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An Explosive Meteorite.png
UFOs and aliens are man made.
751 31887 103575 104116 104641 106452 116799 121571 122574
This post is inspired by >>>/mlpol/59382.

I have been researching UFOs and aliens for decades. I have found the best way to understand the phenomena is to time-line it and then see what else was happening around the same time. Time-lining it allows the evolution & origin of certain aspects to show up which means you can trace things back to origin points.

I don't concern myself with if each UFO/alien report is real or not real, but I look at it in a wide ranging meta-view and this shows a sensible evolution which implies it is real and therefore the reports are generally mostly real.

I am not sure what the best way is to do this data dump. I have decided to do a succinct 300 year history which can be expanded on by me asking questions. This allows me to keep my efforts in proportion to actual board interest levels.

This initial section is to show the development of human sky technology and also shows that nothing ET UFO like is happening yet.

1758 - Book: Concerning Earths in the Solar System, in which Emanuel Swedenborg detailed his alleged journeys (spiritual) to the inhabited planets (up to Saturn + 5 exo-planets), solar system barrier, suns are black.
1783 - France: Manned balloons
1803 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune
1850 - and onwards triangular shapes are reported in the sky but when researched most of these can be associated with comets and comet fragments (comets tend to break up near Earth, Sun and Jupiter into sharp angular fragments).
1851 - Dr. William Bland sent design: steam engine driving twin propellers suspended under airship to Great Exhibition, London
1852 - Comet fragment dramatically crashes to Earth with sheets of rain (comet water) and dark ominous clouds with read streaks before the massive chunk crashes into the English channel. The other interesting part about this is that it happens near dawn, and the dawn side of the Earth is in the direction of the Earth's travel around the sun. So the Earth overran this comet fragment and sucked it down into it. This dramatically shows how astronomical phenomena can produce UFO reports. Pic #1 Attached.
1863 - “Aereon” by Solomon Andrews (inventor) flew, unpowered, controllable dirigible,Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
1871 - Mystery airship, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (Solomon Andrews?) See Pic #2. This is one of the earliest UFO reports and we can see it is consistent with an airship. We have no reason to conclude it is ET yet.
1871 - (Vril, the Power of) The Comming Race fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This book in Germany inspires the use of the term Vril for unknown magical/physical forces and leads to the nick name The Vril Society.
1881 - a comet was mistaken as an unusual object in the sky. See pic #3.
1886 - Book: A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta. “No telescope will ever reveal human life on Venus; not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes." -- what we see here is the myth of sentient life on other planets in our solar system starting to form. There is no reason to reject this notion at that time.
1886 - cheap way to manufacture aluminium is discovered. At this point airships are flying around, some are secret projects. They use bamboo and cloth and ropes. Cheap aluminium allows them to be made of this metal. France is becoming a leader in airship design. You can think of these airships as the B2 bomber of the day, these are very serious military tech for spying and air to ground attack. Therefore there is secrecy around designs as well.
1891 - Contactee Thomas Blott (William Simpson, 1828-1910) The Man from Mars is a book about a Martian explaining how Mars is great and Earth sux, basically. It is not clear if this was supposed to be fiction or a reported event.
1893 - In the article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. -- the greys!!

So with that look so far we can see many of the elements of aliens and UFOs exist but there are no reports yet of flying saucers or any meaningful reports of flying triangles under intelligent control. All of it, when it comes to ETs, is human imagination. We can reasonably say no ETs are showing up in this 1700s-1800s time period.

In 1893 science starts to speculate about gravity and if we can understand it better and control it.

1893 - Oliver Heaviside makes paper called A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm -- this will be very important as we continue the time lining.
1894 “Aug 26, British admiral reported sighting a large disk with a projection like a tail” – Keyhoe (1950) -- Airship? Science experiment? There are no good references for this report and so it can't be examined further.
1896 - Germany 11 Sep, Zagreb daily newspaper Obzor “The day before yesterday we received a telegram sent by an amateur journalist. He informed us that David Schwarz from Zagreb has invented an [aluminium] airship which he hopes he could direct on his own free will."
1896 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship -- this is the UFO flap of 1896-97 but they were airships, not disks, triangles or spacecraft. We know that airships won't work in space so these are human-made. This shows that human advanced tech can be a unsolved mystery. See pics #4 and #5


706 replies and 598 files omitted.
I'll answer the rest after some sleep.
I Have a question, that i don't thibk has been asked yet.

Whats the Deal with Cattle mutilations and ufos?
>What's the Deal with Cattle mutilations and ufos?

Start here >>46338 and follow the replies. Short answer is either mad cow disease tracking and/or medical experiments.

103554 104339
Mussolini's Roswell.pdf
luna astronomy.png
>Few of these events are extraordinary, impacts occur >500 times per day on each planet.
The value of these events is they are the camouflage of the air. The Hills were abducted from a craft that came out of the sky from the direction of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The purpose is to have sloppy researchers blame the UFO sighting on celestial events. Magnify this cover by doing man made UFO abductions during meteor events. The sky actually has "cover" like the ground. Same for generating artificial clouds/mist. It blows my mind that the sky has tactical cover!!!

>Not a fun topic to learn/understand.
Why? Because of the "alien" staging afterwards which was successful?

>Formal request to never use that term again: initiated. Dialogue status: sincere.
Which term? Who requested?

>Somewhat proves piezoelectric materials were in use decades before either you or I figured.
Disagree. Waves have natural origins. Human efforts are secondary. However nature's waves inspire human efforts and fears. And at some point humans captured a natural UFO and used the tech derived from studying that natural UFO. This puts the 1931 non-flyable Italian landed UFO into context. See Attachment#1. The 2001 leak is the rewrite of it into an "alien" craft, similar to MJ-12 rewrites, while it might just be a natural object but hard to say because humans are actively developing also. See >>755 (1931)

(The fake alien new religion is still being pursued to control us and justify military tax spending in a presumed future united Earth.)

Prior to 1931, the interest is in T.T. Brown's massive voltage differential ionocraft/magneto-hydro-dynamics, (Brown is certain he has found actual artificial gravity). After 1931 you have the Germans working on flying disks.... and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pact_of_Steel (1930s) an exchange of knowledge about crashed UFOs from Italy to Germany??

Thanks for the timeline of tech. Most interesting:
>1931: Aerogel, Samuel Stevens Kistler. This one invention solves thousands of bullshit reports & propaganda.
>1935: factory production of fiberglass. Wasn't patented until 1938 by Russell Games Slayter while working for Owens-Corning.

1931 hmmm...

Re: >>101942
>1934-01-23: Tuesday, January 23, 1934. Outside Tromso, Norway, a mystery plane shone a brilliant light on to a ship's deck, illuminating it like the day. The ship's captain could observe the pilot in the mystery plane (the pilot's cabin was brilliantly illuminated, a curious state of affairs for such a nocturnal exercise, but one which accords quite readily with modern UFO reports). The description of the pilot was, apparently, that of a normal man wearing a large hood and goggles.

>Tromso, Norway 193 caught my attention.

I'll add in here the pathways that I see that lead to the perception of pilots in UFOs.

Source 1:
Man-made craft and human pilots especially in the early days. Later this is converted into the alien look as you know... rubber and fur costumes, placement of space-opera props (paintings of galaxies, the Hills pull down "star map", etc), drugging the victim so they have "reality transformation" (Vallee/Hynek CE4) and other mind warping tech, hypnosis, techno-telepathy (microwave hearing, EM field sent through the brain -> measure the deviation in the field to get the brains electrical state = remote EEG.) etc.

Source 2:
Natural collisions in space making high temperature plasmas coated in metallic glass "protective" hulls. Strong EM fields interfere with aircraft, cars and human brains leading to brain malfunction and hallucinations. A weak field works because it is the field content not strength that matters. See >>89162 >>89585 also these EM fields can heal, the UV rays can disinfect see >>102696

We need to remain aware that both natural and man sources exist as potential causes in each event and happen in parallel. Also natural events run interference for man made events. I expect this is leveraged to add confusion.

