the moon last night was waxing gibbous, so definitely within one week. Like tonight or in two days, maybe three
>>81475Dark Star seems like he is considering something
>>81472Iron, still angry, now stands next to the prone Ash, looking for threats.
>>81471"Silver, as much as I would like to know her motives, I would suggest leaving some time for her to think it through." Iron states, fully armored except his good hitting hoof and shield equipped on his other hoof.
>>81477"Spark, do not be a fool. She is clearly not fine. Leave her be until then."
>>81476Reading on... wait. Wait a minute. The author
did try to get the incantations. He seems to stop to relate this part very carefully. He has at least two different versions of the same spell here, evidently coming from two different witnesses. He makes notes about translation issues. He talks also about what the subtleties could mean. He implies that he got this knowledge from "spirits" and at some point had to coerce the information out. It's obvious he doesn't know if the evocation permutations would work or not. He mere tried to write it down with as much detail as possible. That was a 5 page tangent as he describes the night
>>81478"Sometimes a fool learns the hard way."
>>81471She speaks again after a few seconds
"... I was wandering through the lair of that stallion. I found the place where he kept his treasures. In the moment, nothing in that place seemed worth saving to me, nothing alive.. so I decided it may as well burn..."
She opens her eyes slowly
"... I cannot say what I did was the right thing to do, but it felt like that in the moment.. a room full of stolen masterpieces, all stolen from the ones who would have properly valued them, for the greed of a wicked pony willing to torture souls to amass his wealth and power... At the time, I only wanted it all to burn, perhaps not because the things in that room deserved it, but because it I felt they should..."
Her shawl gas finally stopped smoking
>>81479Dark star continues reading
>>81483Sources vary as to exactly what animals were brought, and what needed to be done for the ritutal, although the author clearly has his theory of what the components were, and he points out other details of the event that would be helpful should anypony reading it decide they want to come up with their own theory. Anyways, it seems as if it was successful in its first attempt with the unicorn contacting one of the Outer Ones. But the Outer Ones quickly filled his mind with a slew of negative emotions, causing him to break contact. This concerned the onlookers, but convinced them the process was working in part, and they committed to meet at the next full moon in an even larger session
>>81482Iron looks sternly at Ash. "As much as I would like to forgive this transgression, it is a sign of something more problematic. You need to rein in your emotions or this will happen again, and maybe somepony will die for it next time you lose control again, and I can guarantee that you would feel devastated by killing somepony who did not really deserve it."
Ironic isn't it? >>81471"Silver. Psst!" Blue Skies comes up to him and whispers
>>81482Silver nods. He understands, or at least, understands enough. "You are young, yet. You have not yet learned control of such feelings. It is not something I could blame you for, so long as you understand where you went wrong, and are willing to take steps towards controlling it." He gives her a pat on the back, no longer afraid of having his hoof catching fire from contact.
>>81487Silver turns to her, wondering what she wants of him.
>>81484is there any notes on what it said to him?
>>81489"Can we move away and talk in private?"
>>81490The unicorn who was the conduit of the activity was not one of the perspectives who relate the story. The unicorn seemed to have been filled with hate at the time, and after contact was broken, seemed to have this theory that the rest of the group were plotting against him. That is just the first time, anyways
>>81491As if Dark Star has been put under a compulsion spell, he continues reading.
>>81489Sister Ash nods slowly as her eyes shut and she resumes her prayer.
>>81491Silver nods, standing up.
>>81493"If you wish, we can talk more later. I do not know what help I can be to you, but I can try to help you on path of control, if you will allow me."
>>81491With his talk with Ash concluded, he goes with Blue.
Well, with everypony busy, the sorcerer, glass by his side, trots back to camp.
>>81494"... I must finish this reposition.. These lost ones must have heir eulogy, if they are to rest..." She replies, before resuming her unintelligible prayer
>>81493Iron stands by her side. He has composed himself from his anger and stands straight. He wonders how could someone be taught not to be angry.
