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An Explosive Meteorite.png
UFOs and aliens are man made.
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This post is inspired by >>>/mlpol/59382.

I have been researching UFOs and aliens for decades. I have found the best way to understand the phenomena is to time-line it and then see what else was happening around the same time. Time-lining it allows the evolution & origin of certain aspects to show up which means you can trace things back to origin points.

I don't concern myself with if each UFO/alien report is real or not real, but I look at it in a wide ranging meta-view and this shows a sensible evolution which implies it is real and therefore the reports are generally mostly real.

I am not sure what the best way is to do this data dump. I have decided to do a succinct 300 year history which can be expanded on by me asking questions. This allows me to keep my efforts in proportion to actual board interest levels.

This initial section is to show the development of human sky technology and also shows that nothing ET UFO like is happening yet.

1758 - Book: Concerning Earths in the Solar System, in which Emanuel Swedenborg detailed his alleged journeys (spiritual) to the inhabited planets (up to Saturn + 5 exo-planets), solar system barrier, suns are black.
1783 - France: Manned balloons
1803 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune
1850 - and onwards triangular shapes are reported in the sky but when researched most of these can be associated with comets and comet fragments (comets tend to break up near Earth, Sun and Jupiter into sharp angular fragments).
1851 - Dr. William Bland sent design: steam engine driving twin propellers suspended under airship to Great Exhibition, London
1852 - Comet fragment dramatically crashes to Earth with sheets of rain (comet water) and dark ominous clouds with read streaks before the massive chunk crashes into the English channel. The other interesting part about this is that it happens near dawn, and the dawn side of the Earth is in the direction of the Earth's travel around the sun. So the Earth overran this comet fragment and sucked it down into it. This dramatically shows how astronomical phenomena can produce UFO reports. Pic #1 Attached.
1863 - “Aereon” by Solomon Andrews (inventor) flew, unpowered, controllable dirigible,Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
1871 - Mystery airship, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (Solomon Andrews?) See Pic #2. This is one of the earliest UFO reports and we can see it is consistent with an airship. We have no reason to conclude it is ET yet.
1871 - (Vril, the Power of) The Comming Race fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This book in Germany inspires the use of the term Vril for unknown magical/physical forces and leads to the nick name The Vril Society.
1881 - a comet was mistaken as an unusual object in the sky. See pic #3.
1886 - Book: A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta. “No telescope will ever reveal human life on Venus; not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes." -- what we see here is the myth of sentient life on other planets in our solar system starting to form. There is no reason to reject this notion at that time.
1886 - cheap way to manufacture aluminium is discovered. At this point airships are flying around, some are secret projects. They use bamboo and cloth and ropes. Cheap aluminium allows them to be made of this metal. France is becoming a leader in airship design. You can think of these airships as the B2 bomber of the day, these are very serious military tech for spying and air to ground attack. Therefore there is secrecy around designs as well.
1891 - Contactee Thomas Blott (William Simpson, 1828-1910) The Man from Mars is a book about a Martian explaining how Mars is great and Earth sux, basically. It is not clear if this was supposed to be fiction or a reported event.
1893 - In the article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. -- the greys!!

So with that look so far we can see many of the elements of aliens and UFOs exist but there are no reports yet of flying saucers or any meaningful reports of flying triangles under intelligent control. All of it, when it comes to ETs, is human imagination. We can reasonably say no ETs are showing up in this 1700s-1800s time period.

In 1893 science starts to speculate about gravity and if we can understand it better and control it.

1893 - Oliver Heaviside makes paper called A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm -- this will be very important as we continue the time lining.
1894 “Aug 26, British admiral reported sighting a large disk with a projection like a tail” – Keyhoe (1950) -- Airship? Science experiment? There are no good references for this report and so it can't be examined further.
1896 - Germany 11 Sep, Zagreb daily newspaper Obzor “The day before yesterday we received a telegram sent by an amateur journalist. He informed us that David Schwarz from Zagreb has invented an [aluminium] airship which he hopes he could direct on his own free will."
1896 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship -- this is the UFO flap of 1896-97 but they were airships, not disks, triangles or spacecraft. We know that airships won't work in space so these are human-made. This shows that human advanced tech can be a unsolved mystery. See pics #4 and #5


706 replies and 608 files omitted.
Nazi UFO.jpg
nyt mystery.gif
Vril 1 Translation.png
the doc the one pic refers to is this one
so you dont have to type out the links

the new york times article is here
for a few shekels you can read it, otherwise you can at least confirm the title
Silver balls.jpg
Vrill saucers.png

CIA Haunebu.png
the pic i meant refering to a cia doc was this one. somehow forgot to upload, my bad.
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1945 die glocke nazi bell.png
>Correct. Many of the names you will see used are recycled from previous iterations of the facetious non-terrestrial stories. Aldebara was the code name for the research lab where the German Bell was created.

>German Bell

>"Shortly after the First World War a French scientist, Elie Cartan, has formulated a derivative of the General Relativity Theory, which is presently known as Einstein-Cartan* theory. It is a set of equations, in which, contrary to the Einstein's theory itself, apart from mass-induced gravity appeared also gravity with negative sign. Einstein's view was such, that mass was the only source of the curvature of timespace, which in turn generated gravity. Cartan has introduced other factors: the spinning of a mass and the spinning of fields (such as electromagnetic fields). In both cases a negative component was supposed to be produced." ... "Moreover, as soon as in the 1970’s experiments with gyros were carried out, which demonstrated that the antigravitational effect is in fact much larger – by several orders of magnitude, i.e. one would have to add several zeros to these calculations. -- http://igorwitkowski.com/The-German-approach-to-antigravity.pdf (2011)

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89lie_Cartan

So this is the French-German connection. I had speculated that the Germans ended up taking over in the airship race because the French went in a new direction. Einstein-Cartan theory might be that direction. Add in some helium and you have a viable "anti-gravity" device. The modern version of Einstein-Cartan theory is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein%E2%80%93Cartan%E2%80%93Evans_theory . And he has his own website at http://www.aias.us/

The scientifically acceptable version today is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitoelectromagnetism and traces back to:

A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY -- http://www.univer.omsk.su/omsk/Sci/Heaviside/gravitation.htm

1909 rigid airships should be constructed for the Royal Navy

So people are thinking about artificial gravity and solid airships using lifting gas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duralumin has just become available. And "coinsidently" an airship wave begins again over England and elsewhere.

>“The first concrete calculations of (linear) gravitomagnetic effects were performed by Einstein in 1912-1913.” – Gravitomagnetism: From Einstein’s 1912 Paper to the Satellites LAGEOS and Gravity Probe B by Herbert Pfister (~2006)

1912 Near Vancouver, BC, Canada:
>"A round craft "something like a helicopter", with a glass cab, landed on the farm of the father of 6-year-old Abram Penner. "One man felt my body; they admired my hands. They have different hands than we do; they have round feet, short
legs, no knees, no elbows. They operate on mind power: I understood what they said." His father told him never to tell anyone.

and also:

1913 Jul. Badlands area, Montana, USA
>J. L. Buick & another prospector were startled by a small brown man saying “Peace be with you, my friends.” Sitting on a patch of sand was a silvery round object nearly 100 ft in diameter, with central dome & a small conning tower; no wheels underneath. Around it were other, small men in brown picking flowers, pebbles, etc., and some mining a rock outcrop. The occupant told the witnesses they were from another planet which had secretly been keeping tabs on earth for over a hundred years; they had learned English via spies working in a U.S. circus. The craft rose silently & then took off. Next day it came back, & they were given a tour inside 5 concentric saucers with diminishing air pressures, the outermost being evacuated. As to lift, “gravity is only a different type of magnetism”, so it can be controlled by an electromagnetic drive: they can do 9000 mph, and have artificial gravity insiside the saucer. Rockets, they,were told, had tailed for space travel. – HUMCAT_Index_1910-1939 (CUFOS) ← Witness's letter of 9/24/56 to Donald Keyhoe.