Therefore your speculation has a counter speculation and brings uncertainty to your stated conclusion. To be fair my "Source 2" natural plasma explanation may have an Achilles heal, is there enough moment in the colliding space rock to both reach high temperature and still retain momentum to reach Earth? Since we don't know what collided we can't answer... yet?

Most interesting. We have been fucked over for soooo long.

I question that we have innate dignity. But our methods and actions SHOULD be making us collectively dignified by said actions. But it is so easy to fall into deviousness, selfishness, the temptation never ends. It is amazing us animals made it this far, especially when noting the empty universe. Still, I EXPECT us to do better.
>Strong EM fields interfere with aircraft, cars and [weak field interferes with] human brains leading to brain malfunction and hallucinations.

>In this study, the hypothesis was tested that seasonal variation in the geomagnetic field of the earth primarily as a result of geomagnetic storms (GMS) at crucial periods in intrauterine brain development, during months 2 to 7 of gestation could affect the later rate of development of schizophrenia.

Add in people growing up in strong magnetic fields, their bodies are magnetically aligned and therefore act like receiving antennas. Induced current flow in the brain can be like putting an electrode on the brain. Spontaneous schizophrenic subconscious imagery overlaid on awake vision. I have read, but I don't have a source, that schizophrenia happens to schizophrenics more often during geomagnetic disturbances. Therefore a subset of the population must be just above the schizophrenia threshold and then in proximity to a magnetic disturbance source could trip over into schizophrenic visions.

If the natural UFO is giving off microwaves... think of the effect that microwave ovens have on metal. Add in the microwave ovens rotate because of peaks and troughs in the intensity of the microwaves in the oven at various locations in the oven due to waves compounding or cancelling each other out. The UFO may not be a mathematically geometric pristine object but a mess of multiple broadcast sources and so at a distance there are peaks and troughs in transmission power.

Now weaponize this during abductions, throw in some small doses of LSD and rubber costumed actors. The abductee has zero hope of knowing what is real. But hypnosis will tell one hellova weird story!

How to tell what is nature and what is man? Whilst the whole time arguing between is it man or ET! LOL!

blue = Mg core, green = Ni hull
See >>44871

Vril vs Nazis? Chaos fragments everything.
103866 104752
Hmmm, wonder if I can find more like this.
103865 104342
Mercury 1946-01-12.png
Mercury 1948-09-06.png
Mercury 1950-02-16.png
The story of events is emerging now!

(1) The colliding object was slowly spiralling down towards the Sun/Mercury. This is an attempt by the object to get into resonance with either Mercury and/or Jupiter. When objects orbit they will approach the gravity well of the various planets, this will speed them up or slow them down depending on the configuration. Ultimately this results in a resonating orbit ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_resonance ).

(2) Unfortunately this object wanted to get to a place whilst Mercury was in the way. Each orbit it swung closer to the Sun, and therefore Mercury, probably causing partial break up and splattering the solar system in small quantities (1896/7 Mystery Airships, 1934 Ghost Fliers) until it side swiped Mercury on the outside (side opposite the sun) around 1946-01-12.

(3) The features of the impact site suggest a double lobed object impacted, the depression is 2 craters and the High Magnesium Region (HMR) is 2 lobed. The splatter went everywhere causing: 1946 Ghost Rockets, 1946+ Great Sunspots, 1947+ Flying Discs, 2002 XM35 core (Core #1) and another unnamed core (Core #2), and a spike in meteor showers.

(4) The unnamed Core #2 continued to orbit but eventually collided with Mercury again about 3-4 years later (assuming it kept a 3-4 year orbit as Taurids tend to do) and embedded itself in Mercury at a site called the Rachmananoff Crater. Which is a unique crater because of its high magnesium content which is what clues us in.

(5) The 1950 March small UFO Wave which had no explanation ( See >>102933 ) came from the second impact of Core #2 onto Mercury. This happened in February 1950 and splashed the Earth in March of 1950 as Earth moved through the debris field from Mercury Collision #2 by Core #2.

(6) All of the splatter and molten metal and glass kept orbiting in order to frighten the semi-intelligent inhabitants of the 3rd planet causing them to speculate, as semi-primitive species do, about which superior intelligence created the great sky objects shaped like glowing/silvery discs. Ultimately they made up a mythology about sky beings visiting them, this then allowed public manipulation for evil clandestine psychological and medical purposes/experiments.

Pics 1-3 are the above 6 steps.

Mercury--Rachmaninoff crater height--qview-2439400.png

Pic1 - Topography of Mercury and Mg/Si sites planet wide, showing HMR and Rachmaninoff crater.
Pics 2 & 3 - Cross-sectional Topography of Mercury Collision #1: High Magnesium Region
Pic4 - Cross-sectional Topography of Mercury Collision #2 by Core #2: Rachmaninoff Crater

Core #1 is still flying as 2002 XM35 with a collision adjusted orbit and perhaps some help from Jupiter to keep it away from Mercury. We flew through its tail in 1967 and got splattered by the debris around it for most of the year causing the 1967 massive wave ( >>102933 pic1 )
>We flew through its tail in 1967
See >>103716

Rachmaninoff--black low--red high.jpg
Colors are height.
https://youtu.be/cukW00Xjv3E?t=273 (4:33)

>President Trump gets asked about UFO's
No Taurids 1913-1937.png
Southern Taurids and 1896-7 Mystery Airships correlation.png
I like it when a plan comes together!

I was organising historic science papers that discuss meteor showers so I could more easily see which discussed what meteor showers (Pic1, flag 't' means it discusses the Taurids) and I noticed a lack of discussion of the Taurid meteor showers between 1913-1936 (also noted by Sky and Telescope >>101941 pic2). The Ghost Fliers turn up between 1934-1937. Which got me wondering, do the Taurids turn up when UFOs turn up? I did a deep dive into the Taurids history going back to mid-1800s (am I autistic?) and something unexpected turned up.

The Taurids disappeared between 1891 and 1896 (Pic2). A disappearance for 3-4 years is possible because an orbit takes that long, but 5 years is too much. Also 1896 is a very interesting year because that is when the "Mystery Airships" show up. Not only that, previously the Taurids had mainly come from the Northern Taurids, the Southern Taurids were less prominent. In 1891 both disappeared. This implies they ran out of material to throw at us. In 1896 the Southern Taurids surged and the Northern Taurids remained absent. This surge extended past 1904 (not sure how far yet).

This suggest the Taurids were replenished by some event prior to August 1896. Because we first saw these new Taurids in August that means they came from the direction of the Sun (because of how Taurids orbit) and so we saw them during daylight. This means we could not mistake them for Airships and so they became labelled as meteors. After the meteor stream(s) had orbited over the Earth they went out past Mars orbit and into the Asteroid Belt and came back in through the Earth in October and November. This time they came from the night side of the Earth. With no daylight to examine them, only a bright light visible, it was assumed these were Airships with arc lamps. This resulted in them being classified as UFOs and meteors. Ordinary people and the newspapers assumed that they are manufactured like the few man-made actual airships that are flying around ( >>750 ). UFOlogy wont be giving them up to scientists as meteors, they will keep them as UFOs instead. Scientists will simply ignore them, because paranormal stuff... eww.

The Taurids continued to spray the Earth again in the later half of the year from 1896 onwards.

This is a microcosm prequel of the 1940s-1970s Flying Discs/Saucers. The Mystery Airships are now included in the hypothesis because they, like Ghost Rockets, Ghost Fliers and Flying Discs run parallel to the Taurid meteor showers, and that seems to be mostly from Mercury collisions.