>>81492There was a debate among the unicorns of the circle. Some of them thought that the incident proved the outer ones were hostile, some thought them a mix of good and evil, and some of them thought that they could be placated. There was another session. In this incident, when they contacted the outer ones, one responded very clearly. The outer one seemed to think that everypony was... boring. Dreadfully boring and normal. He convinced the conduit that his quest for knowledge was futile because of the finite perceptual abilities and mental faculties of a pony. This revelation was said to visibly dull his coat and break him emotionally. But the effect was confined to the pony who had been the conduit, and everypony else began to believe that it may be possible to select who to speak to, or perhaps even to summon to the terrestrial plane
>>81494She takes him over to the side, and whispers
"Did you pocket anything else?"
>>81498"so they're evil? hmmmm"
Dark Star continues reading
>>81498"There was not much, I am afraid. Most valuable thing I found was this." He pulls out Alabaster's silver locket; he tries to carefully remove the picture it contains. He also pulls out the necklace the native skeleton wore from yesterday. "It seems, if there was treasure, it was either burnt down, or in area of catacombs we did not search."
>>81499In the third session, the conduit managed to contact a different outer one. This one was proper, well speaking, and at least seemed to be trustworthy. This Outer One seemed to have a problem with the ponies and their nature, finding them disorderly and in need of stern guidance. The conversation with the outer one continued for quite some time, but it is very clear that this one took a deep interest in the lives of ponies on the terrestrial plane
>>81500She examines it
"This locket is much too old to have belonged to that foal"
Sister Ash remains in prayer position before the jars for as long as the rest of the party remains outside, not moving from her position even once.
>>81501He seems interested in this particular bit of information. "Are you sure it was not just gift to him?"
>>81503"Look at the attire on this unicorn mare"
She shows him the image in the locket
"This looks older than 930"
>>81502Iron stands besides her, also not moving from his position as a guard.
>>81501"He contacted another one? wow!"
Where in Equestria is this set?
>>81504He examines it himself, even if he's unsure about his own knowledge on the styles of attire for different time periods.
>>81507A style of bun that looks particularly old, with ornate red dress. The locket it heart shaped and silver
>>81506Still another one responded as well. This one was not quite as enthusiastic as the previous: the outer one liked the freedom of the outer planes, and the creativity it allowed, and did not want to loose that. But neither was the outer one indifferent to the land of ponies
This is set in the northern lands north of Equestria, in Dream valley of the kingdom of the Unicorns, prior to the migration
>>81508"Hmm. That is odd. What do you think this means, if anything?"
>>81509"That this isn't Alabaster's locket. That, or somepony gave him a locket far older than his grandmother. I think he had it in his hoof or something"
Okay, it's getting really late for me.
Sister Ash will be praying for each jar individually. It may take her more than an hour, while the of the party does whatever.
>>81477>>81508"Hey Spark. come check this out."
>>81511Good thing I have to wake up early as well, thenIron just stands guard near Ash, not intent on moving anywhere else except to follow Ash.
>>81510"Hmm..." Silver thinks more on this. "Do you think it could have been part of larger horde?"
>>81512Would I be able to hear this from the camp? I'm not entirely sure where it is in relation.
>>81514"What do you mean?"
>>81515He he specifically went to find him, then yes
>>81516yea sure, Dark Star goes up to him.
>>81516"Could it have been part of personal treasure or collection of keepsakes Curwhinny kept? What if this is his locket? And this picture is of his late wife?"
>>81518"Plausible. Where do you think the foal got it from then?"
>>81520He thinks some more, before it hits him. "...Son of bitch. It came from cavity behind wall. One with book in it that Star took."
>>81521"That could be. Why would we find the cavity exposed as it was though?"
>>81519"hey i was reading this book, you gotta read this."
Dark Star Gives him a quick rundown
>>81522"That is less clear. Perhaps militia ponies, as they were attacking catacombs, disturbed bricks in that room. We did find skeleton of one not too far away from room."
>>81523"I always wondered about ponies... or whatever they are beyond the sky with the story of the stars aiding in her escape. Interesting stuff. How does it end?"
>>81524"I'm not so sure they would have attacked bricks. I am even less sure they would have just ignored that book. Weren't there a number of dislodged bricks and fallen rocks near the stairwell?"
>>81525>>81526"i dont know yet, i thought it was incredible i had to tell some pony."