So in fact the Germans were late to the game possibly because of devotion to airships and burning airships. The concept that the information came from space aliens via telepathy is stupid when we know humans were already pondering this and acting upon it. The Die Glocke is a late stage experiment.

Pic#1 Source is unknown.

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The one thing I will say for the Germans is I see no indications they were using lifting gases along with rotating fields. Maybe they did have a breakthrough.

You never agreed or disagreed with helium gas and gas-discharge yellow glow. Yay/Nay?

>confirmed by a missed paper
CITATION NEEDED Gimmme!! Which paper? What year in bluebook?

One of the things I have pondered is, can you send light pulses which mimic the protocol of the eye talking to the brain to create illusions?

The blinking lights of UFOs, to me, was just to attract the victims attention so they stop driving and get out of the car, or to make them keep watching as the trap gets closer. I don't see how you can go from infrasound and LED strobes to electrical failure. To me this is the result of the strong EM fields used to lift the craft. Perhaps infrasound could have effects on battery or engine operation. Can you explain the process exactly?

The disorientation, and lets add in "doorway amnesia" (the victims often do not recall entering the craft), can be explained with either EM or sonic fields.

Genetics and diversions

>1970: we get "restriction enzymes" to cut and paste DNA
>1975: nuclear transfer between cells
>1975: Cattle Mutilations
>1977: Senate Hearing on MKULTRA This would force any continuation of human genetic experiments into high secrecy.
>1977: Mystery booms start: http://www.mysterybooms.com/history/
>1978: nuclear physicist and author Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Jesse Marcel re Roswell UFO Incident (nice timing!!)
>1979: Bennewitz became convinced he was intercepting electronic communications from alien spacecraft and installations outside of Albuquerque. By the 1980s he believed he had discovered an underground base near Dulce. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bennewitz
>1979: Philip Schneider, an explosive engineer who worked for the U.S. government, with high-level security clearance, claimed that in 1979 he participated in the building of a “secret underground base,” in Dulce, New Mexico. It was here that a horrific battle played out leaving 60 humans dead and countless subterranean aliens fighting for their life. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/roadtrippers/that-time-subterranean-al_b_5182945.html and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9COrANDQvWg&feature=youtu.be&t=2430

Why is an "person in a rubber suit" if they are underground in a secure environment?

>1980: The first conspiracy book about Roswell UFO Incident was The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz (13 years US Army, mostly intelligence) and Bill Moore (1989 MUFON conference, Moore claimed: did “disinformation” against Bennewitz for AFOSI).
>1980: the first patented mammal, Oncomouse, - Chimeras, Hybrids and Interspecies Research Politics and Policymaking, Andrea L. Bonnicksen
>1980: Gene cloning paatent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History%20of%20genetics#The_genomics_era
>1980: Dec. “Rendlesham Forest U.K. Dec. 1980 Very well documented with weak government rebuttal; no crash, however.” – UFOs Crashes: An On-Going Problem by Keith Rowell MUFON (2010)
>1981 The EMBL Data Library is founded – the first central depository of nucleotide sequence (DNA) data in the world (precursor to EMBL-EBI).
>1982 “Humster” hamster/human hybrid announced - Chimeras, Hybrids & Interspecies Research Politics & Policymaking Andrea L. Bonnicksen
>1984 First mammal created by nuclear transfer: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cloning/clonezone/
>1984 MJ12 hoax
>1985 US black budget “Aurora” to get $80m in 1986 & $2.2b in 1987. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/aurora.htm
>1985 Contactee Whitley Strieber claims to be contacted by aliens including “greys” leading to 1987 book which standardised the “Grey” look.
>1987 Budd Hopkin's mentions “scoop marks” on abductees. Needs verification.
>1987 Contactee Whitley Strieber releases his book which standardises the Grey aliens. Later Strieber comes to realise he has been manipulated by military projects.

Are we having fun yet?



Thanks for the links and images. Some I had not seen before. I have traced the Nazi UFO related information back to a German occult group here >>20906
My examination of the story has found nothing problematic.

Genetic modifications to avoid AIDS by "aliens"?

>"Of course, she's Byrd's," she responded, continuing the conversation as though I were not there, "Plus, I heard Houston say something about her being a Presidential Model, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean." "It means she's clean," Hillary said matter-of-factly as she stood up. I was not capable of giving thought to such things back then, but I am aware in retrospect that all Presidential Model slaves I knew seemed to have an immunity to social diseases. It was a well known fact in the circles I was sexually passed around in that government level mind-controlled sex slaves were "clean" to the degree that none of my abusers took precautions such as wearing condoms.
- Trace Formation of America by Cathie O'Brien

>Perhaps even more controversially, we also have findings of nuclear DNA suggestive of possible viral resistance to HIV-AIDS for example – referred to as the CCR5 deletion factor. The implications are startling because less than 1 % of the population has this deleted CCR5 factor, which makes the already unusual hair sample even more provocative. And the CCR5 mutation occurred only about 5,000 year ago, further adding to the intrigue. Still, I must note that the limited nuclear DNA results were insufficient to achieve a completely clear result on this matter.
- http://www.auforn.com/Bill_Chalker_35.htm
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scalar device.jpg

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Nice get.

Pics #1-3 I have seen something like them somewhere before some club in the USA was claimed to exist. No one knew how to interpret them. Source?

Pic #4 is very interesting! First obvious thing is the implications of the Bell taking advantage of superconductivity, that was the missing piece.

Liquid Helium Gel
Minus 200 Celsius (aka 73Kelvin) is not low enough but helium can reach -269C (4Kelvin) which is enough for Mercury superconductivity at 4.2Kelvin.

The Serum is called Serum 525. Cinnebarstone is:

"Cinnabar and cinnabarite, likely deriving from the Ancient Greek: κιννάβαρι (kinnabari), refer to the common bright scarlet to brick-red form of mercury(II) sulfide, formula HgS, that is the most common source ore for refining elemental mercury, and is the historic source for the brilliant red or scarlet pigment termed vermilion and associated red mercury pigments." -- Wikipedia

Which coupled with the purple/crimson reminds one of the mythological red mercury.

The isotope 203Hg radioactively decays high energy electrons ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_mercury ) with a half life of 46.5 days and interestingly a nuclear spin of 5/2−. The other isotopes don't have a long enough half life or fast enough nuclear spin. They add additives to keep it from solidifying probably because they need it to swirl in a circular pattern while under magnetic field influence to align the nuclear spin axis in the direction of the swirl. This then causes the gravito-magnetic moment of each nuclei to be compounded with all of it's neighbours along the swirl, this rotation around in the horizontal plane (the swirl) converts the gravito-magnetic field into a gravito-electric field up through the centre of the swirling mercury, which is artificial gravity.

See picture. P is gravito-magnetic moment (in this case made by rotating 203Hg nuclei aligned along the rings circular axis) and G is the perpendicular artificial gravity that goes up through the centre. Atch #2 is the full paper.