Was making what few cognitive processes I dare to process with hurt with research outside of study fields your plan, Herr Vril? If so, it is working. The natural order of planetary electromagnetic capture is simple, NOT complex. As stated before: certain planets tend to capture objects of specific metallurgy. The third planet from fun deliberately captures a disproportionate number of small asteroids & meteors partially composed of scientifically thermo-reactive elements. There is not a single alternate explanation for this, bias or no bias.

Topography, Herr Vril, is not a simple subject to learn nor is it an easy one to master. No, the Soros grand of stage 1: "aliens are the enemy, we have to kill them!" before stage 2: "aliens are going to save us all with their super-advanced technology!" is failing. The use of overexposure has irredeemably fucked that plan. The average human no longer cares about the (((threat from outer space))), unlike the jewed 1960-86 years. It is... funny to see such a shift.

The term that should only be applied to genetically & philosophically degenerate ASH-CAN-NAZESTS originating from no one fucking cares. The requestee is myself. Please, Herr Vril, have respect for the explorers before you whom are no longer represented in historical terms.

Counter-disagreement: the known universe is dead. There are no magical super-sapient saviors out there. No leak, merely falsified data as it once more points to Jew-S green hats screaming: "but the Martians are coming!" H.G. Wells was a realistic satirist, Herr Vril, not a doomsayer.

You found the source, now investigate the repercussions. Brown rode coattails, failed. Repercussions afterwards. Vril Societe` & friends did not fail until forced underground.

Both primary speculations correct. Combine all known technologies into one package: miniaturization around long before "modern" iterations. Source #2 still contested. Nature is not strange. Unrecorded often, yes.

"New" information arriving soon via dead drop.
>Was making what few cognitive processes I dare to process with hurt with research outside of study fields your plan, Herr Vril?
No, but that is a bonus! Stretch that brain! The universe is more complicated than our mental capacity. Hence specialisation. But we have to keep in mind that mysteries can have multiple sources, whilst our brains favour single explanations. If a single explanation does not work completely after 70 years of researchers researching then it is because an additional source component was missing.

>If so, it is working. The natural order of planetary electromagnetic capture is simple, NOT complex. As stated before: certain planets tend to capture objects of specific metallurgy. The third planet from un deliberately captures a disproportionate number of small asteroids & meteors partially composed of scientifically thermo-reactive elements. There is not a single alternate explanation for this, bias or no bias.

Got some sources on this or more details? ...... Oh!
https://www.astronomynotes.com/solarsys/plantblb.htm Bingo!

So the inner planets only have gravity which is a weak force. We have magnetism also. Plasma objects (Mg gas) will have additional reason to come to Earth. And since it is atomised Mg ions, it is thermite ready ( >>87742 ). NICE! Mg reacts with oxygen, nitrogen, iron, silicon and probably others. Feisty.

>Topography, Herr Vril, is not a simple subject to learn nor is it an easy one to master.
So you are studying why land shapes emerge? and applying it to crash sites?

>The term that should only be applied to genetically & philosophically degenerate ASH-CAN-NAZESTS originating from no one fucking cares. The requestee is myself. Please, Herr Vril, have respect for the explorers before you whom are no longer represented in historical terms.
This is spiralling off into confusion. Which term started this? I assume Blitzkrieg the other option would be mermaid! LOL. Okay blacklisted like the E name.

>Counter-disagreement: the known universe is dead. There are no magical super-sapient saviors out there. No leak, merely falsified data as it once more points to Jew-S green hats screaming: "but the Martians are coming!" H.G. Wells was a realistic satirist, Herr Vril, not a doomsayer.
I am not saying ETIs are real. I am saying man-made fake aliens plus craft are about 10%(?) of reports, the remainder is Mg thermite transformed space rocks ( >>103991 >>103995 ). I don't discount the human element and conspiracy but the human element may not make waves of hundreds of "craft" etc. But humans will use the waves to 1) get paranoid and 2) make converts to alien propaganda (Bill Cooper etc).

>Nature is not strange. Unrecorded often, yes.

I am just about done with Stage 1 of this research, I have a decent narrative ( >>103864 ) based on astronomy history. Now I am studying orbital mechanics to see if the narrative is mathematically plausible as a test of the narrative, and I will also look at astro-geology (Stage 2 eg. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012A%26A...537A..45H ). I hope to dig up some scientists discussing thermite meteors, all the witness reports are there suggesting such. There is also some interesting stuff re: Mg reacting with nitrogen to make Mg nitrate/nitride and with water leading to ammonia*. And how that relates to Charles Forts “gelatinous residue”.

"Then we shall have so many records of gelatinous substance said to have fallen with meteorites, that, between the two phenomena, some of us will have to accept connection--or that there are at least vast gelatinous areas aloft, and that meteorites tear through, carrying down some of the substance." -- THE BOOK OF THE DAMNED by CHARLES FORT (1919)
It's like shooting fish in a barel at this point.

Stage 3 is relooking at Bloecher's 1947 UFO Wave document through the lens of Stage 1 and 2 and adding in the effect of the source direction and the moon slingshots.

* "Case 105 – June 29 [1947], near Cliff, New Mexico: A rancher near Cliff, named Arthur Howard, reported that he had seen a round, shining object fall to earth in broken country near his ranch so me time during the day. Later, two pilots, Bud Hagen of Hurley and Ed Nelson of Cliff, made an aerial search of the location. They found nothing, but they reported that at one point while flying over the reported landing site their plane flew through a layer of “stinking air” – something for which they could find no explanation." -- Bloecher
UFO Register - Vol 10 parts 1-2 1979.pdf
Fun with the history of the history UFO Waves and Flaps:

>In Air Force terminology a "flap" is a condition, or situation, or state of being of a group of people characterized by an advanced degree of confusion that has not quite yet reached panic proportions. It can be brought on by any number of things, including the unexpected visit of an inspecting general, a major administrative reorganization, the arrival of a hot piece of intelligence information, or the dramatic entrance of a well stacked female into an officers' club bar.

>In early June 1952 the Air Force was unknowingly in the initial stages of a flap - a flying saucer flap - the flying saucer flap of 1952. The situation had never been duplicated before, and it hasn't been duplicated since. All records for the number of UFO reports were not just broken, they were disintegrated. In 1948, 167 UFO reports had come into ATIC; this was considered a big year. In June 1952 we received 149. During the four years the Air Force had been in the UFO business, 615 reports had been collected. During the "Big Flap" our incoming message log showed 717 reports.

>To anyone who had anything to do with flying saucers, the summer of 1952 was just one big swirl of UFO reports, hurried trips, midnight telephone calls, reports to the Pentagon, press interviews, and very little sleep.

-- The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects by Edward Rupelt (1956)

A flap is a human psychological state.

>To Aime Michel, the historian of the development of UFO science must credit the discovery of orthoteny, a term suggested by the discoverer himself. Michel found that the localities in France from which UFO sightings were observed for a given day, when plotted on a map of France, had a very decided tendency to lie along a straight line. When sightings for a given day were unusually numerous, several such alignments could be discerned.
-- http://www.nicap.org/books/coufo/partII/chIX.htm

UFO Register - Vol 07 parts 1-2 1976--pp28.pdf.jpg
UFO Register - Vol 07 parts 1-2 1976--pp24-32.pdf
Turns out I am 40 years behind the curve.
BUFORA 1976 -  2nd Conference Birmingham Various prominent researchers papers--pp104-131.pdf
> .. a 36/37 day cycle became evident. This cycle divides the year into 10 equal divisions ..
> .. Events on 15th August and 28th October might just be attributable to the Perseids and the Taurids, respectively ..
> .. Then the idea occurred to me that if these objects had originated from space in a planned way, there might be a series of orbits or Great Circles involved. ..
> .. There is evidence to link periodic fireball events with other UFO activity, and it has been implied that such events could signal the arrival (or departure) of an alien device. ..
-- BUFORA 1976 - 2nd conference, Birmingham. Various prominent researchers papers (pp. 104-131)

Woah! So close! Then blamm had to pull in aliens, *sigh*
104636 104637 104638 104640 104752 105256 105257 116681
Stop. giving. me. home. work. damn. you. That meme aside, currently have far too many specializations before factoring external support. My generation of COMINT combined 40 previous strains of processes, all once separated as singular disciplines. Hard to reconcile, not patient with frustration.