Dark Star Continues Reading
>>81526"Yes, there was. Perhaps...what if mining operations in quarry caused both? That downstairs area was directly adjacent to quarry, and connected with quarry tunnel. And mining operations occurred far after than militia assault, and occurred before foal found their way into catacombs."
>>81527There was concern over the unicorns of the circle, as while they were successful in contacting several of the outer ones, and these outer ones had various responses to the questions asked them, none had offered promises of power or pacts. But of course that was a petty issue to others, as they did not care for any favors in the terrestrial realm. They wanted to reach the divine. They wanted to become like the outer ones. The outer ones for their part took various interest in the terrestrial plane. Some had no interest at all in it, one took an interest in its magic, one in its little ponies and kingdoms, another only as a source of entertainment... And of course there were mixed feelings about which of these were dangerous. The response, naturally, was that the process could be controlled. So a unicorn who had studied along side Star-Swirl the Beared proposed a way to try to gain limited access to the outer planes. The ponies themselves, perhaps, could go over and touch the outer realms.
>>81528"Yes... that would explain much of the damage to the catacombs. Many of those rooms look as if they had been boarded up, but the boards came down"
>>81529"Do you think, perhaps, there is more treasure there underneath well that has not yet been uncovered? Or elsewhere in catacombs, exposed by explosions from mines?" He rubs the back of his neck. "I suppose, it does not matter, unless we have way of surviving down there. Some kind of magic spell, or gas mask, or something of that sort."
>>81530"There are dozens of magical spells that allow you to breath in difficult conditions. We also have gas masks and oxygen tanks back at headquarters. Personally, I would recommend trying to remove all of that rubble from the cave-in you caused so there can be a breathing hole again. But who knows. There is definitely
something down there in the areas never visited. And it's neither unmoving nor forever sealed away.
I can tell you
I would like to see what hasn't been burned"
She gives her smile, and wags her tail slightly
>>81529"the unicorns wanted to be like the outer ones?
Dark Star keeps reading"
>>81532"Just asking for trouble, as usual. Things really don't change do they?"
>>81531Silver nods as well, getting a similar look on his face. "Sounds like you and I have same idea, here."
>>81532They assembled again. It seems that the timing of the sessions was important because of the positioning of the celestial bodies, which natural affect the planes of the realms because the planes are determined by the bodies that inhabit them. The "outer ones" are actually not necessarily inhabitants of the outer most planes, but certainly always above the terrestrial plane.
They assembled together at a sight of many runes, and positioned the stones just right so that they aligned with the Celestial bodies. When this was accomplished, a portal was opened, and at least one unicorn was able to pass through it. He reports later that he saw the land from far above, and saw the angels as they danced in the outer planes.
>>81534She smiles still
"Tell me though. What
precisely do you seek? What do you seek to avoid?"
[Read more] >>81536"In this moment in time? Bits, work, something to give purpose to my life beyond just living. As for what to avoid...failure, mostly. I would say death, but I no longer have such fear of it. As long as I succeed in my duties, I do not care what happens to me."
>>81537"Do you know what the ponies who employed you for the catacombs wanted?"
>>81536>>81535"Does the book say anything about how the pony acted once he got back?"
>>81538"As I understand it, they want undead cleared so they may continue work to fill in quarry without issue, turn land into real estate. I imagine if they only wanted tunnel sealed, they would have done so already."
>>81539That pony was filled with glee, for he had pranced with Angels.
They thought to expand the effect of the spell, to allow easier communion between the planes. The pony met with an outer one directly, and the outer one seemed amiable enough to allow to visit the terrestrial plane, nevermind the stated intent of domination of ponykind
>>81540"Wait, they want this for
real estate?"
>>81541"As far as my knowledge goes." He thinks some more on what he heard. "Perhaps it was for development. But those are fairly similar in purpose."
>>81542"Remember the different pony races didn't get along very well. Keep reading. I got to see how it ends for them, and how they swear to try again someday. Cults always swear to try again someday."
>>81542The outer one walked straight through the portal and into the terrestrial plane, and ethereal angel. It spoke with the unicorns and is reported even to have sat down for dinner with a few of them. As a sign of good faith, the outer one returned to the outer planes after request by some of the unicorns, with the obvious desire to return.