The reason for the cooling is the remove thermal jitters from the atomic nuclei so they can all align in the same direction without jostling about.

Nice find, anon!! Source?


>Atch #2 is the full paper.
is actually here already: >>18245

Check out the colour of a mecury vapour lamp
i just dont know what went wrong.jpg
The atomic nuclei would produce there own magnetic field, because they are now not jittering about they are aligned magnetically they would produce a large macroscopic magnetic field. Through the middle of the ring a large electric field would also exist. This, and the gravito-electromagnetic field, would be powered by nuclear rotation. The nuclear rotation is powered by an imbalance in the collective rotations of the quarks that make up the neutron and protons of the mercury nuclei.

If you extract from these self generated fields then energy needs to be removed from those quarks but since those quarks aren't going to slow down, the speed is fixed, then the only place to extract energy from is their passage through time. Therefore in proximity to this device while extracting energy from it time distortions should occur.

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Science shows what can be created with working models at the time is never improbable. By the way, any paper you see with Einstein on it after his dismissal from the Patent Office means he did nothing. That coattail rider paid large sums to be included on many projects so as to maintain his monopoly on patent sales to the US militaries. Magnetic field experiments have taken place since the Greeks, wanting to improve their steam technologies, found a method to safely refine beryllium. They loved bronze for many reasons. Ancient knowledge is never frustrating.

Obvious men using patents of the day to conceal their identities. Spice the tale up a bit and it becomes fantastic, easy to sell.

I stated above what the most common colors were. Many of the historical sightings are indeed yellow and yellow-white. Definite yey.

Missed as in it was in a report not released with PBB books themselves. One colleague swore he had a copy but would not reveal it, instead stated the notes of what was on it besides sixty redactions. Afters are paranoid for excellent reasons.

What do you think the 1950's experiments with hologramming were intended to create? Imagine having the perfect mobile psychological warfare weapon capable of being used anywhere, anytime, featuring a large number of modes. Obviously it's at least a single "necessary" system for use now, though it is probably the size of an average briefcase now.

You've already answered your own question. Attract the victim(s), barrage them, keep them off balance, utilize the resources aboard the vessel. In fact, did you know that a neat experiment was performed last year involving a ductile magnetic field? Quite interesting. Except it's been in use since the 50's.

Bioethics, patent laws, transgenics. One tiny change, ten miscodings to solve. For every miscoding, another ten. A single positive and uncounted negatives. The very definition of insanity.

Tumors were a well known and rigorously researched occurrence in the ancient world. Not a topic I know much on except that there are over 2,700 medical patents that will never be released to the public. Welcome to the rodeo.
Time distortion in proximity to superconductor based UFOs?
>In fact, did you know that a neat experiment was performed last year involving a ductile magnetic field? Quite interesting. Except it's been in use since the 50's.

I am not finding much on ductile magnetic fields. I assume ductile superconductors probably aren't related as I expect they arent too ductile at supercooled temps:


203Hg does not occur naturally because of the 46.5 day half life. To make it you could bombard 202Hg with neutrons. This page has speculations on how the Nazi Bell was part of making an atom bomb:


They speculate it used mercury. This process might have led to the lifting and time distortion affects which are rumoured. And it could have been narrowed down to the 203Hg.

The article claims this all begins with patent: https://patents.google.com/patent/GB440023A/en from March 1934.

In June 1934 Viktor Schauberger was invited by Hitler and the highest representatives of the Thule and Vril Societies and from then on worked with them according to Jan Van Helsig.

About Schauberger: http://schauberger.co.uk/

The flight of the RFZ 1 craft was also said to be in 1934. Its possible the attempt to make an atomic weapon lead to creating spacetime distortions and artificial gravity.

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Yes. The scientific phrase is temporal ductility, referring to the methods in which electromagnetic fields can be bent outside straight-line temporal reality. The "laws of physics" are not necessarily facts, they're more like extrapolated guidelines. Manhattan Project failed miserably for example. 200 dead, 100 missing, all for nothing. "Don't fuck with what you do not understand" is a law of it's own.

Flexible coil pulsed electromagnetic field. Same idea, different terminology. Still, the rodeo continues.
Always nice to see your posts :)

>Yes. The scientific phrase is temporal ductility, referring to the methods in which electromagnetic fields can be bent outside straight-line temporal reality. The "laws of physics" are not necessarily facts, they're more like extrapolated guidelines.

Tonnes of examples of people's watches and clocks being slow after UFO encounters.

>Manhattan Project failed miserably for example. 200 dead, 100 missing, all for nothing. "Don't fuck with what you do not understand" is a law of it's own.

I am curious as to why you include this in a spacetime distortion discussion. If the Germans discovered this spacetime distortion during the process of enrichment, then are you suggesting the MP also had spacetime distortion issues (along with radiations issues too I suppose)?

>Flexible coil pulsed electromagnetic field. Same idea, different terminology. Still, the rodeo continues.

There is no end to the spacetime fuckery you could do with both pulsing and flexible coils. That's mind boggling.

In my crude understanding of manipulating spacetime to generate gravity distortions the consequences are that the UFO occupants would see the outside world travelling in time faster than for the UFO occupant. Isn't this a tactical disadvantage? I assume then you would want to minimise usage of spacetime warping to the bare necessity? For example would the black triangles use ordinary thrusters and/or lifting gases to minimise the disadvantage?

Also our discussions regarding LGMs and EM fields reminds me of the VARO edition of M.K. Jessup's THE CASE FOR THE UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT (1955). The editor states:

>They mentioned the building of undersea cities and identified two groups of spacemen, “L-M’s” and “S-M’s”. The “L-M’s” were designated as peaceful, the “S-M’s” as sinister.

The commentators state:

>a circular pattern of Bar Magnets 342 of them, HAVE NO WEIGHT if they are attached to a common Sheet of Metal
>In short, THEY FLOAT IN THE AIR, all 900 lbs of them. XXXXXXXXXXXXX
>(In center, I wish were one Drive-inductor. Boy! oh Boy!

Do you know about this book? Any comments? Attached.
I think I need to read it again in light of our chats.
off-topic but who knows how to get into these hasbro servers? Some idiot posted a link to them and the password and username needed, instead of taking everything from the servers and rehosting it somewhere else.


He took a sip from his drink and continued. "When the Americans
tripped over this mutant strain of nonlinear physics and took it back
home with them, they were astute enough to realize that their home-
grown scientific talent couldn't handle it. That it was beyond their
cultural terms of reference. That's why they recruited so many Germans.
The Nazis developed a unique approach to science and engineering quite
separate from the rest of the world, because their ideology, unrestrained
as it was, supported a wholly different way of doing things. Von Braun's
V-2s are a case in point, but so was their understanding of physics. The
trouble was, when the Americans took it all home with them they found
out, too late, that it came infected with a virus. You take the science on,
you take on aspects of the ideology, as well."