Bingo correct. Your earlier topography charts created a suspicion of 'why do specific planets attract certain asteroids, meteors, comets?' Have been cross-referencing provided information with.. new hyper-paranoid colleague. Factual result: based on previous LDRA experience, isolate frequencies of surviving impacts based upon material compositions versus those that burn out/burp up proves demonstrable affects of planetary electromagnetic friction-ignition based on metallurgy. "Silicon 71" was quoted as Japanese project after Pact of Steel in 1943. Was called 'flash paper', could be ignited with tiny spark, burned to nothing in <1 second, left no traces or evidence. Next question: why is third planet from fun so special? Equally strange answer: "electromorphogenic field". Lacking data on this one, deeply buried.

Examining impacts on Saturn, Mars, etc. vs. impacts on this planet shows eerily precise metallurgical captures. Multiple waves of objects impact during certain rotations based on solar activity. Again, why? Baffling answer: solar flares correlate with increased capture ratios of dense asteroids/meteors, solar dimming correlates with increased low density comets/meteors.

It starts with N+3 letters and ends with "hostile propaganda created by (((Allied powers)))". Question: how many shekelbergs can one fit in an ashtray? Answer: how big is the ashtray.

Funny how topography shows waves correlate with human discoveries: hydrogen & helium-loaded comets produce bright, specific colorations upon impact with outer magnetosphere. Humans experimented to find which color is produced, eventually come up with solutions, used as new fuels. Old lead found based on archive files: Project HIGHBIRD in 1963, black budget, related to Nigger Bird. Researchers discover hydrogen-loaded ice comets perform curious impacts, some leave recoverable debris in Arctic, January 1964. Pursuit of advancement creates hydrogen-slush fuel. NOT hard to find. Expensive until 1968: cold fuel-cell technologies research completed by Dipshit Asshats, also correlates with black budget increase pre-Vietnam Whore. Fully explains which fuel the Mach 2+ craft were using until 1987.

Data line: sulphur is found <0.1% of time in asteroids or meteors, but why >15% of comets? Speculation incomplete for now. However: Red Rains of India experience consistent impacts of comets containing large amounts of sulphur, sheets of foul smelling gel often noted on water bodies. "Nature, you so crazy-'
104637 104968 106410 106452 107578
sun convective zone.jpg
sun rotation.jpg
>Stop. giving. me. home. work. damn. you. [...] Hard to reconcile, not patient with frustration.
:) Now the show is on the other foot. Get your own personal wiki software ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wiki_software ) make your own wikipedia. Then you can forget whenever you like and re-read later. Mine educates me despite having written it all. Collect documents and index them, then "search engine" them. Get mind-map software ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map ). Sort documents with https://calibre-ebook.com/

>Examining impacts on Saturn, Mars, etc. vs. impacts on this planet shows eerily precise metallurgical captures.

>Multiple waves of objects impact during certain rotations based on solar activity. Again, why? Baffling answer: solar flares correlate with increased capture ratios of dense asteroids/meteors, solar dimming correlates with increased low density comets/meteors.

I have noticed this also ( pic3 >>101892 ) so has >>104459 indirectly. I have a proposal for the sun spot situation.

The sun's upper 30% is the density of water or less (pic3). This is convective (pic1) and the sun rotates unevenly per latitude (pic2).

The convection is a convection of ions, so this makes the E and M field (line)s. The uneven rotation builds up field line stresses which snap and cause normal sun spots as the field lines rise up through the photosphere. It's a cycle of build up and burst. Left alone this would be a simple sine wave cycle. But the sun isn't left alone...

The sun grazers https://sungrazer.nrl.navy.mil/index.php?p=sungrazers also I expect it will have meteoid and asteroid impacts too. These probably don't make it into the sun as solid objects but as a cloud of dense atomic nuclei, this cloud can make it through partially, the denser the ion the more likely it can pass through the sea of light dispersed gaseous or liquid-like Hydrogen (a natural space element filter). The more shallow the strike the more lightweight material makes it and the more cohesion is kept. >>101892 pic3 might be an entry and exit wound, either the 2 big spots and/or the small one. The interesting part is that any passthrough of the suns convective zone can start on the far side of the sun from us so we never see the initiator. This seems to be the case for the Great Sunspot of 1946 initiated by the Mercury impact.

But passing through the sun may not be needed, a metallic object skirting the sun might attract upwards the magnetic field lines and make the dual sunspots also.

So the sun makes the generic rise and fall in sunspots and the solar impacts create the noise that overlays the sunspot cycle.

Now combine both into a worst case scenario. The sun is at high tension (about 50% along towards the sunspot peak date) and then a large blob of molten metal from Mercury collision heads towards the Sun. Impact was January 29, 1946 or earlier (we saw the sunspot rotate into view on 29th), some maths therefore suggests (assuming free fall towards the sun): Mercury impact at 1946-01-10, Mercury-Sun distance: 67.688 M kms = 19.614 days free fall time. The metallic impact/flyby on the sun released the built up solar tension, both together made the Great Sunspots because the blob and its friends orbited for a while. ( http://www.cv-helios.net/RGO-NOAA-USAF.pdf , page 6, MvH is millionths of solar hemisphere in size. Note: the biggest ones are dated 1946-1951. Direct correlation between massive UFO waves and sun getting splattered.)

Problems with this are, why do the sunspot cycle times actually change over time? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_solar_cycles ) Sun spot cycles aren't regular... nor are meteors in orbit... What if the suns tension/release cycle would be, lets say, 14 years if left alone? What if the ebb and flow of sungrazing space rocks is cutting it short? What if the ebb and flow of the sun spot cycle, is the ebb and flow of orbiting space rocks which is the ebb and flow of UFO waves?

104638 104968 107577
Better sun density pic. (pic1).
Also source: https://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/interior.shtml

Also metal in solar flares, stuff I randomly came across. (Pic2-4) Note that the elements associated to the wave lengths of light by those papers is disputed by me. But they can be fixed using https://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/ASD/lines_form.html

And "metallic" prominences ( http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1946PASP...58...86N [click Send PDF] ).

Pic1-3 - Metallic prominences as per observations in Feb, 1946 from http://fenyi.solarobs.csfk.mta.hu/GPR/index.html Note the objects above the solar disc edge.

Pic4 - correlations between sun spot size (+3000 MvH) and UFO reports, also timing between them is similar to Solar Cycle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_solar_cycles (9-14 years for both)

Solar cycle starts shrinking after the Mystery Airships.
Solar cycle shrinks by over a year after the Taurids go missing ( pic1 >>104116 ).
Are these related?

This broken fracturing solar system mechanical clock is too complicated! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ASTEROIDS GET OUT!!!!

104641 104968 106833
fireballs 1963.jpg

>Examining impacts on Saturn, Mars, etc. vs. impacts on this planet shows eerily precise metallurgical captures.
How exactly are you sampling impacts on Saturn and Mars??? Hmmmm!!?

N word gone.

>Funny how topography shows waves correlate with human discoveries: hydrogen & helium-loaded comets produce bright, specific colorations upon impact with outer magnetosphere.