But this incident heightened tensions between members of the unicorn circle, as some wanted to go to the outer planes themselves, or did not like the assumption of the outer one that they would be its servants.
More so, there was tension in the court of Princess Platinum, as one of the ponies had been chosen to be Starswirl's apprentice alongside Clover the Clever, causing jealousy in at least one pony
>>81543"Then it sounds like they might dig into these areas for basements or tunnels. If not this year then in ten years or in a century.
Let me ask you a different question. What is it I could do that would make you stop willing to help me or work with me? What will you not help me do?"
[Read more] >>81546>>81547It's the same response either way, as that is the next part of the story
>>81549Nope. She meant 'what lines are you not willing to cross'
>>81549'what is it I could do that would make you
not willing to help me or work with me'
>>81550Ah. Okay, I see it now.>>81546"I am mercenary, no matter what my personal preferences are. When I work, I am loyal to contract first, Bits second. There is only one line anyone could ever or has ever tried to cross that would make or has made me not willing to fulfill job: an active attempt to bring end to my life."
>>81548Dark Star Reads some more
>>81552"In other words: there is very, very little I would not do to fulfill contract." His voice has a twinge of regret as he continues. "In fact, there has been very, very little I have not done."
>>81554>>81552>>81552She gives him her smile
"Good. Then we shall have no issues working together going forward. I know where my loyalties lie, and I can't say i can help you much with your contract with the developers. but as for bits..."
She opens the top of Dark Star's bag, and briefly pulls out a non-descript leather bound book, then the two booklets
"These here... These are worth something. I want to find more like these, if they exist"
>>81553It was time to visit the outer planes again. And a unicorn was selected. Not just any unicorn, but the same who had been selected before by Star swirl the Bearded. And beneath the moonlight, he waltzed with an outer one, with now two of them intent on on coming to the terrestrial realm.
However, a stallion named Fortis Equus in particular took offense to this process. He did not like other unicorn evidently courting Outer Ones. So he told Princess Platinum about the affairs of the circle
[Read more] >>81555Silver nods. "Curwhinny's notes. Indeed, I can see where Bits would exist, where these are concerned." He considers it for a couple seconds, before offering to shake on it. "If there are Bits in this work, then I shall take job."
>>81555"There is only so many ways this can go down. I'm shocked we lived at all when we were tempting powers beyond our understanding to interact with us."
>>81556>>81557Telling Princess Platinum proved catastrophic. Several of the members were arrested and charged. In particular, the stallion who had consorted with the outer ones became the target of suspicion, as it was believed that the outer ones he had talked to intended to take Princess Platinum's place. This was conspiring with foreign forces against the crown. As there was no proof that outer ones even exited, there could be no actual charge of treason. Still, it was enough to cause him to lose his position in the court
What remained of the circle met a last time
>>81555"This is getting pretty good."
>>81558>>81559"Very good. I can't wait to see how it ends."
>>81556"Excellent. Now don't let them take any more books and booklets, and don't let them know. Name your price, and you can have it. Just help me find more"
>>81559It was a windless night with no moon. Probably half of the circle was not there, either because they had been arrested, or because they were afraid of being caught. No pony knew it had been Fortis who had informed on them to the Princess. All knew, however, that they must accelerate their plans, as their time had run out. They tried their best to make the incantations, and to draw a larger circle. When this was accomplished, the portal was established once again. The Outer One whom they had been in most contact with - the 'co-conspirator' according to Platinum, came through, bringing along another outer one who was more so conscripted into the scheme than a wholly willing participant. The Unicorn approached the two and addressed them as their servants.
At this point, Fortis Equus could not stand the sight any longer, and called out, demanding why the unicorn alone had travelled. After consideration, the unicorn himself decided that Fortis had a point, and let Fortis come to the portal.
When Fortis went through, he was accompanied by the two outer ones, and they pranced through the moonlight, and saw the stars as they hung. He was allowed to touch the ethereal coats of the outer ones, and to see the planet as it looked from the outer planes
[Read more] >>81562>>81561"Well... I actually didn't see that coming. What happens next?"