Source: The Hunt for Zero Point - Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology by Nick Cook (2001)
“Importantly, the gravitic field that provides the basic propulsive force simultaneously reacts on all matter within that field's influence. The force is not a physical one acting initially at a specific point in the vehicle that needs then to be translated to all other parts. It is an electro-gravitic field acting on all parts simultaneously”. ← The Cosmic Conspiracy by Stan Deyo (1978) ← April of 1955 Scientific American: Professor John G. Trump (of M.I.T.'s electrical engineering department). Donald Trump's uncle.
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There are too many strange events directly associated with TMP to list, but I will go into the most important ones.
#1: the refining of nuclear materials at the Hanford Army Chemical Corps. site in Washington state coincided with a number of deaths attributed to the "discoveries" of transient radioactive iodine, cesium, iron, sodium, and cobalt. When workers attempted to clear the debris, without any protection no less, they found that several of the lab samples undergoing refinement had disappeared from their containers, ostensibly lead-crystal quartz tubes. What was strange? The next day, site managers discovered the materials still in their tubes.
#2: during the leadup to TMP, one of the secretly constructed nuclear material testing labs in North Carolina encountered the same, yet in their case an explosion occurred. The 1958 Army Chemical Engineer manual, now banned in the US with fewer than 200 copies remaining, went on to state that an unknown chain reaction between two volatile radioactive components occurred.
#3: in 1987, a former nuclear technician whom worked on the second TMP vessel in question was about to die from leukemia. He quoted, "the coils, both of them, were functioning at peak efficiency. We didn't see the intermediate reaction until (name) screamed, 'I'm blind, I'm blind, I can't see'. When I turned to look, the mounting had sheared off, both cylinders were on the deck plate. It was like melted diamond everywhere. When I saw the critical reaction of white and green I knew I had to run."

Not a tactical disadvantage when you can run sonar/radar/lidar equipment at the same time. You may feel as if you are moving in slow motion, yet it's simple to adjust. Ever heard of lentation? If not, it's a tricky subject. "Space" bends depending on the velocity of mass traveling through it: first imagine a wide sheet of rubber with a marble tossed into the middle, then picture another at the same negative aspect occurring. Compressing enough lifting gases to compensate for, say, a craft weighing more than 10 tons would require extreme measures, so it's more than likely that has been abandoned since the 1953 flights.

L-M: large men. S-M: small men. More simple bullshit.

Heard of it, not read it, will go through.

That ideology is finicky. Difficult to explain. When one accepts that nothing is out as the universe is truly dead, this leaves humanity in a precarious state. There are no any potential "saviors", Herr Vril. Whatever beings DID exist before us are long gone. Upon reading, the mind is buried in equations that alarm even the most hardcore bluepilled idiot: we have one world, should we lose it, no more "us".
>1958 Army Chemical Engineer manual, now banned in the US with fewer than 200 copies remaining
I'd love to get that on .pdf. Sounds like a more professional A's CB.
The Controllers A New Hypothesis of Alien - Martin Cannon.pdf
Hearing Voices - The Hidden Hi - A1ex Constantine_2241.pdf

Always nice when you post. Thank you.

Thanks for the info on TMP.

My assumption has been that the pilots perception would operate as normal in the craft but the view outside at distance would move faster than normal. Therefore the pilots reactions would be too slow to external events. But my assumptions on which way the distortions occur could be wrong. The watches being slow implies to me that time within the field travels slower. But then the field outside of the ring would be operating opposite to inside the ring. So I am confused on the details.

Chambers which are "filled" with vacuums would be more efficient than lifting gas.

A relook at the VARO book still has a strong emphasis on aliens so it seems to be a psyop.

The Nazi ideology making it into the C1^ can explain much of the degradation of the C1^ and the deep state that followed. Along with Communinism paranoia.


Mass and space-time distortions are very interesting and proven. The Einstein-Cartan effect I think is very relevant. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein%E2%80%93Cartan_theory ). And the Einstein-Cartan-Evans idea that EM fields are twists in spacetime works out well if we add in one new factor. What if the movement of electrons in a wire causes rotations of the atomic nuclei. The nuclei are in a friction free environment. This very dense mass twisting would do the Evans claim of twisting spacetime due to mass density and be the cause of EM signals/propogation. This would combine gravity (GEM) and EM into one theory.

I have read two books recently which are very close to my hypothesis on UFO/"aliens" and I think close to yours. So I will attach them. The smaller Martin Cannon one is a very succinct quick read and shows that human hoax suspicions are rising and correlations with MK are high.

Lastly the Pentagon and the CIA have been titillating the public with flying saucer media. This raises the concern that a new con on the public is in the making.

Former Pentagon UFO official: 'We may not be alone'
http://archive.is/sJh2H - CNN

CIA Teases with Tweet of UFO Photo

This mind fuckery needs to stop.

Regarding the Xerum 525. Lots of sources state it was mercury antimony oxide.

Which is Hg2Sb2O7. The interesting part here is both Hg and Sb have stable rotating nuclei and high atomic mass. The O7 reminds me of the acknowledged high temperature superconductors like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-temperature_superconductivity#YBaCuO_superconductors (YBa2Cu3O7−x</sub>) which Podkletnov claims can produce mass loss above a ring of it under certain conditions. This later needs to be cooled to 77K aka -196C. And interestingly the claimed Nazi document states cooling Hg2Sb2O7 to -200C. Which now means this document might be accurate. It also implies the Nazis had a high temperature superconductor around 1934, about 50 years before the West, amazing. And the inspiration may have been https://patents.google.com/patent/GB440023A/en
No wonder they needed to import Nazis.
Know what's great about apocryphal or banned sources, especially in the US military? "Officially they don't exist, so stop asking questions, or we'll make you stop asking question." Some of my colleagues were stopped. One in his driveway with wife watching. Random gang drive by was the cover, but she had security camera footage. Got a big bribe for that one and "orders" to keep her mouth shut. She disappeared two years later. Now she doesn't exist in any records.

Again, hard to explain "how" the process even works. At once the operators would be moving partially out of phase with realtime, yet still acting inside the phase, but are able to interact at near-nominal speeds due to onboard instruments.

VARO and Project Blue Book are the poster children for how to effectively whitewash events. Most of the "aliens are from outer space!" books are authored or co-written by propagandists that know the party lines and have some grasp of creating culture shock to make waves, at least for a time.

Please do not make that mistake again It was only Cartan. The hack Einstein attempted to buy his way onto Cartan's coattail, and when Cartan refused, Einstein threatened to use his friends in the US Navy. Cartan had little choice but to buckle.

Martin Cannon reminds me of something, can't remember what right now. Will search for it later.

Slow progress is being made by Afters. Not cheap. Too many lives lost.

Xerum 525 is a code word of it's own. In short it means "serum (liquid), five-hundred twenty-fifth experiment". The X is short for "toXic" as well. 525 also refers to the applique bending it causes to realspace: precisely 5.25 gravities. Vril Societe` had hundreds of geniuses among it's ranks. Their losses are still painful to this day.

The French intelligensia, most of whom were still friends with the Vril Societe`, were either found mysteriously dead thanks to covert britcuck assassinations in WW2, or had been "removed into secure custody", mostly to MI5/6. Whereabouts before 1948 unknown, after that most were forced into research slavery like the nearly 14,000 Germans transferred as POW's into the US after Operations Paperclip, Factory Shortage, and Highway Construction. Worked to death while drugged incessantly with sodium fluoride to keep them docile and who knows what the fuck else. Awful way to die. Once Americunts had become the new bulldog the elites needed to keep their technological advances high while nicking the best pieces for themselves. Ever heard of a hyper-conductive pulsed refraction coil? If not, it's an interesting bit of tech that was used in the search for Saddam before a certain traitorous piece of camel shit was brought in to find him. May have killed the users, but who cares when there's a few billion useful idiots to spare. Was a poor copy of a certain device you linked before; mass produced trash that someone may have figured out the kinks out to now. Probably in limited use.
814859__safe_ponified_alicorn_portal (valve)_glados_artist-colon-lightning-dash-stars_aperture science_monitor everything.png

It's getting interesting now to read books with "aliens" as the explanation but knowing they aren't. Other information is still in the story and can be traced to human tech.