What colours? I assume purple ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen ) and Yellow-Red ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helium ) but I, in my bias, could say purple is the red of Iron/Silica and the blue of Mg mixed. Or the yellow-red is silica ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass ). We need to talk in light frequency specifics to get anywhere. https://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/ASD/lines_form.html

But gives me a chance to dump another table. The colors of UFOs. Pic1

>Humans experimented to find which color is produced, eventually come up with solutions, used as new fuels. Old lead found based on archive files: Project HIGHBIRD in 1963, black budget, related to Nigger Bird. Researchers discover hydrogen-loaded ice comets perform curious impacts, some leave recoverable debris in Arctic, January 1964.

URL: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Search: year:1960-1965 title:"fireball"
Result: (pic2)

UFOCAT: (pic3)

The fast objects arrive first (see >>90720 pic1), flybys first, wobblers second. First group is logged by scientists, second group is logged by UFOlogists. They don't compare notes.

>Pursuit of advancement creates hydrogen-slush fuel. NOT hard to find. Expensive until 1968: cold fuel-cell technologies research completed by Dipshit Asshats, also correlates with black budget increase pre-Vietnam Whore. Fully explains which fuel the Mach 2+ craft were using until 1987.

Which brings me to a modification of my "how this all fits together":

1) Man does normal slow progress on aircraft
2) Public very excited despite it being slow and ordinary progression
3) Nature add weird celestial objects which wobble about and glow intensely
4a) Everyone panics and gets curious and makes up paranoid answers.
4b) Military does the very best paranoia, panic and research.
5a) Feeds results into aircraft design.
5b) Feeds results into public manipulation and exploitation.
5c) Public excitability and propaganda seeds anthropomorphising natural objects (and clandestine abductions) into aliens.

So lets say man-made and nature-made is 50/50. We both are 2 sides of the one coin.

>Data line: sulphur is found <0.1% of time in asteroids or meteors, but why >15% of comets? Speculation incomplete for now. However:

>Red Rains of India experience consistent impacts of comets containing large amounts of sulphur, sheets of foul smelling gel often noted on water bodies. "Nature, you so crazy-'

"Case 211 – July 4, Hillsboro, Texas: An object about the size and shape of an ordinary saucer, that had not been seen in flight, was found in the garden of Bob Scott, a farmer living two and a half miles east of Hillsboro. Scott said that when he found it, “it was bright as a blow-torch, but it didn't burn me when I picked it up. I got to thinking about all these new inventions now-days, and it scared me. So I put it down. It sure didn't belong in my garden,” he added. He didn't mention the discovery until he met a friend, W. O. Kissick, and when the two of them went to investigate the object they found that it was disintegrating. Another friend, Joe Gerrick, of Hillsboro, also examined it and said that one of the remaining pieces “looked like tinfoil,” but when they picked it up “it appeared to be celluloid.” Whatever it was, most of it seemed to “have melted,” subliming into a gelatinous residue. The men contacted Hillsboro newsman Dan Shults, who also viewed the remains. “It was a dusty, silvery substance,” he reported. “I picked up some of the pieces and it wasn't like anything I'd ever seen before.” Unfortunately, it seems that none of the material was given to appropriate authorities for analysis." -- http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf

What if it isn't sulphur?

Old notes, not reverified, handing over the verification to you: :P

Baby Flying Disc -> water -> gelatinous residue. In addition to magnesium oxide produced in the air, also magnesium nitrate was produced. (The air is 80% nitrogen.) This breaks down into magnesium oxide and nitrogen dioxide. NO2 below 21C is a liquid. NO2 liquid plus MgO powder would make a “gelatinous residue”.

2 Mg(NO3)2 → 2 MgO + 4 NO2 + O2.

Nitrogen dioxide is a reddish-brown gas above 21.2 °C (70.2 °F; 294.3 K) with a pungent, acrid odor, becomes a yellowish-brown liquid below 21.2 °C (70.2 °F; 294.3 K)

Getting temperatures of the location of the gelatinous stuff might be interesting.

Magnesium nitride reacts with water to produce magnesium hydroxide and ammonia gas, as do many metal nitrides.

The magnesium meteor becomes magnesium nitride and magnesium nitrate lands in water, or using water from the air, generates ammonia gas or breaks down into nitrogen dioxide and magnesium oxide and oxygen.

Also there was a case of a UFO being captured by a farmer, it was red in color (I assume rust because the area had lots of rain* and the residue of iron after the bulk of the iron fractured off), became red, but could be red rain NO2 etc related. The farmer placed the object on the ground to go through a fence, the object started rotating internally, 4 bands of light flared up around it and it levitated away. I am trying to think on how to relocate the story...

104642 106452


Note for above:

* Some rain is actually comet water >>750 Attach#1 <- probably a fragment of Comet 3D/Biela which started breaking up in 1832 because it ran into the Leonid meteor stream (2005AJ....130.1286J) and then the Leonids meteor storm occurred in 1833 >>102001. Biela was most visibly separated in 1846-1852. At this point the Taurid meteor showers did not exist. But in 1846 at what will become the Southern Taurids, "Hind's [First] Comet" is seen (1846MNRAS...7R.162H). Clouds then disallow Hind from relocating said comet ever again. And in 1852 a "Nebula" appears at the point in the sky where the Northern Taurids will come from. (1864MNRAS..24...65H). Then in 1861 the Northern Taurids arrive (maybe 1845 but can't verify source), then in 1869 the Southern Taurids arrive. (1904JBAA...14..358D). So the root of all of this might be Comet Biela seppuku in 1832. It is also what made humanity work out meteor showers are astronomical when it did a replay in 1866 as per a 33 year cycle. This implies we didn't have a situation that warranted working out the meteor mystery before 1833.

... and the first wave of the UFO mystery.. 1896/7.
Fun with old UFOlogy and waves/cycles:

I like the idea that the Maury Island Incident gets included in top place in my hypothesis. It is an up close and personal look at how a Mg/Fe/Si metal blob operates >>101892 despite the fact that it is universally derided as a hoax.

Lets include some more former cooks into this hypothesis! UFOs surge when Mars and Venus are close so the Martians and Venusians can visit us! Who knows what Venus is like under the clouds? Maybe a lush rainforest? And Mars has canals for irrigation! Don't look at me like that, anon!

What if Martians and Venusians actually are visiting us?! Except they aren't alive, they are molten blobs caught by gravity of that planet and thrown back at the Earth? The Earth gets an uptick in sightings as they get closer together. This is like the moon bumps. >>89607 The cooks are less cooky! Look at pic4!

More cycles to add to the endless list of orbiting cycles!

104968 106410
104969 104970 105022 105256
Horses don't usually wear clothes Neither do ponies.

New "colleague": low confidence, hyper-paranoia. Strict access given, strict rules followed. Zero traces aside from non-exceptional baseline data allowed, no choice in matter.

Direct relation. See recorded Mercury waves of impacts. Calculate stable & unstable orbits of "debris". Recalculate based on mineral compositions, isolate determining factors. Applied same to third planet from fun. Solar cycle brightening correlates to increases of capture ratio = 'electromorphogenic field'. One drop at a time. Theory: each planet's electromagnetic field shifts captures based on solar cycle. I refuse to investigate this further, too maddening.

More later, not now.

Coloration matters less than knowing extent of emerging panic technologies. New lead: Hydrogen-2, also known as "deuterium", isolated in 1931. Sound familiar? "Heavy water" experiments related to emerging fear of nuclear technologies. (((Allies))) spend equivalent of 30 trillion shekels from 1938-1945. 1946 results: terrifying. Mutant strain devotees refused to work on "esoteric weapons", shelved into black budgets for later date. Neutron weapons in early 70's proven, confirmed, built, used under Carter. How? EM Drive project is complete sham, not new tech at all.

Sulphur is one identification for specific morbid scents encountered. Verified, now correlated as consistent with discovery in 1898 based on a study of magnesium chloride: polyethylene. You're welcome.