>>81563After some time of prancing in the outer planes, they returned to the circle. As they stood in the circle, Fortis turned to the Unicorn, his heart forever cooled by the experience of the heavens. He told the unicorn what he had done in telling the princess, and apologized for it, saying he had not known he would have been invited along himself if only he had asked. And all of this as they stood along the circle itself
Exactly what happens next is not entirely clear, as one of the perspectives cuts off very shortly thereafter, but this seems to be what occurred. At the moment Fortis told the Unicorn, the latter's heart was over come with a rage and hatred. The portal had been easy enough to control so long as your mind and heart were still, and you knew what you were looking for, but the hate in his heart attracted something...
Not an outer one. An
other one, a lesser denizen of the sphere just beyond the terrestrial. Drawn as if summoned to this emotion, they came in herd, and flocked through the portal en masse, killing the Unicorn, Fortis, and all but one of the members of the circle, who later related part of this story
>>81562"1,000 Bits, to cover cost of supplies, and 50% of value of what I find for you. That is my price for this mission."
>>81564"Well then... that ended worse than I thought. Not sure why everyone was shocked the angry one demanding to be part of the travel was the snitch, but oh well. Apparently we can't be angry beyond the sky or else you die."
Spark takes a second to ponder all of this.
"Technically... those things that murdered the circle could still be around here. They probably would have gone back if they could, but with the circle destroyed, the portal could have collapsed."
>>81565"If we're doing this, I supposed I should stop lying to you. I am not
selling these books. I am
buying, as an agent anyways. How much do you want?"
>>81567"this didnt happen here. it happend in Dream valley."
>>81569"I mean here as in our world. They could have traveled around, or stayed there looking for a way back, assuming they are still here."
Spark is lost in thought for just a second.
"I really wish we could keep these, but we need to return the book to your marefriend now."
>>81570"maybe we could buy this one from her. im willing to put in half."
>>81572"She said it needs to go to the authorities. We can't buy it. Come on now. Let's go give it back."
>>81574I head back to where I last saw Blue Skies.
She's been talking and dealing with Silver
>>81576"Dark Star was just showing me one of your books. It was very fascinating, something about creatures beyond the sky and other creatures that came and killed everypony but one that witnessed it."
I motion for Dark Star to return the book.
>>81577"Charming. That will do nicely"
>>81577Dark Star looks a little hesitant
>>81578"its a very interesting book."
>>81578"Will the authorities study the books, or will they lock them up with the war going on?"
>>81580"Oh I can tell you that the war has made them far
more interested in things such as creatures from beyond the sky that kill everyone"
>>81579"Good to see something of value survived the purges"
>>81581"Well, if they attempt it, they will kill themselves quicker than the enemy, I can guarantee that."
>>81583"Have any suggestions on what to do to get back in the tunnel? Would there be a way to open it up to vent out all that smoke?"
>>81583>>81582"only if they are angry."
>>81581Dark Star Gives her the book
>>81590I'll take that into account next time I want to destroy something.
>>81592I didn't expect that much smoke to spread in only two rounds. I have spells that can serve as precautions.
>>81593>Only two rounds>Only two>Oh please. She started by setting the rug on fire (if that's wool, expect a relatively high concentration of Hydrogen Cyanide in the smoke) then lit a book on fire. Then another. Then another...
[2d20 = 5]
[1d20+10 = 24]
Well, I'm back. Still don't know what the value of those books might be.
>>81600"4000 bits, you don't ask questions, I take all of them, and you open up about your wife and children to me later"
She tells him
>>81603After a couple seconds of silently considering it, he nods. "It is done deal."
>>81605"All this leaves now is matter of reentering catacombs."
Sister Ash is still praying.
>>81606"Do you have any plans, or think anything needs to be done first?"
>>81608"Besides acquiring way to breathe down there? There is not much else I would need to do to become ready. There is one issue I should mention, about idea of clearing rubble from quarry tunnel..."
>>81609"Rubble from which location?"
>>81610"Quarry tunnel. You saw quarry, earlier? There was tunnel, leading from there to lower area of catacombs. Before we knew there was fire set, we decided to seal off tunnel to stop undead from potentially wandering outside."
>>81611"Huh... I would have figured that any undead that entered the quarry couldn't get out of its walls"
>>81612"Perhaps. At time, both Star and I believed it to be good idea, either way, from just shear amount of undead in lower area. Of course, again, we did not know there was fire."