I use [Censored]-Cartan because it is a common label rather than accurate. :)

Thanks for the Xerum info. There is a very interesting chapter (35) in "Stevens hitler's suppressed and still secret weapons, science and technology (2007)" at https://issuu.com/mach4c/docs/stevens_-_hitler_s_suppressed_and_s go to page 258 at the link.

Basically one of Stevens' friends, knew a Paper Clip pilot/scientist who mentioned briefly working on time experiments in 1939. (It seems the initial discovery occurred in 1934). And the result was one could see back in time and not forward.

>hyper-conductive pulsed refraction coil

You make me laugh. So a superconductor? Which when ramping up and spinning down has gravity effects (Podkletnov).. but the refraction part is interesting. Is this related to "Radiatively-induced Fermion Resonance (RFR)"? It seems pulsed and/or circular polarised light now can be used to make superconductivity. Not surprising really because everything is just eddies and flows of space-time/quantum flux.

This also reminds me of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera%C3%A7%C3%A3o_Prato where: "In 1977, numerous UFOs were reported in the Brazilian city of Colares, Pará. UFOlogists claimed that lights in the sky fired beams at people,[4][6] supposedly causing injuries and sucking blood from 400 individuals.[3] Local residents claimed that scars on their bodies were caused by the lights in the sky, and named the lights "Chupa Chupa"[3]"

Using all these effects as a mini tractor beam? ... on people!

It's a shame we don't get to play with the cool toys in beneficial ways.

And for amusement:
"Famous African Elder Recalls Extraterrestrial Abduction"
The robot was a nice touch.
41143 41471
Isn't it amazing how simple humans can be deluded into passing off known human technologies for the "fantastic" explanations? This is yet another reason why the global elites and their lapdogs laugh at all the sheep in the world.

Temporal causality is unwritten. Events that did occur in the past can be traced backwards via geomagnetic isolation. Remember infrasound? Fun fact: most cave systems contain large amounts of water, quartz, and iron. Those were the first essential components to create a battery. Many cave systems in the world also contain those three.

No, not a superconductor. HCPRC's are self-generating systems that, once started, power themselves until manually shut down. There is some relation to RFR in that HCPRC's are used to isolate fermions, quarks, and k-pions, as well as other temporally anomalous particles. Bucky-balls were long held to be the standard of time travellers; as it turns out bucky-balls can only be bounced ONCE before losing their rotation and thus decaying.

The Chupacabra legend began evolving after 1977. Before that time there were zero incidences. Idiotic, superstitious morons led on by lazily placed scare articles in shit news rags.

I have finally acquired a dead drop link that should work.
Yet again, kitty tells me to intentionally shitpost. I have refused. The third line is as continues:
Many cave systems in the world also contain those three necessities in such amounts that events up to 5,000 years ago have been recorded in the local geomagnetic strata. Not only are they isolated so there is no information degradation, there is essentially infinite power in the form of world wide geomagnetic activity to perpetuate said storage. Nature contains greater wonders than the zealous deluded insanities composed by humans.
trumps controller.jpg

It is a sad situation. ( >>>/mlpol/101585 → >>41383 → ) Education needs to be a lot better, but why would the elite want that, who educates farm animals?

>Temporal causality is unwritten.

It took me a long while to think about what you meant by this and I eventually settled on "Linear cause-leads-to-effect in the time direction is not written in stone". Assume this means you can go back and change events? This reminds me of the double slit experiments ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc [Embed] ), but one of them was done with the slits in the time dimension not space ( I don't recall the reference location :( ). They open and closed a gate twice to do this. The result was a interference pattern across time. Which shows cause and affect can go backwards in time, if we aren't looking-at/measuring it.

The rest of your paragraph says that past information is stored in magnetic fields. A lot of things offshoot from here such as; ghosts can be past recordings, consciousness can continue excarnate, magnetic connections between space objects like planets and stars can be traversed by excarnates, some effects like seances or Hutchinson Effect can be partly conscious, then there are the quartz stone circles like Stonehenge, ley-lines, "Vril", Remote Viewing etc., etc.

Also Michael Persinger (who it seems got involved with RV/C1^) has indicated that the Earth magnetic field can hold a very significant amount of information ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l6VPpDublg [Embed] ). Since our brains are electric, and if information is stored in the mag field, we might be able to access it consciously. And Ian Stevenson's work ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Stevenson#Reception ) suggests consciousness survives death.

>hyper-conductive pulsed refraction coil

Link? So more than superconductive? To me it's all about the quarks. I see them as 4D whirlpools that eat spacetime/flux. This means that the 3D "surface" of the universe is draining away into the time dimension, through these whirlpools, causing times arrow. If you rob the quarks of energy it slows their passage through time. If so we can endless draw energy from the "fall" of the universe through time.

Tangentially related. Trump probably knows about the tech both due to being Pres. and because of his Uncle and Tesla association. Q Anon has implied UFOs are a distraction and has also stated that after the swamp is drained there will be a revelation. Hoping it is a tech upgrade for us sheep. :)

>zealous deluded insanities composed by humans.
"Computer, Exit!"

>I have finally acquired a dead drop link that should work.
Oh? So I'll have my bluff called soon?? I'll need to organise my info!
Crafted parasitic-paranoid delusions of the fantastic arch-mythos variety are eminently more "interesting", and safer, than the often mundane yet horrifying truths. Humanity willingly jumps into pits they never think to escape from, ie: tradition. They're mocked for being unable to escape since they have been indoctrinated. Those that break the doctrine to search elsewhere are derided by the masses for not being in line. That is perhaps the largest cause of our ever present depression/anger.

Essentially that's correct until reaching problem: temporal divergence. Alter a prior event and new reality is created. Go back and become your own ancestor? Become erased in the future-past timeline. Go back and prevent Hitler from being sabotaged? Congratulations on diverging timelines into a world where causality is now disrupted and you are the past-future from another temporal reality. The problems are infinite. The solutions? There are none. Tamper with the unknown that is known, and create the impossible scenario. Or a death spiral.

Correct. Geisting is a known phenomenon, has similar relations. Reincarnation is not as well studied as it should be. All is magnetic, and all that is magnetic, is data. Unfortunately, Stonehenge was rebuilt by an idiot making it into a tourist attraction, and also destroyed the relics dug up. Fortunately, there are several thousand henges built across the world that are virtually untouched. I mentioned incidents over there. One day I will attempt to explain. Probably fail, but the try will be amusing.

Consciousness can be compared to a carving: make one pass of a blade on soft stone, it will last a year perhaps two years if conditions are right. Make two passes on granite, will take a ten years to wear off, twenty if sheltered. Consider a highly active mind at the age of 50 something like several hundred passes on marble, it makes an impression in the surface, that is the geomagnetic strata, that does not fade in time.