"Time" is still a straight arrow.
104970 106348
>See recorded Mercury waves of impacts.
The capacity to monitor Mercury was extremely limited to be laughable historically. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1947PA.....55..137H . So do share your "waves of impact data", please :D

>I refuse to investigate this further, too maddening.
It is, thousands of trails all logical but too many.
I am working on information organisation methods/software. Pic. Clickable flow diagrams in a wiki.

>emerging fear of nuclear technologies.
"Improvements in or relating to the transmutation of chemical elements" (GB 1934)

>Sulphur is one identification for specific morbid scents encountered.

"Mercury’s surface gravity is more than twice that of the Moon, partly because of the great density of the planet’s huge iron-sulfur core."
"Messenger used X-ray fluorescence spectra to study the surface composition of Mercury. It found a high ratio of magnesium to silicon and low ratios of aluminum and calcium to silicon, which showed that the crust was not rich in feldspar like that of the Moon. The surface is rich in sulfur, about 20 times richer than the surfaces of Earth..."

"Some work [2-5] suggests that immiscible sulfides residing in the melts, especially CaS and MgS, might decompose during daytime heating or be released by interactions with the solar wind [1]."

"Production and Preservation of Sulfide Layering in the Mercury's Mantle"
"A striking feature of the Mercury's surface is the high S and low FeO contents of the surface currently best explained by very reducing conditions compared to other terrestrial bodies."


Sulphur might be a easy indicator of Mercury origin. Which brings up something I failed to consider. Mercury's crust is being thrown about the solar system.
Ghost Rockets Slag Sulphur Ammonia Mg Ni Molten Rust Porous.jpg
One thing my chart >>104969 made me realise was that Ghost Rockets often landed in lakes. Aside from the actual lakes these extremely hot objects would have melted ice/snow and made their own "lakes" also, perhaps so fast they literally splashed down hence the reports of splashes. And then, of course being natural, left no non-natural indications. Maybe they should have looked for sulphur?

Or maybe there was no point...

"Slag is the glass-like by-product left over after a desired metal has been separated (i.e., smelted) from its raw ore. Slag is usually a mixture of metal oxides and silicon dioxide. However, slags can contain metal sulfides and elemental metals."


>An early warning system for meteorite impacts capable of destroying whole cities is on alert this week as the Earth passes through a vast trail of cosmic debris.

>Astronomers are focusing their attention on the constellation Ara in a patch of sky lying due south after sunset in the Emirates. Calculations show this is likely to give the best view of the contents of the so-called Taurid Complex, a trail of material left by a giant comet that disintegrated after entering the solar system thousands of years ago.

>They are searching for signs of meteors similar to the 100-metre object which plunged through the Earth’s atmosphere in June 1908 and exploded over Siberia with the violence of 1,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs.

also MIC needs things to shoot at.
>New "colleague": low confidence, hyper-paranoia. Strict access given, strict rules followed. Zero traces aside from non-exceptional baseline data allowed, no choice in matter.
Pic, can I borrow it?

>The Origin of Sunspots - A New Hypothesis (2003)
>Recent observations of sunspots, the high temperature of the corona and CMEs strongly suggest that they are all caused by highly energetic solid bodies falling into the Sun. This hypothesis is consistent with the rapid (3000 mph) downward flow of gases in sunspot interiors observed by SOHO, their lower temperatures, and the presence of large quantities of water in their spectra. The high velocity of the incoming body entrains the surface gases, carrying them rapidly downward. The vaporization of the bodies cools the local gases and the water released from the bodies produces the observed spectra. Solar flares and CMEs comprise the material splashed from the impact perimeter.
>The estimated velocity of the 'tadpoles,' 400 miles/sec implies that they fell from the vicinity of Jupiter's orbit. Interestingly, the average sunspot cycle is close to the period of Jupiter, not the period of a body falling from Jupiter in a Sun grazing orbit. I suggest that the modulation of sunspot activity, illustrated by the well-known butterfly diagram, is due to millions of bodies which have been ejected from Jupiter's Great Red Spot

I was on board until the Red Spot ejections. WTH. How about Jupiter disturbs/corrals orbiting meteoroids every 11.862 years whose orbits go out close to Jupiter and sends a denser stream to the sun. This might be the cause of the 4 year orbit limit for periodic meteor (shower)s. Longer than that and Jupiter will mess it up when they meet about every 11-12 years. Jupiter is a bully.
>Studying the surface of Mercury with BepiColombo
>Volatile elements like sulfur have been detected with unexpectedly high abundances of up to 4%.
>Data line: sulphur is found <0.1% of time in asteroids or meteors, but why >15% of comets? Speculation incomplete for now. However: Red Rains of India experience consistent impacts of comets containing large amounts of sulphur, sheets of foul smelling gel often noted on water bodies. "Nature, you so crazy-'

>Sulphur is one identification for specific morbid scents encountered. Verified, now correlated as consistent with discovery in 1898 based on a study of magnesium chloride: polyethylene. You're welcome.

Slowly tracking down the story with Mercury and Sulphur:

"Although there is not yet a spatially resolved S/Si measurement for the Rachmaninoff annular plains, the HMR (with a generally high 430 nm/1020 nm reflectance ratio) contains the highest S/Si ratios we have measured on the planet (Fig. 5a)."
-- 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.01.023 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X15000448

Rachmaninoff is where I propose a secondary impact occurred and HMR is the primary. The sulphur comes from the impacts excavating it from under Mercury crust. And it measures at 4%. >>105202 What if both sulphur and amonia happens together? Sulphur doesn't react with water but does burn.

106348 106459
>³²S is created inside massive stars, at a depth where the temperature exceeds 2.5×109 K, by the fusion of one nucleus of silicon plus one nucleus of helium.[18] As this nuclear reaction is part of the alpha process that produces elements in abundance, sulfur is the 10th most common element in the universe.

>Sulfur, usually as sulfide, is present in many types of meteorites. Ordinary chondrites contain on average 2.1% sulfur, and carbonaceous chondrites may contain as much as 6.6%. It is normally present as troilite (FeS), but there are exceptions, with carbonaceous chondrites containing free sulfur, sulfates and other sulfur compounds.[19] The distinctive colors of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io are attributed to various forms of molten, solid, and gaseous sulfur.[20]

-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur#Natural_occurrence

Sulphur is everywhere.

>sulphur is found <0.1% of time in asteroids or meteors, but why >15% of comets?

Sulphur melting point: 115.21°C.

The sulphur could be stored in various compounds such as:
>Carbonyl sulfide is a colorless, poisonous, flammable gas with a distinct sulfide odor.
>Melting point: −138.8 °C

Comets can more easily hold onto it because they are colder most of the time. Asteroids/meteroids, that we are concerned with, are closer to the sun and reaching Mercury closeness would make them about 500C. They will lose (surface level) sulphur (compounds).

There is much debate about the chemical process leading to sulphur in comet comas but I see no one being surprised sulphur is there at all.
106410 106422 106434 106452 106486
"Colleague" allows non-exceptional data only. Personal suspicions aside, has given limited access to solar system debris fields. Numbers quoted are directly attributed to your later post, have new information in regard.

Mercury lost atmosphere, exosphere, most of electromagnetic field. Result: vulnerable to solar cycle impacts. Impacts on system planet moons are few, fewer still glance off with material in tow, leaving Mercury >94.2% responsible for sulphur detritus & identification.

No, your point was in order Herr Vril, will explain. Researched topography to mild expertise after failing to understand historical crater impacts, odd geographical "glitches" on maps while searching for natural solar events behind them. Area where Red Rains, Pacific "Ring of Fire" (>5,000 undersea volcanoes), Bermuda "Triangle", Asian "Triangle", African "Triangle", etc., all display newly higher-than-norm electromagnetic field attraction towards specific frequencies & bandwidths. Impacts occur more frequently in each yet are unseen. May explain randomized impacts of "strange" debris.