Similar application of the technology, most are top secret, or above top secret. "Not for you, peasant". Fuck them. Cold forming superconductors allows them to be manufactured uniformally, far less chance of fatal or severe flaws. You know that most metals cannot be cold formed due to molecular alignment, so, since crystalline materials often do not align properly without significant pressure, usually atmospheric in nature, instead gravitic pressure is used which creates hyper-conductive materials. Invert gravity onto a precise location undergoing cold forming and you'd triple the functional technological reach. Forget pulsed magnetic engines, this is superluminal territory. The understanding of that technology is.. poor at the moment, but it is a work in progress.

3D understanding only accounts for acceleration, deceleration, gravity, cause-effect, radioactive, etc. etc. etc. All the basic bitch words. 4D goes.. weird places, Herr Vril. Instead of affecting molecules, the surface of 4D is, at the same time, physical, nonphysical, magnetic, non-magnetic, anti-physical, and anti-magnetic. Examples: dark matter and matter coexisting in the same space/spectrum with no interaction; di-polar magnetic bands being severed by physical mass. This gets worse. In 4D, a gluon would interrupt the accretion phase of a k-meson particle by reversing it's acceleration, but NOT causing a deceleration at the same time, effectively creating instant transmission without negative effects. This makes no sense to most of science which relies upon form-follows-function. "The mutant strain of nonlinear physics", indeed.

Not likely, he does. Visit with the chinks reveals two things: one, Trump has acknowledged that the party of anti-Spartans wants to set back the world by at least 3 technological generations. That is unacceptable to the rational man. Look at the pushback against, oh say, hemp, there are many lists of whom will die for banning, criminalizing, and outright deny research on it. 100 years of misery is enough. Two, Trump is playing danger close, many of his allies are his enemies, and many of his enemies are friendly to each other. He cannot afford a single setback at this stage. As the Q situation stands, he's a grand LARPer repeating current information. His ID'ing is, at best, spotty guesswork, and at worst a callout to get shit done. Definite WH communications. It's become more likely he's one of the deep state warlocks seeking (silent fame) rather than the unwanted fame that people like the man whom lived in a den received. By the way, the term warlock is used in the US government to mean "oppressor OR liar OR instigator", whereas the archaic meaning was curse-breaker, or oath-breaker if you prefer the pedantic term.

Be prepared.
1988 Electric Propulsion Study, Dr.Cravens 1989.ocr.pdf
>Crafted parasitic-paranoid delusions of the fantastic arch-mythos variety are eminently more "interesting", and safer, than the often mundane yet horrifying truths.

That's a lot of buzz words which I understood immediately, which is amusing. Mind viruses! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viruses_of_the_Mind Save me from the mind viruses!! I am going to have to post Nightmare Rarity picture again now!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geist Interesting.
>One day I will attempt to explain

The paper was interesting but somewhat conventional, also they realise metal affects magnetic fields!! OMG :) However it did help me think about something important I'll mention further on.

>Cold forming superconductors allows them to be manufactured uniformally, far less chance of fatal or severe flaws.

Of course! The bane of superconductivity is thermal jitter. We are building a type of atomic/molecular machine. Moulding metal while hot is the antithesis of molecular engineering.

>gravitic pressure is used which creates hyper-conductive materials


>this is superluminal territory

Why superluminal? I have some ideas which I'll get to in the aforementioned "further on".

>..surface of 4D is..

Head explodes. I had been fond of the Electric Universe idea that dark energy etc was EM in nature and science was too focused only on gravity. But when you also add in Gavito-EM and the fact that space is superconductor/Bose–[Censored] condensate temperatures, we should see non-Gravity effects. WHilst I am here I quite like the idea that the universe is rotation leading to the impression of the universe accelerating/expanding because the outer part of the universe is forced to travel slower in time, relative to us, which causes a red shift in light. But I digress! How fun that science can be so confusing!!

One thing I have realised recently about working out who is the good guy and bad guy is it is relative to which (layer of) conspiracy you are on. The interpretation of an action depends on which of multiple outcomes you are prioritising as the most important impact. And each person has different priorities and even different belief systems. I seriously doubt any human actually operates in objective reality and instead looks through endless lenses of distortion and belief. Under such circumstances there is no objective observation reachable and therefore no solution to debates. Everyone is deluded! In fact culture is the collection of delusions. Computer, Exit!

"further on"

After reading the paper you mentioned was re-examining my hypothesis on Cartan spinning nuclei = Gravito-electric field. In that process I discovered a serious flaw. I had been assuming that nuclei forced together (cold/pressure) would all align the same way. This isn't true. A rotating nuclei is an electromagnet and if you bring two magnets together they don't aling the same, the align opposite because North as attracted to South. This trashed my previous hypothesis. And so a new one was put together today with very interesting consequences.

To visualise the alignment of compacted nuclei I visualise what happens if I bring three or four bar magnets together. The arrangement they would make would be a train of North-South pole connections making a ring.

The consequence of this is a atomic device that generates a electric field through the centre of the ring. More interestingly, because of the Cartan effect, it makes a Gravito-Electric field through the centre. So we end up with a segment of a Gravito-"railgun" a few atoms in size. Line up a few of these and you have potentially a incredibly long incredible thin electron gun. The electrons being light are blasted through these things. Consequences would be (perhaps):

* Thrust causing the SC disk to rotate.
* Electrical resistance fall and perhaps what you have called hyper-conductivity or negative resistance. Which would be "free energy".
* Internal macroscopic magnetic field leading perhaps to the seen expulsion of external magnetic fields.
* Increased radiation from high speed electrons (gamma rays?) and perhaps radioactivity from nucleus impacts. Part of the Die Glocke effects?

The new macroscopic effect is now the generation of a magnetic and gavito-magnetic field through the centre of a SC ring (whereas before I was thinking E and G-E). Which means you would need multiple SC rings, to make a "anti-gravity" device, positioned vertically into a horizontal ring arrangement -or- a circular arrangement of superconductor coil. Which if flexible becomes interesting.

I need a lab, a few trillion dollars and a supercomputer, stat!

And since I like adding a little something at the end have a 1988 AF study on how to couple EM to G. Section 3.6 interested me. I am sure this has no relationship to the 1988/9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgian_UFO_wave

Yet now you know the essence of a buzz word, a sound byte, a sight byte, or a pundit opinion is that of a MEME, Herr Vril. What do religion, slavery, and neo-cultures have in common? All three use varying forms of memetics to create "believers", thus making "inoculations" against relevant anti-memes and curative memes. Biologically speaking, parasites are ignored or seen as benign until they reach critical mass. How do they differ? When a religion reaches critical mass, the true nature of it is always revealed in the form of a murder-cult bent on destroying their host, wiping out their host's knowledge, and fulfilling their artificial meme. Slavery memes subject the human mind to submission. Why does this not work well? Humans are not technically an animal, they are not evolved from monkeys, nor do they have much in common with the natural philosophy of this world. Here is your painful truth for the day: humans do not have a submission mechanism, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. The world has been burned many times yet still the useful, zealous idiots deem themselves "free" as they are burning down libraries, destroying the heritages of their brothers and sisters in a state of ordered anarchy.

Take an iron spring and a bronze sphere. First, weigh both individually. Second, place the bronze sphere on the iron spring, and weigh them. It's an old experiment, one that scared the cathocucks in the 1300's, particularly one Heinrich Kramer. In case you do not know that name, he's who backstabbing kike-lover that wrote "Malleus Malificarum", which led to 700 years of witch burnings and further technological decline. The Egyptians used hot air balloons, for example. "No, my dear. Logic holds that the evidence of absence is, to the contrary of your overly religious brethren, the absence of evidence."