Most metal sulfides, substrates, elemental metals have burn temperatures occurring below passage through third planet from fun's electromagnetic field. Add in EM flux-distortion, magnetic pole alignment dragging objects towards higher electromagnetic-gravitational regions: natural UFO's. Nature is weird.

Too many faux-cooks & faux-spices spoiled all. Once confidence improves more open datasets will be given. For now can tentatively give directions. NOT optimal. Apologies now & in advance.

Planetary impacts based on topography likewise show highly specific impacts, glances, deflections. "Red Spot" likewise highly specific ejection radius. Coincidence? No. New dataline: compared Jupiter's estimated EM field at "Red Spot" travel sites/radius to Mercury, lunar, Saturn, Jupiter impact crater logistics show temporary disturbances of EM fields allow for ejections or glancing at >20% chance during solar cycle. More impacts = higher ejection/glancing = stabilized "debris" fields = solar system cycling of "debris". What the fuck, Nature.

Becomes more complex now: comets glance off Mercury more often than direct impact. Why? Solar cycle dependency & 2 day rotation creates decaying chances. Lower EM field capture of comets due to >60% mass compared to asteroids. Higher chance to strike & pull material from sulphur-bearing regions on Mercury weakened by asteroid impacts & deflections. Second "why"? Comets pull lighter materials "off" planets easier, also reform easier under heat+pressure from escape velocities. New answer: natural ammonium nitrates with elemental metals & sulfides present. Red Rains not ENTIRELY attributed to Mercury. Most, yes.

Logical question: why are they not surprised? Logical answer: data known, spread since <1961. Non-system attributed asteroids show low frequency of sulphur suggests most debris comes from in-solar physical bodies. "The mind screams without having an appropriate answer."
106452 106745
If sulphur is being naturally excavated from Mercury then it is possible to have sulphur fall into the Earth's atmosphere. What form is it in? Iron Sulphide?

>Mercury appears to have a solid silicate crust and mantle overlying a solid, iron sulfide outer core layer, a deeper liquid core layer, and a solid inner core.

But which form of Iron Sulphide? Interesting that one from of Iron Sulphide is magnetic ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron(II,III)_sulfide ) so presumably Mercury has a lot of the non-magnetic type. Could impacts transform non-magnetic FeS to Fe3S4? What conditions make magnetic iron sulphide?

>vulnerable to solar cycle impacts
You are at the place I have ended up. What makes sunspots? Is it internal to the sun? Twisted magnetic field lines? or external impacts, or both? What if it is even worse than this... The sun poles rotate faster than the equator ( >>104636 ) why? I visualise this as a column in the sun from pole to pole that has high spin. This is maintained because of momentum, the momentum is a product of mass and angular velocity. If the sun over produced, through fusion, metals could centrifugal forces cause the ejection of heavy elements from the sun? This could be cyclic. Let me introduce some more problems. If a comet or asteroid breaks up and the debris continues to break up, eventually you will have a significant amount of atoms in orbit still, perhaps in clouds. With the photosphere of the sun at 6000K the solidity of matter was never a factor, the only factor was high mass(es of) atomic nuclei.

Let's return to Newtonian and Keplerian orbital motions:
I have proposed previously that the 11 year solar cycle is a product of 3 x 3.67 year cycles, and the 10 year cycle is the product of 3 x 3.33 year cycles. I want to expand on this. Notice in >>103521 that the Taurid objects fall well short of Jupiter orbit, whereas the Aquarids reach Jupiter orbit. Notice how the Taurids are still fairly orderly arranged and the Aquarids are divergent. Jupiter messes up orbits when the period of an orbit is too large.

The space rocks we are interested in are the ones that affect Earth. To do that they have to be orbiting close to the plane of the ecliptic. Only these are going to affect us via Mercury and so by extension are subject to the other planets in the same plane. The big daddy of them all is Jupiter. Getting closer than about 1AU to Jupiter is said to make Jupiter's influence significant (as aside see pic1 for Jupiter affects on asteroids). I would suggest that the 3.67 year orbits are being disturbed, broken up and redirected by Jupiter each time Jupiter swings by. Since Jupiter's orbit is 11.862 years it is the main player in redirecting ~4-year+ orbiting debris at the Sun. There is still travel time to consider and the exact configuration of the re-direction. Some slingshots could send debris at the sun accelerated. This introduces the variability of the solar cycle but it should be constrained to an average of 11.862. The current average is 11.04 years ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_solar_cycles ) which needs explanation still. But all of that assumes their is only one point in Jupiter orbit that this occurs and that point has perpetual material, which won't be true. So I'd suggest the 11 year solar cycle is Jupiter messing up material that has the audacity to have orbits close to 4 years long in the ecliptic plane. A good example of this seems to be the Aquarids.

This brings us to the 3.33 year orbits, these fall short of Jupiter influence and so are more stable than those mentioned above. This allows them to stay away from the sun and instead perpetually enter and leave the Earth atmosphere. There are many different orbital periods for this debris but our interest is in the material that has an orbit which has a resonance with Earth orbit leading to the observation of a 10 year UFO cycle ( >>101941 pic3 ). Because the orbit is 3⅓ years, the debris crosses Earth orbit each 3⅓ years but each crossing the Earth is ⅓ further along in it's orbit this means that every 2 debris orbits, the Earth is not available to receive the UFOs, and does receive them again on every 3rd 3⅓ year orbit. Making a stable 10 year UFO cycle until the material finishes dispersing to a degree below the threshold of being reported as a UFO (1970s).

The +7 year offset or perhaps +3 year offset (10-7=3) is probably caused by the fact that the orbits cross Earth orbit twice. Once to exit the inner solar system (June-Aug, e.g. Flying Discs) and the other to return (Sep-Nov). The time between exit and entry is about 3 years. I need to look into this deeper to see if it plays out that way but one example is >>104752 .

Which brings us to 2002 XM35. The orbit of this is thought to be 3.57 years, which seems to be too close to Jupiter for my liking (pic2). So it may not be a stable orbit and so may not be what hit Mercury. However it still serves as a good proxy object.

There is another factor to consider, the Maunder Minimum. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maunder_Minimum why did sunspots dissapear?

106434 106745 106747
Harmonic Conquest of Space - Bruce Cathie.pdf
>odd geographical "glitches"
I am not sure where you are going with this but you should include looking at:

* Attachment #1 - Bruce Cathie and his "World Grid". Which leads space-time energy grids and relates to:

* Aime Michel’s orthoteny ( http://www.nicap.org/books/coufo/partII/chIX.htm )
* http://www.cufos.org/books/Proceedings_of_the_1976_CUFOS_Conference.pdf
* http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/BUFORA%20-%201976-1997%20CONFERENCE%20OR%20AGM/1976%20-%20%202nd%20Conference%20Birmingham%20Various%20prominent%20researchers%20papers.pdf
. * The Prediction of UFO waves
* >>104343 Attachment 5
. * The Geographical Migration of UFO Waves: A 10-Year Cycle?
* Attachment #2
. * A Major UFO Wave for Late 1987?

Let me know what shakes out. I am still on Newtonian orbital effects and that being the cause rather than magnetic effects. But both can and would work together including magnetic heating. Jupiter has a massive magnetic field.

>More impacts = higher ejection/glancing = stabilized "debris" fields = solar system cycling of "debris". What the fuck, Nature.

It is pretty damn funny. The Universe is dead and can play a massive practical joke on us still and trigger all of our paranoias. Cycles have to occur, if nothing cycled nothing could persist, it would shoot off never to be seen ever again. Natural processes are going to follow one of two paths, they will be tossed away never to be seen again or they will find a cycle to enter into and be repeatably seen. The Western mind tends to see things in straight lines and linear, therefore every new event is absolutely new and not a repeat. Therefore each new mystery object in the sky isn't a repeating pattern but a brand new thing. And since it is brand new, it isn't natural and therefore artificial! If so it much be either man-made in secret (damn those Soviets with their V2s!) or ....... ALIENS! See Bruce Cathie's book ( >>106422 #1):

>It became very obvious that either we were being observed by some sort of advanced vehicles coming in from outer space--or that some scientific group on Earth had discovered a principle of physics unknown to the rest of us and secret research of some nature was being carried out.