Take any flashlight and measure how quickly the photons travel. A luminal flashlight transmits photons at the same speed of light. Superluminal reaches into 4D, bypassing the velocity-mass death quotient entirely. Why travel slower than light?

Only a few Afters cling to their archaic, delusional beliefs. They may be useful, yet they are rightfully shunned. Most would rather prefer to see Chaos Continuity occur rather than a purposeful "alien visitation reset of humanity". Fire does not simply sterilize, it also cleanses. That, by the way, is a motto of the ancient Priestesses of Nursia. Stolen by the deluded fanatics of the fairy tales, sure, yet it has eminent meaning in this age.

Human progress is more mundane than it is extra-terrestrial. Consider a craft that weighs perhaps 250 tons, does not need to land except to take on provisions, cannot be tracked on radar unless the crew wishes it, and has the ability to shut down an entire country in a few moments. That is not fantasy, Herr Vril.
Quite scary. And the most successful meme passes on virus like. Our lack of submission then leads to a lack of stable hierarchy. But life is based on hierarchy, the battle then is an attempt to hierachise us which always fails. So we can't make a grander functional living unit made up of human-units. Unless we mind-control them. The continual fighting is a sign of an unstable platform, the independent human itself. Because humans are so unstable the military should go to space and leave the free human on its containment planet. How do I get to leave?

>Take an iron spring and a bronze sphere.
I found nothing on the internet about this. Do you have a reference, especially the historical one? Or do I have to go buy those things? Assuming the experiment shows the mass is different I would wonder if the spring still compressing over time would give the impression of more weight. Maybe you should elaborate?

>The Egyptians used hot air balloons, for example.
Hardly surprising, light a fire see that hot air rises.

Is this particular 4th dimension time? Also how many dimensions are there? Are the different particles one meta-particle with different sides poking into 3d?

>Human progress is more mundane than it is extra-terrestrial.
This statement is a little vague, did you mean: "Human progress is more mundane than extra-terrestrial fantasies."?

250 ton, black triangular, speed of light breaking, multiple dimensional travel, spacecraft from America are real? Can I see? How much is a ticket?


You didn't comment on my re-imagining of superconductor artificial gravity. I have been working on falsifying my layman's hypothesis. I first started wondering if the molecular "railgun" segments would actually happen. I quickly learned that superconductors are crystalline which supported my idea. This now makes me wonder a few things;

* Under sufficient pressure/coldness nearly anything could superconduct.
* A superconductor would not just have zero resistance it could be less or more. Negative resistance might be called hyper-conductive. It is also extraction of energy ultimately from quarks.

One of the Hutchinson Effects is a blob of metal which always gives out a voltage.

A possible flaw was, I am proposing you need to make a series of vertical/coil superconductor rings to make a viable gravito-engine. So how did Podkletnov do it with a horizontal ring?

>Samples placed over the rotating disk demonstrated a weight loss of 0.3-0.5%. When the rotation speed was slowly reduced by changing the current in the solenoids, the shielding effect became considerably higher and reached 1.9-2.1% at maximum.
-- Weak gravitation shielding properties of composite bulk YBa2Cu3O7−x superconductor below 70 K under e.m. field. by E.E. Podkletnov

Angular deceleration of the disk does something. It seemed like something was rotating the vertical GM field and exposing some of the horizontal GE field to the vertical. Then I realised the fields don't propagate immediately (Newton you are wrong) and the vertical GM field bends away slightly from the vertical during acceleration and deceleration exposing the GE. Also the GM field is flaring out as it goes up, also exposing some of the GE to the vertical.

Podkletnov uses the term "gravity shield" because the science priest class and gate keepers of knowledge might get upset if he claims he made artificial gravity. But we can test the my hypothesis verses "gravity shield" by redoing the test with the mass suspended under the superconductor ring. If it's a shield no weight change, if it is a gravity generator then I predict the suspended mass will gain weight.

You have to comment on my crazy hypothesis this time :P

Absolute fact: humans are tribal, grouping themselves with similar looking people. When the tribe becomes too large, it splits off and wanders, taking in others from surrounding tribes with it. Any other form of culture is doomed to fail, from start to finish. One need not look farther than the Dark Ages to know that much.

It's a Newton era experiment, read it once, haven't thought of much. The basis is this: all objects on this planet must emit a certain amount of anti-gravitational force in the form of an electromagnetic field, or else they're an unmoving rock. The amount of combined mass was, roughly, <0.5% less. The same is demonstrated by living beings, most of which are capable of adapting to the varying gravity regions of this world, after a period of adjustment of course. Electromagnetics were studied more in the past than now. That loss is equally as painful, yet the neo-modern "scientific community" doesn't give a fuck about the experiments of their predecessors. Tribalism strikes again and again..

The Nazcans utilized hot air balloons with local materials in order to create their iconography, imprint their heraldry, and create highly advanced maps, including star charts, weather forecasts, and a number of other interesting things that are far less discernible. Even in the Late Egyptian Kingdom decline, there was still easy access to linen, paper, salt, and resins of many types. There are any number of methods to lift a balloon, one being combustible gases, though that's expensive. One of the more intriguing bits of information comes the Temple of Hathor in Dendera: a series of carvings of what appear to be a hot air balloon laid out, then showing it's construction, and finally the testing phase. Paper lanterns can float nearly a mile with a small candle, that alone is an innovation from about 5,000 years ago.

The number is unknown, though rises into the hundreds if one considers spectrums instead of physical dimensions. I don't know enough of the particulars to state what matter/data flows between dimensions. The math is virtually impossible for me to comprehend.

What inventions you and I see as a fantastic leap of technology will, to the next generation, never be thought of other than as a footnote throughout their entire lives. Example: 60 years ago the concept of magnetic imaging was poised to entirely do away with x-rays, not only being safer and more accurate, it was to be less expensive. Then corporate interests and lawsuits occurred which would eventually force an illegal mandate that magnetic imaging technology was to be more expensive than the only other alternative. Hierarchies are meant to be destroyed just as rules are meant to be broken. In the interest of time however, your statement is a highly logical declaration. I suggest making that one of your own memes.

They're seen all the time, Herr Vril, though most are vastly smaller. In order to get a ticket, you would have to swear multiple oaths against humanity and to serve the World Monarchy's interests. That is of course assuming you pass the random "loyalty tests" and survive who knows what to gain enough favor for one.

Science wasn't much a subject of interest, far too much reading and too little down time to do it. The concept could be logical, but I do not know enough to state in favor of, or against.
44857 46248
In the background Qanon led research is continuing. Here is there position on ETs. Afternon, the tide might be turning.

46248 103607

The strategy that Werner Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are
going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the
identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that
they were coming to get us and control us - that they were "Commies."
Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a
lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies."
We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy
against whom we would build space-based weapons.
The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first
time he said it. Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based
And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That
would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I
knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And
remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build
space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."

Donna Hare (NASA employee) in Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History by Steven Greer (2001).


Clinton campaign chair: 'The American people can handle the truth' on UFOs
https://archive.fo/lVV5M - CNN
There is a video game series called Ace Combat out of Japan. In it is a monolithic weapons system named "Stonehenge" that was built to defend the world against a jewish-like apocalyptic swarm of asteroids, meteors, and comets. It was well known in universe, however in addition to "Stonehenge" was an incredibly number of mass driver satellites that were to be used as the first line of defense. After a war in which a certain country nuked itself to cease a land invasion, a group called the "Gray Men" seized control of several satellites and orchestrated a takeover of the "Stonehenge" system itself in order to further their own goals. Injecting more liquid fuel into fire, the "Gray Men" come from a country which is directly equivalent to Pissrael.

Q is the most wannabe epic LARPer of this millenia, Vril. What has been purposefully darkened behind the mirror is only an imposition of ONE'S perception onto those they can control: the peons, the peasants, the useful idiots, the cucked zealots. Both sides know all of which and what has been occurring. Both sides are afraid of losing. Neither side can be fully trusted. Instead of excising all cancer, whichever side "wins" will only remove the largest problems and allow the remainder to serve their interests. Weiner and Bush are created from the same circumstances, except one realizes his mortality.
The protocols of the learned pigfucking elders of Pissrael.png
The most useful idiots are those whom have been subverted to a "cause" in which they are told to be angry, told they should do something against, told that their "true enemy" is out there, yet they do nothing. Case in point: the whole cucked notion of christianity.

"They hold great flames in their eyes, they shout angrily day upon day demanding for justice to be done. We laugh at them from our tables knowing they will do nothing, but in secret we frown. We cannot quell the jews without the same be done to the entire christian cult: burning it to nothing by the roots."
>Case in point: the whole cucked notion of christianity.
(((you))) don't belong here.
The masses of eminently spiteful, useful idiots known as christcucks are the first line of defense for the World Monarchy. Do you even know what doublethink is, shill? It means playing one side against the other.
you're just projecting you idiot, the world monarchy is openly against Christianity. You're the useful idiot doing their bidding, you're the one being played against the followers of God. It's easy for me to know what double think is because it's a perfect description of your behavior given the facts of the matter.
46887 103530
I have an answer for a question posed in this post, Herr Vril. The first number of "cattle mutilations" were in response to an early spread of Mad Cow Disease, which is correctly known as BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy. The "disease" itself is caused by a prion, which as you should currently know is formed by a series of misfolded proteins that enter the nervous system and remain there. In all cases, the following occurs: eyes, ears, brain, upper spine & spinal cord are removed. As well, nearly all incidents of "mutilation" come with severe traumatic shock to the rear legs and spine. Now, the simple question is: why does this tie in? The US Chemical Engineering Corps. knew what the concept of a prion was since the late 40's, most of it based on research the Germans were pursuing in an attempt to understand cancer and how to cure it. The harder question is: what was causing these "mutilations" in the first place? Simple answer: stealth helicopters. Did you know that when a UH-1 helicopter is oriented to face the ground at a 20-25 degree angle, the noise of rotors is virtually impossible to hear unless you are directly underneath and behind it? The same idea went on to perfect the OH-58X and UH-60X helicopters to create untraceable vessels for quick, rapid deployment overland helos. Now all that's needed is a veterinarian using a quick-acting tranquilizer rifle, a few pieces of medical technology, and enough room to perform surgery. After that, the cow is shoved out of the helicopter to die, sow a few stories of "aliens abducting cows!" to the useful idiots, and continue checking on random bovine populations to cover one's tracks after having intentionally released cultural prions into the world's food supply. Quite sinister, really.
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You project your own zealous, naive innocence strawman argument by being offended at a logical circumstance which does not cater to your preconceived notions caused by religious indoctrination. You project your own stupidity by claiming the legitimacy of an ambiguous jewish apocalyptic murder-cult nonsense dreamed up by madmen of the course of nearly 2,000 years of human insanity. You cannot think on your own for you are conditioned to defend the same jew-descended religions that report directly back to the jewISH parasites themselves in the Vatican. When strife occurs you flee from all adversity into the waiting arms of a rabbi wearing a black robe with a white collar, begging to be given orders. You want to hear the carols of "onward christcuck soldier!" so that you may die to hopefully fulfill some validating purpose in your otherwise existential life. You decry common humanity as "unwashed", "barbaric", "primitive", yet the whole of judeo-christianity professes an encompassing love for ritual murder, ritual abuse, ritual idolism, ritual fervor that passes beyond human decency into another world, the same world spoken of in the talmud, the torah, the jewishized kabbalah. You whine about the jewISH parasites, yet your book, your beliefs, your bishops have incapacitated you to the concept of free will. You willingly refuse to take the life of a parasite. You are GOYIM, human cattle willfully owned by the obfuscation of the jewISH world monarchy. That makes you a second-class slave. Continue flaunting your so-called "religious freedom" for nothing gained, your existence only serves to enrich the world monarchy, cuck. You are the sacrificial sheep first on the jewish pole, and you continue to project your pride at being just that.
sage for derailing

I know you're the same anti-Chistian shill that keeps turning up on this site, I've before provided you with proof that the zionists hate Christians and the talmud is openly anti-Christian, as well as the fact that Jesus, Popes, and several canonized Saints were openly against jews. Looking at the facts it should be obvious who is the shill and who is the useful idiot. The reason you resist the facts of the matter to shout strawmans and other fallacies despite the reality that stares you in the faces could be one of two things; you're a dishonest jewish shill, or the zogbot brainwashing you received was just that thorough.
You know nothing, tool. I do not post at logic-failed cucks whom defend jewISH parasites. "The one that first speaks loudest is the last idiot in the room." You throw yet another strawman out in the vain-glorious hope of acquiring a reputation for audience, the favored ShareBlue/CAP tactic since 2003's ONI/La Sia/Mossad merger. You show no proof of any claims made, instead resorting to spouting self-serving ideological venom and "gotcha" images that serve no purpose other than to define an ignorant, arrogant, self-righteous purpose. Willing pawns of the world monarchy such as yourself are the only ones that spew zealous, anti-humanist drivel spawned from jewISH doublethink, the act of working for a jewISH master against your own kind for the sake of sanctity. You claim to be against the jewISH parasites, yet you fully believe the insanity spawned by jewISH apocalypse cultism which was later given psuedo-credence by yet another arm of jewISH parasitism, rife with blood-sacrifice, murder, double standards, and animal-like submission to so-called "divine authority". Your cucked "mother-church" is owned, run, and managed by the jewISH parasites hoarding the world's gold whom you dare not even face. You right now defend the world monarchy by attempting to defend an inherently manipulative religion based on infiltration. This irony is not even laughable.
>"The one that first speaks loudest is the last idiot in the room."
you were the one that first started screaming about "christcucks" shill
>You throw yet another strawman out
all you do is use strawmen and other fallacies, you're just projecting literally the rest of your post is nothing but strawmen and other fallacies
It is a basic fundamental of life that order tends to evolve from chaos. Atoms to molecules to cells to creatures to self-awareness. >>46351 pic #1 is a continuation of this evolution into a larger structure. The process subjugates its own components, us.

Fighting between 2 subjugated parties isn't going to end that process and probably helps it, as it wastes our energy. Those who try to control us try to divide us. Both of you have the same enemy but you know it by different names and see it through different life experiences. Both of you are coping with the fucked up planet as best you can with the tools you have. Both of you are flawed like everyone else, pointing this out is not helping. Arguing about beliefs goes no where, in fact this is what turns /leftypol/ to shit. Lets not bring that here, okay? Nothing is purely good or purely evil, that is just bait. Both of you have important things to offer and equally can fall into temptation, anger and other unuseful behaviour. If you must do it, do it in a thread dedicated to it, not mine.

Friendship is Magic, especially when it is hard.