The guy is not dumb, but like many, can't conceive that nature has more tricks we aren't familiar with (ego), and so, like primitives blaming lightning on Thor's hammer we explain the sky mysteries on a mystery intelligence. Ruskies want to kill Scandinavian lakes! Aliens are our version of the Gods. And the "elites" can leverage alien beliefs.

>"Red Spot" likewise highly specific ejection radius. Coincidence? No. New dataline: compared Jupiter's estimated EM field at "Red Spot" travel sites/radius to Mercury, lunar, Saturn, Jupiter impact crater logistics show temporary disturbances of EM fields allow for ejections or glancing at >20% chance during solar cycle.

I am not quite sure what this is saying. But I am amused that the Red Spot is a natural rail gun, though doubtful.

106749 106753
Sun-heavy apple core-centrifugal metal.png
>Becomes more complex now: comets glance off Mercury more often than direct impact. Why? Solar cycle dependency
I assume this means decaying orbit. These glances cause some of the sun splatter. Jupiter inspired break/slingshots ups might cause other sun splatter >>106410 .

>& 2 day rotation creates decaying chances.
What has a 2 day rotation? I assume you mean 2 year day-cycle/rotation.

>Lower EM field capture of comets due to >60% mass compared to asteroids. Higher chance to strike & pull material from sulphur-bearing regions on Mercury weakened by asteroid impacts & deflections.

Mercury has negligible EM field so it isn't a factor. https://www.astronomynotes.com/solarsys/plantblb.htm Mercury's orbit begins to widen away from the sun at the impact point(s) >>103521 pic#1 whilst the orbiting debris is moving closer to the sun. They both want the same lane at the same time. Not only that the period of time for wanting the same lane is about 1 month this raises the chance of glancing/collisions significantly because of the long duration of opportunity.

>Second "why"? Comets pull lighter materials "off" planets easier, also reform easier under heat+pressure from escape velocities.
Mercury has no atmosphere to speak of, therefore no escape atmospheric pressure.

New answer: natural ammonium nitrates with elemental metals & sulfides present. Red Rains not ENTIRELY attributed to Mercury. Most, yes.
Where did you get nitrogen from? I'll assume we are discussing Earth atmosphere now.

If you are associating comets with Mercury sulphur then you can include the rain water is actually comet water not precipitation, a less extreme version of >>750 #1 & >>104641 . It is amusing to think that space can rain on us, and we continually fail to realise it.

>Logical question: why are they not surprised? Logical answer: data known, spread since <1961. Non-system attributed asteroids show low frequency of sulphur suggests most debris comes from in-solar physical bodies. "The mind screams without having an appropriate answer."
I thought you said asteroids in general had less sulphur. It bothers me that our asteroids are different to extra-solar asteroids. I doubt our solar system is overly special.


Back to sunspots for a moment. Pic1 butterfly map showing how sunspots start away from the solar equator and work their way towards the equator, why?

>>106410 (Me!)
>The sun poles rotate faster than the equator ( >>104636 ) why? I visualise this as a column in the sun from pole to pole that has high spin. ... If the sun over produced, through fusion, metals could centrifugal forces cause the ejection of heavy elements from the sun?

What if the initial easy escape for the excess metals made in the sun is the less "atmospheric" thick higher/lower latitudes, but the production is still too high and needs the equatorial/core centrifugal dispersal also. Or the higher/lower latitude has less "atmosphere" to travel through and the equator more so the equatorial dispersal appears delayed. Pic2. Does Jupiter when it gets closer to the sun offer some assistance? What about other planetary alignments?

106460 106749 106899 116799
If sulphur is missing from asteroids and more prominent on comets (just like water) the obvious answer is sulphur (compounds) melt off >>105257 . If so then the solar environment should be rich in sulphur. Out of proportion to asteroids.


First lets get an idea of how much sulphur is in meteorites:

>Twenty meteorites were studied in the iron (hexahedrites and octahedrites) and stony (enstatite achondrite, carbonaceous, enstatite, bronzite and hypersthene chondrites) families. Troilite is the chief sulfur component of iron meteorites and the δS34 ranges from 0 to + 0.6‰ (per mille not per cent) with respect to Canyon Diablo troilite.

>Sulphur is a common and often important constituent of many meteorites, and since it is found in a number of minerals and sometimes occurs in various valence states in one meteorite specimen, its distribution may closely reflect the history of the meteorite. Isotope studies in the past on meteoritic sulfur have generally shown very constant values for the δ34/S32 ratio (MACNAMARA and THODE, 1960; VINOGRADOV et al., 1957; AULT and KULP, 1959; THODE et al., 1961; JENSEN and NAKAI, 1962). Most reliable results fall within δS34 +/- 1.0‰ (per mille) of an average value. As a consequence, it has been realized that meteoritic sulfur can be used as a primary standard for sulfur isotope studies and all such results are now usually expressed relative to the meteoritic sulfur being used as the standard by the particular investigstor. As slight variations do exist, it has been suggested (AULT and JENSEN, 1962) that only Canyon Diablo troilite be chosen as the primary standard.


The standard reference for sulphur in meteorites is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canyon_Diablo_(meteorite) which has 1% sulphur. I assume this means a standard average representation.


Lets use Iron as a reference point. It has a melting point of 1538C, so it wont be melting at Mercury distances. The amount of iron in a meteor looks to be between 9% and 100% ( https://www.permanent.com/meteorite-compositions.html ). So the ratio of S:Fe in the solar environment would be at best 1/9 or 0.11 if sulphur did not melt off space rocks.


Abundance Type in solar environment = Sulphur : Iron = ratio
>Photospheric Abundances = 1.73E-05 : 3.21E-05 = 0.53894
>Coronal (1) Abundances = 1.86E-05 : 1.26E-04 = 0.14762
>Coronal (2) Abundances = 8.63E-06 : 3.92E-05 = 0.22015

There is more sulphur per iron in the solar environment than the very best sulphur rich/iron poor space rock (0.11). Two sources of sulphur exist; the sun itself, or melting from space rocks (at a rate higher than iron), or both.
... or Mercury.
106511 106749
>Higher chance to strike & pull material from sulphur-bearing regions on Mercury weakened by asteroid impacts & deflections.

There is a massive problem with the idea of repeated glances/gouging of Mercury. Mercury on each alternate orbit is 180 degrees rotated. If repeated glancing happened there should be 2 HMRs 180 degress from each other. There isn't, so the HMR is from a single massive event. This is consistent with initiating the UFO era (1946-1970s), the subsequent sightings are caused by orbiting debris, not addition massive collisions.

Which brings up an interesting research idea. How regular and how far back do red rains go? Could they have started in 1946?
106750 106751
tomlinson1889--sulphur smell = nitric acid.pdf
>Which brings up an interesting research idea. How regular and how far back do red rains go? Could they have started in 1946?

Red rain has a long history and can come from multiple sources (see oldest papers).

Sulphur in rain is reported in 1898 but it is dubious that it was actually sulphur because other paper suggest that lightning can make nitric acid which is sulphur-like to the senses. (Attached and ftp://ftp.library.noaa.gov/docs.lib/htdocs/rescue/mwr/026/mwr-026-03-0115a.pdf ) But it is 1-2 years after the Mystery Airships.

Sulphur in rain can come from vegetation decay, burning coal and space. I guess we are in a mostly closed solar system with everything going everywhere and not precisely trackable.